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The goal of the present study was to discern the cellular mechanism(s) that contributes to the age-associated decrease in skeletal muscle aerobic capacity. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial content, a parameter of oxidative capacity, was significantly lower (25 and 20% calculated on the basis of citrate synthase and succinate dehydrogenase activities, respectively) in 24-mo-old Fischer 344 rats compared with 6-mo-old adult rats. Mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscle of both age groups had identical state 3 (ADP-stimulated) and ADP-stimulated maximal respiratory rates and phosphorylation potential (ADP-to-O ratios) with both nonlipid and lipid substrates. In contrast, mitochondria from 24-mo-old rats displayed significantly lower state 4 (ADP-limited) respiratory rates and, consequently, higher respiratory control ratios. Consistent with the tighter coupling, there was a 68% reduction in uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3) abundance in mitochondria from elderly compared with adult rats. Congruent with the respiratory studies, there was no age-associated decrease in carnitine palmitoyltransferase I and carnitine palmitoyltransferase II activities in isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria. However, there was a small, significant decrease in tissue total carnitine content. It is concluded that the in vivo observed decrease in skeletal muscle aerobic capacity with advanced age is a consequence of the decreased mitochondrial density. On the basis of the dramatic reduction of UCP-3 content associated with decreased state 4 respiration of skeletal muscle mitochondria from elderly rats, we propose that an increased free radical production might contribute to the metabolic compromise in aging.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the temporal changes in uncoupling protein (UCP)-3 expression, as well as related adaptive changes in mitochondrial density and fast-to-slow fiber type transitions during chronically enhanced contractile activity. We examined the effects of 1-42 days of chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation (CLFS), applied to rat tibialis anterior (TA) for 10 h/day, on the expression of UCP-3 and concomitant changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression and increases in oxidative capacity. UCP-3 protein content increased from 1 to 12 days, reaching 1.5-fold over control (P < 0.0005); it remained elevated for up to 42 days. In contrast, UCP-3 mRNA decreased in response to CLFS, reaching a level that was threefold lower than control (P < 0.0007). The activities of the mitochondrial reference enzymes citrate synthase (EC and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (EC, which are known to increase in proportion to mitochondrial density, progressively increased up to an average of 2.3-fold (P < 0.00001). These changes were accompanied by fast-to-slow fiber type transitions, characterized by a shift in the pattern of MHC expression (P <0.0002): MHCI and MHCIIa expression increased by 1.7- and 4-fold, whereas MHCIIb displayed a 2.4-fold reduction. We conclude that absolute increases in UCP-3 protein content in the early adaptive phase were associated with the genesis of mitochondria containing a normal complement of UCP-3. However, during exposure to long-term CLFS, mitochondria were generated with a lower complement of UCP-3 and coincided with the emergence of a growing population of oxidative type IIA fibers.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is a member of the mitochondrial transporter superfamily that is expressed primarily in skeletal muscle. UCP3 is upregulated in various conditions characterized by skeletal muscle atrophy, including hyperthyroidism, fasting, denervation, diabetes, cancer, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and treatment with glucocorticoids (GCs). The influence of sepsis, another condition characterized by muscle cachexia, on UCP3 expression and activity is not known. We examined UCP3 gene and protein expression in skeletal muscles from rats after cecal ligation and puncture and from sham-operated control rats. Sepsis resulted in a two- to threefold increase in both mRNA and protein levels of UCP3 in skeletal muscle. Treatment of rats with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-38486 prevented the sepsis-induced increase in gene and protein expression of UCP3. The UCP3 mRNA and protein levels were increased 2.4- to 3.6-fold when incubated muscles from normal rats were treated with dexamethasone (DEX) and/or free fatty acids (FFA) ex vivo. In addition, UCP3 mRNA and protein levels were significantly increased in normal rat muscles in vivo with treatment of either DEX or FFA. The results suggest that sepsis upregulates the gene and protein expression of UCP3 in skeletal muscle, which may at least in part be mediated by GCs and FFA.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic animals are vulnerable to cold stress. Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) play an important role in regulating thermogenesis. We investigated the gene expressions of UCPs in brown adipose tissue (BAT), white adipose tissue (WAT), liver and gastrocnemius muscle of STZ-diabetic rats using Northern blot. UCP-1, -2 and -3 mRNA expressions in BAT were all remarkably lower in STZ-diabetic rats than those in control rats. Both UCP-2 and -3 gene expressions in gastrocnemius muscle were substantially elevated in STZ-diabetic rats and insulin treatment restored UCP gene expressions to normal levels. These results suggest that in STZ-diabetic rats, the overexpression of UCP-2 and UCP-3 in skeletal muscle provides a defense against hypothermogenesis caused by decreased UCPs in BAT.  相似文献   

