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The functional role of GABAergic inhibition in shaping the frequency tuning of 96 neurons in the torus semicircularis of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, was studied using microiontophoresis of the GABAA receptor antagonist, bicuculline methiodide. Bicuculline application abolished, or reduced in size, the inhibitory tuning curves of 72 neurons. In each case, there was a concommitant broadening of the excitatory tuning curve such that frequency-intensity combinations that were inhibitory under control conditions, became excitatory during disinhibition with bicuculline methiodide. These effects were observed irrespective of the excitatory tuning curve configuration prior to bicuculline methiodide application. Results indicate an important role for GABA-mediated inhibition in shaping the frequency selectivity of neurons in the torus semicircularis of the leopard frog. Bicuculline application also affected several other response properties of neurons in the leopard frog torus. Disinhibition with bicuculline methiodide increased both the spontaneous firing rate (18 cells) and stimulus-evoked discharge rate (81 cells) of torus neurons, decreased the minimum excitatory threshold for 18 cells, and altered the temporal discharge pattern of 47 neurons. Additional roles for GABAergic inhibition in monaural signal analysis are discussed. Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

白静  唐佳 《生物学杂志》2011,28(2):62-65
频率作为声音的一个重要参数,在听敏感神经元对声音进行分析和编码过程中扮演重要角色。一般用频率调谐曲线来表示听敏感神经元的频率调谐特性,并用Qn(10,30,50)值表达频率调谐曲线的尖锐程度,Qn值越大,频率调谐曲线也越尖锐,神经元的频率调谐能力越好,对频率的分辨能力越高。从听觉外周到中枢,听敏感神经元的频率调谐逐级锐化,而这种锐化主要是由听中枢的多种抑制性神经递质的作用而产生的,其中起主要作用的是GABA能和甘氨酸能神经递质。此外,离皮层调控,双侧下丘间的联合投射以及弱噪声前掩蔽等因素也会影响听敏感神经元的频率调谐特性。  相似文献   

In anurans, the temporal patterning of sound pulses is the primary information used for differentiating between spectrally similar calls. One class of midbrain neurons, referred to as ‘interval-counting’ cells, appears to be particularly important for discriminating among calls that differ in pulse repetition rate (PRR). These cells only respond after several pulses are presented with appropriate interpulse intervals. Here we show that the range of selectivity and sharpness of interval tuning vary considerably across neurons. Whole-cell recordings revealed that neurons showing temporally summating excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) with little or no inhibition or activity-dependent enhancement of excitation exhibited low-pass or band-pass tuning to slow PRRs. Neurons that showed inhibition and rate-dependent enhancement of excitation, however, were band-pass or high-pass to intermediate or fast PRRs. Surprisingly, across cells, interval tuning based on membrane depolarization and spike rate measures were not significantly correlated. Neurons that lacked inhibition showed the greatest disparities between these two measures of interval tuning. Cells that showed broad membrane potential-based tuning, for example, varied considerably in their spike rate-based tuning; narrow spike rate-based tuning resulted from ‘thresholding’ processes, whereby only the largest depolarizations triggered spikes. The potential constraints associated with generating interval tuning in this manner are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual cells which produce projections from the torus semicircularis in the frog have been visualized after injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to various thalamic and isthmal areas. Labeled toral cells were observed if HRP had been injected to the posterodorsal areas of the thalamus or to the isthmal areas where lateral lemniscus fibers and cells of the premature lateral lemniscal nucleus are situated. Medium and large size cells in the rostrolateral torus semicircularis were mainly labeled. Thalamic injections of the HRP produced more labeled cells in the lateral part of the magnocellular nucleus, whereas isthmal injections produced labeled cells mainly in the lateral part of the laminar nucleus. A few HRP containing cells were observed in the principal nucleus of the torus. Specificity of the neuronal organisation of the auditory pathway in amphibians is discussed.  相似文献   

Goense JB  Feng AS 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31589
Natural auditory scenes such as frog choruses consist of multiple sound sources (i.e., individual vocalizing males) producing sounds that overlap extensively in time and spectrum, often in the presence of other biotic and abiotic background noise. Detection of a signal in such environments is challenging, but it is facilitated when the noise shares common amplitude modulations across a wide frequency range, due to a phenomenon called comodulation masking release (CMR). Here, we examined how properties of the background noise, such as its bandwidth and amplitude modulation, influence the detection threshold of a target sound (pulsed amplitude modulated tones) by single neurons in the frog auditory midbrain. We found that for both modulated and unmodulated masking noise, masking was generally stronger with increasing bandwidth, but it was weakened for the widest bandwidths. Masking was less for modulated noise than for unmodulated noise for all bandwidths. However, responses were heterogeneous, and only for a subpopulation of neurons the detection of the probe was facilitated when the bandwidth of the modulated masker was increased beyond a certain bandwidth - such neurons might contribute to CMR. We observed evidence that suggests that the dips in the noise amplitude are exploited by TS neurons, and observed strong responses to target signals occurring during such dips. However, the interactions between the probe and masker responses were nonlinear, and other mechanisms, e.g., selective suppression of the response to the noise, may also be involved in the masking release.  相似文献   

