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Proteomics on full-length membrane proteins using mass spectrometry   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A general technique has been developed that allows rapid mass spectrometric analysis of full-length membrane proteins [Whitelegge, J. P., le Coutre, J., et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, 10695-10698]. Using in-line HPLC electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MS), different native and recombinant bacterial membrane proteins of up to 61 kDa are characterized. Mass spectrometric data of four entirely different membrane proteins from three bacterial organisms, two transporters, a channel, and a porin protein are presented. In addition to determination of the molecular mass with an accuracy of +/-0.01%, the technique monitors alkylation or oxidation of single Cys residues and errors in deduced amino acid sequences. Finally, using in-line LC-MS, unknown proteins can be identified from solubilized Escherichia coli membranes without prior purification.  相似文献   

Tate CG 《FEBS letters》2001,504(3):94-98
Recent successes in the determination of atomic resolution structures of integral membrane proteins have relied on purifying the proteins from abundant natural sources. In contrast, the majority of mammalian receptors, ion channels and transporters need to be overexpressed to obtain sufficient material for structural studies. This has often proved to be very difficult. Overexpression studies on a wide range of mammalian membrane proteins have shown that a few can be expressed functionally in bacteria, but many others require an insect or mammalian cell host for activity or high level expression. The serotonin transporter, which has been expressed in all the major hosts available, is a good example that has given insights into the problem of overexpressing mammalian membrane proteins for structural studies.  相似文献   

We have examined transfected cells by immunofluorescence microscopy to determine the signals and structural features required for the targeting of integral membrane proteins to the inner nuclear membrane. Lamin B receptor (LBR) is a resident protein of the nuclear envelope inner membrane that has a nucleoplasmic, amino-terminal domain and a carboxyl-terminal domain with eight putative transmembrane segments. The amino-terminal domain of LBR can target both a cytosolic protein to the nucleus and a type II integral protein to the inner nuclear membrane. Neither a nuclear localization signal (NLS) of a soluble protein, nor full-length histone H1, can target an integral protein to the inner nuclear membrane although they can target cytosolic proteins to the nucleus. The addition of an NLS to a protein normally located in the inner nuclear membrane, however, does not inhibit its targeting. When the amino-terminal domain of LBR is increased in size from approximately 22.5 to approximately 70 kD, the chimeric protein cannot reach the inner nuclear membrane. The carboxyl-terminal domain of LBR, separated from the amino-terminal domain, also concentrates in the inner nuclear membrane, demonstrating two nonoverlapping targeting signals in this protein. Signals and structural features required for the inner nuclear membrane targeting of proteins are distinct from those involved in targeting soluble polypeptides to the nucleoplasm. The structure of the nucleocytoplasmic domain of an inner nuclear membrane protein also influences targeting, possibly because of size constraints dictated by the lateral channels of the nuclear pore complexes.  相似文献   

Structural genomics approaches on integral membrane proteins have been postulated for over a decade, yet specific efforts are lagging years behind their soluble counterparts. Indeed, high throughput methodologies for production and characterization of prokaryotic integral membrane proteins are only now emerging, while large-scale efforts for eukaryotic ones are still in their infancy. Presented here is a review of recent literature on actively ongoing structural genomics of membrane protein initiatives, with a focus on those aimed at implementing interesting techniques aimed at increasing our rate of success for this class of macromolecules.  相似文献   

The Profiles-3D application, an inverse-folding methodology appropriate for water-soluble proteins, has been modified to allow the determination of structural properties of integral-membrane proteins (IMPs) and for testing the validity of solved and model structures of IMPs. The modification, known as reverse-environment prediction of integral membrane protein structure (REPIMPS), takes into account the fact that exposed areas of side chains for many residues in IMPs are in contact with lipid and not the aqueous phase. This (1) allows lipid-exposed residues to be classified into the correct physicochemical environment class, (2) significantly improves compatibility scores for IMPs whose structures have been solved, and (3) reduces the possibility of rejecting a three-dimensional structure for an IMP because the presence of lipid was not included. Validation tests of REPIMPS showed that it (1) can locate the transmembrane domain of IMPs with single transmembrane helices more frequently than a range of other methodologies, (2) can rotationally orient transmembrane helices with respect to the lipid environment and surrounding helices in IMPs with multiple transmembrane helices, and (3) has the potential to accurately locate transmembrane domains in IMPs with multiple transmembrane helices. We conclude that correcting for the presence of the lipid environment surrounding the transmembrane segments of IMPs is an essential step for reasonable modeling and verification of the three-dimensional structures of these proteins.  相似文献   

