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Cross-sucking may be a problem in group-housed calves fed by automatic teat feeders. In the present study, the behaviour of calves fed by a conventional feeder with an open feeding stall (n=15 calves) was compared with the behaviour of calves fed by a modified feeder, closing in the rear after the calf has entered (n=14 calves). It was found that the calves fed by the feeder with the closed stall stayed longer in the feeding stall following milk ingestion (P<0.001), showed longer bouts of non-nutritive sucking directed to the teat after milk ingestion (P<0.005) and performed less cross-sucking in the first 15min after milk ingestion (P<0.001) than calves fed by the feeder with the open stall. The design of the feeder had, however, no significant influence on the incidence of cross-sucking performed without close temporal association with milk ingestion. As the modification in the feeding stall reduces cross-sucking and is not costly, it should be feasible to introduce it in practice.  相似文献   

Since survival of the young mammals depends on sucking success, it is assumed that sucking motivation must be strong and that sucking deprivation would result in frustration which could have a negative impact on their welfare. This concern as well as that regarding cross-sucking between calves and intersucking between older animals has stimulated research on the motivation of calves for non-nutritive sucking. Non-nutritive sucking is elicited by the ingestion of milk, and the lactose concentration in milk, rather than that of fat or protein, is the main factor stimulating non-nutritive sucking. Every time a calf drinks milk, it is stimulated to suck and deprivation of sucking may interfere with digestive processes or satiety. To understand the behaviour of the calf during nutritive sucking, we examined the effects of milk flow on calves' sucking and butting an artificial feeding system. Slowing and stopping the flow rate stimulates butting and can lengthen the duration of sucking for the meal. It also stimulates the calf to switch teats when a second teat is available. These findings are well correlated to our observations of the calf suckling a cow in experimental manipulations. The duration of the meal is not correlated with milk intake, but it is influenced by milk availability and how hungry the calf is. Furthermore, calves will butt more often when there is less milk available in the dam's udder, presumably because milk flow is slower. Consequently, it is the occurrence of butting rather than sucking duration that would be a good indicator of milk intake when the calf is suckling the dam. Finally, we recommend a combination of slower milk flow and hay feeding and the provision of a non-nutritive artificial teat to reduce the occurrence of cross-sucking following a milk meal.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if access to an artificial teat compared to an open bucket would decrease abnormal sucking in calves held in pairs, and if the calves would perform less abnormal sucking if they spent more time drinking or sucking the milk. In total 16 calves of Swedish Red and White cattle housed in pairs were used. The eight groups were given 2.5l of whole milk per calf, twice a day in one of the following treatments; bucket with fast flow (control), bucket with slow flow, floating nipple with fast flow and floating nipple with slow flow. All groups were subjected to the four different treatments in a random balanced order. Two buckets were connected with a rubber pipe in order to control the milk flow. In the fast treatments, the milk poured from one bucket to the other in 40s, and in the slow treatments the milk poured from one bucket to the other in 10min. Each group had the treatment for 6 days before behavioural observations were done on day 7. These were made by instantaneous recordings at 20s intervals for 30min, starting when the calves received their milk in the morning and afternoon. The number of recordings of abnormal sucking was lower than the control in all treatments (P<0.001). The lowest recording of abnormal sucking was found, when the calves had both a floating nipple and a slow flow. Sucking on other objects in the pen had the highest number of recordings, when they had a nipple and a fast flow (P<0.01), but the sucking on the empty nipple represented 95% of this category. The calves tended to lick and bite more on the bucket, the nipple and pen fittings in the two treatments with fast flow (P<0.1) than in the slow treatment with nipple. It is concluded that both the performance of sucking and the time taken to ingest milk are important in order to decrease abnormal sucking between calves.  相似文献   

The milk intake and sucking behaviour of Dutch and Holstein-Friesian crossbred calves fed milk replacer ad libitum by either the bucket method (n=8) or an artificial teat (n=6) were compared. The animals were observed for 3 weeks from the age of 2 weeks, penned individually and all provided with a “dummy” (artificial) teat near the milk source within the pen.

