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The results of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of selected yeast strains were presented and the fact that the lifetime distributions can be successfully used for strain characterization and differentiation was demonstrated. Four strains of industrially relevant yeast Saccharomyces were excited at 405 nm and the autofluorescence observed within 440-540 nm. Using statistical tools such as empirical cumulative distribution functions with Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing, the four studied strains were categorized into three different groups for normal sample size of 70 cells slide(-1) at a significance level of 5%. The differentiation of all of the examined strains from one another was shown to be possible by increasing the sample size to 420 cells, which is achievable by taking the lifetime data at six different positions in the slide.  相似文献   

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a quantitative microscopy technique for imaging nanosecond decay times of fluorophores. In the case of frequency-domain FLIM, several methods have been described to resolve the relative abundance of two fluorescent species with different fluorescence decay times. Thus far, single-frequency FLIM methods generally have been limited to quantifying two species with monoexponential decay. However, multiexponential decays are the norm rather than the exception, especially for fluorescent proteins and biological samples. Here, we describe a novel method for determining the fractional contribution in each pixel of an image of a sample containing two (multiexponentially) decaying species using single-frequency FLIM. We demonstrate that this technique allows the unmixing of binary mixtures of two spectrally identical cyan or green fluorescent proteins, each with multiexponential decay. Furthermore, because of their spectral identity, quantitative images of the relative molecular abundance of these fluorescent proteins can be generated that are independent of the microscope light path. The method is rigorously tested using samples of known composition and applied to live cell microscopy using cells expressing multiple (multiexponentially decaying) fluorescent proteins.  相似文献   

Changing the data representation from the classical time delay histogram to the phasor representation provides a global view of the fluorescence decay at each pixel of an image. In the phasor representation we can easily recognize the presence of different molecular species in a pixel or the occurrence of fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The analysis of the fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data in the phasor space is done observing clustering of pixels values in specific regions of the phasor plot rather than by fitting the fluorescence decay using exponentials. The analysis is instantaneous since is not based on calculations or nonlinear fitting. The phasor approach has the potential to simplify the way data are analyzed in FLIM, paving the way for the analysis of large data sets and, in general, making the FLIM technique accessible to the nonexpert in spectroscopy and data analysis.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the number of applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has grown rapidly. Here we describe the development and application of a software package, FCS Data Processor, to analyse the acquired correlation curves. The algorithms combine strong analytical power with flexibility in use. It is possible to generate initial guesses, link and constrain fit parameters to improve the accuracy and speed of analysis. A global analysis approach, which is most effective in analysing autocorrelation curves determined from fluorescence fluctuations of complex biophysical systems, can also be implemented. The software contains a library of frequently used models that can be easily extended to include user-defined models. The use of the software is illustrated by analysis of different experimental fluorescence fluctuation data sets obtained with Rhodamine Green in aqueous solution and enhanced green fluorescent protein in vitro and in vivo.An erratum to this article can be found at Victor V. Skakun, Mark A. Hink and Anatoli V. Digris contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Copper ions play a fundamental role in plant metabolism where its uptake and distribution within the organism is highly regulated, allowing the cells to sustain an adequate concentration. Shortage or excess of Cu can cause severe damage to the organisms endangering their survival. We recently reported a non-invasive method to follow the intracellular uptake of bivalent copper ion concentration by fluorescence lifetime microscopy of green fluorescent protein within plant cells. Measuring the fluorescence lifetime has the advantage of being independent on the fluorophore concentration and the excitation intensity. The use of GFP is beneficial because the protein can be introduced nondestructively. Here, we discuss the benefits of this approach as well as the possibility of applying this concept for the investigation of Cu redistribution and storage at the subcellular level. The fluorescence lifetime-encoded microscopic images are envisioned to map the copper distribution within plant cells not only qualitatively but even quantitatively. Time-lapse microscopy enables the following of cellular processes and the study of relevant transport mechanisms of copper in plant cells. Perspectives and necessary improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

