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A cell-intrinsic timer that operates during oligodendrocyte development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Multicellular organisms develop on a predictable schedule that depends on both cell-intrinsic timers and sequential cell-cell interactions mediated by extracellular signals. The interplay between intracellular timers and extracellular signals is well illustrated by the development of oligodendrocytes, the cells that make the myelin in the vertebrate central nervous system. An intrinsic timing mechanism operates in each oligodendrocyte precursor cell to limit the length of time the cell divides before terminally differentiating. This mechanism consists of two components, a timing component, which depends on the mitogen platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and measures elapsed time, and an effector component, which depends on thyroid hormone and stops cell division and initiates differentiation at the appropriate time. The cell-cycle inhibitor p27/Kip1 accumulates in the precursor cells as they proliferate and is part of both components of the timer. It seems likely that similar timing mechanisms operate in other cell lineages. BioEssays 22:64-71, 2000.  相似文献   

Nodamura virus (NoV) is a small RNA virus that is infectious for insect and mammalian hosts. We have developed a highly sensitive assay of RNA interference (RNAi) in mammalian cells that shows that the NoV B2 protein functions as an inhibitor of RNAi triggered by either short hairpin RNAs or small interfering RNAs. In the cell, NoV B2 binds to pre-Dicer substrate RNA and RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)-processed RNAs and inhibits the Dicer cleavage reaction and, potentially, one or more post-Dicer activities. In vitro, NoV B2 inhibits Dicer-mediated RNA cleavage in the absence of any other host factors and specifically binds double-stranded RNAs corresponding in structure to Dicer substrates and products. Its abilities to bind to Dicer precursor and post-Dicer RISC-processed RNAs suggest a mechanism of inhibition that is unique among known viral inhibitors of RNAi.  相似文献   

Chromosomal deletions, as a genetic tool for functional genomics, remain underexploited for vertebrate stem cells mostly because presently available methods are too labor-intensive. To address this, we developed and validated a set of complementary retroviruses that creates a wide range of nested chromosomal deletions. When applied to mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), this retrovirus-based method yielded deletions ranging from 6 kb to 23 Mb (average 2.9 Mb), with an efficiency of 64% for drug-selected clones. Notably, several of the engineered ESC clones, mostly those with large deletions, showed major alteration in cell fate. In comparison to other methods that have also exploited retroviruses for chromosomal engineering, this modified strategy is more efficient and versatile because it bypasses the need for homologous recombination, and thus can be exploited for rapid and extensive functional screens in embryonic and adult stem cells.  相似文献   

Here we describe a novel strategy using multiplexes of synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) corresponding to multiple gene targets in order to compress RNA interference (RNAi) screen size. Before investigating the practical use of this strategy, we first characterized the gene-specific RNAi induced by a large subset (258 siRNAs, 129 genes) of the entire siRNA library used in this study (~800 siRNAs, ~400 genes). We next demonstrated that multiplexed siRNAs could silence at least six genes to the same degree as when the genes were targeted individually. The entire library was then used in a screen in which randomly multiplexed siRNAs were assayed for their affect on cell viability. Using this strategy, several gene targets that influenced the viability of a breast cancer cell line were identified. This study suggests that the screening of randomly multiplexed siRNAs may provide an important avenue towards the identification of candidate gene targets for downstream functional analyses and may also be useful for the rapid identification of positive controls for use in novel assay systems. This approach is likely to be especially applicable where assay costs or platform limitations are prohibitive.  相似文献   

Screens for cytostasis/cytoxicity have considerable value for the discovery of therapeutic agents and the investigation of the biology of apoptosis. For instance, genetic screens for proteins, protein fragments, peptides, RNAs, or chemicals that kill tissue culture cells may aid in identifying new cancer therapeutic targets. A microplate assay for cell death is needed to achieve throughputs sufficient to sift through thousands of agents from expression or chemical libraries. The authors describe a homogeneous assay for cell death in tissue culture cells compatible with 96- or 384-well plates. In combination with a previously described system for retroviral packaging and transduction, nearly 6000 expression library clones could be screened per week in a 96-well plate format. The screening system may also prove useful for chemical screens.  相似文献   

