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Summary Seedlings of Impatiens balsamina raised under ND and LD conditions were divided into two sub-groups each when they had reached 5-leaf stage. While one sub-group was left under the same condition (NDND or LDLD), the other was transferred to the other photoperiod (NDLD or LDND). NDND plants were subdivided into 2 lots. One of these was transferred to SD in May. The dates of emergence of individual branches and floral buds were recorded and the vegetative period was calculated in each case.It was found that in NDND plants floral buds were produced from all the nodes except the lowermost which produced a single vegetative branch. In LDND plants the vegetative branches were produced from the lower 9 nodes but floral buds from those above these. Small leafy structures which ultimately dried up were produced from a few top nodes in both these cases. In contrast to this in LDLD plants only vegetative branches were produced from all the nodes. In NDLD plants floral buds were produced from the lower 3–5 nodes prior to transfer to LD condition, but vegetative branches were produced from the upper nodes after this transfer. Even some of the lower floral buds reverted to vegetative state under this condition.The production of floral buds or the vegetative branches as the case may be, occurred in acropetal succession under all the photoperiodic conditions and never in basipetal manner.LDLD and NDLD plants, which did not flower at all, continued to produce lateral branches without showing any sign of senescence, while LDND and NDND ones showed yellowing of the apical growing point which spread downwards and lead ultimately to the death of the plant. The senescence was hastened when these plants were transferred to SD condition towards the end of May. The senescence therefore, appears to be related with reproductive development. The results are discussed in the light of current literature.  相似文献   

Two new 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives, balsaminone D (1), balsaminone E (2) along with two known compounds (3 and 4) were discovered from Impatiens balsamina L. flowers. Their structures were identified with spectroscopic methods including HR–EI–MS, 1D and 2D NMR, as well as the absolute configuration was determined by ECD calculation. In addition, new compounds 1 and 2 with IC50 value of 30.54 and 40.67 μg/mL exhibited better activities against activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells than positive control Silymarin and Fufang Biejia Ruangan Pian, of which the IC50 value were 202.34 and 231.56 μg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

BATTEY  N H; LYNDON  R F 《Annals of botany》1984,54(4):553-567
When plants of Impatiens balsamina L were subjected to 5 shortdays and then re-placed in long days, they began to form a terminalflower and then reverted to vegetative growth at this terminalshoot apex The onset of flowering was accompanied by an increasein the rate of initiation of primordia, an increase in the growthrate of the apex, a change in primordium arrangement from spiralto whorled or pseudo-whorled, a lack of internodes, and a reductionm the size at initiation of the primordia and also of the stemfrusta which give rise to nodal and internodal tissues On reversion,parts intermediate between petals and leaves were formed, followedby leaves, although in reverted apices the size at initiationand the arrangement of primordia remained the same as in thefloweing apex The apical growth rate and the rate of primordiuminitiation were less in the reverted apices than in floral apicesbut remained higher than in the original vegetative apex Sincethe changes in apical growth which occur on the transition toflowering are not reversed on reversion, the development oforgans as leaves or petals is not directly related to the growthrate of the apex, or the arrangement, rate of initiation orsize at initiation of primordia Impatiens balsamina L, flower reversion, evocation, phyllotaxis, shoot meristem  相似文献   

GA3 increased the extension growth of Impatiens balsamina L.till 56 days under 8- and 24-h photoperiods. Cycloheximide whichdecreased height slightly under inductive conditions at a laterstage did not affect the GA3-promoted extension growth. BothGA3 and cycloheximide caused enhancement of the rate of differentiation,although this effect was temporary in the case of GA2. Cycloheximidedoes not affect photoperiodic induction, whereas it hastensand increases the magnitude of GA2-induced flowering.  相似文献   