Proteomics and cellomics clearly benefit from the molecular insights in cellular biochemical events that can be obtained by advanced quantitative microscopy techniques like fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and F?rster resonance energy transfer imaging. The spectroscopic information detected at the molecular level can be combined with cellular morphological estimators, the analysis of cellular localization, and the identification of molecular or cellular subpopulations. This allows the creation of powerful assays to gain a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying spatiotemporal cellular responses to chemical and physical stimuli. This work demonstrates that the high content offered by these techniques can be combined with the high throughput levels offered by automation of a fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope setup capable of unsupervised operation and image analysis. Systems and software dedicated to image cytometry for analysis and sorting represent important emerging tools for the field of proteomics, interactomics, and cellomics. These techniques could soon become readily available both to academia and the drug screening community by the application of new all-solid-state technologies that may results in cost-effective turnkey systems. Here the application of this screening technique to the investigation of intracellular ubiquitination levels of alpha-synuclein and its familial mutations that are causative for Parkinson disease is shown. The finding of statistically lower ubiquitination of the mutant alpha-synuclein forms supports a role for this modification in the mechanism of pathological protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a technique that visualizes the excited state kinetics of fluorescence molecules with the spatial resolution of a fluorescence microscope. We present a scanningless implementation of FLIM based on a time- and space-correlated single photon counting (TSCSPC) method employing a position-sensitive quadrant anode detector and wide-field illumination. The standard time-correlated photon counting approach leads to picosecond temporal resolution, making it possible to resolve complex fluorescence decays. This allows parallel acquisition of time-resolved images of biological samples under minimally invasive low-excitation conditions (<10mW/cm2). In this way unwanted photochemical reactions induced by high excitation intensities and distorting the decay kinetics are avoided. Comparably low excitation intensities are practically impossible to achieve with a conventional laser scanning microscope, where focusing of the excitation beam into a tight spot is required. Therefore, wide-field FLIM permits to study Photosystem II (PS II) in a way so far not possible with a laser scanning microscope. The potential of the wide-field TSCSPC method is demonstrated by presenting FLIM measurements of the fluorescence dynamics of photosynthetic systems in living cells of the chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal localization of neuronal signaling is important for triggering neuronal responses in specific locations at precise times. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging enables measurement of spatiotemporal dynamics of signaling activity in live neurons. Although the usefulness of fluorescence resonance energy transfer is well recognized, there are many difficulties in applying it, particularly when imaging in neuronal micro-compartments in light-scattering brain tissue. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer has been imaged using several techniques including intensity-based methods, fluorescence lifetime imaging and fluorescence anisotropy imaging. These methods have different advantages and disadvantages, and thus are suitable in different applications.  相似文献   

This study investigates to which extent two-photon excitation (TPE) fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy can be applied to study picosecond fluorescence kinetics of individual chloroplasts in leaves. Using femtosecond 860 nm excitation pulses, fluorescence lifetimes can be measured in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana and Alocasia wentii under excitation-annihilation free conditions, both for the F 0- and the F m-state. The corresponding average lifetimes are ~250 ps and ~1.5 ns, respectively, similar to those of isolated chloroplasts. These values appear to be the same for chloroplasts in the top, middle, and bottom layer of the leaves. With the spatial resolution of ~500 nm in the focal (xy) plane and 2 μm in the z direction, it appears to be impossible to fully resolve the grana stacks and stroma lamellae, but variations in the fluorescence lifetimes, and thus of the composition on a pixel-to-pixel base can be observed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) is an attractive microscopy method in the life sciences, yielding information on the sample otherwise unavailable through intensity‐based techniques. A novel Noise‐Corrected Principal Component Analysis (NC‐PCA) method for time‐domain FLIM data is presented here. The presence and distribution of distinct microenvironments are identified at lower photon counts than previously reported, without requiring prior knowledge of their number or of the dye's decay kinetics. A noise correction based on the Poisson statistics inherent to Time‐Correlated Single Photon Counting is incorporated. The approach is validated using simulated data, and further applied to experimental FLIM data of HeLa cells stained with membrane dye di‐4‐ANEPPDHQ. Two distinct lipid phases were resolved in the cell membranes, and the modification of the order parameters of the plasma membrane during cholesterol depletion was also detected.

