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In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ways in which ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit tree growth and nutrition have not been fully elucidated. Whilst it is most probably due to improved soil colonization, it is also likely that ectomycorrhizal fungi could be directly involved in nutrient cycling of soil reserves. This study assessed access by two species of ectomycorrhizal fungi to soil nonexchangeable K+ reserves. The incubation of ectomycorrhizal fungi in bi-compartment Petri dishes with phlogopite led to cation exchange reactions and to crystal lattice weathering. Paxillus involutus COU led to irreversible phlogopite transformations, while Pisolithus tinctorius 441 led to reversible ones. Simultaneous depletion in K+ and Mg2+ led to an enhanced weathering of phlogopite by P. tinctorius 441. The observation of phlogopite evolution shows that some specific Al3+ immobilization occurred under P. tinctorius 441. The data suggest that these bio-weathering mechanisms could be related to the release of fungal organic acids or other complex forming molecules.  相似文献   

Paul C. F. Tam 《Mycorrhiza》1995,5(3):181-187
Five ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus tinctorius, Thelephora terrestris, Cenococcum geophilum, Hymenogaster sp. and Scleroderma sp., which were demonstrated previously to be capable of forming ectomycorrhizas with some pine, eucalypt and fagaceous tree species were grown in vitro in liquid cultures for 3 weeks at six different concentrations of nine heavy metals, aluminium, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury. Measurements of mean mycelial dry weight yields indicated that the local isolates of Hymenogaster sp. and Scleroderma sp., as well as the introduced fungal species P. tinctorius, were able to withstand high concentrations of Al, Fe, Cu and Zn and might, therefore, have potential for revegetation schemes in metal-contaminated soils. The metal amelioration mechanism in the metal-tolerant fungal species P. tinctorius was observed to involve extrahyphal slime and, as demonstrated by energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, was achieved by polyphosphate linkage of Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

周志峰  王明霞  袁玲  黄建国 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2842-2850
以南北方不同生境下的10株外生菌根真菌为研究对象,采用液体培养的方法,研究了铝对不同菌根真菌的生物量、有机酸分泌及养分含量的影响,以期筛选出抗铝性强的优良菌株,并探讨其抗铝机理。结果表明:外生菌根真菌Sl 08抗铝性最强;Pt 715、Ld 03、Bo 11、Sl 01、Bo 15也具有不同程度的耐铝性;Sl 14、Gc 99、Cg 04抗铝性较差;Sg 11抗铝性最差。来自南方酸性森林土壤的菌株总体抗铝性强于来自北方石灰性土壤的菌株,这表明外生菌根真菌的铝耐受能力与其原始生境有着密切的联系。外生菌根真菌能分泌多种有机酸,且不同菌株分泌的有机酸种类不同。其中,受铝胁迫分泌量增加最多的是草酸。研究中,铝胁迫能增加大多数铝抗性菌株的草酸分泌量,其中铝抗性最强的Sl 08表现最为明显。但铝胁迫并没有促进具备一定铝抗性的Bo 11和Sl 01草酸的分泌量,同时在铝敏感的菌株中均观察到了草酸分泌量的增加。这表明分泌草酸可能并不是外生菌根真菌抵抗铝毒的唯一途径。对各菌株铝胁迫下对氮,磷及钾的吸收研究表明,除铝敏感菌株Sl 14外,铝胁迫均能促进各供试菌株对氮,磷或钾的吸收。综上,在一定铝浓度下,一些外生菌根真菌可通过增加草酸分泌来抵御铝毒。此外,铝胁迫下外生菌根真菌还可通过调控氮、磷、钾等营养元素的吸收来抵抗铝毒,即通过增加对营养元素的吸收来增强其在铝胁迫下的生存能力,这可能是其抵御铝胁迫的应激反应之一。  相似文献   

