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Cortical parenchyma cells penetrated and fed upon by Pratylenchus penetrans for 48 hours contained only cytoplasmic debris. Proximal cells had an increase in tannin deposits, degenerated mitochondria, increased numbers of ribosomes, and no internal membrane structure. Often the endodermis was collapsed and contained massive tannin deposits on the inner cell wall and cell lumen. Similar observations were made in the stele, except tannin deposits were not as prominent. Multivesicnlate structures were observed both in the endodermis and in the stele. 相似文献
G. D. Griffin 《Journal of nematology》1993,25(3):461-465
Four populations of Pratylenchus penetrans did not differ (P > 0.05) in their virulence or reproductive capability on Lahontan alfalfa. There was a negative relationship (r = -0 .7 9 ) between plant survival and nematode inocula densities at 26 ± 3 C in the greenhouse. All plants survived at an inoculum level (Pi) of 1 nematode/cm³ soil, whereas survival rates were 50 to 55% at 20 nematodes/cm³ soil. Alfalfa shoot and root weights were negatively correlated (r = - 0.87; P < 0.05) with nematode inoculum densities. Plant shoot weight reductions ranged from 13 % at Pi 1 nematode/cm³ soil to 69% for Pi 20 nematodes/cm³ soil, whereas root weight reductions ranged from 17% for Pi 1 nematode/cm³ soil to 75% for Pi 20 nematodes/cm³ soil. Maximum and minimum nematode reproduction (Pf/Pi) for the P. penetrans populations were 26.7 and 6.2 for Pi 1 and 20 nematodes/cm³ soil, respectively. There were negative correlations between nematode inoculum densities and plant survival (r = 0.84), and soil temperature and plant survival (r = -0 .7 8 ). Nematode reproduction was positively correlated to root weight (r = 0.89). 相似文献
T. C. Vrain 《Journal of nematology》1987,19(3):379-383
Verticillium albo-atrum wilt symptoms appeared faster and were significantly more severe in the presence of Ditylenchus dipsaci in Vernal, a wilt-susceptible cultivar, than in Marls Kabul, a wilt-resistant cultivar. Winter kill in the field was not affected by the nematode during the first winter, but 50% of plants were killed in the second winter. Forage yield from nematode-infected plants was significantly reduced the second year. Interaction with V. albo-atrum did not significantly reduce forage yields below that of D. dipsaci alone. Pratylenchus penetrans did not increase the severity of wilt symptoms in the presence of V. albo-atrum, nor did it affect forage yield in the greenhouse. It did, however, reduce alfalfa yields in presence of V. albo-atrum under field conditions. D. dipsaci and P. penetrans reproduced faster in Vernal than in Maris Kabul when the fungus was present. 相似文献
Th. H. A. Olthof 《Journal of nematology》1982,14(1):100-105
Penetration by all migratory life stages of Pratylenchus penetrans into roots of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Du Puits) was inversely proportional to tissue age. Two-day-old tissue in the root hair zone was penetrated twice as much as 10- or 20-day-old sections of the tap root. Age-related differences were also observed in branch roots; these differences were not affected by increasing the number of nematodes from 1 to 10 per inoculation site, nor by increasing the length of the incubation period from 6 to 96 h. Age-related differences were only significant with 3-wk-old plants, not with 2- and 1-wk-old seedlings. Nematodes entered roots at temperatures from 5 to 30 C with maximum entry at 20 C and minimum at 5 C. At all temperatures, except 5 C, penetration into young tissue (2 days) was significantly greater than into medium (10 days) and old (20 days) tissue. Females and third-stage larvae entered the different-aged root sections 122% and 83%, respectively, more than did males. Two-day-old seedlings of the alfalfa cultivars Vernal, Saranac, and Du Puits were penetrated equally by P. penetrans. Perhaps the inverse relationship between penetration and age of root is, in part, responsible for the increasing resistance or tolerance of plants to nematode damage as they grow older. 相似文献
