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Abstract Ecosystem patterns and disturbance processes at one spatial scale often interact with processes at another scale, and the result of such cross-scale interactions can be nonlinear dynamics with thresholds. Examples of cross-scale pattern-process relationships and interactions among forest dieback, fire, and erosion are illustrated from northern New Mexico (USA) landscapes, where long-term studies have recently documented all of these disturbance processes. For example, environmental stress, operating on individual trees, can cause tree death that is amplified by insect mortality agents to propagate to patch and then landscape or even regional-scale forest dieback. Severe drought and unusual warmth in the southwestern USA since the late 1990s apparently exceeded species-specific physiological thresholds for multiple tree species, resulting in substantial vegetation mortality across millions of hectares of woodlands and forests in recent years. Predictions of forest dieback across spatial scales are constrained by uncertainties associated with: limited knowledge of species-specific physiological thresholds; individual and site-specific variation in these mortality thresholds; and positive feedback loops between rapidly-responding insect herbivore populations and their stressed plant hosts, sometimes resulting in nonlinear “pest” outbreak dynamics. Fire behavior also exhibits nonlinearities across spatial scales, illustrated by changes in historic fire regimes where patch-scale grazing disturbance led to regional-scale collapse of surface fire activity and subsequent recent increases in the scale of extreme fire events in New Mexico. Vegetation dieback interacts with fire activity by modifying fuel amounts and configurations at multiple spatial scales. Runoff and erosion processes are also subject to scale-dependent threshold behaviors, exemplified by ecohydrological work in semiarid New Mexico watersheds showing how declines in ground surface cover lead to non-linear increases in bare patch connectivity and thereby accelerated runoff and erosion at hillslope and watershed scales. Vegetation dieback, grazing, and fire can change land surface properties and cross-scale hydrologic connectivities, directly altering ecohydrological patterns of runoff and erosion. The interactions among disturbance processes across spatial scales can be key drivers in ecosystem dynamics, as illustrated by these studies of recent landscape changes in northern New Mexico. To better anticipate and mitigate accelerating human impacts to the planetary ecosystem at all spatial scales, improvements are needed in our conceptual and quantitative understanding of cross-scale interactions among disturbance processes.  相似文献   

Accurate density estimations of threatened animal populations is essential for management and conservation. This is particularly critical for species living in patchy and altered landscapes, as is the case for most tropical forest primates. In this study, we used a hierarchical modelling approach that incorporates the effect of environmental covariates on both the detection (i.e. observation) and the state (i.e. abundance) processes of distance sampling. We applied this method to already published data on three arboreal primates of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, including the endangered and endemic Udzungwa red colobus (Procolobus gordonorum). The area is a primate hotspot at continental level. Compared to previous, ‘canonical’ density estimates, we found that the inclusion of covariates in the modelling makes the inference process more informative, as it takes in full account the contrasting habitat and protection levels among forest blocks. The correction of density estimates for imperfect detection was especially critical where animal detectability was low. Relative to our approach, density was underestimated by the canonical distance sampling, particularly in the less protected forest. Group size had an effect on detectability, determining how the observation process varies depending on the socio-ecology of the target species. Lastly, as the inference on density is spatially-explicit to the scale of the covariates used in the modelling, we could confirm that primate densities are highest in low-to-mid elevations, where human disturbance tend to be greater, indicating a considerable resilience by target monkeys in disturbed habitats. However, the marked trend of lower densities in unprotected forests urgently calls for effective forest protection.  相似文献   

Availabilities of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) have a strong influence on plant growth and the species composition of savannas, but it is not clear how these availabilities depend on factors such as fire, N2-fixation, and activities of wild herbivores and cattle. We quantified soil N and P availabilities in various ways (extractable pools, mineralization, resin adsorption) along vegetation gradients within a recently abandoned cattle ranch and a former game reserve in Tanzania (both areas now part of the Saadani National Park). We also assessed annual N and P balances to evaluate how long-term availabilities of N and P are affected by large herbivores, symbiotic N2-fixation, and fire. The results show that cattle ranching led to a spatial re-distribution of nutrients, with the local accumulation of P being stronger and more persistent than that of N. In the former game reserve, intensively grazed patches of short grass tended to have elevated soil N and P availabilities; however, because quantities of nutrients removed through grazing exceeded returns in dung and urine, the nutrient balances of these patches were negative. In dense Acacia stands, N2-fixation increased N availability and caused a net annual N input. Fire was the major cause for nutrient losses from tallgrass savanna, and estimated N inputs from the atmosphere and symbiotic N2-fixation were insufficient to compensate for these losses. Our results call into question the common assumption that N budgets in annually burned savanna are balanced; rather, these ecosystems are a mosaic of patches with both N enrichment and impoverishment, which vary according to the vegetation type.  相似文献   

