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Anorexia Nervosa (AN) has a mortality rate among the highest of any mental illness, though the factors involved in the condition remain unclear. Recently, the potential neurobiological underpinnings of the condition have become of increasing interest. Saccadic eye movement tasks have proven useful in our understanding of the neurobiology of some other psychiatric illnesses as they utilise known brain regions, but to date have not been examined in AN. The aim of this study was to investigate whether individuals with AN differ from healthy individuals in performance on a range of saccadic eye movements tasks.


24 females with AN and 25 healthy individuals matched for age, gender and premorbid intelligence participated in the study. Participants were required to undergo memory-guided and self-paced saccade tasks, and an interleaved prosaccade/antisaccade/no-go saccade task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


AN participants were found to make prosaccades of significantly shorter latency than healthy controls. AN participants also made an increased number of inhibitory errors on the memory-guided saccade task. Groups did not significantly differ in antisaccade, no-go saccade or self-paced saccade performance, or fMRI findings.


The results suggest a potential role of GABA in the superior colliculus in the psychopathology of AN.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to characterize oculomotor performances in elderly depressed patients. The second aim was to investigate whether cognitive inhibition measured by the antisaccade task was associated with a psychomotor retardation or rather with a more specific cognitive-motor inhibition deficit. Twenty patients with a major depressive disorder and forty-seven healthy subjects performed two eye movement tasks. Saccadic reaction time and error rates were analyzed in the prosaccade task to obtain basic parameters of eye movements. Saccade latency, error rates and correction rates were evaluated in the antisaccade task to investigate inhibition capacities. Performances were impaired in patients, who exhibited a higher reaction time and error rates compared to controls. The higher time cost of inhibition suggested that the reaction time was not related to global psychomotor retardation alone. The higher time cost of inhibition could be explained by a specific alteration of inhibition processes evaluated by the antisaccade task. These changes were associated with the severity of depression. These findings provide a new perspective on cognitive inhibition in elderly depressed patients and could have important clinical implications for our understanding of critical behaviors involving deficits in inhibitory processes in the elderly.  相似文献   



Normal reading requires eye guidance and activation of lexical representations so that words in text can be identified accurately. However, little is known about how the visual content of text supports eye guidance and lexical activation, and thereby enables normal reading to take place.

Methods and Findings

To investigate this issue, we investigated eye movement performance when reading sentences displayed as normal and when the spatial frequency content of text was filtered to contain just one of 5 types of visual content: very coarse, coarse, medium, fine, and very fine. The effect of each type of visual content specifically on lexical activation was assessed using a target word of either high or low lexical frequency embedded in each sentence


No type of visual content produced normal eye movement performance but eye movement performance was closest to normal for medium and fine visual content. However, effects of lexical frequency emerged early in the eye movement record for coarse, medium, fine, and very fine visual content, and were observed in total reading times for target words for all types of visual content.


These findings suggest that while the orchestration of multiple scales of visual content is required for normal eye-guidance during reading, a broad range of visual content can activate processes of word identification independently. Implications for understanding the role of visual content in reading are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to use advance information to prepare and execute a movement requires cognitive control of behaviour (e.g., anticipation and inhibition). Our aim was to explore the integrity of saccadic eye movement control in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and typically developing (TD) children (8–12 years) and assess how these children plan and inhibit saccadic responses, the principal mechanisms within visual attention control. Eye movements and touch responses were measured (separately and concurrently) in Cued and Non-Cued conditions. We found that children with DCD had similar saccade kinematics to the TD group during saccade initiation. Advance information decreased hand movement duration in both groups during Cued trials, but decrements in accuracy were significantly worse in the DCD group. In addition, children with DCD exhibited greater inhibitory errors and inaccurate fixation during the Cued trials. Thus, children with DCD were reasonably proficient in executing saccades during reflexive (Non-Cued) conditions, but showed deficits in more complex control processes involving prediction and inhibition. These findings have implications for our understanding of motor control in children with DCD.  相似文献   



Catch-up saccades during passive head movements, which compensate for a deficient vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), are a well-known phenomenon. These quick eye movements are directed toward the target in the opposite direction of the head movement. Recently, quick eye movements in the direction of the head movement (covert anti-compensatory quick eye movements, CAQEM) were observed in older individuals. Here, we characterize these quick eye movements, their pathophysiology, and clinical relevance during head impulse testing (HIT).


