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Free-ranging feral swine (Sus scrofa) are known to be present in at least 32 states of the USA and are continuously expanding their range. Infection with pseudorabies virus (PRV) occurs in feral swine and the primary route of transmission in free-living conditions seems to be venereal. Between 1995 and 1999, naturally infected feral swine and experimentally infected hybrid progeny of feral and domestic swine, were kept in isolation and evaluated for occurrence of latent PRV indigenous to feral swine in sacral and trigeminal ganglia and tonsil. Sacral ganglia were shown, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the thymidine kinase (TK) gene of PRV, to be the most frequent sites of latency of PRV. Nine (56%) of 16 sacral ganglia, seven (44%) of 16 trigeminal ganglia, and five (39%) of 13 tonsils from naturally infected feral swine were positive for PCR amplification of TK sequences of PRV. These tissues were negative for PRV when viral isolation was attempted in Vero cells. DNA sequencing of cloned TK fragments from the sacral ganglia of two feral swine, showed only one nucleotide difference between the two fragments and extensive sequence homology to fragment sequences from various domestic swine PRV strains from China, Northern Ireland, and the USA. The hybrid feral domestic swine, experimentally inoculated with an indigenous feral swine PRV isolate by either the genital or respiratory route, acquired the infection but showed no clinical signs of pseudorabies. Virus inoculated into either the genital or respiratory tract could, at times, be isolated from both these sites. The most common latency sites were the sacral ganglia, regardless of the route and dose of infection in these experimentally infected hybrids. Nine of 10 sacral ganglia, six of 10 trigeminal ganglia, and three of 10 tonsils were positive for PCR amplification of TK sequences. No virus was isolated from these tissues in Vero cells. The demonstration of the sacral ganglia as the most common sites of latency of pseudorabies viruses indigenous to feral swine, supports the hypothesis that these viruses are primarily transmitted venereally, and not by the respiratory route as is common in domestic swine, in which the trigeminal ganglia are the predominant sites of virus latency.  相似文献   

Six hundred sixty-one feral swine (Sus scrofa) from Ossabaw Island, Georgia (USA) were captured, bled, and their sera tested for pseudorabies virus (PRV) antibody during a 6 yr period. Prevalence of seroconversion in females was somewhat higher than in males (10% versus 7%), but the difference was not statistically significant. Adults had a significantly higher prevalence than juveniles (29% versus 1%). An important finding in this study was that seroconversion occurred primarily in the adult feral swine.  相似文献   

Serologic surveys for evidence of exposure to pseudorabies virus (PRV) in feral swine were conducted from November 2001 to April 2002 at 10 sites in the southeastern United States, where evidence of previous PRV exposure had been documented during 1979-89. Sera were tested in the field on the day of collection by latex agglutination. Maximum sample size per site was to be 30 animals, but sampling was discontinued before reaching this number when positive results were obtained. Positive results were obtained at all of the study sites, demonstrating long-term persistence of PRV in feral swine populations. Overall, 38 of 100 (38%) animals were positive for antibodies. Consistent results from latex agglutination tests conducted in the field and laboratory demonstrated that this test was useful as a rapid and reliable diagnostic tool when used in the field.  相似文献   

Of 73 wild and domestic mammals tested from an area endemic for pseudorabies in swine, 16 showed natural pseudorabies virus infection, 8 from farms with no pseudorabies history. In transmission experiments with swine and raccoons (Procyon lotor), pseudorabies was not transmitted between raccoons but was transmitted reciprocally between raccoons and swine by contact and when either consumed infected carrion of the other. The fluorescent antibody tissue section test proved valuable in diagnosis of pseudorabies, especially when employed with the virus isolation test.  相似文献   

Some 255 feral hogs were serologically tested for Brucella titers at a location in the lower coastal plain of South Carolina. Eighteen percent were reactors. The organism was cultured from lymph node tissues in one 3+ years old boar and identified as Brucella suis biotype 1. Prevalence of sero-positive animals increased with age. There were no important differences between sexes.  相似文献   

