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Doxorubicin cardiotoxicity: analysis of prevailing hypotheses   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
R D Olson  P S Mushlin 《FASEB journal》1990,4(13):3076-3086
Anthracyclines, such as doxorubicin and daunorubicin, are highly effective anticancer agents that produce a well-described but incompletely understood cardiac toxicity. According to a popular hypothesis, anthracyclines injure the heart by generating oxygen-centered free radicals. This free radical hypothesis, however, appears to be inconsistent with many observations, such as the frequent failure of anthracyclines at cardiotoxic doses to produce evidence of increased free radical generation. Other explanations of cardiotoxicity involve platelet-activating factor, prostaglandins, histamine, calcium, and C-13 hydroxy anthracycline metabolites. These C-13 hydroxy metabolites, on the basis of in vitro data, are considerably more potent than parent compounds as myocardial depressants and as inhibitors of ATPases of sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and sarcolemma. Further studies will be required to determine whether metabolites or the other putative injurious agents discussed contribute substantially to the cardiomyopathy of anthracycline therapy. The hypotheses presented in this paper should provide a useful framework for subsequent investigations into the mechanisms of anthracycline cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

In this review article an insight has been made into the strong possibility of the role of vasopressin (VP) in the control of circadian rhythms which has emerged from the results of the recent experiments in this field. A role for VP, which is identified in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of mammals, as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the central nervous system has been postulated for some time now. The presence of certain abnormalities in the circadian rhythms in VP deficient Brattleboro rats has suggested that this neuropeptide is a likely candidate in controlling circadian rhythms. The coexistence of VP and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), their interrelation with reference to their role in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical glucocorticoid axis not only in states of stress but also in day-to-day life has also been discussed. The possible role of dynorphin, which is co-synthesized with VP in the hypothalamic neurons, and other opioids in the control of circadian rhythms has been highlighted. The pineal, SCN relation in the process of development of circadian rhythms has also been reviewed briefly.  相似文献   

The distribution of kallikrein in dog kidneys was studied. It was found that kallikrein decreased from the outer to the inner cortex and that the medulla and papilla had very little kallikrein. The site of kallikrein secretion in the nephron was also studied by performing stop-flow techniques in dogs. The highest kallikrein concentration was found in the fractions with the lowest sodium concentration. It was concluded that kallikrein is secreted into the urine at the level of the distal tubule by either the tubule itself or by a structure related to this part of the nephron. In addition, the possible involvement of the kallikrein-kinin system in the regulation of sodium excretion was investigated. Circulating kinins and urinary kallikrein were increased in saline-loaded dogs. Urinary kallikrein also increased in dogs that have "escaped" the sodium-retaining effect of desoxycorticosterone. Experiments in rats with different sodium intake showed a relationship between water and sodium excretion and urinary kallikrein. These data suggest that the kallikrein-kinin system could participate in the regulation of the renal function at the level of the distal tubule or collecting duct.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy is a conserved catabolic process through which cellular excessive or dysfunctional proteins and organelles are transported to the lysosome for terminal degradation and recycling. Over the past few years increasing evidence has suggested that autophagy is not only a simple metabolite recycling mechanism, but also plays a critical role in the removal of intracellular pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. When autophagy engulfs intracellular pathogens, the pathway is called ‘xenophagy’ because it leads to the elimination of foreign microbes. Recent studies support the idea that xenophagy can be modulated by bacterial infection. Meanwhile, convincing evidence indicates that xenophagy may be involved in malignant transformation and cancer therapy. Xenophagy can suppress tumorigenesis, particularly during the early stages of tumor initiation. However, in established tumors, xenophagy may also function as a prosurvival pathway in response to microenvironment stresses including bacterial infection. Therefore, bacterial infection-related xenophagy may have an effect on tumor initiation and cancer treatment. However, the role and machinery of bacterial infection-related xenophagy in cancer remain elusive. Here we will discuss recent developments in our understanding of xenophagic mechanisms targeting bacteria, and how they contribute to tumor initiation and anticancer therapy. A better understanding of the role of xenophagy in bacterial infection and cancer will hopefully provide insight into the design of novel and effective therapies for cancer prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Methyleneaminoacetonitrile (MAAN) when reacted with other amino acids, gives rise to the formation of peptides in addition to the usual hydrolytic products. It acts as a precursor of glycine and also as a dehydration condensing agent. It has been shown that MAAN is easily formed by the reaction of hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and formaldehyde as well as by the reaction of formaldehyde with aminoacetonitrile, in dilute ammoniacal solution.  相似文献   

