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The lipid content and fatty acid (FA) profile in pig tissues are strongly influenced by genotype and nutrient supply, with implications in meat quality. The de novo lipid synthesis and pattern of FA unsaturation could be an important cause of variation in the overall efficiency of energy utilization among breeds. To test the effects of pig genotype and CP supply on the evolution of back-fat tissue FA profile throughout the growing and finishing stages, 32 Iberian (IB) and Landrace × Large White (LR × LW) barrows were offered one of two diets differing in CP content (13% or 17% as fed). A pair-fed procedure (0.8 × ad libitum intake of IB pigs) was used. Subcutaneous fat samples were taken at the dorso-lumbar region at ∼38, 50, 65, 90 and 115 kg BW. Higher proportions of total monounsaturated FA (MUFA; P < 0.01) and lower proportions of total saturated FA (SFA; P < 0.01 to 0.05) were found in the outer back-fat layer of pigs both at 50 and 115 kg BW. Pig genotype affected the FA composition of both subcutaneous back-fat layers. The proportions of C18:0 and SFA in fat tissue were higher in IB than in LR × LW pigs from 38 to 65 kg BW, especially in the outer layer. In addition, MUFA contents were higher in IB pigs at 115 kg BW in both layers (+5% on average; P < 0.01). Increased proportions of C18:2 n-6 and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) were found in LR × LW pigs, irrespective of the stage of growth and back-fat layer (P⩽0.02). At 50 kg BW, pigs receiving the high-protein diet presented the highest C18:2 n-6, C18:3 n-3, C20:5 n-3 and PUFA contents. A significant genotype × CP content interaction was observed for C18:3 n-3 because of the increased concentration of this FA in LR × LW pigs when offered the 17% CP diet (P < 0.05). Higher C16:0 and SFA contents (+5%; P = 0.03) were found in pigs offered the 13% CP diet and slaughtered at 115 kg BW. There was a genotype × CP interaction for MUFA concentration because of the higher MUFA content observed in IB pigs offered the highest protein content diet (P = 0.03). Our results suggest that genetic variation in de novo lipid synthesis and pattern of FA unsaturation might contribute to explain differences in back-fat FA profile of IB and LR × LW pigs under identical nutritional management. They could be also relevant to explain the low efficiency of nutrient and energy utilization in the IB pig.  相似文献   



Understanding the genetic mechanisms that underlie meat quality traits is essential to improve pork quality. To date, most quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses have been performed on F2 crosses between outbred pig strains and have led to the identification of numerous QTL. However, because linkage disequilibrium is high in such crosses, QTL mapping precision is unsatisfactory and only a few QTL have been found to segregate within outbred strains, which limits their use to improve animal performance. To detect QTL in outbred pig populations of Chinese and Western origins, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for meat quality traits in Chinese purebred Erhualian pigs and a Western Duroc × (Landrace × Yorkshire) (DLY) commercial population.


Three hundred and thirty six Chinese Erhualian and 610 DLY pigs were genotyped using the Illumina PorcineSNP60K Beadchip and evaluated for 20 meat quality traits. After quality control, 35 985 and 56 216 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were available for the Chinese Erhualian and DLY datasets, respectively, and were used to perform two separate GWAS. We also performed a meta-analysis that combined P-values and effects of 29 516 SNPs that were common to Erhualian, DLY, F2 and Sutai pig populations.


We detected 28 and nine suggestive SNPs that surpassed the significance level for meat quality in Erhualian and DLY pigs, respectively. Among these SNPs, ss131261254 on pig chromosome 4 (SSC4) was the most significant (P = 7.97E-09) and was associated with drip loss in Erhualian pigs. Our results suggested that at least two QTL on SSC12 and on SSC15 may have pleiotropic effects on several related traits. All the QTL that were detected by GWAS were population-specific, including 12 novel regions. However, the meta-analysis revealed seven novel QTL for meat characteristics, which suggests the existence of common underlying variants that may differ in frequency across populations. These QTL regions contain several relevant candidate genes.


