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Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is a basidiomycete yeast that produces carotenoids, mainly astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is an organic pigment of commercial interest due to its antioxidant and coloring properties. X. dendrorhous has a functional SREBP pathway, and the Sre1 protein is the SREBP homolog in this yeast. However, how sterol regulatory element (Sre)1 promotes the biosynthesis of sterols and carotenoids in X. dendrorhous is unknown. In this work, comparative RNA-sequencing analysis between modified X. dendrorhous strains that have an active Sre1 protein and the WT was performed to identify Sre1-dependent genes. In addition, Sre1 direct target genes were identified through ChIP combined with lambda exonuclease digestion (ChIP-exo) assays. SRE motifs were detected in the promoter regions of several Sre1 direct target genes and were consistent with the SREs described in other yeast species. Sre1 directly regulates genes related to ergosterol biosynthesis as well as genes related to the mevalonate (MVA) pathway, which synthesizes the building blocks of isoprenoids, including carotenoids. Two carotenogenic genes, crtE and crtR, were also identified as Sre1 direct target genes. Thus, carotenogenesis in X. dendrorhous is regulated by Sre1 through the regulation of the MVA pathway and the regulation of the crtE and crtR genes. As the crtR gene encodes a cytochrome P450 reductase, Sre1 regulates pathways that include cytochrome P450 enzymes, such as the biosynthesis of carotenoids and sterols. These results demonstrate that Sre1 is a sterol master regulator that is conserved in X. dendrorhous.  相似文献   

Accumulation of aberrant proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers the unfolded protein response pathway that helps the cell to survive under these stress conditions. Herp is a mammalian ubiquitin domain protein, which is strongly induced by the unfolded protein response. It is involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) and interacts directly with the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1, which is found in high molecular mass complexes of the ER membrane. Here we present the first evidence that Herp regulates Hrd1-mediated ubiquitylation in a ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain-dependent manner. We found that upon exposure of cells to ER stress, elevation of Herp steady state levels is accompanied by an enhanced association of Herp with pre-existing Hrd1. Hrd1-associated Herp is rapidly degraded and substituted by de novo synthesized Herp, suggesting a continuous turnover of the protein at Hrd1 complexes. Further analysis revealed the presence of multiple Hrd1 copies in a single complex enabling binding of a variable number of Herp molecules. Efficient ubiquitylation of the Hrd1-specific ERAD substrate α1-antitrypsin null Hong Kong (NHK) required the presence of the Herp UBL domain, which was also necessary for NHK degradation. In summary, we propose that binding of Herp to Hrd1-containing ERAD complexes positively regulates the ubiquitylation activity of these complexes, thus permitting survival of the cell during ER stress.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the changes in the components of the antioxidant defense system (ADS), the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase and the level of extractable SH-groups, during the growth of wild-type and mutant (white collar-1 and white colar-2) Neurospora crassa strains was performed. Oxidative stress developing during spore germination and upon the transition to a stationary growth phase was accompanied in all strains by an increase in the level of extractable SH-groups and SOD activity, whereas the total catalase activity decreased during growth. However, in contrast to the wild-type strain, the activity of the catalase in the mutant strains wc-1 and wc-2 slightly increased upon the transition to the stationary phase. In the wc-2 mutant, SOD activity and the level of extractable SH-groups in the exponential growth phase were always lower than in the wild-type and wc-2 strains. The role of wc-1 and wc-2 genes in the level regulation of reactive oxygen species is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the changes in the components of the antioxidant defense system (ADS), the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase and the level of extractable SH-groups, during the growth of wild-type and mutant (white collar-1 and white colar-2) Neurospora crassa strains was performed. Oxidative stress developing during spore germination and upon the transition to a stationary growth phase was accompanied in all strains by an increase in the level of extractable SH-groups and SOD activity, whereas the total catalase activity decreased during growth. However, in contrast to the wild-type strain, the activity of the catalase in the mutant strains wc-1 and wc-2 slightly increased upon the transition to the stationary phase. In the wc-2 mutant, SOD activity and the level of extractable SH-groups in the exponential growth phase were always lower than in the wild-type and wc-1 strains. The role of wc-1 and wc-2 genes in the level regulation of reactive oxygen species is discussed.  相似文献   