The formation of HCN, ammonium cyanide, alkylnitriles, aminoacetonitrile and its C- and N-methyl homologs was demonstrated earlier in a simulated Jovian atmosphere. The polymeric material resulting in these experiments was shown to give glycine, alanine, sarcosine, aspacrtic acid and some imino dibasic acids on acid hydrolysis suggesting thereby the participation of the monomeric nitriles into the formation of the polymeric product(s). Further examination of products resulting from semi-corona and arc discharge through a mixture of methane and ammonia has provided evidence for the formation of alkylaminopropionitriles as a complex mixture and also some pyridyl and pyrimidyl type heterocyclic compounds. A GC-MS examination of the heterocylics showed resemblance with those found in some carbonaceous chondrites. The significance of these findings in relation to chemical evolution will be discussed.  相似文献   

Paramyosin isolated from the adductor muscle of Mercenaria mercenaria was shown to contain three to five phosphate groups/molecule; the actual number varied depending on the method used to extract the protein. Dephosphorylation resulted in an increase in the solubility of paramyosin near pH 7 and near physiological ionic strength. This behavior suggests that the number of phosphates/molecule may be a determining factor in the aggregation behavior of paramyosin-containing myofilaments. Thus, phosphorylation may be involved in catch contractions since correlations have been demonstrated earlier between catch contraction of molluscan muscles and aggregation properties of paramyosin (Ruegg, J. C. (1971) Physiol. Rev. 51, 201-249).  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation has long been recognized as a risk factor for human cancer at various sites. Examples include Helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis for gastric cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) for colorectal cancer and chronic viral hepatitis for liver cancer. Here we review the role in carcinogenesis of nitrative damage to nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, which occurs during inflammation through the generation of reactive nitrogen species, such as peroxynitrite, nitroxyl, and nitrogen dioxide. Enhanced formation of 8-nitroguanine, representative of nitrative damage to nucleobases, has been detected in various inflammatory conditions. The biochemical nature of DNA damage mediated by reactive nitrogen species is discussed in relation to its possible involvement in mutations, genetic instability, and cell death. Better understanding of the mechanisms and role of such nitrative damage in chronic inflammation-associated human cancer is a necessary basis to develop new strategies for cancer prevention by modulating the process of inflammation.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (Dox) is an effective chemotherapeutic agent, however, its use is limited by cardiotoxicity. The mechanisms causing cardiotoxicity have not been clearly elucidated, but known to involve, at least in part, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. More recently, it has been suggested that dysregulation of autophagy may also play an important role in Dox-induced cardiotoxicity. Autophagy has dual functions. Under physiological conditions, autophagy is essential for optimal cellular function and survival by ridding the cell of damaged or unwanted proteins and organelles. Under pathological conditions, autophagy may be stimulated in order to protect the cell from stress stimuli or, alternatively, to contribute to cell death. Thus, appropriate regulation of autophagy can be a matter of life or death. The role of autophagy in Dox-induced cardiotoxicity has recently been explored, however, conflicting reports on the effects of Dox on autophagy and its role in cardiotoxicity exist. Most, but not all, of the studies conclude that Dox upregulates cardiac autophagy and contributes to the pathogenesis of Dox-induced toxicity. Dox may induce autophagy by suppressing the expression of GATA4 and/or S6K1, which may directly or indirectly regulate expression of essential autophagy genes such as Atg12, Atg5, Beclin1 and Bcl-2. Interestingly, the Dox-induced autophagic response may be species specific as Dox treatment has been shown to stimulate autophagy in rat models, but suppress autophagy in mouse models. Additional studies will elucidate this possibility.  相似文献   

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, has been recognized for almost 100 years as being essential for bone health. Vitamin D provides an adequate amount of calcium and phosphorus for the normal development and mineralization of a healthy skeleton. Vitamin D made in the skin or ingested in the diet, however, is biologically inactive and requires obligate hydroxylations first in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and then in the kidney to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D is the major circulating form of vitamin D that is the best indicator of vitamin D status. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is the biologically active form of vitamin D. This lipid-soluble hormone interacts with its specific nuclear receptor in the intestine and bone to regulate calcium metabolism. It is now recognized that the vitamin D receptor is also present in most tissues and cells in the body. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, by interacting with its receptor in non-calcemic tissues, is able to elicit a wide variety of biologic responses. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D regulates cellular growth and influences the modulation of the immune system. There is compelling epidemiologic observations that suggest that living at higher latitudes is associated with increased risk of many common deadly cancers. Both prospective and retrospective studies help support the concept that it is vitamin D deficiency that is the driving force for increased risk of common cancers in people living at higher latitudes. Most tissues and cells not only have a vitamin D receptor, but also have the ability to make 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. It has been suggested that increasing vitamin D intake or sun exposure increases circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which in turn, is metabolized to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) in prostate, colon, breast, etc. The local cellular production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D acts in an autocrine fashion to regulate cell growth and decrease the risk of the cells becoming malignant. Therefore, measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is important not only to monitor vitamin D status for bone health, but also for cancer prevention.  相似文献   

