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Since 2008, mass mortality outbreaks have been reported in all French regions producing Pacific oysters, and in several Member States of the European Union. These mass mortality events of Pacific oysters are related to OsHV-1 infection. They occur during spring and summer periods leaving suspect the quality of the marine environment and the role of seasonal use of pesticides associated with the arrival of freshwater in oyster rearing areas. Pesticides have been also detected in French coastal waters, especially in areas of oyster production. Using PMA real-time PCR we showed that a mixture of 14 pesticides has no effect on the integrity of virus capsids from viral suspension in the conditions tested. A contact of oysters with this pesticide mixture was related to higher mortality rates among experimentally infected animals in comparison with control ones (no previous pesticide exposure before experimental infection). We therefore suggest that pesticides at realistic concentration can exert adverse effects on Pacific oysters and causes an increased susceptibility to the viral infection in experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Settlement of larvae of Crassostrea gigas on shell chips (SC) prepared from shells of 11 different species of mollusks was investigated. Furthermore, the settlement inducing compound in the shell of C. gigas was extracted and subjected to various treatments to characterize the chemical cue. C. gigas larvae settled on SC of all species tested except on Patinopecten yessoensis and Atrina pinnata. In SC of species that induced C. gigas larvae to settle, settlement was proportionate to the amount of SC supplied to the larvae. When compared to C. gigas SC, all species except Crassostrea nippona showed lower settlement inducing activities, suggesting that the cue may be more abundant or in a more available form to the larvae in shells of conspecific and C. nippona than in other species. The settlement inducing activity of C. gigas SC remained intact after antibiotic treatment. Extraction of C. gigas SC with diethyl ether (Et2O-ex), ethanol (EtOH-ex), and water (Aq-ex) did not induce larval settlement of C. gigas larvae. However, extraction of C. gigas SC with 2N of hydrochloric acid (HCl-ex) induced larval settlement that was at the same level as the SC. The settlement inducing compound in the HCl-ex was stable at 100°C but was destroyed or degraded after pepsin, trypsin, PNGase F and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid treatments. This chemical cue eluted between the molecular mass range of 45 and 150 kDa after gel filtration and revealed a major band at 55 kDa on the SDS-PAGE gel after staining with Stains-all. Thus, a 55 kDa glycoprotein component in the organic matrix of C. gigas shells is hypothesized to be the chemical basis of larval settlement on conspecifics.  相似文献   

In this study, UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared radiation) spectral analysis were integrated to identify the pigment in the adductor muscle scar of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. The pigment was extracted from the adductor muscle scars of cleaned oyster shells that were pulverized, hydrolyzed in hot hydrochloric acid, purified with diethyl ether, and dissolved in 0.01 mL/L NaOH. The maximum absorption of the pigment in the UV absorption spectrum within the range of 190–500 nm was observed between 210–220 nm. The UV absorbance decreased with increasing wavelength which was consistent with the UV spectral absorption characteristics of melanin. In addition, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy scanning revealed characteristic absorption peaks that emerged near 3440 cm-1 and 1630 cm-1, which was consistent with infrared scanning features of eumelanin (a type of melanin). This study has demonstrated for the first time that the pigment in the adductor muscle scar of the Pacific oyster is melanin, hinting that the adductor muscle could be another organ pigmenting the mollusc shell with melanin other than mantle.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is the most important commercial oyster species cultivated in the world. Meanwhile, the ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) is one of the major pathogens affecting the Pacific oyster, and numerous mortality outbreaks related to this pathogen are now reported worldwide. To assess the genetic basis of resistance to OsHV-1 infection in spat C. gigas and to facilitate breeding programs for such a trait, if any exist, we compared the mortality of half- and full-sib families using three field methods and a controlled challenge by OsHV-1 in the laboratory. In the field, three methods were tested: (A) one family per bag; (B) one family per small soft mesh bag and all families inside one bag; (C) same as the previous methods but the oysters were individually labelled and then mixed. The mean mortality ranged from 80 to 82% and was related to OsHV-1 based on viral DNA detection. The narrow-sense heritability for mortality, and thus OsHV-1 resistance, ranged from 0.49 to 0.60. The high positive genetic correlations across the field methods suggested no genotype by environment interaction. Ideally, selective breeding could use method B, which is less time- and space-consuming. The narrow sense heritability for mortality under OsHV-1 challenge was 0.61, and genetic correlation between the field and the laboratory was ranged from 0.68 to 0.75, suggesting a weak genotype by environment interaction. Thus, most of families showing the highest survival performed well in field and laboratory conditions, and a similar trend was also observed for families with the lowest survival. In conclusion, this is the first study demonstrating a large additive genetic variation for resistance to OsHV-1 infection in C. gigas, regardless of the methods used, which should help in selective breeding to improve resistance to viral infection in C. gigas.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a commercially important bivalve distributed along the northwest Pacific coast. Here C. gigas in Japan was investigated using mtDNA and microsatellite markers to elucidate its genetic structure and phylogeny. On the basis of mtDNA all populations showed high genetic diversity with limited genetic differentiation among populations. The pattern of MtDNA diversity suggested that C. gigas had experienced population expansion about 112 Kya, prior to the last glacial maximum (LGM), which accorded well with other marine organisms. For microsatellites, a Bayesian-based assignment test demonstrated that C. gigas is nearly panmictic. However, on the basis of estimates of FST, Kumano populations differed significantly from other populations, a recent occurrence based on low RST. Irrespective of geographical distance, genetic similarity was observed in the main aquaculture regions with large-scale transportation of cultured spat. Unlike in the Yellow Sea, a genetic bottleneck was not detected in Japanese populations. These results imply, contrary to the prevailing view, that C. gigas in Japan was demographically stable during the LGM. Gene flow by larval dispersal seems to be regionally restricted to localities of congenital areas by ocean currents, while genetic homogenization by cultivated oysters might have occurred in aquaculture areas.  相似文献   

