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The evolution of a pair of chromosomes that differ in appearance between males and females (heteromorphic sex chromosomes) has occurred repeatedly across plants and animals. Recent work has shown that the male heterogametic (XY) and female heterogametic (ZW) sex chromosomes evolved independently from different pairs of homomorphic autosomes in the common ancestor of birds and mammals but also that X and Z chromosomes share many convergent molecular features. However, little is known about how often heteromorphic sex chromosomes have either evolved convergently from different autosomes or in parallel from the same pair of autosomes and how universal patterns of molecular evolution on sex chromosomes really are. Among winged insects with sequenced genomes, there are male heterogametic species in both the Diptera (e.g., Drosophila melanogaster) and the Coleoptera (Tribolium castaneum), female heterogametic species in the Lepidoptera (Bombyx mori), and haplodiploid species in the Hymenoptera (e.g., Nasonia vitripennis). By determining orthologous relationships among genes on the X and Z chromosomes of insects with sequenced genomes, we are able to show that these chromosomes are not homologous to one another but are homologous to autosomes in each of the other species. These results strongly imply that heteromorphic sex chromosomes have evolved independently from different pairs of ancestral chromosomes in each of the insect orders studied. We also find that the convergently evolved X chromosomes of Diptera and Coleoptera share genomic features with each other and with vertebrate X chromosomes, including excess gene movement from the X to the autosomes. However, other patterns of molecular evolution--such as increased codon bias, decreased gene density, and the paucity of male-biased genes on the X--differ among the insect X and Z chromosomes. Our results provide evidence for both differences and nearly universal similarities in patterns of evolution among independently derived sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that were thought to be an ancient eukaryotic lineage based on molecular phylogenies using ribosomal RNA and translation elongation factors. However, this ancient origin of microsporidia has been contested recently, as several other molecular phylogenies suggest that microsporidia are closely related to fungi. Most of the protein trees that place microsporidia with fungi are not well sampled, however, and it is impossible to resolve whether microsporidia evolved from a fungus or from a protistan relative of fungi. We have sequenced beta-tubulins from 3 microsporidia, 4 chytrid fungi, and 12 zygomycete fungi, expanding the representation of beta-tubulin to include all four fungal divisions and a wide diversity of microsporidia. In phylogenetic trees including these new sequences, the overall topology of the fungal beta-tubulins generally matched the expected relationships among the four fungal divisions, although the zygomycetes were polyphyletic in some analyses. The microsporidia consistently fell within this fungal diversification, and not as a sister group to fungi. Overall, beta-tubulin phylogeny suggests that microsporidia evolved from a fungus sometime after the divergence of chytrids. We also found that chytrid alpha- and beta-tubulins are much less divergent than are tubulins from other fungi or microsporidia. In trees in which the only fungal representatives were the chytrids, microsporidia still branched with fungi (i.e., with chytrids), suggesting that the affiliation between microsporidian and fungal tubulins is not an artifact of long-branch attraction.  相似文献   

W Higuchi  C Fukazawa 《Gene》1987,55(2-3):245-253
A cDNA clone covering the entire coding region for a glutelin subunit precursor has been identified from a library of endosperm-developing rice cDNA clones using a mixed oligodeoxynucleotide probe, and then by immunoprecipitation of hybrid-selected translation product with an antiserum against the acidic polypeptides of the glutelin. Analysis of the cDNA insert revealed that rice glutelin is synthesized as precursor polypeptides which undergo post-translational processing to form the nonrandom polypeptide pairs, like glycinin precursors of soybean. By comparing the predicted protein sequence of this precursor from monocots with that of glycinin A1aB1b precursor from dicots, it was found that the overall 32% of the amino acid positions are identical in both proteins. Because regions which show identities are dispersed throughout both molecules, the similarity is not due to convergent evolution, but to divergence evolution from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   