The teat-fed calves ingested significantly more milk than the bucket-fed calves (11.9 vs. 8.0 kg/day; P<0.05), and this intake took much longer (44.2 vs. 17.7 min/day; P<0.05). In both treatment groups, milk intake was organized in “meals”. The meal criterion, separating the withinmeal and between-meal non-feeding intervals, was set at 5 min. Frequency of meals and daily total meal duration did not differ significantly. Meals occurred rather randomly throughout a 24-h period.

On average, the dummy teat was used for 13 min per day by bucket-fed calves, but for only 1 min by teat-fed calves (P<0.05). Sucking of the dummy teat was largely clustered within the meal periods.

It is concluded that in the young calf a need for sucking exists independently of milk satiation. However, the level of satiation depends on whether the calf drinks or sucks the milk. Nutritive sucking is clearly more reinforcing than non-nutritive sucking.  相似文献   

Abnormal oral behaviour in calves is believed to develop when there is a lack of opportunity to suckle, but it is unclear whether they need access to their mother or whether a multiple suckling system will suffice to prevent this behaviour from developing. Therefore, in an initial experiment, the behaviour of calves that suckled their own mother or another cow for 15 min each day was compared with that of artificially-reared calves which had no opportunity to suckle. Cows were mechanically milked twice daily, after which they were either suckled for 15 min by their own calf (Treatment O), multiple-suckled by other cows’ calves (Treatment M) or unsuckled with the calves reared artificially (Treatment A). There was no difference between treatments in the time that calves spent consuming milk, but suckling calves consumed less milk than those reared artificially. The incidence of cross-sucking was greater for non-suckled calves (1.8 events/day) than for suckled calves (0.33 events/day, with no difference between Treatments O and M). In the non-suckled calves, cross-sucking was at its highest frequency 1 min after the end of milk-feeding and declined linearly to negligible levels at 13 min post-milk feeding. For calves in this treatment, most (78%) of the cross-sucking was directed at the inguinal region (especially the udder or scrotum) of other calves, whereas in suckled calves, most of the cross-sucking (81%) was directed at the mouths of other calves. The time spent consuming concentrate feed, and the amount of feed consumed, was greater for artificially-reared calves, compared with suckled calves, suggesting that food ingestion could provide a replacement stimulus. In a second experiment, it was observed that before weaning, the time that calves spent licking their pen or bucket increased until feed intake was sufficient to stimulate significant amounts of rumination, after which it declined. It is concluded that cross-sucking of artificially-reared calves, which is derived from motivation to perform sucking in the inguinal region, can be prevented by providing short access to either the calf’s dam or another cow for two short periods each day. In the absence of a cow to suckle, the calves lick inanimate objects repeatedly until the consumption of solid food stimulates rumination.  相似文献   

