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BACKGROUND: Caenorhabditis elegans is a major model system in biology, yet very little is known about its biology outside the laboratory. In particular, its unusual mode of reproduction with self-fertile hermaphrodites and facultative males raises the question of its frequency of outcrossing in natural populations. RESULTS: We describe the first analysis of C. elegans individuals sampled directly from natural populations. C. elegans is found predominantly in the dauer stage and with a very low frequency of males versus hermaphrodites. Whereas C. elegans was previously shown to display a low worldwide genetic diversity, we find by comparison a surprisingly high local genetic diversity of C. elegans populations; this local diversity is contributed in great part by immigration of new alleles rather than by mutation. Our results on heterozygote frequency, male frequency, and linkage disequilibrium furthermore show that selfing is the predominant mode of reproduction in C. elegans natural populations but that infrequent outcrossing events occur, at a rate of approximately 1%. CONCLUSIONS: Our results give a first insight in the biology of C. elegans in the natural populations. They demonstrate that local populations of C. elegans are genetically diverse and that a low frequency of outcrossing allows for the recombination of these locally diverse genotypes.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans can reproduce exclusively by self-fertilization. Yet, males can be maintained in laboratory populations, a phenomenon that continues to puzzle biologists. In this study we evaluated the role of males in facilitating adaptation to novel environments. For this, we contrasted the evolution of a fitness component exclusive to outcrossing in experimental populations of different mating systems. We introgressed a modifier of outcrossing into a hybrid population derived from several wild isolates to transform the wild-type androdioecious mating system into a dioecious mating system. By genotyping 375 single-nucleotide polymorphisms we show that the two populations had similar standing genetic diversity available for adaptation, despite the occurrence of selection during their derivation. We then performed replicated experimental evolution under the two mating systems from starting conditions of either high or low levels of diversity, under defined environmental conditions of discrete non-overlapping generations, constant density at high population sizes (N = 104), no obvious spatial structure and abundant food resources. During 100 generations measurements of sex ratios and male competitive performance showed: 1) adaptation to the novel environment; 2) directional selection on male frequency under androdioecy; 3) optimal outcrossing rates of 0.5 under androdioecy; 4) the existence of initial inbreeding depression; and finally 5) that the strength of directional selection on male competitive performance does not depend on male frequencies. Taken together, these results suggest that androdioecious males are maintained at intermediate frequencies because outcrossing is adaptive.  相似文献   

Barrière A  Félix MA 《Genetics》2007,176(2):999-1011
Caenorhabditis elegans is a major laboratory model system yet a newcomer to the field of population genetics, and relatively little is known of its biology in the wild. Recent studies of natural populations at a single time point revealed strong spatial population structure and suggested that these populations may be very dynamic. We have therefore studied several natural C. elegans populations over time and genotyped them at polymorphic microsatellite loci. While some populations appear to be genetically stable over the course of observation, others seem to go extinct, with full replacement of multilocus genotypes upon regrowth. The frequency of heterozygotes indicates that outcrossing occurs at a mean frequency of 1.7% and is variable between populations. However, in genetically stable populations, linkage disequilibrium between different chromosomes can be maintained over several years at a level much higher than expected from the heterozygote frequency. C. elegans seems to follow metapopulation dynamics, and the maintenance of linkage disequilibrium despite a low yet significant level of outcrossing suggests that selection may act against the progeny of outcrossings.  相似文献   

An understanding of the forces that contribute to the phylogenetically widespread phenomenon of sexual reproduction has posed a longstanding problem in evolutionary biology. Mutational theories contend that sex can be maintained when the deleterious mutation rate is sufficiently high, although empirical evidence is equivocal and experimental studies are rare. To test the influence of mutation on the evolution of obligate outcrossing, I introduced a genetic polymorphism for breeding system into populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with high- and low-mutation rate genetic backgrounds and tracked the change in frequency of females, hermaphrodites, and males over approximately 21 generations. Hermaphrodites invaded all populations, regardless of mutational background. However, experimental populations with elevated mutation rates experienced more outcrossing and greater retention of females. This provides experimental evidence consistent with deleterious mutational explanations for the evolution of sex in principle, but the action of other processes is required to explain the evolution of sex in entirety.  相似文献   

