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《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):185-196
In the southwestern part of Algeria, the Cenomanian-Turonian marine deposits build up a prominent ledge in a perched syncline (Ksour Mountains, western Saharan Atlas) or at high radius of curvature (Guir Basin). The petrographical analysis of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of the Ksour Mountains and of the Guir Basin reveals unexpected assemblages of roveacrinoidal ossicles comparable with those formerly reported from the Tinrhert area. For the first time, isolated ossicles of genuine and undisputable Roveacrinidae are illustrated. Three sections, Djebel Rhoundjaia (western Saharan Atlas), Berridel and Kénadsa (Guir Basin), were scrutinized to recognize the microcrinoidal sections within the carbonate microfacies and to compile the successive occurrence of respective roveacrinid taxa (besides the classical search for standard index microfossils) in an attempt to pinpoint more precisely the position of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (C/T B). These assemblages are particularly morphologically and taxonomically diverse with three species of genus Roveacrinus and one of genus Orthogonocrinus. The presence of Saccocomidae (Applinocrinus) is especially unusual in such stratigraphic levels. The relative abundance and diversity of Roveacrinidae evidence a peak when approaching the C/T B. Such an event is recurring in the latest Cenomanian in various Tethyan and Atlantic areas. These fluctuations are consistent with a high surface-water productivity just before the C/T B.  相似文献   

In the eastern Saharan Atlas, particularly in the northern area of Tebessa Province (NE Algeria), the widely outcropping Cenomanian strata display a highly diversified macrofauna, among which bivalves are prominently represented. Twenty-eight bivalve species are here reported for the first time from the Cenomanian of Hameimat Massifs. Based on the stratigraphic distribution of these bivalves, five bivalve zones were recognized, i.e., Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica, Ceratostreon flabellatum, Ilymatogyra africana, and Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum zones. Correlation to the ammonite biozones of the same region as follows: the Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei and the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica zones occur respectively in the Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones of the lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli Zone. The Ceratostreon flabellatum Zone is correlated with the middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone. The Ilymatogyra africana Zone is correlated with the upper Cenomanian Calycoceras naviculare and the Metoicoceras geslinianum zones. Finally, the Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum Zone represents the uppermost Cenomanian. Detailed analysis of biometrical and morphological features of these bivalve specimens provides the most reliable tool within the scope of palaeo-environmental reconstitution and the many palaeo-ecological variables that had driven the development and distribution of these macro-invertebrates. Comparison of these new data to those of adjacent south Tethyian areas supports the homogeneity of the Cenomanian bivalve faunas. Such an affinity underlines more vividly the favorable marine communications and currents driving the geographic dispersal of these bivalves during the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous rocks are widely distributed and well exposed in south Algeria and consist in beds rich in macrofauna. For the first time, twenty veneroid species (Bivalvia) are systematically described from the upper Cenomanian deposits of the Guir Basin. While three species were reported since long before [Granocardium desvauxi (Coquand), G. productum (J. de C. Sowerby) and Glossus aquilinus (Coquand)]; Lucina fallax Forbes, Crassatella (Rochella) tenuicostata (Seguenza), Protocardia hillana (J. Sowerby), G. productum (J. de C. Sowerby) var. byzacenica (Pervinquière), Arctica cordata (Sharpe), A. humei (Cox), A. inornata (d’Orbigny), A. picteti (Coquand), Tenea delettrei (Coquand), Paraesa faba (J. de C. Sowerby), Meretrix desvauxi (Coquand) were previously unknown from the Cretaceous of Algerian Sahara. Because of reduced degree of preservation, Sphaera cf. corrugata J. Sowerby, Maghrebella cf. forgemoli (Coquand), Maghrebella sp., Granocardium cf. carolinum (d’Orbigny), Protocardia sp. and Meretrix sp. are tentatively determined. The studied material, found in the lower part of the “Calcaires de Sidi Mohamed Ben Bouziane” Formation, evidences palaeobiogeographic affinities occurring over a wide geographical area: from North Africa, southern Europe to Middle East and India. The present study provides new information to the knowledge of the upper Cenomanian palaeobiology of the studied region.  相似文献   