Ten isolates of six species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were grown in vitro at nine concentrations of three sodium salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, Na3C6H5O7) for 4 weeks. Colony diamater, biomass and protein content of fungi were evaluated. Isolates of Pisolithus tinctorius and Suillus luteus were more tolerant of NaCl and Na2SO4 than of Na3C6H5O7. Fungi in the genera Cenococcum, Laccaria, and Thelephora were highly intolerant of Na3C6H5O7 and Na2SO4 in vitro. Biomass and protein content of fungi generally declined with increasing substrate salinity in solution culture. In situ ectomycorrhizal colonization by Laccara laccata and P. tinctorius and the dry weight of Pinus taeda seedlings were significantly reduced by 80 mM NaCl after 14 weeks. Only select ectomycorrhizal fungi appear capable of growth and symbiosis in saline soils.  相似文献   

Internal Mg2+ blocks many potassium channels including Kv1.5. Here, we show that internal Mg2+ block of Kv1.5 induces voltage-dependent current decay at strongly depolarised potentials that contains a component due to acceleration of C-type inactivation after pore block. The voltage-dependent current decay was fitted to a bi-exponential function (tau(fast) and tau(slow)). Without Mg2+, tau(fast) and tau(slow) were voltage-independent, but with 10 mM Mg2+, tau(fast) decreased from 156 ms at +40 mV to 5 ms at +140 mV and tau(slow) decreased from 2.3 s to 206 ms. With Mg2+, tail currents after short pulses that allowed only the fast phase of decay showed a rising phase that reflected voltage-dependent unbinding. This suggested that the fast phase of voltage-dependent current decay was due to Mg2+ pore block. In contrast, tail currents after longer pulses that allowed the slow phase of decay were reduced to almost zero suggesting that the slow phase was due to channel inactivation. Consistent with this, the mutation R487V (equivalent to T449V in Shaker) or increasing external K+, both of which reduce C-type inactivation, prevented the slow phase of decay. These results are consistent with voltage-dependent open-channel block of Kv1.5 by internal Mg2+ that subsequently induces C-type inactivation by restricting K+ filling of the selectivity filter from the internal solution.  相似文献   

Long-chain fatty acids induce a rapid release of Mg(2+) from both energized and nonenergized rat liver mitochondria suspended at pH 8 in isotonic saline but not sucrose media. The effect is observed only with fatty acids that possess protonophoric activity. The most active saturated fatty acids are myristic and palmitic, while the most active unsaturated acids are oleic, linolenic, and arachidonic. The rate of Mg(2+) release drastically decreases with decreasing medium pH to 7.2-7.6. However, at those pH values this rate is doubled by energization of mitochondria with respiratory substrates. Mg(2+) release is accompanied by cyclosporin A-insensitive large-amplitude swelling of mitochondria. This swelling is similar to that produced by the divalent metal ionophore A23187 and is interpreted as being due to activation of the inner membrane anion channel, the K(+) uniporter, and the K(+)/H(+) exchanger. In energized mitochondria, both swelling and Mg(2+) release are blocked by the exogenous K(+)/H(+) exchanger nigericin. It is proposed that fatty acids under conditions of alkaline mitochondrial matrix activate latent Mg(2+)-sensitive ion-conducting pathways in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which mediate swelling and Mg(2+) release. It is hypothesized that fatty acids activate an intrinsic Mg(2+)/H(+) exchanger that is related to, or identical with, the K(+)/H(+) exchanger.  相似文献   

Akira Ohta 《Mycoscience》1998,39(1):15-19
Fruit-body production of two ectomycorrhizal fungi,Hebeloma radicosum andhebeloma sp. (nagaenosugitakedamashi in Japanese), in pure culture was examined. First, nutrients that promote mycelial growth of the fungi when added to the basal medium consisting of barley grains and sawdust were determined. Then the fungi were cultivated to produce fruit-bodies in larger-scale media containing additional nutrients selected for each fungus. Mature fruit-bodies bearing basidiospores were formed after incubation at 22°C for 35–42 d, followed by incubation at 17°C for 21–32 d.  相似文献   

