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A long term follow-up study was carried out of girls given RA27/3 or Cendehill rubella vaccine in their 13th-14th year compared with a group of girls who had been found to be naturally immune at the age. A high proportion of the girls in all groups had persistent rubella antibody six to seven years after inclusion in the study, although some of these would have been considered to be susceptible to rubella by methods currently in use for screening for rubella antibody. Great care should be taken in interpreting the efficiency of the schoolgirl immunisation policy in the United Kingdom; women in their childbearing years who may have received vaccine but are found by a screening test to be seronegative should be retested by a more sensitive procedure before a final report is made.  相似文献   

Of 191 schoolgirls, 128 volunteered to take part in a feasibility study of serotesting before and after rubella vaccination, and all responded to RA 27/3 vaccine. Had the serum samples been taken by a fingerprick method the number of volunteers would probably have increased considerably. A change in policy for rubella vaccination to testing both before and after vaccination would cost no more than the existing policy, would ensure primary response, and would differentiate those women who were protected by the vaccine from those with antibody to wild virus.  相似文献   

In a national sample of 16-year-old girls who were aged 12 when the rubella vaccine programme was implemented in 1970, 71% were reported to have received rubella vaccine. There was a high regional disparity in the uptake of rubella vaccine: 81% of girls living in Scotland had been vaccinated but only 61% of girls living in Wales. Similarly there was a difference in reported vaccine uptake according to the family social background, the lowest proportion vaccinated came from professional and unskilled manual families. Girls attending independent schools also had a lower vaccine uptake than girls in schools maintained by the local educational authorities. If rubella immunisation is to be effective uptake of vaccine must increase to almost 100%.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses are nononcogenic retroviruses that cause persistent infections and slowly progressive diseases. Visna virus, a lentivirus of sheep, persists in cells of the macrophage lineage despite the presence of neutralizing antibodies in the animal. These antibodies are measured by prevention of virus replication in sheep fibroblast cell cultures. In this study we have compared the antiviral properties of the antibodies in sheep fibroblast and macrophage cell cultures, the latter being more relevant to infection in the animal. Using infectivity assays, binding of radiolabeled virus to cell membranes, cellular processing of labeled virus into acid-precipitable and acid-soluble components, and in situ hybridization of viral nucleic acid, we show that the antibodies prevented virus replication in both fibroblasts and macrophages. However, the site of neutralization differed between the two cell types. In fibroblasts, the site of virus neutralization was at the cell membrane, when the antibodies prevented virus attachment. In macrophages, virus incubated with the antibodies was phagocytized rapidly, followed by uncoating of the virions. However, virus RNA was not transcribed. Despite this ability of the antibodies to abort virus replication in macrophages, the kinetics of binding of the antibodies to the virus was much slower than the binding of virus to the macrophages. Therefore, persistent virus replication in immune sheep may be the result of virus spreading from macrophage to macrophage before the agent can be neutralized by antibodies in the plasma.  相似文献   

J. H. Joncas 《CMAJ》1974,111(9):907-911

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the rubella virion were used to locate epitopes involved in hemagglutination and neutralization. The MAbs exhibiting high-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity were shown by Western blot analysis to be specific for the E1 polypeptide; this is consistent with the presence of the hemagglutinin on the E1 polypeptide. Some of the E1-specific MAbs also neutralized viral infectivity. However, hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and neutralizing activity did not always correlate. Three distinct functional epitopes were identified on the E1 polypeptide by competition analyses: one which reacted with MAbs with high-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and with neutralizing activity, one which reacted with MAbs with low-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and with neutralizing activity, and one which reacted with MAbs with only hemagglutination-inhibiting activity. A MAb specific for the E2 polypeptide exhibited neutralizing activity. This E2-specific MAb and two E1-specific MAbs with neutralizing activity were capable of precipitating intact virus which indicates that at least three epitopes involved in neutralization are accessible on the surface of the virion.  相似文献   

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