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HIV-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes are important for HIV-1 replication control. F4/AS01 consists of F4 recombinant fusion protein (containing clade B Gag/p24, Pol/RT, Nef and Gag/p17) formulated in AS01 Adjuvant System, and was shown to induce F4-specific polyfunctional CD4+ T-cell responses in humans. While replication-incompetent recombinant HIV-1/SIV antigen-expressing human adenoviral vectors can elicit high-frequency antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses, their use is hampered by widespread pre-existing immunity to human serotypes. Non-human adenovirus serotypes associated with lower prevalence may offer an alternative strategy. We evaluated the immunogenicity of AdC7-GRN (‘A’), a recombinant chimpanzee adenovirus type 7 vector expressing clade B Gag, RT and Nef, and F4/AS01 (‘P’), when delivered intramuscularly in homologous (PP or AA) and heterologous (AAPP or PPAA) prime-boost regimens, in macaques and mice. Vaccine-induced HIV-1-antigen-specific T cells in peripheral blood (macaques), liver, spleen, and intestinal and genital mucosa (mice) were characterized by intracellular cytokine staining. Vaccine-specific IgG antibodies (macaques) were detected using ELISA. In macaques, only the heterologous prime-boost regimens induced polyfunctional, persistent and balanced CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses specific to each HIV-1 vaccine antigen. AdC7-GRN priming increased the polyfunctionality of F4/AS01-induced CD4+ T cells. Approximately 50% of AdC7-GRN-induced memory CD8+ T cells exhibited an effector-memory phenotype. HIV-1-specific antibodies were detected with each regimen. In mice, antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses were detected in the mucosal and systemic anatomical compartments assessed. When administered in heterologous prime-boost regimens, AdC7-GRN and F4/AS01 candidate vaccines acted complementarily in inducing potent and persistent peripheral blood HIV-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses and antibodies in macaques. Besides, adenoviral vector priming modulated the cytokine-expression profile of the protein-induced CD4+ T cells. Each regimen induced HIV-1-specific T-cell responses in systemic/local tissues in mice. This suggests that prime-boost regimens combining adjuvanted protein and low-seroprevalent chimpanzee adenoviral vectors represent an attractive vaccination strategy for clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

The detection and characterization of antigen-specific T cell populations is critical for understanding the development and physiology of the immune system and its responses in health and disease. We have developed and tested a method that uses arrays of peptide–MHC complexes for the rapid identification, isolation, activation, and characterization of multiple antigen-specific populations of T cells. CD4+ or CD8+ lymphocytes can be captured in accordance with their ligand specificity using an array of peptide–MHC complexes printed on a film-coated glass surface. We have characterized the specificity and sensitivity of a peptide–MHC array using labeled lymphocytes from T cell receptor transgenic mice. In addition, we were able to use the array to detect a rare population of antigen-specific T cells following vaccination of a normal mouse. This approach should be useful for epitope discovery, as well as for characterization and analysis of multiple epitope-specific T cell populations during immune responses associated with viral and bacterial infection, cancer, autoimmunity, and vaccination.  相似文献   