Lignosulfonate (LS) is a lignin-based polymer obtained as a by-product from paper industry, which may have potential as an amendment with macronutrients. We studied effects of LS on the interaction between Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings and hypocotyl cuttings and the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungusPisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch. The experiments were performed in vitroon the MMN agar medium containing Fe–LS chelate at the concentrations of 0, 5, 10 and 25 mg/L. Inoculation with P. tinctoriusincreased root growth of the seedlings. Fe–LS enhanced P. tinctorius induced formation of lateral roots and had a dose-dependent positive effect on the establishment of mycorrhizas on the seedlings. The growth of the fungal mycelium was improved by Fe–LS, which might cause faster and more intensive contact with the roots and, thus, better root growth and mycorrhiza formation. P.tinctorius enhanced also adventitious root formation and subsequent root growth of the hypocotyl cuttings but without any synergistic effect with Fe–LS. Our study with P. tinctorius and Scots pine in vitro indicates that a low-cost by-product Fe–LS, obtained from paper industry, may be a potential tool to improve the efficiency of fungal inoculations, thus, facilitating the early interaction between an ECM fungus and host seedling.  相似文献   

Vaario LM  Xing ST  Xie ZQ  Lun ZM  Sun X  Li YH 《Mycorrhiza》2006,16(2):137-142
Cathaya argyrophylla, a critically endangered conifer, is found to grow at four isolated areas located in subtropical mountains of China. To examine the involvement and usefulness of mycorrhizas for sustaining the population of this tree, we compared the root system, morphology, and structure of mycorrhizal roots of C. argyrophylla, which were collected from a natural stand and an artificial stand, each grown at a different location. More mycorrhizal roots were found for trees from an artificial stand. The presence of extramatrical mycelium, mantle, and Hartig net revealed that C. argyrophylla formed an ectomycorrhizal association in both sampling sites. Starch granules were found in mycorrhizal roots collected only from a natural stand. The aseptic synthesis of C. argyrophylla and Cenococcum geophilum was established for the first time in vitro. Typical ectomycorrhizas formed on seedlings on RM medium containing 0.1 g/l glucose, 5 weeks after inoculation. By light microscopy, the synthesized mycorrhizas showed a thin mantle from which emanated extramatrical hyphae and highly branched Hartig net. A simple, rapid, and convenient mycorrhiza synthesis system was developed, which facilitates further studies on ectomycorrhizal development of C. argyrophylla.  相似文献   

