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With the rapid growth of the Internet and overwhelming amount of information and choices that people are confronted with, recommender systems have been developed to effectively support users’ decision-making process in the online systems. However, many recommendation algorithms suffer from the data sparsity problem, i.e. the user-object bipartite networks are so sparse that algorithms cannot accurately recommend objects for users. This data sparsity problem makes many well-known recommendation algorithms perform poorly. To solve the problem, we propose a recommendation algorithm based on the semi-local diffusion process on the user-object bipartite network. The simulation results on two sparse datasets, Amazon and Bookcross, show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods especially for those small-degree users. Two personalized semi-local diffusion methods are proposed which further improve the recommendation accuracy. Finally, our work indicates that sparse online systems are essentially different from the dense online systems, so it is necessary to reexamine former algorithms and conclusions based on dense data in sparse systems.  相似文献   

User preference plays a prominent role in many fields, including electronic commerce, social opinion, and Internet search engines. Particularly in recommender systems, it directly influences the accuracy of the recommendation. Though many methods have been presented, most of these have only focused on how to improve the recommendation results. In this paper, we introduce an empirical study of user preferences based on a set of rating data about movies. We develop a simple statistical method to investigate the characteristics of user preferences. We find that the movies have potential characteristics of closure, which results in the formation of numerous cliques with a power-law size distribution. We also find that a user related to a small clique always has similar opinions on the movies in this clique. Then, we suggest a user preference model, which can eliminate the predictions that are considered to be impracticable. Numerical results show that the model can reflect user preference with remarkable accuracy when data elimination is allowed, and random factors in the rating data make prediction error inevitable. In further research, we will investigate many other rating data sets to examine the universality of our findings.  相似文献   

Accuracy and diversity are two important aspects to evaluate the performance of recommender systems. Two diffusion-based methods were proposed respectively inspired by the mass diffusion (MD) and heat conduction (HC) processes on networks. It has been pointed out that MD has high recommendation accuracy yet low diversity, while HC succeeds in seeking out novel or niche items but with relatively low accuracy. The accuracy-diversity dilemma is a long-term challenge in recommender systems. To solve this problem, we introduced a background temperature by adding a ground user who connects to all the items in the user-item bipartite network. Performing the HC algorithm on the network with ground user (GHC), it showed that the accuracy can be largely improved while keeping the diversity. Furthermore, we proposed a weighted form of the ground user (WGHC) by assigning some weights to the newly added links between the ground user and the items. By turning the weight as a free parameter, an optimal value subject to the highest accuracy is obtained. Experimental results on three benchmark data sets showed that the WGHC outperforms the state-of-the-art method MD for both accuracy and diversity.  相似文献   

In recent years, recommender systems have become an effective method to process information overload. However, recommendation technology still suffers from many problems. One of the problems is shilling attacks-attackers inject spam user profiles to disturb the list of recommendation items. There are two characteristics of all types of shilling attacks: 1) Item abnormality: The rating of target items is always maximum or minimum; and 2) Attack promptness: It takes only a very short period time to inject attack profiles. Some papers have proposed item anomaly detection methods based on these two characteristics, but their detection rate, false alarm rate, and universality need to be further improved. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an item anomaly detection method based on dynamic partitioning for time series. This method first dynamically partitions item-rating time series based on important points. Then, we use chi square distribution (χ2) to detect abnormal intervals. The experimental results on MovieLens 100K and 1M indicate that this approach has a high detection rate and a low false alarm rate and is stable toward different attack models and filler sizes.  相似文献   

Online users nowadays are facing serious information overload problem. In recent years, recommender systems have been widely studied to help people find relevant information. Adaptive social recommendation is one of these systems in which the connections in the online social networks are optimized for the information propagation so that users can receive interesting news or stories from their leaders. Validation of such adaptive social recommendation methods in the literature assumes uniform distribution of users'' activity frequency. In this paper, our empirical analysis shows that the distribution of online users'' activity is actually heterogenous. Accordingly, we propose a more realistic multi-agent model in which users'' activity frequency are drawn from a power-law distribution. We find that previous social recommendation methods lead to serious delay of information propagation since many users are connected to inactive leaders. To solve this problem, we design a new similarity measure which takes into account users'' activity frequencies. With this similarity measure, the average delay is significantly shortened and the recommendation accuracy is largely improved.  相似文献   