FLICE-inhibitory proteins (FLIPs) are a family of viral (poxvirus and herpesvirus) and cellular proteins. The hallmark of this family is the presence of tandem death-effector domains (DEDs). Despite this shared motif, each protein possesses different abilities to modulate apoptosis, NF-κB, and interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3). These similarities and differences are discussed and highlighted here. The comparative study of FLIPs provides a unique basis to understand virus-host interactions, viral pathogenesis, and cellular regulation of immune system signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Rotavirus (RV) and norovirus (NoV) are the two major causes of viral gastroenteritis (GE) in children worldwide. We have developed an injectable vaccine design to prevent infection or GE induced with these enteric viruses. The trivalent combination vaccine consists of NoV capsid (VP1) derived virus-like particles (VLPs) of GI-3 and GII-4 representing the two major NoV genogroups and tubular RV recombinant VP6 (rVP6), the most conserved and abundant RV protein. Each component was produced in insect cells by a recombinant baculovirus expression system and combined in vitro. The vaccine components were administered intramuscularly to BALB/c mice either separately or in the trivalent combination. High levels of NoV and RV type specific serum IgGs with high avidity (>50%) as well as intestinal IgGs were detected in the immunized mice. Cross-reactive IgG antibodies were also elicited against heterologous NoV VLPs not used for immunization (GII-4 NO, GII-12 and GI-1 VLPs) and to different RVs from cell cultures. NoV-specific serum antibodies blocked binding of homologous and heterologous VLPs to the putative receptors, histo-blood group antigens, suggesting broad NoV neutralizing activity of the sera. Mucosal antibodies of mice immunized with the trivalent combination vaccine inhibited RV infection in vitro. In addition, cross-reactive T cell immune responses to NoV and RV-specific antigens were detected. All the responses were sustained for up to six months. No mutual inhibition of the components in the trivalent vaccine combination was observed. In conclusion, the NoV GI and GII VLPs combination induced broader cross-reactive and potentially neutralizing immune responses than either of the VLPs alone. Therefore, trivalent vaccine might induce protective immune responses to the vast majority of circulating NoV and RV genotypes.  相似文献   

Intramuscular inoculation of rhesus macaques with one or more doses of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag (rVSVgag) typically elicits peak cellular immune responses of 500 to 1,000 gamma interferon (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunospots (ELISPOTS)/106 peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Here, we describe the generation of a novel recombinant mumps virus (rMuV) expressing HIV-1 Gag (rMuVgag) and measure the Gag-specific cellular immune responses detected in rhesus macaques following vaccination with a highly attenuated form of rVSV expressing HIV-1 Gag (rVSVN4CT1gag1) and rMuVgag in various prime-boost combinations. Notably, peak Gag-specific cellular immune responses of 3,000 to 3,500 ELISPOTS/106 PBL were detected in macaques that were primed with rMuVgag and boosted with rVSVN4CT1gag1. Lower peak cellular immune responses were detected in macaques that were primed with rVSVN4CT1gag1 and boosted with rMuVgag, although longer-term gag-specific responses appeared to remain higher in this group of macaques. These findings indicate that rMuVgag may significantly enhance Gag-specific cellular immune responses when administered with rVSVN4CT1gag1 in heterologous prime-boost regimens.The ability to recover infectious virus from genomic cDNA has enabled the development of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses as candidate vaccine vectors (8, 20); vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which predominantly infects insects and livestock in nature (29, 51, 52), is one of the most extensively studied in this group of RNA viruses. Recombinant forms of VSV (rVSVs) have been tested in preclinical studies as potential vaccine vectors to combat a wide range of human diseases including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS (16, 28, 30, 31, 40-43). In one of these studies, nonhuman primates (NHPs) vaccinated with rVSV vaccine vectors expressing simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag and HIV Env proteins were protected from disease following challenge with a pathogenic SIV/HIV-1 recombinant (SHIV) (46). Although these prototypic rVSV vaccine vectors elicited robust SHIV-specific immune responses in NHPs and demonstrated protective efficacy in the SHIV challenge model, they were found to be insufficiently attenuated for human trials when tested in a stringent NHP neurovirulence model (27). This finding was addressed by the development of a highly attenuated rVSV vector (rVSVN4CT1gag1). This vector was attenuated by combination of a specific N gene translocation and G gene truncation (9), with the N gene in position 4 (N4), the G gene expressing a G protein with a single amino acid in the cytoplasmic tail (CT1), and the HIV-1 Gag gene added in the first position of the genome (gag1). The rVSVN4CT1gag1 vector caused no obvious signs of neurological disease in young mice following intracranial inoculation with >107 PFU of virus (12) and produced only very minimal, predominantly inflammatory lesions following intrathalamic inoculation of NHPs with 107 PFU of virus (unpublished data). Although rVSVN4CT1gag1 demonstrated reduced in vitro replication efficiency and in vivo virulence, it was as immunogenic in mice (12) and NHPs (unpublished data) as the much more virulent prototypic rVSV vectors that provided protection from disease in the SHIV challenge model.Mumps virus (MuV), the agent of mumps in humans, is a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus in the family Paramyxoviridae. The incidence of mumps has been greatly reduced in the developed world by the introduction of live attenuated MuV vaccine strains over the past 30 to 35 years. The most commonly used MuV vaccine in the United States and Western Europe is the Jeryl Lynn strain, which has demonstrated excellent efficacy and an outstanding safety record for the >100 million doses administered to the pediatric population. A system for the recovery of the Jeryl Lynn strain of MuV from genomic cDNA has been described previously (10). This methodology has enabled targeted alteration of the MuV genome to study virus-associated neurovirulence and neuroattenuation (33) as well as the possibility of developing MuV as a vaccine vector for other pathogens.There is currently no proven method of inducing broadly neutralizing antibodies in HIV type 1 (HIV-1) vaccinees. It has been postulated, however, that robust vaccine-induced cellular immune responses directed against one or more HIV-1 proteins may be sufficient to prevent HIV-1-infected humans from developing AIDS in the absence of broadly neutralizing antibodies (34). Although this hypothesis has been called into question recently following the results of an HIV-1 phase II clinical trial (the STEP trial), there is still reason to believe that a robust cellular immune response against specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes within highly conserved regions of the viral proteome could result in a significantly reduced viral load following HIV-1 infection (45). One rational approach for maximizing vaccine-induced HIV-1-specific peak cellular immune responses is the administration of completely heterologous vaccine vectors in prime-boost regimens (2, 15, 24, 40), unlike the serotype switch used previously in rVSV prime-boost vaccination regimens (12, 46, 47). In general, the magnitudes of the resulting cellular immune responses were higher than those detected for comparable prime-boost regimens with homologous vectors (14, 46) although any associated enhancement of protective efficacy in challenge models remains unclear (3, 48). Here, we describe the generation of a novel rMuV vector expressing HIV-1 Gag (rMuVgag) and the immune responses elicited in rhesus macaques when this vector was administered with a highly attenuated rVSVN4CT1gag1 vector in heterologous prime-boost regimens.  相似文献   

