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Milk production, fertility, longevity and health records, were extracted from databases of two milk recording organisations in the United Kingdom for the first three lactations of the Holstein–Friesian breed. These included data related to health events (mastitis and lameness), voluntarily recorded on a proportion of farms. The data were analysed to calculate disease incidence levels and to estimate genetic parameters for health traits and their relationships with production and other functional traits. The resulting dataset consisted of 124 793 lactations from 75 137 animals of 1586 sires, recorded in 2434 herds. Incidence of health events increased with parity. The overall incidence of mastitis (MAS) and lameness (LAM), defined as binary traits, were 17% and 16%, respectively. Heritability estimates for MAS and LAM were 0.04 and 0.02, respectively, obtained from repeatability linear sire models. Heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness as count traits were slightly higher, 0.05 and 0.03, respectively. Genetic correlations were obtained by bivariate analyses of all pair-wise combinations between milk 305-day yield (MY), protein 305-day yield (PY), fat 305-day yield (FY), lactation average loge transformed lactation average somatic cell count (SCS), calving interval (CI), days to first service (DFS), non-return at 56 days (NR56), number of inseminations (NINS), mastitis (MAS), number of mastitis episodes (NMAS), lameness (LAM), number of lameness episodes (NLAM) and lifespan score (LS). As expected, MAS was correlated most strongly with SCS (0.69), which supports the use of SCS as an indicator trait for mastitis. Genetic correlations between MAS and yield and fertility traits were of similar magnitude ranging from 0.27 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between MAS with LAM and LS were 0.38 and −0.59, respectively. Not all genetic correlations between LAM and other traits were significant because of fewer numbers of lameness records. LAM had significant genetic correlations with MY (0.38), PY (0.28), CI (0.35), NINS (0.38) and LS (−0.53). The heritability estimates of mastitis and lameness were low; therefore, genetic gain through direct selection alone would be slow, yet still positive and cumulative. Direct selection against mastitis and lameness as additional traits should reduce incidence of both diseases, and simultaneously improve fertility and longevity. However, both health traits had antagonistic relationships with production traits, thus genetic gain in production would be slower.  相似文献   

Animal health issues are a problem on many dairy farms, and much is already known about clinical treatments and the behaviour of sick animals. Animal health issues can influence behaviour seen around the milking parlour, but less is known about the relationship between the number of previous medical treatments and the queuing to be milked, the ‘milking order’. Information was collected on five afternoon milking sessions, the individual cows’ age and the medical treatment history of each cow in a group of 100 cows. The question addressed was whether the age and the medical treatment history of each cow in the herd affected its milking order. In addition, milking order was tested day to day, and was found to be consistent. A significant positive correlation was found between medical treatment history and milking order rank, meaning that cows with a higher medical treatment history tended to enter the milking parlour later than cows with a lower medical treatment history. In contrast with this finding, it was found that older cows were more likely to enter the milking parlour early when compared to younger animals, a finding which is supported by previous studies. These somewhat contradictory effects of (a) age and (b) medical treatment history on milking order suggest that health disorders may have long-term measurable effects on the position of a cow in the milking order, even when the effect of age on milking order is accounted for.  相似文献   

A daily v.s. dose of cortisol administered to rats, induces certain metabolic modifications, which after using the "pair-fed" system have been proven to be at least partially independent of the ingesta decrease originated by cortisol. Both cortisol treatment and experimental proteic malnutrition, originate a decrease in corporal weight, a lessening of the gamma-globulins plasmatic fraction, and an elimination increase in total nitrogen, protein, creatine and creatinine in urine. Cortisol treatment determines an increase in blood red cells number, as well as an increase in total serum proteins, especially albumin, without provoking a lessening in the beta-globulins fraction, as happens in cases of proteic malnutrition.  相似文献   

