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普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蒋志刚 《动物学杂志》2004,39(2):100-101
普氏野马(Equus przewalskii),属哺乳纲奇蹄目马科马属。普氏野马体型健硕,体长约2.8m,身高1m以上,体重约为300kg。关于普氏野马的分类地位,动物学家尚有争议。有的学者认为普氏野马与家马同属于马亚属,有的学者甚至将普氏野马与家马划为同一个种。有的学者则认为普氏野马是马的祖先,但是一般认为普氏野马和现代家马是具有共同祖先的亲戚。  相似文献   

由布拉格动物园所发起的关于普氏野马的第一次国际讨论会,于1959年9月5—8日在布拉格召开。捷克斯洛伐克科学院负责了这次讨论会的召开。参加这次会议的有捷克斯洛伐克、苏联、德意志民主共和国、西德、蒙古人民共和国、匈牙利、波兰、法国和荷兰等9个国家的代表。同时,国际自然保护和自然资源协会的代表——甫·阿必列玛((?))也出席了讨  相似文献   

彭国庆 《化石》2021,(2):14-15
马科动物自古以来就与人们的关系密切,对人类社会文明的发展产生了重大影响,马科动物的演化一直以来都是人们关注的热点. 根据化石证据,一般认为马科动物在5600万年前起源于北美洲,在距今250万年的气候转寒事件中通过白令陆桥迅速扩散到欧亚大陆.马科动物曾经非常繁盛,演化出了多种谱系,其中的一支在上新世早期演化为真马(Equ...  相似文献   

Two fertile ferns from the Stephanian of the Massif Central (France) are described in detail. One has been found in the Blanzy basin and is assigned to Oligocarpia (Sphenopteris) leptophylla (Bunbury) nov. comb., according to the morphology of the sterile pinnae and of the fructifications. Its spores agree with the «sporae dispersae Granulatisporites parvus (Ibr.) Potonié and Kremp. The other fern has been collected in the St Etienne basin and is assigned to Senftenbergia plumosa (Artis) Radforth var. ligerensis nov. var. Its spores agree with the morphographic genus Raistrickia (S., W. and B.) Potonié and Kremp but do not look like any described species; therefore the new species name R. polymorpha nov. sp. has been given to that spore.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié la biréfringence du mucus du côlon chez le rat, le cobaye et le lapin, au moyen des colorations métachromatiques au bleu de toluidine et aux acridines. Ils démontrent une biréfringence positive du mucus extracellulaire. Les granulations des mastocytes, dans le même matériel, sont anisotropes. L'anisotropie du mucus et des granulations des mastocytes est présente après fixation-coloration simultanée au bleu Alcian et au vert Alcian. La biréfringence du mucus extracellulaire reste également positive avec les phtalocyanines. En microscopie électronique, les auteurs démontrent, à l'aide du bleu Alcian, une structure filamenteuse parallèle du mucus s'échappant de la cellule. Un aspect hétérogène des granulations des mastocytes est aussi mis en évidence par cette méthode. Ils discutent l'aspect de la réaction métachromatique en fonction de l'anisotropie d'une structure.
Ultrastructure of mucus in goblet cells and of granules of mastocytes in colonAnisotropy, metachromasia and electron microscopy
Summary The authors have investigated the birefringence of the colic mucus in the guinea pig, the rat and the rabbit before and after of metachromatical staining with toluidine blue and with acridines. They demonstrate a positive birefringence of the extracellular mucus. The granulations of the mast cells in the same animals are anisotropic. The anisotropy can be seen in the mucus and in the granulations of the mast cells after a combined fixation and staining with a mixture of glutaraldehyde and Alcian blue or Alcian green. The birefringence of the extracellular mucus also remains positive with these phtalocyanin dyes. Using the electron microscope, the authors demonstrate, by means of Alcian blue, a filamentous structure with a parallel orientation in the mucus while it flows out of the cells. The same method allows the vizualisation of a heterogenous aspect in the granulations of the mast cells. They discuss the theoretical aspects of the metachromatical reaction in relation with the anisotropy of a structure.

