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In a previous field-trapping study of the oriental beetle, Exomala orientalis (Waterhouse), by using synthetic sex pheromone on golf course fairways, numerous males were observed and trapped during the hours of peak mating activity. However, very few beetles were observed in the same areas when synthetic pheromone was absent. To investigate the hypothesis that mating in nature occurs cryptically within vegetation at the soil surface, laboratory studies on female emergence and pheromone release, male emergence and mate-locating, and female and male mating behaviors were conducted. Mate acquisition and copulation occurred on the soil surface near the female emergence site, with both sexes engaging in pheromone-mediated behaviors after having emerged from the soil. A highly stereotyped female pheromone release, or calling, behavior was observed, consisting of insertion of the female's head into the soil and elevation of the tip of her abdomen into the air. Bioassays conducted in a wind tunnel that simulated a turf fairway environment showed that walking and flying were both important in the upwind response of males to females. Mating and copulation occurred without an obvious complex courtship, but observations of postmating behaviors suggested that mate guarding occurs.  相似文献   

We examined behavioral mechanisms underlying aggregation and mate location in the red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (Forster) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Larvae of this species feed on rhizomes of common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca L., and adults feed on the flowers and foliage, aggregating on individual stems within milkweed patches. Adults preferred to aggregate on milkweeds that had multiple, large inflorescences. Males actively searched for females, often flying between host plants. Mate location did not appear to involve long-range pheromones or vision, but rather males landed on milkweed stems arbitrarily, whether or not females were present. Males remained for longer periods, and so tended to accumulate, on milkweed stems that had female-biased sex ratios. We conclude that aggregation of T. tetrophthalmus is cued by host plant characteristics but dynamically influenced by the sex ratio of conspecifics present on individual stems.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the functional response ofColeomegilla maculataDeGeer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fourth instars was conducted under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. In the laboratory, individual larvae were placed in 9-cm petri dishes for 24 h, with 1, 3, 5, or 7 Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata[Say]) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) egg masses. Each egg mass was standardized at 15 eggs. In the greenhouse and field,C. maculatalarvae were provided with an equivalent of 0.5 to 35L. decemlineataegg masses/m2of potato leaf. Fourth instars ofC. maculataexhibited a type II functional response toL. decemlineataeggs under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. Predator search efficiency was inversely related with prey density. The maximum mean attack rate (8.7 eggs) byC. maculatalarvae in the field was about half the mean attack rate in the laboratory (17.6 eggs) and greenhouse (20.1 eggs). The difference in prey density between the laboratory and field seems to have been a major contributing factor in determining the rate of predation, whereas differences in environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and possible alternate food) may explain the differences observed in the predation rate in the greenhouse and field.  相似文献   

Established populations of the Eurasian pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda (L.); Coleoptera: Scolytidae) were first discovered in North America in Ohio in 1992. As of 31 December 2000, T. piniperda was found in 303 counties in 12 US states (Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin) and in 43 counties in 2 Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec). A federal quarantine imposed in November 1992 regulates movement of pine (Pinus) trees, logs, and certain pine products from infested to uninfested areas within US. The forest products, Christmas tree, and nursery industries are affected by the quarantine. This paper summarizes information on the discovery and spread of T. piniperda in North America, survey efforts, recent interception history, development and changes in the federal quarantine, development of a national compliance management program, and extension and research efforts.  相似文献   

Imported willow leaf beetles Plagiodera versicolora oviposit on willow leaves, and both larvae and adults feed on the leaves. In the field, eggs were found on leaves near the center of branchlets, and the number of eggs per cluster was independent of the leaf area and position. However, in the laboratory, females chose young leaves over old leaves, for both oviposition and feeding and choice did not rely on information on relative position or size of leaves. Developing on young versus old leaves may provide both advantages and disadvantages. In the laboratory, larvae developed more quickly and attained a greater adult weight when fed young versus old leaves, perhaps because of increased mandibular wear of larvae fed old leaves. However, in the field, survival of eggs was lower on young versus old leaves. In the laboratory, rates of cannibalism and survivorship to adulthood did not differ on young versus old leaves.  相似文献   