These findings provide valuable insights into the molecular basis of convergent evolution of meat quality traits in Chinese and Western breeds that show divergent phenotypes. They may contribute to genetic improvement of purebreds for crossbred performance.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0120-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The investigation concerned the mycoflora of the old, in some cases already discarded, bath houses (sauna) situated in various parts of Finland for the purpose of finding the fungus,Phialophora pedrosoi, which causes chromoblastomycosis in man. The material, 220 specimens, consisting of thin shavings from the wooden floors and platforms, was collected from 78 bath houses. P. pedrosoi was not found in this investigation; the followingPhialophora-species:P. fastigiata, P. lagerbergii, P. lignicola andP. verrucosa were isolated, however.In total 98 various fungus species were isolated, the number of isolates was 1052. Phycomycetes represented 9.2 % of the species and 15.2 % of the isolates, Ascomycetes 4.1 % and 3.4 %, Basidiomycetes 4.1 % and 0.7 % and Fungi imperfecti 82.6 % and 80.7 % respectively of the species and the isolates. The species most frequently isolated from specimens were:Trichoderma viride, Mucor mucedo, Stemphylium consortiale, Rhinocladiella atrovirens, Arthrobotrys superba andPhialophora verrucosa.In all, 13 nematode-destroying fungus species were isolated belonging to the genera:Nematoctonus, Cephalosporium, Harposporium, Dactylaria, Arthrobotrys andDactylella. 60 % of the bath houses were infected by nematodes. Gliodendron gen. nov. with the speciesGliodendron balnicolum sp. nov. is described and illustrated.
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung betraf die Mykoflora von alten, in manchen Fällen bereits aufgegebenen Badehäusern, die sich in verschiedenen Teilen Finnlands befanden, um den Pilz,Phialophora pedrosoi, den Erreger der Chromoblastomykose, zu finden. Das Material bestand aus 220 Einzelstücken, Spänen von Holzfußböden, die in 78 Badehäusern gesammelt wurden,Phialophora pedrosoi wurde in diesen Untersuchungen nicht gefunden. Die folgendenPhialophora-Arten sind isoliert worden:P. fastigiata, P. lagerbergii, P. lignicola, undP. verrucosa. Insgesamt sind 98 verschiedene Pilzarten isoliert worden. Die Anzahl der Isolierungen war 1052. Phykomyceten stellten 9,2 % von den Arten und 15,2 % der Isolierungen dar: Askomyceten 4,1 % und 3,4 %; Basidiomyceten 4,1 % und 0,7 %; Fungi imperfecti 82,6 % und 80,7 %. Die häufigst isolierten Arten waren:Trichoderma viride, Mucor mucedo, Stemphylium consortiale, Rhinocladiella atrovirens, Arthrobotrys superba undPhialophora verrucosa. Alles in allem wurden 13 Nematoden zerstörende Arten isoliert, die zu den folgenden Gattungen gehörten:Nematoctonus, Cephalosporium, Harposporium, Dactylaria, Arthrobotrys undDactylella. Sechzig Prozent der Badehäuser waren von Nematoden infektiert.Gliodendron gen. nov. ist mit der ArtGliodendron balnicolum, sp. nov. beschrieben und abgebildet worden.

Lamina 5 sensorimotor cortex pyramidal neurons project to the spinal cord, participating in the modulation of several modalities of information transmission. A well-studied mechanism by which the corticospinal projection modulates sensory information is primary afferent depolarization, which has been characterized in fast muscular and cutaneous, but not in slow-conducting nociceptive skin afferents. Here we investigated whether the inhibition of nociceptive sensory information, produced by activation of the sensorimotor cortex, involves a direct presynaptic modulation of C primary afferents. In anaesthetized male Wistar rats, we analyzed the effects of sensorimotor cortex activation on post tetanic potentiation (PTP) and the paired pulse ratio (PPR) of dorsal horn field potentials evoked by C–fiber stimulation in the sural (SU) and sciatic (SC) nerves. We also explored the time course of the excitability changes in nociceptive afferents produced by cortical stimulation. We observed that the development of PTP was completely blocked when C-fiber tetanic stimulation was paired with cortex stimulation. In addition, sensorimotor cortex activation by topical administration of bicuculline (BIC) produced a reduction in the amplitude of C–fiber responses, as well as an increase in the PPR. Furthermore, increases in the intraspinal excitability of slow-conducting fiber terminals, produced by sensorimotor cortex stimulation, were indicative of primary afferent depolarization. Topical administration of BIC in the spinal cord blocked the inhibition of C–fiber neuronal responses produced by cortical stimulation. Dorsal horn neurons responding to sensorimotor cortex stimulation also exhibited a peripheral receptive field and responded to stimulation of fast cutaneous myelinated fibers. Our results suggest that corticospinal inhibition of nociceptive responses is due in part to a modulation of the excitability of primary C–fibers by means of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons.  相似文献   

