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【目的】为了明确酪蝇Piophila casei的羽化节律和交配行为,为深入研究酪蝇的性信息素打下基础。【方法】在室内条件[温度(27±1)℃,光周期L︰D=14︰10]下观察了酪蝇的羽化节律和交配行为。【结果】结果表明,化蛹后第8天成虫羽化最多,羽化高峰期出现在由暗期进入光期的前后,雄虫略早于雌虫羽化。观察结果表明,当雄虫接近蛹壳时会表现出"触摸"、"经过"、"扑"、"抱握"等动作,而雌虫仅有"触摸"、"抱握"的动作。当遇到同性成虫或者已交配雌虫时,雄虫会"追逐"对方,当接触到对方时雄虫会表现出"抱握"、"触摸"动作以进行识别,被识别雄虫会"翘起腹部末端"使对方离开,已交配雌虫则猛烈"摆动身体"使对方离开。当遇到处女雌虫时,雄虫跳跃到雌虫背上迅速进行交配。雌虫羽化后1 min即可交配,雄虫羽化后30 min可交配,交配平均持续时间10 min。雄虫间会有交配竞争行为发生,后来者会跳跃到先来者背上,向下弯曲腹部试图越过先来者与雌虫交配。【结论】酪蝇的羽化高峰出现在进入光期前后。成虫对蛹壳有显著趋性,雄虫主动追逐识别异性,较雌虫表现出更强烈的交配欲望。  相似文献   

Burying beetles tend their young on small vertebrate carcasses, which serve as the sole source of food for the developing larvae. Single females are as proficient at rearing offspring as male-female pairs, yet males opt to remain with their broods throughout most of the larval development. One potential benefit of a male's extended residency is that it affords him the opportunity of additional copulations with the female, which could ensure his paternity in a replacement brood should the female's first egg clutch fail to hatch. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating males' access to their mates during the production of replacement clutches, using genetic colour markers to determine the paternity of offspring. Females were induced to produce a replacement brood by removing their first clutch of eggs. In one experimental treatment, we removed the female's mate upon the removal of her first egg clutch (‘widowed’ females); in a second treatment, the female was permitted to retain her mate up until she produced a replacement clutch. There was no significant difference in paternity between males removed from females before the initiation of replacement clutches and those permitted to remain with their mates. However, widowed females produced fewer offspring in replacement broods than did females permitted to retain their mates. This difference occurred primarily because a significantly greater proportion of widowed females opted not to produce a replacement clutch, a result we refer to as the ‘widow effect’. This widow effect was further shown in those replicates in which females of both treatments produced replacement clutches: widowed females took significantly longer to produce a replacement clutch than did females permitted to retain their mates. The loss of her mate could be a signal to a female that a take-over of the carcass is imminent. Her reluctance to produce a replacement clutch under these circumstances might constitute a strategy by which she conserves carrion for a subsequent reproductive attempt with an intruding male successful at ousting her previous mate. Regardless of its functional significance, the widow effect favours the extended residency of males and therefore contributes to the selective maintenance of male parental care.  相似文献   

Females of the dragonfly Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) (Odonata, Libellulidae) store enough sperm to fertilize 6–13 clutches of eggs laid on consecutive days. Nonetheless, they usually mate one or more times per day. Males wait for females at ponds containing surface vegetation on which the females lay eggs. Some males defend vegetation while other act as satellites. After mating, both types of males attempt to guard females against takeover by other males. Sperm precedence by male E. simplicicollis was studied using sterility produced by gamma irradiation to label sperm. After a dose-response analysis, males receiving a dose of 25 kiloroentgens (>99.9% sterile) were returned to their home pond as territory residents and satellites. Both types of males fertilized an average of 99.5% (range 97.3–100%) of the female's remaining clutch. After mating with a sterile male, females were isolated in a large cage, and eggs collected for several consecutive days. These clutches revealed that sperm mixing in the bursa of the females is essentially complete after 24 to 48 h and that the last male to mate had replaced an average of more than 57–75% of the sperm stored by female from previous matings. Thus, the last sperm in is the first sperm out fertilizing essentially all of the eggs laid soon (5–6 min) after the mating. Sperm from the most recent mating competes for fertilizations with sperm stored from previous matings only if the female oviposits on the following day without remating.  相似文献   