Metabolic alterations after surgical stress include peripheral insulin resistance and increased utilization of fat as a fuel substrate. An up-regulation of skeletal muscle uncoupling proteins (UCPs) has been associated with physiologic states of insulin resistance and enhanced fat metabolism in rodents. We examined whether posttraumatic insulin resistance induced the UCPs in gastrocnemius and soleus muscle and white adipose tissue in an experimental model of surgical trauma. Insulin sensitivity was significantly reduced in isolated soleus muscles but unchanged in adipocytes after trauma. In traumatized rats, mRNA and protein contents of UCP2 and UCP3 and were significantly increased in both muscle types. UCP2 protein content in adipose tissue was unaltered by surgical stress. Circulating NEFAs and glycerol were reduced after surgical trauma. We hypothesize that the changes in UCP2 and UCP3 gene and protein expression are involved in the regulation of substrate utilization in posttraumatic insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The ability of native uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) to uncouple mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is controversial. We measured the expression level of UCP3 and the proton conductance of skeletal muscle mitochondria isolated from transgenic mice overexpressing human UCP3 (UCP3-tg) and from UCP3 knockout (UCP3-KO) mice. The concentration of UCP3 in UCP3-tg mitochondria was approximately 3 microg/mg protein, approximately 20-fold higher than the wild type value. UCP3-tg mitochondria had increased nonphosphorylating respiration rates, decreased respiratory control, and approximately 4-fold increased proton conductance compared with the wild type. However, this increased uncoupling in UCP3-tg mitochondria was not caused by native function of UCP3 because it was not proportional to the increase in UCP3 concentration and was neither activated by superoxide nor inhibited by GDP. UCP3 was undetectable in mitochondria from UCP3-KO mice. Nevertheless, UCP3-KO mitochondria had unchanged respiration rates, respiratory control ratios, and proton conductance compared with the wild type under a variety of assay conditions. We conclude that uncoupling in UCP3-tg mice is an artifact of transgenic expression, and that UCP3 does not catalyze the basal proton conductance of skeletal muscle mitochondria in the absence of activators such as superoxide.  相似文献   

Capacity transients and slow asymmetric charge-movements are measured in frog skeletal muscle using the Vaseline-gap voltage-clamp technique. Capacity transients show a rapid phase lasting 10-30 microseconds, due to the charging of the surface membrane capacitance, and a slower phase lasting several milliseconds, consistent with the charging of the transverse tubular system (T-system). Exposure to isotonic CsF caused the ratio of the slowly-charging capacitance (Cslow) to the fast-charging capacitance to decline by 88 +/- 9% (n = 16). Electron micrographs of four fibers treated with CsF show disruption and disorganization of the T-system and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes and a greater than 90% decrease in the number of dyads and triads. The role of CsF was investigated: Fibers exposed to CsF internally or externally, exhibit slower and less complete loss of Cslow than fibers exposed both internally and externally. Little loss of Cslow occurs during the external exposure to CsF. The bulk of loss occurs only after the fiber is returned to Ca++-containing solution. Elevated external Ca++ causes more rapid and more complete loss of Cslow. The time-course of Cslow loss is gradual, occurring over a period of 10 min to 2 h. The progressive loss of Cslow is accompanied by a progressive decline in the peak of the slow asymmetric charge-movement and a progressive slowing of charge movement kinetics. These effects are qualitatively accounted for by including gradual tubular uncoupling in a distributed model of charge movement proposed by B. Simon and K. G. Beam (1985, J. Gen. Physiol., 85:21-42).  相似文献   