Although the effects of pig genotype on total-tract apparent digestibility (TTAD) have been widely reported in the literature, there is controversial information on the digestive capacity of indigenous breeds compared with lean-type pigs. The strategy of this study was to test the effects of pig genotype and crude protein (CP) supply on performance, digestive utilization of nutrients, relative organ weight and morphometric analysis of the small intestine. Thirty-eight Iberian (IB) and Landrace × Large White (LD) pigs were used. Three pigs per genotype were slaughtered at approximately 15 kg BW. The remaining pigs were fed one of two diets differing in CP content (13% or 17% as fed) using a pair-fed procedure. Feeding level was restricted at 0.8 × ad libitum of IB pigs. Nutrient digestibility and nitrogen (N) balance trials were performed at 30 and 80 kg BW. Four pigs per dietary treatment and genotype were slaughtered at approximately 50 and 115 kg BW. The gastrointestinal tract and the rest of the visceral organs were weighed and samples of the small intestine were taken to carry out histological and histometrical studies. Daily gain and gain-to-feed ratio were higher in LD than in IB pigs during the fattening and growing-fattening periods (P < 0.01). N TTAD was significantly higher for LD pigs at 30 kg BW (P < 0.05), whereas at 80 kg BW we observed greater values for digestibility of organic matter and energy in IB pigs (averaging 1.5%, P < 0.01). Both N retention (NR) and efficiency of NR were increased in LD pigs at 30 and 80 kg BW (30% as mean value). The proportional weight of the small intestine was greater in LD than in IB pigs at 50 and 115 kg BW. Histometry showed that IB presented a lower muscle layer thickness than LD pigs in ileum, irrespective of the BW (P < 0.05). In contrast, LD pigs showed approximately 10% higher ileal villi length and villi-to-crypt ratio than IB pigs at 115 kg BW. CP supply affected to a larger extent the small intestinal micro-anatomical structure of LD pigs at 50 kg BW. In conclusion, our results suggests that although the higher growth rate, NR and efficiency of NR observed in LD pigs might be associated with presumably more efficient structural aspects of the small intestine, the main differences between the two genotypes should be attributed to a larger extent to protein and energy utilization in tissues with consequences for the overall efficiency of energy use.  相似文献   

Finland’s Right to Return policy for Ingrian Finns (1990–2010) presented Russian and Estonian citizens who qualified as having Finnish ancestry the legal means to resettle in Finland. The policy was initially driven by Finnish President Mauno Koivisto, who spoke publicly of his belief that the Ingrian Finnish minority in Russia was Finnish because it was Lutheran rather than Orthodox. However, Finnish politicians increasingly abandoned the view of a common Lutheran identity between Ingrian Finns and Finland, and shifted the discussion to language, ancestry and historical memory, which were used to both endorse and disendorse Ingrian Finns’ Finnishness. We argue that the disappearance of religion from the Right to Return discourse was a strategic – if not necessarily conscious – choice that emphasized the more primordial aspects of Finnish identity (and the Ingrian Finns’ lack of those), which in turn enabled stricter restrictions and, ultimately, the discontinuation of the policy.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2019,123(6):481-488
Maize plants infected by Ustilago maydis develop galls known as “cuitlacoche”, a food product appreciated in the Mexican gastronomy. The virulence of different U. maydis isolates was assessed, as well as the development of the infection on one commercial maize variety. Sporidia were isolated of wild galls collected in Mexico. Sexual compatibility patterns were determined using the Fuzz reaction, showing a 1:1:1:1 segregation of mating type specificities. Ten U. maydis compatible strains were selected on the basis of their virulence, namely: four wild-type compatible sporidia, one multi-teliosporic strain, two hybrids between wild-type and tester strains, and three tester strains. Maize plants of a commercial hybrid (Tornado XR) were inoculated with these strains of U. maydis, using a randomized complete block experimental design. Phenological and phenotypic characteristics of plants, as well as production, quality and sensory attributes of the resulting galls, were evaluated. Greater yields of galls were recorded in tester strains (incidence >90 %, severity >80 %, productivity >12 t/ha), a hybrid strain (EM1-6 × FB1) [incidence 82.6 %, severity 51.8 %, productivity 5.6 t/ha] and a wild-type strain (EM4-10 × EM2-4) [incidence 68.2 %, severity 44.0 %, productivity 4.8 t/ha]. Wild-type strains showed better flavor, characterized by less bitterness and acidity, but prevailing sweet, umami and maize flavor.  相似文献   

