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In a study on the mechanism of stimulated petiole elongation in submerged plants, oxygen concentrations in petioles of the flood-tolerant plant Rumex palustris were measured with micro-electrodes. Short-term submergence lowered petiole partial oxygen pressure to c . 19 kPa whereas prolonged submergence under continuous illumination depressed oxygen levels to c . 8–12 kPa after 24 h. Oxygen levels in petioles depended on the presence of the lamina, even in submerged conditions, and on available light. In darkness, petiole oxygen levels in submerged plants dropped quickly to values as low as 0.5–4 kPa. It is hypothesized that prolonged submergence in the light is accompanied by a decrease in carbon dioxide in the petiole. Submergence-enhanced petiolar elongation rate was compared with emergent plants. Peak daily elongation rates occurred at the end of the dark period in emergent plants, but in the middle of the light period in submerged plants. We suggest that this shift in daily elongation pattern is induced by dependence of growth on photosynthetically derived oxygen in submerged plants. Implications of reduced oxygen for ethylene production are raised. Levels of 1- aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase and ethylene sensitivity are cited as potential factors in hypoxia-induced ethylene release.  相似文献   

Rosettes of flooding-resistant Rumex palustris plants show a submergence-induced stimulation of elongation, which is confined to the petioles of young leaves. This response increases the probability of survival. It is induced by ethylene that accumulates in submerged tissues. Flooding-intolerant Rumex acetosella plants do not show this response. We investigated whether differences in shoot elongation between the species, between old and young leaves and between the petiole and leaf blade of a R. palustris plant result from differences in internal ethylene concentration or in sensitivity to the gas. Concentrations of free and conjugated ACC in petioles and leaf blades of R. palustris indicated that ethylene is synthesized throughout the submerged shoot, although production rates varied locally. Nevertheless, no differences in ethylene concentration were found between submerged leaves of various ages. In contrast, dose-response curves showed that only elongation of young petioles of R. palustris was sensitive to ethylene. In R. acetosella, elongation of all leaves was insensitive to ethylene. We conclude that variation in ethylene sensitivity rather than content explains the differences in submergence-induced shoot elongation between the two Rumex species and between leaves of R. palustris.  相似文献   

Growth in stagnant, oxygen‐deficient nutrient solution increased porosity in adventitious roots of two monocotyledonous (Carex acuta and Juncus effusus) and three dicotyledonous species (Caltha palustris, Ranunculus sceleratus and Rumex palustris) wetland species from 10 to 30% under aerated conditions to 20–45%. The spatial patterns of radial oxygen loss (ROL), determined with root‐sleeving oxygen electrodes, indicated a strong constitutive ‘barrier’ to ROL in the basal root zones of the two monocotyledonous species. In contrast, roots of the dicotyledonous species showed no significant ‘barrier’ to ROL when grown in aerated solution, and only a partial ‘barrier’ when grown in stagnant conditions. This partial ‘barrier’ was strongest in C. palustris, so that ROL from basal zones of roots of R. sceleratus and R. palustris was substantial when compared to the monocotyledonous species. ROL from the basal zones would decrease longitudinal diffusion of oxygen to the root apex, and therefore limit the maximum penetration depth of these roots into anaerobic soil. Further studies of a larger number of dicotyledonous wetland species from a range of substrates are required to elucidate the ecophysiological consequences of developing a partial, rather than a strong, ‘barrier’ to ROL.  相似文献   

Adventitious rooting in Rumex plants, in which the root systems were in hypoxic conditions, differed considerably between two species. R. palustris, a species from frequently flooded river forelands, developed a large number of adventitious roots during hypoxia, whereas adventitious root formation was poor in R. thyrsiflorus, a species from seldom flooded dykes and river dunes. Adventitious rooting could also be evoked in aerated plants of both species by application of auxin (1-naphthaleneacetic acid or indoleacetic acid) to the leaves. The response to auxin was dose-dependent, but even high auxin doses could not stimulate R. thyrsiflorus to produce as many adventitious roots as R. palustris. Consequently, the difference between the species in the amount of adventitious root formation was probably genetically determined, and not a result of a different response to auxin. A prerequisite for hypoxia-induced adventitious root formation is the basipetal transport of auxin within the shoot, as specific inhibition of this transport by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid severely decreased the number of roots in hypoxia-treated plants. It is suggested that hypoxia of the root system causes stagnation of auxin transport in the root system. This can lead to an accumulation of auxin at the base of the shoot rosette, resulting in adventitious root formation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Complete submergence is an important stress factor for many terrestrial plants, and a limited number of species have evolved mechanisms to deal with these conditions. Rumex palustris is one such species and manages to outgrow the water, and thus restore contact with the atmosphere, through upward leaf growth (hyponasty) followed by strongly enhanced petiole elongation. These responses are initiated by the gaseous plant hormone ethylene, which accumulates inside plants due to physical entrapment. This study aimed to investigate the kinetics of ethylene-induced leaf hyponasty and petiole elongation.