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Saranac) seed were soaked for 20 minutes in water, acetone, or methanol containing 10 or 50 mg/ml of oxamyl (Vydate L) or coated with a 2% aqueous cellulose solution containing the same amounts of oxamyl. Seed were analyzed for oxamyl by HPLC immediately after treatment and after 9 and 26 months of storage. Oxamyl content of alfalfa seed did not decline after 26 months of storage. The effects of seed treatment on growth of alfalfa and nematode control were examined using soils infested with Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Germination was not affected by any of the seed treatments. Twenty-one days after sowing, the total growth of alfalfa seedlings grown from seed treated with 50 mg/ml of oxamyl in P. penetrans-infested soils had increased by 62% over controls. Nodulation per pot increased by as much as 267%, and the densities of P. penetrans per gram of root were reduced by as much as 73% compared to control plants. In M. hapla-infested soils, increases in plant growth (32%) and nodulation (71%) also occurred with oxamyl-treated seeds. Root gall reduction (86%) was also substantial due to oxamyl seed treatment. 相似文献
B. B. Westerdahl D. Giraud S. Etter L. J. Riddle J. D. Radewald C. A. Anderson J. Darso 《Journal of nematology》2003,35(4):443-449
Alternatives to reduce or modify nematicide use for minimizing groundwater contamination in Easter lily were explored in two field trials. Alternatives to standard 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) plus phorate injection in the first trial were: (i) delaying applications until after winter rains, (ii) removing roots from planting stock, (iii) 1,3-D via drip irrigation, (iv) a chitin-urea soil amendment, (v) the registered insecticide disulfoton, and (vi) several nonregistered nematicides. None of the treatments equaled the standard treatment. In the second trial, potential benefits of adding a systemic nematicide, oxamyl (OX), or a fungicide, metalaxyl (MX), to the standard treatment were explored. Preplant drip irrigation applications of metam sodium (MS), sodium tetrathiocarbonate (ST), and emulsifiable 1,3-D were evaluated alone and in combination with postplant applications of OX and MX. Several drip-applied treatments performed comparably to the standard treatment with respect to the most important criteria of crop quality, bulb circumference. Metam-sodium in combination with either or both OX and MX, 1,3-D plus OX and MX, and ST plus OX and MX provided the best results. 相似文献
Roots of seedlings of red clover and alfalfa growing on 10⁻¹ Hoagland and Arnon solution agar were inoculated with various combinations of Meloidogyne incognita and Pratylenchus penetrans. Egg-laying by P. penetrans decreased as the number of nematodes, the ratio of entrant M. incognita to entrant P. penetrans, and the priority of invasion of roots by M. incognita increased. Embryogeny and hatching of eggs of P. penetrans, and development of larvae of M. incognita, were not affected. In red clover, the greatest red uction occurred when there were 65 entrant nematodes, the ratio of M. incognita:P. penetrans was 4:1 and M. incognita was inoculated four days prior to P. penetrans. In alfalfa, the less-favorable host for both nematodes, the greatest reduction occurred when there were 45 entrant nematodes, the ratio of M. incognita:P. penetrans was 2:1, and M. incognita was inoculated 4 days prior to P. penetrans. 相似文献
Population densities of Pratylenchus penetrans and the biomass of fine roots of raspberry at depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm were determined every 2 weeks for 2 years. The vertical distribution of P. penetrans varied from season to season, but the seasonal changes were not similar for the 2 years. In most seasons, the greatest population density was in the 5 to 10-cm-depth interval. Population densities of P. penetrans were not consistently correlated with the vertical distribution of raspberry roots in any season. 相似文献
A hypothesis that cherry rootstocks grown under optimal nutrient conditions are affected less by Pratylenchus penetrans infection than those grown under deficient nutrient conditions was tested by growing four Prunus avium L. rootstocks (''Mazzard'', ''Mahaleb'', ''GI148-1'', and ''GI148-8'') at a soil pH of 7.0 over a period of 3 months under greenhouse conditions (25 ñ 2 °C). Pratylenchus penetrans was inoculated at 0 (control) or 1,500 nematodes per g fresh root weight for a total of 3,600, 4,200, 10,500, and 11,400 per plant on Mazzard, Mahaleb, GI148-1, and GI148-8, respectively, with nutrients (commercial fertilizer) applied once at planting (deficient) or twice weekly (optimal). The experiment was repeated once. The optimum nutrient regime resulted in greater soil nutrient levels and plant growth; higher leaf concentrations of N, P, K, and Mg; and fewer P. penetrans than under the deficient nutrient regime. The addition of fertilizer either may increase nematode mortality in the soil or improve rootstock resistance to nematode infection. Increases in Ca in leaves from the nutrient-deficient and nematode-infected treatments suggested the plants were physiologically stressed. The Pf/Pi ratios indicated that these rootstocks may have had resistance to P. penetrans; however, because of the dominant role of nutrition in the experimental design, the question of resistance could not be properly addressed. 相似文献