A Gaussian diffusion model was applied to an epizootic of pseudorabies in ten swine herds located in Decatur County, Indiana, USA to test the hypothesis that the virus can be spread via aerosol. The epizootic occurred during January to March, 1988, spreading through ten farms across an area of about 150 km2. The model included a receptor component that provided an estimate of viruses received by the pig within an enclosed barn. Results show that the diffusion model can explain the spread of the virus during the epizootic for all nine farms to which the virus spread.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty seven adult (> 8 mo) feral swine (Sus scrofa) trapped from April through July 1999 at three locations on a coastal South Carolina (USA) peninsula with restricted ingress and egress were tested for Brucella suis and pseudorabies virus (PRV) antibodies. Approximately 44% of the animals tested positive for B. suis antibodies and 61% tested positive for antibodies to PRV. Previous surveys (1976 and 1992) of feral swine at the same location with similar methods indicated lower seroprevalences (28% and 18% for B. suis and 0% and 19% for PRV). We also found 39% of feral swine seropositive (n = 179) for Trichinella spiralis and 49% seropositive (n = 181) for Toxoplasma gondii. Results of repeated sampling demonstrated that seroprevalence to pathogens can increase with time in an isolated, unhunted population of feral swine suggesting an increased risk to local domestic livestock and potentially to human health.  相似文献   

Influenza exposure in United States feral swine populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swine play an important role in the disease ecology of influenza. Having cellular receptors in common with birds and humans, swine provide opportunities for mixed infections and potential for genetic reassortment between avian, human, and porcine influenza. Feral swine populations are rapidly expanding in both numbers and range and are increasingly coming into contact with waterfowl, humans, and agricultural operations. In this study, over 875 feral swine were sampled from six states across the United States for serologic evidence of exposure to influenza. In Oklahoma, Florida, and Missouri, USA, no seropositive feral swine were detected. Seropositive swine were detected in California, Mississippi, and Texas, USA. Antibody prevalences in these states were 1% in Mississippi, 5% in California, and 14.4% in Texas. All seropositive swine were exposed to H3N2 subtype, the predominant subtype currently circulating in domestic swine. The only exceptions were in San Saba County, Texas, where of the 15 seropositive samples, four were positive for H1N1 and seven for both H1N1 and H3N2. In Texas, there was large geographical and temporal variation in antibody prevalence and no obvious connection to domestic swine operations. No evidence of exposure to avian influenza in feral swine was uncovered. From these results it is apparent that influenza in feral swine poses a risk primarily to swine production operations. However, because feral swine share habitat with waterfowl, prey on and scavenge dead and dying birds, are highly mobile, and are increasingly coming into contact with humans, the potential for these animals to become infected with avian or human influenza in addition to swine influenza is a distinct possibility.  相似文献   

Ixodid ticks were collected from feral swine in eight Texas ecoregions from 2008–2011. Sixty‐two percent of 806 feral swine were infested with one or more of the following species: Amblyomma americanum, A. cajennense, A. maculatum, Dermacentor albipictus, D. halli, D. variabilis, and Ixodes scapularis. Juvenile and adult feral swine of both sexes were found to serve as host to ixodid ticks. Longitudinal surveys of feral swine at four geographic locations show persistent year‐round tick infestations of all gender‐age classes for tick species common to their respective geographic locations and ecoregions. Amblyomma americanum, A. cajennense, A. maculatum and D. variabilis were collected from 66% of feral swine harvested through an abatement program in seven ecoregions from March to October in 2009. These results indicate westward geographic expansion of D. variabilis. Summary results show feral swine are competent hosts for ixodid species responsible for the transmission of pathogens and diminished well‐being in livestock, wildlife, and humans.  相似文献   