Females often mate with several different males, which may promote sperm competition and increase offspring viability. However, the potential benefits of polyandry remain controversial, particularly in birds where recent reviews have suggested that females gain few genetic benefits from extra‐pair mating. In tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females with prior breeding experience had more sires per brood when paired to genetically similar social mates, and, among experienced females, broods with more sires had higher hatching success. Individual females breeding in two consecutive years also produced broods with more sires when they were more genetically similar to their mate. Thus, experienced females were able to avoid the costs of mating with a genetically similar social mate and realize fitness benefits from mating with a relatively large number of males. This is one of the first studies to show that female breeding experience influences polyandry and female fitness in a natural population of vertebrates. Our results suggest that the benefits of polyandry may only be clear when considering both the number of mates females acquire and their ability to modify the outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of female deprivation on the mating propensity and size selectivity of male Requena verticalis,an Australian katydid in which males provide a large spermatophylax to females during mating. Specifically, I tested the hypotheses that mating readiness would increase, while mate discrimination would decrease (i. e., females would be accepted independently of their size, an indicator of fecundity) as the period of female deprivation increased. Fieldcaught males were held in isolation for 1, 5, or 14 days in the laboratory and then presented with virgin females. As expected, males held for 5 and 14 days were more likely to mate than males held only a single day. However, in none of the treatments did males discriminate among females on the basis of size. These results are compared with those obtained in a similar study on a zaprochiline katydid.  相似文献   

Females of the predatory miteParasitus fimetorum (Gamasida; Parasitina) inhabiting animal manure indiscriminately copulate with many mates. The sperm competition between the males was estimated by electrophoresis of allozymes and the effects of multiple mating on female reproduction were investigated. When females were forced to mate only once, their fecundity decreased drastically compared to the case of multiple mating (but longevity was unaffected). When one female mated with two males, the outcome of sperm competition depended greatly upon the mating interval. When the second mating occurred immediately after the first, the female fecundity decreased as in the case of single mating and the second male fertilized only a few eggs. However, when there was an interval of 1 day between the two matings, the females achieved normal fecundity and the second male fertilized approximately half the eggs. This suggests that the spermatophore deposited by the first male may act as a short-term copulatory ‘plug’ in the female's genital opening. When one female mated with several males with 1 day intervals, three or more males shared fertilization of the eggs. This study suggests that the multiple mating of females is a necessary stimulus to continue oogenesis and some physiological factors for this stimulation may exist in spermatophores.  相似文献   

Females across many taxa may mate with several males or mate more than once with the same male within one reproductive event. Although many researchers have discussed the effects of multiple mating on reproductive success of females, few studies have attempted to disentangle whether the reproductive success of females differs with respect to whether females mate with multiple males or mate more than once with one male. In this study, we hypothesized that female leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) increase aspects of their reproductive success, such as fecundity, fertility and relative clutch mass, by mating more than once within one reproductive event, either by mating repeatedly with the same male or multiply mating with different males. We controlled for the potentially confounding variables of mating frequency and mate number by allowing females to mate once with one male, twice with the same male, or twice with two different males. We found that females that mated with more than one male laid more clutches, exhibited increased egg fertility and invested more in clutches relative to females that mated only once with one male, whereas females that mated twice to the same male were intermediate for these variables. Thus, reproductive success is higher among female leopard geckos that mated with more than one male compared to female leopard geckos that mated only once.  相似文献   

水稻二化螟的交配行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
焦晓国  宣维健  盛承发 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1110-1115
在室内条件下,对水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的交配行为及能力进行了研究.结果表明:大多数二化螟雌蛾一生只交配一次,平均0.92次;而雄蛾具有多次交配能力,最多达4次,平均2.72次.二化螟雌蛾的日龄影响其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间,随二化螟雌蛾日龄的增加,其交配率逐渐下降,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐上升.相反,二化螟雄蛾日龄对其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间没有明显影响.交配日龄对二化螟雌蛾的生殖力也存在显著影响,随着二化螟雌蛾交配日龄的增加,雌蛾产卵量下降,卵孵化率降低,产卵期缩短,它们都与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的负相关;而雌蛾产卵前期和雌蛾寿命随雌蛾交配日龄的增加而延长,与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的正相关.但二化螟雄蛾交配日龄对雌蛾的生殖力没有明显影响,二化螟雄蛾一生都具有较强的交配繁殖能力.同时,不同交配史的雄蛾与雌蛾交配,对雌蛾的生殖力也没有显著影响.表明二化螟的交配活动是由雌蛾主导控制的.最后,对这些结果在二化螟性信息素防治中应用的可行性进行了探讨.在应用性信息素控制二化螟的实践中,可以在两方面取得实效,一是性信息素可以阻碍雌雄之间正常交配,降低交配率;二是可以推迟二化螟雌虫的交配,使其产卵量和卵孵化率降低.  相似文献   