We purified a soluble gp83 trans-sialidase (gp83-TSA), from phospholipase C-treated Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote membranes, which binds to myoblasts, fibroblasts and macrophages to mediate trypanosome entry. Myoblasts display a single class of receptors for the gp83-TSA present at 4x10(4) per myoblast with a K(d) of 8 nM. Monovalent Fab fragments of the monoclonal antibody 4A4 specific for gp83-TSA inhibit gp83-TSA binding to myoblasts, fibroblasts and macrophages, block the trypanosomes from attaching to and entering these cells and neutralize T. cruzi infection in BALB/c mice. This is the first demonstration that gp83-TSA is a ligand that T. cruzi uses to attach to cells.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the role of cell-cell affinity in patterning the avian frontonasal mass-the facial prominence that forms the prenasal cartilage and premaxillary bone. Reconstituted cell pellets derived from undifferentiated, frontonasal mass mesenchyme were recombined with facial epithelium and grafted to host embryos to continue development. We determined that the cells reestablished a recognizable frontonasal mass pattern and were able to induce egg teeth in overlying ectoderm. Further analysis revealed there were region-specific differences in the cartilage patterns such that central recombinations were more likely to form a straight cartilage rod, whereas lateral mesenchyme pellets were more likely to form complex, branched cartilage patterns. The basis for the pattern differences was that central mesenchyme cells showed preferential clustering in the cartilage condensations in the center of the graft, whereas lateral cells were spread throughout as determined by dye labeling and quail chicken chimeras. The disruption of cell contacts temporarily delayed onset of gene expression but by 48 h both Msx2 and Dlx5 were expressed. Msx2, in particular, had very clear edges to the expression domains and often the pattern of expression correlated with type of cartilage morphology. Together, these data suggest that an important patterning mechanism in the face is the ability of mesenchymal cells to sort out according to position and that Msx2 may help repress chondrogenic potential in the lateral frontonasal mass.  相似文献   

The compartments of eukaryotic cells maintain a distinct protein composition to perform a variety of specialized functions. We developed a new method for identifying the proteins that are transported to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in living mammalian cells. The principle is based on the reconstitution of two split fragments of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) by protein splicing with DnaE from Synechocystis PCC6803. Complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries fused to the N-terminal halves of DnaE and EGFP are introduced in mammalian cells with retroviruses. If an expressed protein is transported into the ER, the N-terminal half of EGFP meets its C-terminal half in the ER, and full-length EGFP is reconstituted by protein splicing. The fluorescent cells are isolated using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and the cDNAs are sequenced. The developed method was able to accurately identify cDNAs that encode proteins transported to the ER. We identified 27 novel proteins as the ER-targeting proteins. The present method overcomes the limitation of the previous GFP- or epitope-tagged methods, using which it was difficult to identify the ER-targeting proteins in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

Nonsense codons upstream of and including position 192 of the human gene for triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) have been found to reduce the abundance of TPI mRNA to approximately 25% of normal. The reduction is due to the decay of newly synthesized TPI mRNA that co-purifies with nuclei. TPI mRNA that co-purifies with cytoplasm is immune to nonsense-mediated decay. Until now, a nonsense codon at position 23 has been the 5'-most nonsense codon that has been analyzed. Here, we provide evidence that a nonsense codon at position 1, 2 or 10 reduces the abundance of nucleus-associated TPI mRNA to an average of only 84% of normal because translation reinitiates at the methionine codon at position 14. First, converting codon 14 to one for valine increased the effectiveness with which an upstream nonsense codon reduces mRNA abundance. Second, when TPI gene sequences, including codon 14, were fused upstream of and in-frame to the translational reading frame of an Escherichia coli chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene that lacked an initiation codon, a nonsense codon at TPI position 1 or 2 allowed for the production of TPI-CAT that was an estimated 14 amino acids smaller than TPI-CAT produced by a nonsense-free gene, whereas a nonsense codon at TPI position 23 precluded the production of TPI-CAT. These and related findings lend credence to the concept that the nonsense-mediated reduction in the half-life of nucleus-associated TPI mRNA involves cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   

