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目的 槲皮素是一种广泛分布于药用植物中的黄酮类化合物,传统被认为具有神经保护作用。在本研究中,我们利用位于大鼠脑干的花萼状突触的突触前神经末梢的进行膜片钳记录,研究槲皮素调控突触传递和可塑性的突触前机制。方法 利用全细胞膜片钳结合膜电容记录,在突触后记录微小兴奋性突触后电流(mEPSC),在突触前神经末梢记录钙內流和神经囊泡的释放、回收以及可立即释放库(RRP)的恢复动力学。并且利用纤维刺激在轴突给予5~200 Hz的刺激,诱发突触后EPSC,记录突触后短时程抑制(STD)。结果 100 μmol/L槲皮素不影响突触后mEPSC的振幅、频率以及AMPA受体的动力学特征。在突触前神经末梢,槲皮素不改变钙内流或囊泡的释放,但显著抑制胞吐后的网格蛋白依赖的慢速胞吞。抑制胞吞会导致突触前囊泡动员的减慢,降低RRP的补充速率,并且增强高频刺激下的短时程可塑性STD。结论 本研究为槲皮素调控中枢神经突触传递提供全新的突触前神经机制,槲皮素有助于抑制中枢神经过度兴奋,进而发挥神经保护作用。  相似文献   

突触前α7烟碱受体对海马神经元兴奋性突触传递的调控   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Liu ZW  Yang S  Zhang YX  Liu CH 《生理学报》2003,55(6):731-735
采用盲法膜片钳技术观察突触前烟碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholinel receptors,nAChRs)对海马脑片CAl区锥体神经元兴奋性突触传递的调控作用。结果显示,nAChRs激动剂碘化二甲基苯基哌嗪(dimethylphenyl—piperazinium iodide,DMPP)不能在CAl区锥体神经元上诱发出烟碱电流。DMPP对CAl区锥体神经元自发兴奋性突触后电流(spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic current,sEPSC)具有明显的增频和增幅作用,并呈现明显的浓度依赖关系。DMPP对微小兴奋性突触后电流(miniature excitatory postsynaptic current,mEPSC)具有增频作用,但不具有增幅作用。上述DMPP增强突触传递的作用不能被nAChRs拮抗剂美加明、六烃季铵和双氢-β-刺桐丁所阻断,但可被α-银环蛇毒素阻断。上述结果提示,海马脑片CAl区锥体神经元兴奋性突触前nAChRs含有对α-银环蛇毒素敏感的胡亚单位,其激活可增强海马CAl区锥体神经元突触前递质谷氨酸的释放,从而对兴奋性突触传递发挥调控作用。  相似文献   

突触泡融蛋白(synaptotagmin)是突触囊泡的膜结合蛋白,其C端有两个与PKC和磷脂酶A_2的C_2区有同源序列的重复区,基于其C_2区结合G2 ̄(2+)的特性,故推测为钙受体。离体和活体的许多研究支持这种推测,并表明此蛋白与钙激发的神经递质释放密切相关。近年来的研究指出:(1)缺乏突触泡融蛋白则导致递质释放障碍;(2)在胞吐过程中此蛋白可能促进融合和排放;(3)单独作为钙受体或作为协同钙受体而起作用。  相似文献   

沈华智 《生命科学》2008,20(5):676-679
常规RNA干涉或基因敲除的功能缺失手段仅仅只是简单地移除某个基因或蛋白,而这个过程常常会掩盖磷酸化对某个特定蛋白的调节。在树突发育和突触功能活性依赖的调节过程中,突触后致密蛋白磷酸化的机制仍然是未知的领域。突触后Rap GTP酶激活蛋白SPAR与PSD95结合,可以促进树突棘的生长并加强突触。Plk2(polo-like kinase2,也称为Snk)是一种受突触活性诱导表达的蛋白激酶,它可以磷酸化SPAR,磷酸化的SPAR通过泛素化.蛋白酶体途径降解,从而导致树突棘和突触的减少。Plk2的诱导表达和随后SPAR的降解是长时间神经活性增强过程中突触强度的稳态抑制(突触剥落)所必需的。有趣的是,SPAR需要被另外一种激酶cDK5磷酸化后才能被Plk2所降解。这种机制通过CDK5对一部分突触进行标记,为由Plk2-SPAR通路抑制或去除这些突触提供了可能的途径,但其分子机制在神经退行性疾病突触丢失中的作用仍需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

