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Growth of turgid cells, defined as an irreversible increase in cell volume and surface area, can be regarded as a physical process governed by the mechanical properties of the cell wall and the osmotic properties of the protoplast. Irreversible cell expansion is produced by creating a driving force for water uptake by decreasing the turgor through stress relaxation in the cell wall. This mechano-hydraulic process thus depends on and can be controlled by the mechanical properties of the wall, which in turn are subject to modification by wall loosening and wall stiffening reactions. The biochemical mechanisms of these changes in mechanical wall properties and their regulation by internal signals (e.g., hormones) or external signals (e.g., light, drought stress) are at present incompletely understood and subject to intensive research. These signals act on walls that have the properties of composite materials in which the molecular structure and spatial organization of polymers rather than the distribution of mechanical stresses dictate the allometry of cell and organ growth and thus cell and organ shape. The significance of cell wall architecture for allometric growth can be demonstrated by disturbing the oriented deposition of wall polymers with microtubule-interfering drugs such as colchicine. Elongating organs (e.g., cylindrical stems or coleoptiles) composed of different tissues with different mechanical properties exhibit longitudinal tissue tensions resulting in the transfer of wall stress from inner to peripheral cell layers that adopt control over organ growth. For physically analyzing the growth process leading to seed germination, the same mechanical and hydraulic parameters as in normal growth are principally appropriate. However, for covering the influences of the tissues that restrain embryo expansion (seed coat, endosperm), an additional force and a water permeability term must be considered.  相似文献   

<正>The global demand on agricultural products is rapidly expanding because of a growing world population and other factors,such as the increasing consumption of meat and dairy.However,food supply is facing tremendous challenges including limited arable land,water and fertilizer resources,various biotic and abiotic stresses.To satisfy the demand of food,feed,  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are involved in the regulation of a wide range of biological processes, and affect e.g. protein structure, activity and stability. Several hundred PTMs have been described in the literature, but relatively few have been studied using mass spectrometry and proteomics. In general, methods for PTM characterization are developed to study yeast and mammalian biology and later adopted to investigate plants. Our point of view is that it is advantageous to enrich for PTMs on the peptide level as part of a quantitative proteomics strategy to not only identify the PTM, but also to determine the functional relevance in the context of regulation, response to abiotic stress etc. Protein phosphorylation is the only PTM that has been studied extensively at the proteome wide level in plants using mass spectrometry based methods.  相似文献   

Chemical genomics is a newly emerged and rapidly progressing field in biology, where small chemical molecules bind specifically and reversibly to protein(s) to modulate their function(s), leading to the delineation and subsequent unravelling of biological processes. This approach overcomes problems like lethality and redundancy of classical genetics. Armed with the powerful techniques of combinatorial synthesis, high-throughput screening and target discovery chemical genomics expands its scope to diverse areas in biology. The well-established genetic system of Arabidopsis model allows chemical genomics to enter into the realm of plant biology exploring signaling pathways of growth regulators, endomembrane signaling cascades, plant defense mechanisms and many more events.  相似文献   

Techniques in plant telomere biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role model systems have played in understanding telomere biology has been enormous, and understanding has rapidly transferred to human telomere research. Most work using model organisms to study telomerase and nontelomerase-based telomere-maintenance systems has centered on yeasts, ciliates, and insects. But it is now timely to put considerably more effort into plant models for a number of reasons: (i) the rice and Arabidopsis genome sequencing projects make data mining possible; (ii) extensive collections of insertion mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana enable phenotypic effects of protein gene knockouts to be analyzed, including for those genes involved in telomere structure, function (including, for example, in meiosis), and maintenance; and (iii) the variability of plant telomeres is considerable and ranges from the telomerase-mediated synthesis of the Arabidopsis-type (TTTAGGG) and vertebrate-type (TTAGGG) repeats to sequences synthesized by telomerase-independent mechanism(s) that are still to be discovered. Here we describe how the understanding of telomere biology has been advanced by methods used to isolate telomeric sequences and prove that the putative sequences isolated are indeed telomeric. We show how assays designed to prove the activity of telomerase [e.g., telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP)] lead not only to an understanding of telomere structure and function, but also to the understanding of cell activity in development and in the cell cycle. We review how assays designed to reveal protein/protein and protein/nucleic acid interactions promote understanding of the structure and activities of plant telomeres. Together, the data are making significant contributions to telomere biology in general and could have medical implications.  相似文献   

Ribosome-inactivating proteins in plant biology   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Park SW  Vepachedu R  Sharma N  Vivanco JM 《Planta》2004,219(6):1093-1096

Cultivating plant synthetic biology from systems biology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The centromere, which is one of the essential parts of a chromosome, controls kinetochore formation and chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. While centromere function is conserved in eukaryotes, the centromeric DNA sequences evolve rapidly and have few similarities among species. The histone H3 variant CENH3(CENP-A in human), which mostly exists in centromeric nucleosomes, is a universal active centromere mark in eukaryotes and plays an essential role in centromere identity determination. The relationship between centromeric DNA sequences and centromere identity determination is one of the intriguing questions in studying centromere formation. Due to the discoveries in the past decades, including "neocentromeres" and "centromere inactivation", it is now believed that the centromere identity is determined by epigenetic mechanisms. This review will present recent progress in plant centromere biology.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors of the serpin family are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom but relatively little is known about their biological functions in comparison with their counterparts in animals. X-ray crystal structures have provided crucial insights into animal serpin functions. The recently solved structure of AtSerpin1 from Arabidopsis thaliana, which has the highly conserved reactive center P2-P1' Leu-Arg-Xaa (Xaa = small residue), displays both conserved and plant-specific serpin features. Sequence homology suggests that AtSerpin1 belongs to serpin Clade B, composed of intracellular mammalian serpins, which is consistent with the lack of strong evidence for secretion of serpins from plant cells. The major in vivo target protease for AtSerpin1 is the papain-like cysteine RD21 protease, a match reminiscent of the inhibition of cathepsins K, L and S by the Clade-B mammalian serpin, SCCA-1 (SERPINB3). The function of AtSerpin1 and other serpins that contain P2-P1' Leu-Arg-Xaa (the 'LR' serpins) in plants remains unknown. However, based on its homology and interactive partners, AtSerpin1 and perhaps other serpins are likely to be involved in regulating programmed cell death or associated processes such as senescence. Abundant accumulation of serpins in seeds and their presence in phloem sap suggest additional functions in plant defense by irreversible inhibition of digestive proteases from pests or pathogens. Here we review the most recent findings in plant serpin biology, focusing on advances in describing the structure and inhibitory specificity of the LR serpins.  相似文献   

Sugar transporters are key players in many fundamental processes in plant growth and development. Recent results have identified several new transporters that contribute to a wide array of physiological activities, and detailed molecular analysis has provided exciting insights into the structure and regulation of these essential membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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