The peacock moraeas are South African geophytes withIris-like flowers that are characterized by broad outer tepals with iridescent spots. Three of the seven species were studied and found to be exclusively visited and pollinated by beetles. The primary pollinators were hopliine (Scarabaeidae) beetles in the generaPeritrichia, Monochelus, Anisonyx andAnisochelus. These beetles visit flowers for nectar, pollen and mating.Peritrichia rufotibialis was the primary pollinator ofMoraea villosa, P. abdominalis was the primary pollinator ofM. tulbaghensis, whileMonochelus sp. nov. was the primary pollinator of the third species,M. neopavonia. High levels of fruit set attest to the effectiveness of these beetles as pollinators. Average fruit set ranged from 83.5 ± 34.8% (M. villosa) to 97.2 ± 11.6% (M. tulbaghensis). Average seed set in the various populations was more variable, but was also quite high, ranging from 77.3 ± 40.8 (M. villosa) to 342.2 ± 115.0 (M. neopavonia) seeds per capsule. Although hopliine beetles are abundant and diverse in southern Africa and commonly visit flowers, this is the first well-documented report of pollination by these beetles.  相似文献   

Petitpierre E  Garnería I 《Genetica》2003,119(2):193-199
The chromosomes of ten species of Cyrtonus and the genome sizes of six are surveyed. Among the total of 15 chromosomally studied species, 11 have 2n=28 chromosomes and a 13+Xyp male meioformula, three have 2n=40 and 19+Xyp and one 2n=46 and 22+Xyp. All but one species with 28 chromosomes show only metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes, whereas the species with 40 and 46 chromosomes display some telocentrics or subtelocentrics, that are probably derived from the former by centric fissions. However, since the number of major chromosome arms is strikingly higher in these latter species (NF=70 and 78) than in the 28-chromosome species (mostly NF=56), other chromosomal rearrangements such as pericentric inversions or heterochromatin accretions could also be involved. The genome sizes display a narrow range, from 1C=0.6–1.22pg, and they are not significantly correlated with the chromosome numbers. Some possible factors implied in the rough chromosomal evolution of Cyrtonus are discussed in relation to a few other genera of the subfamily Chrysomelinae.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Protaetia lugubris, an endangered species developing in hollow trees, was studied in a network of rural avenues in northern Poland. We detected 1002 trees from nine species with hollows suitable for beetle development (25% of all trees inspected). Among them, 74 trees (7.4%) from seven species were occupied by P. lugubris. The distribution of P. lugubris was random with respect to tree species identity. The beetle preferred trees above 200 cm in circumference with a tendency towards higher occupancies of the bigger trees having circumferences above 300 cm. P. lugubris did not show any significant preferences according to hollow entrance area, exposition and road surface type. Our results indicate that P. lugubris is a generalist species colonizing all suitable hollows. Its occurrence indicates suitable conditions for many other species associated with tree cavities and decaying wood.  相似文献   

The small poplar longhorn beetle, Saperda populnea is an important pest of Lombardy poplars (Populus nigra L.) in Turkey. A survey for natural entomopathogenic fungi of S. populnea larvae was made in Erzurum, Turkey, during the period 2004–2005. Larvae (13.5%) infected with a strain of the fungus Beauveria bassiana were found. The pathogenicity of B. bassiana strain 46 was conducted with different concentrations of conidia (106, 107 and 108 conidia/ml) of this isolate on S. populnea larvae. The lowest concentration (106 conidia/ml) caused about 56% mortality within 6 days. One hundred percent mortality was achieved after median lethal time (LT50) of 4.6 and 4.4 days for 107 and 108 conidia/ml, respectively. There were no significant differences between median lethal times. This is the first record of natural infection of S. populnea larvae by B. bassiana.  相似文献   