We evaluated the ability of the nematode-pathogenic fungus Hirsutella rhossiliensis (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) to reduce root penetration and population increase of Pratylenchus penetrans on potato. Experiments were conducted at 24 C in a growth chamber. When nematodes were placed on the soil surface 8 cm from a 14-day-old potato cutting, the fungus decreased the number entering roots by 25%. To determine the effect of the fungus on population increase after the nematodes entered roots, we transplanted potato cuttings infected with P. penetrans into Hirsutella-infested and uninfested soil. After 60 days, the total number of nematodes (roots and soil) was 20 ± 4% lower in Hirsutella-infested than in uninfested soil. 相似文献
Oxamyl was applied to both uncut and cut potato tubers in aqueous solutions of 1,000 to 32,000 μg/ml. Emergence in greenhouse pots was delayed for a day or more after soaking cut tuber pieces in 32,000 μg/ml. After 10 weeks plant growth was greater, relative to the control, when Pratylenchus penetrans-infested soil was planted with cut tubers soaked for 20 minutes in 32,000 μg/ml. Soaking for 40 minutes did not increase nematode control nor affect plant growth. Oxamyl applied to tubers at 1,000 μg/ml reduced the numbers of P. penetrans in the soil by 20% and in the roots by 35%; at 32,000 μg/ml, the numbers of P. penetrans in the soil were reduced by 73-86% and in the roots by 86-97%. The numbers of P. penetrans did not increase in the roots of plants developed from cut tubers soaked in 32,000 μg/ml over a period of 10 weeks, but numbers of lesion nematodes had begun to increase in the soil. 相似文献
Potato clones from five different breeding populations were evaluated for their relative resistance and susceptibility to Pratylenchus penetrans. Resistance and susceptibility were distinguished by an index of susceptibility (SI) calculated from the numbers of P. penetrans (including eggs) per g of root of individual clones in relation to that of a susceptible control at 30 or 70 days after inoculation. Evaluations were carried out using 7.5-cm clay pots in a growth chamber at 24 C with 15-hour day length. In the initial evaluation, 70 days after inoculation, the SI of individual clones ranged from 0.01 to 0.75. Clones that supported the least P. penetrans were from a breeding population derived from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena that was originally selected for its resistance to the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida. In succeeding tests, these clones had a significantly low SI than did susceptible controls or cultivars that were previously reported to possess resistance to P. penetrans, except cv. Hudson. Resistance to P. penetrans from the Pallida-resistant breeding population was incorporated into potato germplasm better adapted to North American growing conditions. 相似文献
Competition on soybean between Heterodera glycines (race 3) and Meloidogyne incognita or H. glycines and Pratylenchus penetrans were investigated in greenhouse experiments. Each pair of nematode species was mixed in 3-ml suspensions at ratios of 1,000:0, 750:250, 500:500, 250:750, and 0:1,000 second-stage juveniles or mixed stages for P. penetrans. Nematodes from a whole root system were counted and infection rates standardized per 1,000 nematodes (per replication) prior to testing the null hypothesis through a lack-of-fit F-test. Although the effect of increasing H. glycines proportions on the infection rate of M. incognita was generally adverse, the rate deviated significantly from a trend of linear decline at the 75% H. glycines level in one of two experiments. All lack-of-fit F-tests for the H. glycines and P. penetrans mix were significant, indicating that infection rates for both nematodes varied considerably across inocula. The infection rate of H. glycines decreased with increasing P. penetrans proportions. The rate of P. penetrans infection increased with increasing H. glycines proportions up to the 50% level, but declined at the 75% level. Competition had no effect on nematode development. The general adverse relationships between M. incognita and H. glycines and those between P. penetrans and H. glycines showed a linear trend. The relationship between H. glycines and P. penetrans indicates that the former may be competitive when present at higher proportions than the latter. In this study we have evaluated nematode competition under controlled conditions and provide results that can form a basis for understanding the physical and physiological trends of multiple nematode interactions. Methods critical to data analyses also are outlined. 相似文献