We sought a correlation between rat skeletal muscle triiodothyronine (T3)-mediated regulation of uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) expression and mitochondrial activity. UCP3 mRNA expression increased strongly during the hypothyroid-hyperthyroid transition. The rank order of mitochondrial State 3 and State 4 respiration rates was hypothyroid < euthyroid < hyperthyroid. The State 4 increase may have been due to the increased UCP3 expression, as the proton leak kinetic was stimulated in the hypothyroid-hyperthyroid transition and a good correlation exists between the State 4 and UCP3 mRNA level. As a significant proportion of an organism's resting oxygen consumption is dedicated to opposing the proton leak, skeletal muscle mitochondrial UCP3 may mediate part of T3's effect on energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Contraction-induced production of reactive oxygen species has been shown to cause oxidative stress to skeletal muscle. As an adaptive response, muscle antioxidant defense systems are upregulated in response to exercise. Nuclear factor kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase are two major oxidative-stress-sensitive signal transduction pathways that have been shown to activate the gene expression of a number of enzymes and proteins that play important roles in maintenance of intracellular oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis. This mini-review will discuss the main mechanisms and gene targets for these signaling pathways during exercise and the biological significance of the adaptation.  相似文献   

Buckwalter, John B., Patrick J. Mueller, and Philip S. Clifford. Autonomic control of skeletal muscle vasodilation duringexercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):2037-2042, 1997.Despite extensive investigation, the control ofblood flow during dynamic exercise is not fully understood. The purposeof this study was to determine whether -adrenergic or muscarinicreceptors are involved in the vasodilation in exercising skeletalmuscle. Six mongrel dogs were instrumented with ultrasonic flow probeson both external iliac arteries and with a catheter in a branch of onefemoral artery. The dogs exercised on a treadmill at 6 miles/h whiledrugs were injected intra-arterially into one hindlimb. Isoproterenol(0.2 µg) or acetylcholine (1 µg) elicited increases in iliac bloodflow of 89.8 ± 14.4 and 95.6 ± 17.4%, respectively, withoutaffecting systemic blood pressure or blood flow in the contralateraliliac artery. Intra-arterial propranolol (1 mg) or atropine (500 µg)had no effect on iliac blood flow, although they abolished theisoproterenol and acetylcholine-induced increases in iliac blood flow.These data indicate that exogenous activation of -adrenergic ormuscarinic receptors in the hindlimb vasculature increases blood flowto dynamically exercising muscle. More importantly, because neitherpropranolol nor atropine affected iliac blood flow, we conclude that-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors are not involved in the controlof blood flow to skeletal muscle during moderate steady-state dynamicexercise in dogs.


The effect of triiodothyronine (T3) on mitochondrial efficiency could be related to an increase in the concentrations of some proteins, such as uncoupling proteins (UCPs). Free fatty acids (FFA) seem to be a cofactor essential for the uncoupling activity of UCP3. In this paper, we report that the hypothyroidism-hyperthyroidism transition is accompanied by increases: (i) in the endogenous levels of mitochondrial FFA and (ii) in the sensitivity to FFA shown by the mitochondrial respiration rate and membrane potential, which correlated with the level of UCP3 protein. The level of the mRNA for adenine-nucleotide translocase-1 (ANT) was not affected by the thyroid state, while the ANT contribution to FFA-induced changes in mitochondrial uncoupling was low in the hypothyroid and euthyroid states but became more relevant in the hyperthyroid state at the highest concentration of FFA.  相似文献   