Nous remercions vivement le Prof. G. Romhányi de l'Université de Pecs (Hongrie) d'avoir bien voulu examiner nos préparations et de nous avoir conseillé dans l'élaboration de ce travail.Nous remercions sincèrement le Dr. J. E. Scott du Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital, Taplow, Maidenhead, Berks (Angleterre) d'avoir examiné nos courbes spectrophotométriques du bleu Alcian-héparine et de nous avoir donné son avis.Ce travail a été partiellement réalisé grâce au crédit no 3. 141. 69 du Fonds National Suisse pour le Développement de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Michel Melou 《Geobios》1981,14(1):69-87
Three species of Isorthidae are described in the Lower Devonian of the Armorican Massif. Two of them were hitherto badly known, being never adequately described nor figured: Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) miloni from the Gahard Formation (Gedinnian) and Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) trigeri from the Saint-Céneré Formation (Gedinnian-Siegenian). Isorthis oehlertiSolle, 1976 is considered as a synonym of Isorthis (Protocortezorthis) trigeri. The geographic distribution of these species allows to corroborate that until the top of the Lower Devonian (top of Le Faou Formation), two provinces with different faunal associations exist in the Armorican Massif.  相似文献   

2005至2006年的6~8月间,在新疆普氏野马饲养与繁殖研究中心和卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区,采用全事件取样法和目标动物取样法相结合,研究了圈养和放归成年雌性普氏野马夏季昼间的摄食行为.结果表明,两组个体在摄食行为类型上存在一定的差异,圈养个体普遍具有舔盐和食粪行为,而放归个体不存在此类行为.经独立样本t 检验,得出两组个体的摄食和站立行为的时间分配存在显著差异(P<0.05),而站息、卧息、运动和其它行为差异不显著(P>0.05),总体上,两组普氏野马的摄食行为所占时间最多.圈养个体昼间具有3个摄食高峰(8:00~10:00、13:00~15:00、19:30~20:00),与人工投食时间相一致,而放归个体摄食高峰并不明显,仅在13:00~15:00之间出现一个明显的摄食低谷,表现出自然的摄食节律及对放归地夏季自然条件的适应.  相似文献   

马驴骡的细胞遗传学研究已有不少报道(Hsu et a1.,1967;Benirschke et al.,1964;Benirschke et al.,1964;Benirschke et al.,1965;Short,1974)。70年代初,用人类染色体显带技术,有学者(Ryder,1978)从进化角度探讨马科种属的起源、进化和杂种不育等问题。在国内除了我们报道了马、驴和他们的杂种马骡和驴骡的核型外(李胜利等,1982),至今尚未见有关于马科动物的细胞遗传学研究报道。本文的目的就马(Equus caballus)染色体的三种带型作初步的介绍,以促进马科动物核型、染色体带型、杂种不育以及进化等方面的细胞遗传学的研究。  相似文献   

普通马(Equus caballus)是河南灵井许昌人遗址动物群中的一个优势属种。本文基于这一动物属种牙齿材料的测量与分析, 初步完成了普通马个体死亡年龄的计算及其化石居群的生命表构建, 并与世界范围内多个动物群的相关材料进行了对比研究。该动物群普通马化石材料的死亡年龄曲线反映了这一时期古人类以普通马居群中的壮年个体为主要狩猎目标的选择性生存策略和狩猎能力。  相似文献   

Résumé Les observations photoniques et ultramicroscopiques concernant les Blastodinium, parasites de Copépodes, étudiés à tous les stades de leur développement intra-intestinal nous ont apporté les résultats suivants:Le Trophocyte subit de profondes transformations nucléaires avant de commencer à se diviser (éndettement nucléolaire et passage des grains ribonucléoprotéiques dans le cytoplasme); les sphères archoplasmiques liées aux noyaux se divisent avant eux et apportent leur contribution dans les synthèses membranaires; la division nucléaire est une pleuromitose simple, sans cinétochores et sans centrioles: on peut observer tous les stades définis de, la mitose, exceptée l'interphase; la métaphase est très difficile à saisir, surtout dans les espèces à mitoses accélérées. Les faisceaux de microtubules contenus dans les plasmodendrites qui perforent les noyaux toujours en mitoses au cours de la sporogenèse, ne sont jamais en contact avec les chromosomes; nous avons entrevu leur rôle dans la cyclose hyaloplasmique. Durant les phénomènes sporogenétiques, un cycle régulier de condensation chromosomique s'effectue, sans perte de DNA. Dans les stades peu condensés, l'arrangement fibrillaire des chromosomes est inorganisé, puis ceux-ci montrent un agencement en séries d'arceaux réguliers qui disparaît dans les stades les plus condensés.L'enveloppe nucléaire joue un rôle prépondérant dans la traction, l'orientation et la ségrégation du matériel chromosomique. Nous avons recherché également une série d'explications concernant le déterminisme des phénomènes de condensation chromatique.Dans cet exemple précis, noyaux et phénomènes mitotiques démontrent parfaitement cette situation intermédiaire des Dinoflagellés, entre Bactéries et Eucaryotes.
Nuclear structures of Blastodinium Chatton (parasitic dinoflagellates)Division and chromatic Condensation
The mitotic mechanism in Blastodinium Chatton has been studied by photonic and electronic microscopy. Divisions of the archoplasmic spheres precede that of the nuclei and their movements are interconnected. Stages of mitosis follow one another without interphase; they are telescoped, which makes the study of the chromosome cycle more difficult. Progressive condensation of nuclei and chromosomes takes place in the various sporogenetic layers within the same parasite. Cytophotometric measurements show that there is no loss of DNA during successive mitosis. The nuclear envelope plays an important part in the traction, orientation and segregation of the chromosomes. The cytoplasmic invagination which perforate the nuclei contain considerable masses of microtubules whose role in the activation of the hyaloplasmic cyclosis and membranous synthesis is suggested.—In longitudinal section, the chromosomes show a fibrillar arrangement in regular arches in the non-condensed stages and irregular arches in more condensed stages, with a lesser diameter.—The type of nuclear division is a very simple pleuromitosis without kinetochores and centrioles; the role of the nuclear envelope in the chromosomal mechanism appears to be preponderant.