朱丹 《生物磁学》2008,(3):548-550
Ca^2+是促发囊泡胞吐的关键调节因子。最近的研究表明,分泌囊泡和通道之间的空间距离调节囊泡分泌的过程和挂质。Ca^2+通道开口附近形成的Ca^2+微区和Ca^2+钠区和囊泡快速递质释放有非常紧密的联系。SNARE蛋白和钙离子传感器synaptotagmins等在触发分泌中起调控作用。同时另有一类不依赖于Ca^2+的囊泡分泌存在。Latrotoxin和mastoparan等可以激活这一类不依赖于Ca^2+的信号通路,从而触发囊泡释放。本文主要从Ca^2+对囊泡胞吐的调控作用着手,综述了Ca^2+依赖和Ca^2+不依赖的囊泡分泌过程和可能的调控机制。  相似文献   

应用新生大鼠脊髓切片运动神经元(MN)细胞内记录技术,发现5-羟色胺(5-HT)10~100μmol/L灌流可浓度依从地抑制背、腹根刺激在MN诱发的兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)和抑制性突触后电位,但可增大外源性谷氨酸引起的MN去极化。5-HT对背根性EPSP的抑制无刺激频率依赖性,可为5-HT_(1A)受体激动剂8-OH-DPAT模拟,但不受士的宁、酮色林及MDL 72222的影响。结果表明5-HT可直接激活初级传入纤维末梢5-HT_(1A)受体而抑制MN的突触传递。  相似文献   

Syt Ⅶ, 因其具有比Syt Ⅰ和Syt Ⅸ更高的钙离子亲和力, 以及在与脂质结合后表现出更慢的解离动力学过程, 被认为在致密核心大囊泡分泌的慢速动力学过程中起着钙离子感受器的作用, 而并不参与突触囊泡的快速分泌过程. 然而迄今为止, Syt Ⅶ的亚细胞定位和其在胞内具体的生理学功能尚未完全清楚. 在本研究中, 我们首先应用全内反射荧光显微镜技术表明, 在PC12细胞中Syt Ⅶ定位于致密核心囊泡. 通过综合运用高时间分辨率的细胞膜电容测量和碳纤维微电极安培检测, 确定了单独沉默内源性的Syt Ⅶ就可以明显减少PC12细胞中钙触发的致密核心囊泡和质膜的融合和抑制了融合孔的开放, 特别是减少了致密核心大囊泡胞吐触发相的幅值, 而对于其持续成分的速率则几乎没有影响. 这些发现提示我们Syt Ⅶ在PC12细胞致密核心囊泡融合机制中作为钙感受器, 对可释放致密核心大囊泡库的形成和维持起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

山茛菪碱可以明显抑制大鼠脑突触膜(Na~++K~+)-ATP酶的活性。动力学研究结果表明,这种抑制作用为竞争性。  相似文献   

Ca2 是促发囊泡胞吐的关键调节因子.最近的研究表明,分泌囊泡和通道之间的空间距离调节囊泡分泌的过程和性质.Ca2 通道开口附近形成的Ca2 微区和Ca2 钠区和囊泡快速递质释放有非常紧密的联系.SNARE蛋白和钙离子传感器synaptotagmins等在触发分泌中起调控作用.同时另有一类不依赖于Ca2 的囊泡分泌存在.Latrotoxin和mastoparan等可以激活这一类不依赖于Ca2 的信号通路,从而触发囊泡释放.本文主要从ca2 对囊泡胞吐的调控作用着手,综述了Ca2 依赖和Ca2 不依赖的囊泡分泌过程和可能的调控机制.  相似文献   