In August 1992 a joint Russian-Finnish expedition was arranged to the NW part of Lake Ladoga to study radioactive contamination in the region. Special attention was paid to the area surrounding the Heinämaa Islands, where the wreck of the former mine carrier ship Kit had been lying about 30 years before it was moved to Novaya Zemlya in 1991. During this period the wreck had been used as a store for radioactive waste containing principally 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,24OPu. Lake water, bottom sediment and some biological samples were collected for strontium, plutonium and gammaspectrometric analyses. In all the samples the radioactivity concentrations were very low, indicating radioactive contamination of about the same level as caused by global fallout in the 1960's and the Chernobyl fallout in the area. Only in two water samples taken close to the former site of the wreck slightly elevated 239,240Pu concentrations were detected. The great water volume of Lake Ladoga and effective water exchange at the wreck site may explain the very low levels of radioactive wastes detected in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Interactions between Trypanosoma congolense and nutritional status were studied in 42 ewes, bred at the peak of parasitaemia after synchronisation of oestrus. As experimental design a randomised block design was used with four treatment combinations (2×2 factors), of which two were on a restricted diet (L), the remainder on an unrestricted diet (H) and half of each nutritional group infected with T. congolense (LI, HI), the remainder serving as controls (LC, HC). Severity of parasitaemia was not influenced by supplementation and mortality rates were higher in the HI and LC groups, but these differences were found not significant. Progesterone levels during the synchronised cycle were significantly lower in the infected groups. Levels of pregnant specific protein B (PSPB) in pregnant sheep at days 21 and 26 were not significantly affected by nutrition or infection, despite the tendency of a decrease in infected groups. T. congolense clearly affected establishment of pregnancy, as shown by lower rates of pregnancy and extended intervals between breeding and confirmation of pregnancy, nor was there any benefit of nutritional supplementation. Mean progesterone concentration during pregnancy, in those ewes which lambed, was not different between groups. The effect of the T. congolense infection on the outcome of pregnancy was not clear with the LI and HC performing well and poor pregnancy outcomes in groups HI and LC, although differences in litter size might explain these anomalies. It is concluded that the most pronounced effect of T. congolense was a negative influence on establishment of pregnancy, with nutritional supplementation unable to overcome this effect but having a beneficial influence on maintenance and successful outcome of pregnancy. However, individual exceptions indicate that some ewes cope better with the negative effects of infection and poor nutrition.  相似文献   

Clinical-chemical traits are essential when examining the health status of individuals. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and the associated positional candidate genes affecting clinical-chemical traits in a reciprocal F(2) intercross between Landrace and Korean native pigs. Following an overnight fast, 25 serum phenotypes related to clinical-chemical traits (e.g., hepatic function parameters, renal function parameters, electrolyte, lipids) were measured in >970 F(2) progeny. All experimental samples were subjected to genotyping analysis using 165 microsatellite markers located across the genome. We identified eleven genome-wide significant QTL in six chromosomal regions (SSC 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, and 15) and 59 suggestive QTL in 17 chromosomal regions (SSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18). We also observed significant effects of reciprocal crosses on some of the traits, which would seem to result from maternal effect, QTL on sex chromosomes, imprinted genes, or genetic difference in mitochondrial DNA. The role of genomic imprinting in clinical-chemical traits also was investigated. Genome-wide analysis revealed a significant evidence for an imprinted QTL in SSC4 affecting serum amylase levels. Additionally, a series of bivariate linkage analysis provided strong evidence that QTL in SSC 2, 13, 15, and 18 have a pleiotropic effect on clinical-chemical traits. In conclusion, our study detected both novel and previously reported QTL influencing clinical-chemical traits in pigs. The identified QTL together with the positional candidate genes identified here could play an important role in elucidating the genetic structure of clinical-chemical phenotype variation in humans and swine.  相似文献   