Regenerative potential of human skeletal muscle during aging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, we have investigated the consequences of aging on the regenerative capacity of human skeletal muscle by evaluating two parameters: (i) variation in telomere length which was used to evaluate the in vivo turn-over and (ii) the proportion of satellite cells calculated as compared to the total number of nuclei in a muscle fibre. Two skeletal muscles which have different types of innervation were analysed: the biceps brachii, a limb muscle, and the masseter, a masticatory muscle. The biopsies were obtained from two groups: young adults (23 +/- 1.15 years old) and aged adults (74 +/- 4.25 years old). Our results showed that during adult life, minimum telomere lengths and mean telomere lengths remained stable in the two muscles. The mean number of myonuclei per fibre was lower in the biceps brachii than in the masseter but no significant change was observed in either muscle with increasing age. However, the number of satellite cells, expressed as a proportion of myonuclei, decreased with age in both muscles. Therefore, normal aging of skeletal muscle in vivo is reflected by the number of satellite cells available for regeneration, but not by the mean number of myonuclei per fibre or by telomere lengths. We conclude that a decrease in regenerative capacity with age may be partially explained by a reduced availability of satellite cells.  相似文献   

Glutathione status and antioxidant enzymes in various types of rat skeletal muscle were studied after an acute bout of exercise (Ex) at different intensities. Glutathione (GSH) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG) concentrations were the highest in soleus (SO) muscle, followed by those in deep (DVL) and then superficial (SVL) portions of vastus lateralis. In DVL, but not in SO or SVL, muscle GSH increased proportionally with Ex intensity and reached 1.8 +/- 0.08 mumol/g wet wt compared with 1.5 +/- 0.03 (P < 0.05) in resting controls (R). GSSG in DVL was increased from 0.10 +/- 0.01 mumol/g wet wt in R to 0.14 +/- 0.01 (P < 0.05) after Ex. Total glutathione (GSH + GSSG) contents in DVL were also significantly elevated with Ex, whereas GSH/GSSG ratio was unchanged. Activities of GSH peroxidase (GPX), GSSG reductase (GR), and catalase (CAT) were significantly higher in SO than in DVL and SVL, but there was no difference in superoxide dismutase activity between the three muscle types. Furthermore, Ex at moderate intensities elicited significant increases in GPX, GR, and CAT activities in DVL muscle. None of the antioxidant enzymes was affected by exercise in SO. It is concluded that rat DVL muscle is particularly vulnerable to exercise-induced free radical damage and that a disturbance of muscle GSH status is indicative of an oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Fatty acids induced an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and enhanced NF-kappaB activation in L6 myotubes differentiated in culture. Palmitate proved more effective than oleate in eliciting these effects. The induction of uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) at levels similar to those occurring in vivo, attained through the use of an adenoviral vector, led to a reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential in L6 myotubes. However, the capacity of palmitate to increase ROS was not reduced but, quite the opposite, it was moderately enhanced due to the presence of UCP3. The presence of UCP3 in mitochondria did not modify the expression of genes encoding ROS-related enzymes, either in basal conditions or in the presence of palmitate. However, in the presence of UCP3, UCP2 mRNA expression was down-regulated in response to palmitate. We conclude that UCP3 does not act as a protective agent against palmitate-dependent induction of ROS production in differentiated skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

To investigate role(s) of thioredoxin-related antioxidant proteins in disuse muscle atrophy, we examined the levels of thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1), peroxiredoxin-3/SP-22 (Prx-3) and thioredoxin-binding protein-2 (TBP-2) in rat soleus muscle subjected to hindlimb unloading (HU) for 2, 4, 7 or 14 days. The muscle weight loss was initially observed on day 4. The increases in aclorein- and malondialdehyde-modified proteins, and the decreases in the levels of Trx-1, Prx-3 and Mn-SOD were observed in the late phase of muscle atrophy, whereas, the increase in mRNA expression of TBP-2, a negative regulator of thioredoxin, preceded muscle atrophy. These findings suggest that the decrease of those antioxidant proteins, particularly a marked decrease of Trx-1, may be responsible for the enhanced oxidative damage during the late phase of disuse muscle atrophy. Furthermore, the increase in TBP-2 preceding the muscle atrophy may suppress the thioredoxin-mediated redox signaling, which can be an initial trigger leading to disuse muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

