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Passive acoustic monitoring is a powerful tool for monitoring vocally active taxa. Automated signal recognition software reduces the expert time needed for recording analyses and allows researchers and managers to manage large acoustic datasets. The application of state-of-the-art techniques for automated identification, such as Convolutional Neural Networks, may be challenging for ecologists and managers without informatics or engineering expertise. Here, we evaluated the use of AudioMoth — a low-cost and open-source sound recorder — to monitor a threatened and patchily distributed species, the Eurasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris). Passive acoustic monitoring was carried out across 17 potential wetlands in north Spain. We also assessed the performance of BirdNET — an automated and freely available classifier able to identify over 3000 bird species — and Kaleidoscope Pro — a user-friendly recognition software — to detect the vocalizations and the presence of the target species. The percentage of presences and vocalizations of the Eurasian bittern automatically detected by BirdNET and Kaleidoscope Pro software was compared to manual annotations of 205 recordings. The species was effectively recorded up to distances of 801–900 m, with at least 50% of the vocalizations uttered within that distance being manually detected; this distance was reduced to 601–700 m when considering the analyses carried out using Kaleidoscope Pro. BirdNET detected the species in 59 of the 63 (93.7%) recordings with known presence of the species, while Kaleidoscope detected the bittern in 62 recordings (98.4%). At the vocalization level, BirdNet and Kaleidoscope Pro were able to detect between 76 and 78%, respectively, of the vocalizations detected by a human observer. Our study highlights the ability of AudioMoth for detecting the bittern at large distances, which increases the potential of that technique for monitoring the species at large spatial scales. According to our results, a single AudioMoth could be useful for monitoring the species' presence in wetlands of up to 150 ha. Our study proves the utility of passive acoustic monitoring, coupled with BirdNET or Kaleidoscope Pro, as an accurate, repeatable, and cost-efficient method for monitoring the Eurasian bittern at large spatial and temporal scales. Nonetheless, further research should evaluate the performance of BirdNET on a larger number of species, and under different recording conditions (e.g., more closed habitats), to improve our knowledge about BirdNET's ability to perform bird monitoring. Future studies should also aim to develop an adequate protocol to perform effective passive acoustic monitoring of the Eurasian bittern.  相似文献   

Rosenbaum PR 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):1017-1027
Summary In an observational or nonrandomized study of treatment effects, a sensitivity analysis indicates the magnitude of bias from unmeasured covariates that would need to be present to alter the conclusions of a naïve analysis that presumes adjustments for observed covariates suffice to remove all bias. The power of sensitivity analysis is the probability that it will reject a false hypothesis about treatment effects allowing for a departure from random assignment of a specified magnitude; in particular, if this specified magnitude is “no departure” then this is the same as the power of a randomization test in a randomized experiment. A new family of u‐statistics is proposed that includes Wilcoxon's signed rank statistic but also includes other statistics with substantially higher power when a sensitivity analysis is performed in an observational study. Wilcoxon's statistic has high power to detect small effects in large randomized experiments—that is, it often has good Pitman efficiency—but small effects are invariably sensitive to small unobserved biases. Members of this family of u‐statistics that emphasize medium to large effects can have substantially higher power in a sensitivity analysis. For example, in one situation with 250 pair differences that are Normal with expectation 1/2 and variance 1, the power of a sensitivity analysis that uses Wilcoxon's statistic is 0.08 while the power of another member of the family of u‐statistics is 0.66. The topic is examined by performing a sensitivity analysis in three observational studies, using an asymptotic measure called the design sensitivity, and by simulating power in finite samples. The three examples are drawn from epidemiology, clinical medicine, and genetic toxicology.  相似文献   


A conferma di quanto s'era supposto, la respirazione profonda è apparsa processo fisiologico assai comune. Infatti, essa è stata accerta'a — spesso anche in fasi e periodi diversi del ciclo vitale della stessa pianta — in tutte le specie saggiate (circa 40 riferibili a 16 famiglie).

Nelle piante legnose, il processo respiratorio profondo è risultato della stessa natura che nelle specie erbacee.