Substantial attention has been given in recent years to forest and peatland degradation, transboundary haze, and biodiversity and economic impacts associated with major fire events in perhumid western Indonesia. Conversely, little information is available concerning underpinning conditions associated with burning practices and resultant fire patterns in other parts of the Indonesian archipelago, especially in markedly seasonally dry regions. As part of a broader study examining the patterning and drivers of burning in the monsoonal province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), the paper explores cultural, socioeconomic, biophysical, and, in discussion, political dimensions associated with landscape-scale patterns of burning at each of two village locations on the islands of Sumba and Flores. Assembled data illustrate that: (1) study villages are reliant on a range of subsistence agricultural activities, particularly annual food crops, livestock (especially pigs), and forest products; (2) while villages encompass mostly extensive areas of grassland savanna, proportionately most income/products are derived from limited areas of arable agricultural and very diminished forested lands; (3) despite this, considerable economic potential exists for developing certain tree products especially in agro-forestry settings, and more intensive livestock management; (4) these patterns are representative generally of surrounding regional agricultural landscapes. While burning is used as an essential agricultural management tool in defined seasonal contexts in all study villages, the reality is that today much burning is unmanaged and uncontrolled, with attendant significant economic impacts. As for western Indonesia, underlying drivers of such behavior are multiple and complex, but pointedly include: rapid societal change; conflicts within and between villages, and between villages and regulatory authorities (especially the Forestry Department), over access to land and resources; and continued nonrecognition in national and provincial fire policy frameworks of the practical necessity for using fire (wisely and safely) in many agricultural contexts. It is axiomatic that, without effective fire management and a supportive policy environment, sustainable livelihoods development will continue to be elusive in fire-prone savanna landscapes of eastern Indonesia.  相似文献   



Anthropogenic land use may influence transmission of multi-host vector-borne pathogens by changing diversity, relative abundance, and community composition of reservoir hosts. These reservoir hosts may have varying competence for vector-borne pathogens depending on species-specific characteristics, such as life history strategy. The objective of this study is to evaluate how anthropogenic land use change influences blood meal species composition and the effects of changing blood meal species composition on the parasite infection rate of the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius pallescens in Panama.

Methodology/Principal Findings

R. pallescens vectors (N = 643) were collected in different habitat types across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance. Blood meal species in DNA extracted from these vectors was identified in 243 (40.3%) vectors by amplification and sequencing of a vertebrate-specific fragment of the 12SrRNA gene, and T. cruzi vector infection was determined by pcr. Vector infection rate was significantly greater in deforested habitats as compared to contiguous forests. Forty-two different species of blood meal were identified in R. pallescens, and species composition of blood meals varied across habitat types. Mammals (88.3%) dominated R. pallescens blood meals. Xenarthrans (sloths and tamanduas) were the most frequently identified species in blood meals across all habitat types. A regression tree analysis indicated that blood meal species diversity, host life history strategy (measured as rmax, the maximum intrinsic rate of population increase), and habitat type (forest fragments and peridomiciliary sites) were important determinants of vector infection with T. cruzi. The mean intrinsic rate of increase and the skewness and variability of rmax were positively associated with higher vector infection rate at a site.


