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In order to clarify the nutritional conditions of larval milkfish in the surf zone, the following parameters were examined: 1) DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio of fed and unfed larvae collected from the surf zone and reared in the laboratory; 2) survival rate of the unfed larvae; and 3) total length, otolith increment counts and RNA/DNA ratio of wild larvae collected daily from the surf zone. The DNA and RNA content of the unfed larvae decreased, but increased in fed larvae. The RNA/DNA ratio decreased in unfed larvae, whereas in the fed larvae it decreased for the first three days after capture and increased thereafter. These results indicated that the values of DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio could be used as an indicator of nutritional condition of milkfish larvae after 6 days of starvation. Although total length of the wild-larvae did not show serial changes, their otolith increment counts showed continuous increases, indicating that the larvae sojourned in the surf zone for several days. In the same period, RNA/DNA ratios of the wild larvae decreased continuously, the ratios of larvae with fewer otolith increment counts being relatively higher than those of larvae with greater increment counts. Based on these results, the milkfish larvae remaining in the surf zone were concluded as being under insufficient nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

The embryonic, larval and juvenile development of blue whiting,Sillago parvisquamis Gill, are described from a series of laboratory-reared specimens. Mean egg diameter and mean total length (TL) of newly-hatched larvae were 0.71 mm and 1.58 mm, respectively. The eggs were non-adhesive, buoyant and spherical with an oil globule (mean diameter 0.18 mm). Hatching occurred about 20 hours after fertilization at a temperature of 24.0–25.0°C, newly-hatched larvae having 38–40 myomeres. The yolk and oil globule were completely absorbed 3 days after hatching at 2.8–3.2 (mean 3.0) mm TL. Notochord flexion was completed by 7.2–8.2 (7.7) mm TL, and pectoral and caudal fin rays fully developed by approximately 10 mm and 8.5 mm TL, respectively. Completion of fin development occurred in the following sequence: caudal, pectoral, anal and second dorsal, first dorsal and pelvic, the last-mentioned by approximately 11 mm TL. The larvae ofS. parvisquamis andS. japonica, which closely resemble each other in general morphology and pigmentation, could be distinguished as follows. Newly-hatchedS. parvisquamis larvae had more myomeres thanS. japonica (38–40 vs. 32–34) and more melanophores on the dorsal surface of the body (19–28 vs. about 40).Sillago japonica had a vertical band of melanophores on the caudal peduncle, which was lacking in postflexionS. parvisquamis larvae. In addition, juveniles ofS. parvisquamis (larger than 23 mm TL) had melanophores on the body extending anteriorly to below the lateral line to form a midlateral band, whereas no obvious band occurred on similarly-sizedS. japonica juveniles.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of juvenile flatfishes of the surf zone of a sandy beach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prey items of 0- and 1-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa , sole Solea solea , brill Scophthalmus rhombus , turbot S. maximus and dab Limanda limanda of the surf zone of a Belgian sandy beach, included hyperbenthic (e.g. mysids), endobenthic (e.g. polychaetes) and epibenthic (e.g. shrimps) species. Little dietary overlap was observed. If diet overlap did occur, it mainly involved prey species that are dominant in the surf zone of Belgian beaches, such as shrimps and mysids. These results suggest an opportunistic utilization by flatfish of the available food resources in surf zone ecosystems. Also, two strategically different feeding habits could be distinguished between the five flatfish species. Turbot and brill mainly fed on large, highly mobile prey (e.g. fish, mysids) and had a rather narrow prey spectrum, whereas plaice, dab and sole ate more benthic prey (e.g. polychaetes) and had a broader prey spectrum.  相似文献   