Optimizing feeding regimens in early life to maximize lifelong growth and production are essential in the dairy industry. This study investigated the effects of milk replacer (MR) feeding frequency and calf age on behavior, and glucose and insulin kinetics of pre- and post-weaned calves fed an elevated plane of MR. Ten male Holstein calves (42.2±1.8 kg BW) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to two treatments offering 8 l MR/day (150 g/l) in two (2×; meal size 4 l) or four (4×; meal size 2 l) feedings via an automated calf feeder. Milk replacer was gradually stepped down by 1 l/day during week 8, with calves being weaned by week 9. Water and pelleted calf starter were offered ad libitum. Individual intake of MR and starter were recorded daily, and BW was recorded weekly. The number of visits to the MR feeder (rewarded and unrewarded), and behaviors such as lying, cross-sucking, non-nutritive sucking and occupancy time in the feeder were recorded for individual calves from weeks 4 to 10. Jugular catheters were placed on weeks 4, 7 and 10 to facilitate postprandial blood sampling and glucose tolerance tests. Statistical analysis was conducted using the PROC GLIMMIX procedure (SAS) for behavioral observations, and the MIXED procedure (SAS) with repeated measures for BW, intake, plasma glucose and plasma insulin data. Final BW, starter and MR intake did not differ between treatments. There were no differences in observed calf behaviors; with the exception that 2× calves visited the MR feeder more often (P<0.01; total: unrewarded and rewarded). Baseline concentrations (mmol/l) and the maximum change in glucose (delta, mmol/l) were greater and lower (P=0.02) in 4×compared to 2×calves, respectively. Postprandial insulin AUC240 tended (P=0.09) to be greater in 2×calves, compared to 4×calves at week 7. Similarly, Tmax (min), AUC240 and delta values (µU/ml) were greater (P⩽0.05) in 2×calves, compared to 4×calves. No treatment ×age interactions were observed for glucose or insulin during the glucose tolerance tests. Therefore, we conclude that feeding an elevated plane of MR (8 l/day) at a lower frequency (2× v. 4×) increased feeder visits, but not other hunger-related behaviors, and while postprandial glucose and insulin parameters varied, insulin sensitivity remained stable in Holstein dairy calves up to 10 weeks of age in calves consuming similar levels of calf starter.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of automated milk dispensers on dairy farms facilitates ad libitum milk supply but weaning calves from high milk allowances is challenging. This study evaluated effects of gradual weaning methods on starter intake, growth, selected blood parameters and weaning distress in ad libitum fed dairy calves during weaning and early post-weaning periods. Thirty-six male Holstein (n = 30) or crossbred (n = 6) calves were individually housed from days 2 to 14 of age and had ad libitum access to milk replacer (MR) from teat buckets. From days 15 to 84 of age, calves were grouped and had ad libitum access to MR, starter, straw and water from automated feeders. At day 35, calves were blocked (age and breed), and randomly assigned to a weaning method: (1) linear fixed (LIN), MR supply was stepped down to 6 l/day on day 36, and linearly reduced between days 36 to 63 from 6 to 2 l/day. (2) Step-down (STEP), MR supply was stepped down to 6 l/day from days 36 to 48, 4 l/day from days 49 to 56 and 2 l/day from days 57 to 63. (3) Dynamic (DYN), at day 36, MR supply was reduced for each individual calf to 75% of the average voluntary consumption between day 29 and 35, then maintained for 9 days, reduced to 50% for 10 days, and to 25% for 9 days. The DYN calves received more MR during weaning than LIN calves, whereas STEP calves had intermediate MR intake. Starter intake was not affected by weaning method. The DYN calves (1.33±0.08 kg/day) grew faster and were heavier than STEP calves (1.10±0.08 kg/day) during post-weaning period, whereas no difference was observed between LIN calves (1.23±0.08 kg/day) and others. At days 70 and 84, concentrations of β-hydroxybutyric acid were higher in LIN calves compared to STEP and DYN calves. Hair cortisol concentrations were not affected by weaning method. During the gradual weaning process CP intake seemed to recovered earlier than metabolizable energy (ME) intake in all treatments, suggesting that ME rather than CP could be the first limiting factor for growth during weaning. These results highlight the post-weaning benefits of DYN and LIN weaning methods when compared with more abrupt step-down strategies.  相似文献   

Dairy calves may benefit from extending the duration of feeding transition milk (TM; the subsequent two to six milkings after parturition) to enhance performance and health during early life. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of replacing pasteurized waste milk (non-saleable milk containing antibiotic and/or drug residues) with pasteurized TM for 3 weeks on the growth performance and health of dairy calves. A total of 84 healthy newborn female Holstein calves were blocked by birth order and assigned randomly to 4 treatment groups with partial replacement of pasteurized waste milk by TM (second milkings after parturition) at 0 (0 l/day TM + 6 l/day milk), 0.5 (0.5 l/day TM + 5.5 l/day milk), 1 (1 l/day TM + 5 l/day milk), or 2 l (2 l/day TM + 4 l/day milk) for a 21-day period. From day 22 onward, all calves were fed individually with 6 l/day pasteurized waste milk. Calves were weaned on day 60 and monitored until day 90 of the study. Liquid feed DM intake (DMI) was increased with increasing levels of TM (P = 0.001). Starter feed DMI and total DMI (liquid feed DMI + starter feed DMI) were not affected by the treatment effect. Calves were fed 2 l/day TM gained more BW compared with those in the control group during the postweaning and overall periods. The average daily gain tended (P = 0.06) to be higher in calves fed 2 l/day TM compared with calves fed 0 (+ 65 g/day), 0.5 (+ 53 g/day), or 1 (+ 76 g/day) l/day TM during the preweaning period. Daily weight gain was also higher in calves fed 2 l/day TM compared with calves in the control group during the postweaning (+ 137 g/day; P = 0.04) and overall (+ 89 g/day; P < 0.01) periods, respectively. Calves fed 2 l/day TM had a higher feed efficiency compared with calves in the control group during all studied periods. The calves fed TM2 had a lower chance of having diarrhea compared with other treatment groups. Duration but not the frequency of diarrhea was lower in calves fed TM2 vs TM0 (2.5 vs 4.2 days; P = 0.03). In general, partial replacement of waste milk with TM (2 l/day) may be recommended to feed dairy calves at an early stage of life to support a higher growth rate and health benefits.  相似文献   