Video head impulse test data from 266 patients of a tertiary vertigo center were retrospectively analyzed. Forty-three of these patients had been diagnosed with vestibular migraine, and 35 with Menière’s disease.


CAQEM occurred in 38% of the patients. The mean CAQEM occurrence rate (per HIT trial) was 11±10% (mean±SD). Latency was 83±30 ms. CAQEM followed the saccade main sequence characteristics and were compensated by catch-up saccades in the opposite direction. Compensatory saccades did not lead to more false pathological clinical head impulse test assessments (specificity with CAQEM: 87%, and without: 85%). CAQEM on one side were associated with a lower VOR gain on the contralateral side (p<0.004) and helped distinguish Menière’s disease from vestibular migraine (p = 0.01).


CAQEM are a common phenomenon, most likely caused by a saccadic/quick phase mechanism due to gain asymmetries. They could help differentiate two of the most common causes of recurrent vertigo: vestibular migraine and Menière’s disease.  相似文献   

Visual perception is burdened with a highly discontinuous input stream arising from saccadic eye movements. For successful integration into a coherent representation, the visuomotor system needs to deal with these self-induced perceptual changes and distinguish them from external motion. Forward models are one way to solve this problem where the brain uses internal monitoring signals associated with oculomotor commands to predict the visual consequences of corresponding eye movements during active exploration. Visual scenes typically contain a rich structure of spatial relational information, providing additional cues that may help disambiguate self-induced from external changes of perceptual input. We reasoned that a weighted integration of these two inherently noisy sources of information should lead to better perceptual estimates. Volunteer subjects performed a simple perceptual decision on the apparent displacement of a visual target, jumping unpredictably in sync with a saccadic eye movement. In a critical test condition, the target was presented together with a flanker object, where perceptual decisions could take into account the spatial distance between target and flanker object. Here, precision was better compared to control conditions in which target displacements could only be estimated from either extraretinal or visual relational information alone. Our findings suggest that under natural conditions, integration of visual space across eye movements is based upon close to optimal integration of both retinal and extraretinal pieces of information.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on fusion of Sendai virus with target membranes and mobility of the viral glycoproteins was studied with fluorescence methods. When intact virus was used, the fusion threshold temperature (20–22°C) was not altered regardless of the different types of target membranes. Viral glycoprotein mobility in the intact virus increased with temperature, particularly sharply at the fusion threshold temperature. This effect was suppressed by the presence of erythrocyte ghosts and/or dextran sulfate in the virus suspension. In these cases also, no change in the fusion threshold temperature was observed. On the other hand, reconstituted viral envelopes (virosomes) bearing viral glycoproteins but lacking matrix proteins were capable of fusing with erythrocyte ghosts even at temperatures lower than the fusion threshold temperature and no fusion threshold temperature was observed over the range of 10–40°C. The mobility of viral glycoproteins on virosomes was much greater and virtually temperature-independent. The intact virus treated with an actin-affector, jasplakinolide, reduced the extent of fusion with erythrocyte ghosts and the mobility of viral glycoproteins, while the treatment of virosomes with the same drug did not affect the extent of fusion of virosomes with erythrocyte ghosts and the mobility of the glycoproteins. These results suggest that viral matrix proteins including actins affect viral glycoprotein mobility and may be responsible for the temperature threshold phenomenon observed in Sendai virus fusion.This revised version was published online in August 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Pitch and timbre perception are both based on the frequency content of sound, but previous perceptual experiments have disagreed about whether these two dimensions are processed independently from each other. We tested the interaction of pitch and timbre variations using sequential comparisons of sound pairs. Listeners judged whether two sequential sounds were identical along the dimension of either pitch or timbre, while the perceptual distances along both dimensions were parametrically manipulated. Pitch and timbre variations perceptually interfered with each other and the degree of interference was modulated by the magnitude of changes along the un-attended dimension. These results show that pitch and timbre are not orthogonal to each other when both are assessed with parametrically controlled variations.  相似文献   