Emergent response properties of sensory neurons depend on circuit connectivity and somatodendritic processing. Neurons of the barn owl’s external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICx) display emergence of spatial selectivity. These neurons use interaural time difference (ITD) as a cue for the horizontal direction of sound sources. ITD is detected by upstream brainstem neurons with narrow frequency tuning, resulting in spatially ambiguous responses. This spatial ambiguity is resolved by ICx neurons integrating inputs over frequency, a relevant processing in sound localization across species. Previous models have predicted that ICx neurons function as point neurons that linearly integrate inputs across frequency. However, the complex dendritic trees and spines of ICx neurons raises the question of whether this prediction is accurate. Data from in vivo intracellular recordings of ICx neurons were used to address this question. Results revealed diverse frequency integration properties, where some ICx neurons showed responses consistent with the point neuron hypothesis and others with nonlinear dendritic integration. Modeling showed that varied connectivity patterns and forms of dendritic processing may underlie observed ICx neurons’ frequency integration processing. These results corroborate the ability of neurons with complex dendritic trees to implement diverse linear and nonlinear integration of synaptic inputs, of relevance for adaptive coding and learning, and supporting a fundamental mechanism in sound localization.  相似文献   

Previous studies in the inferior colliculus have shown that spatial separation of signal and noise sources improves signal detection. In this study, we investigated the free-field unmasking response properties of single fibers in the auditory nerve--these were compared to those of inferior colliculus neurons under the same experimental conditions to test the hypothesis that central processing confers advantages for signal detection in the presence of spatially separated noise. For each neuron, we determined the detection threshold for a probe at the unit's best azimuth under three conditions: (1) by itself, (2) when a masker at a constant level was also presented at the unit's best azimuth, and (3) when the masker was positioned at different azimuths. We found that, on average, maskers presented at a unit's best azimuth elevated the probe detection threshold by 4.22 dB in the auditory nerve and 10.97 dB in the inferior colliculus. Angular separation of probe and masker sources systematically reduced the masking effect. The maximum masking release was on average 2.90 dB for auditory nerve fibers and 9.40 dB for inferior colliculus units. These results support the working hypothesis, suggesting that central processing contributes to the stronger free-field unmasking in the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

Neural adaptation, a reduction in the response to a maintained stimulus, is an important mechanism for detecting stimulus change. Contributing to change detection is the fact that adaptation is often stimulus specific: adaptation to a particular stimulus reduces excitability to a specific subset of stimuli, while the ability to respond to other stimuli is unaffected. Phasic cells (e.g., cells responding to stimulus onset) are good candidates for detecting the most rapid changes in natural auditory scenes, as they exhibit fast and complete adaptation to an initial stimulus presentation. We made recordings of single phasic auditory units in the frog midbrain to determine if adaptation was specific to stimulus frequency and ear of input. In response to an instantaneous frequency step in a tone, 28 % of phasic cells exhibited frequency specific adaptation based on a relative frequency change (delta-f = ±16 %). Frequency specific adaptation was not limited to frequency steps, however, as adaptation was also overcome during continuous frequency modulated stimuli and in response to spectral transients interrupting tones. The results suggest that adaptation is separated for peripheral (e.g., frequency) channels. This was tested directly using dichotic stimuli. In 45 % of binaural phasic units, adaptation was ear specific: adaptation to stimulation of one ear did not affect responses to stimulation of the other ear. Thus, adaptation exhibited specificity for stimulus frequency and lateralization at the level of the midbrain. This mechanism could be employed to detect rapid stimulus change within and between sound sources in complex acoustic environments.  相似文献   