Milk intake data were collected at 4-week intervals from Belgian Blue double-muscled (BBDM) suckling calves up to 16 weeks after birth. Dams were fed at 100%, 90%, 80% or 70% of their energy requirements during a 140-day indoor period from the beginning of December to the end of April (restriction period). Afterwards, cows were turned out on pasture (re-alimentation period). Mean calving date was 3 June, but parturitions were spread over the year. A total of 521 individual milk intake (IMI) and 120 average daily milk intake (AMI, mean of IMI) records were collected. IMI amounted to 7.0 ± 2.2 kg/day and was not affected by energy level during the indoor period. It was highest in May and June. Calves born out of multiparous cows consumed more milk than those born out of primiparous cows (7.4 v. 6.2 kg per day; P = 0.001), while intake tended to be higher in female than in male calves (7.2 v. 6.8 kg per day; P = 0.044). Dam age at calving, parity, post partum weight and body condition were only weakly correlated with AMI (r 0.4). AMI was correlated with pre-weaning live-weight gain (r = 0.807) and weaning weight (r = 0.783), with a slightly higher correlation for male than for female calves. Daily live-weight gain during the suckling period was increased by 79 g per extra kg daily milk intake on average, and by 86 and 74 g, respectively, for male and female calves. Calf solid feed intake was low, even when milk intake was low. In terms of net energy intake, milk was only substituted for solid feed by 29%. It can be concluded from the calf intake that milk production in BBDM cows is comparable with that of cows from other beef breeds, but its variation is considerable, complicating an accurate estimation.  相似文献   

