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In a field study of 29 dairy farms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated more frequently (P = 0.05) from milking parlor udder wash water systems containing iodophor germicides than from those with no germicide. Most available iodine (AI2) concentrations were below the recommended level of 25 ppm (25 microgram/ml). Rubber and polyvinyl chloride hoses caused rapid decreases in the AI2 concentrations of 25 ppm iodophor solutions. AI2 dropped from 25 ppm to 6 ppm or less in 240 min for solutions contained in either polyvinyl chloride or rubber, compared with solutions in glass, which were unchanged in 240 min. Addition of inactivated iodophor solution to aqueous cultures resulted in significantly higher (P less than 0.05) numbers of P. aeruginosa at 10 and 24 h postinoculation. P. aeruginosa was grown in polyvinyl chloride tubing and exposed twice daily to 0, 10, or 25 ppm of AI2. None of the exposure concentrations eliminated the bacteria from the hoses, and bacterial numbers were not significantly different in hoses exposed to 0 and 10 ppm by the eighth treatment day. Bacteria taken from the water in these hoses were exposed to different concentrations of iodophor solution. Iodophor concentrations which will kill 50% of P. aeruginosa cultures previously exposed to 0, 10, and 25 ppm of AI2 were predicted to be 3.0, 11.8, and 20.8 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

In a field study of 29 dairy farms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated more frequently (P = 0.05) from milking parlor udder wash water systems containing iodophor germicides than from those with no germicide. Most available iodine (AI2) concentrations were below the recommended level of 25 ppm (25 microgram/ml). Rubber and polyvinyl chloride hoses caused rapid decreases in the AI2 concentrations of 25 ppm iodophor solutions. AI2 dropped from 25 ppm to 6 ppm or less in 240 min for solutions contained in either polyvinyl chloride or rubber, compared with solutions in glass, which were unchanged in 240 min. Addition of inactivated iodophor solution to aqueous cultures resulted in significantly higher (P less than 0.05) numbers of P. aeruginosa at 10 and 24 h postinoculation. P. aeruginosa was grown in polyvinyl chloride tubing and exposed twice daily to 0, 10, or 25 ppm of AI2. None of the exposure concentrations eliminated the bacteria from the hoses, and bacterial numbers were not significantly different in hoses exposed to 0 and 10 ppm by the eighth treatment day. Bacteria taken from the water in these hoses were exposed to different concentrations of iodophor solution. Iodophor concentrations which will kill 50% of P. aeruginosa cultures previously exposed to 0, 10, and 25 ppm of AI2 were predicted to be 3.0, 11.8, and 20.8 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2009,85(1-3):82-88
In the present study the relationships between five body structural and nine udder morphological traits with milk yield and non-yield traits, i.e. milk contents, somatic cell count and body weight in n = 171 Frizarta ewes were investigated. Positive correlations of moderate to high magnitude were observed among body measurements ranging from 0.25 (body length-chest width) to 0.61 (chest width-chest girth). High correlations were observed between udder width and udder circumference (r = 0.69) as well as between udder circumference at base and middle (r = 0.62). Udder height was found to be positively correlated with cistern depth (r = 0.32), udder width (r = 0.40) and udder circumference (r = 0.42) as well as with teat measurements (0.19 and 0.25 with teat length and teat circumference, respectively). Cistern depth was positively and highly correlated with teat angle (r = 0.64). The correlation between teat length and circumference was also high (r = 0.57). Teat angle was found to be negatively correlated with teat measurements (r = −0.39 and −0.23 for teat length and teat circumference, respectively). Principal components analysis revealed four components that jointly explained 67% of the variance of all the body and the udder morphological traits. The first principal component interpreted as the body dimensions was found to be associated with body weight of ewes. The second component interpreted as global and rear measurements of the udder was significant for milk yield traits. The third and fourth principal components were interpreted as the udder type and teat dimensions, respectively. Ewes’ body weight could be adequately predicted by chest girth, body length, chest width and withers height. Test day milk yields were found to be associated with udder circumference and udder width as well as with udder height and teat length. None of the udder measurements and/or teat characteristics was found to be correlated with milk content(s) and/or somatic cell count. New statistical techniques can be successfully implemented in investigation of relationships between various traits in dairy sheep.  相似文献   