In this study, anthropogenic landscape disturbance increased vector infection with T. cruzi, potentially by changing host community structure to favor hosts that are short-lived with high reproductive rates. Study results apply to potential environmental management strategies for Chagas disease.  相似文献   

Studying large mammal species in tropical forests is a conservation challenge with species’ behavior and ecology often increasing the probability of non‐detection during surveys. Consequently, knowledge of the distribution, status, and natural history of many large mammal species in Southeast Asia is limited. I developed occupancy models from camera‐trapping data, thereby accounting for imperfect detection at sampling sites, to clarify the status and habitat requirements of four globally threatened or near threatened large mammals (banteng Bos javanicus, gaur Bos gaurus, dhole Cuon alpinus, and leopard Panthera pardus) in Mondulkiri Protected Forest, eastern Cambodia. Camera traps were operational for >3500 trap nights with 202 photographic encounters of the four study species. Model averaged occupancy estimates were between 5 percent (leopard) and 140 percent (gaur) higher than naive estimates (i.e., proportion of camera‐trap sites species recorded from) thus highlighting the importance of accounting for detectability during conservation surveys. I recommend the use of an occupancy framework when using camera‐trap data to study the status, ecology, and habitat preferences of poorly known and elusive species. The results highlight the importance of mixed deciduous and semi‐evergreen forest for wild cattle in eastern Cambodia and I emphasize that these habitats must be considered in conservation planning across the Lower Mekong Dry Forest Ecoregion.  相似文献   

Much recent literature explores controlled burning practices used by people of different cultures to manipulate landscapes. Because humans have only recently been able to suppress fires occurring at larger scales these studies focus on activities occurring at the scale of sites as making the greatest contribution to creating cultural landscapes. In this study we examine the role of fire in the construction of Anishinaabe cultural landscapes in the boreal forest of northwestern Ontario. Through our work with elders of Pikangikum First Nation we examined Anishinaabe knowledge and relationships to fire occurring across spatial and temporal scales. Pikangikum residents perceive forest fires as beings which possesses agency and who intentionally create order in landscapes. This notion suggests that cultural landscapes are more than the physical remains of the sum of human activities. The possibility of non-human agents having a role in the creation of meaningful spaces prompts us to call for a reassessment both of the scale of inquiry and the nature of cultural landscapes. We conclude with a discussion of the benefits and potential constraints to inclusion of indigenous cultural landscapes in current co-management arrangements.  相似文献   

Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) savannas depend on contiguous grass cover to facilitate frequent surface fires. Enhanced flowering, seed production, and germination may be linked to season of fires. We assessed the effect of month of prescribed fire (February, April, May, and July) on percentage of plants with flowering culms (FCs%), FC/area, FC/plant, seed production, and germination for five warm seasons, fall‐flowering grasses. Multivariate analysis indicated the response of flowering and fruiting to burn month varied among the grass species. The dominant species, Sporobolus junceus and Schizachyrium scoparium var. stoloniferum, had greater numbers of most flowering characteristics when burnt during April, May, and July. Aristida purpurascens had increased FC/plant after May and July burns. In contrast, Ar. mohrii had the fewest FC/plant and seeds/FC when burnt in July. Germination was greatest (26–60%) for Ar. purpurascens. Seeds collected following July burns for Ar. purpurascens and Ar. ternarius and after May burns for S. junceus were within the highest germination values recorded. Germination of Sc. scoparium var. stoloniferum was very low after February and July burns (≤5%). With Ar. mohrii, only seed collected following February (2%) and April burns (3%) germinated. April, May, and July fires increased seed production of dominant matrix grasses, thus facilitating the potential for recruitment of these species and facilitating seed collection from potential donor sites for ground‐layer restoration projects. Varying prescribed fire burn month captured variation in flowering characteristics among these grasses.  相似文献   