A crossed population between Iberian × Landrace pigs consisting of 321 F2, 87 F3, and 85 backcross individuals has been analyzed to refine the number and positions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting shape, growth, fatness, and meat quality traits in SSC4. A multitrait multi-QTL approach has been used. Our results suggest that carcass length and shoulder weight are affected by two loci. The first one, close to the AFABP gene, has a very strong pleiotropic effect on fatness, whereas the second one, in the interval between S0073 and S0214, also affects live weight, although to a lesser extent. This latter QTL would correspond to the FAT1 locus described initially in pigs. It seems that SSC4’s loci play an important role in redistributing total weight, and the Landrace allele increases shoulder weight and carcass length much more than ham or total weight. Furthermore, there is also strong evidence of additional loci influencing pH and color in more distant, telomeric positions.  相似文献   

Summary Rye (Secale cereale cv. Prolific 2n=14 and 2n =14 + 2B was crossed onto hybrids between barley (Hordeum vulgare 2n = 14) and wheat (Triticum aestivum 2n= 42). Pollinated florets were injected with GA3 to promote fertilization and hybrid embryo development. At 16 days after pollination the watery caryopses were removed, embryos dissected and cultured on a modified B5 medium. Approximately 20% of the cultured embryos produced both roots and coleoptile and developed into viable seedlings. Viable seeds were also obtained at a low frequency from the same cross combinations. The hybrids were wheat-like except for the hairy neck characteristic of rye. There were 35 chromosomes in somatic tissue; 21 wheat, 7 barley and 7 rye. The rye chromosomes were distinguishable by their larger size and terminal C-bands. A lower seed set was obtained using pollen from rye plants with 2n=14 + 2B chromosomes than from plants without B chromosomes.Contribution No. 577, Ottawa Research Station  相似文献   

Radioactive microspheres (15 microns diameter) were used to measure capillary blood flow rates in the ovaries and ovarian follicles (Qf) in high fecund Romanov and low fecund Préalpes-du-Sud ewes at the preovulatory stage of the oestrous cycle. Additionally, assessments of the percentage of arterial blood passing through ovarian arterio-venous anastomoses were obtained. The mean +/- s.e.m. Qf per unit volume of theca [ml/min) x 10(4)/mm3) for non-atretic follicles in Romanov ewes was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) than that in Préalpes ewes (365.8 +/- 42.4, n = 19, compared with 241.3 +/- 30.1, n = 14). For each breed, the mean Qf value for non-atretic follicles was 8-10 times greater than that for atretic follicles. In Romanov ewes, total Qf [ml/min) x 10(4) and Qf per unit volume of theca was greatest in small-sized follicles (3.1-5.0 mm) while in Préalpes ewes, maximum flow was attained in larger-sized follicles (5.1-7.0 mm). The elevated Qf in small-sized follicles in Romanov ewes may be conducive to more follicles achieving maturation at a smaller diameter in this breed than occurs in the Préalpes ewes. The absence of flow through ovarian arterio-venous anastomoses in the Romanov, but not in the Préalpes, ewes suggests different mechanisms for controlling the distribution of the total ovarian blood supply in the 2 breeds.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the suitability of Danish Landrace/Yorkshire (L/Y) crossbred pigs as experimental hosts of a Chinese mainland strain of Schistosoma japonicum. Pigs were exposed to 200, 500 or 1000 cercariae and parasite burdens were determined by perfusion after either 8 or 11 weeks. All pigs became infected with onset of faecal egg excretion 6 to 7 weeks following exposure to cercariae. The pattern of faecal egg excretion differed markedly among the individual animals. Gross hepatic pathological lesions of varying degrees were noted in all of the pigs. Schistosome worm recoveries ranged from 1.5–23.4% of the cercarial exposure dose. Most schistosome eggs recovered from the tissues, expressed as eggs/g tissue, were found in the rectum (91%), caecum (3.1%) and liver (5.1%). The results show that Danish L/Y pigs may serve as appropriate experimental final hosts of the Chinese mainland strain of S. japonicum.  相似文献   

Season can profoundly influence activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and alter reproductive neuroendocrine responsiveness to stress and gonadal steroids. Here we tested the hypothesis that the inhibitory effect of a stress-like increment in plasma concentration of the adrenal steroid cortisol on pulsatile LH secretion varies with season. LH pulse patterns were monitored prior to and during the administration of cortisol in the same seven ovariectomized ewes during three stages of the yearly breeding cycle: breeding season, transition to anestrus, and midanestrus. The elevation in cortisol mimicked the rise in plasma level of cortisol in response to an immune/inflammatory stress. During all three seasons, cortisol acutely suppressed the pulsatile release of LH. This inhibition reflected a marked reduction of LH pulse amplitude and a minimal suppression of LH pulse frequency. Of interest, the suppressive effect of this physiologic increment in cortisol did not vary across seasons. This provides initial evidence that, in ovariectomized ewes, cortisol-induced suppression of pulsatile LH secretion differs from that of gonadal steroids in that it is not profoundly influenced by season.  相似文献   