The identification of beetle, and other invertebrate, biotopes based on the recording of species assemblages has become a regular occurrence as a result of increased survey work, with the approach expanded into classifications of grid square pooled species lists at the national scale. A reassessment of beetle biotopes and distribution has been attempted by interpreting the classifications in terms of the major environmental factors of productivity and disturbance, identified as being important drivers in work on habitat templates and strategic triangles. For grassland ground beetle biotopes, productivity was generally related to soil quality whilst disturbance was associated with land management or cover. Productivity of exposed riverine sediment ground beetle biotopes was dependent on deposited organic matter and disturbance on the effects of water flow on site structure. With both ground beetle biotopes, the distribution of assemblages was also affected by substrate water, another abiotic driver. Productivity in aquatic beetle biotopes was a function of base-status, generally reflected by pH, whilst disturbance was mainly due to water flow and wave action. However, disturbance in ditches was also the result of site vegetation management whilst another factor affecting assemblage distribution was water permanence, with temporary water having specific assemblages. For large-scale British, grid-based, classifications productivity and disturbance were interpreted from satellite-derived land cover data. At the national scale, the other important factor influencing distribution was temperature. There is a requirement for better quantification of a number of the factors influencing biotope and assemblage definition. Species strategies employed to cope with the various environmental variables were reflected in traits in such factors as morphology and life-cycles. The effects of environmental perturbations including climate change, pollution and land use are discussed in relation to the environmental variables and to the various species strategies. Biotope classifications, using standardised and reproducible survey methods, allied to a better understanding of the underlying environmental pressures, could produce a unified approach for the conservation of beetle and other invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that larger propagules should be produced when the offspring are expected to experience intense competition. This study tested whether female cowpea weevils responded to high larval or adult density by producing larger eggs. In a splitbrood design I measured the effect of density experienced by females at their larval stage (1 vs. 4–6 larvae/cowpea) on the size of eggs produced just after emergence. The females were then kept either at low adult density (1 female+1 male per vial), or at high adult density (10 females+10 males) for 2 days, and tested for the effect of this adult density treatment on the size of eggs laid subsequently. I measured egg length and width, as well as the diameter of the entrance tunnel made by the larva, which can be regarded as a crude measure of larval size. Females that experienced high adult density subsequently laid slightly wider eggs than those kept at low density. This difference, albeit small (about 1–4% after correction for female weight and the effect of family, depending on the statistical model used), was statistically significant and robust to alterations of the statistical model. It may be a remnant of a larger plastic response of egg size to competition that has become eroded during many generations in high-density laboratory cultures. There was no difference in egg length or the diameter of the entrance tunnel. Eggs laid just after emergence by females reared at high larval density also tended to be wider than those produced by females that had no competitors. This effect was only marginally significant, however, and sensitive to the statistical model. Both egg length and width and the diameter of the entrance tunnel increased with female weight and decreased with female age. The tunnel diameter was positively correlated with both egg length and width, but the effect of width was larger.  相似文献   

The intertidal macrofauna on a small sheltered marine beach at Pawley's Island, South Carolina, was dominated by insects, primarily Psamathobledius punctatissimus, a small beetle which attained densities of up to 2 260 adults m−2. Both adult and larval beetles remained buried in the sand when covered by the tide, then emerged to form mole-like surface trails and feed upon diatoms when exposed. Eggs and young larvae were maintained within special maternal burrows, while larger larvae and non-breeding adults occupied their own individual burrows. Both adults and larvae became comatose when in direct contact with water, but recovered after as long as six hours submergence. In the field, burrows retained air during tidal coverage, allowing the beetles to avoid direct contact with sea water. Seaward extension of the population is probably limited by time available for feeding, while longshore distribution is restricted by sand texture and diatom concentration, or by sediment mobility in more exposed locations. Although very locally distributed, P. punctatissimus has achieved considerable success in a habitat poorly exploited by competitors of either marine or terrestrial origin. Contribution No. 434 of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research Contribution No. 434 of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research  相似文献   

