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孙刚 《生理学报》2011,(2):187-188
人类生命在子宫内孕育的足月时间约为280天,足月妊娠对于个体发育和健康非常重要.不足37周出生的胎儿即早产儿不仅死亡率高,而且存活下来的胎儿往往存在各种健康问题,属于器质性的后遗症在出生时即可发现,但有些由表观遗传学修饰导致的慢性疾病在出生时则不易被发现.  相似文献   

糖皮质激素引起哺乳类神经元超极化反应的离子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪文  邢宝仁  陈宜张 《生理学报》1997,49(5):537-544
在豚鼠腹腔神经节上对383个神经元作细胞内记录,给予1μmol/L半琥珀酸皮质醇灌流,38个神经元膜电位发生超极化反应,幅度变化为2~12mV(6.3±0.1mV),伴有膜电阻的降低,反应呈剂量效应关系。9个神经元呈去极化反应,其余336个神经元不反应。用单电极间断电压箝方法记录43个神经元在糖皮质激素作用下膜电流的变化,其中5个神经元出现外向电流,膜电导增加;1个神经元为内向电流。用低钙高镁液阻断突触传递和蛋白质合成抑制剂放线菌素D后,超极化反应仍然存在。皮质醇超极化反应的翻转电位为-79.0±4.3mV(n=5)。皮质醇超极化反应和GABA去极化反应可在同一神经元上出现,印防己毒素可拮抗GABA的去极化反应,但不能拮抗皮质醇的超极化反应。钾离子通道阻断剂四乙基铵(TEA)和4-氨基吡啶(4-AP)能拮抗皮质醇的超极化反应。我们推断皮质醇的超极化反应是细胞膜钾离子通道介导的。  相似文献   

RT—PCR测定大鼠妊娠早期子宫孕激素受体基因的表达   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孕激素在妊娠的建立和维持过程中起着非常重要的作用,但目前为止未见有关大鼠子宫 激素受体(PR)基因在该过程中表达情况的系统报道。本和反转偶联聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法测定了大鼠动情周期和妊娠早期子宫孕激素受体基因的转录,结果表明:1.动情周期中,子吕PRmRNA水平在动情期最高,在动情后期最低,动情期水平约为动情后期的2倍。2.妊娠开始后,子宫PRmRNA水平迅速上地d3-d4(着床前)达  相似文献   

Wang W 《生理科学进展》1997,28(3):229-231
本工作首次报道糖皮质激素对豚鼠腹腔神经节快速超极化作用的离子机制。皮质醇快速引起神经元膜电位发生超极化反应;使用低钙高镁液和放线菌素D后,超极化反应依然存在;在细胞外灌流液加入印防己毒素或去除钙离子时,皮质醇依然引起超极化反应;而四乙基铵和4-氨基吡啶能拮抗皮质醇的超极化反应。结果表明皮质醇的超极化反应由细胞膜钾离子通道介导。还观察到皮质醇快速抑制神经元的放电活动;并能快速调制神经元对兴奋性和抑制  相似文献   

野生动物肾脏的类型,是动物比较解剖学的基本资料,通过对89种野生哺乳类动物肾脏的解剖学观察,尤其是通过解剖显微镜对肾乳头的比较观察,提出对单肾类肾脏解剖学分型的意见。材料和方法材料收集于北京动物园,个别珍贵或稀有动物的肾脏是外省市动物园赠送的,总计为7目15科89种349例野生哺乳类动物的肾脏标本。  相似文献   

目的探讨雌(Estrogen,E2)、孕激素(Progesterone,P4)对同期发情与自然发情小鼠子宫内膜中孕激素受体(Progesterone receptor,PR)分布的影响。方法45只同日龄雌鼠,根据处理方式的不同随机分为5组:自然发情组(对照组)、同期发情组、卵巢摘除组、P4处理组和E2处理组,5组小鼠在见栓后第4、6、8天分别取样后,采用免疫组织化学法观察小鼠子宫内膜中PR的分布变化情况。结果免疫组织化学染色结果显示,5个处理组小鼠子宫内膜的三种细胞中都有PR存在;同期发情组小鼠子宫内膜中三种类型细胞PR的表达与自然发情组差异有显著性(P〈0.05);P4处理组小鼠子宫内膜中三种类型细胞PR的表达在见栓第4、6天显著低于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05);E2处理组小鼠子宫内膜腺上皮和间质中PR在第4、6、8天时都显著高于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05),而在腔上皮中则显著低于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05)。结论同期发情处理与自然发情小鼠的子宫内膜上PR的分布,都受E2和P4的特异诱导而变化。  相似文献   

