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Ondansetron, a specific 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3)-blocker, injected s.c. (0.038, 0.075, 0.15 or 0.3 mg/kg) every 12 h with the fourth dose given 0.5 h before restraint at 4 degrees C (stress) or oral administration (p.o.) of 1 ml 80% ethanol, dose-dependently prevented gastric mucosal damage in female Sprague-Dawley rats (160-180 g); the animals were killed 2 or 1 h after stress or ethanol p.o., respectively. A similar pretreatment regimen with cyproheptadine (0.1, 0.25 or 0.5 mg/kg) or ketanserin (15, 30, or 75 micrograms/kg), both being 5HT2-receptor antagonists, also dose-dependently lowered the severity of stress- or ethanol-induced mucosal lesions. Only the higher doses of phenobarbitone (25 or 50 mg/kg given s.c. in a single dose 0.5 h beforehand) inhibited stress-induced gastric ulcers; however, even the lowest non-antinuclear dose (12.5 mg/kg), effectively produced CNS depression. These preliminary findings suggest that 5HT3-receptor blockade not only can antagonise stress- or ethanol-evoked gastric mucosal damage, but also may act through a peripheral mechanism.  相似文献   

We studied the role of afferent sensory neurons in malotilate-mediated gastric mucosal protection. Intact and capsaicin sensory-denervated rats were used in the experiments. Gross gastric mucosal injury was assessed and evaluated as a main criterion of the gastroprotective effect of the tested substances. Besides malotilate, methyl-prostaglandin E2 was applied alone or in combination with malotilate to compare the effects and the mechanism of action of both substances. The results revealed that both malotilate as well as methyl-prostaglandin E2 exerted a significant protective action on 96% ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage. However, there were no significant differences between intact and capsaicin-denervated rats. Only the use of 50% ethanol as a milder mucosal irritating agent resulted in significant differences in both groups of animals. We propose that malotilate (like methyl-prostaglandin E2) has a gastroprotective effect on ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury. This effect is partly dependent on the sensory nervous system and the combination of both above substances has an additive effect.  相似文献   

Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) of stomach causes gastric mucosal injury. Complement can also cause tissue damage, however its role in gastric I/R injury has not been thoroughly investigated. We evaluated the effect of complement suppression in reducing damage to the gastric epithelium caused by local I/R. Local gastric ischemia was induced by clamping the left gastric artery. The blood-to-lumen clearance of 51Cr-labeled EDTA (51Cr-EDTA) served as an index of epithelial damage. 51Cr-EDTA clearance increased shortly after reperfusion with peak values at 10 min. Intraperitoneal administration of cobra venom factor (CVF; 50 units) prior to I/R, which reduced the serum complement value (CH50) to an undetectable level, remarkably suppressed the 51Cr-EDTA clearance following reperfusion. A monocarboxylic acid derivative of K-76 (K-76 COOH) reduced the CH50 by more than 30% (100 mg/kg) and 60% (200 mg/kg). Rats pretreated with K-76 significantly attenuated the increase in 51Cr-EDTA clearance produced by I/R. These results suggest that complement inhibitor could be used to protect gastric mucosal injury induced by local I/R stress.  相似文献   

