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Protein turnover is a well-controlled process in which polypeptides are constantly being degraded and subsequently replaced with newly synthesized copies. Extraction of composite spectral envelopes from complex LC/MS shotgun proteomics data can be a challenging task, due to the inherent complexity of biological samples. With partial metabolic labeling experiments this complexity increases as a result of the emergence of additional isotopic peaks. Automated spectral extraction and subsequent protein turnover calculations enable the analysis of gigabytes of data within minutes, a prerequisite for systems biology high throughput studies. Here we present a fully automated method for protein turnover calculations from shotgun proteomics data. The approach enables the analysis of complex shotgun LC/MS 15N partial metabolic labeling experiments. Spectral envelopes of 1419 peptides can be extracted within an hour. The method quantifies turnover by calculating the Relative Isotope Abundance (RIA), which is defined as the ratio between the intensity sum of all heavy (15N) to the intensity sum of all light (14N) and heavy peaks. To facilitate this process, we have developed a computer program based on our method, which is freely available to download at http://promex.pph.univie.ac.at/protover.  相似文献   

Theaflavins and thearubigins are major pigments in black tea, and it is generally accepted that they are produced by oxidation of flavan-3-ols (catechins) during tea fermentation. In the course of studies on the oxidation mechanism of tea polyphenols, especially the formation of thearubigins, a method combining the enzymatic synthesis and LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis was developed to search for new higher molecular weight polymers from black tea. Three new dibenzotropolones, theadibenzotropolone A, B, and C, together with one new tribenzotropolone, theatribenzotropolone A, were formed by the reaction of theaflavins and tea catechins with horseradish peroxidase in the presence of H(2)O(2). The structures of these new benzotropolone derivatives were elucidated on the basis of MS and 2D NMR spectroscopic analyses. The existence of these compounds in black tea was characterized by LC/ESI-MS/MS. Theadibenzotropolone A and B were the first benzotropolone-type trimers of catechins found in the black tea extract. The observation that galloyl ester groups of theaflavins can be oxidized to form di- or tri-benzotropolone skeletons strongly implied that this type of oxidation is an important pathway to extend the molecular size of thearubigins.  相似文献   

A new liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) method has been developed for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxides (PC-OOH) in human plasma using a synthetic hydroperoxide (1-stearoyl-2-erucoyl-PC monohydroperoxide, PC 18:0/22:1-OOH) as an internal standard. 1-Stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-PC monohydroperoxide (PC 18:0/18:2-OOH) was identified in plasma by LC/MS by comparison with an authentic standard. The calibration curves obtained for 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-PC monohydroperoxide, PC 16:0/18:2-OOH and PC 18:0/18:2-OOH were linear throughout the calibration range (0.1–1.0 pmol). The limit of detection (LOD) (S/N = 3:1) was 0.01 pmol, and the limit of quantification (LOQ) (S/N = 6:1) was 0.1 pmol for both PC 16:0/18:2-OOH and PC 18:0/18:2-OOH. Plasma concentrations of PC 16:0/18:2-OOH and PC 18:0/18:2-OOH were 89 and 32 nM, respectively, in a healthy volunteer.  相似文献   