Il processo respiratorio profondo e il processo respiratorio superficiale ipogco acquistano valori e significati diversi sia dal lato fisiologico che agronomico secondo la forma coltivata (specie, individuo), le condizioni termiche e la natura del mezzo asfittico del suolo. Per tanto, vuoi nelle piante erbacee che legnose coltivate, è dato osservare una grande variabilità d'adattamento i cui estremi incidono sulle specie che normalmente vivono coll'apparato radicale in terreno idropico cioè in mezzo asfittico costituito da eccesso d'acqua immota e, per contro, sulle specie sensibili — fino a un certo punto — a qualunque comune mezzo asfittico del suolo e però provviste di sistema di radici relativamente superficiale. Le une e le altre sembrano collegate da forme le quali sviluppano comunemente il sistema radicale in terreno libero da acqua stagnante, profondo, permeabile ma tuttavia asfittico negli orizzonti meno superficial — e pi[ugrave] erti — del suolo per atmosfera inerte e per eccesso di CO2.

A entrambi i processi respiratori testè rilevati si allacciano interessanti problemi agronomici riguardanti tra l'altro i lavori di preparazione del suolo eccezionalmente energici particolarmente nei riflessi che questi possono avere a cagione d'una temporanea maggiore aereazione indotta.  相似文献   

Species detection using eDNA is revolutionizing global capacity to monitor biodiversity. However, the lack of regional, vouchered, genomic sequence information—especially sequence information that includes intraspecific variation—creates a bottleneck for management agencies wanting to harness the complete power of eDNA to monitor taxa and implement eDNA analyses. eDNA studies depend upon regional databases of mitogenomic sequence information to evaluate the effectiveness of such data to detect and identify taxa. We created the Oregon Biodiversity Genome Project to create a database of complete, nearly error-free mitogenomic sequences for all of Oregon's fishes. We have successfully assembled the complete mitogenomes of 313 specimens of freshwater, anadromous and estuarine fishes representing 24 families, 55 genera and 129 species and lineages. Comparative analyses of these sequences illustrate that many regions of the mitogenome are taxonomically informative, that the short (~150 bp) mitochondrial ‘barcode’ regions typically used for eDNA assays do not consistently diagnose for species and that complete single or multiple genes of the mitogenome are preferable for identifying Oregon's fishes. This project provides a blueprint for other researchers to follow as they build regional databases, illustrates the taxonomic value and limits of complete mitogenomic sequences and offers clues as to how current eDNA assays and environmental genomics methods of the future can best leverage this information.  相似文献   

Essentially, there is only one thing in life that interests us: the content of the mind. Millions of pages are filled with a portrayal of man's inner world; but the product of this labor—the laws of man's inner life—is still not in our possession.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of historical and current standard scientific practices for investigating the evolution of behavior. I argue that Evolutionary Psychology (EP) ignores its historical precedents—ethology and the instinct critics—and while acknowledging current perspectives—epigenetics and developmental systems theories—does so only in terms of lip service. In particular, EP does not investigate the dynamic interplay between genes and context that is essential for understanding the development and evolution of behavior. Thus, EP does not conform to the rigorous standards of biology or psychology, is often unresponsive to methodological critiques, skirts theoretical controversies, and is disconnected from a large body of scholarship on issues surrounding the evolution of behavior.  相似文献   

The types of Amazonian forests subject to inundation can be organized into seven categories which are herewith named and described. This classification is intended to set in order the confusion of terminology used in the past. The types are: (1)seasonal várzea—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of white-water rivers; (2)seasonal igapó—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of black- and clear-water rivers; (3) mangrove—forests flooded twice daily by salt-water tides; (4)tidal várzea—forest flooded twice daily by fresh water backed up from tides; (5)floodplain forest—on low lying ground flooded by irregular rainfall, generally in upper reaches of rivers; (6)permanent white- water swamp forest; (7)permanent igapó—black-water forest. The first five types are periodically inundated and the last two are permanently waterlogged. This terminology is closer to that used by lim nologists by restricting the use ofigapó to forest inundated by black and clear water.  相似文献   

