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We investigated the uptake and distribution of Zn and Mn inwheat during grain development. Plants were grown in a chelate-bufferednutrient solution with one of the following treatments: control,low Zn or low Mn. Plants were dual-labelled with 65Zn and 54Mnat 2 and 8 wk post-anthesis for 5 and 24 h, respectively. Afterlabelling, the plants were separated into individual componentsfor analysis. In the plants harvested at 8 wk after anthesis,spikelets were separated into individual structures and analysedfor radioactivity. Little or no root-supplied 54Mn was distributed to the leavesof both the controls and low-Mn plants during the grain developmentstages studied here. More 54Mn was distributed to the head at8 wk than at 2 wk post-anthesis. In contrast, root-supplied65Zn was transported to the leaves at 2 and 8 wk post-anthesis.More65Zn was distributed to the leaves of the low-Zn plants thanthe controls during grain development.More esZn was detectedin the head towards grain maturity. Relatively larger amountsof 54Mn than 65Zn were found in different parts of the florets.Labelled Mn was found in relatively large quantities in thepalea, lemma and in the glumes, even though most 54Mn was foundin the grain. A large percentage of the grain MMn was in theouter pericarp. During grain development leaves may still require Zn but notMn, which may be due to the requirement of Zn in maintainingmembrane structure and function. Distribution of Zn and Mn withinthe spikelets suggests that Zn may enter the grain via the phloemwhile Mnmay enter the grain via the xylem. Key words: Zinc, manganese, nutrient transport, grain development, wheat, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Experiments were conducted to assess the relative tissue distribution of Cd, Mn and Zn accumulated by Mercenaria mercenaria from seawater using 109Cd, 54Mn and 65Zn.
  • 2.2. The kidney accumulated all three metals most extensively with Cd in particular showing the greatest degree of renal concentration.
  • 3.3. Subcellular fractionation of the kidney showed that 34.3% of the 54Mn, 5.6% of the 65Zn and 1.3% of the 109Cd had been incorporated into mineral concretions present in kidney cells.
  • 4.4. Gel permeation chromatography of renal cytosol fractions showed the isotopes to be bound to macromolecules with mol. wt of approximately 60,000, 12,000 and 7500.

利用同位素示踪法研究了不同引入途径的125I和65Zn在大蟾蜍体内的吸收与分布。无论采用注射还是灌喂的方法,蟾蜍对125I的残留动态差别不大,都可分为快清除期和平台期,0~2d为快清除期,3~7d为平台期,经过了快清除期之后,残留的125I约为起始量的8%,并维持到实验结束。注射了65Zn后,0~7d的吸收动态曲线有所起伏,但波动很小,其波动范围为102.4%~114.48%。表明大部分的65Zn仍留在体内,几乎没有排出体外。注射65Zn的转移并不明显。但灌喂65Zn的动态变化则大些,而且转移明显。其活度曲线出现阶段性下降,有两个下降期,第一个下降期为4h~3d,第二个下降期为5~7d。说明灌喂组对65Zn的转移比注射组的活跃,但在实验的第7d残留率仍在60%以上。  相似文献   


Background and aim

Most of the food grains show deficiency of zinc. The study was carried out to evaluate the role of endophytes in the fortification of Zn in wheat genotypes with different nutrient use efficiency and in soils deficient and sufficient for Zn.


Two zinc solubilizing endophytes (Bacillus subtilis DS-178 and Arthrobacter sp. DS-179) were used to inoculate low and high Zn accumulating genotypes in soils sufficient and deficient in Zn.


The data on different root morphological parameters, yield and accumulation of Zn indicated distinct variations among genotypes; soil types and also among the endophytes inoculated, un-inoculated and chemical fertilizer treatments. In general, the amount of Zn in grains due to inoculation of endophytes was 2 folds higher as compared to un-inoculated control. The low and high Zn accumulating genotypes responded in an almost identical manner to endophyte inoculation, irrespective of the soil types.


Zn solubilizing endophytes can enhance the translocation and enrichment of Zn to grains in wheat genotypes, irrespective of their different nutrient use efficiency (Zn). This approach can be integrated into the modern strategies for biofortification.