Bernsel A  Viklund H  Elofsson A 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1387-1399
Compared with globular proteins, transmembrane proteins are surrounded by a more intricate environment and, consequently, amino acid composition varies between the different compartments. Existing algorithms for homology detection are generally developed with globular proteins in mind and may not be optimal to detect distant homology between transmembrane proteins. Here, we introduce a new profile-profile based alignment method for remote homology detection of transmembrane proteins in a hidden Markov model framework that takes advantage of the sequence constraints placed by the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. We expect that, for distant membrane protein homologs, even if the sequences have diverged too far to be recognized, the hydrophobicity pattern and the transmembrane topology are better conserved. By using this information in parallel with sequence information, we show that both sensitivity and specificity can be substantially improved for remote homology detection in two independent test sets. In addition, we show that alignment quality can be improved for the most distant homologs in a public dataset of membrane protein structures. Applying the method to the Pfam domain database, we are able to suggest new putative evolutionary relationships for a few relatively uncharacterized protein domain families, of which several are confirmed by other methods. The method is called Searcher for Homology Relationships of Integral Membrane Proteins (SHRIMP) and is available for download at http://www.sbc.su.se/shrimp/.  相似文献   

The Nef protein from human or simian immunodeficiency virus enhances viral replication, downregulates immune cell receptors, and activates multiple host cell signaling pathways. Conformational information about full-length Nef has been difficult to obtain as the full-length protein is not readily amenable to NMR or X-ray crystallography due to aggregation at high concentrations. As an alternative, full-length HIV and SIV Nef were probed with hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry, a method compatible with the low concentration requirements of Nef. The results showed that HIV Nef contains a solvent-protected core, as previously demonstrated with both NMR and X-ray crystallography. SIV Nef, for which there is no structural information, had a similar protected core, although it was more flexible and dynamic than its HIV counterpart. Many of the regions outside the core in both SIV and HIV Nef were highly solvent exposed. However, limited protection from exchange was observed in both N- and C-terminal regions, suggesting the presence of structured elements. Protection from exchange was also observed in a large loop emanating from the core that was deleted for NMR and X-ray analysis. These data show that while the majority of Nef was highly solvent exposed, regions outside the core may have structural attributes which may contribute to Nef functions known to map to these regions.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins are among the most interesting molecules for biomedical research, as some of the most important cellular functions are inherently tied to biological membranes. One such example is the vast expanse of receptors on cell surfaces. However, due to difficulties in the biochemical purification and structure/function analysis of membrane proteins, caused by their hydrophobic or amphophilic nature, membrane proteins are still much less studied than soluble proteins. Our laboratory has successfully developed and applied a methodology for the mass spectrometric analysis of integral membrane proteins. Here, we present an improvement in the sensitivity of detection made possible by the advancement of mass spectrometric instrumentation and refinement of the chromatographic analysis. Subpicomolar samples of bovine rhodopsin purified from native membranes were successfully analyzed, obtaining complete sequence coverage and the detection and localization of posttranslational modifications. Therefore, it is demonstrated that the detection limits and sequence coverage for soluble and membrane proteins can be comparable. The methodology presented here allows mass spectrometric analysis of subpicomolar levels of photopigments or other integral membrane proteins either from their native membranes or as products of expression systems.  相似文献   

Lu B  McClatchy DB  Kim JY  Yates JR 《Proteomics》2008,8(19):3947-3955
Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) are difficult to identify, mainly for two reasons: the hydrophobicity of IMPs and their low abundance. Sample preparation is a key component in the large-scale identification of IMPs. In this review, we survey strategies for shotgun identification of IMPs by MS/MS. We will discuss enrichment, solubilization, separation, and digestion of IMPs, and data analysis for membrane proteomics.  相似文献   



Structural studies of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) are often hampered by difficulties in producing stable homogenous samples for crystallization. To overcome this hurdle it has become common practice to screen large numbers of target proteins to find suitable candidates for crystallization. For such an approach to be effective, an efficient screening strategy is imperative. To this end, strategies have been developed that involve the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs. However, these approaches suffer from two drawbacks; proteins with a translocated C-terminus cannot be tested and scale-up from analytical to preparative purification is often non-trivial and may require re-cloning.


Here we present a screening approach that prioritizes IMP targets based on three criteria: expression level, detergent solubilization yield and homogeneity as determined by high-throughput small-scale immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) and automated size-exclusion chromatography (SEC).


To validate the strategy, we screened 48 prokaryotic IMPs in two different vectors and two Escherichia coli strains. A set of 11 proteins passed all preset quality control checkpoints and was subjected to crystallization trials. Four of these crystallized directly in initial sparse matrix screens, highlighting the robustness of the strategy.


We have developed a rapid and cost efficient screening strategy that can be used for all IMPs regardless of topology. The analytical steps have been designed to be a good mimic of preparative purification, which greatly facilitates scale-up.

