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This study follows our previous investigation describing the production of four cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha) by subsets of thymocytes defined by the expression of CD3, 4, 8, and 25. Here we investigate in greater detail subpopulations of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) thymocytes. First we divided immature CD25-CD4-CD8-CD3- (CD25- triple negative) (TN) thymocytes into CD44+ and CD44- subsets. The CD44+ population includes very immature precursor T cells and produced high titers of IL-2, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma upon activation with calcium ionophore and phorbol ester. In contrast, the CD44- subset of CD25- TN thymocytes did not produce any of the cytokines studied under similar activation conditions. This observation indicates that the latter subset, which differentiates spontaneously in vitro into CD4+CD8+, already resembles CD4+CD8+ thymocytes (which do not produce any of the tested cytokines). We also subdivided the more mature CD3+ DN thymocytes into TCR-alpha beta- and TCR-gamma delta-bearing subsets. These cells produced cytokines upon activation with solid phase anti-CD3 mAb. gamma delta TCR+ DN thymocytes produced IL-2, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, whereas alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes produced IL-4, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha but not IL-2. We then studied alpha beta TCR+ DN T cells isolated from the spleen and found a similar cytokine production profile. Furthermore, splenic alpha beta TCR+ DN cells showed a TCR V beta gene expression profile reminiscent of alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes (predominant use of V beta 8.2). These observations suggest that at least some alpha beta TCR+ DN splenocytes are derived from alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes and also raises the possibility that these cells may play a role in the development of Th2 responses through their production of IL-4.  相似文献   

The function of human peripheral blood alpha/betaTCR positive, CD4- and CD8- double-negative T lymphocytes (DN cells) in vivo is not completely understood. The response of immunomagnetically isolated DN cells to PHA and anti-CD3 was compared to the response of single-positive (SP) CD4 and CD8 subsets. Proliferation of DN cells in response to PHA was largely independent of APC. This suggests activation requirements for DN cells that are different from SP cells. Upon activation, HLA-DR was found to be upregulated early on DN cells, and IL-4 and IL-10 were detected in the supernatants of DN cells. These observations in vitro could correspond with an immunoregulatory role of human DN cells in vivo.  相似文献   

In TCR-alphabeta transgenic mice, CD4-CD8- TCR-alphabeta+ (alphabeta DN) cells arise in the absence of positively selecting MHC molecules and are resistant to clonal deletion in Ag-expressing mice. In this study the activation requirements and functional properties of alphabeta double-negative (DN) cells were compared with those of positively selected CD8+ cells expressing equivalent levels of the same MHC class I-restricted transgenic TCR. We found that positively selected CD8+ cells required a lower density of the antigenic ligand for optimal proliferative responses compared with alphabeta DN cells derived from nonpositively selecting mice. However, when the CD8 coreceptor on CD8+ cells was blocked with an anti-CD8 mAb, both alphabeta DN and CD8+ cells exhibited the same dose-response curve to the antigenic ligand and the same dependence on CD28/B7 costimulation. Positively selected CD8+ cells also differed from alphabeta DN cells in that they differentiated into more efficient killers and IL-2 producers after Ag stimulation, even after CD8 blockade. However, Ag-activated alphabeta DN and CD8+ cells were equally efficient in producing IFN-gamma, suggesting that this functional property is independent of positive selection. We also found that alphabeta DN cells recovered from the lymph nodes of Ag-expressing mice were functionally anergic. This anergic state was associated with defective proliferation and IL-2 production in response to Ag stimulation. These observations indicate that alphabeta DN cells can be anergized in vivo by physiological levels of the antigenic ligand.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ HSV-specific CTL, we compared the characteristics of CTL generated by different methods of in vitro HSV stimulation by treatment of effectors with anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 mAb and C after the elimination of nonspecific cytotoxic effector cells. Cell-free HSV mainly activated CD4+ CTL precursors, whereas HSV-infected fibroblasts were more effective in activating CD8+ CTL precursors than CD4+ CTL precursors. In addition, limiting dilution analyses with enriched T cells from two HSV-seropositive donors revealed that the frequency of HSV-specific CD4+ CTL precursors responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/4,000 to 6,000 CD4+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/19,000 to 22,000 CD4+ T cells. Conversely, the frequency of CD8+ CTL precursors in peripheral blood responsive to stimulation with free HSV was approximately 1/28,000 to 30,000 CD8+ T cells, whereas that of precursors responsive to stimulation with HSV-infected fibroblasts was approximately 1/10,000 to 11,000 CD8+ T cells. The present data suggest that generalized viral infection due to cell-free viruses is fought mainly by CD4+ CTL, which have previously been reported to possess both cytotoxicity and helper function, and that localized viral infection on HLA class II-negative fibroblasts is prevented from spreading to adjacent cells mainly by CD8+ CTL. Such differential activation of CD4+ and CD8+ CTL seems probable when considering the protective mechanisms against viral infection.  相似文献   