The PYRIN domain is a recently identified protein-protein interaction domain that is found at the N terminus of several proteins thought to function in apoptotic and inflammatory signaling pathways. We report here that PYPAF1 (PYRIN-containing Apaf1-like protein 1) is a novel PYRIN-containing signaling protein that belongs to the nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (NBS/LRR) family of signaling proteins. The expression of PYPAF1 is highly restricted to immune cells, and its gene maps to chromosome 1q44, a locus that is associated with the rare inflammatory diseases Muckle-Wells syndrome and familial cold urticaria. To identify downstream signaling partners of PYPAF1, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid screen and identified ASC as a PYRIN-containing protein that interacts selectively with the PYRIN domain of PYPAF1. When expressed in cells, ASC recruits PYPAF1 to distinct cytoplasmic loci and induces the activation of NF-kappaB. Furthermore, coexpression of PYPAF1 with ASC results in a potent synergistic activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that PYPAF1 and ASC function as upstream activators of NF-kappaB signaling.  相似文献   

Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) is a poorly understood regulator of programmed cell death that involves leakage of luminal lysosomal or vacuolar hydrolases into the cytoplasm. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, LMP can be induced by antifungals and endoplasmic reticulum stressors when calcineurin also has been inactivated. A genome-wide screen revealed Pib2, a relative of LAPF/phafin1 that regulates LMP in mammals, as a pro-LMP protein in yeast. Pib2 associated with vacuolar and endosomal limiting membranes in unstressed cells in a manner that depended on its FYVE domain and on phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P) biosynthesis. Genetic experiments suggest that Pib2 stimulates the activity of TORC1, a vacuole-associated protein kinase that is sensitive to rapamycin, in a pathway parallel to the Ragulator/EGO complex containing the GTPases Gtr1 and Gtr2. A hyperactivating mutation in the catalytic subunit of TORC1 restored LMP to the gtr1∆ and pib2∆ mutants and also prevented the synthetic lethality of the double mutants. These findings show novel roles of PI(3)P and Pib2 in the regulation of TORC1, which in turn promoted LMP and nonapoptotic death of stressed cells. Rapamycin prevented the death of the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans during exposure to fluconazole plus a calcineurin inhibitor, suggesting that TORC1 broadly promotes sensitivity to fungistats in yeasts.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a heterotrimeric protein responsible for Na(+) absorption across the apical membranes of several absorptive epithelia. The rate of Na(+) absorption is governed in part by regulated membrane trafficking mechanisms that control the apical membrane ENaC density. Previous reports have implicated a role for the t-SNARE protein, syntaxin 1A (S1A), in the regulation of ENaC current (I(Na)). In the present study, we examine the structure-function relations influencing S1A-ENaC interactions. In vitro pull-down assays demonstrated that S1A directly interacts with the C termini of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits but not with the N terminus of any ENaC subunit. The H3 domain of S1A is the critical motif mediating S1A-ENaC binding. Functional studies in ENaC expressing Xenopus oocytes revealed that deletion of the H3 domain of co-expressed S1A eliminated its inhibition of I(Na), and acute injection of a GST-H3 fusion protein into ENaC expressing oocytes inhibited I(Na) to the same extent as S1A co-expression. In cell surface ENaC labeling experiments, reductions in plasma membrane ENaC accounted for the H3 domain inhibition of I(Na). Individually substituting C terminus-truncated alpha-, beta-, or gamma-ENaC subunits for their wild-type counterparts reversed the S1A-induced inhibition of I(Na), and oocytes expressing ENaC comprised of three C terminus-truncated subunits showed no S1A inhibition of I(Na). C terminus truncation or disruption of the C terminus beta-subunit PY motif increases I(Na) by interfering with ENaC endocytosis. In contrast to subunit truncation, a beta-ENaC PY mutation did not relieve S1A inhibition of I(Na), suggesting that S1A does not perturb Nedd4 interactions that lead to ENaC endocytosis/degradation. This study provides support for the concept that S1A inhibits ENaC-mediated Na(+) transport by decreasing cell surface channel number via direct protein-protein interactions at the ENaC C termini.  相似文献   