Filoviruses cause sporadic but highly lethal outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in Africa in the human population. Currently, no drug or vaccine is available for treatment or prevention. A previous study with a vaccine candidate based on the low seroprevalent adenoviruses 26 and 35 (Ad26 and Ad35) was shown to provide protection against homologous Ebola Zaire challenge in non human primates (NHP) if applied in a prime-boost regimen. Here we have aimed to expand this principle to construct and evaluate Ad26 and Ad35 vectors for development of a vaccine to provide universal filovirus protection against all highly lethal strains that have caused major outbreaks in the past. We have therefore performed a phylogenetic analysis of filovirus glycoproteins to select the glycoproteins from two Ebola species (Ebola Zaire and Ebola Sudan/Gulu,), two Marburg strains (Marburg Angola and Marburg Ravn) and added the more distant non-lethal Ebola Ivory Coast species for broadest coverage. Ad26 and Ad35 vectors expressing these five filovirus glycoproteins were evaluated to induce a potent cellular and humoral immune response in mice. All adenoviral vectors induced a humoral immune response after single vaccination in a dose dependent manner that was cross-reactive within the Ebola and Marburg lineages. In addition, both strain-specific as well as cross-reactive T cell responses could be detected. A heterologous Ad26–Ad35 prime-boost regime enhanced mainly the humoral and to a lower extend the cellular immune response against the transgene. Combination of the five selected filovirus glycoproteins in one multivalent vaccine potentially elicits protective immunity in man against all major filovirus strains that have caused lethal outbreaks in the last 20 years.  相似文献   