A preliminary assessment of the cumulative exposure to heavy metals among Finnish preschool children is reported. Cadmium, lead, arsenic,and mercury affect many of the same organs in the human body. The effects are mostly caused by oxidative stress or disruption of enzyme function. The cumulative effects of the heavy metals on the central nervous system and on the kidneys are determined based on national concentration and consumption data, and comparison of the relative toxicity of the heavy metals is based on dose–response values found in the literature. The cumulative effects were assumed to be additive. The main contributors to kidney toxicity among the studied population groups were cadmium and lead, while lead was the main contributor to neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Abundant large herbivores can strongly alter vegetation composition, shifting the ecosystem into a lasting state of changed productivity. Previous studies of the effects of abundant reindeer on alpine and arctic vegetation have yielded equivocal results, probably due to differing environmental contexts. To overcome context dependency we devised a large-scale survey in the region of Finnmark, northern Norway, possessing some of the most densely stocked reindeer herds in the world. The effects of reindeer abundance on summer pasture vegetation were assessed by employing a quasi-experimental design, including site fertility as a potential modifier of the reindeer–vegetation interaction. The study design comprised ten pairs of neighboring management districts (encompassing 18,003 km2), where over the two last decades a high-density district on average had reindeer densities more than twice as high and calf weights consistently lower than the low-density district. The abundance of different plant functional groups, ranging from those having facilitating to retarding effects on ecosystem productivity, were quantified by the point intercept method on plots selected according to a hierarchical, stratified random sampling design. Species with strong retarding effects on ecosystem productivity (for example, ericoids) were by far the most abundant. However, we found no consistent effects of reindeer density on their abundance. The most consistent differences between high- and low-density districts were found in plant functional groups with facilitating to neutral effects on ecosystem productivity. In particular, the abundance of N-facilitators, large dicotyledons and grasses were substantially reduced in the high-density districts. However, this reduction was restricted to fertile sites. Thus, reindeer when present at high densities have homogenized the biomass of palatable plants across environmental productivity gradients according to predictions from exploitation ecosystem models. Such reduction of plants with facilitating to neutral effects on ecosystem productivity indicates a reduced state of ecosystem productivity in high-density districts. Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Examples show that two clustering programs (GROUPAGE, TABORD) group the forest vegetation into clusters with about the same results as obtained by a traditionally working plant sociologist assigning it to the Finnish forest site types. The best result is achieved by using both of these programs together with an additional ordination program (ORDINA). The differences when all three analyses are taken into account depend on the fact that there are often some transitional relevés in the material. In a few cases a new type determination for the relevé might be justified. The clustering methods show often groupings into smaller units (variants) inside the types, units which are rarely used in the Finnish forest type system.  相似文献   

We studied the phytoplankton seasonality in the subarctic Lake Saanajärvi, Finnish Lapland, in two successive years with slightly different weather conditions. The total number of taxa studied during the period was 148. Characteristic phytoplankton species were chrysophytes Uroglena sp., Chrysococcus spp., Dinobryon spp and diatoms Cyclotella spp. The results were analysed in relation to weather patterns and physico-chemical variables measured from the lake during the 2 years. The seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton were characterized by (1) maxima in total densities during autumn and minima in winter; (2) different species reaching maximum and minimum densities during different seasons; (3) close to equilibrium state during strong thermal stratification in 1997 with dominance of only a few taxa; and (4) two annual maxima in species diversity at the beginning of the thermal stratification and during the autumn overturn. According to canonical ordinations, calcium buffer capacity, nutrients and temperature all play a role in regulating algal biomass and species compositions. With regard to physical factors, the length of the mixing cycle, thermal stability of the water column and water temperature seem to have a major control over the plankton dynamics. The length of the ice-free season seems to be more decisive for biomass production than the thermal stability during this period, which, in turn, appears to affect the algal biodiversity.  相似文献   

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