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Plants are sessile in nature and must respond to various environmental cues to regulate their growth orientation. Root hydrotropism, a response to moisture gradients, has been considered to play an important role in drought avoidance. Nonetheless, the processes underlying hydrotropism in roots have remained obscure until recently because of the interfering effect of gravitropism. To shed light on root hydrotropism, we isolated and analyzed two Arabidopsis mutants, mizu-kussei (miz) 1 and 2, that have abnormal hydrotropic responses but normal responses to gravity. MIZ1 encodes a protein of unknown function with a conserved domain at its C-terminus. MIZ2 encodes a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factor-type G proteins, which has been identified as GNOM. These findings suggest that roots possess molecular mechanisms essential for hydrotropism but independent of gravitropism. One of such mechanisms involves vesicle transport unique to hydrotropism in roots. Here we summarize recent progress on the molecular mechanism of root hydrotropism and the roles of MIZ1 and MIZ2.  相似文献   

Tzen JT  Lai YK  Chan KL  Huang AH 《Plant physiology》1990,94(3):1282-1289
Oleosins are unique and major proteins localized on the surface of oil bodies in diverse seed species. We purified five different oleosins (maize [Zea mays L.] KD 16 and KD 18, soybean [Glycine max L.] KD 18 and KD 24, and rapeseed [Brassica campestris L.] KD 20), and raised chicken antibodies against them. These antibodies were used to test for immunological cross-reactivity among oleosins from diverse seed species. Within the same seed species, antibodies raised against one oleosin isoform did not cross-react with the other oleosin isoform (i.e. between maize oleosins KD 16 and KD 18, and between soybean oleosins KD 18 and KD 24). However, the respective antibodies were able to recognize oleosins from other seed species. Where interspecies cross-reactivity occurred, the results suggest that there are at least two immunologically distinct isoforms of oleosins present in diverse seed species, one of lower Mr, and another one of higher Mr. This suggestion is also supported by the relative similarities between the amino acid sequence of a small portion of rapeseed oleosin KD 20 and those of maize oleosins KD 16 and KD 18. In maize kernel, there was a tissue-specific differential presentation of the three oleosins, KD 16, KD 18, and KD 19, in the oil-storing scutellum, embryonic axis, and aleurone layer. The phylogenetic relationship between the high and low Mr isoforms within the same, and among diverse, seed species is discussed.  相似文献   

Huckaba TM  Pon LA 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(23):R813-R814
Although cytokinesis was first described in the 1830s, the molecular events underlying this key cellular process remain elusive. New results reveal a role for actin polymerization, the small GTPase Rho and formins in cytokinetic ring assembly.  相似文献   

Formins are eukaryotic proteins that potently influence actin polymerization dynamics. Recent evidence strongly suggests that these proteins move processively with the elongating barbed ends of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Mammalian Diaphanous-related (mDia) formins are well known for their actin nucleation and filament elongation activities. They have since emerged as microtubule-binding proteins, and a recent study shows that mDia2 stabilizes microtubules independently of its actin nucleation activity.  相似文献   

植物适应铝毒胁迫的生理及分子生物学机理   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
铝毒是酸性土壤上限制作物生长最重要的因素,严重影响着全世界和中国大约40%和21%耕作土壤的作物生产.近几十年来,世界各国针对植物的铝毒及其耐铝机制进行了大量的研究,并取得了较大进展.文中重点综述了植物适应铝胁迫基因型差异筛选方法及其鉴定技术、植物适应铝胁迫的生理基础及分子生物学机制等方面的研究进展,简要讨论了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

