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Homeobox gene Hoxa3 is strongly expressed in the third pharyngeal arch and pouch. We found that Hoxa3 homozygous null mutant mice had the lack of the carotid body. In all late-term mutant embryos examined (n = 10), no carotid body was present. The carotid body rudiment is formed in the wall of the third branchial artery, which develops into the common carotid artery and the first part of the internal carotid artery. The symmetrical patterns of the third, fourth, and sixth arch arteries were observed in wild-type littermates at embryonic day (E) 10.5-12.5. In Hoxa3 homozygous mutant embryos, however, the third arch artery began to degenerate at E10.5 and almost disappeared at E11.5. Furthermore, the bifurcation of the common carotid artery at the normal position, i.e., at the upper end of the larynx, was never detected in the mutant embryos at E16.5-E18.5. The common carotid artery of the homozygous mutants was separated into the internal and external carotid arteries immediately after its origin. Thus, the present study evidenced that the absence of the carotid body in Hoxa3 homozygous mutants is due to the defect of development of the third arch artery, resulting in malformation of the carotid artery system. During fetal development, the carotid body of mice is in close association with the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk. The superior cervical ganglion rather showed hypertrophic features in Hoxa3 homozygous mutants lacking the carotid body.  相似文献   

The docking protein FRS2α is an important mediator of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced signal transduction, and functions by linking FGF receptors (FGFRs) to a variety of intracellular signaling pathways. We show that the carotid body is absent in FRS2α2F/2F mice, in which the Shp2-binding sites of FRS2α are disrupted. We also show that the carotid body rudiment is not formed in the wall of the third arch artery in mutant embryos. In wild-type mice, the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk connects to the carotid body in the carotid bifurcation region, and extends thick nerve bundles into the carotid body. In FRS2α2F/2F mice, the superior cervical ganglion was present in the lower cervical region as an elongated feature, but failed to undergo cranio-ventral migration. In addition, few neuronal processes extended from the ganglion into the carotid bifurcation region. The number of carotid sinus nerve fibers that reached the carotid bifurcation region was markedly decreased, and baroreceptor fibers belonging to the glossopharyngeal nerve were absent from the basal part of the internal carotid artery in FRS2α2F/2F mutant mice. In some of the mutant mice (5 out of 14), baroreceptors and some glomus cells were distributed in the wall of the common carotid artery, onto which the sympathetic ganglion abutted. We propose that the sympathetic ganglion provides glomus cell precursors into the third arch artery derivative in the presence of sensory fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve.  相似文献   

The Zic genes are the vertebrate homologues of the Drosophila pair rule gene odd-paired. It has been proposed that Zic genes play several roles during neural development including mediolateral segmentation of the neural plate, neural crest induction, and inhibition of neurogenesis. Initially during mouse neural development Zic2 is expressed throughout the neural plate while later on expression in the neurectoderm becomes restricted to the lateral region of the neural plate. A hypomorphic allele of Zic2 has demonstrated that in the mouse Zic2 is required for the timing of neurulation. We have isolated a new allele of Zic2 that behaves as a loss of function allele. Analysis of this mutant reveals two further functions for Zic2 during early neural development. Mutation of Zic2 results in a delay of neural crest production and a decrease in the number of neural crest cells that are produced. These defects are independent of mediolateral segmentation of the neurectoderm and of dorsal neurectoderm proliferation, both of which occur normally in the mutant embryos. Additionally Zic2 is required during hindbrain patterning for the normal development of rhombomeres 3 and 5. This work provides the first genetic evidence that the Zic genes are involved in neural crest production and the first demonstration that Zic2 functions during hindbrain patterning.  相似文献   