手动与眼动反应抑制是指抑制与当前环境不相适应的优势手动或眼动反应.与经典的Go/Nogo任务、停止信号任务测量的抑制水平相比,眼动抑制任务可提供更为丰富的指标,并分离出语言及手部运动反应的污染.手动与眼动反应抑制在不同神经精神疾病以及个体发展的不同阶段表现均有不同.额叶-基底神经节网络在手动和眼动抑制中发挥类似的作用,但额下回是手动抑制的关键脑区,额叶眼区和上丘则与眼动抑制关系更密切.目前,主要的争议集中在两者的神经机制、两者涉及的高级认知加工以及在神经心理学和发展心理学中的不同行为表现和发展趋势.  相似文献   

Spatial interactions between consecutive movements are often attributed to inhibition of return (IOR), a phenomenon in which responses to previously signalled locations are slower than responses to unsignalled locations. In two experiments using peripheral target signals offset by 0°, 90°, or 180°, we show that consecutive saccadic (Experiment 1) and reaching (Experiment 3) responses exhibit a monotonic pattern of reaction times consistent with the currently established spatial distribution of IOR. In contrast, in two experiments with central target signals (i.e., arrowheads pointing at target locations), we find a non-monotonic pattern of reaction times for saccades (Experiment 2) and reaching movements (Experiment 4). The difference in the patterns of results observed demonstrates different behavioral effects that depend on signal type. The pattern of results observed for central stimuli are consistent with a model in which neural adaptation is occurring within motor networks encoding movement direction in a distributed manner.  相似文献   

植物水通道对水分运输具有专一性, 能够调节细胞中水分、一些离子和其他小溶质的转运, 因而在植物的生长发育中发挥着重要作用。本文综述了植物水通道的研究进展, 重点介绍了植物水通道的分子特性和生理生态特性及其在植物气孔运动中的作用, 讨论了水通道在气孔振荡中的作用和地位。  相似文献   

植物水通道的生理生态特性及其参与气孔运动的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
植物水通道对水分运输具有专一性,能够调节细胞中水分、一些离子和其他小溶质的转运,因而在植物的生长发育中发挥着重要作用.本文综述了植物水通道的研究进展,重点介绍了植物水通道的分子特性和生理生态特性及其在植物气孔运动中的作用,讨论了水通道在气孔振荡中的作用和地位.  相似文献   

In the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msh2p-Msh6p complex, mutations that were predicted to disrupt ATP binding, ATP hydrolysis, or both activities in each subunit were created. Mutations in either subunit resulted in a mismatch repair defect, and overexpression of either mutant subunit in a wild-type strain resulted in a dominant negative phenotype. Msh2p-Msh6p complexes bearing one or both mutant subunits were analyzed for binding to DNA containing base pair mismatches. None of the mutant complexes displayed a significant defect in mismatch binding; however, unlike wild-type protein, all mutant combinations continued to display mismatch binding specificity in the presence of ATP and did not display ATP-dependent conformational changes as measured by limited trypsin protease digestion. Both wild-type complex and complexes defective in the Msh2p ATPase displayed ATPase activities that were modulated by mismatch and homoduplex DNA substrates. Complexes defective in the Msh6p ATPase, however, displayed weak ATPase activities that were unaffected by the presence of DNA substrate. The results from these studies suggest that the Msh2p and Msh6p subunits of the Msh2p-Msh6p complex play important and coordinated roles in postmismatch recognition steps that involve ATP hydrolysis. Furthermore, our data support a model whereby Msh6p uses its ATP binding or hydrolysis activity to coordinate mismatch binding with additional mismatch repair components.  相似文献   

Learning how to allocate attention properly is essential for success at many categorization tasks. Advances in our understanding of learned attention are stymied by a chicken-and-egg problem: there are no theoretical accounts of learned attention that predict patterns of eye movements, making data collection difficult to justify, and there are not enough datasets to support the development of a rich theory of learned attention. The present work addresses this by reporting five measures relating to the overt allocation of attention across 10 category learning experiments: accuracy, probability of fixating irrelevant information, number of fixations to category features, the amount of change in the allocation of attention (using a new measure called Time Proportion Shift - TIPS), and a measure of the relationship between attention change and erroneous responses. Using these measures, the data suggest that eye-movements are not substantially connected to error in most cases and that aggregate trial-by-trial attention change is generally stable across a number of changing task variables. The data presented here provide a target for computational models that aim to account for changes in overt attentional behaviors across learning.  相似文献   

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