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Analysis of exhaled air leads to the development of fast accurate and non-invasive diagnostics. A comprehensive analysis of the entire range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled air samples will enable the identification of VOCs unique for certain patient groups. This study demonstrates proof of principle of our developed method tested on a smoking/non-smoking study population. Thermal desorption and gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry were used to analyse exhaled air samples. The VOC profiles obtained from each individual were combined into one final database based on similarity of mass spectra and retention indexes (RI), which offers the possibility for a reliable selection of compounds of interest. As proof of principle we correctly classified all subjects from population of smoking (N=11) and non-smoking (N=11) based on the VOC profiles available in their exhaled air. Support vector machine (SVM) analysis identified 4 VOCs as biomarkers of recent exposure to cigarette smoke: 2,5-dimethyl hexane, dodecane, 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran. This approach contributes to future development of fast, accurate and non-invasive diagnostics of inflammatory diseases including pulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

The composition of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of various leaf tobacco brands and their blends has been studied. The differences in the content of nicotine, solanone, tetramethyl hexadecenol, megastigmatrienones, and other compounds, determining the specific tobacco smell, have been revealed. A microbial consortium, which is able to deodorize simulated tobacco emissions and decompose nicotine, has been formed by long-term adaptation to the VOCs of tobacco leaves in a laboratory reactor, functioning as a trickle-bed biofilter. Such a biofilter eliminates 90% of the basic toxic compound (nicotine) and odor-active compounds; the filtration efficiency does not change for tobacco brands with different VOC concentrations or in the presence of foreign substances. The main strains, isolated from the formed consortium and participating in the nicotine decomposition process, belong to the genera Pseudomonas, Bacillus, and Rhodococcus. An examination of the biofilter trickling fluid has shown full decomposition of nicotine and odor-active VOCs. The compounds, revealed in the trickling fluid, did not have any odor and were nontoxic. The obtained results make it possible to conduct scaling of the biofiltration process to eliminate odor from air emissions in the tobacco industry.  相似文献   

The prevalence of exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has raised concern about possible health effects resulting from chronic human exposure. To support studies exploring the relation between VOC exposure and health effects, we developed an automated analytical method using solid-phase microextraction (SPME), capillary gas chromatography (GC), and quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS). This method quantifies trace levels (low parts per trillion) of 14 halogenated alkanes, 5 halogenated alkenes, 10 aromatic compounds, and 2 other VOCs in human blood. Detection limits for the SPME-GC-MS method range from 0.005 to 0.12 microg/L, with linear calibration curves spanning three orders of magnitude. The improved throughput of this method will enable us to expand biomonitoring efforts to assess nonoccupational VOC exposure in large epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME), hydrodistillation and dynamic headspace combined with GC and GC-MS were applied and compared for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from coniferous wood. The SPME conditions (type of fibre, size of wood sample, temperature and exposure time) were optimised, and more than 100 VOCs and semi-volatile compounds extracted and identified from the sapwood and heartwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies). The total number of mono- and sesquiterpenes eluted and identified was similar for the SPME and hydrodistillation methods, but more semi-volatile compounds were released by hydrodistillation. By applying dynamic headspace at room temperature, it was possible to analyse only the most volatile compounds. The qualitative composition of VOCs was similar in spruce sapwood and heartwood, although Z-beta-ocimene occurred only in sapwood while fenchol was present only in heartwood. SPME sampling coupled with GC, applied here to the analysis of VOCs released from stemwood of firs for the first time, is a convenient, sensitive, fast, solvent-free and simple method for the determination of wood volatiles. The technique requires much smaller sample amounts compared with hydrodistillation, and the total amount of VOCs extracted and identified is higher than that obtained by hydrodistillation or dynamic headspace. The relative ratios of the main mono- and sesquiterpenes and -terpenoids were similar using the SPME-GC and hydrodistillation methods.  相似文献   



Several classifications of adult asthma patients using cluster analyses based on clinical and demographic information has resulted in clinical phenotypic clusters that do not address molecular mechanisms. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) in exhaled air are released during inflammation in response to oxidative stress as a result of activated leukocytes. VOC profiles in exhaled air could distinguish between asthma patients and healthy subjects. In this study, we aimed to classify new asthma endotypes by combining inflammatory mechanisms investigated by VOC profiles in exhaled air and clinical information of asthma patients.