The view of extracellular matrix (ECM) has evolved from a merely scaffolding and space filling tissue element to an interface actively controlling cellular activities and tissue functions. A highly specialized form of ECM is the basement membrane (BM), an ubiquitous sheet-like polymeric structure composed of a set of distinct glycoproteins and proteoglycans. In this review we are largely focusing on function and assembly of BM in skin (1) at the dermo-epidermal interface and (2) in the resident micro-vasculature. The role of the non-polymeric components perlecan and particularly nidogen is exemplified by reviewing experiments based on genetic approaches and adequate experimental skin models in vivo and in vitro. While in mice total deficiency of one of these components is eventually developmentally lethal, the severity of the defects varies drastically between tissues and also the skin models recapitulating BM formation in vitro. There is accumulating evidence that this relies on the mechanical properties, the molecular composition of the BM, the adjacent ECM or connective tissue, the dynamics of molecular assembly, and ‘minor’ tissue-specific modifier or adapter components. Though the role of nidogen or perlecan is still remaining a controversial issue, the statements ‘being essential for BM/or not’ should be consequently referred to the developmental, tissue, and functional (e.g., repair) context.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics simulation of HBV-polymerase.DNA.L-FMAU-TP complex demonstrated that L-FMAU-TP may not serve as a substrate for HBV polymerase because the appropriate binding of L-FMAU-TP to the active site of HBV polymerase may not take place without the unfavorable conformational adjustment, which prevents L-FMAU-TP from being incorporated into the growing viral DNA chain.  相似文献   

The translocation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) across membranes of two cells is a fundamental biological process occurring in both bacterial conjugation and Agrobacterium pathogenesis. Whereas bacterial conjugation spreads antibiotic resistance, Agrobacterium facilitates efficient interkingdom transfer of ssDNA from its cytoplasm to the host plant cell nucleus. These processes rely on the Type IV secretion system (T4SS), an active multiprotein channel spanning the bacterial inner and outer membranes. T4SSs export specific proteins, among them relaxases, which covalently bind to the 5' end of the translocated ssDNA and mediate ssDNA export. In Agrobacterium tumefaciens, another exported protein—VirE2—enhances ssDNA transfer efficiency 2000-fold. VirE2 binds cooperatively to the transferred ssDNA (T-DNA) and forms a compact helical structure, mediating T-DNA import into the host cell nucleus. We demonstrated—using single-molecule techniques—that by cooperatively binding to ssDNA, VirE2 proteins act as a powerful molecular machine. VirE2 actively pulls ssDNA and is capable of working against 50-pN loads without the need for external energy sources. Combining biochemical and cell biology data, we suggest that, in vivo, VirE2 binding to ssDNA allows an efficient import and pulling of ssDNA into the host. These findings provide a new insight into the ssDNA translocation mechanism from the recipient cell perspective. Efficient translocation only relies on the presence of ssDNA binding proteins in the recipient cell that compacts ssDNA upon binding. This facilitated transfer could hence be a more general ssDNA import mechanism also occurring in bacterial conjugation and DNA uptake processes.  相似文献   

Increasing bacterial resistance towards antibiotics has stimulated research for novel antimicrobials. Proteins acting on bacterial membranes could be a solution. Lysozyme has been proven active against E. coli by disruption of both outer and cytoplasmic membranes, with dry‐heating increasing lysozyme activity. Dry‐heated lysozyme (DH‐L) is a mixture of isoforms (isoaspartyl, native‐like and succinimide lysozymes), giving rise to two questions: what effects does each form have, and which physicochemical properties are critical as regards the antibacterial activity? These issues were investigated by fractionating DH‐L, analyzing structural properties of each fraction, and testing each fraction in vivo on bacteria and in vitro on membrane models. Positive net charge, hydrophobicity and molecular flexibility of the isoforms seem key parameters for their interaction with E. coli membranes. The succinimide lysozyme fraction, the most positive, flexible and hydrophobic, shows the highest antimicrobial activity, induces the strongest bacterial membrane disruption and is the most surface active on model lipid monolayers. Moreover, each fraction appears less efficient than DH‐L against E. coli , indicating a synergetic cooperation between lysozyme isoforms. The bacterial membrane modifications induced by one isoform could facilitate the subsequent action of the other isoforms.  相似文献   

Parasitoids exploit numerous chemical cues to locate hosts and food. Whether they detect and learn chemicals foreign to their natural history has not been explored. We show that the parasitoid Microplitis croceipes can associate, with food or hosts, widely different chemicals outside their natural foraging encounters. When learned chemicals are subsequently detected, this parasitoid manifests distinct behaviors characteristic with expectations of food or host, commensurate with prior training. This flexibility of parasitoids to rapidly link diverse chemicals to resource needs and subsequently report them with recognizable behaviors offers new insights into their foraging adaptability, and provides a model for further dissection of olfactory learning related processes.  相似文献   