Leaf hyponasty and petiole elongation was studied using a computerized digital camera set-up followed by image analyses. Linear variable displacement transducers were used for fine resolution monitoring and measurement of petiole growth rates.

Key Results

We show that submergence-induced hyponastic growth and petiole elongation in R. palustris can be mimicked by exposing plants to ethylene. The petiole elongation response to ethylene is shown to depend on the initial angle of the petiole. When petiole angles were artificially kept at 0°, rather than the natural angle of 35°, ethylene could not induce enhanced petiole elongation. This is very similar to submergence studies and confirms the idea that there are endogenous, angle-dependent signals that influence the petiole elongation response to ethylene.


Our data suggest that submergence and ethylene-induced hyponastic growth and enhanced petiole elongation responses in R. palustris are largely similar. However, there are some differences that may relate to the complexity of the submergence treatment as compared with an ethylene treatment.  相似文献   

Growth responses of Rumex species in relation to submergence and ethylene   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Abstract. Submergence stimulates growth of the petioles of Rumex palustris and Rumex crispus under field, greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Growth of Rumex acetosa petioles was hardly influenced by submergence. These growth responses under flooded conditions can be partially mimicked by exposing non-submerged Rumex plants to ethylene-air mixtures. Submergence of intact plants in a solution of AgNO3 inhibited the elongation of all petioles of R. palustris and the youngest petiole of R. crispus and stimulated growth of the youngest petiole of R. acetosa , The ethylene-air mixture experiments, the effect of AgNO3 and observed increase of the endogenous ethylene concentration during submergence suggest that ethylene plays a regulatory role in the growth responses of these Rumex species under submerged conditions. The three Rumex species showed a gradient in elongation responses to submergence, which correlates with the field distribution of the three species in a flooding gradient.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the relative role of auxin and of Agrobacterium rhizogenes T-DNA in the induction of hairy roots. By infecting carrot discs with suitably constructed bacterial strains containing different T-DNA complements, we have shown that both auxin and the presence of T-DNA in the carrot cells are required for root growth on the discs. Auxin added alone or in combination with cytokinin is not sufficient to induce rooting on uninfected discs. Also cells transformed by T-DNA containing only auxin synthetic genes very rarely differentiate into roots. On the other hand auxin is necessary for hairy root induction since A. rhizogenes devoid of T-DNA-borne auxin genes is not capable of eliciting symptoms in the absence of hormone. Auxin is not required for either T-DNA transfer or T-DNA expression in the transformed host. Cells infected in the absence of auxin, which do not respond by rooting, do contain T-DNA whose expression is shown by the synthesis of hairy root opines; subsequent addition of auxin to these quiescent transformed cells results in root development. A model for hairy root induction where the action of T-DNA is envisaged as conferring auxin responsiveness to the transformed cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Development of auxin autotrophy in Nicotiana tabacum callus cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes of auxin and ethylene metabolism of Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi callus were investigated in relation to auxin-independent growth. During the habituation process, changes occur progressively in hormone metabolism in auxin-heterotrophic tissues: the potential for the destruction of indoleacetic acid (IAA) increases, the IAA level in the cultures rises slightly, and the auxin sensitivity of the callus becomes modified. Preceding the onset of habituation, ethylene production is enhanced although the tissues retain their ability to undergo regeneration.
Gradual changes in auxin metabolism and ethylene production confirm the epigenetic character of the habituation process.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants experience multiple stresses when they are submerged, caused both by oxygen deficiency due to reduced gas diffusion in water, and by shade due to high turbidity of the floodwater. It has been suggested that responses to submergence are de facto responses to low light intensity. We investigated the extent to which submergence and shade induce similar acclimation responses by comparing two terrestrial Rumex species that differ in their responses to flooding. Our study confirms that there are strong similarities between acclimation responses to shade and submergence. Petiole length, specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll parameters and underwater light-compensation points changed at least qualitatively in the same direction. Maximum underwater photosynthesis rate, however, did discriminate between the functionality of the responses, as the acclimation to submergence appeared to be more effective than acclimation to shade at saturating light. We conclude that acclimation to submergence involves more than an increase in SLA to achieve the significant reduction of diffusion resistance for gas exchange between leaves and the water column.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Complete submergence of Rumex palustris leads to hyponastic (upward) petiole growth followed by enhanced petiole elongation. Previous pharmacological experiments have provided insights into the signal transduction pathway leading to this combined 'escape' response. It will, however, be difficult to gain further knowledge using these methods. Consequently, new approaches are required. SCOPE: Here we propose that different environmental signals resulting in similar phenotypes can help to understand better the submergence response. In this review, we show that both ethylene and shade induce similar growth responses in R. palustris and Arabidopsis thaliana. We illustrate how this can be exploited to unravel novel signalling components in submergence-induced elongation growth. Furthermore, we illustrate the potential of arabidopsis as a useful model in submergence research based on similarities with submergence-tolerant species such as R. palustris and the molecular opportunities it presents. This is illustrated by examples of current work exploring this concept. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating different model systems, such as arabidopsis and shade avoidance, into submergence research can be expected to create powerful tools to unravel signal transduction routes determining submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