There is increasing concern about the conservation of dung beetles which are threatened by several peculiar dangers world-wide, both at the population and community level. A noticeable threat in Europe is the dramatic reduction in the number of cattle and sheep grazing in the open, which is associated with both intensive agriculture and the progressive reforestation of previously pastured areas. We studied dung beetle habitat and resource preferences at La Mandria Park (north-west Italy) which is a mosaic of open and wooded patches where domestic (cows and horses) and wild ungulates (deer and wild boar) co-exist. Scarabaeidae were numerically dominant, accounting for 61.5% of the approximately 3000 individuals sampled (Aphodiidae accounted for 32.5% and Geotrupidae for only 6%). However, when species richness was considered, Aphodiidae were dominant, with 17 of the 27 species found (Scarabaeidae with eight and Geotrupidae with two). Assuming a null hypothesis of equal probability of colonizing any habitat or faeces, we found that most species were significantly associated with one of the four dung types or with one of the two habitats considered. On average, Scarabaeidae preferred cattle dung and open habitats whereas most Aphodiidae used deer lumps and wooded habitats. In spite of the precise ecological choices observed at La Mandria, surveys from other European areas suggest that both habitat and food selection are quite flexible. From a conservation viewpoint, the ability of coprophagous beetles to choose herbivore faeces according to their availability and to select habitats that satisfy their own microclimate requirements may certainly be useful in preserving biodiversity. Agroecology, which implies some woodland and hedgerow management practices associated with pastoralism, could be the right approach to the management of the agricultural landscape. Conversely, in reforested areas, while wild ungulate populations should be preserved, some form of human disturbance, particularly clearings used for pastoralism, should also be maintained.  相似文献   

We investigated signal sources used by the parasitoid Lemophagus pulcher in locating and accepting larvae of its host, the lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii. Olfactometer bioassays revealed that larvae with fecal shields, larvae without shields, the shield alone, and lily leaves damaged by L. lilii were all attractive to female parasitoids. In contact bioassays, L. pulcher females were attracted to shields and showed ovipositor probing independently of whether the larva underneath was L. lilii or a nonhost, suggesting that the shield plays a primary role in short-range host location and host acceptance by L. pulcher. The attractiveness of the shield is at least partly of a chemical nature, since shield extracts applied to dummies increased contact duration and induced ovipositor probing by L. pulcher. Another putative defense system of L. lilii, i.e., oral discharge which is emitted by disturbed larvae, was also attractive to experienced, but not to naive, female parasitoids. In all other tests, naive and experienced female L. pulcher responded to the same signal sources tested, suggesting that the host-selection behavior of this biological control candidate is governed largely by innate responses to host-associated cues.  相似文献   

Flowers of Tupidanthus show an extreme case of floral polymery among asterids. Floral development and gynoecium structure have been examined. The floral meristem has a complex folded shape. The tiny calyx is initiated as a continuous ring primordium. The corolla is initiated as a lobed ring and develops into a calyptra. All stamen primordia appear simultaneously as a single whorl. The carpels, also in a single whorl, tend to alternate with the stamens. Some Schefflera species related to Tupidanthus are also studied. The flower of Tupidanthus is interpreted as a result of fasciation. Further investigation should determine whether mutation(s) in gene(s) of the CLAVATA family are responsible for the fasciation here. The significance of Tupidanthus for understanding spatial pattern formation in flowers of Araliaceae, and both functional and developmental constraints in angiosperm flowers with a single polymerous carpel whorl are discussed.  相似文献   

Clerid beetles are common natural enemies of bark beetles, and could potentially be used as biological control agents if they could be reared in sufficient numbers. We developed an artificial diet devoid of insect components for rearing Thanasimus dubius (Fabricius), a clerid that attacks several economically important bark beetles in eastern North America. We reared larvae of this predator using the artificial diet, and then used either natural or factitious prey to feed the adults so produced. Two different methods of presenting the diet were also examined. We then compared the performance of T. dubius reared on the artificial diet with newly-emerged wild individuals collected from the field. Our results suggest that adult predators reared on the diet are near in quality to wild ones, and high R0 values can be obtained. No difference in prey preference was found between wild and diet-reared individuals after five generations in the laboratory. Sufficient numbers of predators could be generated using these techniques to permit limited field trials of augmentative biological control.  相似文献   