In milk-fed calves, quantification of the milk that enters the rumen (ruminal milk volume, RMV) because of malfunction of the esophageal groove reflex may explain part of the variability observed between animals in their growth performance. The RMV can directly be quantified by adding an indigestible marker to the diet and measuring its recovery in the rumen at slaughter, but this technique cannot be repeated in time in the same animal. The objective of the study was to evaluate three indirect methods for estimating RMV. The first method was based on the assumption that ruminal drinking delays and limits acetaminophen appearance in blood after ingestion of milk supplemented with acetaminophen. The second method was based on a negative linear relationship between RMV and urinary recovery of non-metabolizable monosaccharides (3-O-methylglucose, l-rhamnose and d-xylose) added to the milk, owing to rumen fermentation. In the third method, RMV was calculated as the difference between total milk intake and the increase in abomasal milk volume (AMV) at feeding, measured through ultrasonography shortly after feeding, or estimated from the mathematical extrapolation of AMV to feeding time, based on consecutive measurements. These methods were tested in three experiments where calves (n=22, 10 and 13) were bucket fed or partly tube fed (i.e. by inserting milk replacer into the rumen via a tube to mimic ruminal drinking). In addition, Co-EDTA and Cr-EDTA were used as an indigestible marker in one experiment to trace bucket-fed or tube-fed milk replacer, respectively, to measure RMV. The relationship between AMV measured by ultrasonography and AMV measured at slaughter improved when kinetics of AMV were extrapolated to the time of slaughter by mathematical modeling (error between predicted and measured AMV equaled 0.49 l). With this technique, RMV during feeding averaged 17% and 24% of intake in Experiments 2 and 3, respectively. Plasma acetaminophen kinetics and recovery of non-metabolizable monosaccharides in urine were partly associated with ruminal drinking, but these techniques are not considered quantitatively accurate without further information of rumen degradation and absorption. The recovery of indigestible marker measured at slaughter gave a quantitative estimate of RMV (2% in Experiment 3), but improper measurement of emptying rate of fluid from the rumen may lead to underestimation. In conclusion, measuring changes in AMV by ultrasonography, in response to milk feeding, was the most promising indirect method to quantify RMV in veal calves.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of feeding equal quantities of milk during the pre-weaning period through different milk-feeding regimes on calf growth, starter intake and selected blood metabolites. In experiment 1, 44 female Holstein calves (3 days of age and 39.2±4.3 kg of BW) were distributed randomly to one of two milk-feeding programs (1 calf per pen; 22 pens per treatment group): (1) consistent (CONS; 6 l/day of milk from days 3 to 60 and 3 l/day from days 61 to 65 of age) or (2) step-up/step-down (SUSD; 5 l/day of milk from days 3 to 15, 8 l/day from days 16 to 40, 6 l/day from days 41 to 50, 3 l/day from days 51 to 60 and then 2 l/day from days 61 to 65 of age). No difference between treatments was observed in starter consumption, feed efficiency, hip width and heart girth. However, pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG) tended to be greater in CONS than in SUSD calves (0.78 v. 0.70 kg/day; P=0.07). Blood β-hydroxybutyrate at day 45 (pre-weaning) was lower in SUSD than in CONS calves (0.14 v. 0.21±0.013 mmol/l). In experiment 2, 26 male Holstein calves (3 days of age and 39.4±4.1 kg of BW) were assigned at random to one of two milk-feeding protocols (1 calf per pen; 13 pens per treatment group): (1) consistent (CONS; (7 l/day of milk from days 3 to 40 and 2 l/day from days 41 to 45 of age) or (2) step-down (STD; 8 l/day of milk from days 3 to 30, 4 l/day from days 31 to 40 and 2 l/day from days 41 to 45 of age). The milk-feeding program had no effect on the performance measurements, with the exception that ADG (days 15 to 30), starter intake (days 30 to 45) and heart girth (day 45) were greater in STD than in CONS calves. In conclusion, it appears that if the total amount of milk intake is held constant over the course of milk-feeding period, the method of milk feeding would have negligible effects on calf performance.  相似文献   

Current trends in the beef industry focus on selecting production traits with the purpose of maximizing calf weaning weight; however, such traits may ultimately decrease overall post-weaning productivity. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of actual milk yield in mature beef cows on their offspring’s dry matter intake (DMI), BW, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI) during a ~75-day backgrounding feeding trial. A period of 24-h milk production was measured with a modified weigh-suckle-weigh technique using a milking machine. After milking, cows were retrospectively classified as one of three milk yield groups: Lower (6.57±1.21 kg), Moderate (9.02±0.60 kg) or Higher (11.97±1.46 kg). Calves from Moderate and Higher milk yielding dams had greater (P<0.01) BW from day 0 until day 75 at the end of the backgrounding feeding phase; however, day 75 BW were not different (P=0.36) between Lower and Moderate calves. Body weight gain was greater (P=0.05) for Lower and Moderate calves from the day 0 BW to day 35 BW compared with Higher calves. Overall DMI was lower (P=0.03) in offspring from Lower and Moderate cows compared with their Higher milking counterparts. With the decreased DMI, FCR was lower (P=0.03) from day 0 to day 35 in calves from Lower and Moderate milk yielding dams. In addition, overall FCR was lower (P=0.02) in calves from Lower and Moderate milk yielding dams compared with calves from Higher milk yielding dams. However, calving of Lower milk yielding dams had an increased (P=0.04) efficiency from a negative RFI value compared with calves from Moderate and Higher milking dams. Results from this study suggest that increased milk production in beef cows decreases feed efficiency during a 75-day post-weaning, backgrounding period of progeny.  相似文献   

Experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of weaning age on growth performance, feed intake, feed efficiency (FE) and blood metabolites in Nili-Ravi male buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves. Twenty-four male buffalo calves were assigned to one of the three treatment groups: continuous milk feeding (CMF), limited milk feeding (LMF) and early weaning (EW), and weaned off milk at 12, 10 and 8 weeks of age, respectively. For the first 3 days after birth, calves in all three treatments were fed colostrum, and were then moved to individual milk feeding at 10% of BW for the next 6 weeks. Thereafter, the provision of milk to the CMF group was gradually tapered to zero through week 12, using week 6 intakes as a base. The LMF calves were fed milk at 7.5%, 5.0%, 3.5%, and 1.5% of BW during weeks 7 to 10, respectively. Lastly, calves in the EW group were fed milk at 5.0% and 2.5% of BW at weeks 7 and 8, respectively. Calf starter (CS) feed was also provided ad libitum from weeks 2 to 12 and individual intakes were recorded on a daily basis. Blood samples were taken from weeks 6 to 12, on a weekly basis; whereas, the BW, heart girth, withers height and hip width were measured at the start of experiment and later on a weekly basis. Weight gain, average daily gain, and body measurements were the same across all three groups. Milk intake was lower (P < 0.05), whereas CS intake was greater (P < 0.05) in the EW calves compared with the other treatment groups. Dry matter intake was greater (P < 0.05) in the EW and LMF calves compared with the CMF calves. The FE was greater (P < 0.05) in the CMF calves compared with the LMF and EW treatment groups. Blood glucose concentration was similar among the treatments; however, blood urea nitrogen was greater (P < 0.05) in the EW calves compared with the CMF and LMF groups. Plasma concentration of non-esterified fatty acids was higher (P < 0.05) in the EW calves compared with the CMF calves. In light of these results, it is evident that buffalo calves can be successfully weaned as early as 8 weeks of age without negatively affecting their growth performance.  相似文献   

To maximise the return on capital invested in the milking parlour, the largest number of cows should be milked gently and completely in the shortest possible time. Bimodal milk flow and overmilking negatively influence the efficiency of the milk removal process and teat health. This observational study had the objective of investigating the prevalence of bimodal milk flow and overmilking, determining which individual and farm-related variables are associated with these occurrences, and determining the association of overmilking and bimodal milk flow with milk yield and with short- and long-term teat changes. Twenty-one farms were visited once during the study period, wherein the milking routine was timed, the teat condition was assessed, and dynamic evaluation of the milking vacuum was performed. A total of 606 vacuum graphic records were obtained, with an average of 29 ± 3 records per farm, in order to indirectly evaluate the milk flow and thus determine the occurrence of bimodal milking and overmilking time. The average percentage of bimodality per farm was 41.7%. The median overmilking time was 59 seconds, and on average, 78.3% of the cows in a herd were overmilked longer than 30 seconds. An association was found at cow level between the occurrence of bimodal milk flow and days in milk, the total stimulation time, parity, and the preparation lag time. The increase in the mean total stimulation time and the number of passes during preparation were associated with a decrease in the proportion of bimodality in the herd. Parity, reattachment of the milking unit and milking in manual mode were associated with an increase in overmilking time of an individual cow. The presence of a clogged air bleed hole in the claw and the reduction of the cluster removal milk flow threshold were associated with an increase in the herd’s median overmilking time. The average milk flow decreased with the increase in overmilking time and with the occurrence of bimodal milk flow. An association was also found between the occurrence of bimodal milk flow and decreased milk yield. A mean of 78.4% of cows per farm had short-term teat changes in at least one teat, and 33.6% of evaluated cows per farm displayed at least one teat with hyperkeratosis. These results emphasise the association of bimodality and overmilking on milking efficiency and reinforce the importance of the milkers’ actions and the functioning of the milking parlour for its prevention.  相似文献   