本文报道了北京(As高发)、广西南宁(As低发)两地区的人、兔(“易感”As)及狗(“不易感”As)胸主动脉中三种蛋白聚糖(CSPG,DSCSPG及HSPG)的含量。结果表明:a.广西南宁样品的总PGs,HSPG及DSCSPG含量均高于北京,尤以HSPG差异显著。b.兔、狗胸主动脉PG总量均低于人的。其中HSPG,CSPG含量及百分率以及兔的DSCSPG含量亦低于人的相应PG含量,而狗的DSCSPG含量与人的类似。c.南宁人及狗的DSCSPG含量及相对百分率虽高,但其DSCSPG中DS链所占相对百分率低于北京人和兔的。以上结果提示动脉壁PG质与量的差异可能与AS发病有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨普贝生促进宫颈成熟,提高足月妊娠经阴道分娩的有效性和安全性。方法:120例足月妊娠的未临产孕妇随机分为试验组与对照组,其中试验组50例给予阴道后穹隆置入普贝生1~2次,对照组50例给予小剂量催产素静脉滴注,比较两组宫颈成熟度,分娩情况及对于产妇、新生儿的影响。结果:①试验组宫颈Bishop评分增加3.81±1.04,对照组增加3.09±1.15,两组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)②试验组促宫颈成熟的显效率为78.33%,总有效率为91.67%,高于对照组35.00%显效率和63.33%总有效率(P〈0.01)。③试验组阴道分娩率73.33%,进入产程时间(34.19±13.20)h,产程(8.47±2.68)h,对照组阴道分娩率41.67%,进入产程时间(52.14±16.05)h,产程(12.25±3.73)h,两组间比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01或0.05)。④试验组产后出血量(225.31±67.80)ml,新生儿体重(3369.48±311.65)g,Apgar评分9.52±0.39,对照组产后出血量(232.44±75.76)ml,新生儿体重(3417.63±359.68)g,Apgar评分9.48±0.47,两组间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:普贝生可有效促进足月妊娠产妇的宫颈成熟.提高经阴道引产成功率,降低剖宫产率,且安全性好,对母儿影响小。  相似文献   

目的:探讨普贝生促进宫颈成熟,提高足月妊娠经阴道分娩的有效性和安全性。方法:120例足月妊娠的未临产孕妇随机分为试验组与对照组,其中试验组50例给予阴道后穹隆置入普贝生1~2次,对照组50例给予小剂量催产素静脉滴注,比较两组宫颈成熟度,分娩情况及对于产妇、新生儿的影响。结果:①试验组宫颈Bishop评分增加3.81±1.04,对照组增加3.09±1.15,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)②试验组促宫颈成熟的显效率为78.33%,总有效率为91.67%,高于对照组35.00%显效率和63.33%总有效率(P<0.01)。③试验组阴道分娩率73.33%,进入产程时间(34.19±13.20)h,产程(8.47±2.68)h,对照组阴道分娩率41.67%,进入产程时间(52.14±16.05)h,产程(12.25±3.73)h,两组间比较差异有显著性(P<0.01或0.05)。④试验组产后出血量(225.31±67.80)ml,新生儿体重(3369.48±311.65)g,Apgar评分9.52±0.39,对照组产后出血量(232.44±75.76)ml,新生儿体重(3417.63±359.68)g,Apgar评分9.48±0.47,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:普贝生可有效促进足月妊娠产妇的宫颈成熟,提高经阴道引产成功率,降低剖宫产率,且安全性好,对母儿影响小。  相似文献   