We have isolated cell wall peptidoglycan associated proteins (CW-Pr) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra by chemical treatment with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid:anisole (2:1), which further resolved into 71, 60 and 45 kDa proteins on SDS-PAGE. A study was carried out to investigate the immunoreactivity of these proteins with blood samples from 4 categories, including 15 tuberculous patients (TB), 5 tuberculous patients on ATT (TBT), 10 PPD non-reactive healthy controls (HPPD?) and 11 PPD reactive healthy controls (HPPD+). Comparing the proliferative responses to cell wall protein antigens, it was observed that the 71 kDa protein gave maximum stimulation with PBMCs from the TB and HPPD+ groups. The adherent PBMCs from the TB group also demonstrated enhanced phagocytosis, particularly in the presence of 71 and 45 kDa proteins, and the phagocytic index was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the TBT group. However, PBMCs from of the groups recognized the 60 kDa cell wall antigen. Our results suggest that the 71 kDa protein from the cell wall of M. tuberculosis is highly immunogenic.  相似文献   

Oomycete pathogens cause major yield losses for many crop plants, and their control depends heavily on agrochemicals. Cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) were recently discovered as a new class of natural compounds with strong activities against oomycetes. The CLP massetolide A (Mass A), produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens, has zoosporicidal activity, induces systemic resistance, and reduces late blight in tomato. To gain further insight into the modes of action of CLPs, the effects of Mass A on pore formation, mycelial growth, sporangium formation, and zoospore behavior were investigated, as was the involvement of G proteins in the sensitivity of Phytophthora infestans to Mass A. The results showed that Mass A induced the formation of transmembrane pores with an estimated size of between 1.2 and 1.8 nm. Dose-response experiments revealed that zoospores were the most sensitive to Mass A, followed by mycelium and cysts. Mass A significantly reduced sporangium formation and caused increased branching and swelling of hyphae. At relatively low concentrations, Mass A induced encystment of zoospores. It had no effect on the chemotactic response of zoospores but did adversely affect zoospore autoaggregation. A loss-of-function transformant of P. infestans lacking the G-protein α subunit was more sensitive to Mass A, whereas a gain-of-function transformant required a higher Mass A concentration to interfere with zoospore aggregation. Results indicate that Mass A disturbs various developmental stages in the life cycle of P. infestans and suggest that the cellular responses of P. infestans to this CLP are, in part, dependent on G-protein signaling.Oomycetes cause devastating diseases of plants and animals. They are fungal look-alikes that grow as mycelium and propagate via spores but evolved independently from fungi (23). Among the plant pathogens are over 80 Phytophthora species, with the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans being the most renowned (12, 16). Late blight control relies heavily on fungicides that contain copper-, tin-, phenylamide-, or cyanocetamide-oximes as active ingredients. Public concerns about the adverse effects of these fungicides on food safety and the environment have led to an increased demand for novel control strategies, preferably based on natural products. In recent years, the destructive effects of cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) on zoospores of oomycete plant pathogens have attracted considerable attention (8, 9, 33). CLPs are produced by a variety of bacterial genera including Bacillus and Pseudomonas (13, 29, 30, 33, 37). They are composed of a fatty acid tail linked to an oligopeptide, which is cyclized by a lactone ring between two amino acids in the peptide chain. Based on the length and composition of the fatty acid as well as the number, type, and configuration (L-D form) of the amino acids in the peptide moiety, their activity may change (29, 30, 33). CLPs can be chemically produced, and via structural or genetic modifications, their physicochemical properties and antimicrobial activities can be altered (1). Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SS101 produces nine cyclic lipopeptide surfactants, with massetolide A (Mass A) being the main cyclic lipopeptide (7, 9). The others are derivatives of Mass A differing in the amino acid compositions of the peptide ring (7).One of the main modes of action of natural and synthetic CLPs is interference with the membrane integrity of the target organism, leading to pore formation and cytolysis (4, 5, 18, 19, 27, 34). For example, the CLPs Mass A and viscosin, produced by P. fluorescens strains SS101 and SBW25, respectively, act on membranes of zoospores of plant-pathogenic oomycetes, including Pythium and Phytophthora species, and this leads to the complete elimination of these propagules within 1 min of exposure (6-9). The destructive effects of Mass A on zoospores may explain, at least in part, the activity of P. fluorescens SS101 against Pythium root rot of flower bulb crops (6, 9) and tomato late blight caused by P. infestans (44). However, CLPs not only act on zoospores but may also inhibit mycelial growth of oomycetes and fungi (29, 33). The observations that several CLPs induce systemic resistance in plants against fungal and oomycete pathogens including P. infestans (31, 44) further emphasize their versatile activities and potential for crop protection. To explore and exploit the use of CLPs as a novel supplementary strategy for disease control, fundamental knowledge on their modes of action and the cellular responses of target oomycete pathogens is required.In this study, we investigated the response of P. infestans to the CLP Mass A produced by P. fluorescens SS101. We examined various growth stages of P. infestans and performed dose-response experiments to determine the effects of Mass A on mycelial growth, sporangium formation, cyst germination, and zoospore behavior, including chemotaxis, autoaggregation, and encystment. We also examined the involvement of the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein in the cellular responses of P. infestans to Mass A. The results show differential sensitivities of the various growth stages to Mass A and suggest that G-protein signaling plays a role in mediating the response.  相似文献   