FACIT collagens: diverse molecular bridges in extracellular matrices   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The collagens form a large family of proteins. Collagen fibrils, composed of staggered arrays of fibrillar collagen molecules (types I, II, III, V and XI), provide a supporting scaffold for extracellular matrices of connective tissues. The non-fibrillar collagens are less abundant than the fibrillar collagens, but it is becoming clear that they have important functions in the matrix. Recently, a group with unique structural characteristics has been defined and named the FACIT (Fibril-Associated Collagens with Interrupted Triple-helices) group. There is evidence that these collagens may serve as molecular bridges that are important for the organization and stability of extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles are small (~50–200 nm diameter) membrane-bound structures released by cells from all domains of life. While vesicles are abundant in the oceans, their functions, both for cells themselves and the emergent ecosystem, remain a mystery. To better characterize these particles – a prerequisite for determining function – we analysed the lipid, protein, and metabolite content of vesicles produced by the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. We show that Prochlorococcus exports a diverse array of cellular compounds into the surrounding seawater enclosed within discrete vesicles. Vesicles produced by two different strains contain some materials in common, but also display numerous strain-specific differences, reflecting functional complexity within vesicle populations. The vesicles contain active enzymes, indicating that they can mediate extracellular biogeochemical reactions in the ocean. We further demonstrate that vesicles from Prochlorococcus and other bacteria associate with diverse microbes including the most abundant marine bacterium, Pelagibacter. Together, our data point toward hypotheses concerning the functional roles of vesicles in marine ecosystems including, but not limited to, possibly mediating energy and nutrient transfers, catalysing extracellular biochemical reactions, and mitigating toxicity of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Molecular barcode arrays allow the analysis of thousands of biological samples in parallel through the use of unique 20-base-pair (bp) DNA tags. Here we present a new barcode array, which is unique among microarrays in that it includes at least five replicates of every tag feature. The use of smaller dispersed replicate features dramatically improves performance versus a single larger feature and allows the correction of previously undetectable hybridization defects.  相似文献   

A critical issue in understanding receptor tyrosine kinase signaling is the individual contribution of diverse signaling pathways in regulating cellular growth, survival, and migration. We generated a functionally and biochemically inert c-Kit receptor that lacked the binding sites for seven early signaling pathways. Restoring the Src family kinase (SFK) binding sites in the mutated c-Kit receptor restored cellular survival and migration but only partially rescued proliferation and was associated with the rescue of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase, Rac/JNK kinase, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3 kinase)/Akt pathways. In contrast, restoring the PI-3 kinase binding site in the mutated receptor did not affect cellular proliferation but resulted in a modest correction in cell survival and migration, despite a complete rescue in the activation of the PI-3 kinase/Akt pathway. Surprisingly, restoring the binding sites for Grb2, Grb7, or phospholipase C-gamma had no effect on cellular growth or survival, migration, or activation of any of the downstream signaling pathways. These results argue that SFKs play a unique role in the control of multiple cellular functions and in the activation of distinct biochemical pathways via c-Kit.  相似文献   

Production of foreign molecules in transgenic plants is anticipated to be an alternative to already established, microbial or animal expression systems with lower production costs. This article reviews the different technologies and approaches currently used to produce economically interesting molecules in plants or plant cell cultures, to evaluate their technical feasibility and economic implications, and to assess the potential socioeconomic and environmental impacts deriving from the adoption of molecular farming products.  相似文献   

Plant molecular farming: systems and products   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Plant molecular farming is a new and promising industry involving plant biotechnology. In this review, we describe several diverse plant systems that have been developed to produce commercially useful proteins for pharmaceutical and industrial uses. The advantages and disadvantages of each system are discussed. The first plant-derived molecular farming products have reached the marketplace and other products are poised to join them during the next few years. We explain the rationale for using plants as biofactories. We also describe the products currently on the market, and those that appear likely to join them in the near future. Lastly, we discuss the issue of public acceptance of molecular farming products.Communicated by P.P. Kumar  相似文献   

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