The recent trend in the dairy industry towards elevated planes of milk feeding of young calves requires reconsideration of calf milk replacer (CMR) formulations. The fat:lactose ratio in CMR is typically lower than that of whole milk and effects of increasing fat inclusion at the expense of lactose in CMR on nutrient metabolism and gut function of rearing calves are not sufficiently understood. Therefore, the current study aimed to determine the effect of increasing replacement of lactose by fat on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and metabolism, and glucose/insulin sensitivity. A total of 40 male calves (1.7 ± 0.10 days of age, 46.7 ± 0.76 kg BW) were blocked based on arrival date and randomly assigned to one of four treatments containing differing levels of fat and lactose (18F: 18.8% and 47.6%; 22F: 22.3% and 42.8%; 26F: 26.0% and 38.6%; 30F: 30.1% and 33.8%, fat and lactose DM, respectively). Calves were individually housed for the duration of the 11 week study and received their CMR (150 g/L) twice a day (0700 and 1600 h) from a teat bucket. The CMR feeding schedule consisted of 6 L/d from d 2 to 14, 7 L/d from d 15 to 56, and then 4 L/d during gradual weaning from 56 to 63 days. Pelleted starter, chopped straw, and water were available ad libitum throughout the study. Measurements included feed intake, growth, nutrient digestibility, fecal composition, and blood parameters. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was performed between 28 and 32 days of age. By design, metabolizable energy intake from CMR increased linearly with fat level, but this did not result in a difference in BW, ADG, or concentrate intake. Fecal composition remained unaffected by treatment except for higher fat content in 22F compared to 26F. Also, plasma non-esterified fatty acids and total bilirubin differences were limited to 22F having the highest values whereas 26F had the lowest values. Regarding the GTT, total area under the curve (AUC) for glucose was highest in 22F and 26F and lowest in 18F whereas the AUC between 30 and 60 min for glucose was highest in 26F and lowest in 18F and 22F. Overall, altering the lactose:fat ratio in CMR did not affect growth performance while having minor effects on nutrient metabolism, but future investigation should focus on physiological consequences and effects in adult life to understand biological impact of fat and lactose levels in CMR for rearing calves.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the effect of age at introduction (6 days versus 14 days) and number of milk-portions (four milk-portions a day versus eight milk-portions a day) on integration into a large dynamic group of calves, fed by a computer controlled milk feeder. Forty calves (Jerseys, Danish Reds and Holstein-Friesians) were allocated equally to the two age conditions (A6 and A14) and the two milk-portion conditions (M4 and M8) in a 2 × 2 factorial design, according to sex and breed, and introduced into the group in pairs (one A6 and one A14). The behaviour of each pair was video-recorded for 8 h from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 1 h from 1 to 2 a.m. on days 1, 8 and 15 after introduction.

The A6 calves performed less licking and sniffing, changed posture more often and tended to spend less time standing than the A14 calves. In the course of time A14 calves lay closer to other calves than the A6 calves.

The M8 calves, which were offered the same daily milk allowance as the M4 calves stood for a longer time in the milk feeding station and the M8 calves also sucked the empty teat more frequently than the M4 calves. Finally, the M8 calves initiated more social play behaviour than the M4 calves. On the first day after introduction the M8 calves lay closer to other calves than the M4 calves.