Distribution and composition of the epilithic macroinvertebrate fauna was studied on 21 different sites situated in the surf zone of Lake Esrom. A relative degree-of-exposure (windinduced wave activity) was calculated for each station from the specific number of wind days, wind velocity and a measured wind fetch. Macroinvertebrate abundance averaged 20 200 ind. m–2 stone bottom, and was composed primarily of six taxa (70% of the mean densities). The distribution patterns of the 48 most common taxa were compared to exposure, the amount of filamentous algae and shore slope, by regression, cluster analysis and ordination analysis (PCA and RDA). The abundance of 25 taxa was significantly correlated to the amount of filamentous algae, and a protectional effect of algae growth was suggested for the exposed sites. Seventeen taxa showed significant difference in abundance between sheltered western stations and exposed eastern stations. Stations with a gentle slope were characterised by sand covered stones and a fauna that qualitatively was similar to the fauna at greater depth in the littoral. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed filamentous algae and slope to be the most important factors controlling the species distribution, whereas the gradient of exposure in Lake Esrom was too short to explain the species tolerance range.  相似文献   

Saxifraga oppositifolia, S. biflora, and their hybridS. ×kochii were studied in a mixed population in the Swiss Alps. Qualitative morphological characters did not allow to clearly separate the hybridS. ×kochii from its parental species. All quantitative characters were intermediate inS. ×kochii, but the ranges of these characters overlapped with those ofS. oppositifolia andS. biflora. A hybrid index and canonical discriminant analysis allowed a clear separation of the three groups and strongly confirmed a priori grouping. Phenological observations showed that the three groups were not temporally separated within the investigated mixed population. Reciprocal hand pollinations betweenS. oppositifolia andS. biflora yielded higher seed set withS. oppositifolia than withS. biflora as maternal plant. Germination rate of seeds from these crossing experiments varied in the same way as seed yields, whereas germination rate was intermediate for seeds from naturally pollinatedS. ×kochii. Considering its ecological and reproductive properties,S. ×kochii has good prerequisites for evolving into a distinct species.  相似文献   

Samples from sheltered nearshore waters in south-western Australia, in which Sillago schomburgkii spends its entire life cycle, have been used to determine the age structure, growth rate, age and length at first sexual maturity, and spawning period of this whiting species. Several S. schomburgkii reached four to seven years in age and one 12+ fish was caught. The respective maximum and asymptotic lengths (L) were 350 and 333 mm for females and 348 and 325 mm for males, while the growth coefficients (K) for females and males were 0.53 and 0.49, respectively. Sexual maturity was attained by both sexes of S. schomburgkii at ca. 200 mm, a length reached at the end of the second year of life. Monthly trends exhibited by gonadosomatic indices, the proportions of mature gonads and the prevalence of advanced oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles demonstrate that S. schomburgkii spawns predominantly from December to February. The presence of yolk vesicle and yolk granule oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles in the same ovaries during the spawning period, indicate that S. schomburgkii is a multiple spawner. The patterns of growth of the five Sillago species, that occur in south-western Australian marine waters, fall into two categories. The first, which consists of S. burrus and S. robusta, has a small L, i.e. < 190, and a high growth coefficient (K), i.e. 1.0, whereas the second, which comprises S. schomburgkii, S. vittata and S. bassensis, attain a larger size, i.e. L > 00 mm, and has a low K, i.e. 0.5. The lengths and ages at maturity of S. schomburgkii, S. bassensis, S. burrus and S. robusta, as well as of S. analis and S. flindersi found elsewhere in Australia, are linearly related to their asymptotic lengths and maximum ages, respectively. The two smallest species, S. burrus and S. robusta, attain maturity at ca. 130 mm. However, the former species, whose juveniles occupy productive nearshore waters, grows rapidly and reaches this length by the end of the first year of life, whereas the latter species, which is restricted to deeper waters, grows more slowly and thus does not attain this length until a year later. Sillagoflindersi, which is slightly larger than S. burrus and S. robusta, migrates out into deeper waters and attains maturity at ca. 170 mm and two years of age. Although S. schomburgkii, S. analis and S. bassensis attain maturity at ca. 200 mm and reach similar lengths, the first two of these species, which remain in nearshore waters and display more rapid growth, reach maturity one year earlier than the last species, which migrates out into deeper and presumably less productive waters. While S. vittata reaches a similar size and likewise migrates out into deep waters, it reaches maturity earlier, i.e. at the end of its first year of life.  相似文献   