BARKER  W. G. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(5):661-668
Seedlings of garden balsam, Impatiens balsamina, form an encirclingswollen ring, the collet, basal to the hypocotyl. From this,four lateral roots emerge promptly after germination. When thisstructure is excised, it regenerates as a basal encircling swellingfrom which four lateral roots with root hairs emerge. Repetitionof the removal of this structure results again in the regenerationof a similar complex. Eventually, after 3–4 excisions,the pattern is broken and lateral roots occur sporadically alongthe hypocotyl. Mutilations of seedlings of the garden balsamindicate that the regeneration will not occur in the absenceof cotyledonary tissue. This suggests a control site for thisregenerative phenomenon but no mechanism for this control isadvanced. Impatiens balsamina, balsam, lateral roots, regeneration, collet  相似文献   

Adventitious root primordia are found in the pre-hypocotyl tissueof developing seeds of Impatiens balsamina L. by the third weekafter petal drop, and are present in the mature seed. Aftergermination, the adventitious roots emerge from a collet swellingon the hypocotyl of the young seedlings. Removal of the colletduring the first five days results in the formation of anotherat the base of the remaining hypocotyl. Older seedlings respondto the excision of the collet by producing one or more rootsnear the cut end, unless the cut is made close to the cotyledon,when, even in nine-day seedlings, a reduced collet is formedassociated with four or fewer roots. The influence of the cotyledonon collet/root regeneration diminishes in older seedlings andin these is manifested only in hypocotyl tissue adjacent tothat organ. Impatiens balsamina, balsam, cotyledon, adventitious roots, collet  相似文献   

In Impatiens balsamina L. var. Rose, a qualitative SD plant,the protein content of the leaves shows an upsurge at the timeof physiological induction. The electrophoretic pattern of watersoluble proteins, however, does not change except for a newprotein that appears in the stem after the plants have received1 SD cycle. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Guru Nanak Dev. University,AMRITSAR (Punjab) 143005, India. (Received March 1, 1976; )  相似文献   

The effect of red and white light on ethylene production was investigated in several plant species. In most cases light inhibited ethylene production. However, stimulation or no effect were also observed in a few species. In those plants where light inhibited ethylene synthesis, the effect of red light was much stronger than that of white light.Both red and white light inhibited ethylene production in green and etiolated seedlings and green leaves of Impatiens balsamina L. The inhibitory effect of red light was stronger than that of white light and much more pronounced when the plants were pretreated with ACC. The effect of red light could be reversed by far-red light. These results suggest that light affects the ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) activity and that its action is mediated by phytochrome.  相似文献   

Summary It is established that in a naturally occurring variegated Impatiens balsamina the phenotype is determined by a mutable allele p m, of an anthocyanin-governing gene P r. The special allele produces an acyanic phenotype like the stable recessive p but undergoes frequent changes to P r in somatic and germinal cells (causing a variegated phenotype in the former) when a controlling element M is also present in the genome. It is suggested that p m is a repressed p r and M acts either by removing or inactivating whatever causes that repression. Such changes proceed in a unique fashion: either p m changes to p r or to an intermediate labile condition P which then changes to p r, resulting either in dark or pale, or dark super-imposed on pale, sectors; a reverse situation was not observed. Colourless plants which occasionally appear in unstable lines seem to be due to loss of M although changes ofp m itself cannot be ruled out at present.  相似文献   

