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Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a glycosaminoglycan, consisting of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid residues, and plays important roles in development and homeostasis of organs and tissues. Here, we generated and analyzed mice lacking chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (CSGalNAcT-1). Csgalnact1(-/-) mice were viable and fertile but exhibited slight dwarfism. Biochemically, the level of CS in Csgalnact1(-/-) cartilage was reduced to ~50% that of wild-type cartilage, whereas its chain length was similar to wild-type mice, indicating that CSGalNAcT-1 participates in the CS chain initiation as suggested in the previous study (Sakai, K., Kimata, K., Sato, T., Gotoh, M., Narimatsu, H., Shinomiya, K., and Watanabe, H. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 4152-4161). Histologically, the growth plate of Csgalnact1(-/-) mice contained shorter and slightly disorganized chondrocyte columns with a reduced volume of the extracellular matrix principally in the proliferative layer. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the level of both aggrecan and link protein 1 were decreased in Csgalnact1(-/-) cartilage. Western blot analysis demonstrated an increase in processed forms of aggrecan core protein. These results suggest that CSGalNAcT-1 is required for normal levels of CS biosynthesis in cartilage. Our observations suggest that CSGalNAcT-1 is necessary for normal levels of endochondral ossification, and the decrease in CS amount in the growth plate by its absence causes a rapid catabolism of aggrecan.  相似文献   

The formation and the nature of defects in ordered aggregates of cardiolipin (tetra acyl diphosphatidylglycerol) supported on solid substrates have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The experiments were performed on two model systems, i.e. three-dimensional liquid crystals dispersed in water and partially de-hydrated on a hydrophilic surface, and two-dimensional films of molecules self-assembled onto an isotropic hydrophobic surface. Defects were induced both by varying the preparation temperature and by treatment with specific chemicals known to modify the order parameters in natural and artificial membranes, specifically: 2,4-dinitro-phenol (DNP) and pentachloro-phenol (PCP). The effect of lipid oxidation on the nanocrystalline order was also investigated. The images obtained by AFM allow to characterize the type of defects and their local density at nanoscale level. They also provide additional information to differentiate the specific role of acyl chains and polar heads in the process of lipid self-organization.  相似文献   

We developed a method to measure the rupture forces between antibody and antigen by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Previous studies have reported that in the measurement of antibody–antigen interaction using AFM, the specific intermolecular forces are often obscured by nonspecific adhesive binding forces between antibody immobilized cantilever and substrate surfaces on which antigen or nonantigen are fixed. Here, we examined whether detergent and nonreactive protein, which have been widely used to reduce nonspecific background signals in ordinary immunoassay and immunoblotting, could reduce the nonspecific forces in the AFM measurement. The results showed that, in the presence of both nonreactive protein and detergent, the rupture forces between anti-ferritin antibodies immobilized on a tip of cantilever and ferritin (antigen) on the substrate could be successfully measured, distinguishing from nonspecific adhesive forces. In addition, we found that approach/retraction velocity of the AFM cantilever was also important in the reduction of nonspecific adhesion. These insights will contribute to the detection of specific molecules at nanometer scale region and the investigation of intermolecular interaction by the use of AFM.  相似文献   

In this work human chromosomes have been treated with RNase and pepsin to remove the layer of cellular material that covers the standard preparations on glass slides. This allows characterization of the topography of chromosomes at nanometer scale in air and in physiological solution by atomic force microscopy. Imaging of the dehydrated structure in air indicates radial arrangement of chromatin loops as the last level of DNA packing. However, imaging in liquid reveals a last level of organization consisting of a hierarchy of bands and coils. Additionally force curves between the tip and the chromosome in liquid are consistent with radial chromatin loops. These results and previous electron microscopy studies are analyzed, and a model is proposed for the chromosome structure in which radial loops and helical coils coexist.  相似文献   

Vesicles have been utilized as nanoscale vehicles for reagents including potential drug delivery systems. When used to deliver drugs, vesicle size and the size distribution are important factors in the determination of the dosage, cell specificity, and rate of clearance from the body. Current size measurement techniques for vesicles are electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering, but their results are not equal. Therefore atomic force microscopy was attempted as another size measurement technique. After adsorption of the vesicles from a low-concentration solution of vesicles on mica substrate, each vesicle is generally found as a flattened structure. The diameters of vesicles in these solutions and their distribution have been successfully estimated from the surface area of the flattened structure of each vesicle. At higher concentrations, we have found a monolayer crammed with dome-shaped vesicles on the substrate. The diameters of vesicles in these solutions have also been successfully estimated from the surface area of the dome-shaped structure of each vesicle. Diameters of vesicles in solution estimated from two different vesicle concentrations are not close to those reported by electron microscope studies but are close to those reported by dynamic light scattering studies.  相似文献   