During pathophysiological muscle wasting, a family of ubiquitin ligases, including muscle RING-finger protein-1 (MuRF1), has been proposed to trigger muscle protein degradation via ubiquitination. Here, we characterized skeletal muscles from wild-type (WT) and MuRF1 knockout (KO) mice under amino acid (AA) deprivation as a model for physiological protein degradation, where skeletal muscles altruistically waste themselves to provide AAs to other organs. When WT and MuRF1 KO mice were fed a diet lacking AA, MuRF1 KO mice were less susceptible to muscle wasting, for both myocardium and skeletal muscles. Under AA depletion, WT mice had reduced muscle protein synthesis, while MuRF1 KO mice maintained nonphysiologically elevated levels of skeletal muscle protein de novo synthesis. Consistent with a role of MuRF1 for muscle protein turnover during starvation, the concentrations of essential AAs, especially branched-chain AAs, in the blood plasma significantly decreased in MuRF1 KO mice under AA deprivation. To clarify the molecular roles of MuRF1 for muscle metabolism during wasting, we searched for MuRF1-associated proteins using pull-down assays and mass spectrometry. Muscle-type creatine kinase (M-CK), an essential enzyme for energy metabolism, was identified among the interacting proteins. Coexpression studies revealed that M-CK interacts with the central regions of MuRF1 including its B-box domain and that MuRF1 ubiquitinates M-CK, which triggers the degradation of M-CK via proteasomes. Consistent with MuRF1's role of adjusting CK activities in skeletal muscles by regulating its turnover in vivo, we found that CK levels were significantly higher in the MuRF1 KO mice than in WT mice. Glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein-1 and 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, previously identified as potential MuRF1-interacting proteins, were also ubiquitinated MuRF1-dependently. Taken together, these data suggest that, in a multifaceted manner, MuRF1 participates in the regulation of AA metabolism, including the control of free AAs and their supply to other organs under catabolic conditions, and in the regulation of ATP synthesis under metabolic-stress conditions where MuRF1 expression is induced.  相似文献   

PYRIN-containing Apaf1-like proteins (PYPAFs) are members of the nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (NBS/LRR) family of signal transduction proteins. We report here that PYPAF7 is a novel PYPAF protein that activates inflammatory signaling pathways. The expression of PYPAF7 is highly restricted to immune cells, and its gene maps to chromosome 19q13.4, a locus that contains a cluster of genes encoding numerous PYPAF family members. Co-expression of PYPAF7 with ASC results in the recruitment of PYPAF7 to distinct cytoplasmic loci and a potent synergistic activation of NF-kappa B. To identify other proteins involved in PYPAF7 and ASC signaling pathways, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid screen and identified pro-caspase-1 as a binding partner of ASC. Co-expression of PYPAF7 and ASC results in the synergistic activation of caspase-1 and a corresponding increase in secretion of interleukin-1 beta. In addition, PYPAF1 induces caspase-1-dependent cytokine processing when co-expressed with ASC. These findings indicate that PYPAF family members participate in inflammatory signaling by regulating the activation of NF-kappa B and cytokine processing.  相似文献   

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is one of the major serum proteins in the early life of mammals. We have previously identified a novel cis-acting element designated as DAS at the 5'-flanking region of the AFP gene and demonstrated that the DAS sequence can be specifically recognized by nuclear protein DAP-II in AFP-producing hepatoma cells and retinoic acid (RA)-induced AFP-producing F9 cells. In this study, we used DNA affinity chromatography to purify the DAP-II proteins from the nuclear extracts (NE) of RA-treated F9 cells. The purified DAP-II complex mainly contained five proteins, with molecular weights of 45, 42, 32, 30, and 20 kDa, respectively. The identification of these proteins was determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis and a database search. These proteins were found to belong to the AUF1 RNA-binding protein family. Protein (30 kDa), one of five proteins in an isolated DAP-II complex, was matched with amino acid sequence highly similar to muAUF1-3. The expression of this protein is inducible by RA, and the pattern of the protein expression is the same as DAP-II proteins in F9 cells after treatment with RA during differentiation. Our results suggest that the 30-kDa protein is a novel isoform of AUF1 family and is the main component of the DAP-II complex that binds to the DAS sequence.  相似文献   

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