Morphological development of barracudas (Sphyraena guachancho andS. tome) is described, based on larval and juvenile specimens collected in the southeast Brazilian Bight. Preflexion larvae of the two species are similar, butS. tome larvae can be distinguished from those ofS. guachancho by having small melanophores on the midbrain and a row of melanophores along the ventral midline of the lower jaw and isthmus. Flexion and postflexion larvae ofS. tome are more slender than those ofS. guachancho. Morphology and pigment patterns ofS. tome are similar to those ofS. borealis from the north Atlantic. whereasS. guachancho larvae are similar toS. barracuda in having a fusiform body, advanced position of the pelvic fins and a heavily pigmented tail region, but differ in having a fleshy tip on the lower jaw in postflexion and juvenile stages.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy revealed the location of the phasmids on infective juveniles of Steinernema glaseri. The phasmids are located about 40% of the tail length posterior to the anus and are at or near the same level. Instead of being in the center of the lateral fields, they are located just ventral to the lateral fields, or interrupting the ventral-most lateral ridge. The phasmids were covered often by an exudate.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics in fish assemblage structure, comprising postlarval to early adult stages, in the surf zone on an exposed sandy beach on the Kashimanada coast were studied over a 2-year period. A total of 32 species and two higher group taxa were found. In terms of abundance, Salangichthys ishikawae, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Engraulis japonicus were the four most dominant species. The results of cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis using 12 dominant species in terms of abundance revealed that water temperature and wind factor (wind speed × wind direction) had significant independent associations on species occurrence patterns for 11 species; that is, occurrence of 11 species was significantly related to water temperature and occurrence of 7 species was related to wind factor. Two species (S. ishikawae and P. altivelis altivelis) showed clear monthly increases in size, consequently suggesting their use of the surf zone as a nursery area. In contrast, M. cephalus cephalus and E. japonicus showed few increases in standard length, indicating their use of the surf zone only in their postlarval and/or juvenile stage. It is suggested that numerous fish species use the surf zone as shelter and/or a nursery area, even in the harsh conditions of an exposed sandy beach with great wave action.  相似文献   

Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus juveniles recruit to the surf zone and grow by feeding on commonly occurring coastal copepods. However, little is known about diel and tidal patterns in their migration and feeding habits. We sampled wild juveniles during the neap and spring tides, over periods of 24 h, with small seine nets in the sand flat of the eastern part of Ariake Bay, Kyushu, western Japan. In both the neap and spring tides, abundance of juveniles significantly increased during the daytime, being highest around the time of high tide. The relative gut fullness indices of juveniles drastically increased in the morning (0700–0900) and during the flood tide in the daytime, while major prey copepod (Paracalanus spp.) density in the ambient water was relatively constant. We summarized that L. japonicus juveniles would migrate to the surf zone after sunrise to feed on copepods, and then emigrate from the surf zone after sunset. The migratory behavior of L. japonicus juveniles would be influenced by light (daytime) and feeding activity influenced by both light (morning) and tidal condition (flood tide). The intertidal region of the tidal flat was recognized to be one of the important habitats for L. japonicus during their early life history.  相似文献   

毛成责  钟俊生  蒋日进  葛珂珂  林楠 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4609-4619
基于2006年11月-2007年10月在长江口的13个站点的周年调查,探索了鱼类完整性指数(FAII)在河口水域鱼类栖息地环境评价中的应用。结果显示各站点FAII值介于0-46之间,表明碎波带健康状况全年处于一般到极差的水平。系统聚类(Hierarchical Cluster)将所有站点分为四组,第一组St.1,Sts.12-13;第二组为Sts.2- 3,St.5;第三组为St.6,St.11;第四组为St.4,Sts.7- 10。健康状况差的站点FAII值全年波动较大,由于夏季水温升高,部分站点出现大量的洄游性和海洋性种类,FAII值出现季节性的升高;其中河口外段的St.1,St.11-St.13的完整性等级分别在7月和8月达到一般水平。St.4,St.10因位于水源保护区外侧,St.9位于西沙湿地公园,受人为影响较小,这三个站点的FAII值相对比较稳定且在所有站位点中处于较高水平。FAII与Margalef丰富度指的周年变化有一定的相似性,但与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的变化却有很大的差异。  相似文献   