While Late Cretaceous ophiuroids are relatively well known in Europe, these faunas have been much less studied in North Africa. With the exception of some Tunisian assemblages preliminary described at the turn of the 21st century, nothing is known about the Cretaceous brittle stars of the southwestern Tethyan margin. The present paper seeks to bring the first data about hitherto unknown ophiuroids recently found in the early upper Cenomanian succession of the eastern side of the Preafrican trough (Menaguir section, Algeria). This “community” of brittle stars comprises at least eight species. Most of them are probably new, but have not been formally named here. These are representatives of the families Hemieuryalidae, Amphiuridae, Ophiodermatidae, Ophiacanthidae, Ophiopezidae and probably also Ophiomyxidae and Ophiobyrsidae. Almost all vertebrae are zygospondylous; no streptospondylous vertebrae indicate the absence of the order Euryalida here. Most of the ophiuroids belong to the orders Amphilepidida and Ophiacanthida. Ophiotitanos serrata, Ophiomyxa? aff. jekerica, Ophiojagtus? sp. and some other taxa resembling ophiuroid assemblages from the Late Cretaceous of central, western and northern Europe. With respect to the late Cenomanian age, the depth of the sea and the taxonomic composition, there are some similarities with ophiuroids of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The mid-ramp subtidal facies suggests that brittle stars lived here in a warm, euphotic and probably shallow sea.  相似文献   

In North Africa, the ammonoids constitute an important part of the Devonian marine macro-invertebrates. New material has been recently collected in the ‘Argiles de Marhouma’ Formation from several sections located near Béni-Abbès in the Saoura Valley (Ougarta Mountains, Algerian Sahara). Red nodular limestones (i.e., ‘griotte’ facies) characterize this formation rich in ammonoids. The assemblages from the Ouarourout section are composed of Goniatitida and Clymeniida constituting 30 species and 19 genera belonging to 11 families, with Cyrtoclymenia, Erfoudites, Kosmoclymenia, Planitornoceras, Platyclymenia, and Prionoceras, as the most abundant genera. The taxonomic comparison and the biostratigraphic correlations are made by considering the assemblages recorded in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, which are very close to those observed in Algeria. In the Ouarourout area, the ‘Argiles de Marhouma’ Formation contains middle and late Famennian ammonoid assemblages and three biostratigraphic intervals can be identified: Planitornoceras, Platyclymenia and Medioclymenia.  相似文献   

Sedimentologic and palaeontological investigation of the Upper Pliocene Slama Formation in the Lower Chelif Basin (NW Algeria) led us to collect important bivalve assemblages for taxonomic and taphonomic purposes. A rather comprehensive inventory list of Upper Pliocene bivalves from northwestern Algeria is now available and consists of 30 species, 17 of which are extinct ones. Four principal taphonomic attributes were analysed: bioerosion, encrustation, fragmentation, and abrasion. Physical and biogenic sedimentary structures are used for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The taphonomic, sedimentologic and ichnological characteristics of most of the deposits suggests they originated from discontinuous processes of winnowing and bypassing of sediments, probably due to the action of storms in shallow waters, mainly in the shoreface depositional environment. The bivalve assemblage is dominated by disarticulated valves and displays significant taphonomic alteration in the shells. Sclerobionts traces in shells particulary affect the oyster shells. Bioerosion traces are predominately those of clionid sponges (Entobia isp.), polychaetes (Maeandropolydora isp. and Caulostrepsis isp.), bivalves (Gastrochaenolites isp.), and of predatory gastropods (Oichnus isp.). Among the sclerobionts, the identified encrusters were juvenile oyster recruits, barnacles, polychaetes (serpulid tubeworms), bryozoans (Microporella sp. and Acanthodesia sp.), and vermetid gastropods (Petaloconchus intortus).  相似文献   