Mice homozygous for the lpr gene develop a lymphoproliferative disorder due to expansion of a subset of CD4-CD8- T cells. Triggering of the T-cell receptor in these lpr T cells does not lead to translocation of protein kinase C or phosphorylation of CD3, interleukin-2 production, or proliferation, whereas a combination of phorbol ester and calcium ionophore does. Stimulation with concanavalin A or anti-CD3 induces phosphoinositide hydrolysis. The rise in inositol bisphosphate, inositol triphosphate, and inositol tetrakisphosphate, identified by HPLC, is similar in +/+ and lpr T cells. The concentration of cytoplasmic free calcium ([Ca2+]i), however, under basal and stimulated conditions is significantly lower in lpr T cells. The lower basal [Ca2+]i may explain why induction of proliferation with phorbol ester and calcium ionophore requires a higher concentration of ionophore in these cells than in normal T cells. The lower [Ca2+]i obtained on stimulation may contribute to the activation defect of CD4-CD8- lpr T cells.  相似文献   

TCRbeta expression in CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative (DN) thymocytes induces signaling pathways that promote survival and proliferation, as well as differentiation into CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes. The signaling pathways that regulate survival, proliferation, and differentiation remain unclear. We used Gads-deficient mice to investigate the signaling pathways that regulate these cell fates. During this investigation, we focused on TCRbeta(+) DN thymocytes and found that there are at least three functionally distinct subsets of TCRbeta(+) DN thymocytes: TCRbeta(+) DN3E, TCRbeta(+) DN3L, and TCRbeta(+) DN4. Survival and proliferation of TCRbeta(+) DN3E were independent of Gads, but survival and proliferation of TCRbeta(+) DN3L cells were Gads dependent. Likewise, expression of Bcl-2 in TCRbeta(+) DN3E cells was Gads independent, but Gads was necessary for Bcl-2 expression in TCRbeta(+) DN3L cells. Bcl-2 expression was not dependent on Gads in TCRbeta(+) DN4 cells, but proliferation of TCRbeta(+) DN4 cells was Gads dependent. Gads was not required for the differentiation of DN thymocytes into DP thymocytes. In fact, Gads(-/-) DN3E cells differentiated into DP thymocytes more readily than wild-type cells. We conclude that signaling pathways required to initiate TCRbeta-induced survival and proliferation are distinct from the pathways that maintain survival and proliferation. Furthermore, signaling pathways that promote survival and proliferation may slow differentiation.  相似文献   