凤仙花花药发育比较特殊: 在造孢细胞时期,花药横切面中央是体积较大、细胞内含物较多的细胞团、包括造孢细胞和绒毡层细胞。花药药壁细胞的细胞质较稀少,与中部细胞界限明晰。花粉母细胞时期的花药药壁由约6层细胞组成,但细胞的界限不明显;绒毡层细胞显示变形流入药室中。到四分体时期,绒毡层细胞进一步退化。开花时,成熟花药的药壁细胞由一层表皮细胞、两层药室内壁细胞和一层中层细胞组成。对凤仙花花药绒毡层的特殊性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The photoperiodic requirement for flowering in Impatiens balsaminachanges with the length of the photoperiod. Floral buds wereinitiated with two 8 hr but with four 15 hr photoperiods andflowers opened with four 8 hr but twenty-eight 15 hr photoperiods.A part of the photoperiodic requirement for floral inductionin this plant can be substituted by LDs containing 4 or morehours of darkness (10). It indicates the identical nature ofthe floral stimulus produced during the dark period, whetherit forms a part of the inductive or non-inductive cycles. Theeffect of these supplementary non-inductive photoperiodic cyclesin causing floral bud initiation also depends on the lengthof the first inductive obligatory cycle. More floral buds andflowers were produced on plants exposed to 15 hr than 8 hr photoperiods,probably due to the higher number of leaves that were producedunder the former condition of weaker induction. The shorterthe dark period in the photoperiodic cycle, the weaker the induction,the slower the rate of extension growth but the more differentiationof leaves. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar-143005, India. (Received November 9, 1977; )  相似文献   

Introduction – Naphthoquinones; lawsone ( 1 ), lawsone methyl ether ( 2 ) and methylene‐3,3′‐bilawsone ( 3 ) are the main active compounds of Impatiens balsamina leaves. Objective – To develop and validate an HPLC method for simultaneous quantitative determination of 1 – 3 in I. balsamina leaf extracts. Methodology – The method utilised a Supelco® C18 column (5 µm, 4.6 × 150 mm) at 25°C with the mixture of 2% aqueous acetic acid : methanol (gradient elution as follows: 0–10 min, 25 : 75; 10–20 min, 32 : 68; 20–35 min, 55 : 45) as the mobile phase at a flow‐rate of 1 mL/min, and UV detection at 280 nm. The parameters of linearity, repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy specificity and sensitivity of the method were evaluated. Results – The recovery of the method was 96–101% and linearity (r2 ≥ 0.9995) was obtained for all naphthoquinones. A high degree of specificity, as well as repeatability and reproducibility (RSD less than 5%), were also achieved. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

V uvedené práci jsem sledovala nep?ímý vliv zá?ení na produkci antokyan? v květech ?ervené balsaminyImpatiens balsamina L. Po 18 hodinách bub?ení byla semena ozá?ena dávkou 4560 r a sledovány změny v antokyanisaci květ?. V X0 do?lo u t?ech ze ?ty? sledovaných linií pr?kaznému zvý?ení obsahu antokyan?. 18 %, 18 % a 29 %. V X1 se kvantitativni obsah antokyan? bud vyrovnal s kontrolami nebo byl ni??í, v X2 do?lo pr?kaznému snízení obsahu antokyan? u v?ech sledovaných linii oproti kontrolám. Z?ejmě se jedná o fysiologické ovlivnění typu ?dlouhodobych vyznívajících modifikací“. V X1 se objevilo několik r?zovych rostlin (3,4 %). Domnívám se, ?e nejde o vy?těpení následkem heterozygotního materiálu (u kontrol se nic takového neobjevilo), ?e v?ak vlivem zá?ení do?lo recesivní mutaci, která se projevila a? v X1.  相似文献   

The development of primordia as leaves, petals, or as organsintermediate between leaves and petals can be regulated by photoperiodin Impatiens. In intermediate organs only some parts of theorgan differentiated as petal, and then only in some cell layers.Allometric measurements of primordium shape suggested that intermediateorgans may begin development as petals, and that their intermediatecharacter at maturity resulted from a switch of some parts ofthe organs from petal to leaf development when the primordiawere between 0.5 and 1 mm long. In reverted apices made to re-flower,primordia were not completely determined as leaves until theywere about 750 µm long. Determination typically occurredfirst at the tips and last at the bases of these primordia.The determination of primordia as leaves or petals in Impatiensis discussed in relation to primordium determination in otherspecies. It is suggested that the lack of commitment to flowermay result in relatively late primordium determination in Impatiens. Impatiens balsamina, determination, differentiation, leaf and petal development, flowering, reversion  相似文献   

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