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Estuaries are dynamic environments at the land–sea interface that are strongly affected by interannual climate variability. Ocean–atmosphere processes propagate into estuaries from the sea, and atmospheric processes over land propagate into estuaries from watersheds. We examined the effects of these two separate climate‐driven processes on pelagic and demersal fish community structure along the salinity gradient in the San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. A 33‐year data set (1980–2012) on pelagic and demersal fishes spanning the freshwater to marine regions of the estuary suggested the existence of five estuarine salinity fish guilds: limnetic (salinity = 0–1), oligohaline (salinity = 1–12), mesohaline (salinity = 6–19), polyhaline (salinity = 19–28), and euhaline (salinity = 29–32). Climatic effects propagating from the adjacent Pacific Ocean, indexed by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), affected demersal and pelagic fish community structure in the euhaline and polyhaline guilds. Climatic effects propagating over land, indexed as freshwater outflow from the watershed (OUT), affected demersal and pelagic fish community structure in the oligohaline, mesohaline, polyhaline, and euhaline guilds. The effects of OUT propagated further down the estuary salinity gradient than the effects of NPGO that propagated up the estuary salinity gradient, exemplifying the role of variable freshwater outflow as an important driver of biotic communities in river‐dominated estuaries. These results illustrate how unique sources of climate variability interact to drive biotic communities and, therefore, that climate change is likely to be an important driver in shaping the future trajectory of biotic communities in estuaries and other transitional habitats.  相似文献   


Recent researches suggest that functional diversity represents the response of communities to environmental alterations better than taxonomic diversity. However, there is scarce information about how the functional diversity of freshwater fishes is affected by habitat type and the dominance of non-native species. To address this question, we analysed a large database containing 15 morpho-functional traits of 61 fish species from the Pannon Biogeographic region (Hungary). Based on a fish faunistic list and relative abundance of taxa, we quantified the taxonomic and functional diversity of riverine communities for?>?700 sites of six habitat types. We asked how non-native fishes affected the taxonomic and functional diversity in different river types and at the local scale (i.e. at the site level), and how the diversity measures of native fauna elements changes along the invasion gradient. Our results showed that both functional and taxonomic richness increases with habitat complexity, from small headwater streams to large rivers. Therefore taxonomic diversity served as a good proxy for functional diversity along the environmental gradient of river types. Non-natives showed considerable functional diversity relative to their species number in each habitat type. Diversity values of native fauna elements initially increased, and then showed a major decrease along the invasion gradient. River type-specific evaluations highlighted the importance of considering the proliferation of invasive species based on both taxonomic and functional diversity indices. We argue that type-specific action plans are needed in conservation management to preserve the taxonomic and functional diversity of native fishes in Hungary, but also elsewhere.


屈霄  刘晗  阳敏  辛未  王伟民  陈宇顺 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10029-10040
理解城镇的快速发展对河流鱼类群落结构的影响,是城镇河流科学管理和生物多样性保护的关键基础。本研究于2019年丰水期(8月)和枯水期(11月),选取我国城镇化典型城市-深圳域内两个处于不同城镇化程度的代表性流域,应用多重统计方法比较分析了流域间鱼类群落结构的差异,并探讨了驱动鱼类群落变异的关键环境要素。结果发现,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域其鱼类种类组成、优势类群、生物多样性指数与城镇化程度低的坪山河流域有明显差别。 具体表现为:城镇化程度高的流域土著敏感种类如异鱲、吸鳅等几近消失,优势类群为外来入侵耐受种类,其物种多样性显著低于城镇化程度低的流域(P<0.05)。同时,外来鱼类在城镇河段其数量占比平均达92.5%,广泛分布于深圳城镇河流中。在环境因素方面,城镇化程度高的观澜河流域水体理化指标总氮、总磷、氨氮、化学需氧量、生化需氧量、高锰酸盐指数均显著性高于城镇化程度低的坪山河流域(P<0.05)。基于Bray-Curtis距离的冗余分析显示:城镇用地占比和总氮是影响观澜河和坪山河流域鱼类群落差异的主要因素。城镇化进程中河流生境的改变已影响到土著鱼类的生物多样性。因此,推动以恢复土著鱼类生物多样性的河流生态治理与保护是今后水生态目标管理的重要方向。  相似文献   