生物周期节律(circadian rhythms)是指机体内生命活动随时间节律性变化的规律。相关研究证实哺乳动物心血管系统的功能活动存在昼夜周期节律变化,而生物周期节律紊乱也参与动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)的发生、发展。哺乳动物心血管系统中生物周期节律紊乱会破坏血管壁细胞生理功能,改变血流状态,诱发血管炎症反应,影响内皮源性一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)的合成与释放等,从而促进斑块的形成和发展,诱发斑块的不稳定,对AS的发生、发展具有重要的作用。现总结近年来生物节律与AS的研究进展,探讨哺乳动物心血管系统生物周期节律的表现形式以及节律紊乱对AS的调控机制,以期为AS的防治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Blood and urine samples were collected weekly from an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) for 10 months before conception, throughout pregnancy, and for 10 months after parturition. Additional daily samples were collected for 41 days before through 10 days after parturition to define endocrine events during the peripartum period. During gestation, serum progesterone concentrations increased gradually and, after ~13 weeks, were higher (P < 0.05) than those observed during the nonpregnant luteal phase. Concentrations peaked at ~12 months of gestation, gradually declined during the last month, and then decreased sharply to nondetectable levels 2 days before parturition. A 12 week lactational anestrus was observed before cyclicity resumed. The urinary profile of progestagen excretion paralleled that of circulating progesterone (r = 0.79; P < 0.05); however, radioimmunoassay of HPLC-separated fractions of urinary eluates indicated that this immunoactivity was not associated with native progesterone. After remaining basal through the first 16 weeks of gestation, serum prolactin concentrations increased to 100-fold about midterm and remained elevated until after parturition. Neither serum nor urinary cortisol concentrations were altered during pregnancy, but both increased markedly the day after parturition and remained elevated above prepartum levels for several weeks thereafter. These data indicate that analysis of serum prolactin can confirm pregnancy in the Asian elephant after ~4 months of gestation and that daily monitoring of serum or urinary progestagens is useful for predicting parturition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Genetic mechanisms underlying male sex determination in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Genetic control of gonadal development proceeds through either the male or female molecular pathways, driving bipotential gonadal anlage differentiation into a testis or ovary. Antagonistic interactions between the 2 pathways determine the gonadal sex. Essentially sex determination is the enhancement of one of the 2 pathways according to genetic sex. Initially, Sry with other factors upregulatesSox9 expression in XY individuals. Afterwards the expression ofSox9 is maintained by a positive feedback loop withFgf9 and prostaglandin D2 as well as by autoregulative ability of Sox9. If these factors reach high concentrations, then Sox9 and/or Fgf9 may inhibit the female pathway. Surprisingly, splicing, nuclear transport, and extramatrix proteins may be involved in sex determination. The male sex determination pathway switches on the expression of genes driving Sertoli cell differentiation. Sertoli cells orchestrate testicular differentiation. In the absence of Sry, the predomination of the female pathway results in the realization of a robust genetic program that drives ovarian differentiation.  相似文献   

    In this review, we focused on the intersection between steroid metabolomics, obstetrics and steroid neurophysiology to give a comprehensive insight into the role of sex hormones and neuroactive steroids (NAS) in the mechanism controlling pregnancy sustaining. The data in the literature including our studies show that there is a complex mechanism providing synthesis of either pregnancy sustaining or parturition provoking steroids. This mechanism includes the boosting placental synthesis of CRH with approaching parturition inducing the excessive synthesis of 3beta-hydroxy-5-ene steroid sulfates serving primarily as precursors for placental synthesis of progestogens, estrogens and NAS. The distribution and changing activities of placental oxidoreductases are responsible for the activation or inactivation of the aforementioned steroids, which is compartment-specific (maternal and fetal compartments) and dependent on gestational age, with a tendency to shift the production from the pregnancy-sustaining steroids to the parturition provoking ones with an increasing gestational age. The fetal and maternal livers catabolize part of the bioactive steroids and also convert some precursors to bioactive steroids. Besides the progesterone, a variety of its 5alpha/beta-reduced metabolites may significantly influence the maintenance of human pregnancy, provide protection against excitotoxicity following acute hypoxic stress, and might also affect the pain perception in mother and fetus.  相似文献   

    In 1980 and 1981, respectively, 12 and 19 one-year-old mink females of standard and jetblack breeds were used to determine the progesterone level approximately at the time of expected implantation. Blood samples were collected every 2 to 3 days or daily in order to accurately estimate the time of increase in plasma progesterone levels. The results indicate that the progesterone level increased to above 10 ng/ml, 31.6 (sigma = 1.3) days prior to parturition on the average. This was supported by physiological explanations. The date of mating in mink had an effect on the date of increase in plasma progesterone. Matings at a late date in the estrous period, reduced the period of delay before implantation. Nevertheless, both the dates of implantation and parturition were delayed compared with the results of earlier matings in mink.  相似文献   

