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<正>2016年6月28日,笔者与宁波市镇海区农林局工作人员在镇海区兴丰村渔塘(121°37′45″N,29°58′24″E)救助大型鸟类1只,经鉴定为红脚鲣鸟(Sula sula),通过查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美2011)和"浙江鸟类名录更新"(Chen et al.2012),确认为浙江首次发现。该鸟为红脚鲣鸟亚成近成鸟,初级飞羽和覆羽呈暗褐  相似文献   

我们于1974年11月至1975年1月在祖国的西沙群岛的永乐群岛和宣德群岛的主要岛屿分别进行了生物考察。特别对和五岛(东岛)盛产的红脚鲣鸟的生活环境及习性作了一些考察,兹报道如下: 一、红脚鲣鸟的生活环境与习性 红脚鲣鸟 Sula sula rubripes是我国西沙群岛最常见的一种海鸟(见图1、2)。成千上万只居住在西沙群  相似文献   

2010年5月23日,作者在衡水湖国家级湿地自然保护区(东经115°27′45″~115°42′6″、北纬37°31′39″~7°42′18″)滩涂和浅水地带的芦苇丛边际拍摄到1只鹮科鸟类,经查阅资料(Zheng,  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月16日,在开展西藏第二次陆生脊椎动物资源调查时于昌都地区贡觉县阿旺乡阿益二村的一个山坡(98°35'46.2″E,30°34'36.4″N,海拔4291 m)拍摄到1只停息在电线上的雄性红脚隼Falco amurensis。形态描述如下:头、背暗石板灰黑色,腰和初级飞羽外翈灰褐色,喉、颈侧及胸蓝灰色,腋羽和翼下覆羽白色,臀棕色,蜡膜和脚橙黄色。发现地点植被为杜鹃灌丛与嵩草草甸。此地还发现大Buteo hemilasius和藏狐Vulpes errilata。中国西藏藏南地区曾多次记录到数十只迁徙  相似文献   

河北衡水湖湿地水鸟调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年10月~2007年12月,调杳了衡水湖湿地的水鸟组成,记录到水鸟8目18科53属118种.国家重点保护鸟类Ⅰ级4种、Ⅱ级13种.其中古北界鸟类占绝对优势,有85种(72.03%);广布种次之,23种(19.49%);东洋界最少,有10种(8.47%).居留类型中,留鸟3种(2.54%),夏候鸟36种(30.51%),冬候鸟12种(10.17%),旅鸟67种(56.78%).按生境特点分为滩涂、沿湖和水域3种,沿湖种类最多.  相似文献   

河北衡水湖两栖爬行动物的多样性及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩九皋 《四川动物》2007,26(2):356-357,361
衡水湖保护区有两栖爬行动物22种,其中,两栖动物2目4科4属7种,爬行动物2目5科10属15种。对两栖爬行动物资源的保护进行了探讨。  相似文献   

去年河北兴隆县克梨木文化站在该区一洞穴中发现了仓鼠、熊、狍、鹿、蝙蝠、鸟类以及小旋螺等化石,一些动物遗骸有被火烧过的痕迹。据调查,兴隆境内的雾灵山发育有众多的石灰岩溶洞,这次化石的发现为今后在该区进行洞穴第四纪工作和寻找化石提供了依据。  相似文献   

<正> 1980年5月25日,在河北省围场县城北部100公里的姜家店公社二道沟大队三道沟门,社员徐凤海挖房基时,发现披毛犀骨胳一部分。其中有头盖骨,前后腿骨、肩胛骨、脊椎骨等。出土地点为东经118°,北纬42.5°的一个向南偏东的土坎下。土坎高12米,上为7米深的黄土层,下为5米深的沙土层。首先发现的是头盖骨化石,仰埋在沙土层的5米深处,在头盖骨的周围继续发现了上述其他骨胳化石。  相似文献   

正2013年7月8日,笔者在河北省唐山市乐亭县马头营镇捞鱼尖村(39°9'N,118°52'E)救助了1只短尾鹱(Puffinus tenuirostris),经过45 d的人工喂养,待其康复后于2013年8月22日在原发现地放飞。其身体呈纺锤形,喙黑色且尖端有钩,鼻孔开于角质管内,开孔向上且位于嘴峰基部,头顶黑色,喉部较头顶颜色略浅,颈短,上体  相似文献   

<正>马上就是圣诞节了,糖妹我挂在床头装礼物的袜子,还没准备好。我想我需要一双蓝色的袜子,这样圣诞老人将云朵装进去的时候,才会有蓝天白云的恬淡感觉。但是,现在我正在加拉帕戈斯群岛考察,这里的"特产"除了海鬣蜥,还有蓝脚鲣鸟……等一等,我看着蓝脚鲣鸟的蓝脚丫,突然有了个好主意:"请问,你能把脚上的蓝袜子借给我吗,蓝脚鲣鸟?"  相似文献   

The 'division-of-labour' hypothesis predicts that males and females perform different roles in parental care and that natural selection acts differently on each sex so as to produce different body size optima suited to their particular roles. Reversed sexual size dimorphism in avian species (females larger than males) may therefore be an adaptive consequence of different roles of males and females in parental care. We investigated patterns of nest attendance, brooding, foraging and provisioning rate in a tropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula , a species showing a reversed sexual size dimorphism. During incubation, females attended the nest more often than males, and spent more time brooding the small chick than did males during daytime. Males and females did not differ in the average duration of their foraging trips. During incubation, there was a positive relationship between nest attendance and the duration of foraging trips in males, but not in females. During the small-chick stage, for the same time spent at the nest, males spent significantly more time than females at sea. On average, females fed the chick more often than did males. In males, there was a significant and positive relationship between the probability of feeding the chick and the duration of the foraging trip, whereas in females, this probability was much less dependent on the duration of the foraging trip. Overall, female Red-footed Boobies achieved slightly, but significantly, more parental commitment than did males. However, these sexual differences in parental participation were small, suggesting a minimal division of labour in the Red-footed Booby. Our results suggest that the division of labour hypothesis is unlikely to explain fully the adult size dimorphism in Red-footed Boobies.  相似文献   