Noise‐corrected Principal Component Analysis of FLIM data resolves distinct microenvironments in cell membranes of live HeLa cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wide-field frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is an established technique to determine fluorescence lifetimes. Disadvantage of wide-field imaging is that measurements are compromised by out-of-focus blur. Conventional scanning confocal typically means long acquisition times and more photo bleaching. An alternative is spinning-disc confocal whereby samples are scanned simultaneously by thousands of pinholes, resulting in a virtually instantaneous image with more than tenfold reduced photo bleaching. METHODS: A spinning disc unit was integrated into an existing FLIM system. Measurements were made of fluorescent beads with a lifetime of 2.2 ns against a 5.3 ns fluorescent background outside the focal plane. In addition, living HeLa cells were imaged with different lifetimes in the cytosol and the plasma membrane. RESULTS: In spinning-disc mode, a lifetime of the beads of 2.8 ns was measured, whereas in wide field a lifetime of 4.1 ns was measured. Lifetime contrast within living HeLa cells could be resolved with the spinning-disc unit, where this was impossible in wide field. CONCLUSIONS: Integration of a spinning-disc unit into a frequency-domain FLIM instrument considerably reduces artifacts, while maintaining the advantages of wide field. For FLIM on objects with 3D lifetime structure, spinning-disc is by far preferable over wide-field measurements.  相似文献   

The discovery that the lipids constituting the plasma membrane are not randomly distributed, but instead are able to form laterally segregated lipid domains with different properties has given hints how the formation of such lipid domains influences and regulates many processes occurring at the plasma membrane. While in model systems these lipid domains can be easily accessed and their properties studied, it is still challenging to determine the properties of cholesterol rich lipid domains, the so called “Rafts”, in the plasma membrane of living cells due to their small size and transient nature. One promising technique to address such issues is fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) microscopy, as spatially resolved images make the visualization of the lateral lipid distribution possible, while at the same time the fluorescence lifetime of a membrane probe yields information about the bilayer structure and organization of the lipids in lipid domains and various properties like preferential protein-protein interactions or the enrichment of membrane probes. This review aims to give an overview of the techniques underlying FLIM probes which can be applied to investigate the formation of lipid domains and their respective properties in model membrane and biological systems. Also a short technical introduction into the techniques of a FLIM microscope is given.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are routinely used in the biopharmaceutical industry for production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Although multiple offline and time-consuming measurements of spent media composition and cell viability assays are used to monitor the status of culture in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, the day-to-day changes in the cellular microenvironment need further in-depth characterization. In this study, two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (2P-FLIM) was used as a tool to directly probe into the health of CHO cells from a bioreactor, exploiting the autofluorescence of intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAD(P)H), an enzymatic cofactor that determines the redox state of the cells. A custom-built multimodal microscope with two-photon FLIM capability was utilized to monitor changes in NAD(P)H fluorescence for longitudinal characterization of a changing environment during cell culture processes. Three different cell lines were cultured in 0.5 L shake flasks and 3 L bioreactors. The resulting FLIM data revealed differences in the fluorescence lifetime parameters, which were an indicator of alterations in metabolic activity. In addition, a simple principal component analysis (PCA) of these optical parameters was able to identify differences in metabolic progression of two cell lines cultured in bioreactors. Improved understanding of cell health during antibody production processes can result in better streamlining of process development, thereby improving product titer and verification of scale-up. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use FLIM as a label-free measure of cellular metabolism in a biopharmaceutically relevant and clinically important CHO cell line.  相似文献   