Summary As part of a study of the whey proteins of various mammals, a comparison is made of the -lactalbumins and lysozymes of the kangaroo and horse. In the milk of the red kangaroo (Megaleia rufa) there is only one -lactalbumin and it occurs throughout lactation, but no lysozyme has been detected. There are two -lactalbumins in the milk of the grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), one, designated -lactalbumin Zone B, is present throughout lactation; the second, designated -lactalbumin Zone A, is present only in late lactation. One lysozyme is also present. The milk of the horse (Equus caballus) contains one -lactalbumin and at least one lysozyme. Partial amino acid sequences are proposed from sequence determination and from analyses of tryptic peptides compared with the known sequences of other -lactalbumins and lysozymes.  相似文献   

Summary Detection of nerve structures containing 5-HT were described in the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) in Mytilus edulis L. after using the fluorescence microscope technique of Falck. We are able to confirm our previous results and assumptions given by histology and electron microscope studies: the neuromuscular en passage junctions, largely distributed within the ABRM, contain 5-HT.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Suc 《Geobios》1976,9(6):741-767
The present study illustrates clearly how pollen analysis may be applied to stratigraphy from a botanical point of view. Within a chronologically reliable frame (Middle Pliocene for the marine deposits on the basis of Foraminifera record; two subzones for continental deposits on the basis of Mammals record: Hautimagne for Terrats fauna, Sète for Serrat-d'en-Vacquer fauna), palynology provides a good stratigraphical boundary: the extinction of the Taxodiaceae. In a remblayage area, it is established that a continental level is not necessarily younger than a marine one unless they are superposed. Many profiles are replaced according to the «progradation of the pliocene gulf of Roussillon. The boundary between marine and continental deposits cuts through the chronological line of the Taxodiaceae extinction. The flora investigated (93 taxa) is the first known for the Pliocene of this area. The extinction of the Taxodiaceae in southern France has a climatic cause: the setting in of a mediterranean rhythm (dry summers). This extinction is much older than the one which took place in Italy (Tiberian boundary) and in the Netherlands (Reuverian-Pretiglian boundary).  相似文献   

enAn Upper Cenomanian Ostracode assemblage has been identified near Premantura, South Istria (Yougoslavia), in an internal carbonate platform deposit. This appears of peculiar interest because of lack of datas concerning this area during the Cretaceous. Systematical studies are proposed and two new species erected: Rehacythereis apulicus nov.sp and Perissocytheridea istriana nov.sp. Some attempts are given upon paleoenvironments and paleobiogeographical signification.  相似文献   

The study of new fossils from the Miocene of Macedonia (Greece) has led us to a revision of the genusProstrepsiceros, which we propose to divide into two subgenera:P. (Prostrepsiceros) andP. (Helicotragus), these subgenera comprising respectively two and three species.  相似文献   

Summary The organ of Bellonci in Sphaeroma serratum comprises principal cells which consists of a cell body and an outer segment connected by a ciliary piece. The outer segment is prolonged by bundles of very long microvilli which are free in the central lumen, whereas the cell body is bounded by flat bordering cells. In the cell body there are large electron-dense spheres and a lot of granules, the latter appearing to be glycogen according to results obtained with light and electron microscopical cytochemical methods. These substances are released in the central lumen. The principal cells have not the fine structure of neurosecretory but of sensory cells. They may be photosensitive or chemosensitive elements. These results set the problem of the homology of the organs named of Bellonci seen in various groups of Crustacea.
Equipe de recherche associée C.N.R.S. n 230: Physiologie et Génétique des Crustacés.  相似文献   

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