We analyzed auxin-induced and ethylene-enhanced elongation of petiole segments in Ranunculus sceleratus L. The early time course of elongation in petiolar segments was monitored with a computer-based video digitizer system. The application of ethylene-releasing ethrel slightly increased the elongation rate in the absence of IAA. When IAA alone was applied, elongation increased after a latent period of approximately 30 min. Maximal elongation rate was attained immediately after the latent period, and then the stabilized steady rate was recorded. During this phase, addition of ethrel strongly increased the elongation rate after a period of approximately 18 min. Although ethrel could acidify the growth medium, only a small part of the enhanced elongation was due to an acid-growth effect. Most of the growth stimulation was auxin-dependent and must be ascribed to the presence of ethylene. In the presence of ethrel, the log-concentration-response curve of IAA appeared to be shifted to the left. This kinetic analysis indicates an increase, due to ethylene, in the sensitivity of the R. sceleratus petiole to auxin, which results in inducing rapid growth to escape from hypoxia under temporary submergence.  相似文献   

The phytohormones ethylene and auxin regulate many important processes in plants, including cell differentiation, cell expansion, and responses to abiotic stresses. These hormones also play important roles in many plant-pathogen interactions, including regulation of plant defense responses and symptom development. Sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes, which require the formation of a complex feeding site within the host root, are among the world’s most destructive plant pathogens. Nematode-induced feeding sites show dramatic changes in host cell morphology and gene expression. These changes are likely mediated, at least in part, by phytohormones. In the present review, current knowledge of the roles of ethylene and auxin will be explored in two main areas: the specific role of phytohormones in mediating feeding site development by plant-parasitic nematodes and the general role of phytohormones in affecting the ability of parasitic nematodes to cause disease. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2009, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 3–7. This article was presented in original.  相似文献   

The effects of ethylene and auxin on polyamine levels were studied in suspension-cultured cells of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum . L). Treatment of 4-day-cultured cells with ethylene increased the levels of spermidine and spermine. The activities of arginine decarboxylase (ADC; EC, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC: EC, and S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC: EC rapidly increased between 3 and 12 h. An auxin, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), increased polyamine levels and activities of ADC, ODC and SAMDC. The spermine level continued to increase significantly during a 24-h incubation with IAA. The increases in polyamine accumulation induced by ethylene were partially offset by an inhibitor of ethylene action, 2,5-norbornadiene. It is suggested that the auxin-induced polyamine accumulation occurred directly, without metabolic competition between ethylene and polyamine biosynthesis, and indirectly, through auxin-induced ethylene formation.  相似文献   