Sensitive assay for determining plasma tenofovir concentrations by LC/MS/MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An LC/MS/MS assay for the determination of tenofovir (TNF) was developed and validated for use with the EDTA anticoagulated human plasma matrix. Heparin-treated plasma and serum matrices were also validated. After addition of adefovir as an internal standard, trifluoroacetic acid was used to produce a protein-free extract. Chromatographic separation was achieved with a Polar-RP Synergi, 2.0 mm x 150 mm, reversed-phase analytical column. The mobile phase was 3% acetonitrile/1% acetic acid, aq. Detection of TNF and the internal standard was achieved by ESI MS/MS in the positive ion mode using 288/176 and 274/162 transitions, respectively. The method was linear from 10 to 750 ng/ml with a minimum quantifiable limit of 10 ng/ml when 250 microl aliquots were analyzed. The usefulness of this LC/MS/MS method to routinely monitor plasma concentrations of TNF was demonstrated along with its ability to assist in the performance of pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring is a necessary process for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), particularly, bisphenol A (BPA), in breast milk, because its human risks are not clear yet, and infants, who feed on breast milk, are highly susceptible for EDCs. Concerning biological monitoring of BPA, the HPLC/FLD has been widely used before the LC/MS/MS. However, there was no report, which simultaneously evaluated the two methods in real analyses. Therefore, we analyzed BPA with LC/MS/MS and HPLC/FLD in human breast milk and conducted comparison of two methods in analyzed BPA levels. After establishing optimal condition, e.g. linearity, recovery, reproducibility and free BPA system, we analyzed BPA levels in human breast milk samples (N = 100). The LOQs were similar in the two methods, i.e. 1.8 and 1.3 ng/mL for the HPLC/FLD and LC/MS/MS assays, respectively. There were strong associations between total BPA levels with the two methods (R2 = 0.40, p < 0.01), however, only 11% of them were analyzed as similar levels with 15% CVs. In addition, the detection range of BPA was broader in the HPLC method than the LC/MS/MS method. However, the BPA levels in the HPLC/FLD analysis were lower than those in the LC/MS/MS analysis (p < 0.01). Thus, the differences in BPA levels between the two methods may come from mainly over-estimation with the LC/MS/MS method in low BPA samples and some of poor resolution with the HPLC/FLD in high BPA samples.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive, sensitive, and highly specific negative ion electrospray LC/MS method for identifying all structural classes of glucosinolates in crude plant extracts. The technique is based on the observation of simultaneous maxima in the abundances of the m/z 96 and 97 ions, generated by programmed cone voltage fragmentation, in the mass chromatogram. The abundance ratios lie in the range 1:2-1:4 ([m/z 96]/[m/z 97]). Examination of the corresponding full-scan mass spectra allows individual glucosinolates of all structural classes to be identified rapidly and with confidence. The use of linearly programmed cone voltage fragmentation enhances characteristic fragment ions without compromising the abundance of the analytically important [M - H]- ion and its associated (and analytically useful) sulfur isotope peaks. Detection limits are in the low nanogram range for full-scan, programmed cone voltage spectra. Comparison of the technique with LC/MS/MS methods (product ion, precursor ion, and constant neutral loss scans) has shown that the sensitivity and selectivity of the programmed cone voltage method is superior. Data obtained on a variety of plant extracts confirmed that the methodology was robust and reliable.  相似文献   

The relatively new field of onco-metabolomics attempts to identify relationships between various cancer phenotypes and global metabolite content. Previous metabolomics studies utilized either nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and analyzed metabolites present in urine and serum. However, direct metabolomic assessment of tumor tissues is important for determining altered metabolism in cancers. In this respect, the ability to obtain reliable data from archival specimens is desirable and has not been reported to date. In this feasibility study, we demonstrate the analysis of polar metabolites extracted directly from ten formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens, including five soft tissue sarcomas and five paired normal samples. Using targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) via selected reaction monitoring (SRM), we detect an average of 106 metabolites across the samples with excellent reproducibility and correlation between different sections of the same specimen. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and principal components analysis reliably recovers a priori known tumor and normal tissue phenotypes, and supervised analysis identifies candidate metabolic markers supported by the literature. In addition, we find that diverse biochemical processes are well-represented in the list of detected metabolites. Our study supports the notion that reliable and broadly informative metabolomic data may be acquired from FFPE soft tissue sarcoma specimens, a finding that is likely to be extended to other malignancies.  相似文献   

Nostoc punctiforme is an oxygenic photoautotrophic cyanobacterium with multiple developmental states, which can form nitrogen-fixing symbioses with a variety of terrestrial plants. 3D LC/MS/MS shotgun peptide sequencing was used to analyze the proteome when N. punctiforme is grown in continuous moderate light with ammonia as the nitrogen source. The soluble proteome includes 1575 proteins, 50% of which can be assigned to core metabolic and transport functions. Another 39% are assigned to proteins with no known function, a substantially higher fraction than in the Escherichia coli proteome. Many expressed proteins protect against oxidative and light stress. Seventy-one sensor histidine kinases, response regulators, and serine/threonine kinases, individually and as hybrid, multidomain proteins, were identified, reflecting a substantial capacity to sense and respond to environmental change. Proteins encoded by each of the five N. punctiforme plasmids were identified, as were 10 transposases, reflecting the plasticity of the N. punctiforme genome. This core proteome sets the stage for comparison with that of other developmental states.  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - Purine metabolites have been implicated as clinically relevant biomarkers of worsening or improving Parkinson’s disease (PD) progression. However, the identification...  相似文献   