P. vivax infection during pregnancy has been associated with poor outcomes such as anemia, low birth weight and congenital malaria, thus representing an important global health problem. However, no vaccine is currently available for its prevention. Vir genes were the first putative virulent factors associated with P. vivax infections, yet very few studies have examined their potential role as targets of immunity. We investigated the immunogenic properties of five VIR proteins and two long synthetic peptides containing conserved VIR sequences (PvLP1 and PvLP2) in the context of the PregVax cohort study including women from five malaria endemic countries: Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, India and Papua New Guinea (PNG) at different timepoints during and after pregnancy. Antibody responses against all antigens were detected in all populations, with PNG women presenting the highest levels overall. P. vivax infection at sample collection time was positively associated with antibody levels against PvLP1 (fold-increase: 1.60 at recruitment -first antenatal visit-) and PvLP2 (fold-increase: 1.63 at delivery), and P. falciparum co-infection was found to increase those responses (for PvLP1 at recruitment, fold-increase: 2.25). Levels of IgG against two VIR proteins at delivery were associated with higher birth weight (27 g increase per duplicating antibody levels, p<0.05). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from PNG uninfected pregnant women had significantly higher antigen-specific IFN-γ TH1 responses (p=0.006) and secreted less pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF and IL-6 after PvLP2 stimulation than P. vivax-infected women (p<0.05). These data demonstrate that VIR antigens induce the natural acquisition of antibody and T cell memory responses that might be important in immunity to P. vivax during pregnancy in very diverse geographical settings.  相似文献   

Simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection in macaques provides a convenient model for testing vaccine efficacy and for understanding viral pathogenesis in AIDS. We immunized macaques with recombinant, Salmonella typhimurium (expressing Gag) or soluble Gag in adjuvant to generate T-cell-dependent lymphoproliferative or serum antibody responses. Immunized animals were challenged by intrarectal inoculation with SHIV89.6PD. Virus infection was accompanied by rapid losses of lymphoproliferative responses to Gag or phytohemagglutinin. By 8 weeks, mitogen responses recovered to near normal levels but antigen-specific immunity remained at low or undetectable levels. Serum antibody levels were elevated initially by virus exposure but soon dropped well below levels achieved by immunization. Our studies show a rapid depletion of preexisting Gag-specific CD4+ T cells that prevent or limit subsequent antiviral cellular and humoral immune responses during acute SHIV infection.  相似文献   

