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ENYI  B. A. C. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(4):583-589
The water uptake per unit dry matter and nitrogen uptake perunit water absorbed of swamp rice (Dima) and upland rice (Kindinga)at three nitrogen levels equivalent to 23.6, 70.8, and 118,kg./ha. (20, 60 and 100 lb./acre) respectively were studiedunder tropical green-house conditions in Trinidad. The water uptake per unit dry matter produced was significantlygreater in Kindinga than in Dima at the three nitrogen levels.Additional nitrogen increased the water requirement of Kindingabut decreased that of Dima, the greater increase in Kindingabeing attributed to increase in leaf area. The efficiency of nitrogen absorption in terms of water transpiredwas greater in Dima than in Kindinga at the three nitrogen levels.  相似文献   

ENYI  B. A. C. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(4):529-531
The contribution of dry matter was significantly greater inthe ears of Dima than that of Kindinga. The flag-leaf lamina,flag-leaf sheath and peduncle, lower leaves and stem of Kindingamade greater contribution of dry matter in the grain at harvestthan those of Dima. On the average of the two varieties 23 percent. of the dry matter in the grain at harvest originated fromphotosynthesis in the ears; 60 per cent. came from photosynthesisin the flag-leaf lamina and sheath and peduncle and 17 per cent.from parts of the shoot below the flag leaf.  相似文献   

Four upland and two lowland varieties were grown on floodedand dry soil in pots in a glasshouse. Photosynthetic rate (P),transpiration rate (T), and water content (W) of the secondexpanded leaf from the top of the main stem were measured undercontrolled aeration and illumination in a leaf chamber in thelaboratory, together with leaf area (La), dry matter content(DM), nitrogen content (N), stomatal frequency (Sf), and totalvessel cross-sectional area at the base of the leaf blade (Va).P/La was positively related to T/La and Sf/La among six varietieswhen they were grown on flooded soil. IR 8, a semidwarf indicalowland variety, showed the highest P/La with the highest Sf/Laand T/La. When grown on dry soil P/La was positively correlatedwith W/DM, the latter being negatively related to T/Va. Twoupland varieties, African Moroberekan and Brazilian IAC 1246,showed the highest P/La on dry soil, keeping a higher W/DM witha lower T/La and a lower T/Va. Daytime leaf diffusive conductance(l/rL) and leaf water potential (L) measured on the same orthe same stage leaf in the glasshouse were positively correlatedwith the W/DM measured in the laboratory among varieties grownon dry soil. Simultaneous observation of P, T and W in the laboratoryindicated nonstomatal reduction in P/La due to leaf water deficitin sensitive varieties, although these varieties also showeda markedly lower daytime l/rL in the glasshouse as comparedwith resistant varieties. Oryza sativa L., rice, drought resistance, photosynthesis, transpiration, water deficit, stomatal frequency, vessel size  相似文献   

利用98对SSR标记对202份中国水稻地方品种和选育品种的遗传多样性进行比较分析.结果显示供试品种具有较丰富的遗传多样性,共检测到等位基因1350个,每个位点的等位基因数(Na)变化范围为3~ 39,平均14个;Nei基因多样性指数变化范围(He)为0.125 ~0.955,平均0.733;多态信息量(PIC)变化范围为0.122 ~0.953,平均0.680;稀有等位基因数(Nr)913个;等位基因丰度(Rs)8.33.栽培稻地方品种和选育品种遗传多样性差异明显,地方品种等位基因数、Nei基因多样性指数、多态信息量、稀有等位基因数和等位基因丰度(Na=1219,He=0.747,PIC=0.710,Nr=756,Rs =8.50)均高于选育品种(Na =919,He =0.704,PIC =0.650,Nr=529,Rs =7.01).各染色体组水平的遗传多样性分析表明,选育品种仅在1号染色体上的遗传多样性高于地方品种,进一步分析显示选育品种的遗传改良在基因组水平上具有区间特异性.  相似文献   

不同水稻品种叶片显微结构和超微结构的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨艳华  王才林 《植物研究》2010,30(2):152-156
以江苏省常规粳稻品种武育粳3号、武运粳7号和日本优质粳稻品种关东194为材料,利用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜,研究了抽穗期叶片主脉的显微结构和超微结构。结果表明武育粳3号和武运粳7号叶片主脉的维管束数目和气腔数目均较多,叶绿体基粒片层排列紧密,中间无空隙。而关东194叶片主脉的维管束数目和气腔数目较少,叶绿体基粒片层排列疏松,中间有空隙。武育粳3号和武运粳7号的这种结构特点可能与其高产特性有关。  相似文献   