One of the most notable phenomena in Soviet psychology since the late '70s has been discussion of the relationship between communication and activity [8,13,18,19,21,23]. I consider the following formulation of the problem, given here in its most general form, the most constructive: communication and activity are indubitably interrelated, but communication (in contrast to perception, memory, etc.) cannot, in any constructive way, be regarded as a type of activity and analyzed within the framework of Leont 'ev's paradigm (activity—action—operation; motive—goal—condition). This formulation of the problem is useful primarily in terms of the further progress of the theory of activity: it quite incisively focuses on one essential point that has been inadequately dealt with in the theory of activity, namely, an analysis of the social means and mechanisms of human activity, both collective and individual.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable events in Soviet psychology in the second half of the '70s was the discussion of the problem of the relationship between communication and activity [8,13,18,19,21,23]. We considered the following approach to the problem, which we here present in its most general form, the most constructive: Communication and activity are undoubtedly interrelated; but communication (in contrast to perception, memory, etc.) is not usefully regarded as simply one type of activity as it is analyzed in terms of Leont'ev's paradigm activity—action—operation, motive—goal—condition. This approach to the problem is useful primarily for advancing the theory of activity: it points sharply to the very essential point, insufficiently developed in the theory of activity, that analysis of social environments and the mechanisms of human activity is both collective and individual.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the study of morphological differentiation of flower buds in 10 varieties of apple-trees in relation to the growth of summer shoots and the earliness of varieties. The data obtained indicate that in the warmer regions of Slovakia the critical season of transformation of flower buds from vegetative to generative forms takes place, on the average, between July 20 and 29, and, at the same time, the variety Yellow Transparent deviates from the average four week-earlier. According to the author we can speak neither of a positive relation between the onset of morphological differentiation and the active growth of summer shoots nor of the relation between the earliness of the variety in maturing and the onset of differentiation. The morphological differentiation may be classified into five phases: 1st phase — the formation of the growing point primordium, 2nd phase — the formation of the cup on sepal primordia, 3rd phase — the formation of petal primordium, 4th phase — the formation of carpel and stamen primordia, 6th phase — completion of the differentiation through substantial enlargement of flower organs before the onset of winter.  相似文献   

In order to confirm the taxonomic position of environmental strains determined based on their biochemical, cultural, and morphological characteristics, molecular genetic identification was carried out. A number of problems in identification of microorganisms were shown to be associated with contamination of the cultures in the course of isolation. Advantages of a comprehensive approach—combining 16S rRNA gene sequencing with a set of biochemical, cultural, and morphological parameters—for identification of microorganisms isolated from environmental objects and clinical samples are discussed.  相似文献   

Resume. Une analyse des séquences morphogénétiques du CiliéTetrahymena paravorax montre que: (A) La durée de la stomatogenèse de bipartition des formes microstomes en croissance exponentielle représente 45% du temps de génération (stade 1—20%; stade 2—3%; stade 3—3%; stade 4—5%; stade 5—5%; stade 6—9%). (B) La division cytoplasmique est inégale (les proters sont plus petits que les opisthes); la différence de taille initiale entre les 2 produits de fission est probablement compensée par une prolongation de la période de croissance chez le proter. (C) Le pourcentage maximum de réorganisation buccale microstome → macrostome pour les populations asynchrones atteint –? 70% au bout de 210 mn d'incubation dans la stomatine. (D) L'initiation de la stomatogenèse de remplacement oral est connectée avec la fin d'une période dont la durée minimale est approximativement celle du stade 0 du cycle normal d'interdivision des microstomes; cette initiation est retardée chez les microstomes exposés à la stomatine dès le début du cycle cellulaire. (E) Le primordium buccal de division peut se résorber en présence de stomatine et la stomatogenèse antérieure peut commencer avant que ne soit terminée cette résorption; la résorption n'est plus induite au-delà d'un point du stade 5 qui précède le début de la constriction du corps cellulaire. SYNOPSIS. An analysis of the morphogenetic sequences in the ciliate Tetrahymena paravorax has shown that: (A) The duration of predivision stomatogenesis in exponentially growing microstomes occupies 45% of the generation time (stage 1—20%; stage 2—3%; stage 3—3%; stage 4—5%; stage 5—5%; stage 6—9%). (B) Cytoplasmic division is unequal (the proters are smaller than opisthes); the initial size difference between the 2 fission products is presumably compensated by an increased growth period in the proter. (C) The maximum percentage of microstome-to-macrostome oral reorganization is –? 70% in asynchronous populations, 210 min after suspension in stomatin. (D) Initiation of oral replacement stomatogenesis is associated with the end of a period which has a minimum duration nearly equal to that of stage 0 characteristic of the normal inter-division cycle of the microstomes; this initiation is delayed if exposure of microstomes to stomatin is begun at the onset of the cell cycle. (E) The buccal primordium formed in division can be resorbed in presence of stomatin and anterior stomatogenesis can start before the resorption is completed: this resorption is not induced if the cells have progressed beyond a point which precedes the beginning of the cell furrowing (stage 5).  相似文献   