AStream, an R-statistical software package for the curation and identification of feature peaks extracted from liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS) metabolomics data, is described. AStream detects isotopic, fragment and adduct patterns by identifying feature pairs that fulfill expected relational patterns. Data reduction by AStream allows compounds to be identified reliably and subsequently linked to metabolite databases. AStream provides researchers with a fast, reliable tool for summarizing metabolomic data, notably reducing curation time and increasing consistency of results. AVAILABILITY: The AStream R package and a study example can be freely accessed at http://www.urr.cat/AStream/AStream.html.  相似文献   

A systematic, comprehensive strategy that optimizes sample preparation and chromatography to minimize matrix effects in bioanalytical LC/MS/MS assays was developed. Comparisons were made among several sample preparation methods, including protein precipitation (PPT), liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), pure cation exchange solid-phase extraction (SPE), reversed-phase SPE and mixed-mode SPE. The influence of mobile phase pH and gradient duration on the selectivity and sensitivity for both matrix components and basic analytes was investigated. Matrix effects and overall sensitivity and resolution between UPLC technology and HPLC were compared. The amount of specific matrix components, or class of matrix components, was measured in the sample preparation extracts by LC/MS/MS with electrospray ionization (ESI) using both precursor ion scanning mode and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). PPT is the least effective sample preparation technique, often resulting in significant matrix effects due to the presence of many residual matrix components. Reversed-phase and pure cation exchange SPE methods resulted in cleaner extracts and reduced matrix effects compared to PPT. The cleanest extracts, however, were produced with polymeric mixed-mode SPE (both reversed-phase and ion exchange retention mechanisms). These mixed-mode sorbents dramatically reduced the levels of residual matrix components from biological samples, leading to significant reduction in matrix effects. LLE also provided clean final extracts. However, analyte recovery, particularly for polar analytes, was very low. Mobile phase pH was manipulated to alter the retention of basic compounds relative to phospholipids, whose retention tends to be relatively independent of pH. In addition to the expected resolution, speed and sensitivity benefits of UPLC technology, a paired t-test demonstrated a statistically significant improvement with respect to matrix effects when this technology was chosen over traditional HPLC. The combination of polymeric mixed-mode SPE, the appropriate mobile phase pH and UPLC technology provides significant advantages for reducing matrix effects resulting from plasma matrix components and in improving the ruggedness and sensitivity of bioanalytical methods.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus nerve agents (OPNA), chemically related to and derived from organophosphate insecticides, constitute a clear and present threat to both military and civilian targets. Military regimes and terrorist organizations have demonstrated the will and ability to produce mass casualties by dispersing organophosphorus nerve agents, which, in turn could terrorize populations and overwhelm healthcare systems. A high throughput, robust and sensitive analytical protocol has been developed for the quantitation of the urinary metabolites of sarin (GB), soman (GD), VX, Russian VX (RVX) and cyclohexylsarin (GF) utilizing solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The method has demonstrated linearity and reproducibility (1-200 ng/mL) for all analytes and has a Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)< or =0.5 ng/mL for all analytes (S/N> or =10/1). The method was validated by performing 20 individual analyses over 10 days by five scientists with all values falling within two standard deviations of the mean.  相似文献   

The identification of proteins separated on two-dimensional gels is most commonly performed by trypsin digestion and subsequent matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) with time-of-flight (TOF). Recently, atmospheric pressure (AP) MALDI coupled to an ion trap (IT) has emerged as a convenient method to obtain tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) from samples on MALDI target plates. In the present work, we investigated the feasibility of using the two methodologies in line as a standard method for protein identification. In this setup, the high mass accuracy MALDI-TOF spectra are used to calibrate the peptide precursor masses in the lower mass accuracy AP-MALDI-IT MS/MS spectra. Several software tools were developed to automate the analysis process. Two sets of MALDI samples, consisting of 142 and 421 gel spots, respectively, were analyzed in a highly automated manner. In the first set, the protein identification rate increased from 61% for MALDI-TOF only to 85% for MALDI-TOF combined with AP-MALDI-IT. In the second data set the increase in protein identification rate was from 44% to 58%. AP-MALDI-IT MS/MS spectra were in general less effective than the MALDI-TOF spectra for protein identification, but the combination of the two methods clearly enhanced the confidence in protein identification.  相似文献   



Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is an important analytical technology for e.g. metabolomics experiments. Determining the boundaries, centres and intensities of the two-dimensional signals in the LC/MS raw data is called feature detection. For the subsequent analysis of complex samples such as plant extracts, which may contain hundreds of compounds, corresponding to thousands of features – a reliable feature detection is mandatory.  相似文献   

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