General significance

The screening approach presented here is intended and expected to help drive forward structural biology of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

An increasing number of proteomic strategies rely on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to detect and identify constituent peptides of enzymatically digested proteins obtained from various organisms and cell types. However, sample preparation methods for isolating membrane proteins typically involve the use of detergents and chaotropes that often interfere with chromatographic separation and/or electrospray ionization. To address this problem, a sample preparation method combining carbonate extraction, surfactant-free organic solvent-assisted solubilization, and proteolysis was developed and demonstrated to target the membrane subproteome of Deinococcus radiodurans. Out of 503 proteins identified, 135 were recognized as hydrophobic on the basis of their calculated hydropathy values (GRAVY index), corresponding to coverage of 15% of the predicted hydrophobic proteome. Using the PSORT algorithm, 53 of the proteins identified were classified as integral outer membrane proteins and 215 were classified as integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins. All identified integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins had from 1 to 16 mapped transmembrane domains (TMDs), and 65% of those containing four or more mapped TMDs were identified by at least one hydrophobic membrane spanning peptide. The extensive coverage of the membrane subproteome (24%) by identification of highly hydrophobic proteins containing multiple TMDs validates the efficacy of the described sample preparation technique to isolate and solubilize hydrophobic integral membrane proteins from complex protein mixtures.  相似文献   

Bacterial binding protein-dependent transport systems belong to the superfamily of ABC transporters, which is widely distributed among living organisms. Their hydrophobic membrane proteins are the least characterized components. The primary structures of 61 integral membrane proteins from 35 uptake systems were compared in order to characterize a short conserved hydrophilic segment, with a consensus EAA … G ………-I - LP, located approximately 100 residues from the C-terminus. Secondary structure predictions indicated that this conserved region might be formed by two amphipathic α-helices connected by a loop containing the invariant G residue. We classified the conserved motifs and found that membrane proteins from systems transporting structurally related substrates specifically display a greater number of identical residues in the conserved region. We determined a consensus for each class of membrane protein and showed that these can be considered as signatures.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins have not been readily amenable to the general methods developed for mass spectrometric (or internal Edman degradation) analysis of soluble proteins. We present here a sample preparation method and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation system which permits online HPLC-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and -tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis of cyanogen bromide cleavage fragments of integral membrane proteins. This method has been applied to wild type (WT) bacteriorhodopsin (bR), cysteine containing mutants of bR, and the prototypical G-protein coupled receptor, rhodopsin (Rh). In the described method, the protein is reduced and the cysteine residues pyridylethylated prior to separating the protein from the membrane. Following delipidation, the pyridylethylated protein is cleaved with cyanogen bromide. The cleavage fragments are separated by reversed phase HPLC using an isopropanol/acetonitrile/aqueous TFA solvent system and the effluent peptides analyzed online with a Finnigan LCQ Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. With the exception of single amino acid fragments and the glycosylated fragment of Rh, which is observable by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-MS, this system permits analysis of the entire protein in a single HPLC run. This methodology will enable pursuit of chemical modification and crosslinking studies designed to probe the three dimensional structures and functional conformational changes in these proteins. The approach should also be generally applicable to analysis of other integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

That membrane protein complexes could survive in the gas phase had always seemed impossible. The lack of chargeable residues, high hydrophobicity, and poor solubility and the vast excess of detergent contributed to the view that it would not be possible to obtain mass spectra of intact membrane complexes. With the recent success in recording mass spectra of these complexes, first from recombinant sources and later from the cellular environment, many surprising properties of these gas phase membrane complexes have been revealed. The first of these was that the interactions between membrane and soluble subunits could survive in vacuum, without detergent molecules adhering to the complex. The second unexpected feature was that their hydrophobicity and, consequently, lower charge state did not preclude ionization. The final surprising finding was that these gas phase membrane complexes carry with them lipids, bound specifically in subunit interfaces. This provides us with an opportunity to distinguish annular lipids that surround the membrane complexes, from structural lipids that have a role in maintaining structure and subunit interactions. In this perspective, we track these developments and suggest explanations for the various discoveries made during this research.  相似文献   

This review describes aspects of negative staining of isolated integral membrane proteins. Detergents play a central role in the isolation of membrane proteins and also in their solubility in aqueous solutions. Specimens of mixed micelles of membrane proteins and nonionic detergents can be easily prepared as long as the detergent concentration remains above the critical micellar concentration. Membrane proteins involved in the process of photosynthesis have been taken as examples to illustrate their interaction with different detergents. Upon negative staining, mixed micelles of membrane proteins and detergents show characteristic top and side view projections. On their sides, mixed micelles can easily aggregate into strings.  相似文献   

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