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Giemsa C-banding and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) wereused to identify parental genomes in hybrids of Clivia(Amaryllidaceae).Of the three groups reputed to be hybrids, onlyC. cyrtanthiflorawas shown to be of hybrid origin. The ‘German hybrids’and ‘Belgian hybrids’ were both shown to be karyotypicallyand genomically similar to C. miniata, and are either selectionsor intraspecific hybrids of that species. Successful genomedifferentiation in F1hybrids by GISH required high stringencyand high ratios of blocking DNA to probe. The spatial dispositionof different genomes with C-band or GISH markers in the hybridswas investigated in two dimensions on the spread. In five artificiallyproduced hybrids, either C-banding or GISH was used to locatethe position of parental genomes in mitotic metaphase cells.In all cases there was a significant tendency for centromeresof the different parental genomes to occupy two distinct concentricdomains on the metaphase plate. The presence or absence of centromericheterochromatin was not correlated with genome disposition.Results show that chromosome analyses can be a useful way ofidentifying Clivia hybrids in their vegetative phase. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Clivia, genomic in situ hybridization, cultivar origin, parental genome separation  相似文献   

染色体原位杂交技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
原位杂交技术是重复DNA序列和多拷贝基因家族物理作图、低拷贝及单拷贝DNA序列定位的常规方法,也是检测种间杂种染色体易位、重组的有效手段。可应用于分析染色体的结构和异源多倍体物种的进化,与染色体显带技术结合使用可精确而有铲地进行染色体图谱构建和细胞遗传学鉴定。  相似文献   

The subfamily Triatominae, vectors of Chagas disease, comprises 140 species characterized by a highly homogeneous chromosome number. We analyzed the chromosomal distribution and evolution of repeated sequences in Triatominae genomes by Genomic in situ Hybridization using Triatoma delpontei and Triatoma infestans genomic DNAs as probes. Hybridizations were performed on their own chromosomes and on nine species included in six genera from the two main tribes: Triatomini and Rhodniini. Genomic probes clearly generate two different hybridization patterns, dispersed or accumulated in specific regions or chromosomes. The three used probes generate the same hybridization pattern in each species. However, these patterns are species-specific. In closely related species, the probes strongly hybridized in the autosomal heterochromatic regions, resembling C-banding and DAPI patterns. However, in more distant species these co-localizations are not observed. The heterochromatic Y chromosome is constituted by highly repeated sequences, which is conserved among 10 species of Triatomini tribe suggesting be an ancestral character for this group. However, the Y chromosome in Rhodniini tribe is markedly different, supporting the early evolutionary dichotomy between both tribes. In some species, sex chromosomes and autosomes shared repeated sequences, suggesting meiotic chromatin exchanges among these heterologous chromosomes. Our GISH analyses enabled us to acquire not only reliable information about autosomal repeated sequences distribution but also an insight into sex chromosome evolution in Triatominae. Furthermore, the differentiation obtained by GISH might be a valuable marker to establish phylogenetic relationships and to test the controversial origin of the Triatominae subfamily.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequencing and genomic in situ hybridization(GISH) were used to investigate the genomic origin and organizationof the alpine grass Poa jemtlandica. Using genomic probes ofP. alpina and P. flexuosa, GISH clearly distinguished betweenthese two putative parental genomes and thus confirmed the hybridnature of P. jemtlandica. The chloroplast trn L intron and trnL–trn F intergenic spacer (IGS) sequence genotypes ofP. flexuosa and P. jemtlandica were 100% identical but differedfrom those of P. alpina by a total of ten or 11 nucleotide substitutionsand six indels over 866 aligned positions, identifying P. flexuosaas the maternal parent of the P. jemtlandica population studiedhere and supporting a relatively recent origin of the hybrid.GISH revealed the presence of intergenomic translocations inthe hybrid genome, indicating that the two parental genomeshave undergone some rearrangements following hybridization.It is likely that some of these chromosome changes took placesoon after hybridization in order to overcome the adverse interactionsbetween the nuclear and the cytoplasmic genomes and to facilitatethe successful establishment of the newly formed hybrid. Thepresence of intergenomic chromosome changes may play an importantrole in the evolution of natural hybrids and the establishmentof new evolutionary lineages. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Natural hybridization, genome origin, intergenomic translocations, GISH, chloroplast DNA sequences, Poa jemtlandica  相似文献   