Increased understanding of the influence of habitat (e.g., composition, patch size) and intrinsic (e.g., age, birth mass) factors on survival of neonatal pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) is a prerequisite to successful management programs, particularly as they relate to population dynamics and the role of population models in adaptive species management. Nevertheless, few studies have presented empirical data quantifying the influence of habitat variables on survival of neonatal pronghorn. During 2002–2005, we captured and radiocollared 116 neonates across two sites in western South Dakota. We documented 31 deaths during our study, of which coyote (Canis latrans) predation (n = 15) was the leading cause of mortality. We used known fate analysis in Program MARK to investigate the influence of intrinsic and habitat variables on neonatal survival. We generated a priori models that we grouped into habitat and intrinsic effects. The highest-ranking model indicated that neonate mortality was best explained by site, percent grassland, and open water habitat; 90-day survival (0.80; 90% CI = 0.71–0.88) declined 23% when grassland and water increased from 80.1 to 92.3% and 0.36 to 0.40%, respectively, across 50% natal home ranges. Further, our results indicated that grassland patch size and shrub density were important predictors of neonate survival; neonate survival declined 17% when shrub density declined from 5.0 to 2.5 patches per 100 ha. Excluding the site covariates, intrinsic factors (i.e., sex, age, birth mass, year, parturition date) were not important predictors of survival of neonatal pronghorns. Further, neonatal survival may depend on available land cover and interspersion of habitats. We have demonstrated that maintaining minimum and maximum thresholds for habitat factors (e.g., percentages of grassland and open water patches, density of shrub patches) throughout natal home ranges will in turn, ensure relatively high (>0.50) neonatal survival rates, especially as they relate to coyote predation. Thus, landscape level variables (particularly percentages of open water, grassland habitats, and shrub density) should be incorporated into the development or implementation of pronghorn management plans across sagebrush steppe communities of the western Dakotas, and potentially elsewhere within the geographic range of pronghorn.  相似文献   

Floristic differences between cattle-grazed and macropod-grazed sites (protected from domestic stock by enclosure within a Holocene lava flow) were examined in Eucalyptus savanna in north Queensland, Australia. While macropod-grazed sites have had a lower incidence of fire than the cattle-grazed sites, it seems probable that grazing impacts per se are the major differences between these treatments. One dominant (Capillipedium parviflorum) and another common (Sehima nervosa) native perennial grass in the macropod-grazed treatment were not recorded within the cattle-grazed treatment. There was generally a lower species richness and Shannon-Weaver diversity of perennial forbs in the cattle-grazed treatment compared to the macropod-grazed treatment. There was higher richness, diversity, and abundance of annual grasses in the cattle-grazed treatment compared to the macropod-grazed treatment. The relative richness of native and exotic species was not significantly affected by cattle grazing.  相似文献   

Elephant and fire are considered to be among the most important agents that can modify the African savanna ecosystem. Although the synergistic relationship between these two key ecological drivers is well documented, it has proved much more difficult to establish the relative effects they have on savanna vegetation structure at a fine-scale over time. In this study, we explore the comparative impacts of fire and elephant on 2,522 individually identified large trees (≥5 m in height) in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Data were collected from 21 transects first surveyed in April 2006 and resurveyed in November 2008, to determine the relative importance of past damage by these agents on subsequent impacts and mortality. The occurrence of fire or elephant damage in 2006 affected the amount of tree volume subsequently removed by both these agents; elephant removed more tree volume from previously burned trees and the impact of subsequent fire was higher on previously burned or elephant-utilized trees than on undamaged trees. Mortality was also affected by an interaction between previous and recent damage, as the probability of mortality was highest for trees that suffered from fire or elephant utilization after being pushed over. Subsequent fire damage, but not elephant utilization, on debarked trees also increased the probability of mortality. Mortality was twice (4.6% per annum) that of trees progressing into the ≥5 m height class, suggesting an overall decline in large tree density during the 30-month study period. The responses of large trees were species and landscape-specific in terms of sensitivity to elephant and fire impacts, as well as for levels of mortality and progression into the ≥5 m height class. These results emphasize the need for fine-scale site-specific knowledge for effective landscape level understanding of savanna dynamics.  相似文献   

The Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) occurs throughout the Holarctic region in wooded environments. Changes in food supply and breeding habitat, along with human encroachment into otherwise suitable habitat, have negatively impacted the goshawk in some regions. Thus, conservation of the species requires coordinated planning to restore and manage both habitat and human activities in goshawk territories. Using our work in the Sierra Nevada (Lake Tahoe Basin) as a case study, we investigated why territories were abandoned and identified actions needed to reverse conditions negatively impacting goshawks that should lead to more successful goshawk conservation worldwide. We summarized all nesting records available on the goshawk in the Basin, quantified human activity levels within and near frequently and infrequently occupied territories, and described the forest structure and species composition of territories and related these parameters to goshawk territory occupancy. As we hypothesized, reproductive success was higher within frequently occupied territories. Human activity was twice as high within infrequently as compared to frequently occupied territories. There was a greater extent of all types of roads and trails within the infrequently occupied territories. Our findings, along with results from Europe, suggest that goshawk protection has been insufficient in some regions and actions that will reduce anthropogenic disturbance should be initiated, including reducing and re‐routing human activity, and reducing the extent of roads and trails within territories. We provide guidance on how to prioritize territories for restoration.  相似文献   