Silicified fossils collected in ploughed fields at Gavrus (Calvados, France), mainly mollusc shells, are Bajocian in age, and come from the Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux Formation. The entire formation is highly condensed and most fossils are reworked. Their silicification allowed treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid. This treatment brought to light numerous encrusting sclerobionts: Porifera (3 taxa), Bryozoa (n), Polychaeta (9), Brachiopoda (n), Bivalvia (5). The borings and bioerosional traces are described using the “categories of architectural design” as defined by Buatois et al. (2017). Among the 28 ichnotaxa described (corresponding to an ichnodisparity of 14), Planavolites wisshaki isp. nov., Kleithrichnus belemnophilus igen. nov., isp. nov. and Foggara foggara igen. nov., isp. nov. are new. Some Gastrochaenolites dijugus Kelly and Bromley, 1984 borings accommodate the shell of the presumed borer Lithophaga fabella J.-A. Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1838. A group of Nododendrina europaea (Fischer, 1875) on a belemnite rostrum provides a good instance of an ichnogenetic series. Encrusting sclerobionts and macroscopic boring and bioerosional trace-makers are dominantly suspension feeders. The ichnofacies is a peculiar Entobia-ichnofacies, found in deeper, lower-energy environments than the “classical” coastal Entobia-ichnofacies, on deep shell-grounds far from the coast, in the deep euphotic zone.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(3):137-148
A study of the ammonite assemblages from the “Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux” Formation of Bajocian age is presented herein. The section at the locality of Maizet shows a high level of stratigraphic condensation, and taphonomic reworking is common within the sequence. All the ammonites being studied are classified herein as having been reworked, transported or displaced on the sea-floor prior to burial, and as such, are determined taphonomically as being resedimented or reelaborated fossil elements. Seven evidences of reelaboration within the sequence under investigation are detailed here. The palaeontological units, so-called taphorecords, characterized by distinctive taphonomic features, are used to directly or indirectly assign beds to biochronostratigraphic units. In addition, identification of taphorecord relationships regarding successive or contemporaneous deposition allows their registratic succession and order of depositional events to be inferred. The latter may be deduced on the basis of bed succession or by reference to stratigraphical intervals that now are only represented in the stratigraphic column by fossils. Deposition by tractional currents and winnowing is indicated by sharp bed-base and by reworked fossil elements. Biochronostratigraphic correlation with other sections of the inland Bajocian successions in the Calvados area (Bretteville, Feuguerolles) highlights a common depositional evolution that may be related to an eastward-deepening carbonate ramp.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):461-471
Mesozoic strata of North Africa yield the first occurrence of the ichnogenus Selenichnites. The trace fossils occur on the top surface of a sandy carbonate deposit in the axis of a Middle Atlas syncline (Skoura Syncline, NE Morocco). The ichnofossil-bearing horizon belongs to the Late Bajocian–Early Bathonian Ich Timellaline/Bou Akrabene Formation. The trace fossils are crescent-shaped and the best preserved exhibits a posterior central axial impression (possible telson tail impression). They are interpreted as feeding burrows (fodinichnia) or hiding depressions of Xiphosurids or Limulids (horseshoe crabs) on a sandy carbonate substrate beneath a veneer of muddy deposits. The sedimentological character suggests a relatively protected shallow water subtidal palaeoenvironment preceding the Bathonian regression of the Atlas domain. This discovery provides the first evidence of xiphosurans or xiphosuran-like organisms inhabiting the southern shores of the Tethys in the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

In the present article, we study the proboscidean remains from three upper Miocene localities of Northern Greece: Thermopigi (Serres), Neokaisareia (Pieria) and Platania (Drama). The material from the Turolian locality of Thermopigi includes only postcranial specimens. The morphological features of the scapula indicate the presence of the deinotheriid Deinotherium sp., whereas the rest of the specimens are morphologically distinct from Deinotherium and can be referred to Elephantimorpha indet. The material from Neokaisareia consists of a partial skeleton of a single individual and is attributed to the mammutid Mammut sp. (M. obliquelophus?). This taxon is known in Greece from the early–middle Turolian. The Platania proboscidean belongs to the tetralophodont amebelodontid Konobelodon cf. atticus. The genus Konobelodon was already present during the Vallesian of the wider area, but the lower tusk of the Platania shovel-tusker presents some morphological and metrical differences from the Vallesian representative, yet it has also smaller dimensions in its deciduous dentition than the morphologically similar Turolian specimens. The type locality of K. atticus is Pikermi (Attica, Greece), correlated to the middle Turolian, but the known biostratigraphic range of this species covers the entire Turolian. Platania is possibly correlated close to the Vallesian/Turolian boundary and the possible record of this species could document one of its earliest occurrences.  相似文献   

Peter M. Galton 《Geobios》1980,13(6):825-837
Hitherto the earliest positive record of ankylosaurs(armored dinosaurs) has been from beds well up in the Lower Cretaceous; in fact, however, specimens referable to the ankylosaurian family Nodosauridae are present in the Middle and Upper Jurassic of England: from the Middle Callovian [partial mandible Sarcolestes leedsiLydekker]], the Upper Oxfordian [femur Cryptodraco eumerus (Seeley)), maxilla Priodontognathus phillipsii (Seeley))], and the Upper Tithonian [caudal vertebra, tooth]. The Tithonian tooth and those of Priodontognathus are large and similar to those of the nodosaurids Priconodon and Sauropelta (Lower Cretaceous, U.S.A.). The incomplete mandible of Sarcolestes is similar to that of Sauropelta with a dermal scute fused to the lateral surface, and a tooth row extending to the anterior end of the jaw; an unusual feature is the caniniform first tooth. The quadrupedal ankylosaurs and stegosaurs probably represent separate evolutionary lines that extend back at least into the Lower Jurassic, and both lines probably evolved from ornithopod dinosaurs that were bipedal. Nodosaurid ankylosaurs occur in Europe from the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous and probably reached North America via a filter route in the early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The new fossil locality of El Kohol is located on the southern flank of the Saharan Altas, near Brezina (Algeria). It has been discovered in a thick Palaeogene continental series divided into 4 members: a transitional gypsiferous member, a lower red detritic member, a middle marly-calcareous member, and an upper red detritic member. The new flora and fauna have been obtained by excavation and washing-screening of a marly level of the middle member. The main finds are charophytes, lower vertebrates, a marsupial and eutherian mammals (lipotyphlan Insectivora, hyracoids, creodonts and Proboscidea). Geological and palaeontological data allow to refer these fossil remains, at least provisorily, to the end of the early Eocene. Palaeobiogeographical comments are made about forms with Holarctic affinities.  相似文献   