Because cartilage lacks nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels, it is thought to contain factors that inhibit the growth and development of those tissues. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are a major extracellular component in cartilage. CSPGs contribute to joint flexibility and regulate extracellular signaling via their attached glycosaminoglycan, chondroitin sulfate (CS). CS and CSPG inhibit axonal regeneration; however, their role in blood vessel formation is largely unknown. To clarify the function of CSPG in blood vessel formation, we tested salmon nasal cartilage proteoglycan (PG), a member of the aggrecan family of CSPG, for endothelial capillary-like tube formation. Treatment with salmon PG inhibited endothelial cell adhesion and in vitro tube formation. The anti-angiogenic activity was derived from CS in the salmon PG but not the core protein. Salmon PG also reduced matrix metalloproteinase expression and inhibited angiogenesis in the chick chorioallantoic membrane. All of these data support an anti-angiogenic role for CSPG in cartilage.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope has been used to investigate microtubules and kinesin decorated microtubules in aqueous solution adsorbed onto a solid substrate. The netto negatively charged microtubules did not adsorb to negatively charged solid surfaces but to glass covalently coated with the highly positively charged silane trimethoxysilylpropyldiethylenetriamine (DETA) or a lipid bilayer of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-dimethylammoniumpropane. Using electron beam deposited tips for microtubules adsorbed on DETA, single protofilaments could be observed showing that the resolution is up to 5 nm. Under conditions where the silane coated surfaces are hydrophobic, microtubules opened, presumably at the seam, whose stability is lower than that of the bonds between the other protofilaments. This led to a “sheet” with a width of about 100 nm firmly attached to the surface. Microtubules decorated with a stoichiometric low amount of kinesin molecules in the presence of the non-hydrolyzable ATP-analog 5′-adenylylimidodiphosphate could also be adsorbed onto silane-coated glass. Imaging was very stable and the molecules did not show any scan-induced deformation even after hundreds of scans with a scan frequency of 100 Hz. Received: 23 February 1999 / Revised version: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

Costal cartilage (CC) is one of the load-bearing tissues of the rib cage. Literature on material characterisation of the CC is limited. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been extremely successful in characterising the elastic properties of soft biomaterials such as articular cartilage and hydrogels, which are often the material of choice for cartilage models. But AFM data on CC are absent in the literature. In this study, AFM indentations using spherical beaded tips were performed on human CC to isolate the mechanical properties. A novel method was developed for modelling the relaxation indentation experiments based on Fung's quasi-linear viscoelasticity and a continuous relaxation spectrum. This particular model has been popular for uniaxial compression test data analysis. Using the model, the mean Young's modulus of CC was found to be about 2.17, 4.11 and 5.49 MPa for three specimens. A large variation of modulus was observed over the tissue. Also, the modulus values decreased with distance from the costochondral junction.  相似文献   

Aggrecan is degraded by several aggrecanase-1 (ADAMTS-4) isoforms differing in the number of sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG)-binding motifs. ADAMTS-4 and MMPs cleave aggrecan more efficiently within the chondroitin sulfate (CS)-rich region than the interglobular domain (IGD). We investigated the influence of CS on aggrecan core protein cleavage by ADAMTS-4 (p68) and (p40) as well as MMP-13, which has no recognizable GAG-binding sites. Chondroitinase ABC-treated cartilage aggrecan was cleaved with ADAMTS-4 (p68) less efficiently than CS-substituted aggrecan within the CS-2 domain. Keratanase-treated aggrecan exhibited reduced IGD cleavage, but when both CS and KS were removed, the IGD cleavage was restored. This result suggests that KS in the IGD may compete with CS for ADAMTS-4 (p68) binding. In the absence of KS, however, p68 binding was shifted to the CS-2 domain. CS-deficient full-length recombinant aggrecan (rbAgg) was produced by chondroitinase ABC treatment, or by expression in the xylosyltransferase-deficient CHO-pgsA745 cell line. When digested with the ADAMTS-4 (p68), each of these preparations exhibited reduced CS-2 domain cleavage compared to CS-substituted CHO-K1 cell-derived aggrecan. Additionally, CS-deficient rbAgg showed increased IGD scission prior to cleavage within the CS-2 domain. ADAMTS-4 (p40) readily cleaved both rbAggs within the IGD, but cleaved poorly within the CS-2 domain, indicating little CS dependence. MMP-13, in contrast, cleaved the CS region and the IGD of both CS-substituted and CS-deficient rbAgg equally well. These data indicate that covalently bound CS enhances ADAMTS-4-mediated cleavage within the CS-rich region. MMP-13 also cleaves preferentially within the CS-region, but by an apparently CS-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Sharma A  Anderson KI  Müller DJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(9):2001-2008
We have characterized the cell surface of zebrafish stratified epithelium using a combined approach of light and atomic force microscopy under conditions which simulate wound healing. Microridges rise on average 100 nm above the surface of living epithelial cells, which correlate to bundles of cytochalasin B-insensitive actin filaments. Time-lapse microscopy revealed the bundles to form a highly dynamic network on the cell surface, in which bundles and junctions were severed and annealed on a time scale of minutes. Atomic force microscopy topographs further indicated that actin bundle junctions identified were of two types: overlaps and integrated end to side T- and Y-junctions. The surface bundle network is found only on the topmost cell layer of the explant, and never on individual locomoting cells. Possible functions of these actin bundles include cell compartmentalization of the cell surface, resistance to mechanical stress, and F-actin storage.  相似文献   