The body sizes of individuals of the choosing and chosen sexes in a mate choice may affect sequential mating of females. We examined the effects of the body sizes of females and their mates on attributes of female first mating, and the effects of body sizes of females and their previous and potential future mates on female remating in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Large- and small-sized adults were derived from larvae reared under conditions of low and high density in a bean, respectively. The speed of first mating of large females was not affected by the size of courting males, whereas small females initiated mating more rapidly when courted by small males. The remating probability of large females was not affected by first male size, whereas small females that mated first with smaller males were more likely to remate. These data suggest that pre- and post-copulatory female choices for male size depend on the female’s size, and the small females might be more willing to copulate with smaller males but prefer larger males to sire their offspring after copulation. A possible explanation for this preference is that small females may suffer greater harm from copulating with larger males.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Mating has been found to be costly for females of some species because of toxic products that males transfer to females in their seminal fluid. Such mating costs seem paradoxical, particularly for species in which females mate more frequently than is necessary to fertilize their eggs. Indeed, some studies suggest that females may benefit from mating more frequently. The effect of male ejaculates on female life span and lifetime fecundity was experimentally tested in the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps. In field crickets, females will mate repeatedly with a given male and mate with multiple males. Females that were experimentally mated either repeatedly or multiply lived more than 32% longer than singly mated females. In addition, multiply mated females produced 98% more eggs than singly mated females. Because females received only sperm and seminal fluid from males in the experimental matings, these life‐span and fecundity benefits may result from beneficial seminal fluid products that males transfer to females during mating. Mating benefits rather than mating costs may be common in many animals, particularly in species where female mate choice has a larger effect on male reproductive success than does the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Oryzophagus oryzae mating behavior and mate recognition were investigated. Bioassays revealed that couples had intense sexual activity in the first 3 h of photophase and scotophase. Adults mated and re-mated at any time of day in the presence of water; however, in the absence of water, only 10 % of adults mated, meaning that water was important for couples to find each other. In the sequence of pre-mating behaviors bioassay four steps were observed and females were always attracted to males, seeking them, before copulation; after mating, males showed guarding activity of variable duration, allowing remating. Cuticule extractions revealed that both sexes had similar cuticular chemical compounds. They were identified as aldehydes and a ketone, probably because of its aquatic life habits. Bioassays suggested that males recognized females by their cuticle composition.  相似文献   

H W Biedermann P 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):253-267
Strongly female-biased sex ratios are typical for the fungalfeeding haplodiploid Xyleborini (Scolytinae, Coleoptera), and are a result of inbreeding and local mate competition (LMC). These ambrosia beetles are hardly ever found outside of trees, and thus male frequency and behavior have not been addressed in any empirical studies to date. In fact, for most species the males remain undescribed. Data on sex ratios and male behavior could, however, provide important insights into the Xyleborini's mating system and the evolution of inbreeding and LMC in general.In this study, I used in vitro rearing methods to obtain the first observational data on sex ratio, male production, male and female dispersal, and mating behavior in a xyleborine ambrosia beetle. Females of Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg produced between 0 and 3 sons per brood, and the absence of males was relatively independent of the number of daughters to be fertilized and the maternal brood sex ratio. Both conformed to a strict LMC strategy with a relatively precise and constant number of males. If males were present they eclosed just before the first females dispersed, and stayed in the gallery until all female offspring had matured. They constantly wandered through the gallery system, presumably in search of unfertilized females, and attempted to mate with larvae, other males, and females of all ages. Copulations, however, only occurred with immature females. From galleries with males, nearly all females dispersed fertilized. Only a few left the natal gallery without being fertilized, and subsequently went on to produce large and solely male broods. If broods were male-less, dispersing females always failed to found new galleries.  相似文献   