We propose a new technique of measuring user similarity in collaborative filtering using electric circuit analysis. Electric circuit analysis is used to measure the potential differences between nodes on an electric circuit. In this paper, by applying this method to transaction networks comprising users and items, i.e., user–item matrix, and by using the full information about the relationship structure of users in the perspective of item adoption, we overcome the limitations of one-to-one similarity calculation approach, such as the Pearson correlation, Tanimoto coefficient, and Hamming distance, in collaborative filtering. We found that electric circuit analysis can be successfully incorporated into recommender systems and has the potential to significantly enhance predictability, especially when combined with user-based collaborative filtering. We also propose four types of hybrid algorithms that combine the Pearson correlation method and electric circuit analysis. One of the algorithms exceeds the performance of the traditional collaborative filtering by 37.5% at most. This work opens new opportunities for interdisciplinary research between physics and computer science and the development of new recommendation systems  相似文献   

Due to the exponential growth of information, recommender systems have been a widely exploited technique to solve the problem of information overload effectively. Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most successful and extensively employed recommendation approach. However, current CF methods recommend suitable items for users mainly by user-item matrix that contains the individual preference of users for items in a collection. So these methods suffer from such problems as the sparsity of the available data and low accuracy in predictions. To address these issues, borrowing the idea of cognition degree from cognitive psychology and employing the regularized matrix factorization (RMF) as the basic model, we propose a novel drifting cognition degree-based RMF collaborative filtering method named CogTime_RMF that incorporates both user-item matrix and users’ drifting cognition degree with time. Moreover, we conduct experiments on the real datasets MovieLens 1 M and MovieLens 100 k, and the method is compared with three similarity based methods and three other latest matrix factorization based methods. Empirical results demonstrate that our proposal can yield better performance over other methods in accuracy of recommendation. In addition, results show that CogTime_RMF can alleviate the data sparsity, particularly in the circumstance that few ratings are observed.  相似文献   

As one of the major challenges, cold-start problem plagues nearly all recommender systems. In particular, new items will be overlooked, impeding the development of new products online. Given limited resources, how to utilize the knowledge of recommender systems and design efficient marketing strategy for new items is extremely important. In this paper, we convert this ticklish issue into a clear mathematical problem based on a bipartite network representation. Under the most widely used algorithm in real e-commerce recommender systems, the so-called item-based collaborative filtering, we show that to simply push new items to active users is not a good strategy. Interestingly, experiments on real recommender systems indicate that to connect new items with some less active users will statistically yield better performance, namely, these new items will have more chance to appear in other users'' recommendation lists. Further analysis suggests that the disassortative nature of recommender systems contributes to such observation. In a word, getting in-depth understanding on recommender systems could pave the way for the owners to popularize their cold-start products with low costs.  相似文献   

This study proposed a method of developing an intelligent recommendation system for automotive parts assembly. The proposed system will display the detailed information and the list components which make up the relevant part that an user wants through the database using the ontology when selecting an automotive part that an user intends to learn or to be guided of. This study is to design task ontology based on Hierarchical Taxonomy so as to achieve productivity enhancement, cost reduction and outcome improvement through recommendations based on intelligence and personalization depending on the worker’s present situation or context of task in charge when assembly of automotive parts is conducted. For this, composing elements of an engine and upper/lower relationships were expressed using hierarchical structure Taxonomy. The intelligent recommendation system for parts is offered to users through determining the automatic recommendation order between parts using the weights. This study has experimented the principles of the recommendation system and the method of setting the weights by setting two scenarios.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are designed to assist individual users to navigate through the rapidly growing amount of information. One of the most successful recommendation techniques is the collaborative filtering, which has been extensively investigated and has already found wide applications in e-commerce. One of challenges in this algorithm is how to accurately quantify the similarities of user pairs and item pairs. In this paper, we employ the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method to measure the similarities between nodes in user-item bipartite networks. The MDS method can extract the essential similarity information from the networks by smoothing out noise, which provides a graphical display of the structure of the networks. With the similarity measured from MDS, we find that the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm can outperform the diffusion-based recommendation algorithms. Moreover, we show that this method tends to recommend unpopular items and increase the global diversification of the networks in long term.  相似文献   