As part of our research program assessing the use of liquid hog manure (LHM) to control root-lesion nematodes, Pratylenchus penetrans, a series of acute toxicity tests was conducted to: (i) examine if non-ionized forms of volatile fatty acids (VFA) are responsible for the mortality of P. penetrans exposed to LHM under acidic conditions, (ii) determine if Caenorhabditis elegans can be a surrogate for P. penetrans in screening tests by comparing their sensitivities to VFA, (iii) characterize the nematicidal effect of individual VFA in LHM to P. penetrans, and (iv) determine whether individual VFA in LHM interact in their toxicity to P. penetrans. LHM was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) more toxic to P. penetrans than a mixture of its main VFA components at concentrations of 5% and 10% (vol. VFA or LHM /vol. in buffer). Pratylenchus penetrans was more sensitive to acetic acid than C. elegans, whereas the sensitivity of both nematode species to n-caproic acid was similar. Individual VFA vary in their lethality to P. penetrans. n-valeric acid was the most toxic (LC95= 6.8 mM), while isobutyric acid was the least toxic (LC95 = 45.7 mM). Individual VFA did not interact in their toxicity to P. penetrans, and their effects were considered additive. VFA account for the majority of the lethal effect of LHM to P. penetrans under acidic conditions. Caenorhabditis elegans cannot be used as a surrogate to P. penetrans in toxicity studies using VFA. The efficacy of LHM to control P. penetrans can be evaluated by assessing its VFA content prior to application, and this evaluation is facilitated by the fact that the interaction of individual VFA appears to be simply additive. 相似文献
J. A. LaMondia 《Journal of nematology》1999,31(4):418-423
Microplot and small field-plot experiments were conducted to determine the effects of Pratylenchus penetrans on strawberry yield over several seasons and to evaluate the effects of nematode control on strawberry vigor and yield. Pratylenchus penetrans alone or in combination with the black root rot pathogen, Rhizoctonia fragariae, reduced strawberry yield in microplots over time. There were no differences in effects on yield among R. fragariae anastomosis groups A, G, or I. The interaction of the two pathogens appeared to be additive rather than synergistic. In field plots infested with P. penetrans alone, plant vigor and yield were increased by the application of carbofuran and fenamiphos nematicides. Nematode control was transitory, as P. penetrans populations were initially suppressed but were not different in samples taken 10 months after treatment. These data highlight the error in associating causality between plant damage and nematode populations based on a correlation of root disease with nematode diagnostic assays from severely diseased plants. These findings may help to explain how nematode numbers can sometimes be higher in healthy plants than in severely diseased plants that lack sufficient roots to maintain nematode populations. Because nematode populations from up to a year before harvest are better correlated with berry yield, preplant nematode diagnostic assays taken a year in advance of harvest may be superior in predicting damage to perennial strawberry yield. 相似文献
G. D. Griffin 《Journal of nematology》1991,23(4):380-385
A Pratylenchus neglectus population from lltah (UT3) was more virulent to Lahontan alfalfa than other P. neglectus populations from Utah (UT1, UT2) and Wyoming (WY). All alfalfa plants survived at 24 ± 3 C when inoculated with WY, UT1, or UT2 at initial populations (Pi) of 500, 1,000, and 5,000 nematodes per plant. At Pi 10,000 with WY, UT1, or UT2, plant mortality was 15, 15, and 20%, respectively; at Pi 5,000 and 10,000 with UT3, plant mortality was 10 and 40%. The WY, UT1, and UT2 populations reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 10,000 only, and UT3 reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root growth at Pi 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000. At Pi 5,000, shoot dry weights were reduced by 10-23% by WY, 14-29% by UT1, 12-25% by UT2, and 20-48% by UT3 at 15-30 C. The UT3 population reduced (P ≤ 0.05) root dry weight at 20-30 C at Pi 1,000 and 5,000. The WY, UT1, and UT-2 populations did not reduce (P ≥ 0.05) root growth at any temperature or Pi. The UT3 nematode reproductive indices were greater than those of the other nematode populations at all Pi and increased with temperature. 相似文献