The free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is distributed globally and found in many varied habitats. However, in comparison to our understanding of the genetics of the species, little is known about natural variation and many major life history traits appear to show only limited differences between isolates. Here we show that temperature affects the lifetime fecundity and the reproductive timing of C. elegans and that there is a genotype by environment interaction, with isolates varying in how lifetime fecundity changes with temperature. We show that the lower lifetime fecundity observed at higher temperatures is primarily due to a reduction in the number of functional sperm. Further, isolates vary in their lifetime fecundity because of inter-isolate differences in this effect of temperature on the number of functional sperm.  相似文献   

This study establishes a phylogenetic framework for the natural geographic isolates of the widely studied nematode species Caenorhabditis elegans. Virtually complete mitochondrial genomes are sequenced from 27 C. elegans natural isolates to characterize mitochondrial divergence patterns and to investigate the evolutionary history of the C. elegans hermaphrodite lineages. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial sequences reveals the presence of two major C. elegans hermaphrodite clades (designated clade I and clade II). Fifty-six nuclear loci, widely distributed across the five autosomes and the X chromosome, are also analyzed in a subset of the C. elegans isolates to evaluate nuclear divergence patterns and the extent of mating between different strains. A comparison of the phylogenetic tree derived from mitochondrial data with the phylogenetic tree derived from nuclear data reveals only one inconsistency in the distribution of isolates into clades I and II, suggesting that mating between divergent C. elegans strains is an infrequent event in the wild.  相似文献   

In the small nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, mutants with a disorganized myofilament lattice structure have been identified by polarized light and electron microscopy. Genetic analysis places the mutations in 12 complementation groups which are distributed over the six linkage groups of C. elegans. The phenotypes are described for the mutants from the 9 complementation groups not previously reported on in detail. Most are paralyzed, but some exhibit essentially normal movement; mutants of two loci show changes only in later larval stages and adulthood. Morphological studies show that, in general, all the members of a complementation group show similar changes in muscle structure and that these changes are distinctive for that group. In mutants of several genes, disorganization of the myofilament lattice is general with no one component of the lattice more obviously altered than others. In mutants of other genes specific structures are prominently altered. In one of the instances where thick filaments appear to be abnormal, double mutants combining mutations in this gene (unc-82 IV) with mutations in the gene for a myosin heavy chain (MacLeod et al., 1977a,b) or paramyosin (Waterston et al., 1977) were used to show that the unc-82 gene product probably affects thick filament assembly through its actions on paramyosin. Some possible implications of the morphological features of the mutants as well as the conclusions derived from the genetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Many species use dormant stages for habitat selection by tying recovery to informative external cues. Other species have an undiscerning strategy in which they recover randomly despite having advanced sensory systems. We investigated whether elements of a species' habitat structure and life history can bar it from developing a discerning recovery strategy. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has a dormant stage called the dauer larva that disperses between habitat patches. On one hand, C. elegans colonization success is profoundly influenced by the bacteria found in its habitat patches, so we might expect this to select for a discerning strategy. On the other hand, C. elegans' habitat structure and life history suggest that there is no fitness benefit to varying recovery, which might select for an undiscerning strategy. We exposed dauers of three genotypes to a range of bacteria acquired from the worms' natural habitat. We found that C. elegans dauers recover in all conditions but increase recovery on certain bacteria depending on the worm's genotype, suggesting a combination of undiscerning and discerning strategies. Additionally, the worms' responses did not match the bacteria's objective quality, suggesting that their decision is based on other characteristics.  相似文献   