Breath samples were analyzed for VOC profiles by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry from asthma patients (n = 195) and healthy controls (n = 40). A total of 945 determined compounds were subjected to discriminant analysis to find those that could discriminate healthy from asthmatic subjects. 2-step cluster analysis based on clinical information and VOCs in exhaled air were used to form asthma endotypes.


We identified 16 VOCs, which could distinguish between healthy and asthma subjects with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 91.1%. Cluster analysis based on VOCs in exhaled air and the clinical parameters FEV1, FEV1 change after 3 weeks of hospitalization, allergic sensitization, Junipers symptoms score and asthma medications resulted in the formation of 7 different asthma endotype clusters. We identified asthma clusters with different VOC profiles but similar clinical characteristics and endotypes with similar VOC profiles, but distinct clinical characteristics.


This study demonstrates that both, clinical presentation of asthma and inflammatory mechanisms in the airways should be considered for classification of asthma subtypes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-014-0136-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ryu HW  Cho KS  Lee TH 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4654-4660
The performance of a pilot-scale anti-clogging biofilter system (ABS) was evaluated over a period of 125 days for treating ammonia and volatile organic compounds emitted from a full-scale food waste-composting facility. The pilot-scale ABS was designed to intermittently and automatically remove excess biomass using an agitator. When the pressure drop in the polyurethane filter bed was increased to a set point (50 mm H2O m−1), due to excess biomass acclimation, the agitator automatically worked by the differential pressure switch, without biofilter shutdown. A high removal efficiency (97-99%) was stably maintained for the 125 days after an acclimation period of 1 week, even thought the inlet gas concentrations fluctuated from 0.16 to 0.55 g m−3. Due the intermittent automatic agitation of the filter bed, the biomass concentration and pressure drop in the biofilter were maintained within the ranges of 1.1-2.0 g-DCW g PU−1 and below 50 mm H2O m−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Compounds of interest in this work are methanethiol (MeSH), dimethyl sulfide (Me2S), dimethyl polysulfides (Me2Sx) and carbon disulfide (CS2) since these volatiles have been identified as predominant odorants in the emission of a wide range of activities in the bio-industry (e.g. aerobic waste water treatment plants, composting plants, rendering plants). In these processes, the occurrence of volatile organic sulfur compounds is mainly related to the presence of anaerobic microsites with consecutive fermentation of sulfur containing organic material and/or to the breakdown of the latter due to thermal heating. Due to the chemical complexity of these low-concentrated waste gas streams and the high flow rates to be handled, mainly biotechnological techniques and scrubbers can be used to control the odour emission. When using biofilters or trickling filters, inoculation with specific micro-organisms and pH-control strategies should be implemented to optimise the removal of volatile organic sulfur compounds. In scrubbers, chemical oxidation of the volatile organic sulfur compounds can be obtained by dosing hypochlorite, ozone or hydrogen peroxide to the scrubbing liquid. However, optimal operational conditions for each of these abatement techniques requires a further research in order to guarantee a long-term and efficient overall odour abatement.  相似文献   

