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Four strains of the phytopathogenic bacteriumCorynebacterium fascians (Tilford)Dowson were selected from our isolates and deposited in the Czechoslovak National Collection of Type Cultures (CNCTC) of the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Prague. Two very virulent (Cor 83/82 “UPR” and Cor 82/81 “UP”) and one avirulent (Cor 81/80 “CP1b”) pelargonium strains, producing acid from rhamnose, were isolated from fasciations onPelargonium zonale W. One avirulent celery strain ofC. fascians (Cor 80/80 “CF4a”) was isolated from a root expiant ofApium graveolens L. growing on a nutrient mediumin vitro. Morphological, cultural, physiological and biochemical characteristics of these selected Czechoslovak isolates were compared with the American patented strain cotype ATCC 12974.  相似文献   

A clinical isolate and a soil isolate of Chromobacterium violaceum were compared to determine differences in virulence-related characteristics. Purified lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) from the virulent, clinical strain was more reactive than that from the avirulent soil strain as determined by the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay. There were no differences in hemolysin or cyanide production between the two strains. The virulent strain was more resistant to phagocytosis and intracellular killing by human polymorphonucleocytes. The clinical strain showed a superoxide dismutase activity 30% higher and a catalase activity fivefold higher than the activities of the soil-isolated strain. The clinical strain also was capable of producing approximately twice as much hydrogen peroxide during growth as compared with the soil isolate. This study suggests that virulence of C. violaceum may be, at least in part, associated with endotoxin, and some protection of the virulent, clinical strain from phagocytic attack is afforded by elevated levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase.  相似文献   

Indo-Gen mediated surface labelling with125I demonstrated differences in surface oriented antigens between virulent and virulent promastigote ofLeishniania donovani, In case of virulent strains, surface polypeptides with molecular masses of 63, 53, 42 and 38 kDa were found to be labelled with125I whereas in the case of aviralent stains 68, 55, 50, 46, 42 and 33 Da, components were iodinated. Further studies by immunoblot assay using different subcellular fractions of virulent and avirulent parasites demonstrated that antibody raised against gp63 cross-reacted with the 63 and 60 kDa antigen of the virulent and avirulentLeishmania donovani strains of Indian origin respectively. It indicates that these two polypeptides are antigenically similar. When virulent and avirulent cells were grown in the presence of varying concentration of tunicarnycin and immunoblot with anti gp63, it was observed that with increasing concentration of tunicamycin the 63 kDa polypeptide of the virulent cells shifted to approximately 58–57 kDa and the 60 kDa polypoptide of the aviruleni cells shifted to 57 kDa. This suggests that glycosylation may play an important role in antigenic variation between virulent and avirulent parasites.  相似文献   

Usually only Kanagawa-positive strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus are considered virulent; yet, a significant portion of V. parahaemolyticus food poisonings appear to be caused by Kanagawa-negative strains. Therefore, additional and more accurate measurements of a strain's food-poisoning potential are needed. Adherence of V. parahaemolyticus to human fetal intestinal (HFI) cells in vitro seems to offer this information. All strains of V. parahaemolyticus adhered to the HFI cells, but the degree of adherence was related to a number of factors. These included the age of the culture, the strain's Kanagawa reaction and source, the length of time the bacteria were exposed to the HFI cells, and the composition of the growth medium. Cells harvested during the late log phase of growth adhered more intensely than those harvested from the late stationary phase. Virulent strains, i.e., those involved in food poisoning, were observed to have a high adherence ability regardless of their Kanagawa reaction, whereas Kanagawa-negative strains isolated from seafood exhibited weak adherence intensities. Kanagawa-positive strains isolated from seafood adhered strongly to the HFI cells. The difference between the virulent and avirulent strains was quantitative in nature, and the greatest differences in adherence intensities were observed after short (10 to 15 min) exposure times. The presence of ferric iron in the growth medium was found to increase the adherence intensities of the virulent strains.  相似文献   

We used Porphyromonas gingivalis gene microarrays to compare the total gene contents of the virulent strain W83 and the avirulent type strain, ATCC 33277. Signal ratios and scatter plots indicated that the chromosomes were very similar, with approximately 93% of the predicted genes in common, while at least 7% of them showed very low or no signals in ATCC 33277. Verification of the array results by PCR indicated that several of the disparate genes were either absent from or variant in ATCC 33277. Divergent features included already reported insertion sequences and ragB, as well as additional hypothetical and functionally assigned genes. Several of the latter were organized in a putative operon in W83 and encoded enzymes involved in capsular polysaccharide synthesis. Another cluster was associated with two paralogous regions of the chromosome with a low G+C content, at 41%, compared to that of the whole genome, at 48%. These regions also contained conserved and species-specific hypothetical genes, transposons, insertion sequences, and integrases and were located adjacent to tRNA genes; thus, they had several characteristics of pathogenicity islands. While this global comparative analysis showed the close relationship between W83 and ATCC 33277, the clustering of genes that are present in W83 but divergent in or absent from ATCC 33277 is suggestive of chromosomal islands that may have been acquired by lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of virulent and avirulent strains of S. sonnei, phase I (smooth colonies), has been made. Electrophoresis of LPS and subsequent densitometry of electrophoregrams have revealed the increase of the fraction of long 0-chains with a considerable number of recurring elements in 2 out of 3 LPS preparations obtained from avirulent shigellae. In mice immunized with these LPS preparations a considerably greater number of antibody-producing cells can be detected in Jerne's test on sheep red blood cells (SRBC) sensitized with the LPS of a virulent strain than on those sensitized with the above LPS preparations. Long 0-specific chains supposedly inhibit the fixation of individual complement components on the corresponding sensitized SRBC. The LPS of the third avirulent strain of S. sonnei, phase I, with transposon integrated into its genome, which has led to the formation of the avirulent variant of a previously virulent strain, seems to contain fine structural differences from the initial virulent strain. The immunogenicity of the LPS of this avirulent strain is greatly (3-4 times) decreased, which is manifested by the number of antibody-producing cells detected in Jerne's test on SRBC sensitized with LPS preparations obtained from these two strains.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the genome of V. cholerae O139 strains isolated in Russia's territory from patients with cholera and from the environment showed essential differences in their structures. The genome of clinical strains possessed all tested genes associated with virulence (ctxAB, zot, ace, rstC, rtxA, hap, toxR and toxT) and the at-tRS site for the CTXp phage DNA integration. As for the O139 V. cholerae chromosome strains isolated from water, 70% of the studied genes (ctxAB, zot, ace, rstC, tcpA, and toxT) and the attRS sequence were not detected in them. A lack of the key virulence genes in O139-serogroup "water" vibrios, including genes of toxin-coregulated adhesion pili. (that are receptors for the CTXp phage), and of the attachment site of the above phage are indicative of that the O139 V. cholerae strains isolated from open water sources located in different Russia's regions are epidemically negligible.  相似文献   