Measurements of intravaginal electrical resistance (Rv) were made on seven Hereford × Friesian heifers throughout a synchronised and a normal oestrous cycle. Measurements were taken at depths of 10, 20 and 25 cm in the vagina, using a hand-held probe with two gold ring electrodes connected to a resistance meter. Mucus samples were obtained at different stages of the oestrous cycle and analysed for Cl, Na, Ca and K. Ferning pattern values were also estimated. Progesterone and LH were determined in blood samples taken at different stages of the cycle.Rv and ferning values were more closely related to either Cl or Na than to either Ca or K. Measurements of Rv taken at a depth of 20 or 25 cm inside the vagina were more closely associated with changes in mucus components than those taken at a depth of 10 cm.Rv fluctuated throughout the dioestrous period but a pronounced fall of about 25% was seen at oestrus. The lowest value occurred early in the second half of the oestrous period and coincided with the time of the LH peak. Smaller variations during dioestrus and a larger drop in Rv at oestrus were obtained when measurements were taken at the anterior rather than posterior part of the vagina. A curvilinear relationship was obtained between serum progesterone and Rv measurements (r = 0.62).  相似文献   

茄子叶片绒毛与侧多食跗线螨抗性的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了27 个茄子品种叶片绒毛对侧多食跗线螨(Polyphagotarsonemus latus)的田间种群密度、叶片为害指数、种群增长倍数的影响.结果表明:不同品种茄子叶片绒毛密度和长度存在一定差异;同一品种叶片正面绒毛密度小于背面,正面绒毛长度大于背面;7个抗性较强品种叶片背面平均绒毛密度显著高于6个抗性较弱品种的平均绒毛密度.茄子叶片背面绒毛密度越高,螨的田间种群密度、叶片为害指数越低,茄子的抗性越强.  相似文献   

Two populations, one from lesser saline Derawar Fort (DF) and the other from highly saline Ladam Sir (LS) in the Cholistan desert, for each of the five grass species, Aeluropus lagopoides, Cymbopogon jwarancusa, Lasiurus scindicus, Ochthochloa compressa, and Sporobolus ioclados were examined to investigate the influence of salinity on structural and functional characteristics of stomata. Salinity tolerance in A. lagopoides mainly depended on controlled transpiration rate (E) and high water-use efficiency (WUE), which was found to be regulated by fewer and smaller stomata on both leaf surfaces as well as stomatal encryption by epidermal invaginations. C. jwarancusa had sunken stomata on the abaxial surface only, which largely reflected a reduced E, but less affected stomatal conductance (g s) or WUE. L. scindicus had fewer but larger stomata along with hairs/trichomes which may function to avoid water loss through transpiration, and hence, to attain a high WUE. In O. compressa stomata were found only on the abaxial surface and these were completely encrypted by epidermal invaginations as well as a dense covering of microhairs, which was associated with a low E and high WUE under salinity stress. In S. ioclados, the traits of increased stomatal density and decreased stomatal area may be critical for stomatal regulation under salt-prone environments. High stomatal regulation depended largely on stomatal density, area, and degree of encryption under salinity, which is of great ecophysiological significance for plants growing under osmotic stresses.  相似文献   

This study, carried out on mother-infant pairs in obstetric hospitals in Istanbul, was designed to investigate the impact of some maternal parameters on pregnancy outcome as well as to provide information on birth weight, and incidence of low birth weight, preterm birth, and small for gestational age birth. Low birth weight, preterm birth, and fetal malnutrition are among major risk factors influencing perinatal, neonatal, and postneonatal mortality and morbidity. Reported values for prepregnancy body weight and postpartum measurements of stature, weight, mid-upper arm circumference showed that the women in this series did not have caloric undernutrition, while nearly 9% were of low stature. Maternal stature, postpartum body weight, and postpartum weight and height values were found to be important determinants of birth weight. The frequency of preterm births in this series corresponds fairly well with that found in another group of Turkish mother-infant pairs in which gestational age was determined by Dubowitz scoring. In agreement with many previous studies, maternal stature and body weight stood out as important influences on the outcome of pregnancy in this series. Overall, the nutritional state of the mother prior to pregnancy is the most important determinant of birth weight.  相似文献   

