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Human exploitation may skew adult sex ratios in vertebrate populations to the extent that males become limiting for normal reproduction. In polygynous ungulates, females delay breeding in heavily harvested populations, but effects are often fairly small. We would expect a stronger effect of male harvesting in species with a monogamous mating system, but no such study has been performed. We analysed the effect of harvesting males on the timing of reproduction in the obligate monogamous beaver (Castor fiber). We found a negative impact of harvesting of adult males on the timing of parturition in female beavers. The proportion of normal breeders sank from over 80%, when no males had been shot in the territories of pregnant females, to under 20%, when three males had been shot. Harvesting of males in monogamous mammals can apparently affect their normal reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

In the majority of birds and mammals, social monogamy is not congruent with genetic monogamy. No research to date has compared social and genetic monogamy in amphibians. We analysed paternity in clutches of red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus), a species in which social monogamy has been demonstrated in the laboratory, and 28% of individuals in the forest are found in male-female pairs in the noncourtship season. We collected 16 clutches of eggs of P. cinereus in the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and collected tail clippings from attending mothers. We genotyped embryos and adults at five microsatellite loci in order to analyse paternity of clutches. Most clutches (84.6%) had multiple sires, with two to three sires per clutch. In this study, 25% of clutches had males in addition to females attending eggs. None of the mothers of these clutches were genetically monogamous. All attending males sired some of the offspring in the clutch that they attended (between 9% and 50%) but never sired a majority in that clutch. We conclude that, at least in this population, social monogamy in P. cinereus is not concomitant with genetic monogamy.  相似文献   

Seabird chicks respond to food shortages by increasing corticosterone (cort) secretion, which is probably associated with fitness benefits and costs. To examine this, we experimentally increased levels of circulating cort in captive black-legged kittiwake chicks fed ad libitum. We found that cort-implanted chicks begged more frequently and were more aggressive compared to controls. These behavioral modifications must be beneficial to chicks as they facilitate acquisition of food from the parents and might trigger brood reduction and reduced competition for food. Cort-implanted chicks also increased food intake; however, their growth rates were similar to controls. To examine the costs of chronically increased circulating levels of cort, we removed cort implants and, after a 10-day recovery period, tested cognitive abilities of young kittiwakes. We found that the ability of kittiwakes to associate a visual cue with the presence of food in a choice situation was compromised by the experimental elevation of cort during development. To examine the long-term costs of increased levels of cort, 8 months later we tested the performance of the same individuals in a spatial task requiring them to make a detour around a barrier in order to escape from an enclosure. Individuals treated with cort during development took significantly more time to solve this task compared to controls. The results of this study suggest that the adrenocortical response of a developing bird to environmental stressors is associated with both benefits (increased food intake, foraging behavior, and aggression) and costs (low growth efficiency and compromised cognitive abilities later in life). This provides an evolutionary framework for relating juvenile physiological traits to fitness of birds in subsequent life-history stages.  相似文献   

Fledging is a critical period in the life of a bird, notably because at this stage under-development and lack of experience in searching for food may impair survival. The behavioral changes that accompany nest departure are therefore expected to be finely tuned to body condition and growth by endocrine processes. This study examines the possible involvement of corticosterone (CORT) in the stimulation of fledging in White storks through measurement of the changes in its plasma levels in relation to growth, nutritional status and the hatching rank of nestlings. For the first time in nest-bound chicks, we show that fledging is preceded by a marked and progressive 4 fold increase in baseline plasma CORT levels concomitant with an increase in locomotor activity (wing flapping) at the nest. Data on changes in body size, body mass, plasma metabolites and feeding frequency support the view that the increase in plasma CORT was induced by food restriction rather than being endogenously programmed. The timing and intensity of plasma CORT increase was dependent on the hatching rank within a brood, this increase being blunted in the less developed chicks possibly to avoid the impairment of final wing growth. These results show that an increase in plasma CORT as a result of food restriction and through the stimulation of locomotor activity is involved in the control of fledging in White storks. Moreover the CORT increase is adjusted to the hatching rank-related growth status of nestlings.  相似文献   

