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A system of urban ecological genetic monitoring has been developed for the first time in Russia and in the world. As a model, two species of brown frogs, Rana arvalis Nilss. and R. temporaria L. (16 populations, seven isozyme loci) were used. An evaluation of the gene pool state in urban frog populations has shown that the diversity in the Moscow frog populations was lower than that in natural populations (up to 80 and 50% in respectively R. anvalis and R. temporaria). Mean heterozygosities per locus were higher in large natural populations than in small urban isolates: in R. arvalis, these values were 0.16 and 0.06; in R. temporaria, 0.34 and 0.18, respectively. The number of polymorphic loci was also higher in natural populations than in the urban ones: 4 versus 2 in R. arvalis and 5 versus 4 in R. temporaria. Using superoxiddismutase as an example, fixation of different alleles of the same locus in different small isolates was shown. The gene pool condition of all but one urban populations of brown frog was evaluated as unsatisfactory, and that of the R. arvalis populations, as critical. These changes of the gene pool are explained mainly by gene drift accompanied by inbreeding, which was caused by human-induced fragmentation of the range and a decrease in population size of the species. The results of this study was employed in the development of the Moscow governmental program on restoration of the gene pools of vanishing animal species on specially protected natural urban territories. The series of works on long-term monitoring and assessment of the state of natural populations of model species in anthropogenic landscapes of Moscow and Moscow district has laid a foundation for a new branch of science, gene urbanology.  相似文献   

M. Sannomiya 《Chromosoma》1973,44(1):99-106
In Atractomorpha bedeli the frequencies of males with B-chromosomes in the males from the Tofuro-ato population were 21, 30, 32, 40, and 26%, respectively, over five years. Numbers of B's (0 to 7) in the primary spermatocytes were usually constant within the follicles but were variable among the follicles within the individuals. In males from the Okazyo-ato population, 35% contained B's in their primary spermatocytes. The cells of the gastric caeca were observed in 8 males with B's in the primary spermatocytes but no cells of the gastric caeca contained B's. Cells of ovariole walls and those of gastric caeca were analysed in 80 females from the same population; none of them contained B's. These facts indicate that B's are present in the germ line but absent in the somatic line. The difference between the germ line and the somatic one was explained on the basis of elimination of B's from the somatic cells. The inter-follicular variation in number of B's was ascribed to mitotic non-disjunction in the germ line prior to differentiation of the follicles.Contribution No. 86 from the Institute of Biology, Oita University.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of long-term habitat fragmentation on genetic (random amplified polymorphic DNA) diversity in 11 Peromyscus maniculatus populations in the Lake Superior watershed. We analysed genetic structure at two spatial scales and the effect of island size and isolation on genetic diversity. At the regional scale, island populations differed from mainland populations (FST = 0.36), but mainland populations did not differ from each other (FST = 0.01). At the local scale, populations of the main island of Isle Royale differed from adjacent islet populations (P < 0.001; Monte Carlo approximation of Fisher's exact test), but not from each other (combined P = 0.63). Although geographical distance and genetic distance were positively correlated (P < 0.01; Mantel test), cluster analysis revealed some inconsistencies. Finally, genetic diversity was inversely related to isolation (P = 0.01), but had an unexpectedly negative relationship with island area (P = 0.03). The genetic structure of P. maniculatus populations in portions of the Lake Superior watershed appears to have been affected by long-term habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Six structural and temporal features of the mating calls of pool frogs recorded at eight localities in Italy, Germany, Yugoslavia and Albania were compared with those of the calls of topotypical Rana lessonae in northern Italy. All populations shared three out of six characters studied: call duration, intercall interval and call period. The pool frogs of three localities in peninsular Italy significantly differed in three characters from those of the other six localities, including the northern Italian one: pulses per pulse group, pulse groups per call, and pulse groups per second. This study demonstrates the existence of Rana bergeri , a pool frog species different from R. lessonae in peninsular Italy, but does not support the species status of the chemotaxonomically established R. shqiperica , which is considered as a synonym of R. lessonae .  相似文献   

We monitored populations of two wood ant species, Formica aquilonia and Formica lugubris, through annual mapping of the colonies in a fragmenting forest landscape from 1966 to 1998. The genetic population structure was studied at the end of the study period by using 12 microsatellite loci. Fragmentation of forest led to a decline and spatial redistribution of populations. Changes in the spatial distribution were particularly pronounced in the highly polygynous (many queens in a single nest) species F. aquilonia, whose local populations declined or became extinct, or relocated themselves and colonized new patches. The genetic relationships of the remaining subpopulations indicated the historical developments, revealing the boundaries of the historical populations (high values of genetic differentiation, F(ST)), recolonization histories (genetic affinities revealed by Bayesian analyses) and population decline (reduced variation). Big genetic differences could be detected over short distances, so differentiation also depended on social factors. Our results showed that a genetic study can be reliably used to dissect the recent historical changes underlying the present population structure, and that species with different social structures can respond differently to habitat changes. Combining our demographic and genetic results suggests that habitat fragmentation forms a clear threat on a local scale with large negative effects on ant population viability.  相似文献   