In a mosaic landscape in N‐Belgium (W‐Europe), consisting of forest, grassland, and wooded pasture on former agricultural land, we assessed nitrogen redistribution by free‐ranging cattle (±0.2 animal units ha?1 yr?1). We examined if the spatial redistribution of nitrogen among habitats by cattle could restore nutrient‐poor conditions in preferred foraging habitats, and conversely whether such translocation could lead to extreme eutrophication in preferred resting habitats. We used nitrogen content of different diet classes, habitat use, foraging and defecation behavior, weight gain, and nitrogen losses in the actual situation to explore four different habitat proportion scenarios and two different foraging strategies to calculate a net nitrogen balance per habitat. An atmospheric deposition of 30 kg N ha?1 yr?1 with varying interception factors according to the habitat types was included in an integrated nitrogen balance. All scenarios showed a net nitrogen transport from grassland and wooded pasture to forest habitat. We found that nitrogen redistribution strongly depends on habitat proportion. Nitrogen losses from preferred grassland habitat can be high, given its proportion is small. Depletion is only to be expected at excretion‐free areas and probably is of minor importance to trigger the establishment of woody species. In general, nitrogen transported by cattle was much lower than input by atmospheric deposition, but grazing can compensate for high N inputs in excretion‐free areas and maintain grassland types that support critical loads of 20–25 kg N ha?1 yr?1. In none of the scenarios, N transport by cattle resulted in the exceeding of critical nitrogen loads to vulnerable forest ground vegetation.  相似文献   

In coarse-grained environments specialists are generally predicted to dominate. Empirically, however, coexistence with generalists is often observed. We present a simple, but previously unrecognized, mechanism for coexistence of a habitat generalist and a number of habitat specialist species. In our model all species have a metapopulation structure in a landscape consisting of patches of different habitat types, governed by local extinction and colonization. Each specialist is limited to its specific type of habitat. The generalist can use more types of habitat, has a lower local competitive ability but can exploit patches left open by the specialists. Our modeling shows that coexistence is easily possible. The mechanism amounts to a colonization/competition trade-off at the landscape level, where the colonization advantage of the inferior competitor does not arise from a higher colonization rate but from its ability to use more types of habitat. Habitat availability has to be intermediate: when there are few patches of each habitat, only the generalist is able to maintain itself and when there are many patches, high propagule pressure of the specialists excludes the generalist. Habitat selection or temporal variations in relative habitat quality are not necessary for coexistence. Increased niche-width, colonization rate or local competitive ability of the generalist enhances its performance compared to the specialists. Various types of habitat degradation favour generalism. When able to use a broad range of habitats, generalists can generate so much propagule pressure that only a low level of local competitive ability is needed to globally exclude the specialists. Hence, in a reversal of the original problem, the question is why there are so many specialist metapopulations?  相似文献   