1. New techniques for identifying the average taxonomic range of species assemblages were applied to an extensive dataset of bottom-dwelling fish in the coastal waters of NW Europe. These taxonomic distinctness indices provided much greater resolution than traditional diversity indices as they incorporated information on taxonomic relationships into an index which measures species dominance. Unlike standard measures of species richness and diversity, the mean value of these statistics is independent of sampling effort, and this allows objective comparisons to be made between samples from studies where sampling effort is not standardized.
2. A reduction in the average taxonomic range between the fauna of western waters of the UK and that of the southern North Sea was consistent with the general decline in species richness observed between these regions, and suggests that these two factors may be spatially positively correlated. Indices calculated for individual samples of fish on a local scale, however, did not all fit this trend.
3. Much of the variability in taxonomic diversity within the coastal waters of NW Europe was caused by the variable geographical distribution of the elasmobranchs. Of all the families which comprise the fish communities, this group has life-history characteristics which make it most susceptible to impact by commercial trawl fisheries.
4. The use of taxonomic distinctness measures provided additional insights, of relevance to biodiversity assessment, suggesting that they might usefully be applied to other aquatic and terrestrial fauna.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity around the world, but the role of parasites in this process is still little investigated. Here, we compared parasite infections of a host species in the areas where it originated and where it was introduced, and in native and introduced species in the same environment, using the endoparasites of the fish Plagioscion squamosissimus (Sciaenidae) in 3 Brazilian basins. Samples were taken in 2 rivers where the species is native, i.e., Solim?es River (SO) and Tocantins River (TO), and where the species was introduced, the upper Paraná River (PR). In addition, abundances of diplostomids and larval nematodes were compared between P. squamosissimus and 2 native competitors in the PR, Hoplias malabaricus and Raphiodon vulpinus. In total, 13 species of endoparasites were recorded, but only Austrodiplostomum sp. and cestode cysts were present in all localities. Although infracommunity richness was similar, their species composition was slightly different among localities. General linear models using the relative condition factor of fish as response variables, and abundance of the most prevalent parasites as possible predictors showed that the condition of fish is negatively correlated with parasite abundance only in the native range (TO). Abundance of diplostomid eye flukes was higher in the PR, and in the native species H. malabaricus when compared to the invader, which might present an advantage for P. squamosissimus if they compete for prey. However, although P. squamosissimus may have lost some of its native parasites during its introduction to the PR, it is now possibly acting as a host for native generalist parasites.  相似文献   

We compared environmental influences on the assemblages of stream fishes of contiguous but biogeographically distinct parts of the Upper Paraguay and Paraná basins in Brazil, aiming to describe the main distribution patterns of fish species in the headwater streams. We analyzed bimonthly samples in 10 streams in each basin from January to November 2004. Sixty fish species were collected, including 40 species in streams of the Paraguay Basin and 42 species in streams of the Paraná Basin. The species abundance rank did not differ between the basins. We found a clear differentiation between the Paraguay and Paraná stream fish assemblages. There were significant differences in species composition among streams, but no seasonal differences in species composition. Connectivity between streams explains the differences in species composition for the Paraguay streams, but not for the Paraná streams. Hydrological characteristics were the main factors determining species distribution in both basins, suggesting that the migratory capacity of each species and biogeographical barriers may act to filter the local species composition from the total species pool of colonizers. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Synopsis Similarities between the freshwater fish faunas of 52 west African rivers have been investigated and three main zoogeographic regions recognized. The Sudanian region includes all rivers from Senegal to the Omo, as well as coastal basins from Ivory Coast to the Cross and the Wouri. The Upper Guinean region comprises the coastal basins from Guinea to Liberia and the Lower Guinean one, the coastal rivers of Cameroon and Gaboon. The Sudanian region can be sub-divided into a Sudanian region sensu stricto, including the Sahelo-Sudanese rivers, and the Eburneo-Ghanean region corresponding to coastal basins from the Cess (or Nipoué, Ivory Coast) to the Pra (Ghana). These delimitations give an highly significant within region faunal homogeneity, even if the effect of geographical proximity between rivers is removed. 21 to 71% of the fish species in each region are endemics. The present patterns of distribution are the result of past climatic and geological events affecting west Africa and, given this framework, the role of alternating wet and dry periods during the early Quarternary is emphasized as well as the importance of mountains as dispersal barriers. Role of recent river connections and links via lagoon is emphasized in explaining river faunal similarities within biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