Dentin collagen fibrils were studied in situ by atomic force microscopy (AFM). New data on size distribution and the axial repeat distance of hydrated and dehydrated collagen type I fibrils are presented. Polished dentin disks from third molars were partially demineralized with citric acid, leaving proteins and the collagen matrix. At this stage collagen fibrils were not resolved by AFM, but after exposure to NaOCl(aq) for 100-240 s, and presumably due to the removal of noncollagenous proteins, individual collagen fibrils and the fibril network of dentin connected to the mineralized substrate were revealed. High-aspect-ratio silicon tips in tapping mode were used to image the soft fibril network. Hydrated fibrils showed three distinct groups of diameters: 100, 91, and 83 nm and a narrow distribution of the axial repeat distance at 67 nm. Dehydration resulted in a broad distribution of the fibril diameters between 75 and 105 nm and a division of the axial repeat distance into three groups at 67, 62, and 57 nm. Subfibrillar features (4 nm) were observed on hydrated and dehydrated fibrils. The gap depth between the thick and thin repeating segments of the fibrils varied from 3 to 7 nm. Phase mode revealed mineral particles on the transition from the gap to the overlap zone of the fibrils. This method appears to be a powerful tool for the analysis of fibrillar collagen structures in calcified tissues and may aid in understanding the differences in collagen affected by chemical treatments or by diseases.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation has become an important technique for quantifying the mechanical properties of live cells at nanoscale. However, determination of cell elasticity modulus from the force–displacement curves measured in the AFM indentations is not a trivial task. The present work shows that these force–displacement curves are affected by indenter-cell adhesion force, while the use of an appropriate indentation model may provide information on the cell elasticity and the work of adhesion of the cell membrane to the surface of the AFM probes. A recently proposed indentation model (Sirghi, Rossi in Appl Phys Lett 89:243118, 2006), which accounts for the effect of the adhesion force in nanoscale indentation, is applied to the AFM indentation experiments performed on live cells with pyramidal indenters. The model considers that the indentation force equilibrates the elastic force of the cell cytoskeleton and the adhesion force of the cell membrane. It is assumed that the indenter-cell contact area and the adhesion force decrease continuously during the unloading part of the indentation (peeling model). Force–displacement curves measured in indentation experiments performed with silicon nitride AFM probes with pyramidal tips on live cells (mouse fibroblast Balb/c3T3 clone A31-1-1) in physiological medium at 37°C agree well with the theoretical prediction and are used to determine the cell elasticity modulus and indenter-cell work of adhesion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The adhesion of the marine alpha-Proteobacteria Sulfitobacter pontiacus, Sulfitobacter mediterraneus, Sulfitobacter brevis, and Staleya guttiformis to a poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) (PtBMA) polymeric surface generates unusual cell morphological peculiarities following attachment. While the type strains S. pontiacus and S. brevis failed to attach to PtBMA, the vegetative cells of type strain S. mediterraneus underwent morphological conversion into coccoid forms during the attachment over an incubation period of 24-72 h. Type strain St. guttiformis cells formed a multilayered biofilm on the PtBMA surface, presumably facilitated by bacterial production of extracellular polysaccharides. The attachment behavior and fine structure of these coccoid forms have been described using atomic force microscopy. The impact of polymeric surfaces of defined hydrophobicity on the formation of coccoid bodies is discussed.  相似文献   