The effect of S. flexneri virulent and avirulent (vaccine) strains 2a on the cytoplasmic membrane of mouse macrophages has been studied by evaluating the action of these bacteria on the activity of 5-nucleotidase. The dynamics of the activity of 5-nucleotidase after the introduction of both virulent and avirulent strains has a phasic character with alternating rises and falls in the activity of this enzyme in comparison with the control. S. flexneri vaccine strain produces mainly a stimulating effect on the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages in mice, which is confirmed by a decrease in the activity of 5-nucleotidase; on the contrary, S. flexneri virulent strain- has mainly an inhibiting effect on the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages, which is confirmed by an increase in the activity of 5-nucleotidase in these cells. The comparative study of changes in the activity of 5-nucleotidase, following the introduction of S. flexneri, in mice, previously immunized with smallpox vaccine, and in intact mice has shown that the use of animals immunized with smallpox vaccine in the study of metabolic characteristics may lead to distortions in the results of the experiment.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is able to survive and proliferate within macrophages. In the current study, the ability of three L. monocytogenes strains (serovar 1/2a strain EGDe, serovar 4b strain F2365, and serovar 4a strain HCC23) to proliferate in the murine macrophage cell line J774.1 was analyzed. We found that the avirulent strain HCC23 was able to initiate an infection but could not establish prolonged infection within the macrophages. By contrast, strains EGDe and F2365 proliferated within macrophages for at least 7 h. We further analyzed these strains by comparing their protein expression profiles at 0 h, 3 h, and 5 h post-infection using multidimensional protein identification technology coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Our results indicated that similar metabolic and cell wall associated proteins were expressed by all three strains at 3 h post-infection. However, increased expression of stress response and DNA repair proteins was associated with the ability to proliferate in macrophages at 5 h post-infection. By comparing the protein expression patterns of these three L. monocytogenes strains during intracellular growth in macrophages, we were able to detect biological differences that may determine the ability of L. monocytogenes to survive in macrophages.  相似文献   

Strains of Sindbis virus differ in their virulence for mice of different ages; this variation is related in large part to variations in the amino acid compositions of E1 and E2, the surface glycoproteins. The comparative pathogenesis of Sindbis virus strains which are virulent or avirulent for newborn mice has not been previously examined. We have studied the diseases caused by a virulent wild-type strain, AR339, and two less virulent laboratory strains, Toto1101 and HRSP (HR small plaque). After peripheral inoculation of 1,000 PFU, AR339 causes 100% mortality within 5 days (50% lethal dose [LD50] = 3 PFU) while Toto1101 causes 70% mortality (LD50 = 10(2.4) PFU) and HRSP causes 50 to 60% mortality (LD50 = 10(5.1) PFU) with most deaths occurring 7 to 11 days after infection. However, after intracerebral inoculation of 1,000 PFU, Toto1101 is virulent (100% mortality within 5 days; LD50 = 4 PFU) while HRSP is not (75% mortality; LD50 = 10(4.2) PFU). After intracerebral inoculation, all three strains initiate new virus formation within 4 h, but HRSP reaches a plateau of 10(6) PFU/g of brain while Toto1101 and AR339 replicate to a level of 10(8) to 10(9) PFU/g of brain within 24 h. Interferon induction parallels virus growth. Mice infected with HRSP develop persistent central nervous system infection (10(6) PFU/g of brain) until the initiation of a virus-specific immune response 7 to 8 days after infection when virus clearance begins. The distribution of virus in the brains of mice was similar, but the virus was more abundant in the case of AR339. HRSP continued to spread until day 9. Clearance from the brain was complete by day 17. We conclude that the decreased virulence of HRSP is due to an intrinsic decreased ability of this strain of Sindbis virus to grow in neural cells of the mouse. We also conclude that CD-1 mice do not respond to the antigens of Sindbis virus until approximately 1 week of age. This lack of response does not lead to tolerance and persistent infection but rather to late virus clearance whenever the immune response is initiated.  相似文献   

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