Two-photon microscopy (TPM) revolutionized Ca2+ imaging by allowing recordings in the depth of intact tissue and live organisms. A serious limitation in TPM, however, is the lack of an accurate and straightforward approach for the quantification of Ca2+ signals, an ability that became an invaluable tool in fluorescence microscopy. Here, we present time-correlated fluorescence lifetime imaging (tcFLIM) as a ratiometric method for the quantification of Ca2+ signals in TPM. The fluorescence lifetime of the Ca2+-indicator dye Oregon Green BAPTA-1 (OGB-1) can be recorded using the approximately 80 MHz excitation pulses utilized in TPM. It shows a Ca2+ dependence that can be explained by the Ca2+-affinity, spectral properties and purity of the dye. Pixel-wise lifetime recordings, controlled by a laser-scanning microscope, allowed quantitative Ca2+ imaging in full-frame and linescan mode. Although we focused on the high-affinity Ca2+ indicator OGB-1, our tcFLIM-based quantification is applicable to other Ca2+ dyes and to fluorescence indicators in general.  相似文献   

Global fitting algorithms have been shown to improve effectively the accuracy and precision of the analysis of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy data. Global analysis performs better than unconstrained data fitting when prior information exists, such as the spatial invariance of the lifetimes of individual fluorescent species. The highly coupled nature of global analysis often results in a significantly slower convergence of the data fitting algorithm as compared with unconstrained analysis. Convergence speed can be greatly accelerated by providing appropriate initial guesses. Realizing that the image morphology often correlates with fluorophore distribution, a global fitting algorithm has been developed to assign initial guesses throughout an image based on a segmentation analysis. This algorithm was tested on both simulated data sets and time-domain lifetime measurements. We have successfully measured fluorophore distribution in fibroblasts stained with Hoechst and calcein. This method further allows second harmonic generation from collagen and elastin autofluorescence to be differentiated in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy images of ex vivo human skin. On our experimental measurement, this algorithm increased convergence speed by over two orders of magnitude and achieved significantly better fits.  相似文献   

We show that fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of green fluorescent protein (GFP) molecules in cells can be used to report on the local refractive index of intracellular GFP. We expressed GFP fusion constructs of Rac2 and gp91phox, which are both subunits of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase enzyme, in human myeloid PLB-985 cells and showed by high-resolution confocal fluorescence microscopy that GFP-Rac2 and GFP-gp91phox are targeted to the cytosol and to membranes, respectively. Frequency-domain FLIM experiments on these PLB-985 cells resulted in average fluorescence lifetimes of 2.70 ns for cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and 2.31 ns for membrane-bound GFP-gp91phox. By comparing these lifetimes with a calibration curve obtained by measuring GFP lifetimes in PBS/glycerol mixtures of known refractive index, we found that the local refractive indices of cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and membrane-targeted GFP-gp91phox are ∼1.38 and ∼1.46, respectively, which is in good correspondence with reported values for the cytosol and plasma membrane measured by other techniques. The ability to measure the local refractive index of proteins in living cells by FLIM may be important in revealing intracellular spatial heterogeneities within organelles such as the plasma and phagosomal membrane.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of the calcium-binding regulatory protein, S100A4, have been shown to be causative of a metastatic phenotype in models of cancer metastasis and to be associated with reduced patient survival in breast cancer patients. Recombinant S100A4 protein interacts in vitro in a calcium-dependent manner with the heavy chain of non-muscle myosin isoform A at a protein kinase C phosphorylation site. At present, the mechanism of metastasis induction by S100A4 in vivo is almost completely unknown. The binding of S100A4 to a C-terminal recombinant fragment of non-muscle myosin heavy chain in living HeLa cells has now been shown using confocal microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and time-correlated single-photon counting. The association between S100A4 and non-muscle myosin heavy chain was studied by determining fluorescence resonance energy transfer-derived changes in the fluorescence lifetime of enhanced cyan fluorescent protein fused to S100A4 in the presence of a recombinant fragment of the C-terminal region of non-muscle myosin heavy chain (rNMMHCIIA) fused to enhanced yellow fluorescent protein. There was no interaction between the non-muscle myosin heavy chain fragment and a calcium-binding-deficient mutant of S100A4 protein which has been shown to be defective in the induction of metastasis in model systems in vivo. The results demonstrate, for the first time, not only direct interaction between S100A4 and a target rNMMHCIIA in live mammalian cells, but also that the interaction between S100A4 and the non-muscle myosin heavy chain in vivo could contribute to the mechanism of metastasis induction by a high level of S100A4 protein.  相似文献   

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