河北省境内发现黑头剑蛇   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙晓煜  雷隽  丁利 《动物学杂志》2013,48(1):139-140
2012年7月22日,于河北省承德市兴隆县密兴路获得黑头剑蛇(Sibynophis chinensis)成年标本1例,黑头剑蛇首次于河北省境内发现.标本现存于中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物标本馆.  相似文献   

2019年5月6日上午8时,在河北省邢台市浆水镇香炉寨村北部,浆水川河道西岸的树上拍摄到一只领雀嘴鹎。  相似文献   

Early life is a critical phase of the life cycle of animals and is attracting increased attention because little information is available on the behaviour of young individuals during this period. Behaviour during early life is probably influenced by the environmental conditions encountered by young animals, but data on intraspecific variation between breeding sites during this crucial period of life are limited. Here we study variability in the foraging behaviour of juveniles and adults in three colonies of a pantropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula. Both adults and juveniles were measured and fitted with GPS loggers in three remote islands: Genovesa (Galapagos, Eastern Pacific Ocean), Europa (Western Indian Ocean) and Surprise (New Caledonia, Western Pacific Ocean). Foraging behaviour was compared between age-classes, sex and colonies by examining trip characteristics, different behaviours at sea, potential associations between individuals and morphological characteristics. Compared with adults, juveniles conducted shorter trips that were restricted to around the colony, especially on Genovesa (max. range: 203.4 ± 125.1 km and 3.6 ± 3.1 km, respectively). Juveniles appeared more constrained by poor flight skills and experience rather than by their morphology. Adults travelled 45% of the time during at-sea trips, whereas juveniles spent a a lower proportion of time travelling but foraged more often using an area-restricted search’ behaviour, potentially training to catch prey. Associations between juveniles were commonly detected in the three colonies and occurred mostly during foraging, suggesting that social learning is an important strategy. Variability of morphometric measurements in both adults and juveniles was high between sites, with larger birds found on Genovesa. These results suggest that adaptations to local environmental conditions are already visible in their early life. Future studies should continue to investigate the behavioural flexibility of juvenile birds to better understand the effect of local environmental conditions during this critical stage of life.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of corticosterone often mirror changes in body condition and parental effort. In seabirds, the brooding of young chicks is often paralleled by a marked decline in adult body condition. This may reflect the trade-off between the needs of the chick to be fed regularly and brooded, and that of the adult to spend enough time at sea to restore its body reserves and find food for the chick. In this paper, we describe changes in body condition and baseline corticosterone levels in a tropical seabird, the Red-footed Booby Sula sula , in which the chick is continuously brooded for 5–6 weeks. Body condition did not decline during the brooding period. Female body condition remained stable throughout breeding whereas male body condition declined significantly during the late chick-rearing period. Baseline corticosterone levels were low during the prelaying phase, increased significantly during incubation and were highest during the brooding period. Later in the chick-rearing period, baseline corticosterone levels decreased markedly in females, but stayed elevated in males. There was no correlation between baseline corticosterone and body condition. Because of the chick's slow growth and reduced daily need for food, brooding in Red-footed Boobies may not require a marked increase in parental effort, and the rise in corticosterone levels is probably more a reflection of slight changes in foraging activity. Red-footed Booby males are 15% smaller than females and we suggest that the decline in male body condition during the late chick-rearing period is likely to result from higher energetic flight costs or a lower foraging efficiency imposed by a smaller body size.  相似文献   

水鸟是反映湿地生态系统状况的指示物种,水鸟多样性保护优先区识别对自然保护区功能区划和湿地保护修复具有重要意义。于2020年5月-2021年4月,开展了衡水湖自然保护区水鸟群落的调查监测,采用GIS软件和结构方程模型等分析其不同区域水鸟群落结构和季节性变化、水鸟多样性分布格局及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)衡水湖自然保护区不同区域均表现出以雁鸭类等游禽为优势种的水鸟群落特征,衡水湖西湖和滏东排河的水鸟物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数最高,衡水湖东湖的水鸟种群数量最大,滏阳新河的鸻鹬类种群数量相对较大。(2)不同区域水鸟群落具有明显的季节性变化特征,春夏季涉禽数量明显增多,但仅在衡水湖自然保护区东湖、西湖和滏阳新河成为水鸟群落的优势种;9月之后各区域游禽种数和种群数量占比均明显上升,雁鸭类成为优势种群。(3)水鸟物种丰富度和种群数量较高的区域主要在自然保护区的湿地恢复区、滏东排河和小湖隔堤两侧等地;不同类群水鸟的空间分布格局差异较大,雁鸭类分布较为分散,鸻鹬类、鹤鹳类水鸟分布更为集中;栖息地状况是影响衡水湖水鸟多样性的主要因素。(4)衡水湖水鸟保护优先区包括湿地恢复区及周边区域、南李庄鱼塘、良心庄鱼塘及周边区域、东湖的姊妹东岛、小湖隔堤两侧等5个区域,占保护区总面积的8.94%。研究结果为衡水湖自然保护区的功能区划、水鸟保护策略制定、栖息地保护修复提供了相关依据。  相似文献   

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