S. cilicica Siehe andS. morrisii Meikle are two little known sibling species of theScilla siberica alliance with previously difficult taxonomy, especially with regard to specific delimitation and geographic distribution. Quantitative C-band karyotyping and DNA content determinations were performed in four provenances, including the type localities. Both species (2n = 12) differ strikingly in their banding patterns despite of similar DNA content. Karyotype diversification involved changes in eu- and heterochromatin quantities and resulted in some changes of chromosome form. Despite this, actual phylogenetic relatedness is indicated by a chromosomal marker (NOR-position) of rare occurrence in the alliance. Karyological results and circumstantial evidence from the literature suggest thatS. morrisii is an endemic, exclusive to Cyprus as a member of theS. siberica alliance.S. cilicica seems to be restricted to continental S. Anatolia opposite to Cyprus. Its occurrence on Cyprus is questionable.The authors dedicate this paper respectfully to emer. O. Univ.-Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Morphological relationships were investigated among diploidStellaria porsildii, polyploidS. longipes, and diploidS. longifolia. Canonical discriminant analysis, based on a priori assumptions to maximize differences among groups, showed thatS. longipes clusters equally distant between the two diploid species along an axis connecting the diploids' centroids, but it differs along an axis perpendicular to this axis. The intermediacy along the former axis is evidence thatS. longipes is an amphiploid derived fromS. longifolia andS. porsildii. The divergence along the latter axis may be attributable to adaptively valuable heterotic traits which were retained following amphidiploidization. The only morphological discontinuity occurred between the two diploids, whereas the morphological range ofS. longipes overlapped the range of both diploids forming a continuum. The lack of discrete clusters is likely due to hybridization and introgression withS. longifolia on one hand, and convergence of traits betweenS. longipes var.monantha andS. porsildii on the other. High a posteriori assignments in classificatory discriminant analysis supports the separation ofS. longipes var.monantha from otherS. longipes specimens. AlthoughS. longipes var.monantha grouped close toS. porsildii, the two groups separate based on leaf shape traits. Overall results support, firstly, the hypothesis thatS. porsildii is a diploid parent species which by hybridizing withS. longifolia gave rise to polyploidS. longipes. Secondly, results suggest thatS. longipes var.monantha converged morphologically towardsS. porsildii relatively recently due to ecological specialization, and merits distinction at least as a variety ofS. longipes.  相似文献   

Vegetative regeneration is the only farming method for Eucheuma and Kappaphycus, the world's most important carrageenophytes. Lack of seedstock has been a problem following natural calamities, overharvesting, grazing and outbreak of "ice-ice" disease. Hence, studies to help develop an alternative method of generating Eucheuma and Kappaphycus sporelings on a seaweed farm in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines were carried out from May 1993 to July 1994. Mactan stone blocks were deployed in two positions at two sites in Tawi-Tawi, one of the biggest farming areas in the Philippines. Recruits were first observed five months after deployment. Nested ANOVA was used to investigate the effect of current speed (C), water movement (M), number of days with minus tide (D), salinity (S), temperature (T), area of deployment (A) and position of blocks (P) on the recruitment of sporelings (R). Since C, M, D, S, and T were always on the same mean level within an area, the effects of these variables were assumed by the effect of area and thus, the A and P variables were the ones fitted in the ANOVA model. Repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant difference in the effects of A and P on visible R from May to November 1993 and March to July 1994. The Helmert transformation showed that mean recruitment of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus between May 1993 and subsequent time points was significantly different. This was also true for recruitment in September 1993, December 1993, January 1994 and February 1994, which were highly significantly different compared to the means of subsequent time points. Multiple regression analysis showed that C, D, and S had significant effects on recruitment of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus in both areas while effect of T was significant only in area I.  相似文献   

Enzyme data from 35 populations or regional samples ofAbies alba were obtained from different regions of Austria and Bavaria. The genetic analysis revealed a clear differentiation between the western and the north/eastern populations. A rather narrow transition zone (the river valleys of Salzach and Traun) with genetically intermediate populations connects these two regions. This west-east differentiation can be interpreted as the result of distinct migration routes from a glacial refuge in Central Italy. The transition zone is assumed to be the contact area of two routes north of the Alps. Each migration route of silver fir parallels the distribution range ofCardamine trifolia (east) andAposeris foetida (west) respectively. It is supposed that these two species were already associated with silver fir during colonization.Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