We document the potential of novel microsatellites as a genetic tool in furthering our understanding of the Crassostrea gigas genetic structure. From the microsatellite-enriched libraries we constructed, 123 repeat regions that had sufficient sequence information to design polymerase chain reaction primer sets were isolated. From these, 9 primer pairs were screened in a C. gigas population of 67 individuals to evaluate the genetic variability. All but 1 of the 9 loci showed allelic variation (number of alleles, 2–20; observed heterozygosity, 0.119–0.925; unbiased expected heterozygosity, 0.139–0.914). Considerable discrepancy of genotypic proportions from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed at 1 locus with an apparent heterozygote deficiency. Several loci were successfully amplified in 3 other related species with the appropriate allele size: 6 loci in C. sikamea, 4 loci in C. ariakensis, and 5 loci in C. nippona.  相似文献   

Light-sensitivity is an important aspect of mollusk survival as it plays a vital role in reproduction and predator avoidance. In the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas light sensitivity has been demonstrated in the larval stage but has not yet been conclusively demonstrated in adult oysters. In this paper we describe an experiment which was undertaken to determine if adult Pacific oysters were sensitive to light. One LED flashlight was used to shine light onto adult oysters while they were filtering seawater through their shell openings. We found that the degree of opening increased gradually during the light period but rapidly decreased when the flashlight was turned off in the treated group but not in the control group. These results suggest that adult Pacific oyster may be sensitive to light.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in regulatory processes in various organisms. To date many studies have been performed in the investigation of miRNAs of numerous bilaterians, but limited numbers of miRNAs have been identified in the few species belonging to the clade Lophotrochozoa. In the current study, deep sequencing was conducted to identify the miRNAs of Crassostrea gigas (Lophotrochozoa) at a genomic scale, using 21 libraries that included different developmental stages and adult organs. A total of 100 hairpin precursor loci were predicted to encode miRNAs. Of these, 19 precursors (pre-miRNA) were novel in the oyster. As many as 53 (53%) miRNAs were distributed in clusters and 49 (49%) precursors were intragenic, which suggests two important biogenetic sources of miRNAs. Different developmental stages were characterized with specific miRNA expression patterns that highlighted regulatory variation along a temporal axis. Conserved miRNAs were expressed universally throughout different stages and organs, whereas novel miRNAs tended to be more specific and may be related to the determination of the novel body plan. Furthermore, we developed an index named the miRNA profile age index (miRPAI) to integrate the evolutionary age and expression levels of miRNAs during a particular developmental stage. We found that the swimming stages were characterized by the youngest miRPAIs. Indeed, the large-scale expression of novel miRNAs indicated the importance of these stages during development, particularly from organogenetic and evolutionary perspectives. Some potentially important miRNAs were identified for further study through significant changes between expression patterns in different developmental events, such as metamorphosis. This study broadened the knowledge of miRNAs in animals and indicated the presence of sophisticated miRNA regulatory networks related to the biological processes in lophotrochozoans.  相似文献   