In pylorus-ligated rats subcutaneous (sc) pentagastrin (325.5 nmol/kg) or histamine (54.3 μmol/kg), but not the cholinergic linergic agent bethanechol (7.6 or 15.2 μmol/kg), increased gastric mucosal injury by sc indomethacin (55.8 μmol/kg). Intragastric (ig) administration of 0.15 or 0.3 N HCl greatly potentiated injury by sc indomethacin with widespread ulceration, intragastric bleeding and even perforation. The gastric mucosal damage produced by indomethacin plus 0.3 N HCl was reduced by ig capsaicin (3.1–25.1 μM), ig resiniferatoxin (0.38-6.1 μM), by sc atropine (0.15-1.2 μmol/kg) and to a lesser extent by ig prostacyclin (40–267 μM) or sc cimetidine (198.2 μmol/kg). The protective effect of capsaicin or resiniferatoxin was not prevented by atropine or cimetidine treatment. Capsaicin (6.5 mM) enhanced gastric injury by sc or ig indomethacin. Results indicate the importance of early vascular events in the pathogenesis of mucosal injury induced by indomethacin in the stomach and suggest a role for gastric acid in potentiation of such injury. Results further strengthen the idea of a protective role for capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves in the stomach.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were as follows: 1. to analyse the effects of drugs with different subcellular mechanisms on the PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection in a non acid dependent (ethanol-induced) gastric ulcer model; 2. to identify the affinity and intrinsic activity curves on the PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection; 3. to evaluate the main cellular mechanisms of PGI2-induced gastric mucosal defence. The observations were carried out on both sexes of CFY-strain rats, weighing 180 to 210 g. The gastric mucosal damage was produced by intragastric administration of 96% ethanol. The animals were killed at 1 hr after administration of ethanol, and the number and severity of gastric mucosal lesions (ulcers) was noted. Atropine, actinomycin D, cimetidine, mannomustine, dinitrophenol, epinephrine, pentagastrin, histamine, ouabain, tetracycline were given intraperitoneally (in different doses) at 30 min before administration of ethanol. The effects of these drugs were tested on the PGI2-induced (5 micrograms/kg was given intragastrically) gastric cytoprotection. It has been found that: 1. atropine, actinomycin D, cimetidine, epinephrine, ouabain, tetracycline and mannomustine inhibited the PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection; 2. histamine, pentagastrin and 2,4-dinitrophenol enhanced the PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection; 3. the molar concentrations of these drugs modifying the PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection differed significantly. It has been concluded that: 1. the drugs stimulating or inhibiting the cell functions are capable to modify the extent of PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection; 2. different subcellular mechanisms (oxidative phosphorylation, increased synthesis of proteins, ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids, modifications of membrane-bound ATP-dependent energy systems) are involved in the development of PGI2-induced gastric cytoprotection.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosal damage was produced by intragastric administration of 96% ethanol, 0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH or 25% NaCl. The animals were killed 1 hr later, when the number and severity of gastric lesions (ulcers) was recorded. At the time of the sacrifice of the animals gastric mucosal superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was measured. It was found that (1) the gastric mucosal damage could be induced by the administration of any of the necrotizing agents in all animals, (2) superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased significantly in the damaged gastric mucosa following 96% ethanol, while its activity decreased significantly during the development of gastric mucosal damage produced by the intragastric administration of 0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH or 25% NaCl. It has been concluded that: (1) the enzyme systems necessary to generate the superoxide free radical anions can be stimulated by ethanol, and they can be inhibited by the application of 0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH and 25% NaCl: (2) the observed stimulation or inhibition of the enzyme systems to generate the superoxide free radical anions may be of pathological significance in the development of gastric mucosal damage produced by the intragastric administration of 96% ethanol, 0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M. NaOH or 25% NaCl.  相似文献   

The effect of nicotine pretreatment by feeding nicotine (5mcg/ml) in drinking water ad libitum for 10 days was studied on the aspirin and reserpine induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. The administration of nicotine resulted in the significant augmentation of aspirin (P less than 0.01) and reserpine (P less than 0.05) induced gastric ulcers. The mechanism(s) involving the sensitization of gastric mucosa towards the ulcerogenic effect of aspirin and reserpine may be responsible for the increased intensity of gastric ulcers in both the groups. The study indicates the possibility of a similar interaction in heavy smokers who ingest these drugs.  相似文献   