Few studies of avian mating systems have identified the siresof extrapair young, and hence it has been difficult to determinethe scale at which reproductive interactions occur. For instance,females may be free to copulate with any male in the population(a "global" scale of interactions), or females may be restrictedto copulating only with males on neighboring territories (a"local" scale). The scale of such interactions has importantconsequences for an understanding of the evolutionary causesand consequences of extrapair fertilizations. We used five hypervariable microsatellite loci and multilocus DNA fingerprintingto examine parentage of more than 400 nestling black-throatedblue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens). Extrapair fertilizationswere common, and the microsatellite markers allowed us to identifythe sires for 89% of the young analyzed. Most identified extrapairsires were males on neighboring or nearby territories, andmost nestlings for whom we could not identify a sire came fromterritories at the edge of the study plot. Thus, reproductive interactions appear to be more local than global in this population.Extrapair fertilizations contributed significantly to totalvariation in male reproductive success. However, the standardizedvariance in male reproductive success (0.68-0.74) was not substantiallygreater than that for females (0.53-0.60), and the contributionof extrapair fertilizations (9-14%) was much lower than thecontribution of within-pair fertilizations (75-77%). This suggeststhat the local scale of reproductive interactions may limitvariation in male reproductive success and hence the opportunityfor selection.  相似文献   

Because seawater is hyperosmotic relative to body fluids of most vertebrates, marine lifestyle is expected to strongly influence the physiology of marine tetrapods. Regulating the salt content of body fluids is energetically costly; and osmoregulatory organs may not totally overcome salt load and/or water loss. As a consequence, marine lifestyle should influence physiological systems involved in the maintenance of the physiological balance (homeostasis), in the mobilisation of energetic resources (e.g., to fuel salt excretion), or in the acquisition of resources (e.g., fresh water). Corticosterone (CORT) is one such ‘generalist’ mediator that is linked with energy expenditure, physiological stress and that activates osmoregulation. As a consequence, CORT is expected to be overall higher in marine tetrapods but this hypothesis has never been tested. Using comparative analyses, we tested this hypothesis in birds, a lineage for which available data on baseline CORT allow comparing marine versus terrestrial species, and species with or without salt glands. We found that marine species (and species with salt glands) display significantly higher baseline CORT during the wintering (but not the breeding) stage. Although salt glands’ presence was tightly linked to phylogeny, our results suggest that marine lifestyle may impose a strong, but overlooked, influence on the allostasis‐related physiology of marine birds. Such habitat‐related variation in physiology is a major phenomenon to explore owing to its general implications for understanding the physiological basis of evolutionary transitions in habitat use. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 154–161.  相似文献   

The adaptive function of female extrapair mating in socially monogamous passerines is currently debated. In the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica), a previous study showed that offspring sired by extrapair males had a higher cell-mediated immunity than their within-pair half siblings, suggesting an immunogenetic benefit of extrapair mating in this species. Here, we expanded that dataset with two more years and investigated the association between extrapair paternity and microsatellite multilocus heterozygosity, in addition to cell-mediated immunity. We found that extrapair offspring were more heterozygous than their within-pair half siblings, and corroborated the previous finding of enhanced cellular immunity in extrapair offspring in this four-year dataset. The increased heterozygosity among extrapair offspring appeared to be a result of extrapair mates being less genetically similar than pair mates, and also less genetically similar than expected by random choice. Together with previous findings in this species, showing that the majority of females participate in extrapair copulations, our results indicate a postcopulatory cryptic female choice of genetically dissimilar males. The enhanced cellular immunity and increased heterozygosity were not related to each other, and hence our results indicate two independent genetic benefits of extrapair mating in the bluethroat.  相似文献   