目的:观察核酸疫苗预敏,乙型肝炎病毒HBsAg蛋白疫苗增强的免疫对Balb/c小鼠免疫应答的影响.方法:以TransfectionTM脂质体将乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs)核酸疫苗pSW3891/MHBs/adr(简称为adr),及空载体pSW3891(简称vector)体外转染293T细胞.免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测adr,vector的体外表达;动物体内研究选用Balb/c小鼠共18只,每组6只,编号后随机分为3组,即空载体质粒组(vector+vector组)、adr核酸疫苗+HBsAg蛋白疫苗(adr+protein组)、HBsAg蛋白疫苗+HBsAg蛋白疫苗(Protein+Protein组);于第0周肌肉注射法分别以vector、adr及HBsAg蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠,于第4周肌内注射法分剐以vector、HBsAg蛋白疫苗、及HBsAg蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠.采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测小鼠血清HBsAg特异性抗体、酶联免疫斑点(ELISPOT)法检测小鼠脾细胞HBsAg多肽特异性IFN-γ分泌细胞.结果:adr体外转染293T细胞后,能够表达乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs);体内研究结果显示:除vector+vector组外,adr+protein组、Protein+Protein组小鼠均能检出血清抗-HBs,Protein+Protein组抗-HBs终点滴度比adr+protein组高,但无统计学意义;三组中vector+vector组没有检测到特异性INF-γ分泌的脾细胞,而adr+protein组、Protein+Protein组小鼠均能检出,且adr+protein组特异性细胞数量显著高于protein+protein组(P<0.001),具有统计学意义.结论:乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原中蛋白(MHBs)核酸疫苗预敏.能明显增强Balb/c小鼠对乙型肝炎HBsAg蛋白疫苗细胞免疫应答水平.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing HIV-1 BaL gp160 was evaluated either alone or with monomeric BaL gp120 and BaL SOSIP gp140 protein in a prime-boost combination in guinea pigs to enhance envelope (Env)-specific humoral and mucosal immune responses. We showed that a regimen consisting of an NDV prime followed by a protein boost elicited stronger serum and mucosal Th-1-biased IgG responses and neutralizing antibody responses than NDV-only immunizations. Additionally, these responses were higher after the gp120 than after the SOSIP gp140 protein boost.  相似文献   

To assess the possible contribution of host immune responses to the exertion of Fv2-associated resistance to Friend virus (FV)-induced disease development, we inoculated C57BL/6 (B6) mice that lacked various subsets of lymphocytes with FV containing no lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus. Fv2r B6 mice lacking CD4+ T cells developed early polycythemia and fatal erythroleukemia, while B6 mice lacking CD8+ T cells remained resistant. Erythroid progenitor cells infected with spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) were eliminated, and no polycythemia was observed in B cell-deficient B6 mice, but they later developed myeloid leukemia associated with oligoclonal integration of ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus. Additional depletion of natural killer and/or CD8+ T cells from B cell-deficient B6 mice resulted in the expansion of SFFV proviruses and the development of polycythemia, indicating that SFFV-infected erythroid cells are not only restricted in their growth but are actively eliminated in Fv2r mice through cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