A recommendation system is an imaginative resolution for managing the restrictions in e-commerce services with item details and user details. Also, it is used to determine the user preferences to recommend the items they expected to buy. Several conventional collaborative filtering techniques are devised in the recommender model, but it has some complexities. Hence, an innovative optimization-driven deep residual network is devised in this paper for a product recommendation system. Here, the product of images is used for extracting features where the Convolutional neural network (CNN) features are computed, and then it is given as input to the deep residual network aimed at product recommendation. The deep residual network is trained using developed Elephant Herding Feedback Artificial Optimization (EHFAO), which is obtained by integrating Elephant Herding optimization (EHO) into the Feedback Artificial Tree (FAT). Here, the item grouping is carried out on input data based on K-means clustering. After item grouping, Cosine similarity is used to perform matching of groups, where the best group is acquired among all the available groups. Extraction of list of visitors is done from the best group. Then, the list of items is obtained from the sequence of best visitor. Next, the corresponding binary sequence is obtained for the applicable sequence of visitor. From this sequence of best visitor, the recommended product is acquired. Then, the recommended product is subjected to the sentiment analysis for which the score is determined. Here, the sentiment analysis helps to decide whether the product is recommended or not recommended. If the score is positive, then the same product is recommended; otherwise, the new product is recommended. The proposed EHFAO-based deep residual network attained better performance in comparison to the other techniques with a maximal F-measure at 84.061%, 84.061% precision, 87.845% recall along with minimal Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.216.  相似文献   

Users of clinical practice guidelines and other recommendations need to know how much confidence they can place in the recommendations. Systematic and explicit methods of making judgments can reduce errors and improve communication. We have developed a system for grading the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations that can be applied across a wide range of interventions and contexts. In this article we present a summary of our approach from the perspective of a guideline user. Judgments about the strength of a recommendation require consideration of the balance between benefits and harms, the quality of the evidence, translation of the evidence into specific circumstances, and the certainty of the baseline risk. It is also important to consider costs (resource utilisation) before making a recommendation. Inconsistencies among systems for grading the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations reduce their potential to facilitate critical appraisal and improve communication of these judgments. Our system for guiding these complex judgments balances the need for simplicity with the need for full and transparent consideration of all important issues.  相似文献   

In order to stably grasp an object with an artificial hand, a priori knowledge of the object’s properties is a major advantage, especially to ensure subsequent manipulation of the object held by the hand. This is also true for hand prostheses: pre-shaping of the hand while approaching the object, similar to able-bodied, allows the wearer for a much faster and more intuitive way of handling and grasping an object. For hand prostheses, it would be advantageous to obtain this information about object properties from a surface electromyography (sEMG) signal, which is already present and used to control the active prosthetic hand.We describe experiments in which human subjects grasp different objects at different positions while their muscular activity is recorded through eight sEMG electrodes placed on the forearm. Results show that sEMG data, gathered before the hand is in contact with the object, can be used to obtain relevant information on object properties such as size and weight.  相似文献   