Four fungicides used for controlling foliar diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum) were evaluated under field and laboratory conditions for their effects on the infectivity and sporulation of Beauveria bassiana when used as a control for the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (CPB). We investigated the direct effects of fungicides on B. bassiana-induced CPB mortality and the effect of time between fungicide and B. bassiana application. Effects of fungicide on conidial survival in the soil and on foliage were examined in the field. Significantly more larval mortality was observed when larvae were sprayed with B. bassiana than with the water control. Fungicide had no significant effect on larval mortality in the field. In the laboratory, survival of larvae was significantly lower among larvae fed fungicide-treated foliage. B. bassiana-induced mortality in the laboratory was observed only when larvae were fed foliage treated with copper hydroxide or water. Larvae fed mancozeb- or chlorothalonil-treated foliage experienced high mortality regardless of B. bassiana treatment. While there was no significant effect of fungicide on B. bassiana sporulation on cadavers in the field, a pattern emerged that indicated higher proportions of cadavers producing conidia in plots sprayed with water or copper hydroxide than in plots sprayed with chlorothalonil or mancozeb. Survival of B. bassiana conidia in the soil and on foliage was significantly greater in plots treated with copper hydroxide or water than in plots treated with mancozeb or chlorothalonil. Fungicides such as copper hydroxide may be less deleterious to the fungus than mancozeb and chlorothalonil.  相似文献   

Cetoniidae is a diverse family containing approximately 4,000 species, most of which feed on flowers and fruits. In Brazil, 72 species and 24 genera are recorded. Little is known about this family in the Central region of Brazil, and no research has previously been conducted in the ecologically important Cerrado biome. In this study, we evaluated the diversity and temporal variation of the Cetoniidae in an area of the Cerrado in the Federal District (Brazil) and verified whether the abundance and species richness were influenced by climatic variables. The study was carried out in an area of Cerrado sensu stricto at Água Limpa Farm in Brasília/DF. Beetles were collected weekly from October 2013 to September 2014 using 40 traps baited with banana and pineapple fermented with sugarcane juice. A total of 398 specimens comprising 8 genera and 15 species were collected. We observed temporal variation in abundance and richness of the Cetoniidae in direct relation to the climatic characteristics of the Cerrado, with a greater number of individuals and species appearing in the rainy season. Climatic variables such as temperature and humidity appear to have a significant effect on the diversity of Cetoniidae. This is the first study conducted on this family in Central Brazil.  相似文献   

The white grub, Hoplia philanthus Füessly (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), is a major pest of turf and ornamental plants in Belgium. Previously, the combination of lethal concentration of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis megidis or Steinernema glaseri with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (strain CLO 53) caused additive or synergistic mortality to third-instar H. philanthus in the laboratory and greenhouse. In this present study, we examined this interaction under field conditions and compared a combination of a commercial formulation of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Nema-green®) and M. anisopliae. Controls were M. anisopliae, chlorpyrifos (Dursban 5 Granules) and H. bacteriophora. Field applications (surface or subsurface) were made against a mixed population of second/third-instar H. philanthus at a sport field and lawn infested in the province of West-Flanders. In both trials, the combination of M. anisopliae with H. bacteriophora at 5 × 1012 conidia/ha +2.5 × 109 infective juveniles/ha resulted in additive or synergistic effects, causing more than 95% grub mortality when the nematodes was applied 4 weeks after the application of fungus. However, application of nematode, chlorpyrifos or fungus alone provided 39–66%, 42–60% (surface) and 33–76%, 82–100% or 37–65%, (subsurface) control of H. philanthus. We concluded that the pathogen combinations we tested are compatible elements of integrated pest management and are likely to improve control of H. philanthus larvae and perhaps other insect pests beyond what is expected from single application of the pathogen.  相似文献   

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