The ATP dependence of the kinetics of Ca2+-dependent exocytosis after flash photolysis of caged Ca2+ was studied by capacitance measurements with submillisecond resolution in single synaptic terminals of retinal bipolar neurons. After control experiments verified that this combination of techniques is valid for the study of exocytosis in synaptic terminals, a comparison was made between the Ca2+ dependence of the rate of exocytosis in synaptic terminals internally dialyzed with MgATP, MgATP-γ-S, or no added Mg2+ or nucleotide. The Ca2+ threshold for release, the maximum rate of release, and the overall relationship between the rate of synaptic vesicle fusion and [Ca2+]i were found to be independent of MgATP. A decrease in the average rate at near-threshold [Ca2+]i was observed in terminals with MgATP-γ-S, but due to the small sample size is of unclear significance. The Ca2+ dependence of the delay between the elevation of [Ca2+]i and the beginning of the capacitance rise was also found to be independent of MgATP. In contrast, MgATP had a marked effect on the ability of terminals to respond to multiple stimuli. Terminals with MgATP typically exhibited a capacitance increase to a second stimulus that was >70% of the amplitude of the first response and to a third stimulus with a response amplitude that was >50% of the first, whereas terminals without MgATP responded to a second stimulus with a response <35% of the first and rarely responded to a third flash. These results suggest a major role for MgATP in preparing synaptic vesicles for fusion, but indicate that cytosolic MgATP may have little role in events downstream of calcium entry, provided that [Ca2+]i near release sites is elevated above ≈30 μM.  相似文献   

J. Klingauf 《Neurophysiology》2007,39(4-5):305-306
The use of modern techniques (in particular, novel fluorescence markers of a few molecular participants of the exo-and endocytotic processes, including pH-sensitive agents, immuno-electron and laser-scanning microscopy) allows experimenters to visualize different stages of recycling of synaptic vesicle proteins. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 350–351, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The pathways by which synaptic vesicle proteins reach their destination are not completely defined. Here we investigated the traffic of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged version of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in cholinergic SN56 cells, a model system for neuronal processing of this cargo. GFP-VAChT accumulates in small vesicular compartments in varicosities, but perturbation of endocytosis with a dominant negative mutant of dynamin I-K44A impaired GFP-VAChT trafficking to these processes. The protein in this condition accumulated in the cell body plasma membrane and in large vesicular patches therein. A VAChT endocytic mutant (L485A/L486A) was also located at the plasma membrane, however, the protein was not sorted to dynamin I-K44A generated vesicles. A fusion protein containing the VAChT C-terminal tail precipitated the AP-2 adaptor protein complex from rat brain, suggesting that VAChT directly interacts with the endocytic complex. In addition, yeast two hybrid experiments indicated that the C-terminal tail of VAChT interacts with the micro subunit of AP-2 in a di-leucine (L485A/L486A) dependent fashion. These observations suggest that the di-leucine motif regulates sorting of VAChT from the soma plasma membrane through a clathrin dependent mechanism prior to the targeting of the transporter to varicosities.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is required to recycle synaptic vesicles for fast and efficient neurotransmission. Amphiphysins are thought to be multiprotein adaptors that may contribute to this process by bringing together many of the proteins required for endocytosis. Their in vivo function, however, has yet to be determined. Here, we show that the Drosophila genome encodes a single amphiphysin gene that is broadly expressed during development. We also show that, unlike its vertebrate counterparts, Drosophila Amphiphysin is enriched postsynaptically at the larval neuromuscular junction. To determine the role of Drosophila Amphiphysin, we also generated null mutants which are viable but give rise to larvae and adults with pronounced locomotory defects. Surprisingly, the locomotory defects cannot be accounted for by alterations in the morphology or physiology of the neuromuscular junction. Moreover, using stimulus protocols designed to test endocytosis under moderate and extreme vesicle cycling, we could not detect any defect in the neuromuscular junction of the amphiphysin mutant. Taken together, our findings suggest that Amphiphysin is not required for viability, nor is it absolutely required for clathrin-mediated endocytosis. However, Drosophila Amphiphysin function is required in both larvae and adults for normal locomotion.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the maintenance of fast communication between neurons requires that presynaptic terminals recycle the small vesicles from which neurotransmitter is released. But the mechanisms that retrieve vesicles from the cell surface are still not understood. Although we have a wealth of information about the molecular details of endocytosis in non‐neuronal cells, it is clear that endocytosis at the synapse is faster and regulated in distinct ways. A satisfying understanding of these processes will require molecular events to be manipulated while observing endocytosis in living synapses. Here, we review recent work that seeks to bridge the gap between physiology and molecules to unravel the endocytic machinery operating at the synaptic terminal.  相似文献   

