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In this study, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to track differences among human and animal isolates of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica species. One hundred and sixty representative strains of these species orginated from international and Polish bacterial collections were genotyped according to AFLP involving EcoRI/Msel and SpeI/ApaI restriction/ligation/amplification procedures. This study has confirmed high potential AFLP SpeI/ApaI procedure for intra-species differentiation of B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica strains. Both AFLP EcoRI/MseI and SpeI/ApaI procedures have been found to be useful for species-specific classification in case of B. pertussis strains. In case of B. bronchiseptica or B. parapertussis species-specific classification, SpeI/ApaI procedure has been found more precise than EcoRI/MseI one.  相似文献   

We determined the genomic organization of 14 clinical strains of Bordetella pertussis isolated over an 18-month period in Alberta, Canada. The maps of these 14 strains, while demonstrating general similarity of gene order, display a number of examples of genomic rearrangements in the form of large chromosomal inversions.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis, a gram-negative beta-proteobacterium, is the agent of whooping cough in humans. Whooping cough remains a public health problem worldwide, despite well-implemented infant/child vaccination programs. It continues to be endemic and is observed cyclically in vaccinated populations. Classical molecular subtyping methods indicate that genome diversity among B. pertussis isolates is limited. Although the whole bacterial genome has been studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the genes implicated in the diversity have not been identified. We developed a B. pertussis whole-genome DNA microarray representing over 91% of the predicted coding sequences of the sequenced strain Tohama I. Genomic DNA from clinical isolates with various pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profile patterns was competitively hybridized with the DNA microarray and coding sequences were classified as present, absent or duplicated. Our data strongly suggest that the B. pertussis population is dynamic. In France, with highly vaccinated population, the genetic diversity is low and decreasing with time, and clonal expansion correlates with cycles of the disease. This decrease in diversity is essentially due to loss of genes and pseudogenes. The genes deleted are most of the time flanked by insertion sequences.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight Bordetella pertussis isolates (obtained between 1994 and 2004 from the province of Ontario in Canada) were compared by the following phenotypic and genetic analyses: serotyping; pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; and partial DNA sequence analysis of their pertactin, pertussis toxin, and fimbriae genes. Although temporal genetic variations were observed among the isolates, which is consistent with the current view that B. pertussis evolves over time, no specific antigenic or genetic type was detected in 48 isolates collected shortly after the introduction of the acellular pertussis vaccine. Further surveillance with clinical data and isolates collected periodically will be required to ensure that any genetic divergence that could affect vaccine efficacy will not be occurring.  相似文献   

In Poland, where the wP vaccine has been used since 1960, pertussis rates increased in the mid-1990s. In 2012, the rate of pertussis recognised by surveillance was unexpectedly found to be two-fold higher than in the previous decade. Quality measures on potency and vaccine working seeds were introduced, to confirm the possible impact of manufacturing inconsistency or potency lowering on the observed increase in pertussis. Shewhart charts on potency values for lots released between 2001 and 2013 did not reveal any significant fluctuations. Working seeds of three vaccine strains used within last decade for wP manufacturing belong to the PFGE group III and were highly related. According to PFGE and SDS-PAGE data, all vaccine strains were found consistent according profiling on the genomic and protein levels. According to the sequencing data, they harboured ptxA2, ptxC1, prn1, fim2-1, fim3-1, tcfA2, ptxP1 and were assigned as MLST-2 type. Other factors apart from vaccine manufacturing inconsistency might be responsible for the increase in pertussis noted in 2012 in Poland.  相似文献   

The process of the detoxication of B. pertussis suspensions during their storage has a wave-like character and is determined by changes in the levels of the toxicity of the soluble and corpuscular fractions. Conditions facilitating the transition of toxic cellular products into the soluble state may lead to the increase of the toxic activity of pertussis vaccines.  相似文献   

Although a whole-cell pertussis vaccine was introduced in Pakistan in 1980, little is known about the pertussis prevalence and circulating strains in Pakistan. The aim of this study was to analyze Bordetella parapertussis isolates circulating between 2005 and 2009 in Pakistan and to compare them with those found in other countries during different periods. A total of 59 (7.35%) B.?parapertussis isolates from 802 subjects (median age, 3?years) from Pakistan, with pertussis-like symptoms were investigated. We carried out genotyping and DNA microarray analyses on these isolates and compared them with some international isolates of B.?parapertussis. We found that the allele for pertactin (prn) found in strains studied from Pakistan was identical to the predominant type found in Europe. We showed that B.?parapertussis isolates circulating in Pakistan are part of the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis group to those circulating in Finland during the period of 1982-2007. Finally, microarray analysis confirmed that the isolates collected in Pakistan, were quite similar to international strains. Overall, these results confirm that B.?parapertussis is extremely monomorphic. The high isolation rate of B.?parapertussis (7.35%) compared to Bordetella pertussis (0.5%) may suggest that the whole-cell vaccine used in Pakistan is effective against B.?pertussis (0.5% infections detected), but much less so against B.?parapertussis.  相似文献   