In the Bou Rheddou mountain (Southern Tellian border), new biostratigraphic data based on Ammonites, allow precise and modify the age of the Arkell & Busson formations. The Oxfordian «Ammonitico rosso facies begin in the Transversarium zone and go into the Planula zone. This zone is characterized for the first time in this region. Lower Tithonian (Hybonotum zone) and Upper Tithonian (Microcanthum zone) are also recognized. Precisions on depositional environment and paleogeography are given. Facies and low sedimentation show a pelagic shoal (abundant planctonic organisms) slightly subsiding and lately recovered by the Jurassic transgression. During Oxfordian, episodic interruption of the «Ammonitico rosso deposits shows an unstable period with terrigenous deposits (intra-oxfordian tectonic movements). The facies of the Northern-Gondwanian carbonated platform begin earlier in the Bou Rheddou zone (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary) than in the Southern regions, where the same facies appears only in Upper Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(4):465-478
The northern edge of the Iranian Central Desert has provided valuable evidence of terminal Pleistocene human settlements. Mirak constitutes one of the largest open-air lithic scatters in the region, consisting of eight natural mounds. Fieldwork was initiated in 2015 by the joint Iranian-French program at Mirak 8. Preliminary results have demonstrated at least three successive phases of human occupation during the MIS3: an upper layer with clear Upper Paleolithic affinities and a maximum age of 28 ky, a lower layer with clear Middle Paleolithic affinities that dates around 47 ky, and an intermediate layer with mixed characteristics that can be seen as an intermediate Paleolithic phase which dates between 28 ± 2 and 38 ± 2 ky. At the time when Upper Paleolithic cultures originated in the Zagros Mountains, cultures with clear Middle Paleolithic affinities persisted nearby along the northern edge of the Iranian Central Plateau.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(6):511-525
This paper introduces the excavations in several Paleolithic sites in the Khorramabad Valley, Western Iran. Apart from the two well-known sites of Ghamari Cave and Gar Arjene rock shelter, first excavated by Frank Hole and Kent Flannery in the 1960s, the Gilvaran and Kaldar caves were excavated for the first time. Here we present the stratigraphy of these sites, general data from the lithic assemblages, and the identifications of a small part of the faunal remains. Preliminary results are showing that all of the sites were occupied from the Middle and Upper Paleolithic onward, and therefore provide great potential for the study of the transition between these cultural periods. Our preliminary techno-typological observations show that the lower levels of the Gilvaran and Ghamari sequences may represent an early phase of the Middle Paleolithic.  相似文献   