Achieving controlled reprogramming of differentiated cells into a desired cell type would open new opportunities in stem-cell biology and regenerative medicine. Experimentation on cell reprogramming requires a model in which cell conversion can be induced and tracked individually. The tiny nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, owing to its known cellular lineage, allows the study of direct cell type conversion with a single-cell resolution. Indeed, recent advances have shown that despite its invariant cell lineage, cellular identities can be reprogrammed, leading to cell conversion in vivo. In addition, natural transdifferentiation events occur in the worm, providing a powerful model for the study of cellular plasticity in a physiological cellular microenvironment. Here, we review pioneer studies on induced and naturally occurring reprogramming events in C. elegans and the new notions that have emerged.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe GMF class of the ADF-H domain family proteins regulate actin dynamics by binding to the Arp2/3 complex and F-actin through their Site-1 and Site-2, respectively. CeGMF of C. elegans is analogous to GMFγ of human and mouse and is 138 amino acids in length.MethodsWe have characterized the solution structure and dynamics of CeGMF by solution NMR spectroscopy and its thermal stability by DSC.ResultsThe solution structure of CeGMF shows canonical ADF-H fold with two additional β-strands in the β4-β5 loop region. The Site-1 of CeGMF is well formed and residues of all three regions of Site-1 show dynamic flexibility. However, the β4-β5 loop of Site-2 is less inclined towards the C-terminal, as the latter is truncated by four residues in comparison to GMF isoforms of human and mouse. Regions of Site-2 show motions on ns-ps timescale, but dynamic flexibility of β4-β5 loop is low in comparison to corresponding F-loop region of ADF/cofilin UNC-60B. A general difference in packing of α3 and α1 between GMF and ADF/cofilins was noticed. Additionally, thermal stability of CeGMF was significantly higher than its ADF/cofilin homologs.ConclusionWe have presented the first solution structure of GMF from C. elegans, which highlights the structural differences between the Site-2 of CeGMF and mammalian GMF isoforms. Further, we have seen the differences in structure, dynamics, and thermal stability of GMF and ADF/cofilin.General significanceThis study provides a useful insight to structural and dynamics factors that define the specificity of GMF towards Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

A properly functioning organism must maintain metabolic homeostasis. Deleterious mutations degrade organismal function, presumably at least in part via effects on metabolic function. Here we present an initial investigation into the mutational structure of the Caenorhabditis elegans metabolome by means of a mutation accumulation experiment. We find that pool sizes of 29 metabolites vary greatly in their vulnerability to mutation, both in terms of the rate of accumulation of genetic variance (the mutational variance, VM) and the rate of change of the trait mean (the mutational bias, ΔM). Strikingly, some metabolites are much more vulnerable to mutation than any other trait previously studied in the same way. Although we cannot statistically assess the strength of mutational correlations between individual metabolites, principal component analysis provides strong evidence that some metabolite pools are genetically correlated, but also that there is substantial scope for independent evolution of different groups of metabolites. Averaged over mutation accumulation lines, PC3 is positively correlated with relative fitness, but a model in which metabolites are uncorrelated with fitness is nearly as good by Akaike's Information Criterion.  相似文献   

The strains of Caenorhabditis elegans displaying low (LT) and high (HT1, HT2, and HT3) thermotolerance were obtained from the wild-type N2 strain by artificial selection for thermostability of locomotion and by natural selection in laboratory for thermotolerance of fertility under tolerable environmental temperature elevation. All these strains are new genetic variants that emerged during the experiment. The worms of strains HT2 and HT3 displayed an elevated upper temperature limit for reproduction (from 26 to 27.5°C), thermostability of locomotion at 36°C, and survival at 37°C as compared with the strain N2. The results have demonstrated that adaptation of C. elegans to high tmeperatures is an appropriate laboratory model for studying the mechanisms involved in the evolution of thermotolerance of poikilothermic Metazoa.  相似文献   

The lines of Caenorhabditis elegans displaying low (LT) and high (HT1, HT2, and HT3) thermotolerance were obtained from the wild line N2 by artificial selection for thermostability of locomotion and by natural selection in laboratory for thermotolerance of fertility under tolerable environmental temperature elevation. All these lines are new genetic variants that emerged during the experiment. The worms of lines HT2 and HT3 displayed an elevated upper temperature limit for reproduction (from 26 to 27.5 degrees C), thermostability of locomotion at 36 degrees C, and survival at 37 degrees C as compared with the line N2. The results have demonstrated that adaptation of C. elegans to high temperatures is an appropriate laboratory model for studying the mechanisms involved in the evolution of thermotolerance of poikilothermic Metazoa.  相似文献   

