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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(6):346-350
A new campterophlebiid damsel-dragonfly, Honghea xui gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation of the Junggar Basin, NW China. This is the second Chinese Campterophlebiidae recorded for the earliest Jurassic, reflecting the quick diversification and radiation of the damsel-dragonflies during this period. Hnouveau onghea gen. nov. is closely related to Chinese genera Zygokaratawia and Ctenogampsophlebia, both from the Middle Jurassic of the Daohugou Biota; but differs from these genera in having a larger wing size, RP2 slightly distal of Sn, and a narrower area between IR2 and RP3/4.  相似文献   

A new lycopsid family Kladnostrobaceae is proposed, based on the type of sporangia, their attachment by a pedicel and the type of reticulate spores enclosed. All these characteristics distinguish the Kladnostrobaceae from all other lycopsid families. A new lycopsid genus Kladnostrobus nov. gen., consisting of two new species Kladnostrobus clealii nov. sp. and Kladnostrobus psendae nov. sp., is described from the Kladno-Rakovník Basin (Lower Bolsovian) of the central and western Carboniferous continental basins of the Czech Republic. Helically arranged distal laminae and pedicels are relatively primitive, suggesting that Kladnostrobus may represent a new, primitive type of lycopsid cone produced by some unknown, probably arborescent lycopsid parent plant. Spores of Kladnostrobus are about 90-100 μm in diameter, and possess reticulate sculpture. The proximal contact area of spores is laevigate. In situ spores can resemble some dispersed species of the genera Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy, Camptotriletes (Naumova) Potonié and Kremp, Reticulatisporites (Ibrahim) Neves and mainly Dictyotriletes (Naumova) Smith and Buttterworth.  相似文献   

A new comparative study of the two crania, LGPUT RZO-03 and LGPUT RZO-68 attributed to Palaeoreas zouavei Bouvrain, 1980 from the Late Miocene of Axios Valley, Greece reveals great morphological and metric differences between them, which require the exclusion of LGPUT RZO-68 from this species and even from Palaeoreas Gaudry, 1861. This decision leaves unsupported many diagnostic features of P. zouavei applied by previous authors and along with recent data from Bulgaria put in doubt the validity of P. zouavei as a whole. As a result, the genus Palaeoreas is re-defined as monotypic and the cranial morphometric changes of P. lindermayeri (Wagner, 1848) are discussed on a temporal basis. An updated taxonomic analysis confirms the presence of P. lindermayeri in the Late Turolian mammal assemblage of Dytiko-1 (Axios Valley, Greece) but rejects its occurrence at Dytiko-2. Instead, a re-examination of old cranial specimens and a study of new ones suggest the presence in both sites of Majoreas Kostopoulos, 2004 a Late Miocene taxon previously mostly known from the eastern banks of the Aegean Sea. A reassessment of the LGPUT RZO-68 cranium, and its comparison with Palaeoreas and Criotherium Forsyth-Major, 1891, suggests that it deserves taxonomic distinction at genus and species levels: Stryfnotherium exophthalmon.  相似文献   

Sinodima gen. nov., a new genus in the click-beetle tribe Dimini Candèze, 1863 from the mountains in Hunan, China, is described and figured here to accommodate S. jenisi sp. nov. The new genus is easily recognizable from all other Dimini by the following combination of characters: short antennomeres II and III; transverse pronotum with inconspicuous anterior angles; arcuate prosternal process; mesoventrite with straight frontal margin and oblique and straight sides; absent hind wings; and absent sclerites or spines in the bursa copulatrix. Additionally, we compare Sinodima gen. nov. with the morphologically similar genera, and discuss the systematic position of this genus within Dimini.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:91F22A25-E1F1-4EC4-B3EF-5D632B83FDE5  相似文献   

Two orthothecid hyoliths, Gracilitheca astronauta n. sp. and Nephrotheca sophia n. sp. are described from the “middle” Cambrian Buchava Formation of the Skryje-Tý?ovice Basin in the Czech Republic. The new forms are based on about thirty well-preserved external and internal moulds of both conchs and opercula. Gracilitheca astronauta n. sp. is classified under the family Gracilithecidae Sysoev, 1972 and may be distinguished by clearly triangular cross-section of the conch, whereas Nephrotheca sophia n. sp. is characterized by transversally elongated cardinal processes reaching the lateral opercular margin and is combined with the family Orthothecidae Sysoev, 1958 emended Malinky, 2009. Several specimens of G. astronauta show operculum preserved inside of the conch. Stratigraphic ranges and geographic distributions within the Skryje-Tý?ovice Basin are established for both taxa.  相似文献   

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