TrnL (UAA)-trnF (GAA) chloroplast DNA spacer sequences of three species ofMonanthes, Sedum surculosum (=Monanthes atlanticum) andS. jaccardianum were compared.S. surculosum, the systematic position of which has been disputed ever since its discovery, shares a phylogenetically highly significant 70 bp deletion withS. jaccardianum. In addition to this large deletion the two Moroccan species ofS. ser.Monanthoidea differ in three more indels as well as in four nucleotide substitutions from the species ofMonanthes. These data render strong support for the monophyly ofS. ser.Monanthoidea andMonanthes. Spacer length in seven species and one subspecies ofMonanthes is relatively uniform.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between two morphological groups ofPythium ultimum var.ultimum strains isolated in a vegetable field in Japan. The groups were distinguished as having smaller or larger sexual organs by the sizes of their antheridia and oogonia. Morphological study indicated that the two groups comprised a single taxon,P. ultimum var.ultimum, by the current taxonomical keys. The smaller group grew faster in the lower temperature range of 4–15°C, whereas the larger group grew faster in the higher temperature range of 25–37°C. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and isozyme analyses revealed genetic dissimilarity between the two groups. Cluster analysis of the isozyme banding patterns with four otherPythium spp. demonstrated that the genetic dissimilarity between the two groups was equivalent to species level. In the field survey, the smaller group was frequently detected in February, May and September but not in July, while the larger group was detected mainly in July and September. The two groups were not distinguishable by their pathogenicity to spinach seedlings.  相似文献   

Sillago robusta and S. bassensis occupy the open sandy areas of the deeper waters (20–35 m) of the inner continental shelf of the lower west coast of Australia. Comparisons were made of their age and size compositions, growth rates, ages and sizes at first maturity, and spawning times. Most S. robusta were less than 3 years old (maximum 7 years), while S. bassensis often reached 7 years of age (maximum 10 years). The maximum length of S. robusta (200 mm) was far shorter than S. bassensis (328 mm), whereas the reverse pertained for the von Bertalanffy growth coeffcient (K), i.e. c. 1.0 v. c. 0.3. Differences in K reflect the fact that c. 80% of the asymptotic length is achieved by S. robusta after 2 years, but not until 6 years of age by S. bassensis. Sexual maturity was reached by up to 50% of S. robusta at the end of their first year of life, and by almost all fish at the end of their second year of life. Most S. bassensis did not reach maturity until the end of their third year of life. In both species, those individuals that reached maturity early, were significantly longer than those that did not reach maturity at the same age. The gonadosomatic indices and proportions of mature gonads, and the numbers of vitellogenic and hydrated oocytes and post-ovulatory follicles, were relatively high in ovaries of both species between December and March. Although both species spawn in these 4 months, some S. bassensis also spawn between September and November and in March and April. In the middle of the spawning period, the ovaries of S. robusta and S. bassensis frequently contained oocytes that ranged widely in size and development, together with post-ovulatory follicles, suggesting that both species are multiple spawners. Juveniles of S. robusta remain in the deeper waters of the inner continental shelf, whereas those of S. bassensis migrate inshore to their nursery areas in surf zones. As S. robusta reaches sexual maturity at an earlier age and smaller size than S. bassensis, it is probably more advantageous for the juveniles of this species to remain in deeper water, and thereby conserve energy for gonadal maturation, rather than migrating into shallow waters for only a very few months.  相似文献   

The host specificity of a chrysomelid beetle,Calligrapha pantherina Stål, from Mexico, was verified in the CSIRO quarantine facilities in Brisbane, Australia on 80 species of plants in 28 families, either closely related to Malvaceae or in families containing economically important species.C. pantherina oviposited and developed successfully on its preferred host,S. acuta, and less successfully onS. rhombifolia andS. spinosa, all of which are weeds in Australia. Aspects of oviposition, larval development, and adult feeding and longevity ofC. pantherina are described.C. pantherina was released in Australia during 1989 and readily established onS. acuta but established at only a few sites onS. rhombifolia.  相似文献   

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