The rate at which a membrane protein is internalized from the plasma membrane can be regulated by revealing a latent internalization signal in response to an appropriate stimulus. Internalization of the synaptic vesicle membrane protein, synaptotagmin 1, is controlled by two distinct regions of its intracytoplasmic C2B domain, an internalization signal present in the 29 carboxyterminal (CT) amino acids and a separate regulatory region. We have now characterized the internalization motif by mutagenesis and found that it involves an essential tryptophan in the last beta strand of the C2B domain, a region that is distinct from the AP2-binding site previously described. Internalization through the tryptophan-based motif is sensitive to eps15 and dynamin mutants and is therefore likely to be clathrin mediated. A tryptophan-to-phenylalanine mutation had no effect on internalization of the CT domain alone, but completely inhibited endocytosis of the folded C2B domain. This result suggests that recognition of sorting motifs can be influenced by their structural context. We conclude that endocytosis of synaptotagmin 1 requires a novel type of internalization signal that is subject to regulation by the rest of the C2B domain.  相似文献   

Fusion of exocytotic vesicles with the plasma membrane gives rise to an increase in membrane surface area, whereas the surface area is decreased when vesicles are internalized during endocytosis. Changes in membrane surface area, resulting from fusion and fission of membrane vesicles, can be followed by monitoring the corresponding proportional changes in membrane capacitance. Using the cell‐attached configuration of the patch‐clamp techniques we were able to resolve the elementary processes of endo‐ and exocytosis in yeast protoplasts at high temporal and spatial resolution. Spontaneous capacitance changes were predominantly in the range of 0.2–1 fF which translates to vesicle diameters of 90–200 nm. The size distribution revealed that endocytotic vesicles with a median at about 132 nm were smaller than exocytotic vesicles with a median at 155 nm. In energized and metabolizing protoplasts, endo‐ and exocytotic events occurred at frequencies of 1.6 and 2.7 events per minute, respectively. Even though these numbers appear very low, they are in good agreement with the observed growth rate of yeast cells and protoplasts.  相似文献   

Two models of synaptic vesicle recycling have been intensely debated for decades: kiss‐and‐run, in which the vesicle opens and closes transiently, presumably through a small fusion pore, and full fusion, in which the vesicle collapses into the plasma membrane and is retrieved by clathrin‐coat‐dependent processes. Conceptually, it seems that kiss‐and‐run would be faster and would retrieve vesicles with greater fidelity. Is this the case? This review discusses recent evidence for both models. We conclude that both mechanisms allow for high fidelity of vesicle recycling. Also, the presence in the plasma membrane of a depot of previously fused vesicles that are already interacting with the endocytotic machinery (the ‘readily retrievable’ vesicles) allows full fusion to trigger quite fast endocytosis, further blurring the efficiency differences between the two models.  相似文献   

Dynamin GTPase activity increases when it oligomerizes either into helices in the presence of lipid templates or into rings in the presence of SH3 domain proteins. Dynasore is a dynamin inhibitor of moderate potency (IC50 ? 15 μM in vitro). We show that dynasore binds stoichiometrically to detergents used for in vitro drug screening, drastically reducing its potency (IC50 = 479 μM) and research tool utility. We synthesized a focused set of dihydroxyl and trihydroxyl dynasore analogs called the Dyngo? compounds, five of which had improved potency, reduced detergent binding and reduced cytotoxicity, conferred by changes in the position and/or number of hydroxyl substituents. The Dyngo compound 4a was the most potent compound, exhibiting a 37‐fold improvement in potency over dynasore for liposome‐stimulated helical dynamin activity. In contrast, while dynasore about equally inhibited dynamin assembled in its helical or ring states, 4a and 6a exhibited >36‐fold reduced activity against rings, suggesting that they can discriminate between helical or ring oligomerization states. 4a and 6a inhibited dynamin‐dependent endocytosis of transferrin in multiple cell types (IC50 of 5.7 and 5.8 μM, respectively), at least sixfold more potently than dynasore, but had no effect on dynamin‐independent endocytosis of cholera toxin. 4a also reduced synaptic vesicle endocytosis and activity‐dependent bulk endocytosis in cultured neurons and synaptosomes. Overall, 4a and 6a are improved and versatile helical dynamin and endocytosis inhibitors in terms of potency, non‐specific binding and cytotoxicity. The data further suggest that the ring oligomerization state of dynamin is not required for clathrin‐mediated endocytosis .  相似文献   

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