The oyster Crassostrea ariakensis is an economically important bivalve species in China, unfortunately it has suffered severe mortalities in recent years caused by rickettsia-like organism (RLO) infection. Prevention and control of this disease is a priority for the development of oyster aquaculture. Allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) was identified as a modulator of the immune response during macrophage activation and a key gene in host immune defense reaction and inflammatory response. Therefore we investigated the functions of C. ariakensis AIF-1 (Ca-AIF1) and its antibody (anti-CaAIF1) in oyster RLO/LPS-induced disease and inflammation. Ca-AIF1 encodes a 149 amino acid protein containing two typical Ca2+ binding EF-hand motifs and shares a 48–95% amino acid sequence identity with other animal AIF-1s. Tissue-specific expression analysis indicates that Ca-AIF1 is highly expressed in hemocytes. Significant and continuous up-regulation of Ca-AIF1 is detected when hemocytes are stimulated with RLO/LPS (RLO or LPS). Treatment with recombinant Ca-AIF1 protein significantly up-regulates the expression levels of LITAF, MyD88 and TGFβ. When anti-CaAIF1 antibody is added to RLO/LPS-challenged hemocyte monolayers, a significant reduction of RLO/LPS-induced LITAF is observed at 1.5–12 h after treatment, suggesting that interference with Ca-AIF1 can suppress the inflammatory response. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis indicated that anti-CaAIF1 administration reduces RLO/LPS-induced apoptosis and necrosis rates of hemocytes. Collectively these findings suggest that Ca-AIF1 functions as a pro-inflammatory cytokine in the oyster immune response and is a potential target for controlling RLO infection and LPS-induced inflammation.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a sessile bivalve mollusc whose homeostasis relies, at least partially, upon cells circulating in hemolymph and referred to as hemocytes. Oyster’s hemocytes have been reported to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), even in absence of stimulation. Although ROS production in bivalve molluscs is mostly studied for its defence involvement, ROS may also be involved in cellular and tissue homeostasis. ROS sources have not yet been described in oyster hemocytes. The objective of the present work was to characterize the ROS sources in unstimulated hemocytes. We studied the effects of chemical inhibitors on the ROS production and the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) of hemocytes. First, this work confirmed the specificity of JC-10 probe to measure Δψm in oyster hemocytes, without being affected by ΔpH, as reported in mammalian cells. Second, results show that ROS production in unstimulated hemocytes does not originate from cytoplasmic NADPH-oxidase, nitric oxide synthase or myeloperoxidase, but from mitochondria. In contrast to mammalian cells, incubation of hemocytes with rotenone (complex I inhibitor) had no effect on ROS production. Incubation with antimycin A (complex III inhibitor) resulted in a dose-dependent ROS production decrease while an over-production is usually reported in vertebrates. In hemocytes of C. gigas, the production of ROS seems similarly dependent on both Δψm and ΔpH. These findings point out differences between mammalian models and bivalve cells, which warrant further investigation about the fine characterization of the electron transfer chain and the respective involvement of mitochondrial complexes in ROS production in hemocytes of bivalve molluscs.  相似文献   

In order to investigate glycogen metabolism in the oyster Crassostrea gigas, the distribution of storage cells in the whole animal was studied before histological and biochemical characterization. These cells were found mainly in the labial palps, the mantle, and gonadal area and also in gills and the digestive area. Storage cells from palps, mantle, and gonad presented the same morphological features and the same seasonal glycogen variations. Storage cells were isolated from the labial palps and the mantle plus gonadal area of the oyster by enzymatic dispersion and centrifugation through discontinuous Percoll gradient. These cells have a modal density of 1.043 g/ml. An ultrastructural study confirmed that glycogen is present in the cytoplasm either as fine particles or sequestered within vesicles. Glucose incorporation into glycogen was evaluated in vitro using [U-14C]glucose: the incorporation in isolated cells increased linearly for at least 8 hours, was proportional to the cell concentration, and showed saturation kinetics with respect to the exogenous glucose concentration. Received March 18, 1999; accepted September 27, 1999.  相似文献   

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