Aim In times of biodiversity crisis, it is extremely important to understand diversity gradients. In particular, the study of the diversity of ecological functions is a key issue for the management of ecosystem integrity. Here we identify areas of low functional diversity of the native fish fauna in European drainage basins and we determine the relative importance of three underlying mechanisms: environmental filtering, geographic isolation and climatic history. Location The European continent. Methods Based on 14 morphological traits that are closely related to fish function (habitat and dietary niches), three independent functional diversity indices [functional richness (FR), functional evenness (FE), functional divergence (FD)] were calculated for 128 European drainage basins with a total of 230 fish species. The indices were standardized for species richness using null models. The patterns of the standardized indices are described and three potentially underlying mechanisms are tested using variance partitioning and multi‐linear regression models. Results FR and FD were highest in eastern European drainage basins and in Great Britain and lowest in the Mediterranean. FE patterns were less pronounced. All observed patterns were mainly governed by geographic isolation and present environmental conditions. Within the environmental conditions, average annual temperature and precipitation were good predictors for functional diversity. The role of habitat diversity and size was negligible. Main conclusions Geographic isolation coupled with harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures and low precipitation, as in Mediterranean regions, can lead to low FR and FD. This can be explained by extinction that could not be compensated by re‐colonization and high speciation. Due to their high functional redundancy, communities in these areas might better withstand further species extinctions on a small scale. Over the short term, however, their often extremely low FR suggests a less flexible functioning that can hinder their ability to withstand today's rapid environmental and anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Tributaries greatly influence the supply of organic matter to large rivers. In this study, we used carbon (?13C) and nitrogen (?15N) stable isotopes to...  相似文献   

Retention of nutrients in river basins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Denmark, as in many other European countries, the diffuse losses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from the rural landscape are the major causes of surface water eutrophication and groundwater pollution. The export of total N and total P from the Gjern river basin amounted to 18.2 kg ha–1 and 0.63 kg P ha–1 during June 1994 to May 1995. Diffuse losses of N and P from agricultural areas were the main nutrient source in the river basin contributing 76% and 51%, respectively, of the total export.Investigations of nutrient cycling in the Gjern river basin have revealed the importance of permanent nutrient sinks (denitrification and overbank sedimentation) and temporary nutrient storage in watercourses. Temporary retention of N and P in the watercourses thus amounted to 7.2–16.1 g N m–2 yr–1 and 3.7–8.3 g P m–2 yr–1 during low-flow periods. Deposition of P on temporarily flooded riparian areas amounted from 0.16 to 6.50 g P m–2 during single irrigation and overbank flood events, whereas denitrification of nitrate amounted on average to 7.96 kg N yr–1 per running metre watercourse in a minerotrophic fen and 1.53 kg N yr–1 per linear metre watercourse in a wet meadow. On average, annual retention of N and P in 18 Danish shallow lakes amounted to 32.5 g N m–2 yr–1 and 0.30 g P m–2 yr–1, respectively, during the period 1989–1995.The results indicate that permanent nutrient sinks and temporary nutrient storage in river systems represent an important component of river basin nutrient budgets. Model estimates of the natural retention potential of the Gjern river basin revealed an increase from 38.8 to 81.4 tonnes yr–1 and that P-retention increased from –0.80 to 0.90 tonnes yr–1 following restoration of the water courses, riparian areas and a shallow lake. Catchment management measures such as nature restoration at the river basin scale can thus help to combat diffuse nutrient pollution.  相似文献   

The paper represents results of long-term studies of riverine benthic fauna of Upper and Middle Kama River basins, a region with highly heterogeneous hydrologic conditions. The role of chironomid larvae in rheophilic benthic communities is assessed. Quantitative parameters of typical chironomid complexes are provided.  相似文献   