The functional capabilities of human peripheral blood CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones were examined. The clones were generated by culturing purified populations of CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cells at limiting dilution (0.3 cell/well) in the presence of PHA, rIL-2, and irradiated PBMC as feeders. Twelve CD3+CD4-CD8- and 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were generated. Clonality was documented by analyzing TCR gamma- and beta-chain rearrangement patterns. All CD3+CD4-CD8- clones were stained by the TCR-delta 1 mAb that identifies a framework epitope of the TCR delta-chain, but not by mAb WT31 that identifies the TCR-alpha beta on mature T cells. In contrast, the CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were all stained by WT31 and not by TCR-delta 1. All 17 clones were screened for various functional activities. Each secreted IL-2, IFN-gamma, and lymphotoxin/TNF-like factors when stimulated with immobilized mAb to CD3 (64.1), albeit in varying quantities. These clones secreted far less IL-2 and IFN-gamma than CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta expressing clones, but comparable amounts of lymphotoxin/TNF. All clones also functioned as MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic cells. This activity was comparable to that mediated by the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. Nine of 12 CD3+CD4-CD8- and 4 of 5 CD3+CD4+CD8+ clones were able to support B cell differentiation when activated by immobilized anti-CD3, but usually not as effectively as the CD3+CD4+CD8- or CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta clones. The differences in the functional capabilities of the various clones could not be accounted for by alterations in the signaling capacity of the CD3 molecular complex as mAb to CD3 induced comparable increases in intracellular free calcium in each clone examined. When clones were stimulated with PWM, each suppressed B cell differentiation supported by mitomycin C-treated fresh CD4+ T lymphocytes. Suppression was dependent on the number of clone cells added to culture, but could be observed with as few as 12,500 cells per microtiter well. Phenotypic analysis of the clones revealed that all expressed CD29, CD11b, and the NKH1 surface Ag. These results demonstrate that the CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3+CD4+CD8+ T cell clones exhibit many of the functional characteristics of mature T cells, although they produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma and provide help for B cell differentiation less effectively than CD3+CD4+CD8- and CD3+CD4-CD8+ alpha beta T cell clones.  相似文献   

Grafting of cells from B10.D2 (H-2d) donors into H-2 compatible lethally irradiated (DBA/2 x B10.D2)F1 hosts results in a severe graft-vs-host reaction (GVHR), developed against DBA/2 non-H-2 Ag, with only 0 to 10% of animals surviving. This GVHR mortality rate is dramatically reduced (90 to 100% of animals survive) by donor preimmunization against Mlsa determinants. The protection against GVHR correlates with a decreased B10.D2 anti-DBA/2 proliferative response in vitro. Both in vivo and in vitro phenomena are associated with activation of CD5+ suppressor T cells in the spleens of immunized mice. The present work was designed to study the origin of these suppressor cells and to further characterize their phenotype. The results show that significant suppression is not inducible in "B" mice. In contrast, in mice that were only thymectomized or else pretreated in vivo with anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 mAb, the suppressor cells are activated as efficiently as in normal mice. The suppression of GVHR mortality and proliferative responses in vitro is lost after depletion from preimmunized splenocytes of CD5+ T cells and remains unaltered after depletion of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells or both. Depletion of asialo GM1+ cells removes all NK activity, whereas the suppression is decreased only slightly. FACS analysis showed that double-negative (DN) cells from normal and immunized mice contain both CD3+ and CD3- cells; the vast majority of the CD3+ DN T cells express the alpha/beta T cell receptor. Suppression of GVHR and of proliferative responses in vitro are abrogated after elimination of CD3+ cells. These results suggest that Mlsa generated suppressor cells: 1) are derived from post-thymic long-lived T cell precursors; 2) are low asialo GM-1+ but do not exhibit NK activity; 3) belong to a subset of peripheral CD5+ DN T cells bearing a CD3-associated alpha/beta-heterodimer.  相似文献   