Zinc atoms play an essential role in a number of enzymes. Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT), the most potent toxin known in nature, is a zinc-dependent endopeptidase. Here we identify the nontoxic nonhemagglutinin (NTNHA), one of the BoNT-complex constituents, as a zinc-binding protein, along with BoNT. A protein structure classification database search indicated that BoNT and NTNHA share a similar domain architecture, comprising a zinc-dependent metalloproteinase-like, BoNT coiled-coil motif and concanavalin A-like domains. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that every single NTNHA molecule contains a single zinc atom. This is the first demonstration of a zinc atom in this protein, as far as we know. However, the NTNHA molecule does not possess any known zinc-coordinating motif, whereas all BoNT serotypes possess the classical HEXXH motif. Homology modeling of the NTNHA structure implied that a consensus K-C-L-I-K-X(35)-D sequence common among all NTNHA serotype molecules appears to coordinate a single zinc atom. These findings lead us to propose that NTNHA and BoNT may have evolved distinct functional specializations following their branching out from a common ancestral zinc protein.  相似文献   

We are exploring the potential to trace species evolution with the ribosomal proteins (RibPs) present in bacterial, eukaryotic, and archaeal ribosomes and to compare the independent trees for consistency. The complete genomes of over 8400 bacteria, eukaryota, and archaea are presently in the SwissPro/TrEMBL (SPT) database. A search of SPT using a vector designed with ScanProsite formats (V1) finds and aligns 8405 sequences (5312 bacterial, 2905 eukaryotic, and 169 archaeal) that are homologous with bone fide bacterial S19 ribosomal proteins(S19s). When the 8405 sequences are perfectly aligned, 15 residues are conserved at 90% identity and 40 are conserved at 70% identity. We are not aware of any previous publication reporting sequence alignment of 8400 members of any single family including all bacteria, eukaryota and archaea, for which complete genomes have been published.A Pro and a Gly separated by 11 residues are 100% conserved in the 8405 S19s. In the position immediately before the fully conserved Gly, two residues (Asp and Asn) are present in 98.3% of the 8405 sequences. The Asp residue is found almost exclusively in 2190 gram-positive bacteria. The Asn residue is found in 3065 gram-negative bacteria, 123 Archaea, 1939 eukaryotes, and 64 specific species of gram-positive bacteria. There is biochemical evidence for the existence of distinct mitochondrial, chloroplast, and cytosolic ribosomes and reports that plants have all three forms and mammals only two. Reliable data concerning how individual ribosomal proteins differ in different types of ribosomes are meager. Examination of the eukaryotic S19s reveals the existence of three distinct types. Two of the distinctly different types are found in most fungi, three of the types are found in some viridiplante, and only one type is found in metazoa and archaea. We demonstrate the sequence homology between the mitochondrial form found in fungi and plants and the S19 proteins of alpha proteobacteria; between the chloroplast S19s and the S19s of cyanobacteria; and among the cytosolic S19s found only in fungi, metazoa, archaea, and in some viridiplantae. Our findings suggest that most archaeal species appeared after a gene duplication event in fungi that correlates with the origin of the cytosolic ribosome.  相似文献   

Human mast cell tryptases vary strikingly in secretion, catalytic competence, and inheritance. To explore the basis of variation, we compared genes from a range of primates, including humans, great apes (chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan), Old- and New-World monkeys (macaque and marmoset), and a prosimian (galago), tracking key changes. Our analysis reveals that extant soluble tryptase-like proteins, including alpha- and beta-like tryptases, mastins, and implantation serine proteases, likely evolved from membrane-anchored ancestors because their more deeply rooted relatives (gamma tryptases, pancreasins, prostasins) are type I transmembrane peptidases. Function-altering mutations appeared at widely separated times during primate speciation, with tryptases evolving by duplication, gene conversion, and point mutation. The alpha-tryptase Gly(216)Asp catalytic domain mutation, which diminishes activity, is present in macaque tryptases, and thus arose before great apes and Old World monkeys shared an ancestor, and before the alphabeta split. However, the Arg(-3)Gln processing mutation appeared recently, affecting only human alpha. By comparison, the transmembrane gamma-tryptase gene, which anchors the telomeric end of the multigene tryptase locus, changed little during primate evolution. Related transmembrane peptidase genes were found in reptiles, amphibians, and fish. We identified soluble tryptase-like genes in the full spectrum of mammals, including marsupial (opossum) and monotreme (platypus), but not in nonmammalian vertebrates. Overall, our analysis suggests that soluble tryptases evolved rapidly from membrane-anchored, two-chain peptidases in ancestral vertebrates into soluble, single-chain, self-compartmentalizing, inhibitor-resistant oligomers expressed primarily by mast cells, and that much of present numerical, behavioral, and genetic diversity of alpha- and beta-like tryptases was acquired during primate evolution.  相似文献   