The early cancer diagnosis increases the possibility of total recovery. The infection of Helicobacter pylori is associated with gastric cancer, the second most common cancer in the world. The determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) excreted by stomach tissue and bacteria culture has been investigated. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was used for preconcentration and the determination was accomplished by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The samples of tissue were taken from five patients (ten samples) with stomach cancer and normal (non-cancerous) segments from other parts of the stomach were used as a control. Eighteen compounds were identified in stomach tissue and seven of them were present both in healthy and cancer tissue. These compounds assumed to be endogenous and acetone ratio (AR) was calculated for ethanol, butane, carbon disulfide, 1-propanol, 2-butanone and 2-pentanone. The data shows that amount of 1-propanol and carbon disulfide in the gaseous composition is higher in cancer tissue than in normal tissue. Eight compounds were identified both in bacteria and tissue. These data suggest that bacteria present in the stomach might cause the increase in the concentration of 1-propanol and carbon disulfide in emission from cancer tissue.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining specific radioactivity and concentration of CO2 in blood, rumen fluid, and expired air. The CO2 of blood and rumen fluid samples is liberated selectively by 1 m phosphate buffer (pH 5.8) containing 1 mm NaN3 and 5 mm NaF. Liberated CO2 is quantitatively trapped in 0.3 n Ba(OH)2, and amounts of CO2 are determined by titration of residual hydroxide ion. The resulting BaCO3 is solubilized with 10% EDTA in 1 m Tris (pH 9), and radioactivity is determined by liquid scintillation. For quantitative determination of expired CO2, a measured fraction of expired air is bubbled through 0.3 n Ba(OH)2. The amount of trapped CO2 is determined by titrating residual hydroxide ion in an aliquot of trapping solution after BaCO3 is precipitated by centrifugation. Radioactivity is determined by liquid scintillation spectrophotometry of ethanolamine carbamate after CO2 is regenerated from BaCO3 by addition of acid and quantitatively retrapped in ethanolamine.  相似文献   

沈阳市四种乔木树种BVOCs排放特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈颖  史奕  何兴元 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2410-2416
采用热解析与气相色谱联用技术对沈阳市4种主要乔木树种--银中杨、垂柳、榆树和皂角的BVOCs排放特征进行了观测.实验发现,不同树种排放BVOCs的组成情况明显不同,银中杨和垂柳以释放异戊二烯为主,且二者的BVOCs排放速率明显高于其他树种;榆树和皂角以释放柠檬烯为主.4种乔木树种BVOCs的释放具有显著的日变化和季节变化规律,各树种的BVOCs排放速率日变化曲线多表现为单峰型,排放高峰一般出现在中午或下午,且夜间几乎均不排放异戊二烯.季节变化趋势主要表现为夏季最高,春、秋季较低.  相似文献   

Biological processes are considered to be the most cost-effective technology for the off-gas treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOC) at low concentrations. Two-phase partitioning bioreactors (TPPBs) emerged in the early 1990s as innovative multiphase systems capable of overcoming some of the key limitations of traditional biological technologies such as the low mass transfer rates of hydrophobic VOCs and microbial inhibition at high VOC loading rates. Intensive research carried out in the last 5 years has helped to provide a better understanding of the mass transfer phenomena and VOC uptake mechanisms in TPPBs, which has significantly improved the VOC biodegradation processes utilizing this technology platform. This work presents an updated state-of-the-art review on the advances of TPPB technology for air pollution control. The most recent insights regarding non-aqueous phase (NAP) selection, microbiology, reactor design, mathematical modeling and case studies are critically reviewed and discussed. Finally, the key research issues required to move towards the development of efficient and stable full-scale VOC biodegradation processes in TPPBs are identified.  相似文献   