Several compact regular nucleic acid models most of which involve Watson-Crick base pairing are related to each other through a simple “core” structure.  相似文献   

Relationships between growth and different gas exchange characteristics of two amphidiploid salt tolerant species, Brassica napus, and B. carinata with respect to their salt sensitive parents, B. oleracea, and B. nigra were investigated. Twenty three-day old plants of these four species along with those of another amphidiploid moderately salt tolerant B. juncea (developed by hybridization of diploids, B. campestris and B. nigra), and a diploid moderately salt tolerant, B. campestris, were subjected for 28 days to salinized sand culture containing 0, 100 or 200 mol NaCl m(-3) in Hoagland's nutrient solution. The species B. napus and B. carinata produced significantly greater shoot fresh and dry matters than their parents under saline conditions. A close association was found between growth, and assimilation rate for all species differing in degree of salt tolerance. Stomatal conductance (g(s)) was reduced due to salt stress in all species but this variable had no significant correlation with assimilation rate (A). However, the amphidiploid salt tolerant species, B. napus and B. carinata had significantly greater photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency (A/E), intrinsic water use efficiency (A/g(s)) than those of their diploid parents. In conclusion, high salt tolerance of the two amphidiploid species, B. napus and B. carinata was associated with a high assimilation rate, water use efficiency and intrinsic water use efficiency but there was little association of the tolerance of these species with stomatal conductance, leaf water potential or transpiration rate (E).  相似文献   

Relationships between body size and some life history parameters   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
Summary Patterns in life history phenomena may be demonstrated by examining wide ranges of body weight. Positive relationships exist between adult body size and the clutch size of poikilotherms, litter weight, neonate weight life span, maturation time and, for homeotherms at least, brood or gestation time. The complex of these factors reduces r max in larger animals or, in more physiological terms, r max is set by individual growth rate. Comparison of neonatal production with ingestion and assimilation suggests that larger mammals put proportionately less effort into reproduction. Declining parental investment and longer development times would result if neonatal weight is scaled allometrically to adult weight and neonatal growth rate to neonatal weight. Body size relations represent general ecological theries and therefore hold considerable promise in the development of predictive ecology.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,89(2-3):77-83
The aim of this paper was studying the phenotypic and genetic relationships between udder morphology traits and udder health in dairy sheep. From 2000 to 2008 udder traits, somatic cell count (SCC) and clinical mastitis cases were recorded in an experimental flock consisting each year of around 900 ewes. A logistic regression was performed to evaluate the risk for a ewe of showing either a mastitis or at least 2 daily SCC records greater than 1 × 106 cells/ml in one of its lactations as function of udder traits scored in 1st lactation. 1587 individual udder scores and 39,950 SCC daily records were used for the analysis. Secondly, genetic correlation between lactation mean of somatic cell score and udder traits were estimated by a REML method applied to four bi-trait animal models, using data from 2251 primiparous ewes. Logistic regression results indicated that the risk of mastitis or high SCC values during the productive life increased as the cistern height increased and the degree of udder suspension and udder depth decreased. This suggests that the appraisal of the udder is a useful tool for culling decision aimed at increasing the sanitary status of the flock. The genetic correlation between lactation SCS and udder traits were favourable for udder depth (−0.50 ± 0.12), teat placement (0.39 ± 0.011) and degree of udder suspension (−0.42 ± 0.011) and closed to zero for the degree of separation of the two halves. Thus selection for udder morphology, already implemented in some dairy sheep breeds with the aim of improving machine milkability, will lead to a favourable correlated genetic response on SCC.  相似文献   

The analysis of 19 physiological properties of 28 strains of Nocardia brasiliensis isolated from soil reveal differences which could be of great value in distinguishing pathogenic from nonpathogenic strains.  相似文献   