Aim Current estimates of species richness within rapidly evolving species flocks are often highly dependent on the species status of allopatric populations that differ in phenotypic traits. These traits may be unreliable indicators of biological species status and systematists may have inconsistently assigned species among lineages or locations on the basis of these traits, thus hampering comparative studies of regional species richness and speciation rates. Our aim was to develop a method of generating standardized estimates of regional species richness suitable for comparative analysis, and to use these estimates to examine the extent and consistency of species assignment of allopatric populations within rapidly evolving cichlid fish flocks present in three east African lakes. Location Lakes Malawi, Victoria and Tanganyika. Methods Using published taxon co-occurrence data, a novel approach was employed to calculate standardized ‘minimum’ estimates of regional species richness for hard substrate associated complexes of cichlids within each of the lakes. Minimum estimates were based on an explicit assumption that if taxa present on equivalent habitats have disjunct distributions, then they are allopatric forms of the same species. These estimates were compared with current observed ‘high-end’ regional species richness estimates for those complexes to determine the consistency of species assignment of allopatric populations between lineages within a lake. A ‘sympatry’ index was developed to enable comparisons of levels of species assignment of allopatric populations between-lakes to be made. Results Within each lake, the minimum and high-end estimates for species richness were significantly correlated across complexes, indicating that the complexes that contain more recognized species contain the most genuine biological species. However, comparisons of complexes among lakes revealed considerable differences. For equivalent geographical areas, substantially higher proportions of recognized species were totally allopatric within the studied Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria complexes, than those of Lake Tanganyika. Main Conclusions Among African lakes, levels of assignment to species status of allopatric populations were found to be distinctly different. It is unclear whether the discrepancies are a consequence of differences between the lake faunas in degrees of phenotypic divergence among allopatric populations, or are simply the result of inconsistent taxonomic practices. In either case, these results have considerable wider relevance for they emphasize that quantitative measures of regional and beta diversity are critically dependent on the species status of allopatric populations, an issue usually neglected in comparative studies of species richness. The technique introduced here can be used to standardize measures of regional diversity of lineages for comparative analyses, potentially enabling more accurate identification of processes influencing rates of speciation.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is inherently multidimensional in nature, differences in evolutionary history, attributes of species, taxonomic composition constitutes a small fraction of whole variation present in this multidimensional space. Despite its multidimensional characteristic, biodiversity has been traditionally measured by assessing its dimensions separately through metrics of diversity. However, assessing multiple dimensions in a common framework opens the possibility of answering interesting questions that, until now, are poorly understood, such as: What dimensions capture most of the variation present in biodiversity among communities? We assess this question by extending the framework of Importance Values (IVs) to three dimensions of variation in biodiversity, functional, taxonomic and phylogenetic, and evaluate which of these captures the most variation in biodiversity space. To address this question we used data from stream fish communities of the Ivinhema River Basin in Brazil. We found that functional and phylogenetic dimensions are more important than the taxonomic dimension (represented by richness) in capturing variation in the biodiversity space formed by these three dimensions together. Furthermore, the IVs of these three dimensions were similar along an altitudinal gradient, indicating similar contributions by a given dimension in different environmental conditions. We highlight the importance of adopting a multidimensional approach when describing biodiversity, since richness (the proxy for taxonomic dimension), despite being the most commonly used, is an incomplete surrogate to capture the variation present in the biodiversity space of stream fish communities.  相似文献   

Although latitudinal gradients in diversity have been well studied, latitudinal variation in the taxonomic composition of communities has received less attention. Here, we use a large dataset including 950 surveys of helminth endoparasite communities in 650 species of vertebrate hosts to test for latitudinal changes in the relative contributions of trematodes, cestodes, nematodes and acanthocephalans to parasite assemblages. Although the species richness of helminth communities showed no consistent latitudinal variation, their taxonomic composition varied as a function of both host type and latitude. First, trematodes and acanthocephalans accounted for a higher proportion of species in helminth communities of fish, whereas nematodes achieved a higher proportion of the species in communities of bird and especially mammal hosts. Second, the proportion of trematodes in helminth communities of birds and mammals increased toward higher latitudes. Finally, the proportion of nematodes per community increased toward lower latitudes regardless of the type of host. We present tentative explanations for these patterns, and argue that new insights in parasite community ecology can be gained by searching for latitudinal gradients not only in parasite species richness, but also in the taxonomic composition of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   

Over‐exploitation and habitat degradation are the two major drivers of global environmental change and are responsible for local extinctions and declining ecosystem services. Here we compare the top‐down effect of exploitation by fishing with the bottom‐up influence of habitat loss on fish communities in the most diverse of ecological systems, coral reefs. Using a combination of multivariate techniques and path analyses, we illustrate that the relative importance of coral cover and fishing in controlling fish abundance on remote Fijian reefs varies between species and functional groups. A decline in branching Acropora coral is strongly associated with a decline in abundance of coral‐feeding species, and a decrease in coral‐associated habitat complexity, which has indirectly contributed to reduced abundance of small‐bodied damselfish. In contrast, reduced fishing pressure, brought about by declining human populations and a shift to alternate livelihoods, is associated with increased abundance of some piscivores and fisheries target species. However, availability of prey is controlled by coral‐associated habitat complexity and appears to be a more important driver of total piscivore abundance compared with fishing pressure. Effects of both fishing and coral loss are stronger on individual species than functional groups, as variation in the relative importance of fishing or coral loss among species within the same functional group attenuated the impact of either of these potential drivers at the functional level. Overall, fishing continues to have an influence on Fijian fish communities; however, habitat loss is currently the overriding agent of change. The importance of coral loss mediated by climate change is expected to have an increasing contribution to fish community dynamics, particularly in remote locations or where the influence of fishing is waning.  相似文献   

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