Within the domestic swine industry there is growing trepidation about the role feral swine (Sus scrofa) play in the maintenance and transmission of important swine diseases. Innovative disease management tools for feral swine are needed. We used field trials conducted in southern Texas from February to March 2006 to compare species-specific visitation and removal rates of fish-flavored and vegetable-flavored baits with and without commercially available raccoon (Procyon lotor) repellent (trial 1) and removal rates of baits deployed in a systematic and cluster arrangement (trial 2). During trial 1, 1) cumulative bait removal rates after four nights ranged from 93% to 98%; 2) bait removal rates by feral swine, raccoons, and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) did not differ by treatment; and 3) coyotes (Canis latrans) removed more fish-flavored baits without raccoon repellent and white-tailed deer removed more vegetable-flavored baits without raccoon repellent than expected. During trial 2, feral swine removed fish-flavored baits distributed in a cluster arrangement (eight baits within 5 m2) at a rate greater than expected. Our observed bait removal rates illustrate bait attractiveness to feral swine. However, the diverse assemblage of omnivores in the United States compared with Australia where the baits were manufactured adds complexity to the development of a feral swine-specific baiting system for pharmaceutical delivery.  相似文献   

As feral swine (Sus scrofa) populations expand their range and the opportunity for feral swine hunting increases, there is increased potential for disease transmission that may impact humans, domestic swine, and wildlife. From September 2007 to March 2010, in 13 North Carolina, USA, counties and at Howell Woods Environmental Learning Center, we conducted a serosurvey of feral swine for Brucella suis, pseudorabies virus (PRV), and classical swine fever virus (CSFV); the samples obtained at Howell Woods also were tested for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2). Feral swine serum was collected from trapped and hunter-harvested swine. For the first time since 2004 when screening began, we detected B. suis antibodies in 9% (9/98) of feral swine at Howell Woods and <1% (1/415) in the North Carolina counties. Also, at Howell Woods, we detected PCV-2 antibodies in 59% (53/90) of feral swine. We did not detect antibodies to PRV (n=512) or CSFV (n=307) at Howell Woods or the 13 North Carolina counties, respectively. The detection of feral swine with antibodies to B. suis for the first time in North Carolina warrants increased surveillance of the feral swine population to evaluate speed of disease spread and to establish the potential risk to commercial swine and humans.  相似文献   

基于宏基因组学的猪群样本病毒探测方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
极其多样的病毒广泛存在于我们周围的环境和动物体内,其中很多病毒是人类所未知的,而发现未知病毒常常受制于病毒常规检测技术的局限性.[目的]构建未知病毒检测技术平台.[方法]应用病毒宏基因组学的理念,结合新型分子诊断技术,首先利用过滤和核酸酶处理去除样品宿主核酸干扰,然后随机PCR扩增潜在的病毒宏基因组,最后通过大规模测序及序列分析获取病毒核酸信息.[结果]利用此技术我们对猪瘟病毒(CSFV)细胞培养物和猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染猪病料进行了分析,分别检测到序列总长度1680 bp,占基因组13.7%的CSFV序列和序列总长度834 bp,占基因组47.2%的PCV2序列;利用此检测技术平台研究一未知病原细胞培养物,通过测序和序列分析,结果显示56条序列中有26条为副流感病毒5型(PIV5)同源序列,覆盖了其基因组全长的16.4%;此外,应用本研究建立的方法结合新一代高通量测序,我们在混合的7份病原未知的病猪组织样品中检测到了1.1%的病毒序列,包括CSFV、PCV2、猪细环病毒(TTSuV)、猪bocavirus (PBoV)和人腺病毒6型(Ad6)等的部分基因序列.[结论]本研究建立的基于病毒宏基因组学的未知病毒的检测方法突破了传统病毒研究方法的缺陷,对于猪群样本中病毒的检测具有较高的敏感性,有望为新发、突发感染性疾病的诊断和监测提供技术支持.  相似文献   