Purified peripheral blood T lymphocytes and the CD8-CD4+ and CD4-CD8+ T cell subsets, exhaustively depleted of APC have been studied for their capacity to respond to mAb directed against the CD3-Ti Ag-specific TCR complex and against the CD2 SRBCR. It is demonstrated that high affinity IL-2R can be readily induced by either anti-CD3 and/or anti-CD2 stimulation. However, IL-2 production can be observed only in the CD4+CD8- T cell subset. These results clearly contrast data obtained with purified CD4-CD8+ T cells, which are able to proliferate when the CD3-Ti complex is activated in the presence of APC. The data presented in the present study demonstrate that a simplified model for T cell activation and clonal expansion of the two major T cell subsets involve only the CD3-Ti complex and the CD2 Ag. Under conditions where the activation signals for the T cells are restricted only to the activation of CD3-Ti and CD2, the CD4+CD8- T cells respond with IL-2 production and expression of high affinity IL-2R, whereas the CD4-CD8+ T cell subset depends on exogenous IL-2 provided by the CD4+CD8- cells. These data do not, however, exclude an involvement of other cell-surface signals for regulation and control of T cell activation and T cell effector functions.  相似文献   

In experimental transplantation, blockade of CD40-CD40 ligand (CD40L) interactions has proved effective at permitting long-term graft survival and has recently been approved for clinical evaluation. We show that CD4+ T cell-mediated rejection is prevented by anti-CD40L mAb therapy but that CD8+ T cells remain fully functional. Furthermore, blocking CD40L interactions has no effect on CD8+ T cell activation, proliferation, differentiation, homing to the target allograft, or cytokine production. We conclude that CD40L is not an important costimulatory molecule for CD8+ T cell activation and that following transplantation donor APC can activate recipient CD8+ T cells directly without first being primed by CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

The fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, produces a persistent infection. Reactivation histoplasmosis is largely a result of impaired immunity, but the perturbations associated with escape of the fungus from host defenses remain ill-defined. We analyzed a murine model of reactivation to elucidate the host defects that permit reactivation. C57BL/6 mice were infected intranasally and, 42 days later, they were depleted of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells. Elimination of these cells, but not either alone, produced a persistent infection over several weeks. Neutralization of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, or both did not induce reactivation. Endogenous IL-10 exacerbated reactivation. Depletion of T cells in B cell(-/-) mice induced a markedly higher burden in organs when compared with wild type. However, the infection remained persistent. Elimination of CD4(+) cells alone or neutralization of cytokines increased the fungal load. The persistent infection was not dependent on gammadelta T cells or NK cells. Elimination of Thy-1.2(+) cells in mice given mAb to CD4 and CD8 transformed reactivation into a progressive, lethal infection in B cell(-/-) and wild-type mice, but the tempo of progression was accelerated in the former. The data reveal the complex control by the host to prevent reactivation of this fungus.  相似文献   

Classical CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells recognize Ag presented by MHC class II (MHCII) and MHC class I (MHCI), respectively. However, our results show that CD4(-/-) mice mount a strong, readily detectable CD8(+) T cell response to MHCII-restricted epitopes after a primary bacterial or viral infection. These MHCII-restricted CD8(+)CD4(-) T cells are more similar to classical CD8(+) T cells than to CD4(+) T cells in their expression of effector functions during a primary infection, yet they also differ from MHCI-restricted CD8(+) T cells by their inability to produce high levels of the cytolytic molecule granzyme B. After resolution of a primary infection, epitope-specific MHCII-restricted T cells in CD4(-/-) mice persist for a long period of time as memory T cells. Surprisingly, upon reinfection the secondary MHCII-restricted response in CD4(-/-) mice consists mainly of CD8(-)CD4(-) T cells. In contrast to CD8(+) T cells, MHCII-restricted CD8(-)CD4(-) T cells are capable of producing IL-2 in addition to IFN-gamma and thus appear to have attributes characteristic of CD4(+) T cells rather than CD8(+) T cells. Therefore, MHCII-restricted T cells in CD4(-/-) mice do not share all phenotypic and functional characteristics with MHCI-restricted CD8(+) T cells or with MHCII-restricted CD4(+) T cells, but, rather, adopt attributes from each of these subsets. These results have implications for understanding thymic T cell selection and for elucidating the mechanisms regulating the peripheral immune response and memory differentiation.  相似文献   