An allozyme examination was conducted to study the mating systems and genetic differentiation of populations of Equisetum arvense and E. hyemale. The study revealed that the rate of intragametophytic selfing in these homosporous pteridophytes is very low, i.e., on average 0.020 and 0.019, respectively, despite the potential hermaproditism and selfing of the gametophytes. Most populations consisted of numerous genotypes, and the average heterozygosities of E. arvense and E. hyemale equalled 0.092 and 0.134, respectively. The commonly observed excess of the heterozygote genotypes indicates that there are interclonal differences in the frequency of vegetative reproduction. The level of genetic divergence among populations was considerable even within a limited geographic area. It is suggested that the life history of Equisetum, characterized by the inefficiency of spore germination and gametophyte reproduction in noncolonizing situations, limits the level of gene flow and leads to a great genetic divergence between populations.  相似文献   

Dauer formation induced by high temperatures in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ailion M  Thomas JH 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1047-1067
Dauer formation in Caenorhabditis elegans is regulated by several environmental stimuli, including a pheromone and temperature. Dauer formation is moderately induced as the growth temperature increases from 15 degrees to 25 degrees. Here we show that dauer formation is very strongly induced at a temperature of 27 degrees in both wild-type animals and mutants such as unc-64, unc-31, and unc-3, which do not form dauers at 25 degrees. A 27 degrees temperature stimulus is sufficient to induce dauer formation in wild-type animals independent of pheromone. Analysis of previously described dauer mutants at 27 degrees reveals a number of surprising results. Several classes of mutants (dyf, daf-3, tax-4, and tax-2) that are defective in dauer formation at lower temperatures reverse their phenotypes at 27 degrees and form dauers constitutively. Epistasis experiments place unc-64 and unc-31 at a different position in the dauer pathway from unc-3. We also uncover new branches of the dauer pathway at 27 degrees that are not detected at 25 degrees. We show that epistatic gene interactions can show both quantitative and qualitative differences depending on environmental conditions. Finally, we discuss some of the possible ecological implications of dauer induction by high temperatures.  相似文献   

The model research animal Caenorhabditis elegans has unique properties making it particularly advantageous for studies of the nervous system. The nervous system is composed of a stereotyped complement of neurons connected in a consistent manner. Here, we describe methods for studying nervous system structure and function. The transparency of the animal makes it possible to visualize and identify neurons in living animals with fluorescent probes. These methods have been recently enhanced for the efficient use of neuron-specific reporter genes. Because of its simple structure, for a number of years, C. elegans has been at the forefront of connectomic studies defining synaptic connectivity by electron microscopy. This field is burgeoning with new, more powerful techniques, and recommended up-to-date methods are here described that encourage the possibility of new work in C. elegans. Fluorescent probes for single synapses and synaptic connections have allowed verification of the EM reconstructions and for experimental approaches to synapse formation. Advances in microscopy and in fluorescent reporters sensitive to Ca2+ levels have opened the way to observing activity within single neurons across the entire nervous system.  相似文献   

The consequences of mutations for population fitness depends on their individual selection coefficients and the effective population size. An earlier study of Caenorhabditis elegans spontaneous mutation accumulation lines evolved for 409 generations at three population sizes found that Ne  = 1 populations declined significantly in fitness whereas the fitness of larger populations (Ne  = 5, 50) was indistinguishable from the ancestral control under benign conditions. To test if larger MA populations harbor a load of cryptic deleterious mutations that are obscured under benign laboratory conditions, we measured fitness under osmotic stress via exposure to hypersaline conditions. The fitness of Ne  = 1 lines exhibited a further decline under osmotic stress compared to benign conditions. However, the fitness of larger populations remained indistinguishable from that of the ancestral control. The average effects of deleterious mutations in Ne  = 1 lines were estimated to be 22% for productivity and 14% for survivorship, exceeding values previously detected under benign conditions. Our results suggest that fitness decline is due to large effect mutations that are rapidly removed via selection even in small populations, with implications for conservation practices. Genetic stochasticity may not be as potent and immediate a threat to the persistence of small populations as other demographic and environmental stochastic factors.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of histone H3 (135 residues) from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been established. Microheterogeneity occurs at positions 96 and 100 of the chain. The sequences of the nematode H3 isoforms are very similar to the major chain of calf thymus H3 with which they show 4 substitutions in total. The major variant has cysteine in position 96. This is the first report of cysteine in this position in H3 from non-mammalian tissue. An exceptional methylation site has been detected at position 79. Various other sites of secondary modification are of a conservative nature.  相似文献   

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