为了阐明栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita生殖行为的方式和特点,寻找有效的防治手段,本试验观察了栎旋木柄天牛的生殖行为,并在林间尝试了成虫诱集。结果表明:雌雄成虫之间表现出较强的吸引作用,近距离时雌雄虫可相互吸引,而远距离时雌虫引诱力更强。室内试验中求偶时间会随着成虫的衰弱而增加。成虫交配主要发生于白天。羽化出孔后1~14日龄雌虫和2~13日龄雄虫均可多次交配。成虫一次完整交配平均需时70.12min,交配后保护平均仅用时3.86min。一次完整交配过程中,不同日龄成虫的交配历时、交配间隔历时及交配次数都存在差异,各日龄成虫的交配间隔历时均大于交配历时。交配或产卵经历对雄虫交配行为的影响明显大于雌虫。雌虫产卵前期平均为30.71h。雌虫每产1粒卵平均需时99.58s,并随日龄增长显著加长。每头雌虫平均每日产卵量和总产卵量分别为7.89和26.20粒。雌虫多在白天产卵,用产卵器触探树皮表面寻找合适的产卵部位。卵主要产于树皮裂缝和枝条疤痕内,一般每次产卵1粒,卵表面无覆盖物。  相似文献   

I examined the effects of the parasitic larval nematode, Eustrongylides ignotus, on male mate choice in the western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. I hypothesized that parasite presence influences male mate choice either directly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to presence of parasite in females) or indirectly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to reduced condition of infected females). Specifically, I tested the predictions that (1) males would mate preferentially with uninfected over infected females (scoring both mating attempts and association time with females); (2) parasitized females would be in poorer condition than non-parasitized females (measured as soluble fat stores); and (3) parasitized females would have reduced fecundity (measured as number of developing embryos). Males preferred to mate with non-parasitized over parasitized females, but showed no differences in association time between females. The nematode did not decrease female body condition, but did decrease female mass, and appeared to decrease female fecundity via reduction in broods (# embryos). Results support that parasites affect male mate choice in mosquitofish; however, the mechanisms used by males to differentiate between parasitized and non-parasitized females remain untested. This study provides the first empirical evidence of parasite affects on male mate choice in livebearing fishes, and suggest a potentially important role for parasite-mediated sexual selection in organisms that use coercive mating as the primary mechanism of obtaining mates.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in animals has been mostly studied in species in which males are signalers and females are choosers. However, in many species, females are (also) signalers. In species with non‐signaling females, virgin females are hypothesized to be less choosy than mated females, as virgins must mate to realize fitness and the number of available males is generally limited. Yet, when females signal to attract males, mate limitation can be overcome. We tested how virgin and mated females differ in their calling behavior, mating latency, and in mate choice, using the tobacco budworm Chloridea (Heliothis) virescens as an example for a species in which females are not only choosers but also signalers. We found that virgin females signaled longer than mated females, but virgin and mated signaling females were equally ready to mate, in contrast to non‐signaling females. However, we found that virgin signaling females showed weaker mate preference than mated females, which can be explained by the fact that females increase their fitness with multiple matings. Mated females may thus further increase their fitness by more stringent mate selection. We conclude that signaling is a crucial aspect to consider when studying female mate choice because signaling may affect the number of available mates to choose from.  相似文献   

For many species, mating is a necessary yet costly activity. The costs involved can have an important influence on the evolution of life histories and senescence. Females of many species mate multiply, and this behaviour can inflict a longevity cost. Most studies investigating the effects of multiple mating on female survival have been conducted on insects, and the effects in other taxa are largely unknown. We investigate the effects of both a single mating and a second mating on longevity in female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a species in which both sexes mate multiply. Through comparing the longevity of virgin, once‐mated and twice‐mated females, we found that a single mating reduced female life span by 15 days on average. A second mating resulted in an additional 8 day (on average) longevity cost, despite no difference in total clutch mass, number of clutches, single egg mass or number of eggs per clutch between once‐mated and twice‐mated females. This demonstrates a cost to multiple mating which may be independent of the cost of egg production. Furthermore, total clutch mass and female life span were positively correlated, whereas female life span decreased with increasing average water temperature. The presence of an additive effect of reproduction on longevity suggests that multiple mating in cephalopods may have benefits that outweigh these costs, or that there is a conflict in optimal mating frequency between males and females.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1998,55(2):387-403
The purpose of this controlled-breeding study was to investigate the viability consequences of female choice and sequential polyandry for offspring in a way that would separate the influences of these two aspects of female sexual behaviour. Female sierra dome spiders,Neriene litigiosa(=Linyphia litigiosa) typically mate two to three times before production of their first batch of eggs, although some females (ca 16%) mate only once. Strong fighters are preferred as first mates and principal sires. Large males that give a vigorous performance during copulatory courtship are preferred as sires among a female's secondary mates. In this study, the number of matings by free-living females was experimentally controlled and the size and copulatory vigour of all the females’ mates were recorded. At the end of the breeding season, the females were collected and their broods were obtained in captivity. Randomly chosen subsets of 28 female's offspring were reared under standard conditions during the following spring. The spiderlings were reared for 27 days in the company of siblings under conditions that would encourage the expression of genetic variation in viability, and growth and survivorship were monitored. After controlling for maternal effects (i.e. female size and oviposition date) and variance in feeding opportunities among rearing groups, both mate number and mate size were positively and independently related to offspring growth rates and the size of offspring attained after emergence from the natal cocoon. The results support the hypotheses that the preference for large males yields viability benefits to offspring and that polyandry can augment the benefits of selective mating.  相似文献   