Jiménez Ambriz G  Mota D  Cordero C 《Genetica》2011,139(10):1241-1249
Understanding the patterns of genetic variation of traits subject to sexual selection is fundamental for explaining its evolutionary dynamics and potential for sexual coevolution. The signa of female Lepidoptera are sclerotized structures located on the inner surface of the genital receptacle that receives the spermatophore during copulation (the corpus bursae), whose main function is tearing the spermatophore envelope. Comparative data indicate that the evolution of signa has been influenced by sexually antagonistic coevolution with spermatophore envelopes. We looked for additive genetic variation in the size and shape of signa in females of the butterfly Callophrys xami (Lycaenidae) from two localities (BG and FC) in Mexico City. We also looked for genetic variation in female body size and in the size of corpus bursae. There were significant between-population differences in female body size, signa width and three signa shape traits. We found significant extranuclear maternal effects in one component of signa shape in the BG population, and in body weight, signa length and in one uniform component of signa shape in the FC population. Extranuclear maternal contributions could permit the evolution of female adaptations even if these reduce male fitness. We found additive genetic variation in signa length and width only in one population (BG); heritability estimates were high: 0.96 and 0.8, respectively. The existence of additive genetic variation in signa size could be, at least in part, a result of relaxed sexually antagonistic selection pressures due to the low level of polyandry exhibited by this species. Our results imply that there is currently potential for further sexual coevolution in this trait.  相似文献   

Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is the most important sex steroid transport protein in human plasma. It is the product of the same single gene as the androgen binding protein (ABP) of testis. Protein S is another protein, which is an important cofactor in the anticoagulation system and, as far as is known today, functionally unrelated to SHBG/ABP. Protein S also has a role in the complement system. A comparison of the human genes for SHBG/ABP and protein S reveals a sequence similarity, which is of a low grade only, between the SHBG/ABP protein and a similar sized COOH-terminal domain of protein S. However, the intron-exon organization exhibits a striking similarity in the two genes, illustrating evolutionary events leading to the appearance of two functionally different proteins from common ancestral genetic elements.  相似文献   

Museum specimens of five species of entomobryid Collembola collected in Algeria, France, Portugal, and Dominican Republic were found infected with microsporidia. These microsporidia are characterized ultrastructurally, but not described as new species.  相似文献   

Using a direct miRNA cloning strategy we previously identified fourteen marsupial- or species-specific microRNAs in the marsupial species Monodelphis domestica. In the present study we examined each of the pre-miRNAs and their flanking sequences and demonstrate that half of these miRNAs evolved from marsupial-specific transposable elements. These findings reinforce the view that transposable elements are a previously unappreciated source of new, lineage-specific microRNAs.  相似文献   