Site in a former chemical manufacture plant in China was found contaminated with high level of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs). The major contaminants chloroform (CF), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and vinyl chloride (VC) in groundwater were up to 4.49 × 104, 2.76 × 106 and 4.35 × 104 μg/L, respectively. Ethene and methane were at concentrations up to 2219.80 and 165.85 μg/L, respectively. To test the hypothesis that the CVOCs in groundwater at this site could be removed via biodegradation, biomarker analyses and microcosm studies were conducted. Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene and VC-reductase gene vcrA at densities up to 1.5 × 104 and 3.2 × 104 copies/L were detected in some of the groundwater samples, providing strong evidence that dechlorinating bacteria were present in the aquifer. Results from the microcosm studies showed that at moderate concentrations (CF about 4000 μg/L and 1,2-DCA about 100 μg/L), CF was recalcitrant under natural condition but was degraded under biostimulation and bioaugmentation, while 1,2-DCA was degraded under all the three conditions. At high concentration (CF about 1,000,000 μg/L and 1,2-DCA about 20,000 μg/L), CF was recalcitrant under all the three treatments and 1,2-DCA was only degraded under bioaugmentation, indicating that high concentrations of contaminants were inhibitory to the bacteria. Electron donors had influence on the degradation of contaminants. Of the four fatty acids (pyruvate, acetate, propionate and lactate) examined, all could stimulate the degradation of 1,2-DCA at both moderate and high concentrations, whereas only pyruvate and acetate could stimulate the degradation of CF at moderate concentration. In the microcosms, the observed first-order degradation rates of CF and 1,2-DCA were up to 0.12 and 0.11/day, respectively. Results from the present study provided scientific basis for remediating CVOCs contaminated groundwater at the site.  相似文献   

Hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from the human body, and the components of VOCs usually reflect the metabolic condition of an individual. Therefore, contracting an infectious or metabolic disease often results in a change in body odour. Recent progresses in analytical techniques allow rapid analyses of VOCs derived from breath, blood, skin and urine. Disease-specific VOCs can be used as diagnostic olfactory biomarkers of infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, genetic disorders and other kinds of diseases. Elucidation of pathophysiological mechanisms underlying production of disease-specific VOCs may provide novel insights into therapeutic approaches for treatments for various diseases. This review summarizes the current knowledge on chemical and clinical aspects of body-derived VOCs, and provides a brief outlook at the future of olfactory diagnosis.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the collection of expired air and further document the performance of our analytical technique that is used to measure ethane and pentane simultaneously. Four minutes of breathing hydrocarbon-free air before collection effectively removed high concentrations of residual ambient ethane and pentane from the lungs, with washout times up to 30 min resulting in no further reductions in breath hydrocarbons. Mean (+/-SE) exhalation rates (pmol/kg b.wt./min) in 11 subjects were 2.4 +/- 0.6 for ethane and 1.5 +/- 1.3 for pentane. Total intraindividual variability in exhalation rates (as percent coefficient of variation, %CV), measured from 4 subjects on at least 6 different days, was greater for pentane (44% CV) than for ethane (29% CV). Analytical variability contributed 6% to the total %CV. Advantages of the method are described, and reasons for the large variability in values reported in the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

Mäki  Mari  Krasnov  D.  Hellén  H.  Noe  S. M.  Bäck  J. 《Plant and Soil》2019,434(1-2):363-378
Plant and Soil - Soil organic carbon (SOC) accrual is central to the discussion on active atmospheric CO2 removal strategies, but it requires a clear understanding of the mechanisms driving new SOC...  相似文献   

Six fishermen were victims (including one death) of food poisoning from unknown fish on their boat in central Taiwan Strait, in April 2001. The symptoms were like those of tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning. As there was no remaining fish, a new protocol was developed to determine TTX in the urine and blood of the victims. The urine and blood samples were cleansed using a C18 Sep-Pak cartridge column, and the toxin was extracted by methanol. The eluate was filtered through a microcentrifuge filter. The filtrate was freeze-dried, dissolved in distilled water, and determined by LC-MS. The recovery was more than 88.9%. The detection limit was 15.6 nM. A linear relationship between response and concentration was obtained between 93.75 and 9375 nM of TTX. It was shown that the urine and blood of the victims contained TTX. The range of TTX was 4.5-40.6 nM in blood and 47-344 nM in urine. Judging from the symptoms of the victims and the experimental data, the causative agent of the food poisoning was identified as TTX.  相似文献   

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