The objective of this field study with an automatic milking system was to evaluate the effects of omitting the dry period on health and productivity during the subsequent lactation in dairy cows. A total of 98 German Simmental cows of six Southern German farms were assigned randomly to two experimental groups: The first group was dried-off 56 days before calving (D for dried-off, n=49), and the second group was milked continuously during this period until calving (CM for continuous milking, n=49). From the latter a third group emerged, including cows that dried-off themselves spontaneously (DS for dried-off spontaneously, n=14). Blood serum values of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and IGF-1 showed most pronounced fluctuations in D cows. Over the entire study period, the concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were markedly lower in the CM and DS groups. Furthermore, IGF-1 concentration was lowest for D cows and also decrease in back fat thickness was more pronounced. Mean concentration of milk protein was markedly higher in CM and DS cows (3.70% and 3.71%) compared with D cows (3.38%). Owing to the lower 305-day milk yield (−15.6%) and the lower total milk yield (−3.1%), the total amount of produced protein in the subsequent lactation was 2.5% (6.8 kg) lower, although the additional protein amount in CM cows from week −8 to calving was 35.7 kg. The greatest benefit resulted from positive effects on fertility and the lower incidence of diseases: CM cows had their first oestrus 1 week earlier compared with D cows, they also conceived earlier and showed a significantly lower risk of developing hypocalcaemia, ketosis and puerperal disorders. The present study showed that the costs of medical treatment and milk losses were twice as high in D cows, compared with CM and DS cows, and thus the reduced costs because of the more stable health outweighed the financial losses of milk yield by +18.49 € per cow and lactation.  相似文献   

Mice and rats are frequently subjected to long-term raising in studies of aging. These animals are usually given growing or breeding diets from a young age. This raising method causes diseases such as chronic nephropathy with proteinuria due to nutritional excess. Consequently, a long-term raising study on male F344/DuCrj rats using nine sorts of diets differing in crude protein (CP; 12, 28, 44%) and digestible energy (DE; 2.8, 3.7, 4.5 kcal/g) contents was carried out. It was found that feed consumption was regulated by DE, not digestible crude protein (DCP) intake. Body weight was controlled within low energy areas, and was not influenced by feed or DCP intake. The liver and kidney weight at 105 weeks of age increased in response to an increase in the level of CP in the diet. Chronic nephropathy was severe in rats fed high protein diets and moderate levels of protein with moderate to high energy diets. Fatty liver and bile duct hyperplasia were found in rats fed a high protein and high energy diet. Few pathological findings of kidney and liver were found in the low protein and low energy diet group. The reduction of disorders attributable to excess energy or inappropriate diet suggests that low protein and low energy diets are most suitable for long-term raising in this strain of rat.  相似文献   

Reproduction in dairy cattle is negatively affected by a negative energy balance (NEB), a combination of the deposition or mobilisation of fat and protein. The mode of action of NEB on fertility is not always clear, but the severity, length, and probably also the nature of the NEB may be involved. Extensive mobilisation of fat is expected to have detrimental effects on liver function due to the accumulation of non-esterified long chain fatty acids, impairing the detoxification of ammonia into urea. Protein evaluation systems nowadays use the concept of metabolisable protein (MP) and distinguish between rumen degradable protein (RDP) and rumen undegradable protein (RUP). Mobilisation of protein itself does not seem to have negative effects on reproduction. However, when protein is extensively degraded in the rumen or used as an energy source, metabolic residues like ammonia and urea will result. Such residues may exert metabolic effects that are often detrimental to reproduction and fertility. Ammonia is believed to play a role starting before ovulation, whereas urea mainly interferes negatively after fertilisation. But, urea is also believed to aggravate the severity of NEB and its effect on fertility by preventing or delaying the start of cyclicity. Besides, urea has been shown to lower the pH in the uterine fluid, giving rise to disturbances in follicular development and embryonic growth. It is recommended to limit the level of rumen degradable protein in the diet to 10% in the DM.  相似文献   

The experiment was carried out in autumn using 27 Limousine ewes during pregnancy and lactation. Some blood essential and non-essential free amino acids increase during late pregnany. Blood glucose, blood urea and blood free threonine, valine and glycine increase after parturition. Reducing the energy supply of the ration during late pregnancy results in a decrease of plasma insulin and blood free tyrosine, phenylalanine and alanine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to compare the oxytocic activity of plasma in oestrous cows during milking and for the first and second days following oestrous. Oxytocic activity of blood plasma was measured by the in vitro rat mammary cube assay of van Dongen and Hays. During oestrous, signigicantly lower amounts of oxytocin are released into the bloodstream of cows following milking as compared with the control values.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficient (ACD) of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy of white fish meal, blood meal, poultry by-product meal, hydrolysed feather meal, shrimp head meal, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, peanut meal, yellow maize, corn starch, cassava meal, sorghum, rice bran and cocoa pod meal were determined for Clarias isheriensis (47.5–51.2 g) fed to satiation with diets containing each test feedstuff in a 30:70 mixture with a reference diet, and chromium oxide as an indicator using the dissection technique. ADCprotein values ranged from 50 to 93 % while ADCenergy ranged from 42 to 98 %. Protein and energy content of animal or plant feed-stuffs were equally digestible to C. isheriensis.  相似文献   