The alarming rate of deforestation in Madagascar is driving some endemic primates to extinction. Surprisingly, anthropogenic habitat disturbance is not always deleterious. The effect of disturbance on lemur abundance may be related to diet, with frugivorous species more prone to population declines than folivores or insectivores. To test the effects of disturbance on lemur abundance and group size, we surveyed 2 sites within contiguous forest at Ranomafana National Park, 1 lightly disturbed primary forest (Vato) and 1 heavily logged forest (Tala). We quantified forest structure variables along 6 survey routes and conducted 68 diurnal and 42 nocturnal lemur surveys. Canopy closure, canopy height, and understory visibility were greater in Vato than in Tala. We encountered 2 frugivorous lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons, Varecia variegata) and 1 folivore (Avahi peyrierasi) significantly more frequently in Vato than in Tala, whereas the opposite was true for the insectivorous Microcebus rufus. Rates did not differ statistically for 1 frugivore (Eulemur rubriventer) and 2 folivores (Propithecus edwardsi, Hapalemur griseus). Comparisons across the 6 survey routes suggest that the abundance was heterogeneous within as well as between sites. Neither group size nor composition differed between sites. Encounter rates for Varecia variegata were positively related to canopy closure, and encounter rates for Avahi peyrierasi were positively related to canopy height. Encounter rates for Microcebus rufus were negatively related to canopy closure, height, and understory visibility. Similar to other studies, the results suggest that some lemurs, including folivores, may cope with anthropogenic disturbance better than others, including some frugivores. Lemur abundance is heterogeneous, though, even on small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Fire is an important agent of disturbance in tropical savannas, but relatively few studies have analyzed how soil-and-litter dwelling arthropods respond to fire disturbance despite the critical role these organisms play in nutrient cycling and other biogeochemical processes. Following the incursion of a fire into a woodland savanna ecological reserve in Central Brazil, we monitored the dynamics of litter-arthropod populations for nearly two years in one burned and one unburned area of the reserve. We also performed a reciprocal transplant experiment to determine the effects of fire and litter type on the dynamics of litter colonization by arthropods. Overall arthropod abundance, the abundance of individual taxa, the richness of taxonomic groups, and the species richness of individual taxa (Formiciade) were lower in the burned site. However, both the ordinal-level composition of the litter arthropod fauna and the species-level composition of the litter ant fauna were not dramatically different in the burned and unburned sites. There is evidence that seasonality of rainfall interacts with fire, as differences in arthropod abundance and diversity were more pronounced in the dry than in the wet season. For many taxa the differences in abundance between burned and unburned sites were maintained even when controlling for litter availability and quality. In contrast, differences in abundance for Collembola, Formicidae, and Thysanoptera were only detected in the unmanipulated samples, which had a lower amount of litter in the burned than in the unburned site throughout most of our study period. Together these results suggest that arthropod density declines in fire-disturbed areas as a result of direct mortality, diminished resources (i.e., reduced litter cover) and less favorable microclimate (i.e., increased litter desiccation due to reduction in tree cover). Although these effects were transitory, there is evidence that the increasingly prevalent fire return interval of only 1–2 years may jeopardize the long-term conservation of litter arthropod communities.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are aerial hemiparasitic plants which occupy patches of favorable habitat (host trees) surrounded by unfavorable habitat and may be possibly modeled as a metapopulation. A metapopulation is defined as a subdivided population that persists due to the balance between colonization and extinction in discrete habitat patches. Our aim was to evaluate the dynamics of the mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus and its host Vochysia thyrsoidea in three Brazilian savanna areas using a metapopulation approach. We also evaluated how the differences in terms of fire occurrence affected the dynamic of those populations (two areas burned during the study and one was fire protected). We monitored the populations at six-month intervals. P. robustus population structure and dynamics met the expected criteria for a metapopulation: i) the suitable habitats for the mistletoe occur in discrete patches; (ii) local populations went extinct during the study and (iii) colonization of previously non-occupied patches occurred. The ratio of occupied patches decreased in all areas with time. Local mistletoe populations went extinct due to two different causes: patch extinction in area with no fire and fire killing in the burned areas. In a burned area, the largest decrease of occupied patch ratios occurred due to a fire event that killed the parasites without, however, killing the host trees. The greatest mortality of V. thyrsoidea occurred in the area without fire. In this area, all the dead trees supported mistletoe individuals and no mortality was observed for parasite-free trees. Because P. robustus is a fire sensitive species and V. thyrsoidea is fire tolerant, P. robustus seems to increase host mortality, but its effect is lessened by periodic burning that reduces the parasite loads.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluated 6 years of vegetation response following prescribed fire in Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. wyomingensis) steppe on vegetation cover, productivity, and nutritional quality of forbs preferred by greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), and abundance of common arthropod orders. Habitat cover (shrubs and tall herbaceous cover [>18 cm ht]) was about 50% lower after burning compared to unburned controls because of the loss of sagebrush. Perennial grasses and an invasive annual forb, pale alyssum (Alyssum alyssoides), increased in cover or yield after fire. There were no increases in yield or nutritional quality of forb species important in diets of sage-grouse. Abundance of ants (Hymenoptera), a significant component in the diet of young sage-grouse, decreased after fire. These results suggest that prescribed fire will not improve habitat characteristics for sage-grouse in Wyoming big sagebrush steppe where the community consists of shrubs, native grasses, and native forbs.  相似文献   

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