The fungus Gnomonia comari, causal agent of strawberry leaf blotch, was inoculated at the crown of young axenized strawberry plants growing in sterilized sand. Only the roots were colonized, and the infection was symptomless. When the fungus colonized the roots in the presence of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans, the plants were extremely stunted and their root system was necrotic. Fungal conidiospores were found attached to the cuticle of nematodes extracted from soil inoculated with the two pathogens. These findings indicate that P. penetrans could transport conidiospores through soil. 相似文献
Effect of Application Timing of Oxamyl in Nonbearing Raspberry for Pratylenchus penetrans Management
In 2012, the Washington raspberry (Rubus idaeus) industry received a special local needs (SLN) 24(c) label to apply Vydate L® (active ingredient oxamyl) to nonbearing raspberry for the management of Pratylenchus penetrans. This is a new use pattern of this nematicide for raspberry growers; therefore, research was conducted to identify the optimum spring application timing of oxamyl for the suppression of P. penetrans. Three on-farm trials in each of 2012 and 2013 were established in Washington in newly planted raspberry trials on a range of varieties. Oxamyl was applied twice in April (2013 only), May, and June, and these treatments were compared to each other as well as a nontreated control. Population densities of P. penetrans were determined in the fall and spring postoxamyl applications for at least 1.5 years. Plant vigor was also evaluated in the trials. Combined results from 2012 and 2013 trials indicated that application timing in the spring was not critical. Oxamyl application reduced root P. penetrans population densities in all six trials. Reductions in P. penetrans population densities in roots of oxamyl-treated plants, regardless of application timing, ranged from 62% to 99% of densities in nontreated controls. Phytotoxicity to newly planted raspberry was never observed in any of the trials. A nonbearing application of oxamyl is an important addition to current control methods used to manage P. penetrans in raspberry in Washington. 相似文献
J. A. Lamindia 《Journal of nematology》2002,34(4):409-413
Strawberry roots were sampled through the year to determine the populations and distribution of Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla. Three strawberry root types were sampled—structural roots; feeder roots without secondary tissues; and suberized, black perennial roots. Both lesion and root-knot nematodes primarily infected feeder roots from structural roots or healthy perennial roots. Few nematodes were recovered from soil, diseased roots, or suberized roots. Lesion nematode recovery was correlated with healthy roots. In both 1997 and 1998, P. penetrans populations peaked about day 150 (end of May) and then declined. The decline in numbers corresponded to changes in total strawberry root weight and root type distribution. The loss of nematode habitat resulted from loss of roots due to disease and the transition from structural to suberized perennial roots. Meloidogyne hapla juvenile recovery peaked around 170 days (mid June) in 1997 and at 85, 147, 229, and 308 days (late March, late May, mid August, and early November, respectively) in 1998. There appear to be at least four generations per year of M. hapla in Connecticut. Diagnostic samples from an established strawberry bed may be most reliable and useful when they include feeder roots taken in late May. 相似文献
The histological changes in pea roots axenically infected by Pratylenchus penetrans were studied and described. Roots of pea seedlings growing aseptically on the surface of nutrient agar slants were inoculated with axenized nematodes. Six hours after inoculation most of the nematodes introduced were probing the root epidermis, but none had completely entered though a few were observed with their anterior section already in the root. Most of the nematodes penetrated the roots after 12 hr inoculation. From 18 to 24 hr after inoculation the nematodes were mostly in the mid-cortex. Invaded regions of the cortex often showed orange discoloration. As incubation continued, the number of nematodes in these roots increased, and feeding and reproductive activities extended deeper into the cortex. These activities resulted in extensive breakdown of the cortex. No nematodes were observed within the stele of infected roots; however, the endodermis of infected roots stained dark-brown. Gravid female nematodes probed the root endodermis and some endodermal cells appeared to collapse after prolonged probing by the nematode. All stages in the life cycle of the nematode were observed in infected roots; the female to male ratio inside the root was about 5:1. 相似文献