Members of the ribonuclease III (RNase III) family regulate gene expression by processing double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). This family includes eukaryotic Dicer and Drosha enzymes that generate small dsRNAs in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. The fungus Mucor lusitanicus, which causes the deadly infection mucormycosis, has a complex RNAi system encompassing a non-canonical RNAi pathway (NCRIP) that regulates virulence by degrading specific mRNAs. In this pathway, Dicer function is replaced by R3B2, an atypical class I RNase III, and small single-stranded RNAs (ssRNAs) are produced instead of small dsRNA as Dicer-dependent RNAi pathways. Here, we show that R3B2 forms a homodimer that binds to ssRNA and dsRNA molecules, but exclusively cuts ssRNA, in contrast to all known RNase III. The dsRNA cleavage inability stems from its unusual RNase III domain (RIIID) because its replacement by a canonical RIIID allows dsRNA processing. A crystal structure of R3B2 RIIID resembles canonical RIIIDs, despite the low sequence conservation. However, the groove that accommodates dsRNA in canonical RNases III is narrower in the R3B2 homodimer, suggesting that this feature could be responsible for the cleavage specificity for ssRNA. Conservation of this activity in R3B2 proteins from other mucormycosis-causing Mucorales fungi indicates an early evolutionary acquisition.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a fossil fungus–Paleoblastocladia milleri gen. et sp. nov.–from the 400 million-year-old Early Devonian Rhynie chert that shares numerous features with modern zoosporic fungi placed in the order Blastocladiales. The fungus occurs in tufts that arise from stomata or between the cuticle and epidermis of Aglaophyton major axes. Thallus development begins from an irregular bipolar basal cell that produces a system of intramatrical rhizoids and clavate-shaped extramatrical, nonseptate hyphae. These hyphae develop into two types of mature thalli. Sporothalli are characterized by several orders of dichotomous branching and the production of terminal, globose zoosporangia, as well as thick-walled, pitted resting sporangia. On separate dichotomously branched thalli (gametothalli) are terminal chains of two or three gametangia, in which the terminal one is slightly larger. Despite the fact that all of the reproductive organs contain either zoospores or gametes, none show evidence of discharge papillae. The fossil fungus is compared with extant members of the Blastocladiales, and the presence of sexual reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Van de Peer Y  Ben Ali A  Meyer A 《Gene》2000,246(1-2):1-8
Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that have long been considered to be primitive eukaryotes, both on the basis of morphological features and on the basis of molecular, mainly ribosomal RNA-based, phylogenies. However, accumulating sequence data and the use of more sophisticated tree construction methods now seem to suggest that microsporidia share a common origin with fungi and are therefore most probably just curious fungi. In this paper, we describe the current views on the phylogenetic position of the microsporidia and present additional evidence for a close relationship between fungi and microsporidia on the basis of reanalyzed ribosomal RNA data. In this respect, the importance of incorporating detailed knowledge of the substitution pattern of sequences into phylogenetic methods is discussed.  相似文献   

Mating systems, that is, whether organisms give rise to progeny by selfing, inbreeding or outcrossing, strongly affect important ecological and evolutionary processes. Large variations in mating systems exist in fungi, allowing the study of their origin and consequences. In fungi, sexual incompatibility is determined by molecular recognition mechanisms, controlled by a single mating-type locus in most unifactorial fungi. In Basidiomycete fungi, however, which include rusts, smuts and mushrooms, a system has evolved in which incompatibility is controlled by two unlinked loci. This bifactorial system probably evolved from a unifactorial system. Multiple independent transitions back to a unifactorial system occurred. It is still unclear what force drove evolution and maintenance of these contrasting inheritance patterns that determine mating compatibility. Here, we give an overview of the evolutionary factors that might have driven the evolution of bifactoriality from a unifactorial system and the transitions back to unifactoriality. Bifactoriality most likely evolved for selfing avoidance. Subsequently, multiallelism at mating-type loci evolved through negative frequency-dependent selection by increasing the chance to find a compatible mate. Unifactoriality then evolved back in some species, possibly because either selfing was favoured or for increasing the chance to find a compatible mate in species with few alleles. Owing to the existence of closely related unifactorial and bifactorial species and the increasing knowledge of the genetic systems of the different mechanisms, Basidiomycetes provide an excellent model for studying the different forces that shape breeding systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Immunological relationships between genera and species of microsporidia were examined by immunoblot analysis. Exospore polypeptides from two Nosema spp., three Vairimorpha spp., and two undescribed Vairimorpha-like isolates were analyzed. Gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis revealed that a variety of polypeptides, mostly between 15,000 and 90,000 molecular weight, are present on the exospore. The three Vairimorpha spp. are closely related immunologically to each other, but less so to the two undescribed Vairimorpha-like isolates. The two Nosema spp. are immunologically distant from each other and from the Vairimorpha spp. Indirect evidence, however, indicated that many internal spore polypeptides present in both genera are similar. Cross-reactivity between exospore polypeptides from entomophilic microsporidia and antisera to a mammalian microsporidium, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, was very limited. These results indicate that immunoblot analysis of exospore polypeptides may be employed to investigate the interrelatedness of microsporidian species, and that exospore polypeptides of some microsporidia are sufficiently diverse to be of immunodiagnostic value.  相似文献   

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