以16S rRNA 为靶序列的寡核苷酸探针荧光原位杂交技术已广泛应用于分析复杂环境中的微生物群落构成,包括监测和鉴定病原微生物以及未被培养微生物.通过对临床样品中微生物细胞的检测能提供微生物在人体中的种类、数量和空间分布等信息.其结果快速准确,较之传统的病原微生物诊断方法具有明显的优越性,在临床应用中有广泛的前景.  相似文献   

In the genus Oryza, interspecific hybrids are useful bridges for transferring the desired genes from wild species to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, hybrids between O. sativa (AA genome) and three Chinese wild rices, namely O. rufipogon (AA genome), O. officinalis (CC genome), and O. meyeriana (GG genome), were produced. Agricultural traits of the F1 hybrids surveyed were intermediate between their parents and appreciably resembled wild rice parents. Except for the O. sativa × O. rufipogon hybrid, the other F1 hybrids were completely sterile. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used for hybrid verification. Wild rice genomic DNAs were used as probes and cultivated rice DNA was used as a block. With the exception of O. rufipogon chromosomes, this method distinguished the other two wild rice and cultivated rice chromosomes at the stage of mitotic metaphase with different blocking ratios. The results suggest that a more distant phylogenetic relationship exists between O. meyeriana and O. sativa and that O. rufipogon and O. sativa share a high degree of sequence homology. The average mitotic chromosome length of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana was 1.25- and 1.51-fold that of O. sativa, respectively. 4',6'-Diamidino- 2-phenylindole staining showed that the chromosomes of O. officinalis and O. meyeriana harbored more heterochromatin, suggesting that the C and G genomes were amplified with repetitive sequences compared with the A genome. Although chromocenters formed by chromatin compaction were detected with wild rice-specific signals corresponding to the C and G genomes in discrete domains of the F1 hybrid interphase nuclei, the size and number of O. meyeriana chromocenters were bigger and greater than those of O. officinalis. The present results provide an important understanding of the genomic relationships and a tool for the transfer of useful genes from three native wild rice species in China to cultivars.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome numbers are reported for 31 populations representing 28 taxa of Helichrysum. Twelve are new and eight others provide confirmation of a unique previous reference. A new chromosome number, 2n = 42, is reported for H. odoratissimum. Polyploidy is confirmed as the most significant evolutionary trend in chromosome number within the genus. Chromosome data agree with trends observed in phylogenetic studies: a South African and diploid origin of the genus, followed by a radiation and diversification in southern Africa and several migrations towards the north of the African continent, the Mediterranean basin and Asia. Expansion and diversification of the genus have been accompanied by several genome duplications which have led to the acquisition of the tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid levels, all in several independent events. Both autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy are suggested as probable speciation agents within the genus. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 511–521.  相似文献   

Malaria is a responsible for approximately 600 thousand deaths worldwide every year. Appropriate and timely treatment of malaria can prevent deaths but is dependent on accurate and rapid diagnosis of the infection. Currently, microscopic examination of the Giemsa stained blood smears is the method of choice for diagnosing malaria. Although it has limited sensitivity and specificity in field conditions, it still remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of malaria. Here, we report the development of a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) based method for detecting malaria infection in blood smears and describe the use of an LED light source that makes the method suitable for use in resource-limited malaria endemic countries. The Plasmodium Genus (P-Genus) FISH assay has a Plasmodium genus specific probe that detects all five species of Plasmodium known to cause the disease in humans. The P. falciparum (PF) FISH assay and P. vivax (PV) FISH assay detect and differentiate between P. falciparum and P. vivax respectively from other Plasmodium species. The FISH assays are more sensitive than Giemsa. The sensitivities of P-Genus, PF and PV FISH assays were found to be 98.2%, 94.5% and 98.3%, respectively compared to 89.9%, 83.3% and 87.9% for the detection of Plasmodium, P. falciparum and P. vivax by Giemsa staining respectively.  相似文献   

In fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the efficiency of hybridization between the DNA probe and the rRNA has been related to the accessibility of the rRNA when ribosome content and cell permeability are not limiting. Published rRNA accessibility maps show that probe brightness is sensitive to the organism being hybridized and the exact location of the target site and, hence, it is highly unpredictable based on accessibility only. In this study, a model of FISH based on the thermodynamics of nucleic acid hybridization was developed. The model provides a mechanistic approach to calculate the affinity of the probe to the target site, which is defined as the overall Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°overall) for a reaction scheme involving the DNA-rRNA and intramolecular DNA and rRNA interactions that take place during FISH. Probe data sets for the published accessibility maps and experiments targeting localized regions in the 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli were used to demonstrate that ΔG°overall is a strong predictor of hybridization efficiency and superior to conventional estimates based on the dissociation temperature of the DNA/rRNA duplex. The use of the proposed model also allowed the development of mechanistic approaches to increase probe brightness, even in seemingly inaccessible regions of the 16S rRNA. Finally, a threshold ΔG°overall of −13.0 kcal/mol was proposed as a goal in the design of FISH probes to maximize hybridization efficiency without compromising specificity.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hybridization in ex situ facilities can undermine the genetic integrity of ex situ collections and potentially contaminate open-pollinated seeds or seedlings destined for the reintroduction of endangered plant species into the wild. In the present study, the potential risk of hybridization between two endangered Chinese endemic species, namely Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu and S. rehderiana Hu, which are naturally allopatric species but were conserved ex situ in Wuhan Botanical Garden (WBG), Wuhan, China, were investigated over three consecutive years from 2003 to 2005. The entire overlapping flowering period of the two species was 14-20 d and the two species shared the same pollinator insects during the entire flowering season in WBG. The floral isolation between the two species was not an issue in the ex sltu collection at WBG. The results suggest an opportunity for pollen transfer between species and a potential risk of genetic Introgression and loss of genetic identity of open-pollinated seeds produced in the ex sltu Collection of these two endangered species. An artificial reciprocal cross between S xylocarpa and S. rehderlana confirmed that the two congener species could readily set seeds, indicating no post-pollination barriers to hybridization and the importance of spatial isolation as a barrier to inter-specific crossing. Therefore, to manage these crossable species with overlapping flowering times and shared pollination vectors in ex situ facilities, spatial isolation should be carefully considered to minimize the possibility of spontaneous hybridization.  相似文献   

Physical chromosome mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is among the major lines of research on the human genome (as well as genomes of numerous other organisms). To localize particular genes or anonymous DNA sequences on individual chromosomes or chromosome regions, FISH was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the International Human Genome Project and the Russian program Human Genome were launched. Now FISH continues to play a prominent part in studies of the human genome. The review considers the major steps of FISH development in Russia, with special emphasis on the key roles of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk) and Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (Moscow). Physical mapping of human chromosomes 3 and 13 by FISH is described in detail. The acquisition of FISH in Russia contributed to the progress in the related fields such as comparative animal genomics (ZOOFISH) and studies of plant chromosomes.  相似文献   

Dehalococcoides ethenogenes is the only known cultivated organism capable of complete dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to ethene. The prevalence of Dehalococcoides species in the environment and their association with complete dehalogenation of chloroethenes suggest that they play an important role in natural attenuation of chloroethenes and are promising candidates for engineered bioremediation of these contaminants. Both natural attenuation and bioremediation require reliable and sensitive methods to monitor the presence, distribution, and fate of the organisms of interest. Here we report the development of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for Dehalococcoides species. The two designed probes together encompass 28 sequences of 16S rRNA genes retrieved from the public database. Except D. ethenogenes and CBDB1, all the others are environmental clones obtained from sites contaminated with chlorinated ethenes. They are all closely related and form a unique cluster of Dehalococcoides species. In situ hybridization of probe Dhe1259t with D. ethenogenes strain 195 and two enrichment cultures demonstrated the applicability of the probe to monitoring the abundance of active Dehalococcoides species in these enrichment samples.  相似文献   