Correlatively inhibited pea shoots (Pisum sativum L.) did not transport apically applied 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([14C]IAA), and polar IAA transport did not occur in internodal segments cut from these shoots. Polar transport in shoots and segments recovered within 24 h of removing the dominant shoot apex. Decapitation of growing shoots also resulted in the loss of polar transport in segments from internodes subtending the apex. This loss was prevented by apical applications of unlabelled IAA, or by low temperatures (approx. 2° C) after decapitation. Rates of net uptake of [14C]IAA by 2-mm segments cut from subordinate or decapitated shoots were the same as those in segments cut from dominant or growing shoots. In both cases net uptake was stimulated to the same extent by competing unlabelled IAA and by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. Uptake of the pH probe [14C]-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione from unbuffered solutions was the same in segments from both types of shoot. Patterns of [14C]IAA metabolism in shoots in which polar transport had ceased were the same as those in shoots capable of polar transport. The reversible loss of polar IAA transport in these systems, therefore, was not the result of loss or inactivation of specific IAA efflux carriers, loss of ability of cells to maintain transmembrane pH gradients, or the result of a change in IAA metabolism. Furthermore, in tissues incapable of polar transport, no evidence was found for the occurrence of inhibitors of IAA uptake or efflux. Evidence is cited to support the possibility that the reversible loss of polar auxin transport is the result of a gradual randomization of effluxcarrier distribution in the plasma membrane following withdrawal of an apical auxin supply and that the recovery of polar transport involves reestablishment of effluxcarrier asymmetry under the influence of vectorial gradients in auxin concentration.Abbreviations DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid This work was supported by grant no. GR/D/08760 from the U.K. Science and Engineering Research Council. We thank Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical assistance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flooding causes substantial stress for terrestrial plants, particularly if the floodwater completely submerges the shoot. The main problems during submergence are shortage of oxygen due to the slow diffusion rates of gases in water, and depletion of carbohydrates, which is the substrate for respiration. These two factors together lead to loss of biomass and eventually death of the submerged plants. Although conditions under water are unfavourable with respect to light and carbon dioxide supply, photosynthesis may provide both oxygen and carbohydrates, resulting in continuation of aerobic respiration. SCOPE: This review focuses on evidence in the literature that photosynthesis contributes to survival of terrestrial plants during complete submergence. Furthermore, we discuss relevant morphological and physiological responses of the shoot of terrestrial plant species that enable the positive effects of light on underwater plant performance. CONCLUSIONS: Light increases the survival of terrestrial plants under water, indicating that photosynthesis commonly occurs under these submerged conditions. Such underwater photosynthesis increases both internal oxygen concentrations and carbohydrate contents, compared with plants submerged in the dark, and thereby alleviates the adverse effects of flooding. Additionally, several terrestrial species show high plasticity with respect to their leaf development. In a number of species, leaf morphology changes in response to submergence, probably to facilitate underwater gas exchange. Such increased gas exchange may result in higher assimilation rates, and lower carbon dioxide compensation points under water, which is particularly important at the low carbon dioxide concentrations observed in the field. As a result of higher internal carbon dioxide concentrations in submergence-acclimated plants, underwater photorespiration rates are expected to be lower than in non-acclimated plants. Furthermore, the regulatory mechanisms that induce the switch from terrestrial to submergence-acclimated leaves may be controlled by the same pathways as described for heterophyllous aquatic plants.  相似文献   

The flooding-tolerant plant species Rumex palustris (Sm.) responds to complete submergence with stimulation of petiole elongation mediated by the gaseous hormone ethylene. We examined the involvement of auxin in petiole elongation. The manipulation of petiolar auxin levels by removing the leaf blade, or by addition of synthetic auxins or auxin transport inhibitors, led to the finding that auxin plays an important role in submergence-induced petiole elongation in R. palustris. A detailed kinetic analysis revealed a transient effect of removing the auxin source (leaf blade), explaining why earlier studies in which less frequent measurements were taken failed to identify any role for auxin in petiole elongation. We previously showed that the onset of stimulated petiole elongation depends on a more upright petiole angle being reached by means of hyponastic (upward) curvature, a differential growth process that is also regulated by ethylene and auxin. This raised the possibility that both ethylene and auxin stimulate elongation only indirectly by influencing hyponastic growth. We show here that the action of ethylene and auxin in promoting petiole elongation in submerged R. palustris is independent of the promoting effect that these hormones also exert on the hyponastic curvature of the same petiole.  相似文献   

Biomarkers analysis serves as an early warning system for the presence of pollutants because their responses appear before irreversible damage to the ecosystem takes place. The genotoxic effects of pollutants may occur at cellular pollutant concentrations that are well below levels that would cause gross cytotoxicity, making this a useful tool to detect early effects of toxic environmental agents. Combining the importance of Brazilian wetlands to the conservation of amphibian biodiversity with the potential negative impacts of irrigated rice fields in the surrounding areas, the aim of the present study was to evaluate genotoxic damage in two amphibian species, Pseudis minuta, and Leptodactylus gr latrans, from the southern Brazilian wetlands. Adult specimens from both Anuran species were captured from preserved (Taim Ecological Station = TAIM) and non-preserved (Senandes) wetlands. Nuclear abnormalities were quantified in erythrocytes, and the results were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test. There was a higher incidence of micronucleated erythrocytes in P. minuta, and of notched nuclei in L. gr latrans that were collected in TAIM when compared to those that were collected in Senandes, despite the fact that TAIM is a conservation unit. These findings indicate that Anurans are coping with genotoxic substances in their habitats, and underscore the need to implement monitoring programs in TAIM to determine which compounds or mixtures might be causing cell damage and to investigate the effects of such compounds on other anuran species and animal groups.  相似文献   

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