In the last two centuries, several species of Australian eucalypts (e.g. Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E.␣globulus) were introduced into the Iberian Peninsula for the production of paper pulp. The effects of the introduction of exotic root-symbitotic fungi together with the eucalypts have received little attention. During the past years, we have investigated the biology of ectomycorrhizal fungi in eucalypt plantations in the Iberian Peninsula. In the plantations studied, we found fruit bodies of several Australian ectomycorrhizal fungi and identified their ectomycorrhizas with DNA molecular markers. The most frequent species were Hydnangium carneum, Hymenogaster albus, Hysterangium inflatum, Labyrinthomyces donkii, Laccaria fraterna, Pisolithus albus, P. microcarpus, Rhulandiella berolinensis, Setchelliogaster rheophyllus, and Tricholoma eucalypticum. These fungi were likely brought from Australia together with the eucalypts, and they seem to have facilitated the establishment of eucalypt plantations and their naturalization. The dispersion of Australian fungal propagules may be facilitating the spread of eucalypts along watercourses in semiarid regions increasing the water lost. Because ectomycorrhizal fungi are obligate symbionts, their capacity to persist after eradication of eucalypt stands, and/or to extend beyond forest plantations, would rely on the possibility to find compatible native host trees, and to outcompete the native ectomycorrhizal fungi. Here we illustrate the case of the Australasian species Laccaria fraterna, which fruits in Mediterranean shrublands of ectomycorrhizal species of Cistus (rockroses). We need to know which other Australasian fungi extend to the native ecosystems, if we are to predict environmental␣risks associated with the introduction of Australasian ectomycorrhizal fungi into the Iberian Peninsula. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kinetics and inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activity from rat synaptic plasma membrane (SPM), by separate and simultaneous exposure to transition (Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+ and.Co2+) and heavy metals (Hg2+and Pb2+) ions were studied. All investigated metals produced a larger maximum inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase than Mg2+-ATPase activity. The free concentrations of the key species (inhibitor, MgATP2 ? , MeATP2 ? ) in the medium assay were calculated and discussed. Simultaneous exposure to the combinations Cu2+/Fe2+ or Hg2+/Pb2+caused additive inhibition, while Cu2+/Zn2+ or Fe2+/Zn2+ inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase activity synergistically (i.e., greater than the sum metal-induced inhibition assayed separately). Simultaneous exposure to Cu2+/Fe2+ or Cu2+/Zn2+ inhibited Mg2+-ATPase activity synergistically, while Hg2+/Pb2+ or Fe2+/Zn2+ induced antagonistic inhibition of this enzyme. Kinetic analysis showed that all investigated metals inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase activity by reducing the maximum velocities (Vmax) rather than the apparent affinity (Km) for substrate MgATP2-, implying the noncompetitive nature of the inhibition. The incomplete inhibition of Mg2+-ATPase activity by Zn2+, Fe2+ and Co2+ as well as kinetic analysis indicated two distinct Mg2+-ATPase subtypes activated in the presence of low and high MgATP2 ? concentration. EDTA, L-cysteine and gluthathione (GSH) prevented metal ion-induced inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase with various potencies. Furthermore, these ligands also reversed Na+/K+-ATPase activity inhibited by transition metals in a concentration-dependent manner, but a recovery effect by any ligand on Hg2+-induced inhibition was not obtained.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on B-group vitamins production by mycorrhizal fungi grown in vitro at different pH values. It was found that not all the fungi investigated produced all the B-group vitamins studied. Production of the vitamins varied between species and was influenced by the pH of the medium. Out of seven fungal species studied three did not produce biotin. Suillus bovinus synthesized this vitamin both in the acidic and neutral medium. Thiamin was produced by the fungi in minute amounts mainly in the acidic medium. The greatest amounts of nicotinic acid were produced by Hebeloma crustuliniforme (No 5392). Pantothenic acid was not detected only in the culture of Cenococcum graniforme.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of unidirectional calcium fluxes in stripped intestinal epithelium of the tilapia,Oreochromis mossambicus, in the presence of ouabain or in the absence of sodium indicated that calcium absorption via the fish intestine is sodium dependent. Active Ca2+ transport mechanisms in the enterocyte plasma membrane were analyzed. The maximum capacity of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump (V m :0.63 nmol·min–1 mg–1,K m : 27nm Ca2+) is calculated to be 2.17 nmol·min–1·mg–1, correcting for 29% inside-out oriented vesicles in the membrane preparation. The maximum capacity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger with high affinity for Ca2+ (V m :7.2 nmol·min–1·mg–1,K m : 181nm Ca2+) is calculated to be 13.6 nmol·min–1·mg–1, correcting for 53% resealed vesicles and assuming symmetrical behavior of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. The high affinity for Ca2+ and the sixfold higher capacity of the exchanger compared to the ATPase suggest strongly that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger will contribute substantially to Ca2+ extrusion in the fish enterocyte. Further evidence for an important contribution of Na+/Ca2+ exchange to Ca2+ extrusion was obtained from studies in which the simultaneous operation of ATP-and Na+-gradient-driven Ca2+ pumps in inside-out vesicles was evaluated. The fish enterocyte appears to present a model for a Ca2+ transporting cell, in which Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity with high affinity for Ca2+ extrudes Ca2+ from the cell.  相似文献   