Gene expression circuitries with time-delayed expression profiles regulate key events, such as oscillating systems, noise elimination, and coordinated multi-step processes, in all organisms from bacteria to mammalian cells. We present the rational synthesis of a genetic circuit displaying time-delayed expression in silico and in mammalian cells. The network is based on a time-delay circuit, where the tetracycline-responsive transactivator (tTA) induces expression of the pristinamycin-responsive repressor PIP-KRAB, which silences expression of the terminal human placental secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP). While the addition of pristinamycin I inactivates PIP-KRAB and results in the immediate resumption of SEAP expression, addition of tetracycline abolishes PIP-KRAB synthesis. Consequently, SEAP production remains repressed until the PIP-KRAB buffer in the cell is eliminated. We characterized in silico and in vivo the time-delayed expression properties and analyzed the impact of the size and stability of the PIP-KRAB buffer on fine-tuning of the response kinetics. This tunable time-delay circuitry represents a biologic building block for emulating a fundamental circuit topology in integrated artificial synthetic gene networks for the design of tailor-made cell types and organisms.  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis, a gradient of Nanos protein emanating from the posterior pole organizes abdominal segmentation. This gradient arises from translational regulation of nanos mRNA, which is activated in the specialized cytoplasm at the posterior pole of the embryo and repressed elsewhere. Previously, we have defined cis-acting elements in the mRNA that mediate this translational switch. In this report, we identify a factor named Smaug that binds to these elements and represses translation in the bulk cytoplasm. Smaug interacts gentically and biochemically with Oskar, a key component of the pole plasm for activation of nanos mRNA and specification of the germline precursors. These observations suggest that Smaug operates a translational switch that governs the distribution of Nanos protein.  相似文献   

When mammalian cells are irradiated in vitro, the component cells of a normal-appearing survivor colony or clone are commonly thought to have proliferative capacity equivalent to that of the unirradiated cells. We have found, however, that cells appearing in survivor colonies may carry heritable lethal defects which come to light, perhaps only after numerous successful divisions, in the form of plating efficiencies that are reduced below those of unirradiated cells in a dose-dependent manner. We regard these heritable defects as signs of the induction of lethal mutations, which, like non-lethal mutations, may require many generations before they are expressed. This effect has been noted in two very dissimilar mammalian cell lines, one a primary culture from adult tissue, the other an immortal cell line. We suggest that induction of lethal mutations may occur also in somatic cells in vivo; this would account for the well-known observation that previously irradiated but apparently healed tissue is subsequently proved to be extraordinarily sensitive to subsequent exposure to irradiation or cytotoxic drugs. The results of our experiments in vitro suggest that current methods of estimating mutation or transformation yields may yield underestimates. If lethal mutations are induced also in vivo, interpretations of the results of fractionation experiments on normal tissues may have to be reconsidered.  相似文献   



The production of cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) holds great promise for patient-specific cardiotoxicity drug testing, disease modeling, and cardiac regeneration. However, existing protocols for the differentiation of hiPSC to the cardiac lineage are inefficient and highly variable. We describe a highly efficient system for differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and hiPSC to the cardiac lineage. This system eliminated the variability in cardiac differentiation capacity of a variety of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC), including hiPSC generated from CD34+ cord blood using non-viral, non-integrating methods.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We systematically and rigorously optimized >45 experimental variables to develop a universal cardiac differentiation system that produced contracting human embryoid bodies (hEB) with an improved efficiency of 94.7±2.4% in an accelerated nine days from four hESC and seven hiPSC lines tested, including hiPSC derived from neonatal CD34+ cord blood and adult fibroblasts using non-integrating episomal plasmids. This cost-effective differentiation method employed forced aggregation hEB formation in a chemically defined medium, along with staged exposure to physiological (5%) oxygen, and optimized concentrations of mesodermal morphogens BMP4 and FGF2, polyvinyl alcohol, serum, and insulin. The contracting hEB derived using these methods were composed of high percentages (64–89%) of cardiac troponin I+ cells that displayed ultrastructural properties of functional cardiomyocytes and uniform electrophysiological profiles responsive to cardioactive drugs.


This efficient and cost-effective universal system for cardiac differentiation of hiPSC allows a potentially unlimited production of functional cardiomyocytes suitable for application to hPSC-based drug development, cardiac disease modeling, and the future generation of clinically-safe nonviral human cardiac cells for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

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