In the presence of the I-Ealpha protein, transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the 1H3.1 alphabeta TCR that is specific for the Ealpha52-68:I-A(b) complex display drastic intrathymic deletion. Although peripheral T cells from these mice remained unresponsive to the Ealpha52-68:I-A(b) complex, they contained a subpopulation able to specifically react to this complex in the presence of exogenous IL-2, indicating that some 1H3.1 alphabeta TCR Tg T cells have escaped clonal deletion and efficiently populated the periphery. IL-2-dependent, Ealpha52-68:I-A(b) complex-responsive T cells were CD4-CD8- and expressed the 1H3.1 alphabeta TCR. Such T cells could develop intrathymically, did not show sign of regulatory/suppressor activity, displayed a typical naive phenotype, and seemed to persist in vivo over time. CD4-CD8- TCR Tg T cells were also detected when the surface density of the deleting ligand was increased on MHC class II+ cells. In addition, the development of CD4-CD8- 1H3.1 alphabeta TCR Tg T cells could be supported by I-A(b) molecules. These observations indicate that CD4 surface expression neither specifies, nor is required for, the thymic export of mature thymocytes expressing a MHC class II-restricted alphabeta TCR. The data also show that, although the avidity of the interaction involved in intrathymic deletion is significantly lower than that involved in mature T cell activation, its range can be large enough to be influenced by the presence or absence of coreceptors. Finally, the margin created by the absence of CD4 coreceptor was substantial because it could accommodate various amounts of the deleting ligand on thymic stromal cells.  相似文献   

IL-7 maintains the T cell precursor potential of CD3-CD4-CD8- thymocytes.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We and other investigators have reported that IL-4 (in the presence of PMA) or IL-7 (used alone) induce proliferation of both adult and fetal (gestation day 15) CD4-CD8- thymocytes. These results suggested that these cytokines may be growth factors for pre-T cells. However, we recently observed that among adult CD4-CD8- thymocytes, only the CD3+ subset proliferates in response to IL-7, whereas IL-4 + PMA induces proliferative responses in both CD3- and CD3+ subsets. Thus, we concluded that IL-7 used alone is not a potent growth stimulus for adult thymic CD3-CD4-CD8- triple negative (TN) T cell precursors. Interestingly, the viability of adult TN thymocytes in culture was improved by IL-7 for up to 1 wk, in spite of the inability of IL-7 to induce significant [3H]TdR incorporation in these cells. After culture in IL-7 for 4 days, the viable cells remained CD4-CD8-, but 25 to 35% expressed CD3 whereas the rest remained CD3-. In contrast, most of the cells cultured with IL-4 + PMA for 4 days remained TN. To investigate whether adult TN thymocytes that survive in vitro in the presence of IL-4 + PMA or IL-7 retain T cell progenitor potential, we tested whether they could reconstitute lymphoid cell-depleted (2-deoxyguanosine-treated) fetal thymus organ cultures. Our results demonstrate that TN cells cultured in IL-7 retain T cell progenitor potential.  相似文献   

Costimulatory molecules play critical roles in the induction and effector function of T cells. More recent studies reveal that costimulatory molecules enhance clonal deletion of autoreactive T cells as well as generation and homeostasis of the CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells. However, it is unclear whether the costimulatory molecules play any role in the proliferation and differentiation of T cells before they acquire MHC-restricted TCR. In this study, we report that targeted mutations of B7-1 and B7-2 substantially reduce the proliferation and survival of CD4(-)CD8(-) (double-negative (DN)) T cells in the thymus. Perhaps as a result of reduced proliferation, the accumulation of RAG-2 protein in the DN thymocytes is increased in B7-deficient mice, which may explain the increased expression of TCR gene and accelerated transition of CD25(+)CD44(-) (DN3) to CD25(-)CD44(-) (DN4) stage. Qualitatively similar, but quantitatively less striking effects were observed in mice with a targeted mutation of CD28, but not CTLA4. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the development of DN in the thymus is subject to modulation by the B7-CD28 costimulatory pathway.  相似文献   