Neurons tuned for stimulus duration were first discovered in the auditory midbrain of frogs. Duration-tuned neurons (DTNs) have since been reported from the central auditory system of both echolocating and non-echolocating mammals, and from the central visual system of cats. We hypothesize that the functional significance of auditory duration tuning likely varies between species with different evolutionary histories, sensory ecologies, and bioacoustic constraints. For example, in non-echolocating animals such as frogs and mice the temporal filtering properties of auditory DTNs may function to discriminate species-specific communication sounds. In echolocating bats duration tuning may also be used to create cells with highly selective responses for specific rates of frequency modulation and/or pulse-echo delays. The ability to echolocate appears to have selected for high temporal acuity in the duration tuning curves of inferior colliculus neurons in bats. Our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying sound duration selectivity has improved substantially since DTNs were first discovered almost 50 years ago, but additional research is required for a comprehensive understanding of the functional role and the behavioral significance that duration tuning plays in sensory systems.  相似文献   

The time course of poststimulatory adaptation of the inferior colliculus central nucleus (ICC) of CBB6F1 hybrid mice to sound sequences, specifically, series of four tonal stimuli presented at intervals of 0, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 700, 1000, and 1500 ms were studied. Assessment of the adaptation of the entire neuronal population have shown that, at an interstimulus interval of 0–200 ms, the response to the first tone in a series is significantly stronger than those to the second to fourth tones, the strengths of the latter three responses not differing significantly from one another. If the interstimulus interval is 500 ms or longer, the response to none of the tones in a series differs significantly in strength from the others. The role of adaptation of midbrain neurons to the grouping of components of bioacoustic stimuli is discussed.  相似文献   

The mating (advertisement) calls of two sibling species of gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor and Hyla chrysoscelis, are spectrally identical but differ in trill rate; being higher for H. chrysoscelis. Single-unit recordings were made from the torus semicircularis of both species to investigate the neural mechanisms by which this species-specific temporal feature is analyzed. Using sinusoidally amplitude-modulated (AM) white noise as a stimulus, the temporal selectivity of these midbrain auditory neurons could be described by five response categories: 'AM nonselective' (34%); 'AM high-pass' (7%); 'AM low-pass' (6%); 'AM band-suppression' (12%); 'AM tuned' (40%). The distributions of temporal tuning values (i.e., modulation rate at which each AM-tuned unit responds maximally) are broad; in both species, neurons were found which were tuned to modulation rates greater than those found in their advertisement calls. Nevertheless, the temporal tuning values for H. versicolor (median = 25 Hz) were significantly lower than those for H. chrysoscelis (median = 32.5 Hz). The temporal selectivities of AM band-suppression neurons were found to be temperature dependent. The modulation rate at which a response minimum was observed shifted to higher values as the temperature was elevated. These results extend our earlier findings of temperature-dependent temporal selectivity in the gray treefrog. The selectivity of band-suppression and AM-tuned neurons to various rates of amplitude modulation was largely, but not completely, independent of whether sinusoidal or natural forms of AM were used.  相似文献   

The peripheral auditory organ, the cochlea, acts as a spectral analyzer resolving the frequency components of sound. During development the cochlea first responds to loud low-frequency sounds, and only gradually acquires the adult pattern of increased sensitivity and an expanded high-frequency range. This evolution of function may result in part from the gradual maturation of hair cell properties.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the lateral line system of ranid frogs (Rana catesbeiana) degenerates and an auditory system sensitive to airborne sounds develops. We examined the onset of function and developmental changes in the central auditory system by recording multi-unit activity from the principal nucleus of the torus semicircularis (TSp) of bullfrogs at different postmetamorphic stages in response to tympanically-presented auditory stimuli. No responses were recorded to stimuli of up to 95 dB SPL from latemetamorphic tadpoles, but auditory responses were recorded within 24 hours of completion of metamorphosis. Audiograms from froglets (SVL < 5.5 cm) were relatively flat in shape with high thresholds, and showed a decrease in most sensitive frequency (MSF) from about 2500 Hz to about 1500 Hz throughout the first 7–10 days after completion of metamorphosis. Audiograms from frogs larger than 5.5 cm showed continuous downward shifts in MSF and thresholds, and increases in sharpness around MSF until reaching adult-like values. Spontaneous activity in the TSp increased throughout postmetamorphic development. The torus increased in volume by approximately 50% throughout development and displayed changes in cell density and nuclear organization. These observations suggest that the onset of sensitivity to tympanically presented airborne sounds is limited by peripheral, rather than central, auditory maturation.Abbreviations CF characteristic frequency - MSF most sensitive frequency - PB phasic burst - PL primary like - S sustained - SVL snout-vent length - TS torus semicircularis - TSl laminar nucleus of TS - TSm magnocellular nucleus of TS - TSp principal nucleus of TS - TW tympanic width  相似文献   