Cows in severe negative energy balance after calving have reduced fertility, mediated by metabolic signals influencing the reproductive system. We hypothesised that transition diet could alter metabolic status after calving, and thus influence fertility. Multiparous dairy cows were assigned to four transition groups 6 weeks pre-calving and fed: (a) basal control diet (n = 10); (b) basal diet plus barley (STARCH, n = 10); (c) basal diet plus Soypass (high protein, HiPROT, n = 11); or (d) no transition management (NoTRANS, n = 9). All cows received the same lactational diet. Blood samples, body weights and condition scores (BCS) were collected weekly. Fertility parameters were monitored using milk progesterone profiles and were not affected by transition diet. Data from all cows were then combined and analysed according to the pattern of post-partum ovarian activity. Cows with low progesterone profiles had significantly lower insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and insulin concentrations accompanied by reduced dry matter intakes (DMIs), BCS and body weight. Cows with prolonged luteal activity (PLA) were older and tended to have lower IGF-I. Analysis based on the calving to conception interval revealed that cows which failed to conceive (9/40) also had reduced IGF-I, BCS and body weight. Fertility was, therefore, decreased in cows which were in poor metabolic status following calving. This was reflected in reduced circulating IGF-I concentrations and compromised both ovarian activity and conception. There was little effect of the transition diets on these parameters.  相似文献   

Studies used to evaluate effects of dietary intervention on fertility may be subject to confounding because modification of one nutritional input requires a change in at least one other input. Meta-analytical modeling allows examination of a main intervention for a series of studies, but also an examination of a series of related effects through use of meta-regression. Effects of dietary crude protein (CP) on fertility were examined using this approach. We obtained 21 studies containing 32 comparisons that had pregnancy or conception data and met the eligibility criteria for meta-analysis of randomized controlled experiments providing information on diets used. Publications that contained data on prospective, randomized controlled experiments examining effects of dietary CP, either concentrations or degradability, or effects of a specific feed ingredient intervention on fertility were identified. Details on dietary formulation and diet intake were extracted from the publications, as were measures of urea in blood or plasma. Estimated fixed and random effects relative risks showed that risk of conception was lower in cows fed higher CP or more degradable CP diets (fixed effect (Mantel-Haenszel Relative Risk) = 0.91 (95% CI 0.84-0.98); P=0.019). This effect was homogenous (I2 = 0) and not influenced by difference in blood urea N, duration of intervention, breed, parity, milk production or type of diet delivery. Significant associations among CP components of the diet and carbohydrate fractions supported the hypothesized potential for confounding, but only the amount of soluble CP eaten was a significant meta-regression covariate that reduced risk of conception. There was no evidence that the significant reduction in fiber or non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) fractions of the diets associated with increased concentration of CP, soluble CP or rumen degradable fractions or soyabean products content of the diet influenced conception rates. Results support findings of experiments showing that increased intake of soluble CP reduced conception rates, and provides strong evidence that increased concentrations of CP or increased degradability of CP, within the ranges evaluated in the studies contributing to this meta-analysis, reduce the risk of conception in lactating dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Nineteen feed mixtures, formulated with 16 single feeds, were used to study the influence of associative effects on utilizable crude protein (uCP) of feed mixtures. The in vitro incubation technique of Zhao and Lebzien (2000) was used for uCP determination. It was found that the in vitro-determined uCP (D-uCP) was significantly higher than the weighted uCP (W-uCP) of feed mixtures and there was a significant regressive relationship between W-uCP (x) [g x kg(-1)DM] and D-uCP (y) [g x kg(-1)DM]: y=(0.94 +/- 0.23)x + (18.78 +/- 35.58), r2=0.49, n=19, p < 0.01. It was concluded that there exist significant associative effects of feed mixtures on uCP. In formulation of rations for ruminants the D-uCP should be used instead of W-uCP. Because of the low regression coefficient of the equation above, the D-uCP cannot be estimated from the W-uCP.  相似文献   