Immune-based therapy confers limited benefits to hosts bearing late-stage tumors. Mounting evidence points to local suppression of T cell function as the most substantial barrier to effective antitumor immunity in hosts with large tumor burdens. Despite this, events responsible for locally defective T cells and immune suppression in tumors remain unclear. We describe in this study a predominant T cell population localized within two murine tumors that is characterized by expression of apoptotic markers and TCRalphabeta/CD3, but not CD4, CD8, or NK-associated markers. These defective cells resembled double negative (DN) T cells in lpr mice, harbored defects in the expression of T cell signaling molecules, and produced the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10. Conditions known to increase or decrease the accumulation of lpr DN T cells had corresponding effects on local DN tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) levels and inversely impacted host survival. Adoptive transfer into s.c. tumors demonstrated that naive CD8(+) T cells were highly susceptible to becoming DN TIL, and local supplementation of tumors with nontumor Ag-bearing MHC class I-expressing fibroblasts decreased both this susceptibility and endogenous DN TIL levels. These findings identify a major defective T cell population with suppressive potential within tumors. The data also suggest that local T cell defectiveness is controlled by the tumor environment independent of cognate Ag specificity per se. Decreasing defective DN TIL levels by increasing noncognate peptide MHC class I availability, or modulating TCR or cytokine signaling may facilitate host survival by bolstering endogenous immunity to late-stage tumors, and may help improve therapeutic tumor vaccines.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat from a thymotropic mouse mammary tumor virus variant, DMBA-LV, was used to drive the expression of two reporter genes, murine c-myc and human CD4, in transgenic mice. Expression was observed specifically in thymic immature cells. Expression of c-myc in these cells induced oligoclonal CD4+ CD8+ T-cell thymomas. Expression of human CD4 was restricted to thymic progenitor CD4- CD8- and CD4+ CD8+ T cells and was shut off in mature CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells, known to be derived from the progenitor double-positive T cells. These results suggest the existence of similar and common factors in CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ T cells and support a model of differentiation of CD4+ CD8+ T cells through common signal(s) involved in turning off the expression of the CD4 or CD8 gene.  相似文献   

Human triple-negative (CD4-CD8-CD3-) thymocytes purified from postnatal thymus by the use of magnetic bead columns and cell sorting were cultured in bulk or cloned with a feeder cell mixture of irradiated PBL, irradiated JY cells, and PHA. Triple-negative thymocytes proliferated well under these culture conditions, and after 12 days in bulk culture they remained triple negative. Limiting dilution experiments revealed that the frequency of clonogenic cells in fresh triple-negative thymocytes was less than 1%. Of 40 clones obtained in a representative experiment, 37 were triple negative and 3 were CD4+ TCR-alpha beta+. No TCR-gamma delta+ clones were isolated. Some of the triple-negative clones expressed CD16 and were apparently NK cells. Seven representative CD16-triple-negative clones were expanded and characterized in detail. These clones shared the common cell surface phenotype of CD1-CD2+CD3-CD4--CD8-CD5-CD7+CD16-CD56+. One of them expressed cytoplasmic CD3 delta and CD3 epsilon Ag, but these Ag were not detected in any peripheral blood-derived CD16- NK clones examined for comparison. The seven CD16- thymus-derived clones exhibited significant cytolytic activity against K562. The clone that expressed cytoplasmic CD3 Ag was shown to have the germ-line configuration of the TCR-beta and TCR-gamma genes. Thus, it is suggested that in vitro culture of triple-negative thymocytes can give rise to NK-like cells, including those that express cytoplasmic CD3 Ag. In contrast to previous reports, our results gave no evidence of differentiation of triple-negative thymocytes into TCR-alpha beta+ or TCR-gamma delta+ T cells.  相似文献   

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