Females can adjust their reproductive effort in relation to their partner’s perceived fitness value. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), large males are typically preferred mating partners. However, females have been observed to reduce their reproductive output with exceptionally large males but it remains unknown whether it is due to sexual harassment or aggressive behavior to establish and maintain dominance. Here, we study the association between relative male size, sexual harassment and dominance behavior, female stress status (stress behaviors and whole-body cortisol concentration), and reproductive success during a 4 day spawning trial. We found female cortisol to correlate negatively with female body size and positively with female dominance behavior. However, male and female behavior as well as female cortisol level were not related to relative male size. Females mating with relatively large males produced more and most of their eggs during the first spawning day, while females with smaller males produced few eggs during the first day but then increased egg production. Despite females produced more eggs when mating with relatively larger males, their eggs had substantially lower fertilization rates compared to females mating with relatively smaller males. Hence, overall, the reproductive fitness was lowest when females mated with a relatively large male. These findings could help to explain the maintenance of male size variation under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Dryomyza anilis males gather around carcasses where females arrive to lay their eggs and mate with them before oviposition. Distribution and mating success of males of different size at these sites were studied. The position of males of different size on the carcass and in ten circular zones around it was recorded every 10 min during 2–3 h observation periods. The position of mating pairs, mating initiations and the number of take-overs in different zones were also recorded. It was expected that males would distribute themselves according to the ideal free distribution, i.e. their gain rate in different zones in terms of number of mating initiations would be equalized.Males in different zones reached a stable distribution after 30 min from the beginning of observations. Although males, females and mating pairs were distributed over several zones, most matings were started and take-overs took place on the carcass or in the first zone (C+Z1) because arriving females usually reached the centre before being intercepted by a male. Therefore, males in C+Z1 attained a much higher mating rate than males further away: the percentage of matings started there was significantly higher than the percentage of males present there at the same time. The frequency of male-male fights was highest in C+Z1 which is likely to prevent more males from entering the central area. In this respect the observed male distribution bears resemblance to the ideal despotic distribution.However, the distribution of males of different size did not differ, and there were many small males in C+Z1. Small males in C+Z1 had a higher likelihood of starting a mating than small males further away but suffered from frequent take-overs like small males in all zones. For example, small males started 38% of all matings but there were only 8% of them among males guarding an ovipositing female. The corresponding figures for large males were 35% and 77%, respectively, suggesting that kleptoparasitic interactions and not aggressions between males were the main reason for differences in mating success between males of different size. Since small males do not have any alternative mating sites where large males would be absent, being the second last male to mate with a female is the best small males can achieve. Large males may even benefit from the presence of small males in the centre: they intercept females which large males can then easily take over.  相似文献   

Abstract  The mating behavior of cat flea, Ctenocepholides felis (Bouche) was studied on an artificial feeding device. Male and female can mate repeatedly with same partner or Merent ones. In the situation of male: female ratio of 1 :5, each mating lasted an average of 6.6 min, with a mean interval between matings at 2.5 min., compared to 11. 1 min and 12.1 min respectively in a cell with 5 males and 1 female. As many as 48 mating events were observed for one male during an 8 h period. One female mated 27 times in 7 h with 5 males in the same cell. Newly emerged males and females can not mate before blood meal and about 24 h blood feeding is rewuired for successful mating. Newly emerged males can not mate with fed females (fed for 48 h), but fed males can mate with newly emerged females who are feeding the blood. Significantly more male contacts and male-male mating attempts were observed after the paper treated with female extract was introduced into the cell. The paper contacts and mating attempts were 16.75–32.25 times and 15.75–31.38 times, respectively, on average during a period of 20 min when different doses (FE) of extract were provided.  相似文献   

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