Erenoglu  B.  Nikolic  M.  Römheld  V.  Cakmak  I. 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):251-257
Using two bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and two durum wheat (Triticum durum) cultivars differing in zinc (Zn) efficiency, uptake and translocation of foliar-applied 65Zn were studied to characterize the role of Zn nutritional status of plants on the extent of phloem mobility of Zn and to determine the relationship between phloem mobility of Zn and Zn efficiency of the used wheat cultivars. Irrespective of leaf age and Zn nutritional status of plants, all cultivars showed similar Zn uptake rates with application of 65ZnSO4 to leaf strips in a short-term experiment. Also with supply of 65ZnSO4 by immersing the tip (3 cm) of the oldest leaf of intact plants, no differences in Zn uptake were observed among and within both wheat species. Further, Zn nutritional status did not affect total uptake of foliar applied Zn. However, Zn-deficient plants translocated more 65Zn from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots. In Zn-deficient plants about 40% of the total absorbed 65Zn was translocated from the treated leaf to the roots and remainder parts of shoots within 8 days while in Zn-sufficient plants the proportion of the translocated 65Zn of the total absorbed 65Zn was about 25%. Although differences in Zn efficiency existed between the cultivars did not affect the translocation and distribution of 65Zn between roots and shoots. Bread wheats compared to durum wheats, tended to accumulate more 65Zn in shoots and less 65Zn in roots, particularly under Zn-deficient conditions. The results indicate that differences in expression of Zn efficiency between and within durum and bread wheats are not related to translocation or distribution of foliar-applied 65Zn within plants. Differential compartementation of Zn at the cellular levels is discussed as a possible factor determining genotypic variation in Zn efficiency within wheat.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Aroona) was grown in siliceoussand with essential nutrients for unlimited growth except forthe following treatments: controls (sufficient Zn and Mn), lowMn (sufficient Zn) and low Zn (sufficient Mn) until anthesis.Replicate plants were harvested at anthesis; the remaining plantswere transferred to a chelate-buffered nutrient solution containingall essential nutrients except Zn and Mn to allow monitoringof the remobilization of existing Zn and Mn reserves withinthe plant. These plants were harvested 14 d post-anthesis andat grain maturity. At each harvest plants were separated intoindividual components. There were no growth differences between any of the treatmentsat the three harvests. Large amounts of Zn and Mn found in theroots and stems at anthesis were rapidly depleted during graindevelopment. The Zn content of the leaves increased from anthesisto 14 d post-anthesis, but then declined. The Mn content ofthe leaves increased throughout grain development in the controlswhilst remaining constant in the plants pre-grown at low Mn.The Zn and Mn content of the glumes, palea and lemma rose inthe controls from anthesis to 14 d post-anthesis; thereafterZn content declined but Mn content continued to increase. TheZn and Mn content of the grain rose sharply toward grain maturity.We conclude that Mn was not remobil-ized from the leaves ofwheat during grain development. Zinc was remobilized from theleaves, especially the flag leaf and from the leaves of thelow Zn plants. The post-anthesis accumulation of Zn and Mn withinthe glumes will be discussed in relation to the transport pathwaythat Zn and Mn use to enter the developing seed. Key words: Zinc, manganese, wheat, distribution, remobilization  相似文献   

The uptake and distribution of eight metallic elements were examined in wheat seedlings for a period of 12 d with a radioactive multitracer technique. The radioactive nuclides of the seedlings were simultaneously determined by γ-ray spectrometry. All of the elements studied were taken up by the wheat seedlings and mainly accumulated in the roots. Only some elements were transported to shoots and leaves of the seedlings or bound to leaf proteins, and two elements were transported into the chloroplast. Uptake of most elements reached a maximum on the fifth or the eighth day and then gradually decreased afterward. In the cases of 95mTc and 72Se, the uptake increased continuously within 12 d without the peak uptake. The change of elemental concentrations was dependent on uptake and excretion rates. The dynamics of metal elements taken up by the wheat seedlings and their distribution in roots, shoots, and leaves were different for each element, suggesting that it may depend on the characteristics of the elements.  相似文献   

Zinc is essential for normal development and function of the CNS although much is to be learned about brain Zn homeostasis. In these experiments adult male Wistar rats within the weight range 500–600 g were used. Ventriculo-cisternal perfusion was performed to allow the measurement of65Zn fluxes between blood and csf across the choroid plexuses. Blood-brain or blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability to65Zn has been determined by graphical analysis in experiments that lasted between 5 and 180 minutes. Cerebral capillary permeability to65Zn was found to be low with a Kin of about 5×10–4ml/min/g. Choroid plexus permeability to65Zn was about 12 fold greater, although Zn influx to brain via this route was <5% that across cerebral capillaries. The autoradiographic distribution of65Zn in brain showed regional variation with lowest levels in white matter and high levels in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus.  相似文献   