Two Philippine hornbill species, the Visayan writhed-billed hornbill (Aceros waldeni) and the Visayan tarictic hornbill (Penelopides panini panini), display on their heads multiple sexual ornaments in both sexes. An account is given of the maturation of these ornaments, except for the hood on the hind neck, from the nestling stage through age 5 years in the writhed-bill, and from fledgling stage through age 3+ years in the tarictic. Development proceeds in a staggered fashion, in that component traits of the compound ornament are added sequentially to a baseline already present in the nestling (bare facial skin) up until maturity. In same-aged pair mates of the writhed-bill, elements (dark grooves and wreaths in the red bill) were continually added until the reproductive age of 5 years, when observations ceased. Contrary to published accounts, only the writhed-bill passes through a male-like plumage in the nestling/fledgling stage, whilst the tarictic juveniles attain their sexually dimorphic appearance right away. Writhed-bill chicks exhibit a colour dimorphism of eye (= iris) colour irrespective of sex, in which the two phases pass through two stages, but in reverse order. At least part of the ornaments can be interpreted as honest indicators of condition. Based on the concept of honest signalling, the multiple nature of the ornamentation is functionally explained by the multiple message hypothesis. A physiological colour change between white and blue within seconds/minutes occurs in the bare facial skin patches of the tarictic and thus adds to the arsenal of hornbill multiple ornaments. This constitutes the first evidence for this type of colour change in a bird.Communicated by F. BairleinThis paper is publication No. 54 of the Philippine Endemic Species Conservation Project of the Frankfurt Zoological Society. A word of thanks to Ernst Mayr: It is both a pleasure and an honour for me to be invited to humbly present to him a little piece of research. This appears truly fitting since Ernst has always taken an active interest in my research. This started when I was introduced to him in my early student days in Berlin in 1951 by our joint mentor, Erwin Stresemann. In his ornithological career Ernst had, in his awe-inspiring breadth of research, shown an active interest in the avifauna of the Philippines, of that world record treasure of biodiversity, when writing a book, together with Jean Delacour, on the Birds of the Philippines. In his usual generous manner, Ernst donated his last copy to me when I embarked on research and conservation in the Philippines 11 years ago. Though Ernst had followed my doings in science with benevolence from early on, his generous material support of our Philippines project became unrivalled among private donors, and it spurred our motivation immensely to carry on in what first appeared to be an almost hopeless situation, in a sea of a burgeoning population. I thank Ernst wholeheartedly for all his inspiration and farsighted support and wish him still many years to come.  相似文献   

Changes in climate and anthropogenic pressures might affect the composition and abundance of forage fish in the world's oceans. The junk‐food hypothesis posits that dietary shifts that affect the quality (e.g., energy content) of food available to marine predators may impact their physiological state and consequently affect their fitness. Previously, we experimentally validated that deposition of the adrenocortical hormone, corticosterone, in feathers is a sensitive measure of nutritional stress in seabirds. Here, we use this method to examine how changes in diet composition and prey quality affect the nutritional status of free‐living rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata). Our study sites included the following: Teuri Is. Japan, Middleton Is. central Gulf of Alaska, and St. Lazaria Is. Southeast Alaska. In 2012 and 2013, we collected “bill loads” delivered by parents to feed their chicks (n = 758) to document dietary changes. We deployed time–depth–temperature recorders on breeding adults (n = 47) to evaluate whether changes in prey coincided with changes in foraging behavior. We measured concentrations of corticosterone in fledgling (n = 71) and adult breeders' (n = 82) feathers to determine how birds were affected by foraging conditions. We found that seasonal changes in diet composition occurred on each colony, adults dove deeper and engaged in longer foraging bouts when capturing larger prey and that chicks had higher concentrations of corticosterone in their feathers when adults brought back smaller and/or lower energy prey. Corticosterone levels in feathers of fledglings (grown during the breeding season) and those in feathers of adult breeders (grown during the postbreeding season) were positively correlated, indicating possible carryover effects. These results suggest that seabirds might experience increased levels of nutritional stress associated with moderate dietary changes and that physiological responses to changes in prey composition should be considered when evaluating the effect of prey quality on marine predators.  相似文献   