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is used to obtain quantitative information about molecular diffusion and binding kinetics at both cell and tissue levels of organization. FRAP models have been proposed to estimate the diffusion coefficients and binding kinetic parameters of species for a variety of biological systems and experimental settings. However, it is not clear what the connection among the diverse parameter estimates from different models of the same system is, whether the assumptions made in the model are appropriate, and what the qualities of the estimates are. Here we propose a new approach to investigate the discrepancies between parameters estimated from different models. We use a theoretical model to simulate the dynamics of a FRAP experiment and generate the data that are used in various recovery models to estimate the corresponding parameters. By postulating a recovery model identical to the theoretical model, we first establish that the appropriate choice of observation time can significantly improve the quality of estimates, especially when the diffusion and binding kinetics are not well balanced, in a sense made precise later. Secondly, we find that changing the balance between diffusion and binding kinetics by changing the size of the bleaching region, which gives rise to different FRAP curves, provides a priori knowledge of diffusion and binding kinetics, which is important for model formulation. We also show that the use of the spatial information in FRAP provides better parameter estimation. By varying the recovery model from a fixed theoretical model, we show that a simplified recovery model can adequately describe the FRAP process in some circumstances and establish the relationship between parameters in the theoretical model and those in the recovery model. We then analyze an example in which the data are generated with a model of intermediate complexity and the parameters are estimated using models of greater or less complexity, and show how sensitivity analysis can be used to improve FRAP model formulation. Lastly, we show how sophisticated global sensitivity analysis can be used to detect over-fitting when using a model that is too complex.  相似文献   

The user-based collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm is one of the most popular approaches for making recommendation. Despite its success, the traditional user-based CF algorithm suffers one serious problem that it only measures the influence between two users based on their symmetric similarities calculated by their consumption histories. It means that, for a pair of users, the influences on each other are the same, which however may not be true. Intuitively, an expert may have an impact on a novice user but a novice user may not affect an expert at all. Besides, each user may possess a global importance factor that affects his/her influence to the remaining users. To this end, in this paper, we propose an asymmetric user influence model to measure the directed influence between two users and adopt the PageRank algorithm to calculate the global importance value of each user. And then the directed influence values and the global importance values are integrated to deduce the final influence values between two users. Finally, we use the final influence values to improve the performance of the traditional user-based CF algorithm. Extensive experiments have been conducted, the results of which have confirmed that both the asymmetric user influence model and global importance value play key roles in improving recommendation accuracy, and hence the proposed method significantly outperforms the existing recommendation algorithms, in particular the user-based CF algorithm on the datasets of high rating density.  相似文献   

Fluorescence photobleaching methods have been widely used to study diffusion processes in the plasma membrane of single living cells and other membrane systems. Here we describe the application of a new photobleaching technique, scanning microphotolysis. Employing a recently developed extension module to a commercial confocal microscope, an intensive laser beam was switched on and off during scanning according to a user definable image mask. Thereby the location, geometry, and number of photolysed spots could be chosen arbitrarily, their size ranging from tens of micrometers down to the diffraction limit. Therewith we bleached circular areas on the surface of single living 3T3 cells labeled with the fluorescent lipid analog NBD-HPC. Subsequently, the fluorescence recovery process was observed using the attenuated laser beam for excitation. This yielded image stacks representing snapshots of the spatial distribution of fluorescent molecules. From these we computed the radial distribution functions of the photobleached dye molecules. The variance of these distributions is linearly related to the diffusion constant, time, and the mobile fraction of the diffusing species. Furthermore, we compared directly the theoretically expected and measured distribution functions, and could thus determine the diffusion coefficient from each single image. The results of these two new evaluation methods (D = 0.3 +/- 0.1 micron 2/s) agreed well with the outcome of conventional fluorescence recovery measurements. We show that by scanning microphotolysis information on dynamical processes such as diffusion of lipids or proteins can be acquired at the superior spatial resolution of a confocal laser scanning microscope.  相似文献   

Understanding how behavioral diversity arises and is maintained is central to evolutionary biology. Genetically based inheritance has been a predominant research focus of the last century; however, nongenetic inheritance, such as social transmission, has become a topic of increasing interest [1]. How social information impacts behavior depends on the balance between information gathered directly through personal experience versus that gleaned through social interactions and on the diffusion of this information within groups [2, 3]. We investigate how female Drosophila melanogaster use social information under seminatural conditions and whether this information can spread and be maintained within a group, a prerequisite for establishing behavioral transmission [4]. We show that oviposition site choice is heavily influenced by previous social interactions. Naive observer flies develop a preference for the same egg-laying medium as experienced demonstrator flies conditioned to avoid one of two equally rewarding media. Surprisingly, oviposition site preference was socially transmitted from demonstrators to observers even when they interacted in a cage with only unflavored, pure agar medium, and even when the observer flies had previous personal experience with both rewarding media. Our findings shed light on the diffusion process of social information within groups, on its maintenance, and ultimately, on the roots of behavioral local adaptation.  相似文献   