Summary A stromatactis mud-mound has been found near Slavnické Podhorie in the Czorsztyn Unit of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians, Slovakia). Its stratigraphic range is Bathonian to Callovian and it is one of the youngest known true stromatactis mud-mounds. The complete shape the mound is not visible since the klippe is a tectonic block encompassed by younger Cretaceous marls. The matrix is micritic to pelmicritic mudstone, wackestone to packstone with pelecypods, brachiopods, ammonites, and crinoids. An important component of the mound is stromatactis cavities that occur as low as the underlying Bajocian-Bathonian crinoidal limestones. The stromatactis cavities are filled by radiaxial fibrous calcite (RFC) as well as in some places by internal sediment and, finally, by clear blocky calcite. Some cavities remain open with empty voids in the centres. In some stromatactis cavities, tests of cavedwelling ostracodsPokornyopsis sp. were found, surrounded by the latest stages of the RFC. This indicates that stromatactis cavities formed an open network enabling migration of the ostracods and their larvae over a period of time. Except in the case of the stromatactis cavities, there are numerous examples of seeming recrystallizationsensu Black (1952) and Ross et al. (1975) and Bathurst (1977). The radiaxial fibrous calcite encloses patches of matrix and isolated allochems. The RFC crystals are oriented perpendicularly to the substrate whether it is a cavity wall or enclosed allochems. This means that the RFC crystals could not grow from the centre of the cavity outward as postulated by Ross et al. (1975). There are also numerous “floating” isolated allochems, which are much smaller than the surrounding RFC crystals. The explanation involving three-dimensional interconnection of allochems seems to be unlikely. In the discussed mud-mound there is a conflict between apparently empty cavities that had to exist in the sediment and seeming “recrystallization” related to the same RFC that forms the initial void filling. The authors favor an alternative explanation of the “recrystallization”. We presume that the allochems served as nucleation points on which the crystals started to grow. Obviously, the allochems and the micritic patches were different from the surrounding material. RFC crystals (either short-or long-bladed) of the “recrystallization” spar grew at the expense of decaying microbial mucillages. The mucus can enclose peloids, allochems, or whole micritic patches that “floated” in the cavity and served as nucleation sites for the RFC crystals. The entire mud-mound represents a microbially bound autochthonous micritic mass; the stromatactis and stromatactis-like cavities originated where purer mucillage patches occurred, giving rise to open spaces. Such features as the morphological variety of stromatactis fabrics, the pervasive penetration of the sparry calcite into matrix, and the enclosure of the “floated” allochems and mudstone patches by sparry calcite, seem to provide support for the presence of mucus aggregates within the mound body. The mucus might be related to protozoans rather than to sponges or other well organized metazoan organisms. Occurrence of the stromatactis cavities in the underlying Bajocian-Bathonian crinoidal limestones support the inference on biological origin of the stromatactis fabrics. The alternative inorganic models of stromatactis origin (e.g., internal erosion or water-escape) are hardly applicable to the sediment formed by crinoidal skeletal detritus.  相似文献   

The Cova del Rinoceront is the first site in the Iberian Peninsula where the genus Haploidoceros has been documented. This discovery of abundant remains is also its first recorded occurrence in Europe during the Upper Pleistocene. The new fossil record strengthens claims that this genus was widely distributed during the Pleistocene, occupying a longer time span at least until MIS 5. Cranial and post-cranial skeletal remains ascribed to this species were recovered from the uppermost layers of the Cova del Rinoceront. The diagnostic features that allow these remains to be unequivocally assigned to H. mediterraneus, include their cranial morphology and antler shape, comprising two sickle-shaped beams, curving backwards and laterally, and a long frontal basal tine. This paper highlights the problems of deer systematics and identification given the high degree of fragmentation of the genus, their relatively homogeneous morphology, a virtual absence of reliable characters and the overlap of measurements between species.  相似文献   

Diverse tetrapod track assemblages with Scoyenia invertebrate traces were discovered in the Triassic Timezgadiouine and Bigoudine formations of the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco). The ichnofossils occur in alluvial plain sandstones and mudstones of the Irohalène Member (T5) and Tadart Ouadou Member (T6) considered Carnian-Norian in age by vertebrate remains and palynomorphs. Tetrapod footprints are assigned to Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, Eubrontes isp., Parachirotherium, cf. Parachirotherium postchirotherioides, Rhynchosauroides ispp., and Synaptichnium isp. They can be referred to lepidosauromorph/ archosauromorph, basal archosaur, and dinosauromorph trackmakers. Apatopus, represented by 11 tracks of a more than 4 m long trackway, is recorded for the first time outside of North America and Europe. The assemblage concurs with the proposed Late Triassic age of the track-bearing beds by the occurrence of Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, and Eubrontes. If this is accepted, the stratigraphic range of Synaptichnium and Parachirotherium, hitherto known only from Early or Middle Triassic deposits, has to be extended to the Carnian-Norian. The occurrence of Eubrontes in the Irohalene Member (T5) provides further evidence for large theropods in pre-Jurassic strata. All assemblages are referred to the Scoyenia ichnofacies indicating continental environments with alternating wet and dry conditions.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):681-690
For the first time, the fossil herpetofauna from the Middle and Late Pleistocene of Scladina and Sous-Saint-Paul caves (Sclayn, Belgium) is described. The amphibians and squamate reptiles are represented by one salamander (Salamandra salamandra), three anurans (Pelodytes punctatus, Bufo bufo and Rana temporaria), two lizards (Lacerta cf. agilis and Anguis fragilis) and two snakes (Zamenis longissimus and Vipera cf. berus). The occurrence of the Parsley Frog (Pelodytes punctatus) and the Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus), which are not currently represented in Belgium, is of particular interest. Scladina also represents one of the northernmost fossil mentions for the Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) although it is within its current distribution in Europe. Finally, the presence of the Adder (Vipera cf. berus) is very probably attested in Scladina whereas today this snake is infrequent and classified as endangered in Belgium.  相似文献   

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