Hung CR  Cheng JT  Shih CS 《Life sciences》2000,66(24):2337-2349
In an attempt to know the relation of seizure and gastric mucosal damage, we challenged arecoline (ACL) centrally to induce seizure and investigated gastric hemorrhagic injury in acid-irrigated stomachs of rats. The protective effects of several drugs also were evaluated. After deprivation of food for 24 h, rats were received laparotomy under diethylether-anesthesia. Both pylorus sphincters and carotid esophagus were ligated. The forestomach was equipped with a cannula for gastric irrigation. After recovery from anesthesia (approximately 1 h), the stomach was irrigated for 2 h with an acid solution containing 100 mM HCl and 54 mM NaCl or the same volume of normal saline. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) ACL (0, 1, 3 or 10 mg/kg dissolved in 10 microl of CSF) was challenged to rats immediately after gastric irrigation. The seizure in rats was produced by ACL in a dose-related manner. The ulcerogenic parameters such as decrease of gastric mucosal glutathione levels and increase of histamine concentrations and lipid peroxide generations as well as the raise of luminal hemoglobin contents and exacerbated mucosal lesions were obtained depending on the doses of ACL challenged. These ulcerogenic parameters produced in ACL (10 mg/kg, i.c.v.) seizure rats were markedly ameliorated by gastric vagotomy or central anticholinergics. Intraperitoneal ketotifen, zinc sulfate, diphenhydramine or cimetidine also produced significant (p<0.05) inhibitions of these ulcerogenic parameters in ACL seizure rats. In conclusion, central ACL seizure may produce gastric oxidative stress and hemorrhagic lesions via vagal nervous activation and histamine release in acid-irrigated stomachs of rats.  相似文献   

Much of the research on gastric mucosal protection has concerned prostaglandins. Some of the recent studies consolidate aspects first investigated a few years ago, but whose importance is now becoming established more clearly. This short review will mention some of the more recent work demonstrating the importance of prostaglandins in preventing stasis of gastric mucosal blood flow, effects on cell senescence and exfoliation, and the protection of a severe mucosal lesion by a mucus-containing plug which facilitates healing. The leukotrienes are other substances formed in the gastric mucosa from the same precursors as the prostaglandins. Their roles are not well understood, but may include participation in gastric inflammation, and in mucosal damage by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and ethanol. The NSAIDs may damage the gastric mucosa not only by reducing the formation of protective prostaglandins, but also by increasing the metabolism of prostaglandin precursors into leukotrienes. Another factor is thromboxane A2, a substance that is damaging to the gastric mucosa but whose synthesis is inhibited by NSAIDs. The prostaglandin analogues produced for the treatment of peptic ulcer may find a major use in the protection against damage by NSAIDs. Not only may they act as 'replacement therapy' for the inhibited prostaglandins, but they protect against damage from substances that do not inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. In doses that raise the gastric pH, the prostaglandins reduce the local absorption of NSAIDs by increasing their ionisation. In rats, paracetamol protects against damage by aspirin, but whether this occurs in man is controversial. Work not previously published demonstrates that paracetamol does not affect the inhibition of prostaglandin formation by indomethacin in human isolated gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

Gastric mucosal integrity depends upon the balance between "aggressive" factors and "defensive" mechanisms. The formation of mucosal lesions results from the disruption of defense lines, including the breaking of unstirred mucus layer, the reduction of surface hydrophobicity, extensive exfoliation of surface epithelium, penetration of offending agents deeply into the mucosa and damage to the microvessels. The release of proinflammatory and vasoactive mediators such as leukotrienes (LT), thromboxanes, platelet activating factor (PAF), endothelins and others has been thought to be involved in the pathomechanism of mucosal injury, especially damage to the microvascular endothelium, increased vascular permeability, reduction in mucosal blood flow, vascular stasis, tissue ischemia and glandular cell necrosis. This paper reviews the mechanisms and possible pathogenetic implication of two related compounds, LT and PAF in acute mucosal injury by topical irritants such as ethanol, aspirin, bile salts and by stress. LT and PAF arise from similar membrane phospholipids and may regulate the biosynthesis of one another in the damaged mucosa. Although pharmacological studies have clearly demonstrated the noxious effects of cysteinyl LT and PAF on the mucosa, especially when exposed to topical irritants, recent publications have challenged the primary role of these mediators in the pathogenesis of mucosal lesions and ulcerations because the treatment with agents that selectively antagonize their biosynthesis or the receptor sites at the target cells did not always interrupt the chain of events leading to mucosal injury. The role of these mediators in the mucosal repair processes has been little studied but both cysteinyl LT and PAF seem to delay the restitution and healing of the mucosa. Further studies are necessary to clarify to what extent the biosynthesis of LT and PAF and the pharmacological inhibition of their action on the target tissues is related to noxious, protective and reparative events in the mucosa exposed to mild irritants and ulcerogens.  相似文献   