Summary Glomus cells from carotid bodies of adult rats dissociated by means of collagenase or collagenase + trypsin were used to study by electron microscopy the endocytotic uptake of cationized ferritin (CF) tracer into subcellular compartments. The glomus cells were incubated with the tracer (1) in a basic salt medium (BM), or (2) in the BM into which calcium ionophore A23187 had been added, or (3) in a potassium-rich medium.Incubation of the cells in BM containing CF for 30 min resulted in attachment of the tracer to the cell membrane and uptake of a few solitary tracer particles into small vesicles and multivesicular bodies. No uptake into the cisternae of the Golgi apparatus was observed. Further incubation in BM containing CF for another 30 min resulted in increased uptake of the tracer into small vesicles and multivesicular bodies. A similar pattern of uptake was observed when the dissociated glomus cells were first preincubated in BM with CF for 30 min and then incubated for 1 min or 30 min in the BM solution containing both the ionophore and CF. Upon such incubation, CF particles were seen to penetrate into coated pits and sites of exocytosis at the cell surface. When the 30-min preincubation in BM was followed by incubation in a CF-containing potassium-rich medium for 15–30 min, uptake into vesicles, small lysosomes and occasionally also into profiles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum was seen. Endocytotic mechanisms of the glomus cells are outlined.  相似文献   

Notch receptors are expressed in neurons and glia in the adult nervous system, but why this expression persists is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the Notch pathway in the postnatal mouse main olfactory system, and show evidence consistent with a model where Notch2 is required for maintaining sustentacular cell function. In the absence of Notch2, the laminar nature of these glial-like cells is disrupted. Hes1, Hey1, and Six1, which are downstream effectors of the Notch pathway, are down-regulated, and cytochrome P450 and Glutathione S-transferase (GST) expression by sustentacular cells is reduced. Functional levels of GST activity are also reduced. These disruptions are associated with increased olfactory sensory neuron degeneration. Surprisingly, expression of Notch3 is also down-regulated. This suggests the existence of a feedback loop where expression of Notch3 is initially independent of Notch2, but requires Notch2 for maintained expression. While the Notch pathway has previously been shown to be important for promoting gliogenesis during development, this is the first demonstration that the persistent expression of Notch receptors is required for maintaining glial function in adult.  相似文献   

Summary Developmental patterns of immunoreactivity for serotonin and neuropeptide Y were investigated immunohistochemically in the carotid body and glomus cells in the wall of the common carotid artery and around its branches of chickens at various developmental ages. The development of peptidergic nerve fibers was also studied. Serotonin immunoreactivity began to appear in the glomus cells of the carotid body and around arteries at 10 days of incubation and became very intense from 12 days onwards. Neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity also appeared in these cells at 10 days, became intense at 14 days, and was sustained until 20 days. After hatching, neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in the carotid body rapidly decreased with age and almost cisappeared at posnatal day 10. However, it persisted for life in the glomus cells distributed in the wall of the common carotid artery. Substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive fibers first penetrated into the carotid body parenchyma at 12 days of incubation. These peptidergic nerve fibers in the carotid body and glomus cell groups in and around arteries gradually increased with age, and approached the adult state at 18 days of incubation. Only a few galanin-and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-immunoreactive fibers were observed in the late embryonic carotid bodies. They rapidly developed after hatching and reached adult numbers at postnatal day 10. During late embryonic and neonatal development, considerable numbers of met-enkephalin-immunoreactive fibers were detected in the connective tissue encircling the carotid body.  相似文献   

Ras proteins are small GTPases that regulate cellular growth and differentiation. Components of the Ras signaling pathway have been shown to be important during embryonic vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Here, we report that Rasip1, which encodes a novel Ras-interacting protein, is strongly expressed in vascular endothelial cells throughout development, in both mouse and frog. Similar to the well-characterized vascular markers VEGFR2 and PECAM, Rasip1 is specifically expressed in angioblasts prior to vessel formation, in the initial embryonic vascular plexus, in the growing blood vessels during angiogenesis and in the endothelium of mature blood vessels into the postnatal period. Rasip1 expression is undetectable in VEGFR2 null embryos, which lack endothelial cells, suggesting that Rasip1 is endothelial specific. siRNA-mediated reduction of Rasip1 severely impairs angiogenesis and motility in endothelial cell cultures, and morpholino knockdown experiments in frog embryos demonstrate that Rasip1 is required for embryonic vessel formation in vivo. Together, these data identify Rasip1 as a novel endothelial factor that plays an essential role in vascular development.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was investigated at the cellular and subcellular levels in dissociated cell cultures of the carotid body of the neonatal rat, prepared by the methods of Fishman and Schaffner (1984). In the presence of iso-OMPA, which blocks non-specific cholinesterase, staining was confined almost exclusively to glomus-cell clusters and occasional isolated cells. These clusters grow as discrete islands scattered throughout the culture and display typical catecholamine (CA) fluorescence as in vivo. AChE staining was abolished or reduced by the cholinesterase inhibitors eserine (30–100 M), or (the poorly lipid soluble) echothiophate (8 (M). Processing of the same culture sequentially for the demonstration of both AChE and CA revealed that glomus-cell clusters and individual glomus cells were consistently positive for both. In electron micrographs AChE reaction product was associated intracellularly with the nuclear envelope and cytoplasm of glomus cells (identified by their characteristic dense cored granules), as well as extracellularly with the boundaries of contiguous glomus cells. Significantly, reaction product occurred in some glomus cell profiles that had both dense-cored and clear (cholinergic-like) vesicles. These findings are discussed in the context of a possible dual (adrenergic/cholinergic) function status of glomus cells in the rat's carotid body.  相似文献   