The complex interactions that occur in systems with more than one type of symbiosis were studied using one isolate of Bradyrhizobium sp. and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch inoculated on to the roots of Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don in vitro. After a single inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp., bacteria typically entered the roots by forming infection threads in the root hair cells via the curling point of the root hair and/ or after intercellular penetration. Sheath formation and intercellular penetration were observed on Acacia roots after a single inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius but no radial elongation of epidermal cells. Simultaneous inoculation with both microorganisms resulted in nodules and ectomycorrhiza on the root system, occasionally on the same lateral root. On lateral roots bearing nodules and ectomycorrhiza, the nodulation site was characterized by the presence of a nodule meristem and the absence of an infection thread; sheath formation and Hartig net development occurred regularly in the region of the roots adjacent to nodules. Prior inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. did not inhibit ectomycorrhizal colonization in root segments adjacent to nodules in which nodule meristems and infection threads were clearly present. Conversely, in ectomycorrhizae inoculated by bacteria, the nodule meristem and the infection thread were typically absent. These results show that simultaneous inoculation with both microorganisms inhibits infection thread development, thus conferring an advantage on fungal hyphae in the competition for infection sites. This suggests that fungal hyphae can modify directly and/or indirectly the recognition factors leading to nodule meristem initiation and infection thread development.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific age-dependent changes were observed in Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities in tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury. Maximum enzyme activity was recorded in all the tissues on day 12 (before spinning) in control group of animals. In testis, Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities gradually increased from day 2 to day 12 during fifth larval age and level was maintained up to adult eclosion while, in ovary, a marked decline was noted up to day of adult emergence. Further, a significant and sharp rise was found in ATPase activity in silk gland tissue up to day 12 and afterwards a drastic fall was noted on day 15 (end of spinning) during fifth larval age.Administration of T4 to fifth stage larvae (1 hr old) at doses 0.5–2.0 μg/g significantly elevated the Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities in larval and pupal gonads in a dose-dependent fashion. But, in moths, the enhancement was very much confined to Na+K+- and Ca2+-ATPase in testes and only Ca2+-ATPase in ovaries. Again, in silk glands thyroxine (0.5–2.0 μg/g) caused a significant rise in the all ion-dependent ATPase activities only during the fifth larval stage. Interestingly, higher doses of T4 (4.0 μg/g) caused a significant reduction in Na+K+-, Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase in all the tissues almost all the days studied so far. However, lower doses of T4 (0.1 and 0.25 μg/g) remained ineffective in altering the different ion-specific ATPase activities. This study suggests, that mammalian thyroxine has a metabolic influence showing biphasic nature of action in tasar silkworm ATPase system.  相似文献   

ATP and adenylylimidodiphosphate (AdoPP[NH]P) bind to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in the absence of Mg2+ (EDTA present) with a homogeneous but 15-fold different affinity, the Kd values being 0.13 μM and 1.9 μM, respectively. The binding capacities of the two nucleotides are nearly equal and amount to 3.9 and 4 nmol/mg protein or 1.7 and 1.8 mol/mol (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, respectively. The Kd value for ATP is equal to the Km for phosphorylation by ATP (0.05–0.25 μM) and the binding capacity is equivalent to the phosphorylation capacity of 1.8 mol/mol (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. Hence, the enzyme contains two high-affinity nucleotide binding and phosphorylating sites per molecule, or one per α-subunit. Additional low-affinity nucleotide binding sites are elicited in the presence of Mg2+, as shown by binding studies with the non-phosphorylating (AdoPP[NH]P). The Kd and binding capacity for AdoPP[NH]P at these sites is dependent on the Mg2+ concentration. The Kd increases from 0.06 mM at 0.5 mM Mg2+ to a maximum of 0.26 mM at 2 mM Mg2+ and the binding capacity from 1.5 nmol/mg protein at 0.5 mM Mg2+ to 3.3 nmol/mg protein at 4 mM Mg2+. Extrapolation of a double reciprocal plot of binding capacity vs. total Mg2+ concentration yields a maximal binding capacity at infinite Mg2+ concentration of 3.8 nmol/mg protein or 1.7 mol/mol (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. The Kd for Mg2+ at the sites, where it exerts this effect, is 0.8 mM. The Kd for the high-affinity sites increases from 1.5–1.9 μM in the absence of Mg2+ to a maximum of 4.2 μM at 2 mM Mg2+ concentration. The binding capacity of these sites (1.8 mol/mol enzyme) is independent of the Mg2+ concentration. Hence, Mg2+ induces two low-affinity non-phosphorylating nucleotide binding sites per molecule (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in addition to the two high-affinity, phosphorylating nucleotide binding sites.  相似文献   