We have applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) to the measurement of BAL 31 nuclease activities. BAL 31 nuclease, a species of exonuclease, is used to remove unwanted sequences from the termini of DNA before cloning. For cutting out only the appropriate sequences, it is important to know the nuclease properties, such as digestion speed and the distribution of the lengths of the digested DNA. AFM was used to obtain accurate measurements on the lengths of DNA fragments before and after BAL 31 nuclease digestion. We analyzed 4 DNAs with known number of base pairs (288, 778, 1818, and 3162 base pairs) for correlating the contour length measured by AFM with the number of base pairs under the deposition conditions used. We used this calibration for analyzing DNA degradation by BAL 31 nuclease from the AFM measurement of contour lengths of digested DNAs. In addition, the distribution of digested DNA could be analyzed in more detail by AFM than by electrophoresis, because digested DNA were measured as a population by electrophoresis, but were measured individually by AFM. These results show that AFM will be a useful new technique for measuring nuclease activities. Received: 8 August 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

The molecular details of adhesion mechanics in phospholipid bilayers have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Under tension fused bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) yield to give non-distance dependent and discrete force plateaux of 45.4, 81.6 and 113±3.5 pN. This behaviour may persist over distances as great as 400 nm and suggests the stable formation of a cylindrical tube which bridges the bilayers on the two surfaces. The stability of this connective structure may have implications for the formation of pili and hence for the initial stage of bacterial conjugation. Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayers also exhibit force plateaux but with a much less pronounced quantization. Bilayers composed of egg PC, sterylamine and cholesterol stressed in a similar way show complex behaviour which can in part be explained using the models demonstrated in the pure lipids.  相似文献   

Double minute chromosomes (DMs) are acentric, autonomously replicating extra-chromosomes and frequently mediate gene amplification in tumor and drug resistant cells. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful tool in microbiology. We used AFM to explore the ultrastructure of DMs in mouse fibroblasts 3T3R500. DMs in various phases of cell cycle were also studied in order to elucidate the mechanisms of their duplication and separation. Metaphase spread and induced premature condensed chromosomes (PCCs) were observed under the AFM. DMs were detected to be composed of two compact spheres linked by fibers. The fibers of DMs directly connected with metaphase chromosomes were observed. Many single-minutes and few DMs were detected in G1 PCCs, while more DMs were detected in S PCCs than in G1 PCCs. Besides, all of the DMs in G2 PCCs were coupled. Our present results suggested that DMs might divide into single-minutes during or before G1-phase, followed by duplication of the single-minutes in S-phase. Moreover, we introduced a new powerful tool to study DMs and got some ideal results.  相似文献   

Little study of insects with modern nanotechnology tools has been done so far. Here we use one of such tool, atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study surface oscillations of the ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) measured in different parts of the insect at picometer level. This allows us to record a much broader spectral range of possible surface vibrations (up to several kHz) than the previously studied oscillations due to breathing, heartbeat cycles, coelopulses, etc. (up to 5-10 Hz). Here we demonstrate three different ways with which one can identify the origins of the observed peaks - by physical positioning the probe near a specific organ, and by using biological or chemical stimuli. We report on identification of high frequency peaks associated with H. convergens heart, spiracular closer muscles, and oscillations associated with muscles activated while drinking. The method, being a relatively non-invasive technique providing a new type of information, may be useful in developing “nanophysiology” of insects.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is the type of scanning probe microscopy that is probably best adapted for imaging biological samples in physiological conditions with submolecular lateral and vertical resolution. In addition, AFM is a method of choice to study the mechanical unfolding of proteins or for cellular force spectroscopy. In spite of 28 years of successful use in biological sciences, AFM is far from enjoying the same popularity as electron and fluorescence microscopy. The advent of high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM), about 10 years ago, has provided unprecedented insights into the dynamics of membrane proteins and molecular machines from the single-molecule to the cellular level. HS-AFM imaging at nanometer-resolution and sub-second frame rate may open novel research fields depicting dynamic events at the single bio-molecule level. As such, HS-AFM is complementary to other structural and cellular biology techniques, and hopefully will gain acceptance from researchers from various fields. In this review we describe some of the most recent reports of dynamic bio-molecular imaging by HS-AFM, as well as the advent of high-speed force spectroscopy (HS-FS) for single protein unfolding.  相似文献   

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