An evaluation of field data from historical buildings in Germany showed that chemoorganotrophic bacteria are the most numerous microorganisms in building stones, followed by fungi and nitrifying bacteria. Chemoorganotrophic bacteria and fungi were present in almost every sample. Ammonia and nitrite oxidizers were found in 55 and 62% of the samples, respectively. Within months, natural stone was colonized by chemoorganotrophic microorganisms. The highest cell numbers were usually found near the surface. The colonization of natural stone by nitrifying bacteria took several years. The highest cell numbers were in some cases found underneath the surface. Nitrifying bacteria showed a preference for calcareous material with a medium pore radius between 1 and 10 m. Cell numbers of nitrifying bacteria did not correlate to the nitrate content of the stone material. We demonstrated that the stone inhabiting microflora can cause significant loss of nitrate by denitrification. Our data strongly suggested that microbial colonization of historical buildings was enhanced by anthropogenic air pollution. Samples taken from stone material with a pore radius 1 m had significantly higher cell numbers when they were covered with black crusts. A comparison of samples taken between 1990–1995 from buildings throughout Germany showed that in eastern Germany a significantly stronger colonization with facultatively methylotrophic bacteria and nitrifying bacteria existed. The same was true for natural stone from an urban exposure site when compared to material from a rural exposure site. Data from outdoor exposure and laboratory simulation experiments indicated that the colonization of calcareous stone by nitrifying bacteria was enhanced by chemical weathering.  相似文献   

The status of amphibians in populations subjected to anthropogenic influence of various natures has been evaluated. We studied the effect of complex anthropogenic influences as well as chemical and radiation pollution. The status of the specimens in populations was evaluated by morphological (developmental stability as the level of fluctuating asymmetry) and cytogenetic (micronucleus test) methods. Disturbed developmental stability and cytogenetic homeostasis have been observed in populations affected by anthropogenic factors, which indicates the changed status of the organism.  相似文献   

The majority of fundamental information on temperature effects on lactation is on cattle. The yield and composition of milk are affected by the temperature of the environment or the animal's body temperature. Environmental temperatures lower and higher than the comfort zone temperatures, diminish yield and alter many of the components of milk. Concepts as to the possible manner in which temperature may alter the synthesis of milk and the role of the neuro-endocrine and environmental physiological funtions in the maintenance of lactation were presented. The elucidation of many of these postulated mechanisms of temperature effect on lactation merely awaits the application of available modern endocrine, physiological, and biochemical techniques utilizing chromatography, tracer, fluorometric, manometric, and other procedures.
Zusammenfassung Der Hauptteil der grundsÄtzlichen Kenntnisse über Einflüsse der Temperatur auf die Milcherzeugung betrifft Rinder. Die Milchleistung und Zusammensetzung der Milch werden von der Temperatur der Umgebung sowie im Tier beeinflusst. Temperaturen der Umgebung, die höher oder tiefer sind als die des normalen körperlichen Wohlbefindens, verringern die Michleistung und verÄndern die Zusammensetzung der Milch. Die verschiedenen Arten der VerÄnderung der Milchsynthese durch Temperaturunterschiede und die Rolle der neuro-endokrinen und anderen physiologischen Funktionen zur Unterstützung der Milcherzeugung werden dargestellt-Die AufklÄrung vieler dieser angenommenen Mechanismen des Temperatureinflusses auf die Milchproduktion verlangt lediglich die Anwendung der üblichen modernen Methoden der Hormonforschung, der Physiologie und Biochemie.

Resume La majeure partie des recherches faites sur l'influence exercée par la température sur la lactation concerne les bovidés. La quantité et la composition du lait son influencées par la température ambiante ou par celle du corps de l'animal. Des températures extérieures supérieures ou inférieures à celles limitant la zone de confort diminuent les quantités de lait sécrété et modifient plusieurs de ses composants. On indique ici les différentes possibilités d'action de la température sur la sythèse du lait et le rÔle que jouent les fonctions physiologiques, en particulier neuroendocrines sur le maintient de la lactation. L'établissement de bien des mecanismes supposés de l'influence de la température sur la production laitière nécessite l'utilisation des techniques modernes en physiologie et en biochimie ainsi que dans la recherche des hormones. Il s'agit en particulier de la Chromatographie,de la chimie, de la mesure de la fluorescence, des mesures de pression, etc.