The results suggest that calves integrate better into a group when introduced at the age of 14 days than at the age of 6 days. Distributing the milk into eight daily milk-portions, rather than four milk-portions in the first period after introduction, increased milk feeder occupancy, which may facilitate learning to use the milk feeder. Surprisingly, more milk-portions also stimulated play behaviour, which is suggested to be due to M8 calves encountering more calves in the milk feeder area.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results from an experiment with four Jersey calves. The calves were bucket fed with a milk substitute consisting of skimmed milk powder and marine fat, supplemented with soyalecithin, vitamins and minerals. They were slaughtered after 30–32 days of such feeding. During the last two weeks a balance study was performed with a collection period of two days. Hay was given ad lib., and during the balance period the calves took between 125–150 g per day. The lipid content of the hay was considered negligible. Total content and distribution of fatty acids in the milk substitute are shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the age of the calves, the total intake of lipid and fatty acids, and the total amount of fatty acids excreted with feces. The apparent digestibility coefficients of the individual fatty acids in each trial are shown in Table 3.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to study different methodological aspects of quantifying CO2 production and milk intake of suckling piglets using the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique. In total, 37 piglets were enriched intraperitoneally with DLW to study equilibration time of 18O (n = 3), to validate the estimation of milk intake and CO2 production (n = 10) of piglets fed milk replacer and to quantify milk intake and CO2 production of piglets nursed ordinarily by sows (n = 24). Enrichment of 18O in expired air was analysed without any sample preparation, whereas enrichment of 18O in serum was analysed after a minimum step of sample preparation, which included pipetting of the sample, blowing gaseous CO2 into the vial for 3 s and equilibrating for 24 h. The 18O enrichment of CO2 in expired air was constant within 30-40 min of intraperitoneal injection, suggesting that DLW was equilibrated within the body water by that time. For piglets fed milk replacer, the estimation of the daily CO2 production by the DLW method (64.0 ± 2.7 l CO2/day) was in agreement with that obtained by respiration trials (64.7 ± 1.8 l CO2/day). Furthermore, the intake of milk replacer (891 ± 63 g/day) determined by deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution was similar in magnitude to that found by weighing the milk disappearance (910 ± 58 g/day). The milk intake of piglets fed milk replacer was comparable with that of sucking piglets, but sucking piglets had a remarkably higher CO2 production than artificially reared piglets, which likely was caused by a higher intake of milk solids and a higher activity level. For sucking piglets, the daily CO2 production increased curvilinearly with increasing live weight (LW) in kg: piglet CO2 production (l/day) = 25.75 × LW - 1.01 × LW2. In conclusion, 18O equilibrates fast within the body water pool when administered intraperitoneally, and the accuracy of assessing milk intake and rate of CO2 production using the DLW technique is promising. Assessment of excess enrichment of 18O in serum proved to be robust. Finally, the CO2 production of piglets fed milk replacer differs considerably from that of sucking piglets.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe the behavioural responses to weaning from milk in dairy calves, and to compare responses when calves were either weaned abruptly (removal of the milk-feeding system; n = 8 calves) or by substituting warm water for milk in the milk-feeding apparatus for the first 2 days after weaning (n = 8 calves). Calves provided water through the milk-feeding system after weaning seemed to substitute one liquid for the other; calves consumed approximately the same quantity of warm water after weaning (8 kg/day) as they had consumed milk before weaning (9 kg/day). All calves vocalized at weaning, but abruptly weaned calves vocalized at more than three times the rate of calves provided water through the milk-feeding system. On the third day after weaning, when neither treatment group had access to the milk-feeding system, the call rate was similar in the two treatment groups. The abruptly weaned calves were also more active at weaning, as indicated by an increased number of standing bouts compared to calves with continued access to the milk-feeding apparatus. The reduced response to weaning by the calves with continued access to the feeding routine may be due to the gut fill associated with the water intake or to other rewarding properties of the system (e.g. allowing calves to suck on a teat). In conclusion, dairy calves show a strong behavioural response to weaning, but providing calves continued access to the milk-feeding apparatus for 2 days after weaning reduces this response.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-rich diets may increase urinary excretion of chromium (Cr) and increase its requirements. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of grain type (barley v. corn) and Cr supplementation on feed intake, feeding behavior and weight gain in dairy calves. Forty-eight neonatal Holstein female calves were assigned randomly to four experimental diets in a 2×2 factorial arrangement. Experimental diets were either barley-based diet (BBD) or corn-based diet (CBD) supplemented with (+Cr) or without (−Cr) Cr as Cr-methionine (0.05 mg/kg of BW0.75). Chromium was provided in milk (from days 3 to 73 of life) during the pre-weaning period and then in pre-warmed water (from day 74 until day 94 of life) after weaning. Meal length tended to increase in calves fed the BBD v. CBD during the pre-weaning period. During the post-weaning period, meal size, inter-meal interval, and eating rate increased concurrently but meal frequency and eating time decreased in the BBD v. CBD. During the pre-weaning period, feed efficiency, BW at weaning, and heart girth increased and non-nutritive oral behaviors tended to decrease with Cr supplementation. Due to increased meal frequency, the starter feed intake but not eating time increased by Cr supplementation during the post-weaning period. Supplementing Cr increased starter feed intake, final BW, average daily gain and heart girth during the overall period. Rumination time increased in BBD+Cr calves due to increases in the frequency and duration of rumination, or decreased rumination bout interval. Overall, the type of grain had no effect on feed intake and growth performance; however, Cr supplementation decreased non-nutritive oral behaviors and increased starter feed intake via increasing the meal frequency and thereby improved growth performance.  相似文献   

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