Nine species of helminths, all nematodes, were recovered from the viscera of 48 feral swine (Sus scrofa) from Cumberland Island, Georgia. Both the overdispersed frequency distributions and the abundances of the four common species of helminths (Stephanurus dentatus, Metastrongylus apri, M. pudendotectus and Gongylonema pulchrum) did not vary significantly across the main and interactive effects of host sex and/or seasons. Whether or not the present low population densities of feral swine on Cumberland Island has influenced the pattern of fluctuations in abundances of helminth species across seasons as often observed in helminth communities from other hosts was not resolved. The apparent recent decline in prevalences and abundances, and the loss of certain species from the helminth communities of feral swine on the island may be explained partially by the decreasing transmission potentials of direct life cycle species caused by a recent marked reduction of numbers of individuals in the host population. Conversely, the apparent increased prevalence and abundance of three species of helminths (S. dentatus, M. apri and M. pudendotectus) may be related to their common utilization of earthworms as paratenic or intermediate hosts. Gongylonema pulchrum was the only helminth in which abundances seemed to remain unchanged. This was the only species that was not strictly host specific to feral swine. We found no evidence that helminth infections were responsible for morbidity or mortality in this feral swine population.  相似文献   

From 1979 to 1985, 941 feral swine (Sus scrofa) from 53 locations in 15 states were serologically tested for antibodies to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Antibodies to New Jersey serotype VSV were present in 75 swine from five locations in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. Within these populations, antibody prevalences ranged from 10 to 100%. No antibodies to Indiana serotype were detected.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on Ossabaw Island (Georgia, USA) in March 1994 to evaluate four different types of bait for delivering orally effective biological agents to raccoons (Procyon lotor) and feral swine (Sus scrofa). A deep-fried corndog batter bait, which was previously shown to be ingested by both captive and free-ranging raccoons, and a polymer fishmeal bait which had been shown effective for both raccoons and feral swine were compared with a grain-based dog food meal polymer bait topically coated with corn oil and cornmeal or with fish oil and fishmeal. Tracking stations were used to determine the number of each bait type visited and removed by animals visiting stations. We found no significant differences in the numbers of different baits removed by either species. These data support the results of earlier studies which also indicated that an inexpensive grain-based matrix bait surface-coated with attractive flavors can be used to deliver oral biologics to problem species.  相似文献   

Populations of feral swine (Sus scrofa) are estimated to include >2 million animals in the state of Texas, USA, alone. Feral swine damage to property, crops, and livestock exceeds $50 million annually. These figures do not include the increased risks and costs associated with the potential for feral swine to spread disease to domestic livestock. Thus, effective bio-security measures will be needed to quickly isolate affected feral swine populations during disease outbreaks. We evaluated enclosures built of 0.86-m-tall traditional hog panels for containing feral swine during 35 trials, each involving 6 recently caught animals exposed to increasing levels of motivation. During trials, fences were 97% successful when enclosures were entered by humans for maintenance purposes; 83% effective when pursued by walking humans discharging paintball projectors; and in limited testing, 100% successful when pursued and removed by gunners in a helicopter. In addition to being effective in containing feral swine, enclosures constructed of hog panels required simple hand tools, took <5 min/m to erect, and were inexpensive ($5.73/m excluding labor) relative to other fencing options. As such, hog-panel fences are suitable for use by state and federal agencies for rapid deployment in disease response situations, but also exhibit utility for general control of other types of damage associated with feral swine. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Biological invasions often have contrasting consequences with reports of invasions decreasing diversity at small scales and facilitating diversity at large scales. Thus, previous literature has concluded that invasions have a fundamental spatial scale‐dependent relationship with diversity. Whether the scale‐dependent effects apply to vertebrate invaders is questionable because studies consistently report that vertebrate invasions produce different outcomes than plant or invertebrate invasions. Namely, vertebrate invasions generally have a larger effect size on species richness and vertebrate invaders commonly cause extinction, whereas extinctions are rare following invertebrate or plant invasions. In an agroecosystem invaded by a non‐native ungulate (i.e., feral swine, Sus scrofa), we monitored species richness of native vertebrates in forest fragments ranging across four orders of magnitude in area. We tested three predictions of the scale‐dependence hypothesis: (a) Vertebrate species richness would positively increase with area, (b) the species richness y‐intercept would be lower when invaded, and (c) the rate of native species accumulation with area would be steeper when invaded. Indeed, native vertebrate richness increased with area and the species richness was 26% lower than should be expected when the invasive ungulate was present. However, there was no evidence that the relationship was scale dependent. Our data indicate the scale‐dependent effect of biological invasions may not apply to vertebrate invasions.  相似文献   

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