Uptake of 65 Zn in the mouse fetus as a function of gestational age   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using a homologous competition of54Mn-transferrin with Mntransferrin and65Zn-transferrin with Zn-transferrin, it was found that on the plasma membrane of lactating mouse mammary gland cells there are receptor binding Mn-transferrin and Zn-transferrin. The heterologous competition between labeled and nonlabeled Fe-transferrin, Mn-transferrin and Zn-transferrin, as well as almost equal affinity constants of cellular receptors toward the three metals by competition of Fe-transferrin suggests that one and the same receptor accepts all three metals from the transferrin molecule. The cell receptors therefore possess a polymetal binding function. A model and a mechanism for regulation of the transport metal flow toward the mammary gland cell acting like “automated switching over” are proposed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of nickel treatment on biological half-lives of 65Zn in whole body and liver as well as on distribution of 65Zn in different organs of protein deficient rats. Nickel sulfate at a dose level of 800mg/l in drinking water was administrated to normal control as well as to protein deficient rats for 8 weeks. A significant increase was found in fast and slow components of biological half lives of 65Zn in whole body and only fast component in liver of protein deficient rats. Interestingly, slow component in whole body and fast component in liver of nickel treated protein deficient rats were not different from normal controls though they were significantly elevated in protein deficient rats. On the other hand, slow component of 65Zn was also not altered in nickel treated protein deficient rats, which however, was significantly decreased in nickel treated rats. Protein deficiency led to a marked elevation in per cent uptake of 65Zn in brain and caused significant depression in liver, kidney and intestine. However, uptake of 65Zn in brain showed a significant depression in nickel treated rats, whereas the uptake was elevated in brain in nickel treated protein deficient rats. In conclusion, protein deficient conditions seem to be playing a dominant role in context with the distribution of 65Zn in different organs when nickel is administered to protein deficient rats. However nickel alone is seen to cause adverse effect on the distribution of 65Zn.  相似文献   

K Amemiya  L S Hurley  C L Keen 《Teratology》1989,39(4):387-393
The effect of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) on the distribution of gavaged 65Zn in maternal and embryonic tissues of Sprague-Dawley rats was examined 24 hr after injection of the drug on day 13 of pregnancy. 6-MP injection resulted in a significantly higher retention of counts of 65Zn in maternal liver and lower counts in maternal plasma, uterus, placenta, and embryo than in controls. Compared to controls, gel chromatography of maternal liver from 6-MP injected dams showed higher counts associated with a protein peak of molecular weight 6,000-8,000, the approximate molecular weight of the zinc-binding protein metallothionein. These results support the idea that the zinc deficiency, which is observed in day 21 fetuses from dams injected with 6-MP during midgestation, may be the result of a drug-induced sequestering of zinc into maternal liver followed by a decrease in maternal plasma zinc and subsequent reduction in fetal zinc uptake. We suggest that this 6-MP-associated redistribution of zinc into maternal liver may be due to induction of maternal metallothionein synthesis by the drug.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of Zn65 by seeds ofVicia faba, soaked in a Zn65Cl2 solution and maintained within the experimental condition described in the text, was constant and did not depend on the amount of the radionuclide given. However, the percentage of the total absorbed Zn65 retained by seed coats varied according to the cultural variety ofVicia faba. Most of the Zn65 entering the seed, remained bound to the seed coat, the remainder entered the embryo and cotyledons and was concentrated around the abaxial part of this latter, lessening towards the adaxial region. The fate of the isotope was followed in all stage of plant development. Its distribution was represented as counts per minute per unit mass (dry) of plant tissue, and on a percentage basis. In general, zinc decreased in the main root acropetally then increased at the root stem transition zone, decreased again in the first internode than increased acropetally towards the apex of the stem. Anthers had the highest counts per unit mass compared to other plant organs, including the rest of the flower. Zn65 distribution calculated on a percentage basis increased in that order: Roots, stem, leaves in one month old plants and older. These observations held also in plants grown from —Zn medium and from seeds to which radioactive zinc was introduced before and during the formation of their pods. Water-soluble Zn65 was also investigated in different plant's organs. Some of these results are compared and discussed with those previously obtained using a histochemical method.  相似文献   

After a single injection,65Zn is slowly taken up by the brain of the rat to a maximum after 7 d, followed by a turnover phase, with a half-time of about 3 wk. In the brain of rats on a zinc-deficient diet, the65Zn content in the brain continued to increase up to 30 d after the injection. The uptake and turnover phases in six different subcellular fractions of the brain showed a pattern similar to that of the whole brain in both the control and zinc-deficient rats. There was no internal redistribution of65Zn in the brain under conditions of progressive zinc deficiency. The results are discussed in a model for zinc homeostasis in the brain.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of zinc on the biological half-lives of 65Zn in whole body and liver and on distribution of 65Zn in different organs of rats following nickel toxicity. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats received either nickel in the form NiSO4·6H2O at a dose of 800 mg/L in drinking water, zinc in the form of ZnSO4·7H2O at a dose of 227 mg/L in drinking water, and nickel plus zinc or drinking water alone for a total duration of 8 wk. All of the rats were injected with a tracer dose of 0.37 MBq 65Zn at the end of the treatment period. The effects of different treatments were studied on biological half-lives of 65Zn in whole body and liver and on the distribution of 65Zn in different organs of rats. In the present study, we have noted that nickel treatment to normal rats caused a significant decrease in the slow component (Tb2) in liver, which improved following zinc supplementation. Nickel administration to normal-diet-fed animals caused significant lowering in the percentage uptake of 65Zn values in the brain, liver, and intestine. However, the administration of zinc to nickel-treated rats improved the status of 65Zn in different organs. The Tb2 in the liver and the percentage uptake of 65Zn values elevated following zinc supplementation to nickel-treated rats.  相似文献   

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