Average dairy herd fertility is declining, with more serves per successful conception, extended calving intervals and increased culling due to failure to rebreed, all adding significant costs to milk production. Genetics, management and nutrition have all contributed to this decline in fertility; the paper focuses primarily on nutritional issues. The extent of body condition loss after calving and its possible impact on fertility is considered, with evidence that this phenomenon is common in many herds irrespective of average milk yields. Body tissue mobilisation after calving increases the flux of non-esterified fatty acids to the liver and pathways of fatty acid metabolism are considered. Particular attention is given to the effects of high plasma non-esterified fatty acid levels on fat accumulation in liver cells and possible impacts on nitrogen and glucose metabolism. Current nutritional practices with early lactation cows which aim to stimulate milk yield and peak milk production but have been shown to exacerbate body condition loss, are reviewed. The paper also considers cow health issues during the peri-parturient period and how these may affect milk yield and fertility. It is concluded that current feeding practices for dry cows, with the provision of increasing amounts of the lactation ration during the Close-up period to accustom the rumen microbes and offset the expected reduction in feed intake as pregnancy reaches term, have largely failed to overcome peri-parturient health problems, excessive body condition loss after calving or declining fertility. From an examination of the energy and protein requirements of dry cows, it is suggested that current Close-up feeding practices can lead to luxury intakes of nutrients that can increase fat deposition in the viscera and the liver. Under such conditions, metabolism of nutrients by the cow may be compromised. In contrast, limited feeding throughout the whole dry period has been shown to prevent many of the problems which can affect peri-parturient cows. A new feeding strategy based on a low energy: high fibre ration (9 MJ metabolisable energy and 130 g crude protein/kg ration dry matter) containing high levels of chopped straw and offered ad libitum as a total mixed ration throughout the whole dry period is proposed. The performance of 32 dairy farms in France where this strategy has been adopted for at least 3 years is provided, with positive outcomes now being obtained by UK and Irish dairy farmers. Independent US research evidence has confirmed some of these benefits whilst limited data on cow fertility is presented. It is hypothesised that luxury feeding during the dry period can cause cows to become insulin resistant leading to an increased risk of type II diabetes. Such cows are likely to have poorer fertility whilst possible mechanisms which increase the risk of peri-parturient health problems are discussed. Further research to understand the mechanisms of these effects is required and is currently ongoing. However the magnitude of the effects noted on an increasing number of dairy farms suggests this approach to feeding the dry cow is capable of bringing real benefits to many dairy herds in terms of fewer health problems, reduced body condition loss and improved fertility.  相似文献   

The influence of energy intake on protein metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