Cumulative effect in social contagion underlies many studies on the spread of innovation, behavior, and influence. However, few large-scale empirical studies are conducted to validate the existence of cumulative effect in information diffusion on social networks. In this paper, using the population-scale dataset from the largest Chinese microblogging website, we conduct a comprehensive study on the cumulative effect in information diffusion. We base our study on the diffusion network of message, where nodes are the involved users and links characterize forwarding relationship among them. We find that multiple exposures to the same message indeed increase the possibility of forwarding it. However, additional exposures cannot further improve the chance of forwarding when the number of exposures crosses its peak at two. This finding questions the cumulative effect hypothesis in information diffusion. Furthermore, to clarify the forwarding preference among users, we investigate both structural motif in the diffusion network and temporal pattern in information diffusion process. Findings provide some insights for understanding the variation of message popularity and explain the characteristics of diffusion network.  相似文献   

As it is difficult for learners to discover and obtain the most appropriate resources from massive education resources according to traditional keyword searching method, the context-aware based resource recommendation service becomes a significant part of pervasive learning environments. At present, recommendation mechanisms are widely used in e-commerce field, where content-based or collaborative-based filter strategies are usually considered separately. However, in these existing recommendation mechanisms, the dynamic interests and preference of learners, the access pattern and the other attributes of pervasive learning environments (such as multi-modes connecting and resources distribution) are always neglected. Thus, these mechanisms can not effectively reflect learners’ actual preference and can not adapt to pervasive learning environments perfectly. To address these problems, a context-aware resource recommendation model and relevant recommendation algorithm for pervasive learning environments are proposed. Therein, with taking into account the relevant contextual information, the calculation of relevant degree between learners and resources can be divided into two main parts: logic-based RRD (resource relevant degree) and situation-based RRD. In the first part, content-based and collaborative-based recommendation mechanisms are combined together, where the individual preference tree (IPT) is introduced to take into account the multi-dimensional attributes of resources, learners’ rating matrix and the energy of access preference. Meanwhile, the learners’ historical sequential patterns of resource accessing are also considered to further improve the accuracy of recommendation. In the second part, in order to enhance the validation of recommendation, the connecting type relevance and time satisfaction degree are calculated according to other relevant contexts. Then, the candidate resources can be filtered and sorted via combining these two parts to generate (Top-N) recommendation results. The simulations show that our newly proposed method outperforms other state of-the-art algorithms on traditional and newly presented metrics and it may also be more suitable for pervasive learning environments. Finally, a prototype system is implemented based on SEU-ESP to demonstrate the relevant recommendation process further.  相似文献   

Since the dawn of civilisation visual communication played a role in everyday life. In the early times there were simply shaped drawings of animals, pictograms explaining hunting tactics or strategies of attacking the enemies. Through evolution visual expression becomes an important component of communication process on several levels, from the existential and economic level to the artistic level. However, there was always a question of the level of user reception of such visual information in the medium transmitting the information. Does physical positioning of information in the medium contribute to the efficiency of the message? Do the same rules of content positioning apply for traditional (offline) and online media (Internet)? Rapid development of information technology and Internet in almost all segments of contemporary life calls for defining the rules of designing and positioning multimedia online contents on web sites. Recent research indicates beyond doubt that the physical positioning of an online content on a web site significantly determines the quality of user's perception of such content. By employing the "Eye tracking" method it is possible to objectively analyse the level of user perception of a multimedia content on a web site. What is the first thing observed by the user after opening the web site and how does he/she visually search the online content? By which methods can this be investigated subjectively and objectively? How can the survey results be used to improve the creation of web sites and to optimise the positioning of relevant contents on the site? The answers to these questions will significantly improve the presentation of multimedia interactive contents on the Web.  相似文献   

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