Motions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involve both translation and rotation; however, there may be substantial variations from one human to another, and these variations present significant difficulties when designing TMJ prostheses. The disc-condyle glides along the temporal bone and the condyle centre describe a curve that depends on the individual morphology. This study analyses disc-condyle rotatory and translatory displacements moving all along the temporal bone facets which are mainly composed of two areas: the articular tubercle slope (ATS) and the preglenoid plane separated by the articular tubercle crest. Displacements were quantified using 3D video analysis, and this technique was computer-assisted. From a population of 32 volunteers, we were able to establish a correlation between the kinematic characteristics of the joint and the disc-condyle trajectories. This study quantifies the geometrical characteristics of the ATS and their inter-individual variations, which are useful in TMJ prosthesis design.  相似文献   

Motions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involve both translation and rotation; however, there may be substantial variations from one human to another, and these variations present significant difficulties when designing TMJ prostheses. The disc–condyle glides along the temporal bone and the condyle centre describe a curve that depends on the individual morphology.

This study analyses disc–condyle rotatory and translatory displacements moving all along the temporal bone facets which are mainly composed of two areas: the articular tubercle slope (ATS) and the preglenoid plane separated by the articular tubercle crest. Displacements were quantified using 3D video analysis, and this technique was computer-assisted.

From a population of 32 volunteers, we were able to establish a correlation between the kinematic characteristics of the joint and the disc–condyle trajectories. This study quantifies the geometrical characteristics of the ATS and their inter-individual variations, which are useful in TMJ prosthesis design.  相似文献   

目的 探讨gyrA 、parC基因的改变与纹带棒状杆菌耐喹诺酮类抗生素的关系.方法 采用微量稀释法测试纹带棒状杆菌对环丙沙星、左旋氧氟沙星、万古霉素的敏感性.PCR扩增检测gyrA和parC基因喹诺酮类耐药决定区相关片段并测序,在GenBank中进行Blast及BlastX分析并观察氨基酸突变位点,用NcoI酶进行PCR-RFLP.结果 37株纹带棒状杆菌对环丙沙星和左旋氧氟沙星的耐药率为94.6%,30株菌发生双突变(87位Ser突变为phe,91位Asp突变为Ala),5株菌单点突变(87位Ser突变为phe).PCR-RFLP经NcoI酶切后显示,敏感株和耐药株均产生3个条带.结论 纹带棒状杆菌对环丙沙星、左旋氧氟沙星的耐药率较高,对万古霉素全部敏感.纹带棒状杆菌对喹诺酮类抗生素的耐药机制主要是gyrA突变引起的,尤以双突变占优势.纹带棒状杆菌不携带parC基因,不编码拓扑异构酶Ⅳ.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study the relationship between milk flow emission variables recorded during milking of dairy goats with variables related to milking routine, goat physiology, milking parameters and milking machine characteristics, to determine the variables affecting milking performance and help the goat industry pinpoint farm and milking practices that improve milking performance. In total, 19 farms were visited once during the evening milking. Milking parameters (vacuum level (VL), pulsation ratio and pulsation rate, vacuum drop), milk emission flow variables (milking time, milk yield, maximum milk flow (MMF), average milk flow (AVMF), time until 500 g/min milk flow is established (TS500)), doe characteristics of 8 to 10 goats/farm (breed, days in milk and parity), milking practices (overmilking, overstripping, pre-lag time) and milking machine characteristics (line height, presence of claw) were recorded on every farm. The relationships between recorded variables and farm were analysed by a one-way ANOVA analysis. The relationships of milk yield, MMF, milking time and TS500 with goat physiology, milking routine, milking parameters and milking machine design were analysed using a linear mixed model, considering the farm as the random effect. Farm was significant (P<0.05) in all the studied variables. Milk emission flow variables were similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Milking parameters were adequate in most of the farms, being similar to those recommended in scientific studies. Few milking parameters and milking machine characteristics affected the tested variables: average vacuum level only showed tendency on MMF, and milk pipeline height on TS500. Milk yield (MY) was mainly affected by parity, as the interaction of days in milk with parity was also significant. Milking time was mainly affected by milk yield and breed. Also significant were parity, the interaction of days in milk with parity and overstripping, whereas overmilking showed a slight tendency. We concluded that most of the studied variables were mainly related to goat physiology characteristics, as the effects of milking parameters and milking machine characteristics were scarce.  相似文献   

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