We describe methods for the production of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes and the utilization of these probes for the detection of complementary DNA sequences with accuracy and sensitivity for application in both basic research and clinical diagnosis. Due to the frequent use of FISH in many laboratories, it is important to apply the most convenient and reproducible approach. This review describes some of the most recent techniques, and includes versatile, effective and simple methods of probe production and fluorescence in situ hybridization. We also describe methods for the production of region-specific and chromosome-specific DNA probes and hybridization techniques for the visualization of these probes.  相似文献   

萝卜与甘蓝属间杂种基因组原位杂交分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用基因组原位杂交方法(Genomic in situ hybridization, 简称GISH)研究了萝卜( Raphanus sativus,2n=18,RR)和甘蓝(Brassica oleracea , 2n=18, CC)属间杂种F1减数分裂过程。结果表明杂种体细胞染色体组成为RC,2n=18,但花粉母细胞有三种不同类型:1. RC,2n=18, 终变期染色体平均配对构型为14.87Ⅰ+1.20Ⅱ+0.04Ⅲ+0.06Ⅳ, 染色体配对主要发生在萝卜和甘蓝染色体之间, 后期Ⅰ9条萝卜染色体主要以5/4和6/3的分离比移向两极, 所形成配子的染色体数目和组成均不平衡,配子败育; 2. RRCC,4n=36, 终变期染色体形成18个二价体,后期Ⅰ染色体均衡分离,形成RC不减数配子;3. RRCC缺体,4n=30-34, 少数萝卜染色体丢失,形成的配子具有全套的甘蓝染色体和部分萝卜染色体。  相似文献   

经1×10-6mol/L视黄酸诱导的P19细胞体外可向神经方向分化,接种于多聚赖氨酸(polyDlysine)和纤连蛋白(fibronectin)包被的玻片后,细胞逐渐聚集成团,此时细胞的贴壁性较差,进行原位分子杂交时容易脱落。我们尝试在细胞表面覆盖一层明胶,减少了细胞的脱落,又比较了蛋白酶K和胃蛋白酶对细胞蛋白质的消化作用,确定胃蛋白酶可较温和地消化细胞蛋白质,使探针有效地透入结合,杂交后细胞亦能较完整地保留于玻片上。  相似文献   

We describe the creation process of the Minimum Information Specification for In Situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry Experiments (MISFISHIE). Modeled after the existing minimum information specification for microarray data, we created a new specification for gene expression localization experiments, initially to facilitate data sharing within a consortium. After successful use within the consortium, the specification was circulated to members of the wider biomedical research community for comment and refinement. After a period of acquiring many new suggested requirements, it was necessary to enter a final phase of excluding those requirements that were deemed inappropriate as a minimum requirement for all experiments. The full specification will soon be published as a version 1.0 proposal to the community, upon which a more full discussion must take place so that the final specification may be achieved with the involvement of the whole community.  相似文献   

RNA—RNA原位杂交实验条件探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干月波  郑树 《生物技术》1991,1(6):15-21
将Vigilin和qroal(Ⅰ)cDNA亚克隆到pGEM3Z和pGEM4Z载体,体外转录合成35s标记的cRNA探针。经RNA凝胶电泳,Southern Northern,杂交检查探针长度,杂交特性和特异性,通过系列实验探讨了RNA-RNA原位杂交实验中固定、杂交前处理、杂交温度,探针量、探针长度,洗脱严格性和RNA酶处理等对杂交结果的影响,建立了简化的RNA-RNA原位杂交方法。  相似文献   

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