    The absence of a fall in circulating progesterone levels has led to the concept that human labour is associated with 'functional progesterone withdrawal' caused through changes in the expression or function of progesterone receptor (PR). At the time of labour, the human uterus is heavily infiltrated with inflammatory cells, which release cytokines to create a 'myometrial inflammation' via NF-κB activation. The negative interaction between NF-κB and PR, may represent a mechanism to account for 'functional progesterone withdrawal' at term. Conversely, PR may act to inhibit NF-κB function and so play a role in inhibition of myometrial inflammation during pregnancy. To model this inter-relationship, we have used small interfering (si) RNA-mediated knock-down of PR in human pregnant myocytes and whole genome microarray analysis to identify genes regulated through PR. We then activated myometrial inflammation using IL-1β stimulation to determine the role of PR in myometrial inflammation regulation. Through PR-knock-down, we found that PR regulates gene networks involved in myometrial quiescence and extracellular matrix integrity. Activation of myometrial inflammation was found to antagonize PR-induced gene expression, of genes normally upregulated via PR. We found that PR does not play a role in repression of pro-inflammatory gene networks induced by IL-1β and that only MMP10 was significantly regulated in opposite directions by IL-1β and PR. We conclude that progesterone acting through PR does not generally inhibit myometrial inflammation. Activation of myometrial inflammation does cause 'functional progesterone withdrawal' but only in the context of genes normally upregulated via PR.  相似文献   

    A Sumatran rhinoceros with a history of early pregnancy loss was supplemented with a synthetic progestin, altrenogest (Regu‐Mate®), and delivered a healthy, full‐term calf 475 days after mating. Serum hormone concentrations were measured throughout gestation, and ultrasonography was used to monitor embryo/fetal growth and viability. The embryonic vesicle growth curve was characterized by three phases: rapid expansion, plateau, and a final rapid expansion, and was similar to that in the domestic horse. Fetal sex was determined by ultrasound on day 73 of gestation. After day 80 of gestation, transabdominal examinations were more useful than rectal examinations for imaging the fetus. Serum progesterone concentrations remained at luteal levels (1.5±0.5 ng/ml) for the first 2 months of pregnancy, and then they gradually increased. However, progesterone decreased almost to luteal levels during the fifth month before it increased again, and eventually reached peak concentrations (13.3±1.9 ng/ml) shortly before parturition. Relaxin concentrations remained basal (≤0.5 ng/ml) for the first half of the pregnancy, increased to 2.7±1.2 ng/ml and stabilized until 2 weeks before parturition, when relaxin spiked to unusually high concentrations (800–1300 ng/ml). Prolactin concentrations were at baseline (7.2±1.7 ng/ml) throughout most of the gestation, but rose markedly 2 weeks before parturition, reaching concentrations as high as 75 ng/ml. Attempts to measure serum estrogen concentrations were unsuccessful. These data represent the first attempt to characterize pregnancy in the critically endangered Sumatran rhinoceros, a species that heretofore had not successfully reproduced in captivity for 112 years. Zoo Biol 23:219–238, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Hydrocortisone acetate injected into pseudopregnant rabbits induced casein synthesis and a parallel accumulation of casein mRNA. These effects were not accompanied by any enrichment of total RNA in the mammary cell. Hydrocortisone acetate did not favour the attachment of polysomes to endoplasmic reticulum. Casein mRNA concentration was enhanced in free and membrane-bound polysomes. After long treatments, the concentration of casein mRNA reached a plateau in membrane bound polysomes whereas it continued to be accumulated in free polysomes, suggesting that a substantial part of casein synthesis is then carried out by free polysomes. Progesterone injected with high doses of prolactin was unable to prevent the stimulatory action of prolactin on the synthesis of casein, the accumulation of casein mRNA and mammary gland growth, as judged by DNA content. By contrast, the increase in the total RNA content of mammary gland was still significantly reduced by progesterone. In addition, progesterone inhibited almost completely the formation of membrane-bound polysomes and the anchorage of casein mRNA to endoplasmic reticulum. From these data, it was concluded that the formation of the endoplasmic reticulum is not a prerequisite for the initiation of casein synthesis. Glucocorticoids do not play a major role in the formation of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golai apparatus and in the binding of casein synthesizing polysomes to membranes. Progesteronne is capable of inhibiting preferentially and gradually the stimulation of cellular functions requiring the most potent prolactin stimulation.  相似文献   