The woodchuck model is an informative model for studies on hepadnaviral infection. In this study, woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) transgenic (Tg) mouse models based on C57BL/6 mice were established to study the pathogenesis associated with hepadnaviral infection. Two lineages of WHV Tg mice, harboring the WHV wild-type genome (lineage 1217) and a mutated WHV genome lacking surface antigen (lineage 1281), were generated. WHV replication intermediates were detected by Southern blotting. DNA vaccines against WHV proteins were applied by intramuscular injection. WHV-specific immune responses were analyzed by flow cytometry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). The presence of WHV transgenes resulted in liver-specific but sex- and age-dependent WHV replication in Tg mice. Pathological changes in the liver, including hepatocellular dysplasia, were observed in aged Tg mice, suggesting that the presence of WHV transgenes may lead to liver diseases. Interestingly, Tg mice of lineage 1281 spontaneously developed T- and B-cell responses to WHV core protein (WHcAg). DNA vaccination induced specific immune responses to WHV proteins in WHV Tg mice, indicating a tolerance break. The magnitude of the induced WHcAg-specific immune responses was dependent on the effectiveness of different DNA vaccines and was associated with a decrease in WHV loads in mice. In conclusion, sex- and age-dependent viral replication, development of autoimmune responses to viral antigens, pathological changes in the liver in WHV Tg mice, and the possibility of breaking immune tolerance to WHV transgenes will allow future studies on pathogenesis related to hepadnaviral infection and therapeutic vaccines.  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) are the most common causes of infectious hepatitis. These viruses are spread largely by the fecal-oral route and lead to clinically important disease in developing countries. To evaluate the potential of targeting hepatitis A and E infection simultaneously, a combined mucosal candidate vaccine was developed with the partial open reading frame 2 (ORF2) sequence (aa 368–607) of HEV (HE-ORF2) and partial virus protein 1 (VP1) sequence (aa 1–198) of HAV (HA-VP1), which included the viral neutralization epitopes. Tuftsin is an immunostimulatory peptide which can enhance the immunogenicity of a protein by targeting it to macrophages and dendritic cells. Here, we developed a novel combined protein vaccine by conjugating tuftsin to HE-ORF2 and HA-VP1 and used synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) as the adjuvant. Subsequent experiments in BALB/c mice demonstrated that tuftsin enhanced the serum-specific IgG and IgA antibodies against HEV and HAV at the intestinal, vaginal and pulmonary interface when delivered intranasally. Moreover, mice from the intranasally immunized tuftsin group (HE-ORF2-tuftsin + HA-VP1-tuftsin + CpG) showed higher levels of IFN-γ-secreting splenocytes (Th1 response) and ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells than those of the no-tuftsin group (HE-ORF2 + HA-VP1 + CpG). Thus, the tuftsin group generated stronger humoral and cellular immune responses compared with the no-tuftsin group. Moreover, enhanced responses to the combined protein vaccine were obtained by intranasal immunization compared with intramuscular injection. By integrating HE-ORF2, HA-VP1 and tuftsin in a vaccine, this study validated an important concept for further development of a combined mucosal vaccine against hepatitis A and E infection.  相似文献   

目的:评价口蹄疫重组鸡痘病毒vUTAL3CP1诱导猪产生特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)杀伤活性的能力。方法:用PCR方法亚克隆O型FMDVVP1基因C末端部分片段(第130~213AA)。将其插入真核表达载体pDisplay中,构建质粒pDisplay-mVP1。将pDisplay-mVP1转染PK15细胞,经3次G418加压筛选,并用RT-PCR和IFA鉴定,证明获得表达目的基因的PK15/pDisplay-mVP1细胞。最后,利用该细胞作为靶细胞,用LDH法检测口蹄疫重组鸡痘病毒vUTAL3CP1免疫猪的特异性CTL杀伤活性。结果:vUTAL3CP1免疫组在效靶比25∶1和50∶1时,CTL裂解活性分别达到42.84%±32.1%和61.94%±42.8%,显著高于灭活疫苗组与其它对照组(p<0.01)。结论:vUTAL3CP1可以诱导猪产生高水平的特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)杀伤活性,为进一步的FMDV基因工程疫苗的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Yu WL  Dan H  Lin M 《Current microbiology》2008,56(5):505-509
The internalins InlA and InlC2 are encoded proteins from two strongly immunoreactive clones recently identified by differential immunoscreening of a Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b genomic expression library during the search of the gene products of L. monocytogenes specifically induced in vivo during infection (Yu WL, Dan H, Lin M. J Med Microbiol 56:888–895, 2007). In this study, we examined the humoral immune response against InlA and InlC2 in various L. monocytogenes-infected hosts using Western blots. InlA and InlC2 were recognized by antibodies in experimentally infected rabbits but not by antisera from rabbits immunized with the heat-killed bacterium. Similar strong immunological reactions to InlA and InlC2 were seen with antisera from infected guinea pigs, cattle, and sheep but not with those from the animals (guinea pigs or sheep) receiving heat-killed bacteria. This study provides the first experimental evidence that InlA and InlC2 are the in vivo induced or upregulated antigens for humoral immune responses that are common to listerial infection of various host species. These two immunogenic proteins may thus be explored as reagents for the laboratory diagnosis of listeriosis or candidates for vaccine development.  相似文献   

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