Partial sleep deprivation compromises gastric mucosal integrity in rats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Guo JS  Chau JF  Cho CH  Koo MW 《Life sciences》2005,77(2):220-229
The gastric mucosa is most susceptible to stress that has been shown to induce mucosal damage in humans and animals. This study aims to explore the underlying mechanisms of partial sleep deprivation, as a source of psychophysiological stress, on gastric functions and its effect on mucosal integrity. Sprague-Dawley rats were partially sleep deprived (PSD) for 7 or 14 days by housing inside slowly rotating drums. Gastric tissues and plasma were sampled at the end of the sleep deprivation periods and mucosal lesion scores were evaluated. Morphological examination was performed after Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. Plasma levels of noradrenaline, adrenaline, gastrin, histamine and somatostatin were determined with enzyme immunoassays. Gastric acidity was measured with acid-base titration in pylorus ligated rats. Gastric mucosal blood flow was evaluated with Laser Doppler Flowmetry. It was found that gastric lesions were induced in about 30%-50% of the PSD rats. Gastric acidity as well as plasma levels of noradrenaline, gastrin and histamine were elevated. Gastric mucosal blood flow and plasma somatostatin level were on the contrary reduced, especially in rats with PSD for 14 days. It is concluded that partial sleep deprivation compromises gastric mucosal integrity by increasing gastric acidity, plasma levels of noradrenaline, gastrin, histamine, and decreasing gastric mucosal blood flow. These results provided experimental evidence on the gastric damaging effects of PSD and it could be one of the risk factors contributing to gastric ulcer formation.  相似文献   

C H Cho  C W Ogle 《Life sciences》1992,51(24):1833-1842
Stress- and ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage are the two commonly used ulcer models in animals. They share some of the similarities but also have differences in the etiology of gastric ulceration. This article reviews the influences of various protective drugs on these two types of gastric damage in rats. Verapamil (a calcium antagonist) or N-ethylmaleimide (a sulfhydryl depletor) prevents cold restraint-, but potentiates ethanol-provoked gastric lesion formation. N-Acetylcysteine (a mucolytic agent) and acetaminophen (an antipyretic analgesic) have the opposite actions. Prostaglandins provide a much better antiulcer effect on ethanol-induced lesions. Cimetidine (a histamine H2-receptor antagonist) prevents only stress-induced mucosal damage. These differences in drug actions indicate that stress and ethanol may have dissimilar ulcerogenic mechanisms in rats. On the other hand, carbenoxolone (a mucus inducer), histamine H1-receptor antagonists, leukotriene inhibitors (FPL 55712 and nordihydroguaiaretic acid) and mast cell stabilizers (like zinc compounds, sodium cromoglycate, FPL 52694 and ketotifen), all protect against gastric mucosal damage by stress or ethanol in rats. However, the role of gastric sulfhydryls in both types of gastric lesions is still controversial. These findings imply that the two types of lesion formation share some of the ulcerogenic mechanisms. This communication attempts to analyze the various findings and to relate them to the etiology of stress and ethanol-induced gastric lesions. It also summarizes the uses, and the antiulcer mechanisms, of the drugs that have been studied utilizing these two animal ulcer models, and suggests their possible implications in man.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increased dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is known to be associated with a decrease in the incidence of peptic ulcer disease possibly due to increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins. But, it is also likely that conversion of PUFAs to PGs may not always be required for gastric mucosal protection. Present study was designed to study the role of PUFAs in pathobiology of steroid induce gastric damage in rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were treated with 5 mg/kg bodyweight of dexamethasone to induce gastric mucosal ulcers. Effects of PUFAs was studied by supplementation of Fish oil (rich in n-3 EPA and DHA) and AA rich oil. Famotidine was used as a positive control. Generation of lipid peroxides, nitric oxide and the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes were also studied. RESULTS: Dexamethasone induced ulceration was associated with changes in the phospholipid fatty acid profile, levels of lipid peroxidation products, nitric oxide and activity of anti-oxidant enzymes. The fatty acid profile showed an increase in LA and a decrease in other PUFAs like GLA, AA, EPA and DHA. When PUFAs were supplemented in the form of Fish oil and AA rich oil or when the animals were treated with H2-blocker, famotidine, there was a decrease in the incidence of ulceration in the animals associated with near normalization of changes in the phospholipid fatty acid profile. The levels of lipid peroxides, nitric oxide, and anti-oxidant activity also reverted to control values. CONCLUSIONS: Dexamethasone induced gastric ulceration was prevented by PUFAs. This is supported by the results of our earlier study where in it was noted that in patients with DU plasma lipid peroxides, nitric oxide and phospholipid fatty acid pattern and red cell antioxidant activity were altered similar to those seen in dexamethasone treated group of the present study. These abnormalities, similar to the PUFA treated groups of the present study, reverted to normalcy following treatment of the patients with lansoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor. Further, PUFAs are known to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori in vitro. Hence, it is concluded that PUFAs, free radicals, nitric oxide and anti-oxidants play a significant role in the pathobiology of peptic ulcer.  相似文献   