Two species of bioluminescent fungi, Panellus stypticus and Omphalotus olearius were placed in contact with three different strains of interfungal pathogenic Trichoderma harzianum. Subsequent light emission by the luminous fungi and advance of the interfungal pathogens were compared. Relative differences among the pathogens were reflected in their rate of mycelial advance, the total area over which they produced spores upon the host fungi, and decreases in host bioluminescence. After ten days differences in the total surface areas of spore production varied from 1 to 53 per cent. Differences in the reduction of bioluminescence of the same material ranged over 2 orders of magnitude. Final reduction in luminescence ranged over 6 orders of magnitude. A marked reduction in bioluminescence was observed to precede the advance of spore production. The greatest reduction in luminescence was correlated with the presence of T. harzianum hyphae. Two strains of T. harzianum, NRRL 1698 and ATCC 58674, were effective against both bioluminescent fungi within the study period while a third strain, NRRL 13019, was only effective against Omphalotus olearius.  相似文献   

Eccentric is a newly-isolated mutant of Paramecium tetraurelia that fails to swim backwards in response to Mg2+. In the wild type, this backward swimming results from Mg2+ influx via a Mg2+-specific ion conductance (I Mg. Voltage-clamp analysis confirmed that, as suspected, step changes in membrane potential over a physiological range fail to elicit I Mg from eccentric. Further electrophysiological investigation revealed a number of additional ion-current defects in eccentric: (i) The Ca2+ current activated upon depolarization inactivates more slowly in eccentric than in the wild type, and it requires longer to recover from this inactivation. (ii) The Ca2+-dependent Na+ current deactivates significantly faster in the mutant, (iii) The two K+ currents observed upon hyperpolarization are reduced by >60% in eccentric. It is difficult to envision how these varied pleiotropic effects could result from loss of a single ion current. Rather, they suggest that the eccentric mutation affects a global regulatory system. Two plausible hypotheses are discussed.We are grateful to Dr. Yoshiro Saimi for his comments and suggestions on this work, and for the support of the Lucille P. Markey Charitable trust and the National Institutes of Health (GM22714 and GM38646).  相似文献   

The ability of ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi to utilize 14C-labelled lignin and O14CH3-labelled dehydropolymer of coniferyl alcohol as sole C sources has been assessed in pure culture studies. The results indicate that ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are more effective in degrading lignin than ectomycorrhizal fungi. Amongst the ectomycorrhizal fungi the facultative mycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus degraded lignin more readily than those which are normally considered to be obligately mycorrhizal fungi such as Suillus bovinus and Rhizopogon roseolus. The importance of these lignin degrading capabilities is discussed in relation to the predominance of specific mycorrhiza forms along a gradient of increasing organic matter and hence lignin content of soil.  相似文献   

Exogenous spermidine (Spd) and the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch had a synergistic effect on the maturation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) somatic embryos. Induced maturation was expressed as a higher number of cell masses able to form embryos and a greater number of embryos formed per cell mass. In contrast, treatment with P. tinctorius alone on the hormone-free medium resulted in the lowest embryo-forming capacity. Retarded proliferation growth appeared to be required for maturation, but did not explain the synergistic effect of the fungus and exogenous Spd. Simultaneous treatment did not result in lower concentrations of putrescine (Put), Spd or spermine (Spm) in the embryogenic cell masses relative to the separate treatments. Our study is the first report on the use of a specific ECM fungus to induce maturation of somatic embryos, and it indicates that P. tinctorius was able to modify the maturation media in a way that, together with exogenous Spd, positively affected embryogenic cultures of Scots pine. Our study also shows that it is possible to enhance plant development other than root formation by using specific ECM fungi.  相似文献   

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