Vinculin helps cells regulate and respond to mechanical forces. It is a scaffolding protein that tightly regulates its interactions with potential binding partners within adhesive structures—including focal adhesions that link the cell to the extracellular matrix and adherens junctions that link cells to each other—that physically connect the force-generating actin cytoskeleton (CSK) with the extracellular environment. This tight control of binding partner interaction—mediated by vinculin's autoinhibitory head–tail interaction—allows vinculin to rapidly interact and detach in response to changes in the dynamic forces applied through the cell. In doing so, vinculin modulates the structural composition of focal adhesions and the cell's ability to generate traction forces and adhesion strength. Recent evidence suggests that vinculin plays a similar role in regulating the fate and function of cell–cell junctions, further underscoring the importance of this protein. Using our lab's recent work as a starting point, this commentary explores several outstanding questions regarding the nature of vinculin activation and its function within focal adhesions and adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - The results of a research in progress at the Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata—University of Milan—on natural and anthropogenic elements'...  相似文献   

Meiotic behaviour in PMC's and in ESMC's, the development of pollen and embryo sacs, and the chromosome constitution of endosperm in this species (species E) define its unique genetic system. It is not a normal diploid, and is perhaps best defined as a quasidiploid. — The somatic complement consists of a diploid set of four chromosomes plus a haploid set of two nonhomologous chromosomes. The latter are inherited solely via the pollen. — In meiosis in both PMC'c and ESMC's the two univalents divide at the first division and lag at second anaphase. Pollen grains which do not receive them are non-functional. The embryo sacs are of the normal Asteroid type, and each is derived from a chalazal megaspore. They do not transmit the univalent chromosomes. Following fusion of the polar nuclei and double fertilisation, the endosperm has a constitution of 14 chromosomes. — The system parallels the maternal inheritance of univalents in Rosa canina and in Leucopogon juniperinus, except that the univalents do not constitute a full haploid set, and except that their transmission is paternal.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of 'sacred flutes' in male initiation ceremonies in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Most previous discussions of the flutes have regarded them as either reflections of existing social organizations or as symbolic of the dominance of men over women. The alternate approach presented here derives much from the communication theory of Barth — since initiations entail the transmission of knowledge. The notion of creative and stagnant sectors of the ritual carpus — also used by Barth — is also a useful one in interpreting the use of the flutes.  相似文献   

目的:检测儿童的情绪能力,从而检验儿童情绪能力发展是否正常以及协助训练孤独症儿童的情绪能力。方法:设计了一套便携式的儿童情绪感知系统,检测儿童的情绪能力。本系统由心率信号采集模块,PC机端的软件以及情绪能力数据分析组成。结果:研制的儿童情绪能力感知系统具有便携、可穿戴等优点,能够准确地检测儿童情绪能力。结论:儿童情绪能力感知系统能够检测使用者的情绪能力,也能够在儿童情绪能力干预训练中记录孤独症儿童的情绪变化,为干预训练提供帮助。  相似文献   

Harald Fuge 《Chromosoma》1974,45(3):245-260
Analysis of serial sections oriented parallel to the interpolar spindle axis revealed the following results. Autosomes in anaphase of the 1. meiotic division of Pales ferruginea spermatocytes are attached to the spindle in two ways: 1. The short kinetochoric microtubules (kMTs) diverge and interdigitate with the axial mass of non-kinetochoric microtubules (nkMTs). 2. The chromosome surface shows projections which protrude between the mass of nkMTs. — At the level of anaphase plates the concentration of nkMTs is higher than in the interzone. — The lagging sex chromosomes at the equator become stretched by anaphase forces during autosomal movement. — The mean length of nkMTs in metaphase is 3.0±0.1 μm, in anaphase 2.6±0.1 μm, possibly indicating an overall MT shortening in anaphase. Spindle architecture and aspects of anaphase forces are discussed.  相似文献   

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