胃缺血-再灌注对大鼠胃黏膜细胞凋亡和增殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Qiao WL  Wang L  Zhang JF  Zhang YM 《生理学报》2006,58(3):237-243
本研究采用大鼠胃缺血-再灌注(gastricischemia-reperfusion,GI-R)模型(夹闭腹腔动脉30 min后再灌注),通过组织学、免疫组化等方法,研究GI-R不同时间(0、0.5、1、3、6、24、48、72 h)对胃黏膜细胞凋亡和增殖的影响.结果发现,单纯缺血30 min胃黏膜损伤较轻,再灌注后损伤逐渐加重,胃黏膜的凋亡细胞迅速增加,而增殖细胞迅速减少;至再灌注后1 h达高峰;之后胃黏膜开始修复,凋亡细胞逐渐减少,增殖细胞逐渐增加;至再灌注后24 h胃黏膜细胞增殖达高峰;再灌注后72 h胃黏膜基本恢复正常.上述结果提示,在GI-R中,胃黏膜损伤主要由再灌注引起,凋亡细胞增加;然后胃黏膜启动自我修复机制,增殖细胞逐渐取代损伤细胞,3 d左右就可基本修复,表明胃黏膜细胞具有很强的自我修复能力.  相似文献   

Exposure of the rat gastric mucosa to ethanol stimulates the generation of leukotriene (LTC4) and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, but not of thromboxanes and prostaglandins. Lipoxygenase activation is not found with other topical irritants or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A number of gastroprotective drugs dose-dependently inhibit the stimulatory action of ethanol on mucosal LTC4 formation closely parallel to their protective activity suggesting that ethanol-induced damage and activation of lipoxygenases may involve common targets which are simultaneously counteracted by certain types of protective agents. Selective inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase, however, does not confer protection against gastric mucosal damage caused by topical irritants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thus, although leukotrienes may mediate certain reactions elicited by gastric ulcerogens such as submucosal venular constriction and mucosal microvascular engorgement, they do not appear to be major mediators of ulcerogen-induced tissue necrosis. The contribution of other products of the various pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism to gastric mucosal injury and the mechanism underlying the close interrelationship between protection and inhibition of LTC4 formation observed with certain compounds remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

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