Attenuation of sympathetic vasoconstriction(sympatholysis) in working muscles during dynamic exercise iscontroversial. One potential mechanism is a reduction in1-adrenergic-receptorresponsiveness. The purpose of this study was to examine1-adrenergic-receptor-mediated vasoconstriction in resting and working skeletal muscles by using intra-arterial infusions of a selective agonist. Seven mongrel dogswere instrumented chronically with flow probes on the external iliacarteries of both hindlimbs and a catheter in one femoral artery. Aselective 1-adrenergic-receptoragonist (phenylephrine) was infused as a bolus into the femoral arterycatheter at rest and during exercise. All dogs ran on amotorized treadmill at two exercise intensities (3 and 6 miles/h).Intra-arterial infusions of the same effective concentration ofphenylephrine elicited reductions in vascular conductance of 76 ± 4, 76 ± 6, and 67 ± 5% (P > 0.05) at rest, 3 miles/h, and 6 miles/h, respectively. Systemic bloodpressure and blood flow in the contralateral iliac artery wereunaffected by phenylephrine. These results do not demonstrate anattenuation of vasoconstriction to a selective 1-agonist during exercise anddo not support the concept of sympatholysis.


In recovery from exercise, phosphocreatine resynthesis results in the net generation of protons, while the net efflux of protons restores pH to resting values. Because proton efflux rate declines as pH increases, it appears to have an approximately linear pH-dependence. We set out to examine this in detail using recovery data from human calf muscle. Proton efflux rates were calculated from changes in pH and phosphocreatine concentration, measured by 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy, after incremental dynamic exercise to exhaustion. Results were collected post hoc into five groups on the basis of end-exercise pH. Proton efflux rates declined approximately exponentially with time. These were rather similar in all groups, even when pH changes were small, so that the apparent rate constant (the ratio of efflux rate to pH change) varied widely. However, all groups showed a consistent pattern of decrease with time; the halftimes of both proton efflux rate and the apparent rate constant were longer at lower pH. At each time-point, proton efflux rates showed a significant pH-dependence [slope 17 (3) mmol · l−1 · min−1 · pH unit−1 at the start of recovery, mean (SEM)], but also a significant intercept at resting pH [16 (3) mmol · l−1 · min−1 at the start of recovery]. The intercept and the slope both decreased with time, with halftimes of 0.37 (0.06) and 1.4 (0.4) min, respectively. We conclude that over a wide range of end-exercise pH, net proton efflux during recovery comprises pH-dependent and pH-independent components, both of which decline with time. Comparison with other data in the literature suggests that lactate/proton cotransport can be only a small component of this initial recovery proton efflux. Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Eight healthy men cycled at a work load corresponding to approximately 70% of maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) to fatigue (exercise I). Exercise to fatigue at the same work load was repeated after 75 min of rest (exercise II). Exercise duration averaged 65 and 21 min for exercise I and II, respectively. Muscle (quadriceps femoris) content of glycogen decreased from 492 +/- 27 to 92 +/- 20 (SE) mmol/kg dry wt and from 148 +/- 17 to 56 +/- 17 (SE) mmol/kg dry wt during exercise I and II, respectively. Muscle and blood lactate were only moderately increased during exercise. The total adenine nucleotide pool (TAN = ATP + ADP + AMP) decreased and inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) increased in the working muscle during both exercise I (P less than 0.001) and II (P less than 0.01). Muscle content of ammonia (NH3) increased four- and eight-fold during exercise I and II, respectively. The working legs released NH3, and plasma NH3 increased progressively during exercise. The release of NH3 at the end of exercise II was fivefold higher than that at the same time point in exercise I (P less than 0.001, exercise I vs. II). It is concluded that submaximal exercise to fatigue results in a breakdown of the TAN in the working muscle through deamination of AMP to IMP and NH3. The relatively low lactate levels demonstrate that acidosis is not a necessary prerequisite for activation of AMP deaminase. It is suggested that the higher average rate of AMP deamination during exercise II vs. exercise I is due to a relative impairment of ATP resynthesis caused by the low muscle glycogen level.  相似文献   

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