The receptor of coliphage omega8 is the O-specific mannan of Escherichia coli O8 in which the trisaccharide alpha-mannosyl-1,2-alpha-mannosyl-1,2-mannose is joined through alpha-mannosyl-1,3-linkages. Coliphage omega8 produces an endo-alpha-1,3-mannosidase which destroys the receptor, liberating a series of oligosaccharides (repeating trisaccharide and multiples). The enzyme is an integral part of the phage particles and also occurs in a free form in the lysates. Phage particles hydrolyze alpha-1,3-mannosyl linkages in the lipopolysaccharide, the polysaccharide (mannan) moiety, and higher oligosaccharides with an efficiency decreasing in this order. No transmannosylation could be detected. Phage particles also degrade the receptor mannan on whole bacteria, as determined with 14C-labeled E. coli O8. The values of Km and Vmax were determined with omega8 particles and free enzymes using native lipopolysaccharide and its triethylammonium salt. The latter, which was obtained after electrodialysis, has a micellar weight of 2.5 X 10(5), whereas the native lipopolysaccharide forms supermicelles with micellar weights of several millions. With coliphage omega8 as enzyme and supermicellar lipopolysaccharide as substrate Km=5 X 10(-8) M was obtained. This, together with the fact that omega8 attaches irreversibly to E. coli O8, was used in proposing a hypothesis for the possible role of the enzyme in the first steps of infection with coliphage omega8.  相似文献   

A number of investigations, mainly using in vitro and animal models, have demonstrated a wide range of possible mechanisms, by which probiotics may play a role in colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention. In this context, the most well studied probiotics are certain strains from the genera of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The reported anti-CRC mechanisms of probiotics encompass intraluminal, systemic, and direct effects on intestinal mucosa. Intraluminal effects detailed in this review include competitive exclusion of pathogenic intestinal flora, alteration of intestinal microflora enzyme activity, reduction of carcinogenic secondary bile acids, binding of carcinogens and mutagens, and increasing short chain fatty acids production. Reduction of DNA damage and suppression of aberrant crypt foci formation have been well demonstrated as direct anti-CRC effects of probiotics on intestinal mucosa. Existing evidence clearly support a multifaceted immunomodulatory role of probiotics in CRC, particularly its ability to modulate intestinal inflammation, a well known risk factor for CRC. The effectiveness of probiotics in CRC prevention is dependent on the strain of the microorganism, while viability may not be a prerequisite for certain probiotic anticancer mechanisms, as indicated by several studies. Emerging data suggest synbiotic as a more effective approach than either prebiotics or probiotics alone. More in vivo especially human studies are warranted to further elucidate and confirm the potential role of probiotics (viable and non-viable), prebiotics and synbiotics in CRC chemoprevention.  相似文献   

M Kubota  E Abe  T Shinki    T Suda 《The Biochemical journal》1981,194(1):103-109
The relationship between bone formation and vitamin D metabolism was investigated in the developing chick embryo. Fertilized White Leghorn eggs were incubated at 38 degrees C in an incubator for 21 days. The fresh weight and calcium content of embryonic tibiae began to increase at day 12 and attained maximal values at day 19. Bone alkaline phosphatase and citrate decarboxylation activities, both of which represent osteoblastic activity, also began to increase at days 10-12, reached maximal values at day 19 and sharply declined thereafter. Both bone enzyme activities were highly correlated with CA2+-binding activity in the chorioallantoic membrane measured by the Chelex 100 assay. When mesonephric and metanephric homogenates were incubated with 25-hydroxy[3H]cholecalciferol, a marked and concomitant increase occurred in the metanephric 1 alpha- and 24-hydroxylase activity after day 14. The production of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol attained a maximal value at day 19 and decreased thereafter, whereas that of 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol continued to increase until hatching. The production rate of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol by the metanephros coincided with the changes in Ca2+-binding activity in the chorioallantoic membrane and osteoblastic activity. Since both intestinal calcium absorption and bone mineral mobilization do not occur in embryonic life, these results support the idea that 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol may be involved directly in bone formation or induction of a calcium-binding protein in the chorioallantoic membrane.  相似文献   