Six populations of the sea buckthorn, Hippopha rhamnoides Lare sampled systematically and graphs of age against stem diameterplotted. Regression analyses are used to derive the mean girthincrease per annum for the whole of a population and for thepopulation divided according to the stem age, i e 0–10years and 11–40 years The six populations represent fivemajor edaphic types of the Spurn Peninsula (I) stable dunes,sheltered, sand depth > 1 m, (II) unstable dunes, sheltered,sand depth > 1 m; (III) unstable, exposed dunes, sand depth> 1 m; (IV) stable dunes, sheltered, sand depth < 1 mover coarse gravel and mud, (v) stable dunes, sheltered, sanddepth < 0.5 m over coarse shingle/sand mixture The annualgrowth increment for the whole population is shown to be greatestin the sheltered areas on deep sand, the highest figure recordedbeing 4.5 mm per annum The rate of growth for the plants upto 10 years old in the three populations on deep sand vanesbetween 3 88 and 4 5 mm per annum, whilst in shallow sand areasthe range is between 2 0 and 2.8 mm per annum Girth increasein plants over 10 years slows down to 2 92 mm per annum in shelteredareas on deep sand, is considerably retarded in exposed areason deep sand (1.53 mm per annum), and is least on shallow dunes(1 34 mm per annum).  相似文献   

陆稻和水稻苗期根系的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

宁夏不同年代水稻品种的遗传多样性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对宁夏不同阶段主栽水稻品种(系)的主要农艺性状比较表明,第1阶段(1950-1962年)宁夏地方品种与第2阶段(1978-1989年)、第3阶段(1990-1999年)、第4阶段(2000-2005年)、第5阶段(2006-2012年)、第6阶段(2010-2013年)育成品种(系)的农艺性状差异显著,说明通过育种手段宁夏水稻品种的主要农艺性状得到了改良;从第2阶段到第6阶段的变化趋势为生育天数变长,有效穗数减少,穗长、穗粒数、单株粒重、单穗粒重、产量等增加,说明产量性状的育种改良从穗数型向穗粒兼顾型或穗重型发展。利用48对SSR引物对76份宁夏不同年代水稻品种(系)进行遗传多样性分析表明,共检测出290个等位基因,每个位点等位基因变幅为3~15个,平均6.04个;稀有等位基因有109个,占等位基因总数的37.59%;多态信息含量(PIC)变异范围为0.1423~0.8783,平均为0.5512;Nei’s基因多样性指数(He)的变幅为0.1492~0.8945,平均为0.6032。RM333、RM297、RM249、RM501和RM206引物表现为较高的等位基因数和稀有等位基因数,认为较适合应用于宁夏水稻品种的遗传多样性检测。分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果表明,6个不同阶段间遗传变异占总体变异的19.27%,各阶段内品种间的遗传变异占总体变异的80.73%。参试水稻UPGMA聚类分析表明,在遗传相似系数(GS)为0.805处可将其划分为5大类群,12个地方品种都被聚为第Ⅰ类群,具有外来引进血缘的8个常规粳稻品种被聚为第Ⅱ类群,5个优质常规粳稻被聚为第Ⅲ类群,第Ⅴ类群包括2个大穗高产品种,49个宁夏常规粳稻选育品种被聚为第Ⅳ类,说明大多数宁夏水稻品种的亲缘关系较近。6个不同阶段品种聚类分析,第1阶段(地方品种)独聚一类,第2、第3、第4阶段与第5、第6阶段育成品种亲缘关系相对较远;表明不同年代宁夏水稻遗传多样性有较大差异,2005年后宁夏水稻品种的遗传多样性趋于变小。宁夏水稻育种中应加强国内外种质资源的引进和利用,深入挖掘宁夏稻区地方品种和杂草稻资源的有利基因,拓宽宁夏水稻品种的遗传基础,以促进宁夏水稻育种的快速发展。  相似文献   

从非洲引进的早稻品种ERA,1359,叶片和颖壳均光滑无毛,为光壳稻,属粳稻一类。分集能力较强,抗早性强,产量较高,米质较优,适合在有一定灌溉条件的云、贵、川、渝、桂等地和雨水充足的长江流域种植。  相似文献   

海南山栏稻稻米品质分析及优异资源筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南山栏稻是一类地方特有旱稻,是海南中部山区少数民族赖以生存的粮食作物,已深深植根于黎苗文化之中。本研究检测了17个海南山栏稻品种的稻米品质,并对品质性状进行了差异性和相关性分析,对供测品种进行了聚类分析。结果表明,大部分山栏稻米的糊化温度较低,属于中、软胶稠度和低直链淀粉含量稻米,蒸煮和食味品质较好。17个海南山栏稻品种被初步分成2类,其中2个品种被鉴定为优质糯米,而且发现了独特的黑尾山栏稻,其稻米加工品质、外观品质和食味品质较好。本研究为海南山栏稻品种改良和育种利用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Growth-rates of some West African Forest-tree Seedlings in Shade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OKALI  D. U. U. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(5):953-959
The growth of seedlings of three West African forest-tree species;Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev.,and Chlorophora excelsa (Welw.) Benth. was compared with thatof Helianthus annuus in shade to complement an earlier studyof seedlings in full daylight. Growth-analysis techniques wereused to show that there is no great disparity between the woodyplants and Helianthus in adaptation to light since both requirehigh light intensities (above full daylight under the experimentalconditions) for maximum growth. It was concluded from this thatthe woody habit, rather than differential adaptation to light,is mainly responsible for the lower growth-rates of the woodyplants when compared with Helianthus. The high light requirementof the tree seedlings is consistent with their role as pioneersin regeneration of the natural West African forest.  相似文献   