The European natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) has declined rapidly in recent years, primarily due to loss of habitat, and in Denmark it is estimated that 50% of the isolated populations are lost each decade. To efficiently manage and conserve this species and its genetic diversity, knowledge of the genetic structure is crucial. Based on nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, the genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow were investigated at 12 sites representing 5–10% of the natterjack toad localities presently known in Denmark. The expected heterozygosity (H E) within each locality was generally low (range: 0.18–0.43). Further analyses failed to significantly correlate genetic diversity with population size, degree of isolation and increasing northern latitude, indicating a more complex combination of factors in determining the present genetic profile. Genetic differentiation was high (overall θ = 0.29) and analyses based on a Bayesian clustering method revealed that the dataset constituted 11 genetic clusters, defining nearly all sampling sites as distinct populations. Contemporary gene flow among populations was undetectable in nearly all cases, and the failure to detect a pattern of isolation by distance within major regions supported this apparent lack of a gene flow continuum. Indications of a genetic bottleneck were found in three populations. The analyses suggest that the remaining Bufo calamita populations in Denmark are genetically isolated, and represent independent units in a highly fragmented gene pool. Future conservation management of this species is discussed in light of these results. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nuclear ribosomal DNA (3′-SSU, ITS, 5′-LSU) and plastid-encoded (rbcL and Rubisco spacer) sequences were determined in Caepidium antarcticum and compared to homologous sequences of relatives from Ectocarpales, Scytothamnales, and other brown algae. Plastidial sequences confirmed a previous conclusions from nuclear ribosomal sequences that some taxa with stellate plastids (Asterocladon and relatives) form the closest outgroup to the Ectocarpales as yet identified. To reconcile nomenclature with the clades resolved in recent molecular studies, we propose a subdivision of the Ectocarpales in five families. Plastidial sequences support the recent proposal of Adenocystaceae, and all sequences suggest that Caepidium should be included in this family. As a further result, Geminocarpus was shown to belong to the same clade as Pylaiella and a number of other brown algae with an isomorphic life history and discoid plastids. We recognise this clade, whose correct name is Acinetosporaceae, as another family in the Ectocarpales. We also propose to unite a number of genetically related taxa, which were formely classified in different families, in an extended Chordariaceae. The remaining species of the Ectocarpales belong to Scytosiphonaceae and to Ectocarpaceae, the latter containing only Ectocarpus and Kuckuckia.  相似文献   

The rivers of the island of Corsica, whose catchment areas are on crystalline rock, have low salt contents and their invertebrate fauna is qualitatively and quantitatively poorer than on the European mainland. The growth rate of trout in Corsica was analysed on samples from of six coastal rivers: the Tavignano, the Fium Orbo and the Golo on the west coast, the Prunelli, the Taravo and the Rizzanese on the east coast. Mesological data — conductivity, temperature, calcium content and altitude and biological data — biomass and linear growth rate of the trout, and density of benthic invertebrates — were collected at each of the sampling station.Analysis of variance of the size of three year old trout revealed three groups of rivers. The first includes the Tavignano, the Rizzanese and the Taravo, where the highest linear growth rates were recorded; the second consists of the Golo and the Prunelli, and the third, of the Fium Orbo. Principal component analysis gave two main axes on the basis of temperature and benthic invertebrate density for the first, and trout biomass for the second. Linear regression showed that benthic invertebrate density accounted for 75% of size variance of three year old trout. Evidence of the limiting role of the trophic factor is provided.  相似文献   

Parasites of the order Trypanosomatida are known due to their medical relevance. Despite the progress made in the past decades on understanding the evolution of this group of organisms, there are still many open questions that require robust phylogenetic markers to increase the resolution of trees. Using two known 18S rRNA gene template structures (from Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909 and Trypanosoma brucei Plimmer and Bradford, 1899), individual 18S rRNA gene secondary structures were predicted by homology modeling. Sequences and their secondary structures, automatically encoded by a 12-letter alphabet (each nucleotide with its three structural states, paired left, paired right, unpaired), were simultaneously aligned. Sequence-structure trees were generated by neighbor joining and/or maximum likelihood. The reconstructed trees allowed us to discuss not only the big picture of trypanosomatid phylogeny but also a comprehensive sampling of trypanosomes evaluated in the context of trypanosomatid diversity. The robust support (bootstrap > 75) for well-known clades and critical branches suggests that the simultaneous use of 18S rRNA sequence and secondary structure data can reconstruct robust phylogenetic trees and can be used by the trypanosomatid research community for future analysis.  相似文献   

A flattened discoid flagellate collected from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, has been examined by light and electron microscopy. This alga agrees well withClisthodiscus luteus Carter. It has two heterodynamic flagella emerging from a furrow on the upward side of the cell that contains six to 13 yellow-green parietal chloroplasts. It does not rotate but smoothly glide while swimming. The cell has a thin periplast lying between the plasmalemma and chloroplasts. Neither lipid bodies nor mucocysts are seen in the periplast. The pyrenoid matrix being free from thylakoids is penetrated by several cytoplasmic canals from various directions. There are no vesicles of periplastidal network in the narrow space between chloroplast envelope and chloroplast ER. The ultrastructural features ofO. luteus are unique, sharing certain characters with the raphidophycean algae but others withPseudopedinella pyriformis, a unique member of the Chrysophyceae.  相似文献   

Sasaki  Hideaki  Kataoka  Hironao  Murakami  Akio  Kawai  Hiroshi 《Hydrobiologia》2004,512(1-3):255-262
Hydrobiologia - Cellular pH estimated from cell extract pH and the ion compositions of major inorganic ions (Na+, NH4 +, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+,Cl−, Br−, NO3 −, SO4 2−) were studied...  相似文献   

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