Although size-assortative mating in convict cichlids, Amatitliana nigrofasciata, is supposed to result from mutual mating preference for larger individuals, female choice in relation to male size remains ambiguous. We revisited the evidence for directional preference for larger males in female convict cichlids using a classical two-way choice apparatus in which each female could decide to spend time in front of a small male or a large one. We found evidence for female preference for large males, as assessed from association preference during a 4-hour period following encounter. Furthermore, females decided to spawn in front of the initially preferred male more often than expected by chance. Our results thus confirm the existence of a directional preference for large males in female convict cichlids, and indicate that association preference measured over a short period of time can provide a quick and reliable proxy for reproductive preference in this species.  相似文献   

1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   

A costs-benefits approach has frequently been used to understand the evolutionary origin and maintenance of promiscuity in animal populations. Recent meta-analyses suggest that direct costs to unfaithful females outweigh indirect benefits from infidelity in socially monogamous songbirds, suggesting that in this taxa, extrapair fertilization (EPF) evolved primarily as a self-interest male tactic. Here we present results of comparative analysis to show that standardized selection gradients acting against female infidelity (direct costs of promiscuity) explain variation in EPF rates at an interspecific level in passerines. This result confirms that costs to females resulting from reduced parental care from cheated males constrain promiscuity in this group. Our data indicate that females exert resistance over EPFs when the costs of infidelity are high and, conversely, that the rate of EPFs increases when selection on females to defend themselves against EPF attempts by males is weak and costs of infidelity are low.  相似文献   

A central point in life history theory is that parental investment in current reproduction should be balanced by the costs in terms of residual reproductive value. Long-lived seabirds are considered fixed investors, that is, parents fix a specific level of investment in their current reproduction independent to the breeding requirements. We tested this hypothesis analysing the consequences of an experimental increase in flying costs on the foraging ecology, body condition and chick condition in Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea. We treated 28 pairs by reducing the wing surface in one partner and compared them with 14 control pairs. We monitored mass changes and incubation shifts and tracked 19 foraging trips per group using geolocators. Furthermore, we took blood samples at laying, hatching and chick-rearing to analyse the nutritional condition, haematology, muscle damage and stable isotopes. Eighty-day-old chicks were measured, blood sampled and challenged with PHA immune assay. In addition, we analysed the effects of handicap on the adults at the subsequent breeding season. During incubation, handicapped birds showed a greater foraging effort than control birds, as indicated by greater foraging distances and longer periods of foraging, covering larger areas. Eighty-day-old chicks reared by treated pairs were smaller and lighter and showed a lower immunity than those reared by control pairs. However, oxygen demands, nutritional condition and stable isotopes did not differ between control and handicapped birds. Although handicapped birds had to increase their foraging effort, they maintained physical condition by reducing parental investment and transferred the experimentally increased costs to their partners and the chick. This result supports the fixed investment hypothesis and is consistent with life history theory.  相似文献   

In several animal taxa, genetic analyses have demonstrated that social monogamy and biparental brood care do not preclude polygamous reproduction. Few studies have been conducted in fish, but in fish species without alternative reproductive phenotypes, social monogamy was largely congruent with genetic parentage. In contrast to these findings, we report an exceptionally high level of multiple paternity in a socially monogamous cichlid fish with biparental nest defence ( Variabilichromis moorii ), inferred from microsatellite and mitochondrial data of 10 broods. Whereas all offspring in a nest shared a common mother, each brood was sired by 2 to > 10 males. None of the inferred sires was assigned a large proportion of the brood. Paternity was estimated as the minimum number of sires required to explain multilocus offspring genotypes, and as the maximum-likelihood number of sires given population allele frequencies. Analysis of simulated brood genotypes suggested that, although these two methods tend to under- and overestimate, respectively, the true number of sires, primary sires with many offspring in a brood would have been detected. Hence, the genetic data indicate that the nest tending males suffer substantial cuckoldry and provide alloparental care for a large number of unrelated fry. We have no data on the social status of the cuckolding males, but due to synchronous spawning of pairs and commitment to brood care of paired males, it is possible that most of the parasitic spawners are solitary males.  相似文献   