Using a Cre-mediated conditional deletion approach, we have dissected the function of Twist1 in the morphogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton. Loss of Twist1 in neural crest cells and their derivatives impairs skeletogenic differentiation and leads to the loss of bones of the snout, upper face and skull vault. While no anatomically recognizable maxilla is formed, a malformed mandible is present. Since Twist1 is expressed in the tissues of the maxillary eminence and the mandibular arch, this finding suggests that the requirement for Twist1 is not the same in all neural crest derivatives. The effect of the loss of Twist1 function is not restricted to neural crest-derived bones, since the predominantly mesoderm-derived parietal and interparietal bones are also affected, presumably as a consequence of lost interactions with neural crest-derived tissues. In contrast, the formation of other mesodermal skeletal derivatives such as the occipital bones and most of the chondrocranium are not affected by the loss of Twist1 in the neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Neural crest-derived pigment cell development has been used extensively to study cell fate specification, migration, proliferation, survival and differentiation. Many of the genes and regulatory mechanisms required for pigment cell development are conserved across vertebrates. The zebrafish mutant colgate (col)/histone deacetylase1 (hdac1) has reduced numbers, delayed differentiation and decreased migration of neural crest-derived melanophores and their precursors. In hdac1col mutants normal numbers of premigratory neural crest cells are induced. Later, while there is only a slight reduction in the number of neural crest cells in hdac1col mutants, there is a severe reduction in the number of mitfa-positive melanoblasts suggesting that hdac1 is required for melanoblast specification. Concomitantly, there is a significant increase in and prolonged expression of foxd3 in neural crest cells in hdac1col mutants. We found that partially reducing Foxd3 expression in hdac1col mutants rescues mitfa expression and the melanophore defects in hdac1col mutants. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of Foxd3 to physically interact at the mitfa promoter. Because mitfa is required for melanoblast specification and development, our results suggest that hdac1 is normally required to suppress neural crest foxd3 expression thus de-repressing mitfa resulting in melanogenesis by a subset of neural crest-derived cells.  相似文献   

The product of the Drosophila gene tribbles inhibits cell division in the ventral furrow of the embryo and thereby allows the normal prosecution of gastrulation. Cell division is also absent in involuting dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation in Xenopus, and to ask whether the two species employ similar mechanisms to coordinate morphogenesis and the cell cycle, we isolated a putative Xenopus homologue of tribbles which we call Xtrb2. Extensive cDNA cloning identified long and short forms of Xtrb2, termed Xtrb2-L and Xtrb2-S, respectively. Xtrb2 is expressed maternally and in mesoderm and ectoderm at blastula and gastrula stages. Later, it is expressed in dorsal neural tube, eyes, and cephalic neural crest. Time-lapse imaging of GFP-tagged Xtrb2-L suggests that during cell division, it is associated with mitotic spindles. Knockdown of Xtrb2 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) disrupted synchronous cell divisions during blastula stages, apparently as a result of delayed progression through mitosis and cytokinesis. At later stages, tissues expressing the highest levels of Xtrb2 were most markedly affected by morpholino knockdown, with perturbation of neural crest and eye development.  相似文献   

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