Songs mediate mate attraction and territorial defence in songbirds during the breeding season. Outside of the breeding season, the avian vocal repertoire often includes calls that function in foraging, antipredator and social behaviours. Songs and calls can differ substantially in their spectral and temporal content. Given seasonal variation in the vocal signals, the sender–receiver matching hypothesis predicts seasonal changes in auditory processing that match the physical properties of songs during the breeding season and calls outside of it. We tested this hypothesis in white-breasted nuthatches, Sitta carolinensis, tufted titmice, Baeolophus bicolor, and Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis. We measured the envelope-following response (EFR), which quantifies phase locking to the amplitude envelope, and the frequency-following response (FFR), which quantifies phase locking to the temporal fine structure of sounds. Because songs and calls of nuthatches are amplitude modulated at different rates, we predicted seasonal changes in EFRs that match the rates of amplitude fluctuation in songs and calls. In chickadees and titmice, we predicted stronger FFRs during the spring and stronger EFRs during the winter because songs are tonal and calls include amplitude-modulated elements. In all three species, we found seasonal changes in EFRs and FFRs. EFRs varied across seasons and matched the amplitude modulations of songs and calls in nuthatches. In addition, female chickadees had stronger EFRs in the winter than in the spring. In all three species, FFRs during the spring tended to be stronger in females than in males. We also found species differences in EFRs and FFRs in both seasons; EFRs and FFRs tended to be higher in nuthatches than in chickadees and titmice. We discuss the potential mechanisms underlying seasonality in EFRs and FFRs and the implications of our results for communication during the breeding season and outside of it, when these three species form mixed-species flocks.  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were made from the frog inferior colliculus to determine whether or not the direction-dependent sharpening of a unit's free-field excitatory frequency-threshold curve (FTCe) was accompanied by a broadening of its inhibitory frequency-threshold curve (FTCi). To determine the FTCi, a two-tone-suppression paradigm was employed. The unit's FTCis and FTCes were collected at three azimuths: contralateral to the recording site, ipsilateral to the recording site, and frontal midline. The result showed that: (1) most inferior colliculus neurons (95%) displayed two-tone suppression, (2) the majority (54%) of neurons displayed stronger two-tone-suppression leading to broader FTCis when the sound was presented from the ipsilateral side than from the contralateral side, (3) for some neurons, the borders of the FTCes and FTCis were closely aligned, and this juxtaposition persisted at all sound azimuths (namely, when a change in sound direction produced a narrowing of a unit's FTCe, its FTCi was broadened concomitantly). For the remaining neurons, however, direction-dependent sharpening of the FTCe was not accompanied by an increase in two-tone-suppression. The neural mechanisms that underlie the direction-dependent changes in the FTCes and FTCis are discussed. Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

Bibikov NG 《Biofizika》2004,49(1):107-120
The responses of single neurones located in different parts of the auditory system of amphibians to tone signals of a small death of amplitude modulation were studied. It was shown that the firing rate generally diminished during both the first second of sounding (short-term adaptation) and subsequent several tens of seconds (long-term adaptation). In a considerable proportion of neurones, a sharp improving of the phase-locking of the response to modulation waveform was observed in parallel the drop in firing rate. These effects are expressed much more strongly in higher nucleus of the auditory system. A sharp accentuation of modulation waveform could be seen also in the completely adapted regime. In some cases, this effect was evident only after the addition of a random noise to the modulating function (stochastic resonance effect). These data were compared with physiological results obtained on mammals and with psychophysical observations.  相似文献   

Barn owls have neurons sensitive to acoustic motion-direction in the midbrain. We report here that acoustic motion-direction sensitive neurons with receptive-field centres in frontal auditory space are not randomly distributed. In the inferior colliculus and optic tectum in the left (right) brain, the responses of about two-thirds of the motion-direction sensitive neurons were sensitive to clockwise (counter-clockwise) motion. The midbrain contains maps of auditory space that represent about 15 degrees of ipsilateral and all of contralateral space. Since a similar bias in motion-direction sensitivity was observed for neurons with receptive-field centres in ipsilateral as well as for neurons with receptive fields centres in contralateral auditory space, the brain side at which a motion-direction sensitive neuron was recorded was a more important predictor for the preferred direction of a cell than the spatial direction of the centre of the receptive field. Within one dorso-ventral electrode pass motion-direction sensitivity typically stayed constant suggesting a clustered or even a columnar-like organization. We hypothesize from these distributions that the right brain is important for orientating movements to the left hemisphere and vice versa.  相似文献   

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