    The hypothesis that sustained uterine contractile activity is the direct cause of fetal death after progesterone withdrawal in late pregnancy in rats was investigated. Pregnant rats were subjected to progesterone withdrawal on day 15 of pregnancy by injecting 2 mg mifepristone (RU 486) kg-1 or by ovariectomy with oestradiol replacement (200 ng day-1). Uterine contractile activity (force and frequency) at 4 h, but not at 2 h, in rats injected with mifepristone was significantly higher than in rats injected with vehicle. The contractile activity in mifepristone-treated rats remained higher than in control rats, at 12, 24 and 48 h. Fetal viability 36 h after mifepristone injection, when uterine contractions had lasted for 32 h, was not significantly different from fetal viability in rats injected with vehicle, but at 42 h after mifepristone injection, fetal viability was significantly reduced. In ovariectomized rats, uterine contractile activity at 12, 24, 36 and 48 h, but not at 8 h, was significantly greater than in ovariectomized rats with progesterone replacement (4 mg day-1). Fetal viability at 42 h after the operation, when uterine contractions had lasted for 30 h, was not significantly reduced, but it was significantly reduced at 48 h. When ovariectomized rats had been left to develop uterine contractions for a period before progesterone was injected, deprivation of progesterone and prolonged uterine contractions for about 30 h did not reduce fetal viability or fetal growth determined on day 18, but it did so 3 days later, on day 21. Administration of 5 mg isoxuprine kg-1 twice a day, which suppressed uterine contractions, improved fetal viability in ovariectomized rats at the earlier stage, but not at the later stage. Nevertheless, isoxuprine did improve fetal growth at the later stage in these ovariectomized rats. It is concluded that increased uterine contractile activity sustained for 32 h or less does not reduce fetal viability, but longer periods of contraction may be the cause of fetal death.  相似文献   

    Cyclosporine (CsA), a member of the family of calcineurin inhibitors, is a cornerstone of the immunosuppressive treatments used after organ transplantation. However, it exhibits significant toxicity, including nephrotoxicity and increased cardiovascular risk factors. CsA withdrawal has been used as a strategy to improve renal allograft function and other CsA-related toxicities. In order to maintain adequate immunosuppression levels, sirolimus may be used in association with CsA withdrawal. Sirolimus is a member of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) family. It presents a good immunosuppressive efficacy associated with antiproliferative actions. Early withdrawal of CsA with sirolimus is associated with a significant improvement of renal function. Despite numerically a higher incidence of acute rejection episodes, this maneuver seems also to be associated with a better allograft survival in the long-term, and improvement of renal histology and blood pressure. However, CsA withdrawal is only feasible in a selected population. Furthermore, the use of sirolimus is associated with other side-effects including lipid abnormalities, abnormal liver tests, and thrombocytopenia. Other studies are mandatory to define the population who can benefit from this maneuver. Finally, complete CsA avoidance has been already reported and is currently under clinical investigation.  相似文献   

    Maternal interactions with young occupy most of the reproductive period for female mammals and are absolutely essential for offspring survival and development. The hormonal, sensory, reward-related, emotional, cognitive and neurobiological regulators of maternal caregiving behaviors have been well studied in numerous subprimate mammalian species, and some of the importance of this body of work is thought to be its relevance for understanding similar controls in humans. We here review many of the important biopsychological influences on maternal behaviors in the two best studied non-human animals, laboratory rats and sheep, and directly examine how the conceptual framework established by some of the major discoveries in these animal “models” do or do not hold for our understanding of human mothering. We also explore some of the limits for extrapolating from non-human animals to humans. We conclude that there are many similarities between non-human and human mothers in the biological and psychological factors influencing their early maternal behavior and that many of the differences are due to species-characteristic features related to the role of hormones, the relative importance of each sensory system, flexibility in what behaviors are exhibited, the presence or absence of language, and the complexity of cortical function influencing caregiving behaviors.  相似文献   

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