Two independent isolates of a Bordetella pertussis repeated DNA unit were sequenced and shown to be an insertion sequence element with five nucleotide differences between the two copies. The sequences were 1053 bp in length with near-perfect terminal inverted repeats of 28 bp, had three open reading frames, and were each flanked by short direct repeats. The two insertion sequences showed considerable homology to two other B. pertussis repeated DNA sequences reported recently: IS481 and a 530 bp repeated DNA unit. The B. pertussis insertion sequence would appear to comprise a group of closely related sequences differing mainly in flanking direct repeats and the terminal inverted repeats. The two isolates reported here, which were from the adenylate cyclase and agglutinogen 2 regions of the genome, were numbered IS48lvl and IS48lv2 respectively.  相似文献   

Zhang S  Xu Y  Zhou Z  Wang S  Yang R  Wang J  Wang L 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(15):4017-4018
Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent of pertussis. Here, we report the genome sequence of Bordetella pertussis strain CS, isolated from an infant patient in Beijing and widely used as a vaccine strain for production of an acellular pertussis vaccine in China.  相似文献   

Strains of B. pertussis isolated from patients in Moscow in 2001-2005 as well as strains included in locally produced diphtheria-tetanus-whole cell pertussis (DTP) vaccine were studied. Nucleotide sequences in genes of pertactin and S1-subunit of pertussis toxin of isolated strains, their immunobiological properties and opportunity to use for producing of the acellular pertussis vaccine were determined. Genes of pertactin and S1-subunit of pertussis toxin in the isolated wild strains differed from the same genes in strains included in the local DTP vaccine. Majority of the isolated strains belonged to serotype 1.0.3 and were markedly virulent.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical analysis of Bordetella pertussis antigens.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physico-chemical methods are being developed for use in the control and standardization of acellular pertussis vaccines and their individual components. We have compared native and detoxified preparations of the B. pertussis antigens, pertussis toxin (PT), filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), and the 69-kDa outer membrane protein (P69) using circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE and FPLC gel filtration chromatography. Upon aldehyde detoxification, PT underwent a large change in its intrinsic fluorescence maximum (8-10 nm red-shift) and a large increase in its apparent size, detected by chromatography. Polyacrylamide gels showed individual subunits of the same apparent molecular weight (M(r)) as well as some polypeptides of higher M(r). FHA also changed conformation (5-nm red-shift in intrinsic fluorescence) upon aldehyde detoxification, with a resultant increase in the M(r)of its major constituent. The P69 protein appeared quite robust to formaldehyde treatment as measured by the same methods. Its near-UV CD spectrum contains a prominent tryptophan band; so this method may be more suitable for observing differences in conformation. We also examined an aluminium-desorbed DTaP preparation by these methods. When used in conjunction with immunochemical and toxicological assays, these methods are informative and useful in the characterization of candidate standards and should be valuable methods for ensuring the consistency of manufactured vaccines.  相似文献   

The increasing incidence of pertussis in a number of countries, despite good vaccination coverage, is a cause for concern. We used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing to examine the genetic diversity of 101 clinical isolates of Bordetella pertussis, recovered during 1999-2001, and circulating in five different European countries to evaluate temporal and geographical distribution. This DNA fingerprinting approach seems to be a more discriminative epidemiological tool than sequencing of individual genes. Despite differences in vaccination policies in the five countries, these European isolates were found to be very similar and fell into the same major PFGE profile groups, with a predominance of one profile group. There was no evidence of geographic clustering, except that one new profile subgroup was predominantly found in one country. This study provides a baseline for continued surveillance of the B. pertussis population in Europe.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica contain nearly identical BvgAS signal-transduction systems that mediate a biphasic transition between virulent (Bvg+) and avirulent (Bvg) phases. In the Bvg+ phase, the two species express a similar set of adhesins and toxins, and in both organisms the transition to the Bvg phase occurs in response to the same environmental signals (low temperature or the presence of nicotinic acid or sulphate anion). These two species differ, however, with regard to Bvg-phase phenotypes, host specificity, the severity and course of the diseases they cause, and also potentially in their routes of transmission. To investigate the contribution of the virulence-control system to these phenotypic differences, we constructed a chimeric B. bronchiseptica strain containing bvgAS from B. pertussis and compared it with wild-type B. bronchiseptica in vitro and in vivo . The chimeric strain was indistinguishable from the wild type in its ability to express Bvg+- and Bvg-phase-specific factors. However, although the chimeric strain responded to the same signals as the wild type, it differed dramatically in sensitivity to these signals; significantly more nicotinic acid or MgSO4 was required to modulate the chimeric strain compared with the wild-type strain. Despite this difference in signal sensitivity, the chimeric strain was indistinguishable from the wild type in its ability to cause respiratory-tract infections in rats, indicating that the bvgAS loci of B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica are functionally interchangeable in vivo . By exchanging discrete fragments of bvgAS , we found that the periplasmic region of BvgS determines signal sensitivity.  相似文献   

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