加强旱稻种质资源的抗旱性评价,发掘抗旱基因资源,加快传统旱稻品种的遗传改良,发展旱稻生产,对于缓解水资源短缺、充分利用土地资源、改善日益恶化的生态环境和保障全球粮食安全具有特殊的意义.本文综述了旱稻的抗旱性和遗传改良的研究现状,并对今后旱稻的研究趋势作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 434 rice accessions collected from 16 countries, including 345 fragrance rice varieties and 89 non fragrance rice varieties, have been analyzed. A total of 573 alleles were detected by using 77 simple sequence repeats (SSR) primer pairs covering all rice 12 chromosomes. The value of allelic polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0090 to 0845, with an average of 0516 per locus; Gene diversity (GD) varied from 0091 to 0859, with an average of 0573; The mean value of major allele frequencies (MAF) was 0540, covering from 0251 to 0953. In addition, 434 rice accessions are divided into three sub populations by cluster and population structure analysis, and FST between sub populations showed a mean of -0116, ranging from -0623 to 0494; The score of genetic distance calculated by Nei′s method appeared from 0207 to 0355. Major allele frequencies within each sub population distributed from 0408 to 0746, and gene diversity level from 0354 to 0699, while PIC from 0320 to 0658. Sequencing 6 mitochondrion genes in 18 rice varieties exhibited no different in 5 genes, whereas Mit4 contains a 3 SNPs in the gene body, which acts as an important marker to understanding the relationship between Indica/Japonica differentiation and the evolution of fragrant gene. Finally, genetic diversity and mitochondrion gene sequencing would help to know about the origin of fragrant resource and benefit rice breeding.  相似文献   

胡萝卜优良品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在厦门市翔安区对引进的17个胡萝卜新品种进行比较试验,旨在筛选出适宜当地的、优质高产的胡萝卜品种。结果表明,YZS08-863、YZS09-983两个品种分别比对照SK4-316每hm2增产14.0%、28.5%,成熟期提前15~20 d,综合性状表现较为突出,适宜推广应用。  相似文献   

水稻品种茎集散度分析及评价记载标准探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对578份广东省育成品种(系)和470份台湾品种(系)的茎集散度进行了分析,广东育成品种的茎集散度分布为3°~23°,96.37%集中分布在5°~17°;台湾品种茎集散度分布为3°~17°,97.02%集中分布在4°~12°.广东育成的代表性品种茎集散度为7°~16°.提出水稻理想株型最适茎集散度的计算公式:α=arcsin D/2H.建议籼稻栽培稻茎集散度的评价记载标准分为集、中、散3个等级:茎集散度≤5°为集;茎集散度6°~15°为中;茎集散度>15°为散.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - This study evaluated the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) isolates in enhancing upland rice growth and yield. Bacteria were isolated,...  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic factors underlying constitutive and adaptive root growth under different water-supply conditions, a double haploid (DH) population, derived from a cross between lowland rice variety IR64 and upland rice variety Azucena, with 284 molecular markers was used in cylindrical pot experiments. Several QTLs for seminal root length (SRL), adventitious root number (ARN) and total root dry weight (RW) respectively, under both flooding and upland conditions were detected. Two identical QTLs for SRL and RW were found under flooding and upland conditions. The relative parameters defined as the ratio of parameters under the two water-supply conditions were also used for QTL analysis. A comparative analysis among different genetic populations was performed for the QTLs for root traits and several consistent QTLs for root traits across genetic backgrounds were detected. Candidate genes for cell expansion and elongation were used for comparative mapping with the detected QTLs. Four cell wall-related expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for OsEXP2, OsEXP4, EXT and Xet were mapped on the intervals carrying the QTLs for root traits.  相似文献   

为了研究不同水分条件下组成型根系性状和适应性根系性状的遗传机制,利用由IR64/Azucena发展的双单倍体(DH)群体分析了淹水和干旱条件下水稻幼苗种子根长(SRL)、不定根数(ARN)、总根干重(RW)及其对应的相对参数(干旱和淹水条件下根系性状的比值)的QTLs。淹水与干旱条件下检测到一个共同的种子根长QTL和一个共同的总根干重QTL。同时对前人发表的遗传群体定位的根系性状QTLs进行比较分析,检测到几个共同的根系性状QTLs。对与细胞伸长、分裂相关的候选基因进行了定位,其中4个细胞壁相关的ESTs(OsEXP2,OsEXP4,EXT和Xet)被定位在与不同水分条件下检测出的根系性状QTLs的相同区间。  相似文献   

The study aims at comparing SSR and ISSR markers for their ability to identify polymorphism in parents comprising three landraces and two elite varieties of rice. Both the SSR (0.51) and ISSR (0.46) primers showed almost similar values for Poly morphic Information Content (PIC). Maximum PIC values were observed with trinucleotide ISSR primers (0.67) followed by dinucleotide ISSR primers. In addition to the mapped SSR markers, ISSR markers used in the present study produced more polymorphic markers suggesting their utility in the survey of polymorphism between the parental lines belonging to the same sub-species of rice.  相似文献   

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