In many Asian and African countries, marriages between close biological relatives account for 20 to over 50 percent of all unions, with no evidence of any significant decline to popularity. Inbred unions are characterized by greater fertility, although they also result in higher levels of post-natal morbidity and mortality due to the expression of detrimental recessive genes inherited from a common ancestor(s). Improved public health regimes will lead to a continuing global reduction in the prevalence of infectious diseases, and as a result genetic disorders can be expected to account for an increasing proportion of ill-health. This burden will fail disproportionately on populations in which consanguinity is strongly favoured, including migrant communities from less developed countries now resident in Western Europe, North America and Oceania. However, the nature and degree of the biological problems associated with consanguinity remain to be clearly defined, and it is important that the social and economic benefits of marriage to a dose relative also are taken into consideration. Thus there is an urgent need for extended studies into the entire topic of human inbreeding, which to date has been the focus of little inter-disciplinary research.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to estimate the dynamics of blood physical and chemical parameters when blood specimens were processed by singlet oxygen in vitro. Our experiments were executed with whole blood specimens of healthy people (n = 10). Each specimen was divided into five separate portions of 5 mL. The first portion was a control (without any exposures). The second one was processed by an oxygen-ozone mixture (at ozone concentration of 500 μg/L, the third portion by oxygen, and the fourth and fifth ones were processed by a gas mixture with singlet oxygen (50 and 100% of generator power). In blood samples after processing we studied the activity of lactate dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase, erythrocyte and plasma levels of glucose and lactate, acid-base balance and the partial pressure of gases in blood. It was found out, that blood processing by singlet oxygen leads to optimization of energy, detoxication and antioxidant enzymes functioning with changes in plasma and erythrocyte level of glucose and lactate, normalization of blood gases level and acid-base balance. Our results show, that the effect of singlet oxygen on enzyme activity is more pronounced than exposure to an oxygen-ozone gas mixture.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of milking frequency and nutritional level on some aspects of animal health. Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 60) were assigned post calving to a factorial arrangement of treatments; twice a day (TAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level; once a day (OAD) milking on a high or low nutritional level. Milking characteristics were recorded daily. Blood samples to evaluate changes in the composition of the blood cells, milk leakage, udder tension and locomotory ability were measured on four occasions. Teat-ends were classified for hyperkeratosis (HK) monthly post partum. TAD had longer daily milking times (P < 0.001) compared with OAD cows. There was no effect of milking frequency or nutritional level on morning milking time, time to milk letdown or peak milk flow rate (P>0.05). High nutritional level cows had higher average flow-rates (P < 0.05) than low nutritional level cows. Neither milking frequency nor nutritional level affected HK (P>0.05). However, HK values were positively correlated with daily milking time for OAD cows for 6 months of lactation (P < 0.05). This correlation was significant (P < 0.01) for cows milked OAD on high nutrition during the peak lactation period. OAD cows had higher levels of milk leakage compared with TAD cows during the month of May (P < 0.01). Cows on high nutrition milked OAD showed higher udder firmness scores than cows milked once or twice daily at the low nutrition level in June and July (P < 0.05). OAD cows had higher locomotion scores compared with TAD cows (P < 0.001). Locomotion and udder firmness scores were significantly correlated for OAD in June (P < 0.05). OAD cows had lower blood lymphocyte counts, numerically higher counts of neutrophil and a higher monocyte count at peak lactation compared with TAD cows suggesting that OAD cows had altered immune responses. The increase in milk leakage, higher udder firmness and locomotion scores in conjunction with changes in blood cells, suggests that OAD milking may have caused some discomfort to the cows during peak lactation. A reduction in the concentrate input to OAD cows during this period could ameliorate this problem.  相似文献   

The major objective of this study was to evaluate, using survival analysis and multivariable regression models, the relationship of sire predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for production traits with their daughters' milk production, fat, and protein percentage (PROPCT), reproductive performance, postpartum disease incidence, and survivability. Data were collected from six large commercial dairy farms, and data analysis included 22,205 cows. Information regarding each sire's genetic evaluation included the following: PTA for fat yield (FAT), fat percentage (FATPCT), milk yield (MILK), protein yield, and PROPCT. Sire PTA was categorized into quartiles to facilitate data analysis and interpretation. Retained placenta, metritis, displaced abomasum, and clinical mastitis were diagnosed and treated by farm personnel. The overall average daily milk production, milk fat and PROPCT during the first 10 months of lactation was higher for the cows in the highest quartile of sire PTA, and cows in the lowest quartile had lower averages. There was no significant association between sire PTA for production traits and first test day fat to protein ratio or the incidence of postpartum disease. Sire PTA for MILK, FATPCT, and PROPCT were significantly associated with the hazard of pregnancy. The median days from calving to conception were 159, 155, 170, and 181 days for cows in the sire PTA for MILK quartiles 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Sire PTA for PROPCT and FATPCT were also significantly associated with the hazard of pregnancy. The median days from calving to conception were 175, 189, 152, and 145 for cows in the sire PTA for PROPCT groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Additionally, cows in the highest quartile for sire PTA for FATPCT had the lowest median days from calving to conception (144 days) and cows in lowest quartile had the highest median interval (177 days). Sire PTA for FAT was the only sire PTA significantly associated with the hazard of death/culling. When compared with the cows in the highest sire PTA for FAT quartile cows in the first, second, and third quartiles were at 1.51, 1.30, and 1.13 times higher hazard of death/culling, respectively. In conclusion, this study shows that high sire PTA for MILK and low sire PTA for milk fat and PROPCT are associated with decreased daughters' reproductive performance. Sire PTA for production traits were not found to be associated with postpartum disease incidence.  相似文献   

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