Despite substantial research effort, the benefits of female extra-pair matings in socially monogamous bird species remain elusive. The good genes hypothesis assumes that females engage in extra-pair copulations with males of superior genetic quality compared to their respective social mate. Therefore, a negative association between the degree of cuckoldry and male survival is predicted, if genetic quality is phenotypically reflected by high viability. Furthermore, genetic sires of extra-pair offspring (EPO) should survive better than the social fathers they cuckolded. We tested these predictions in a nestbox population of the coal tit (Parus ater), a socially monogamous passerine with low breeding dispersal and high rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP). Based on 257 genotyped first broods of two consecutive years, we found no relationship between the incidence of EPP or the proportion of EPO within a given brood and male or female recapture probabilities. Furthermore, recapture rates did not differ between social and genetic fathers of EPO or males that did or did not appear as extra-pair sires in other broods. Our results were not affected by differential (short-range) breeding dispersal with respect to EPP or by other potentially confounding variables. Hence, they are not in accordance with the good genes as viability genes hypothesis.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

Recent studies have posited that the pattern of glucocorticoid secretion within an individual represents a stable, fixed physiological trait. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the repeatability of baseline and stress-induced corticosterone (CORT) secretion across developmental stages and years in Florida scrub-jays. We sampled individuals from multiple cohorts repeatedly from the age of 11 days post-hatch up to 4 years of age. We found a significant degree of repeatability within individuals in stress-induced corticosterone levels, i.e., the amount of hormone secreted during a standardized stress protocol (corrected integrated corticosterone). However, baseline corticosterone levels were not statistically repeatable, although there was some indication that nestling levels predicted levels at 1 year of age. The results of this study indicate that stress-induced CORT levels are consistent within individual scrub-jays, and the degree to which a young jay mounts an acute stress response appears to be somewhat “set” by the age of nutritional independence. Thus stress-induced corticosterone secretion appears to be a stable, repeatable trait within individuals and as such may be subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between current and future reproduction are central to the evolution of life histories. Experiments that manipulate brood size provide an effective approach to investigating future costs of current reproduction. Most manipulative studies to date, however, have addressed only the short‐term effects of brood size manipulation. Our goal was to determine whether survival or breeding costs of reproduction in a long‐lived species manifest beyond the subsequent breeding season. To this end, we investigated long‐term survival and breeding effects of a multi‐year reproductive cost experiment conducted on black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla, a long‐lived colonial nesting seabird. We used multi‐state capture–recapture modeling to assess hypotheses regarding the role of experimentally reduced breeding effort and other factors, including climate phase and colony size and productivity, on future survival and breeding probabilities during the 16‐yr period following the experiment. We found that forced nest failures had a positive effect on breeding probability over time, but had no effect on long‐term survival. This apparent canalization of survival suggests that adult survival is the most important parameter influencing fitness in this long‐lived species, and that adults should pay reproductive costs in ways that do not compromise this critical life history parameter. When declines in adult survival rate are observed, they may indicate populations of conservation concern.  相似文献   

For species with positive density dependence, costs and benefits of increasing density may depend on environmental conditions, but this has seldom been tested. By examining a colonial seabird (common guillemot) over a period of unprecedented poor food availability, we test two contrasting hypotheses suggesting that birds breeding at high density have: (i) greater leeway to increase foraging effort owing to more effective defence of unattended chicks against predators; and (ii) less leeway, owing to more attacks on unattended chicks by neighbouring adults. Supporting hypothesis 1, birds at high density increased provisioning rates and hence survival of chicks by foraging simultaneously with their partners, whereas at low density, unattended chicks were liable to be killed by predatory gulls and, unexpectedly, razorbills. Simultaneously, supporting hypothesis 2, heightened aggression towards unattended chicks at high density frequently resulted in infanticide, undermining benefits from collective defence against predators. Consequently, over 25 years, the magnitude of positive density dependence was independent of mean breeding success. These data indicate previously unsuspected trade-offs between costs and benefits of increasing density under changing environments. Previous generalizations about the importance of high density for reproductive success have so far remained robust, but such trade-offs could have unpredictable consequences for future population dynamics.  相似文献   

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