Free radicals are all known to damage cell components. The present study was designed to evaluate the free radical generation in the testis and liver and also to determine the testicular and hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities with and without catechin administration in thyroxine induced male Sprague-Dawley rats. The experimental animals were divided into four groups, six on each division. L-thyroxine (T4) (0.3 mg/kg body weight) was administered to experimental groups for 15 days. Another group (CAT-T4) was administered with L-thyroxine (T4) in the dose as mentioned and catechin (100 mg/kg of body weight/day) simultaneously. Third group was administered only with catechin, and the remaining group was kept as control. Lipid peroxidation level (LPO) increased in L-thyroxine treated rats as compared to control, while LPO level was almost normal in L-thyroxine (T4) and catechin (CAT-T4) treated group. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activities were increased in L-thyroxine (T4) treated rats as compared to control, where as there were almost at normal level in L-thyroxine (T4) and catechin (CAT-T4) treated groups. The results show that, thyroxine administration develops oxidative stress; the organism defends it against the effects of oxidative stress by increasing SOD and catalase activities as a protective mechanism and catechin, being an antioxidant, normalizes lipid peroxidation in testis and liver including SOD and catalase activities.  相似文献   

Penicillium chrysogenum is an important producer of penicillin antibiotics. A key step in their biosynthesis is the oxidative cyclization of delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine (ACV) to isopenicillin N by the enzyme isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS). bis-ACV, the oxidized disulfide form of ACV is, however, not a substrate for IPNS. We report here the characterization of a broad-range disulfide reductase from P. chrysogenum that efficiently reduces bis-ACV to the thiol monomer. When coupled in vitro with IPNS, it converts bis-ACV to isopenicillin N and may therefore play a role in penicillin biosynthesis. The disulfide reductase consists of two protein components, a 72-kDa NADPH-dependent reductase, containing two identical subunits, and a 12-kDa general disulfide reductant. The latter reduces disulfide bonds in low-molecular-weight compounds and in proteins. The genes coding for the reductase system were cloned and sequenced. Both possess introns. A comparative analysis of their predicted amino acid sequences showed that the 12-kDa protein shares 26 to 60% sequence identity with thioredoxins and that the 36-kDa protein subunit shares 44 to 49% sequence identity with the two known bacterial thioredoxin reductases. In addition, the P. chrysogenum NADPH-dependent reductase is able to accept thioredoxin as a substrate. These results establish that the P. chrysogenum broad-range disulfide reductase is a member of the thioredoxin family of oxidoreductases. This is the first example of the cloning of a eucaryotic thioredoxin reductase gene.  相似文献   

Extracts of Acetobacter xylinum catalyze the phosphorylation of glycerol and dihydroxyacetone (DHA) by adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) to form, respectively, L-alpha-glycerophosphate and DHA phosphate. The ability to promote phosphorylation of glycerol and DHA was higher in glycerol-grown cells than in glucose- or succinate-grown cells. The activity of glycerol kinase in extracts is compatible with the overall rate of glycerol oxidation in vivo. The glycerol-DHA kinase has been purified 210-fold from extracts, and its molecular weight was determined to be 50,000 by gel filtration. The glycerol kinase to DHA kinase activity ratio remained essentially constant at 1.6 at all stages of purification. The optimal pH for both reactions was 8.4 to 9.2. Reaction rates with the purified enzyme were hyperbolic functions of glycerol, DHA, and ATP. The Km for glycerol is 0.5 mM and that for DHA is 5 mM; both are independent of the ATP concentration. The Km for ATP in both kinase reactions is 0.5 mM and is independent of glycerol and DHA concentrations. Glycerol and DHA are competitive substrates with Ki values equal to their respective Km values as substrates. D-Glyceraldehyde and l-Glyceraldehyde were not phosphorylated and did not inhibit the enzyme. Among the nucleotide triphosphates tested, only ATP was active as the phosphoryl group donor. Fructose diphosphate (FDP) inhibited both kinase activities competitively with respect to ATP (Ki= 0.02 mM) and noncompetitively with respect to glycerol and DHA. Adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) inhibited both enzymic activities competitively with respect to ATP (Ki (ADP) = 0.4 mM; Ki (AMP) =0.25 mM). A. xylinum cells with a high FDP content did not grow on glycerol. Depletion of cellular FDP by starvation enabled rapid growth on glycerol. It is concluded that a single enzyme from A. xylinum is responsible for the phosphorylation of both glycerol and DHA. This as well as the sensitivity of the enzyme to inhibition by FDP and AMP suggest that it has a regulatory role in glycerol metabolism.  相似文献   

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